t i i i i i St f t I 20 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Monday, October t4, U4f : f ty ?n wi it . Arrested Screenwriter Dalton Trumbo waves hit hands as he sits in jail in Venice, Calif., after he was arrested and booked for drunkeness. Trumbo was convicted for failurt to tell a congressional committee if ht Is or ever has been member of the Communist party. His case is now under appeal. (Acme Telephoto) Hopes Bits of White House Not Handled Like Those of 'Maine' l By HARMAN W. NICHOLS ' Washington, Oct. 24 U.R) President Truman in a few days is scheduled to sign an order to dispose of discarded bits of the White House, which is being rebuilt. I All of which reminds Presidential Secretary William D. Hat sett of what occurred when the battleship Maine was raised. The Maine was blown up In Havana- harbor in 1898, along with 60 of Our officers and men, during the Spanish-American war. ' Bill Hassett remembers and tells the story better than any body else so let him. ' Congress authorized raising the Maine in 1911. It was towed out to sea and re-sunk, to keep the bulk from clogging the har bor water traffic. All movable parts of the vessel were removed nd the bodies of the dead were taken to Arlington national cemetery. The movable parts of the ship like the bricks and slats and The scum of the deep drifted from every crevice of the good en pieces. The red-haired officer chuck led as he ordered one slimy mess after the other carted to this city and that. The echo of the hue and cry still can be heard on Capitol Hill. Particularly the noise that came from Findlay, O. The man in charge of dispos ing of the remains of the Maine chose to dispatch to the Ohio city the bathtub of the skipper of the ship Charles D. Sigsbee. The tub looked worse than the Maine herself must have rest- unusable hunks df mortar from in thcrLn the bottom all those h. Whi. Hu,r nfrrt!vears- The officials of Findlay to public libraries, civic bodies, and other official organizations for display. For free express Collect. They were to become public shrines. Things to inspire our growing youth in a bigger nd better way of life. ' Well, the people of Findlay, 0., had appropriated a lot of public money and had just fin ithed a new courthouse, which needed a shrine in front. What could better inspire the fenerations of the day and those to come than a scrap from the vessel which carried heroic men to their doom? The job of handling all these requests was turned over to a red-haired navy officer whose name let's forget since he later became an admiral. He went down to the dock the day they brought in the remova ble ruins of the Maine. He had in Idea about teaching congress a thing or two about offering something to the people tor nothing. It was plain to see what the laments had done to that vessel while she rested In Davy Jones' locker for 13 years. The metal parts were rusted beyond repair. ripped one slat off the wrappings and saw the barnacles. They re fused the charges. Nobody knows whatever happened to that tub. Bill Hassett hopes nothing like that happens when they start to ship out pieces of the White House. 10 Most Beautiful Heads of Hair Named New York, Oct. i4 UK Hair Stylist John Fonda said today the "ten most beautiful heads of hair" adorned the following: Shelley Winters, platinum blonde; Marie Wilson, blonde; Sarah Churchill, brunette; Tal lulah Bankhead, Auburn; Ethel Barrymore, gray; Vivian Blaine, strawberry blonde; Hedy Lamar, black; Mrs. Betty Henderson, redhead; Mme. Vajaya Lakihmi Pandit, silver blue; and Lone Ranger's horse "Silver," for sil ver topping. All colors are subject to change, Fonda said. The scientific name tor a Si berian wild dog is Cuon rutllans. "SURE, I BANK : AT WILLAMETTE VALLEY" nd that nest-egg's going to hatch out ; a nioc bundle of dough soma day! It glyes m a nfee sense of security while ' "high-balling" down the roads in the middle of the night 1" OPEN FRIDAYS 'TIL 7 P.M. WILLAMETTE VALLEY BANK Salem's Independent Bank tern s mm l7ECi9 e V r A H ' ." 7 N i i l A r A 1 ..... , . :. : ft A A J - V ) A r-' r Special Purchase Women's ALL WOOL SUITS All Wool Gabardines All Wool Tweeds Wins, Green - Grey Gab e) Black and White Donegal Tweed Nw Fall Styles Fully Lined Easily Worth $35.00 25.00 Fashions - Second Floor METRO Tuesday Only METRO BLUE DENIM WORK SHIRTS Fully Cut Two Pockets Fully Sanforized Double Stitched Seams $1.00 THI STOBES OF BETTER VALUES 136 North Commercial Salem 29c 3 , 19c Whit Star Chunk Style j FancyTuna J Grbrs Strained ' Baby Foods DO YOU KNOW THAT THE PARAMOUNT HAS New crop Bleached Raisins, New crop Zante Currants and II the fixin's for the Holiday Fruit Cake? Make it now! PARAMOUNT MARKET . "L, f HONE J-2461 FREE DELIVERY Long Sleeved BLOUSES White & Colors Regular to 8.95 .99 II'"" I 1 3m A 'Mi Store for Ladies SEE THESE GREAT MONEY-SAVING SURPRISE VALUES TOMORROW AND SAVE! r1 rl ( ... 1 r' -.1 An amazing bargain for SURE ! ... Glo Stripe Two Bar Tricot Briefs j in 5 Colors . . ' A Elastic waist and leg band. pojf for i r ..II ...a. Ull I D I m run (hi noiirwiwH onvr. C White, Pink, Blue, Orchid, Nile D Non-run 2-bar Tricot 3 1.00 nLEIDN 2S4 N. Libert; In Salem Heat Applicator Lamps 120 Volt 5 Wart Soothing Relief for Mi nor Muscular Aches and Pains. Finger Touch Control Purchasa Includes Heat Bulb Reg. 2.25 275 N. Liberty - I . i 1 Tuesday Only! FREE! j ONE CAN OF TOPPING i To each customer purchasing 1 quart or more of hand- dipped or packaged ICE CREAM, Frozen Custard or Shr 1 bet. The Pike DIAL 3-6828 2 Convenient Locations DOWNTOWN 138 S. LIBERTY HOLLYWOOD 2234 FAIRGROl'NDS ROAD Open 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. . I I) SEE THESE TERRIFIC BARGAINS ON... 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