Flower Sale Ends Display J The Salem Men's Garden club's annual fall flower show was brought to a conclusion Sunday evening with the sale of plants and shrubs donated by the membership for the benefit of the organization's operations. The show attracted 14 garden groups of Salem and immediate vicinity as well as 37 individuals. The Brooks Garden club drew first prize in the arrangement of flowers division with Little Gar den club of Salem Heights sec ond and Friendly -Neighbors Garden club of East Salem next. The sponsoring club presented a display featuring the four seasons. Prize winners included: ('hrysanthmntmi exhibition, tpeclmtn, Wti Linden; inhibition, two or more, Moody Benner: exhibition pompom, Ntd Lindan; collection of mixed vtrlettei, Moody Benner, let, WUliftm Ingram, 3; S. W. Horn, 3. Dahlia forme decorative collection of pnmpomi, ill othen, all flrit placet to Do lor is Orosio. Roaee hybrid teas, R. G. Warren, 1: Mike Pa nek. 3; Paul Burrla, 3; hybrid rojyantnee, uiear urenna. l ana 3; h. Warren, 3; mlnaturee, Mn. Arthur Srhultl. Fuchalae beet specimen, and beit col lection, both f trats to Max Morris; tree fuchsias, George Candeaux, 1 and 3. Potted planli blooming house plants, Mrs. O. A. sprorig, 1; Prancls Welch, 2. Mrs. Harold Colgan.. 3; other potted plants, Francis Welch, 1; R. G. Warren, 3; Mrs. . T. Waring, 3. Floral vases A. L. Bones, 1; Walter Barkui. 3. Vegetables Moody Benner, 1; S. W. Horn. 2 and 3. Frails Walter Bark us, 1 and 3; L. L. Ferguson, 3. Nuts Walter Barkus. Garden elubi Brooks Garden rlub, 1; Little Garden club, 2; Friendly Neighbors Garden club, 3, Arrangements er IS Inches Joanna Thomas, 1; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Van Cleva, 2; L. W. Douglas. 3. Arrancements under .l Inches Mrs. J. B. Van Cleve, 1; B. W. Horn, 3. Chinese arrangements Jeanette Spronf. Arrangements with antiques Mrs. A. H. Parka. 1; Dolorla Gosso. 3. Display tram a city let B. T. Kutnltr. ALASKA . city 1 I ANCHORAGE?? S MILES 400' CANADA mi t Lincoln Kiwanis Elects Officers Taft, Ore., Oct. 24 The North Lincoln Kiwanis club late last week elected the following of ficers: president, A. Lee Mc Clelland; first vice president, Amiel D. Meihoff; second vice president, Elmo St. Clair; secre tary, Milton H. Wolf; treasurer, Jennings F. Thomsen; directors, Abe Abrams, John Annala, Pete Ludwig, Bob Crosby, N. R. Mc Mullen, James Brenan, William Winters. Alaskans Rush I To Gold Strike Fairbanks. Alaska, Oct. 24 M Merchants closed their shops and workers threw down their tools today to join the headlong rush (or gold in a new strike Just nine miles from the Arctic Cir cle. Every plane tapable of getting into the air was crowded with veteran prospectors, construction workers, trappers, storekeepers and college students racing to stake claims at the lite, located on a sandbar in the storied Yu kon river 180 miles north of here. The territory's fastest-grow ing community was the tent city beside the river which sprang up after a fisherman discovered nuggets the size of peas cling ing to the webs of his fishtrap, a wheel contraption operated by the water s clow. Airline terminals were full of men trying to charter planes to the impromptu town, appropri ately nicknamed Fishweel, Alaska. Although the men were ex cited to fever pitch by the age old cry of "gold," no bloodshed was reported in the race for the diggings. "Ramblin' Sam" Gamblin, a veteran of the Sushanan strike of 1913, said the filing of claims was being carried out peaceful ly. "They're not Jumping each other's diggings like they did in the Klondike rush of '98 and the Sushanan strike of '13," he said. Gamblin, whose opinion is re spected by Alaskans, said the strike had "commercial possibilities." Leaders Chosen For Seal Sales Marion county Tuberculosis and Health association has an nounced the names of chairmen responsible for the sale of 1949 Christmas seals in the areas of the county. An even larger sale than the $19,142.08 collected for seals in the county in 1948 is anticipated this year, the association reports. Last year 23,625 letters contain ing Christmas seals were mailed to residents of the county with an average of 74 cents per letter returned. The association has announc ed that the seal sale will be held in the county's schools again this year with a special Santa Claus pin given to children who contribute to the seal sale. The familiar double-barred red cross pin will be presented to those buying seals from booths estab lished at familiar places down town, it was announced. Booth chairmen announced by the association include Mrs. Har ry . Aston, 20S0 N. Capitol, Amaranth lodge; Ulva Derby, 245 North Winter, Eastern Star lodge No. 37; Mrs. Donald Rosi ner and Mrs. Hal DeSart, East ern Star lodge No. 162; Mrs. Roy E. Fedje, 2470 South Commer cial, Council of Church Women; and Mrs. Josephine Enckson, Re bekah lodge. Other county chairmen an nounced are Mrs. Elmer Klein, Aumsville; Mrs. George B. El liott, Aurora; Mrs. Ronald Jones, Brooks; Mrs. Marion Draba, Ger vais; Mrs. Clarence Friend, Hub bard and Donald; Mrs. Floy Sto ry, Idanha and Detroit: Mrs. Paul Smith, Jefferson; Mrs. Ar thur Dreiver, Mill City; Anne Erwert, Mt. Angel; Mrs. John Myers, Silverton; Mrs. Kenneth Hansen, Stayton; M r i . Carl Smith, St. Paul; Mrs. Carl Mag nuson, Woodburn and Mrs. James T. Brand, Salem. Special chairmen are Mrs. Barbara Stumbo Elofson, coun ty seal sale chairman; E. Burr Miller, county bond chairman and Mrs. Sam Campbell, presi dent of the Junior Woman's club, bangle pin chairman. Announcement is x p e c t ed soon of mailing date for this year's seals which depict a dove in flight and traditional Christ mas holly. Grants Pass Flier Critically Hurt Grants Pass, Ore., Oct. 24 U.K David Manary, 33, Grants Pass plumber, was in critical condi tion at the county hospital today after his light plane crashed on a takeoff. The civil aeronautics adminis tration said Manary's plane cleared the runway but the en gine cut out. He banked and tried to return to the field but crashed. He was taken to Josephine county hospital where he failed to regain consciousness last night. He suffered a serious head injury. Labor Relations Men To Address Meeting Many nationally prominent labor relations men will speak before the 11th annual confer- ence of the Pacific Northwest' Personal Management associa tion in Vancouver, B.C., on No vember 3, 4 and 5. In addition to discussions of basic employer-employe rela tions, this year's conference will deal with problems of reducing costs and increasing production through better personnel proce dures, A. A. Campbell, PNPMA president, announced. Information regarding attend ance and reservations can be ob- i tained from J. T. Brattain of the Oregon Journal I Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Monday, October 24, 1949 8 .WIISMWI II I SHARE THE SUNSHINE! Give your family its share of glorious sunshine all through rigorous winter days. Glass-Enclose your Porch. You will find our prices reasonable for Porch improvements which will benefit your family for years to come. Enclosures ?ri- SALEM WOODWORKING CO. 1225 Cross Cabinets - Frames Ph. 3-5953 IT'S COLD OUTSIDE but inside it's worm end comfortable where you get CMTou Canai (Choice of entree and dessert.) For 99C NEW BUFFET DINNER 5:00 to 8:30 P. M. Every Day But Sunday Downtown on State Street AT KI1TH BROWN YOU CAN SET $2500.00 WORTH OF BUILDING MATERIALS PAINT MILLWORK DOORS LUMBER CEMENT INSULATION HARDWARE MASONRY SUPPLIES WIRING ... NO DOWN PAYMENT YOU HAVE 36 MONTHS TO PAY Needs Constant Attention Apartments Homes Hotels Churches Hospitals Orphanages College! Schools And it's cheaper to improve, remodel or repair them RIGHT. CrV I - vvvhi keitorS LUMBER1 YARO tSu4dtt;T Hfii arraoqe evtrq-Biinq -for n? GO CLOCKS $4.95 up IRONS $11.95 up m Elec. Blankets . $39.95 up m IRONERS $49.95 up m WAFFLE BAKERS $11.95 up TOASTERS . . . $21.50 up MIXERS .... $34.95 up On Our Approved Credit Plan For All i Wash. Machines 109.95 up Elec. Dishwashers 169.75 up REFRIGERATORS 189.75 up M ELEC. DRYERS . 249.95 up GENERAL fp ELECTRIC APPLIANCES 0NLY25C-A DAY!- OR Just $175 Per Week! e NO METERS to Bother With o NO QUARTERS to Hunt For ELEC. RANGES . . 169.95 Home Freexers . 219.00 up Auto. Washers 349.95 up am