Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 24, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women
-n 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, October, 24, 1949
Z Event Set
r At Aurora
" Planned 'for Friday of this
" week is the meeting of the Mar--Mon
County Federation of Wom
'"n'l Clubs.
The event will be in the Aur
mt Lutheran church with the
"u Aurora Woman's club and the
Hubbard Woman'! club at host
Mm. Charles A. Ratcliff of
Salem will be guest speaker and
will tell of her recent trip to
A large group from all parts
-of Marion county is expected
to attend, the federation having
5 many groups on its roster.
Sigma Chis
Host to Group
Members of Delta Zeta chap
ter of Sigma Chi at Willamette
university will entertain with
an informal picnic lunch Mon
4 day evening honoring the re
's maining candidates in the chap
ter's contest to find the "Sweet
heart of Sigma Chi" at Willamette.
1 The 12 candidates chosen from
the initial 25 appearing in the
preliminary selection Include the
following to be honored at to
night's Informal event:
Misses Doris Ewen and Sue
tMcElhinney, Salem; Miss Gerry
i' Gossett, Bremerton; Miss Jean
. Kell, Burlingame, Calif.; Miss
ti Grace Connell, Hillsboro; Miss
f Norma Drews, Newberg; Miss
" Audrey Bliss, Palo Alto; Misses
Nancy Marks and Delores Fish
er, Portland; Miss Dona Mears,
Roseburg; Miss Shirley Griffin,
Vancouver; Miss Gay Hoising
ton, White Salmon, Wash.
Jason Lee WSCS
- Circles Meeting
The Circles of the Jason Lee
Methodist Woman's Society of
Christian Service will meet
Wednesday at 1:30 o'clock for
dessert luncheon as follows:
January-July with Mrs. E. W
Gallagher, 710 Highland Ave.
February-August with Mrs.
George Pro, 1915 Maple Ave.
March-September with Mrs.
Roy Roberts, 855 Shipping.
April-October with Mrs. Earl
Ayle, 1908 N. Summer.
May-November with Mrs. M.
W. Ready, 1555 Madison.
June-December with Mrs. I.
Wtrrailler, 1660 N. Church.
Members are asked to bring
articles for "Pieces for Peace
Social Called Off
The social afternoon planned
for Tuesday afternoon by mem
bers of Chadwick chapter, Order
of Eastern Star, will not be held
due to the death of Mrs. Frank
.. E. Wilson, mother of Mrs. D. M.
Eby, the worthy matron of Chad
wick chapter.
AMONG Salem folk leaving
this week for trips south are Mr.
and Mrs. Ward Davis and Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Bowers, who are
all to go to Los Angeles, the two
men to attend the meeting of
the National Institute of Ac
countants. Mrs. Davis plans to
leave Wednesday to visit her
mother In Oakland before going
on south to Los Angeles.
Salem Girls Named
University of Oregon. Eueene,
Oct. 24 (Special) Miss Mar
jorie Becke, daughter ot A, I
Mrs. Karl G. Becke, 730 North
Summer, Salem, and Miss Bar
bara Bates, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur B. Bates, S20 Rose
St., Salem, have been elected of
ficers in their units in Carson
hall dormitory on the University
of Oregon campus for the school
year of 1949-50. Miss Becke, a
freshman liberal arts major, was
elected secretary-treasurer; and
Miss Bates, a junior art major,
was elected standards chairman.
Monmouth A party was held
in Brainerd parish hall of St.
Hilda's Episcopal church at
which engagements were an
nounced as follows: Miss Ruth
Denney to Hendrick Oorthuys, a
professor at Purdue university
in Indiana. Miss Alice Pendle-
bury to Bryan Gouldstone, a see-
on officer in the British merch
ant marine.
The party was sponsored by
Miss Mildred Kane, supervisor
of the kindergarten at Oregon
College of Education and by
Miss Joan Seavey, Oregon Col
lege of Education dean of wom
en. Guests, composed mainly of
college faculty women and wives
of faculty men, were .greeted at
the door and handed scrolls on
which the engagements were an
nounced in gold letters.
Dates for the weddings were
not announced but the Denney
Oorthuys service will probably
be in the holiday vacation time
and the couple will live in Indi
ana. The Pendlebury-Gouldstone
wedding will follow the expira
tion of Miss Pendlebury's ex
change teacher arrangement
here which will be in the early
summer of 1950.
Mrs. Pearl Heath poured at
the refreshment table. She was
assisted by Miss Ruth Carter
and Miss Minnie Dixon.
Silverton At a home cere
mony Wednesday evening, Oc
tober 19, at the Lyons residence
of the parents of the bridegroom,
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Walker,
Miss Clara Gustafson, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gustaf
son of Park River, North Dakota
and Walter Walker exchanged
their marriage vows in the pres
ence of a few personal friends
and members of the family.
The couple plan to make their
home In Lyons.
The bride has been a house
guest for several months of her
brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. LeRoy Gustafson in
About 80 local friends met in
formally Thursday evening at
the Drake street home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Evans spending
the hour socially and present
ing a shower of gifts to Mr. and
Mrs. Walker.
Cliff Woman's club met at the
home of the president, Mrs. Wil
liam DcLaugh, for the first
meeting of the year. Committee
chairmen were appointed as fol
lows: Flower, Mrs. Geneva Hub
bard; membership, Mrs. W. F.
Krenz; hostess, Mrs. F. T. Fox.
The hostess served refreshments
following the business meeting
Miss Post and Mr. McCauley
Wed Sunday at Church Rites
Bride Sunday afternoon was Miss Shirley Post, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Post, who was wed to Harold W.
McCauley, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. MsCauley. A setting of
white, yellow and orchid chrysanthemums was arranged for
the wedding in St. Paul's Episcopal church, the Rev. George H.
Swift reading the vows at 4
o'clock. For the music, Mrs.
Anthony Becker sang and Miss
Ruth Bedford played the organ.
For her wedding costume the
bride wore a two-piece dusty
pink dress of satin. It was
fashioned with a rolled low col
lar, small buttons all the way
down the front of the jacket,
long pointed sleeves and semi
flared street length skirt. With
the dress the bride wore a strand
of pearls, a pink satin hat trim
med in brown and brown veil
ing, and brown accessories. She
carried a prayer book on top
of which was a white orchid
with stephanotis and streamers.
Mr. Post gave his daughter in
Miss Charlotte Post was maid
of honor for her sister. She
wore a steel gray two-piece satin
dress, street length, made with
buttons down the front and with
cape sleeves. She carried a nose
gay of pink flowers with stream
ers and stephanotis.
William Barlow was best
man and ushers were Donald
Skeelar and Donald Farnam.
For the wedding the bride's
mother wore a brown silk crepe
dress, trimmed with pale blue
satin, and brown accessories.
The bridegroom's mother wore
a wine dressmaker suit with
white blouse and black acces
sories. Both mothers wore cor
sages of roses.
The reception following was
at the Argyle drive home of the
bride's parents. Fall flowers in
yellow, pink, white and orchid
shades decorated the table and
reception rooms for the event.
Mrs. Jacob Foos served the
bride's cake, assisted by Miss Pa
tricia MacNamara. Mrs. Charles
Shaw presided at the coffee urn
and Mrs. Claude H. Post was at
the punch bowl. Mrs. Donald
Baker passed the dream cake
Miss Jean Doolittle was in
charge of the guest book and
at the gift table were Miss Lois
Burris and Miss Vonna McBride.
Mrs. Leslie H. Leffler greeted
guests at the door. Serving were
Mrs. Gordon Conrad of Medford,
Miss Dorthea Kerns of Vancou
ver, Miss Shirley Lively, Miss
Margaret Sweetland and Miss
Lola Mae Windecker.
For traveling the bride wore
a navy blue silk crepe dress
with gray coat and all navy ac
cessories, and corsage of white
Following a trip through the
redwoods and San Francisco the
couple will be at home at 1240
Center, after November 2. Mr.
McCauley is attending Oregon
College ot Education at Mon
mouth. Official, to
Visit Club
Mrs. L. W. Wirenius of Al
bany, secretary of International
Toastmistress, will be a guest
speaker at the regular meeting
of Salem Toastmistress, Thurs
day evening, at 6 o'clock at the
Golden Pheasant.
Mrs. Wirenius will give a re
port on the International Toast
mistress convention held in St
Paul. She will also act as gen
eral evaluator for the evening.
Acting Toastmistress will be
Miss Ada Ross. Other speakers
scheduled are Miss Amanda An
derson, Miss Juana Holmes, Mrs.
Edward White, Miss Maxine
Heringer, Mrs. J. M. Hartley.
Mrs. Sue Booch will be hostess.
Garden Group
The garden study group of
American Association of Univer
sity Women is meeting on Tues
day evening at the home of Mrs.
H. I. Sargent, 225 Forest Hills
way, at 7:30 o'clock. Ernest Iu-
fer is to be guest speaker to
talk on landscaping. This is
a new group for the AAUW and
those interested are asked to call
club of Marion auxiliary Vet
erans of Foreign Wars, met at
the home of Mrs. Genevieve Ol
son for a hobo party last week.
Games were played and the
prizes went to Mrs. Leon Han
Some table covers for the Vet
erans hospital at Medford were
turned over to Mrs. Ivell Haley,
sewing chairman. Prizes for the
best costume went to Mrs. Willie
Boone and Mrs. Henry Sim.
The next meeting will be at
Mrs. Loyal Adkison's home,
1915 N. 24th St., November 17.
Present were Mrs. Henry Sim,
Mrs. Floyd Blackmore, Mrs.
Anna Davis, Mrs. Ivell Haley,
Mrs. Russell Mudd, Mrs. Leon
Hansen, Mrs. Loyal Adkison,
Mrs. Willie Boone, Mrs. LeRoy
Simpson and Mrs. Olson
THE INTERIOR decorating
class of the arts and handicrafts
group of the First Congregation
al guild will meet with Mrs. F.
E. Gaskins, 2490 North 8th
street, Tuesday, at 2 p.m.
mjH "N? it
i " mX r
i: . 12
Early October Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Haynes,
(the former Jean Taylor) were married October 2 in Trinity
Lutheran church at Astoria. The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Taylor of Astoria and is with the
Red Cross office staff in Salem. Mr. Haynes, who Is with the
state police, is the son of Mrs. C. A. Searcy of Beaverton.
(Nolan studio, Astoria)
Benefit Thursday
First of the benefit card
parties in St. Vincent de Paul
parish will be held Thursday in
the school hall at 8 p. m. Bridge,
pinochle and 500 will be play
ed, prizes to be given for every
five tables. Refreshments will
be served.
Co-chairmen are Mrs. Edmund
Weisner, Mrs. Edward Tobin,
Mrs. Richard Upjohn, Mrs. Carl
Vogl, Mrs. Cletus Woods, Mrs.
Sidney Trott. They will be as
sisted by members whose names
begin with T and those letters
the alphabet from
Benefit on
Tuesday Eve
Hanna Rosa court, Order of
the Amaranth, is holding a
benefit card party Tuesday
night, October 25, at 8 o'clock
at the Mayflower hall. Bridge,
500 and pinochle will be in play.
Reservations are being made
with Mrs. William Wilson and
Mrs. Don Patton. Players are
being asked to bring their own
table accessories.
The interested public is in
vited. Mr. and Mrs. Flynn
Faught are in charge of the
was hostess last week to the
SalemWriters' club. Mrs. Flora
Enders conducted the meeting.
Mrs. Lloyd A. Smith became a
member. Mrs. Grace W. Covey
was a guest. Mr. and Mrs. N.
F. Anderson will be hosts to the
club on November 16. Reading
original work in poetry were
Mrs. Frances Anderson, Mrs.
Grace Covey, Miss Marjorie
Marriott, and Mrs. Blanche
Jones. Prose was offered by
Miss Renska Swart, Prof. M. E.
Peck, Mrs. Effie Maye White,
Mrs. Flora Ei.ders and Mrs. Jes
sie Singleton. Perry Reigle-
man read a dramatic play.
Others present were Mrs. M. E.
Peck, Mrs. Robert Hutcheon and
Mrs. Charles A. Lytle of Leb
AFTERNOON literature group
of the American Association of
University Women is to meet
Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
W. S. Ankney, 2095 South Win
ter, dessert to be at 1:15 o'clock.
Two Couples
Plan at Home
Among those entertaining at
the late week will be Mr. and
Mrs. Henry A. Simmons and Mr.
and Mrs. William Schlltt.
The two couples have invited
friends for an informal at home
on Saturday at the North Sum
mer street home of Mr. and Mrs.
Simmons for an at home, guests
being asked to call between 7
and 11 o'clock.
WOODBLRN The r-mlr
meeting of St. Mary's Episcopal
Church Women's auxiliary will
be held Tuesday, at 2 p.m. in
the parish house, according to
Mrs. C. W. Kerstcn nrpiHnt
Preceding the business session
the vicar, Rev. Clarence C. Slo
cum, will give a short talk on
some phases of the nature and
work of the church life and
mission. Hostesses will be Mrs.
Lyle Skiller and Mrs. Matthew
comes news of the hirth ni
daughter, Michele Ann, to Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Nelson, Jr., on
October 2(1 at Klamath Vollow
hospital. Grandparents are Mrs.
neien t. raw of Portland and
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nelson, Sr.,
of Salem, and the pros' arcnA.
mother is Mrs. Hallie Hinges,
also of Salem.
MR. AND MRS. Gordon O.
Leonard returned the latter part
of the week from a trip to Cali
fornia. They are moving to
Santa Rosa to make their home,
Mr. Leonard to leave Monday.
Mrs. Leonard and daughter to
be here until November 7.
THERE WILL be no meeting
of the Royal Neighbors of
America Sewing club this week
nor until further notice.
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There ore just 99 of these fine chenille robes available
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Our city and college separates, to be donned and worn from this
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Left, a short-sleeved lamb's wool slip- .
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To wear with it, on all around pleated
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Right, o Bermuda classic slip-on of fine
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Sizes 10 to 16. O
With a knife pleated, 1 00 wool skirt In Q95
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Accent them with a small scarf, all silk QQ
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