Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 24, 1949, Page 19, Image 19

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Pontiac Good Will Cars
'46 Ply. Sedan. R& H $1245
'42 Ply. D.L. Sport Coupe $695
'48 Pontiac Sedan Coupe,
i Has everything. No. 497 $1695
J '37 Pontiac Sedan $165
i '38 Pontiac Coupe $ 145
'36 Dodge $195
'31 Model A $145
MO N. Llart7
iV. and t
you OWN TK&MS of raparmant within
rcaaon Cut) for RaaJ Eatat. coolracta
mn4 Sacorid afortcaaaa.
101 Ptonaer Trust Blda Pti. 1-711 r
S5' PACTORV-buIlt trallar houaa. good
cond., lota of bullt-lna. tPM. Fir Crest
Trailer Park, N. River Rd. tasa-
14 FT. I RM. hi, trailer, mahogany Int.,
oil elrc. But ant rge.. let do. Bleep .
valued at 13200. Will trad as down pay
ment on low priced city or tub. bom.
Larsen Home & Loan Co.
Exclusive Listings Peraonal Service
164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389
Eve: 3-7440 t2S3
SMALL trailer house for lale. Charles H.
Moore, 1730 Water St. 1254
4ft, 29' VAGABOND trailer house. Like new.
4385 Haier St. Ph. 2-2907. '258
SACRIFICE! 18 trailer house, else, brakes.
Butane, exe. cond, 3560 Portland Rd.
DRIVING through Minneapolis, Minne
sota. Nov. 1. '49 Hudson. Take 3 Ph.
3-4610. X25T
AU makM need mi chines, told, rented
repaired Ron 4M Court Pbone 1-77J
ELECTRIC BOMB appliance repair Mrv.ce
new appliance Vtnee'a Electric Phone
Free estimates. Trade-ins accepted on
3.9239 187 8 Libert? Bl o"
Lawn mowers, scissors, knives sharp
ened. Dexter. 1330 Center. 3-6833. o
Towtnt service day phone 8-9288. Blent
3-1804. 333 Center. o
Mike Panek, 370 B. Com'l. Ph. 3-5161
Brake And wheel aligning specialists.
Brick to block work of all kinds. Ex
perienced, competent masons. Call
Davidson Bros., Ph. 3-8347. o25fl
Remodel, rpalr that home now. Terms.
No down payment. Phone 3-4860. o
Lot., crnd. dear's, carryall wk. Ph. 42383
Or Jiaoi. ueo. wonn, e r.ymoutn m,
RulLdAsln. leveling, road bids., clear
lng, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey. 10 10
Falrvlew Ave. pn. a-inc, saicm. onoo
The National Cash Register Co.
Cash Registers - Accounting Machines
Sales - Service - Supplies
Ml aainaa Street Phone J -3433
Instant delivery of new RCA east
neuter Ai makes sold, rente.
pa:-ed Roen 456 Conrt Ph t-6773 o'
ror expert guaranteed satisfaction new
or repair or foundation, sioeweiga.
drive waya. patios, curbs, walla, etc Call
Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned.
Ensley. 771 8. 31st. Ph. 3-7176. 0259
If It's made of concrete, let us bid
on your work. Ph. 3-1136. o264
Dressmaking; to alteration. Work guar
anteed. 1290 N. 34th. Ph. 3-7686. 0274'
Vlnee'e Electric for electrical wiring,
contracting, repairing. 167 B. Liberty
3-ft0l o"
Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service.
Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross, 1555 Pearl o259'
Brelthaupt's for flowers Dial 3-9179
J. R Watklns Co products Free de
ivery 1717 Center Ph 3-6336. O'
) Johns-Man vllle Phone 3-3743.
Window Cleaning .
Janitor Service Floor Waxint
Buildings Factories Homes
Estimates Without Obltustlon
Ph Salem 8-9133
f Doerfler to Son. Ornamentals 13C
H Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 2.1333 o
DELL'X arnvK mrt.V Laundry 345 Jef-
tenon St Phone 23453
Sharpened, guaranteed service. New
power and hand mowers Call Hurry
w Scott, 147 S Com1! St. o"
Capita. Bedding Phone 3-4069
Spanish Hawaiian Oulter. Mandolin.
Banjo, etc. 1621 Court St. Ph. 8-7M9.
Cask ehalra, tiles and tiling supplies
safes, duplicators and supplies, desk
lempe typewriter stands, brief eases
ree Wire Recordera Roen 466 Court
We guarantee our work. Ph. 3-6662. Eve.
Interior painting. C Born Ph. 3-5511
?.fitrom' are equipped to de fout
Painting Phone 1-34HJ
Expert Paperhanelni and painting. H.
J Weodworth. Ph. 9-5898. Free "t.
Palatine to papering Fra est Fb 3-38
Pi'.ntlng and paperhnnilng done expert
fc T and reason ioi; pn 2-6019 o:c8'
Fainting "and paperhaneint Free
biate. Fa. I-9I1I. Ul ShpIpinS. 366
Phoaa 1-411!
Painting to paper hanging, Int. to ext.
dec. H. E, I Wood 1 Wood. Ph. 3-5073.
Picture framing Hctaheoo Paint Store
Pboae 9-6687 a
Fisher 644 Com'l. Fh. 3-3019.
Miller Refrigeration Service Co. Ph. 3-1534
Garden Soil crushed rock. Shovel and
dragline excavating Walling Sand to
Oravei Co. Phone 1-9249 o
Valley Sand Oravei Co Silt, sand
Ml din Excavating 10B shovel to eats
Tractor scoop to trucks for dirt oaovlni
Ph office 24002. res. 37146
Salem Saw Wrlti ph. 3-7603. 1393 N 6th
Electric Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent
Rasor tfriarp Stee? Ou'-tlne Blade
Clean Sewers, Drains, Tanks. Ph.
3-5327. e
K. P. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned
Electric machine service on sewer and
drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143-8th
St., west Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o276'
Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge.
Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank
service. 344a state St. Ptione 3-0734.
Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned.
Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079
turn nu w. baem. ph. 3-9408. 1-5327
Repairs guaranteed all makes. Pb. 36969
1091 Edge water. West Balem. o264
Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms.
Ail makes. W. Davenport. Ph, 3-7671.
All makes repaired, free estimates
Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 Mo
Commercial Ph. 3-3313. 0
Smith Corona, Remington Royal Under
wood portables AU make need machines
Repairs and rent Roen. 436 Oourt. o
'ocal it Distance Transfer, storage
Burner oils, coal to briquets Trucks to
Portland dally Agent for Begins House
hold goods moved to anywhere in OS
or Canada Larmer Transfer to Storage
Ph 3-3131 e
Salem Venetian Blinds made to order ot
rsflnlsfted. Relnnoldt to Lewis 3-3639
Elmer The Bllndman. Ph. 37328.
Free estimates, T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-5965.
Fred Wymore, Rt. 3. Box 317. Ph. 3-3135.
Washeble. Roller Made to order. 1 Day
Del Relnnoldt to Lewis. Pn mom.
Acme Window Cleaners Windows, walls
to wood wore eieanea noors cleaned
waxed and polished. Ph 3-3337 341
Court. Langdoo, Culbsrtson and Mather
West Salem Fuel Co. Ph 3-4031.
Atkins to Cross, Ph. 3-8674 or 3-6178.
rfTTr l.O.O J mreta every wed
oesdav olght Visitors wei
f. vinotviAil Jyiom IM ITU A V
bX& AM. Special F.C. degree
Monday, Oct. 24, 7:30 pm. w
WfYPTrrE Ifl HEREBY OIVEN that Civil
Service Examination ior rutMn
i.. tvi rniM rnmiltlfin and Pro-
vLfOS OI tne CIVU service uomminiuu m
Salem, Oregon, (as amended) will oe
held at the Ctty Han. oaiem. uregon,
follows: Thursday. ovemoer iv,
9:00 am.
in addition to physical examination by
the city physician: keenness of observa
tion, reading comprehension, ability to
fniinw .4.trfrt.1nn relations with others,
physical ability to meet fire department
div tiisnn mnnth for beclnners.
Physical tests as would be ordinarily
used In fire Meriting.
REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must have
been bona fide resident of the city of
s-i-m nrecan for at least one year
immediately previous to the date of the
examination and must oe reswicren
nw T.TVfTTS- 31 to 31 year.
Applicants will be required to take a
physical examination from the city phy
vclan. Facli applicant shall cauxe to be
filed with the Secretary of the Com-
imlMlon a statement from the city pby
ulctan certifying that the applicant fa
...n mryA Dhv.irkiiv fit for the POSl
tion of fireman. In the absence of such
a certificate an applicant wiu nn
perm' t ted to take the examination.
r.inM tit the office of the City Recorder
must b filed in person, and will not be
accepted for filing after the following
dates' Friday. October 28, 1949. 6:00 p m.
19, 1949.
civil Service Commission:
By: Alfred Mundt. Secretary
end Chief Examiner.
Oct 30-31-33 34-35-76
Daffodil Producer
Makes Trip South
Silverton Bruce Dlckman,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
nirkman. has returned from
r-tnioht'e husiness trek to can
forma in the Interest of sales
rnm hi sit7ht-acre Dlot Droduc
liner Kinff Alfred daffodils.
nirkman is veteran of
tirAti .. or 1 Rinr his discharge
from service he has taken up the
horticultural project and made
good on the sale or Diossoms na
u..iK ThiLtnndi of blossoms
rsnt bv clane to vsrioui
sections of the United Statei the
.sunn the most were seni
to different Los Angeies ueaier.
which Dickmsn visited.
Slock Market
Marks Time
New York, Oct. 24 WV-Mod
erately heavy trading in the
stock market today was unac
companied by significant price
The overall picture was mixed
with a few stocks getting ahead
a point or more and others slip
ping back by tractions.
Trading was at the rate of
1,200,000 shares for the entire
Cold shares were generally
higher with Homestake touch
ing a new high with a gain of
more than a point.
Benquet Consolidated Mining
was active In large blocks of as
much as 22,000 shares and re
mained at 2Vi, off M most of the
time. Higher were Santa Fe.
Nickel Plate, Sinclair Oil, Gulf
Oil, Alaska Juneau Allied Chem
leal, Chrysler, Woodworth, In
ternational Harvester, and Phil
Lower were Goodyear, J. I.
Case, Douglas (after reaching a
new high). National Distillers,
Radio Corp., International Pa
per, Union Pacific, and Good
Lyman Shorey
Dies, Woodburn
Woodburn, Oct. 24 Lyman
H. Shorey, 62, well known resi
dent of Woodburn for 58 years,
died Monday morning, at his
home, 1288 East Cleveland
street, after a lingering illness.
He was born at Cambridge,
Mass.. November 25. 1886, the
son of the late Dr. John Lyman
Shorey and Ellen S. Shorey. He
graduated from Woodburn high
school and Mt. Angel college,
was in the drug business of
Johnson & Shorey for seven
years, served as postmaster at
Woodburn from 1922 to 1935
He was secretary of the Farm
ers' Fire Relief association and
Hop Growers Fire Relief asso
ciation for almost 15 years and
was also secretary-treasurer of
the Farm Mutual Insurance com
pany. He was a member of
Woodburn Lodge No. 103. A.F.
& A.M. and Woodburn Rotary
He was married in 1907 to
Louise E. Reichel who survives
him. Also surviving are two
daughters, Mrs. Leland Brag-
ginton of Portland and Mrs.
Frank Butterfield of Woodburn;
two half sisters, Mrs. Lyle Skil-
ler of Woodburn and Mrs. Henry
Sherlock of Portland and three
Funeral services will be held
Wednesday, October 26, at 2 p.m
at the Ringo chapel with inter
ment in Belle Pass! cemetery.
New Electric Sign
At Marshall's' Cafe
The big new electric sign.
"Marshall's," at 3815 State
street, adds brilliance to the
growing business district of
Four Corners.
The sign is on the two-story
structure that was formerly
known as the Boucanler restau
rant, which was purchased re
cently by Mr. and Mrs. Frank
P. Marshall, 425 North 18th
street, Salem.
The renovated establishment,
opened for business by the new
owners Friday, evening, adds
another to the growing list of
suburban Salem dine and dance
restaurants specializing in
steaks and chicken dinners.
A regular member of the new
Marshall staff is Stuffy McDan
iel, well known Pacific coast pi
anist, who will play for patrons
each evening.
The Marshalls formerly owned
the Pioneer club and are well
known, in Salem. Marshall was
once business agent for Salem
Building Trades council and is a
former city councilman.
Ten Legion Posts Have
Delegates at Meeting
Ten of the 12 Legion posts in
Marion county and all auxiliary
units except the recently organ
ized one at Idanha were repre
sented at the Legion county
county council and assembly at
Mt. Angel.
Tom Collins, Portland, depart
ment adjutant, was speaker,
telling chiefly of the national
convention in Philadelphia.
Reports were given by post
commanders of Capital Post No.
9; post 136 and Pioneer post 149,
all of Salem; Aurora, Hubbard,
Silverton, Woodburn, Stayton,
St. Paul and Mt. Angel. James
Turnbull, Capital Post No. 9, is
president of the council. Aums-
ville and Idanha were not rep
Need of preserving the plaque
now stationed on the courthouse
lawn was discussed with the re
moval to a safe place advocated.
The plaque bears the names of
all service men who lost their
lives in the last two World wars.
Unit presidents reported on
progress In Legion activities and
Mrs. Gladys Bacon, Salem, dis
trict president, spoke on mem
bership. Pull.ffrnwn minnow! usually
reach a length of three to four
'Baby' This mass of complicated machinery is the model
Bevatron built under atomic energy commission auspices at
the University of California in Berkeley. The "baby"
weighs 2500 tons and is a model for a 10,000-ton, six billion
volt Bevatron which will cost nine million dollars. Fed by a
small cyclotron, the Bevatron speeds up spinning of atomic
particles used as a sort of bullet to smash atoms. As they
emerge from the machine they will be traveling 184,000 miles
per second. (Acme Telcphoto)
By the Associated Pr ss
American Can
Am Pow to Lt
Am Tel At Tel
. 13 .i
. 28 k
. 31
. 39'i
. 22 '4
Bendlx Aviation
Beth Steel
Boeing Airplane
Calif Packing
Canadian Paclfio
Caie J I
Comwlth to Son
Cons Vultee .
Contlnenti.1 Can
Crown Zellerbacb
Curtlss Wrldht
Douglaa Aircraft
Dupont de Nem
General Electric.
General Food
General Motors
Goodyear Tire
, 47'i
, 65 S
mt Harvester
Int Paper
Llbby MoN St L
Long Bell "A"
, 8'fc
, 34'
Montgomery waro
Nasn Keivinator
Nat Dairy
35 S
NY Central
Northern Pacific
Pae Am Fish
Pa Oas to Eleo
Pa Tel to Tel
Penney J C
Radio Corp
, 52
Rayonler PId
Reynolds Metal
, 42 Ti
Sears Roebuck
Southern Pacific ,
Standard Oil Co ,
, 67
. 24 'i
Btudebaker Corp
Sunshine Mining ,
Transamerica a
Union on cai 21 '
Union Pacific 60 'i
United Airlines H'i
U S Steel 24 S
Warner Bros Plo I3
Woolworth 66
Silverton Apartment
Threatened by Fire
Silverton, Oct. 24 The vol
unteer firemen answered ar
early afternoon call Sunday to
the apartment house of the Ernie
McCullys, when a fire that had
gained considerable headway In
the Jack Stahl apartment was
discovered. The Stahls were out
of town for the day.
Damage was reported as con
siderable In the loss of a dav
enport and othiir furnishings
ruined by smoke and cinders.
The firemen were able to con
fine the blaze to the one apart
ment. The location of the apartment
house is on Jersey street at the
former residence of the Cross
Greenhouses near the city laun
The next total eclipse of the
sun, visible In New York, will
come on Oct. 26 in the year
(4 ''"W;;';. v.-: a
fcw ju.. t mm' ..mtm.m, . .
Blows Bubbles to Live Four-year-old Joyce Ann Whit worth
of LaGrange, Ga . sits up in her hospital bed at Emory
hospital at Atlanta, Ga., and smiles as she anticipates the
fun she lt going to have blowing "theraputic" bubbles. Her
mother, Mrs.. T. D. Whitworth is assisting. Several months
ago Joyce was operated on for a heart ailment. A lung conges
tion developed when she returned home. Doctors prescribed
deep breathing to clear the condition but Joyce didn't
understand. So they rigged the water bottles and a bubble
pipt. It's iun now sha says. Wlrephoto)
Completed from report! ef Hal era dealeri
far the guidance of Capital Journal
Reader a. (Revised daily)
Retail Feed Prleeat
ter Mash S4. 65.
Rabbit Pellete 04 30.
Dairy Feed 13.70.
Poultry: Buying prices Orade A color
ed hens 22c: grade A Leghorn hens,
and up. 37-29c Orade A old rotvters l.Sc
18-lDc. grade A colored fryers, three lbs
Buying Prices Extra large AA 64c;
large AA, 63c; large A. flu-62e: medium AA.
bZz: medium A, 49-50c; pullets, 34-38i.
VYboletale Prices Kim wholesale prices
6-7c above these p ripen, above grade A
ffenernlly quoted at 67c; medium 54c.
Premium 64-65c, No. 1. 63c; No 3. 67
6Bc; (buying prices)
Butter Wholesale grade A. 67c; re
call 72c
Portland Green
Portland, Oct. 24 (P) Cash grain un
caali wheat (blt: Soft white 2.19'i;
oft white (excluding Rex) 3.19'; white
club 3.19'a: western red unquoted.
Hard red winter; Ordinary 2.194; 10
per cent 2.19'a; 11 per cent 2.20; 13 per
cent 2.20.
Hard white Bart: Unquoted.
Today's car receipts: Wheat 53. barley
flour 17, corn 20, oats 1, mill feed 8.
Portland Livestock
Portland. Ore., Oct. 24 (UB Livestock:
Cattle salable 2500; calves 750; market
uneven; early Interest mainly on high
medium, good steers ana neiiers strong;
Instances 25 to 50 cents higher: others
mostly steady with some canner and cut
ter cows 25 to 50 cents lower; calves
steady. Load low good good 922 lb. fed
steers 26.00; hlah medium short fed
24,00; above avcraae medium a rasters
23.00; few low mediums 19.00 to 21.00
tew low good fed heifers 24.00: scattered
sales canner and cutter cows 10.00 to
11.00: some 11.50. Oood beef bulls to 17.50:
common and medium 14.00 to 16.00. Good
vealers 22.00 to 23.00; 350-420 lb. good
stork calves 19.00.
Hosa salable 1000: market fairly active,
mostly steady. Good and choice 18O-230
lbi. 20.00 to mostly 20.50; specialty lot
to 30.80; 245-280 lbs. 18.00 to 18.50; few
160 lbs. 18,50; good 355-500 lb. sows 16.00
to 16.50: llcthter weights 17.00 to 17.50;
odd 640 lb.t. down to 15.60; few good
choice feeders 20.50.
Sheep salable 1750; market slow. Oood
and choice slaughter lambs 31.00 to 21.50;
one deck 90 lbs. 33.00; medium Jamba
19.00 to 20.00. medium light feeders 15.50;
good 70 lbs. 17.00; good ewes 6.00 to 6,50;
light ewes quotable to 1.00.
Mrs. Downer Hostess
West Stayton Women
West Stayton The West
Stayton Birthday club met at
the home of Mrs. Zelpha Dow
ner, Mrs. Mildred Teets presid
ing. Birthdays for October were
those of Mrs. Zelpha Downer
and Mrs. Lottie Comstock of
Those present were Mesdames
Mike Lucas, Pearl Darley, Mary
Hankel, E u g i n a Rutherford,
Helen Gilbert, Ada Stewart,
Mabel Odenthal, Christ ini For
rette, Mildred Teets and the
hostess, Mrs. Zelpha Downer.
Mrs. Betty Wallace and chil
dren, Donna and Mike of North
Santiam were special guests.
A lunch was served at the
close of the meeting.
Salem Livestock Market
(By Valley Packing Company)
Lambs 119 00 to 130 00
t-Veder lambs 113.00 to 116.00
it ; . u to t
Cutter cows 68 00 to 110 00
Fat dairy cows ... 110 00 1
Bulls 111.00 to 116 00
Calves, good O00-4M) Ibat r.YOO to 117 00
Veal (150-300 lbs.) top 117.00 to 121.00
Portland Fa tt side Market
Bee US sold lor 60 to 70 cents a dozen
bunches on the Portland EaAtslde Farm
ers Wholesale Produce market today.
Carrots were 65 to 75 cents a doren
Green onions brought 60 to 70 cents
g iozen bunches.
Corn sold for 11.85 to 11-90 a four-dozen-ear
UruAsels sprouts were offered at 12.00
to a 12-cup Iuk.
Danish squash was 31.00 to 31.25 a lug.
Anjou pears t.o:a as low as 11.00 a box
with choice at 11.50 to 11.75.
Kins apples brought 11.25 a box with
SpUzenbews and winter bananas at 11.00.
Portland Produce
liutterfat Tentative. suDlect to Imme
diate change Premium quality maximum
to .35 to 1 percent aciony aeiiverea in
Portland 63-66c lb., 92 score 61-64c lb., 90
core, 57-eOc, 89 score. 55c Valley routes
and country points 2c less than first
Butter Whole.-ale FOB bulk cubes to
wholesalers: grade 93 score, 63 cents; A
92 score 61c: B 90 score, 69c lb.; C 69
core, 56c Above prices are strictly
Cheese Selling price to Portland whole
sale: Oreson singles 39-40C. Oregon 6
sm loaf 42-43c; trlpleta l'- less than
Esse (Te Wholesalers) A grade large.
65Vx-06'.c; A medium, 48-51 lc: grade
B large, 56S-684C, email A grade, 42.0
Portland Dairy Market
Butter Price to retailers: Orade AA
prints 67c; AA cartons 68ct A prints
67c. A cartons 68c; B prints 64c.
Eggs Prices to retailers: Grade AA
1 arse 73c dos.; certified A large, 68c;
lame 67c, AA medulm 56c, certified A,
medium, 54c: B medium 60c, A small
43c. cartons 2c additional. 1
Cheese Price to retailers: Portland
Oregon singles 39-42c; Oregon loaf, 6
lb. loafs 44 '4-45o lb.; trlpleta, ltfc cents leu
man singles premium oranoa, singles.
51 c ib.i loaf, 63UC,
Live Chickens No. 1 Quality FOB
Plants. No. 1 broilers under 3 "4 lbs. 24c
lb., fryers 2 "A -3 lbs.. 24-26c: 3-4 lbs.. 27-
28e; roastera 4 lbs and over, 37-38c; fowl,
iegnornj ids. ina uncer. lu-auc. over
lbs. 20c; colored fowl all weights, 23-33e;
roosters, all weights 18-19c.
Rabbits Average to growers, live whites.
- 10s., is-zoo id.; o-o ids., 18-180 ID.;
colored 2 cents lower; old or heavy does,
end bucks, 8-12c; fresh fryers to butchers.
Country-Hilled Meats
VeaL top aualitv. 30-32s fb.: other
grades according to weight and quality
wim poor or neavier. jJ-iBC.
Hogs Light blockers, 37-28c; sows, 33
24c. Lambs Tod quality, springers. 38-40c:
mutton, 12-14C.
ueei: uooa cows. 30-230 iD.i canners-
cutters, 30-22e.
Freih Dressed Meats
(wholesalers to retailers per
Beef steers, good 500-800 lbs- 14145:
commercial, 135-39; utility, 131-33; utility,
Cows Commercial. 131-331 utility, 127
I: c a nners-c utters, 123-26
Beef Cuts (Oood Steers): Hind quarters.
154-55; rounds, 14851: full loins, trimmed,
173-78: trlanbles. 132-34; square chucks.
140-42; ribs, 852-55; forequartera, 134-36.
Veal and call: Good. 837-40: commercial.
133-35; utility. 128-32.
Lambs: Good-choice spring lambs. 141
46: commercial, 138-40; utility, I3J-S5.
Mutton: Good, 70 lbs. down, 616-16.
Pork cuts: Loin No. 1 8-12 lbs.. IftO-SJi
shoulders 16 lbs. down. 139-40; spare-
ribs, 147-50: carcase. 132-311: mixed
weights 13 per cwt. lower.
Portland MHcHlaneoui
Caseara Bark Dry 12'c fb., green 4e fb.
Wool Valley coarse and medium grades.
45c lb.
Mohair 35e lb. on 13 -month growth,
Hides calves, 300 ID., according to
weight, klpe 2ftc lb., beef ll-12o lb bulla
6-7o lb. Country buyers pay 3o leas.
Nut Quotations
Walnuts Fran Queues, first Quality turn
bo, 34.7c; large. 32.7c; medium, 37.2a;
second quality Jumbos, 30.3c; large, 38.2c;
medium, 26.3c; baby, 23. 2c; soft shell, first
quality large. 20.7c; medium, 30.2c; sec
ond quality large, 37-2ci medium. 34 7c;
oaoy ii.10.
Filberts Jumbo. 30e fb.i larsa, I8c:
meaiura, ice; small, uc.
Chleage Live t or k
Chicago, Oct. 24 (UP) Livestock market
Hoes salable 16,000: general market
steady to 25 cent lower on all hoirs
butchers clew ma slow, mostly 15 to 2b
cents off; bulk good and choice 190 to
280 10. butchers 17.75 to 18 00; mainly
17.90 down late: several choice loads 320
to 260 lbs. 18 05 and 18 10: latter price
th top and lowest since OPA; most good
and choice 170 to 190 lbs. 17.50 to 17.90;
weithts over 270 llw. again scarce; bulk
sood and choice snws under 450 lbs. 16 "iO
to 17.25; few to 17.60; 450 to 600
lbs. largely 15 25 to 16.25.
Sheep salable 3,000: slaughter lambs 35
to 60 cents h In her; yearlings In llmlt'd
supply II hleher; ewes steady to strong;
top fed western and native lambs 2b. W:
jihorn lambs 24 60; bulk alauehter lambs
24.00 to 35 00: huh choice lamb weleht
jthorn yearlings 23.00; slaughter ewes 7.50
to 10.00.
Cattle salable 15,000: calve 500: two.
way market, steers snd heifers grading
averane good and better strong to 1 00
h:eher; other slows, .steady to 50 cents
lower; rows si ead v; bulla stroni to 36
cents nisher: vealers tirm, top 19 00.
other new 1949 Math fur four loads ehoire
to prime 1075 to mo lb. frd steers;
chotre sters 34 .50 to 38 00; good to low
choice 36 00 to 34 00; medium to low good
10 00 to 27.H; common down to 17.50:
load choice heifers 33 00 to 34.50; bulk
good to low choice heifers 34.50 to 31. SO.
common to good beef cows 14 50 to II 00;
cannrrs and cuttTS 12 00 to H SO; medlurr
and choice saimaae bulls 18 00 to 30 00
bulk medium to choice vealers 36 00 to
28 00; top 2 SO. stork cattle steadv. Bev
eral loads choice yearling feeding steers
25 50 and 26.75; 13 loads medium Canadian
IP. 90.
Try cuticura
for itching skin
See how promptly Cuticura
Soap and Ointment brlngrelie
to dry, itching akin Cut leu rs
la emollient, ecientmcally medl
cated. Uaed by many doctors,
nurtea. Buy world known
Cuticura Soap and Ointment
t your druggist today
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore,
Oats Reach New
Seasonal High
Chicago, Oct. 24 W oats
pounded out new 1040 highs in
a firm grain market today. Trad
ing dragged at a slow pace de
spite the price advance.
Small receipts and strength In
the cash trade sparked buying
of oats.
Wheat and corn made gains
early In the session and held on
to them in a light turnover.
Wheat closed lH-l higher,
December $2.15 corn was
4-lV4 higher, December
$1.174-7i, active oats contracts!
were lVi-l higher, December'
72 H, rye was V lower to 1
cent higher, December $1.46,
soybeans were lower to IV4
higher, November $2.30-2.30 V4,
and lard was 8 to 27 cents a
hundred pounds higher, Novem
ber $10.37.
Mrs. Wilson
Dies al Hospital
Funeral services will be held
at the Virgil T. Golden mortuary
Tuesday afternoon at 1:30
oclock for Mrs. Nettie Wilson
who died at a local hospital Sun
day. Interment will be in Bel
crest Memorial park.
A late resident of route 8, Sa
lem. Mrs. Wilson was born Sep
tember 14, 1871, at Alexandria,
Minn., and was the daughter of
William and Nettie Lansing. In
1889 in Iowa she was married
to Frank W. Wilson, who sur
vives her, and the couple came
west the same year.
Mrs. Wilson was a member of
the Summit Methodist church at
Orchard Heights in Polk county
and a member of the Grange
and the Woman's club at Orch
ard Heights.
Surviving besides the hus
band are three daughters, Mrs.
Blanche Yates of Portland and
Mrs. G. E. Smith and Mrs. D. M.
Eby, both of Salem; three sons,
Fred Wilson of Port Orchard,
Wash., and Wilfred and Ralph
Wilson, both of Salem; three
sisters, Mrs. Clara Homyer, Mrs.
Edna Griggs and Mrs. Ethel Wil
son, all of Portland; 18 grand
children and 11 great grandchil
Gervais Card Club
Opens Fall Playing
Gervais The 500 community
card club resumed its season
with Mrs. Antoine DeJardin and
Mrs. Marion Henning in charge
of the 7 o'clock potluck supper
There were four tables of cards
in play with high scores held by
Mrs. Fred Manning and Ernest
Andres; second to Mrs. Ernest
Andres and Joseph Russ. At the
October 25 meeting, Mrs. Merle
B. Lucas and Mrs. Ernest An
dres have charge of arrange
Lyman H. Shorey
Woodburn Lyman H. Shorey. 83. at his
home at Woodburn, after a lingering Ill
ness. Survived by his wife. Louise E.
Shorey of Woodburn; two dsushters, Mrs.
Leland Bragglnton or Portland and Mrs.
Frank Butterfield of Woodburn: iwo half
slater, Mrs. Lyle Sk'ller ot Woodburn and
Mrs. Henry Sherlock of Portland; and
threw granchlldren. Services will be held
Wednesday. October 38. at 3 p.m. at the
Rlnno chapel with Interment In Belle
passi cemetery.
Mri. Katharine ftowa
Woodburn Mrs. Kntnerlne Bows. 75.
widow of the late Paul Sows and a resi
dent of Woodburn for 50 years, died Sat
urday. October 33. at a Portland hospital.
Born at Jrffrrsonville, In., March 28, 1874,
and came to Oreson from Montana in
1898 and two Woodburn a year later. One
of the first parishioners of St. Luke's
Catholic church at Woodburn and one of
the honored auests at the 50th anniversary
of the church which was celebrated In
May of this year. Also a member ot the
Womrn's Catholic Order of Foresters and
the Altar society of St. Luke's. Survivors
Include three sons. Prank J. Sow a of
Cranford, N. J., Joseph P. and Cecil I.
Sows of Woodburn: two daughters, Mrs.
Marie Eaton of Qulncy, III., and Mrs.
Irene Daniel of Gaston. Ore.f a sister.
MKs Anuria Smith of Antelope. Calif.; a
half-AistT, Mrs. Klisabeth Klelnmann of
Square Butte, Mont. : 20 grandchildren
and three great grandchildren, two
dauahter. Mrs. Anela Smith and Miss
Cecilia Sowa. preceded her In eth. Reci
tation of the Rosary will be held to
nisht (Monday) at 7 30 o'clock at the
Rlneo chapel. Funeral services at St.
Luke's Catholic church will be Tuesday,
October 25, at 9 30 a.m., followed by Inter
ment In St. Luke's cemetery at the grave
side of her husband, Paul Sows, who died
in 1B38.
Ruby Warner Black
Dallas Funeral services for Ruby War
ner Black. 83, who died Friday at Mon
mouth, will be held from the Henkle and
Boll man chape at 3 o'clock Tuesday, Rev.
Hood ofllriRitnK and burial In the lOOF
crmetery line. She was the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Walling and wa
born at Amity Mar. 2H, 1887. Her hunband,
Penrl O. Black, dlrd here Oct. 8 of this
(Hrahleit is Mshly eon-
llfe tf nal
ped It inle raoe It
Itch mite w b I c b
le Immim te ordinary treatments. KX
lORA kills tbe llch-mfte almost Instantly
Only three days C.YVIRA treatment Is
"Mall orders given grrnnpt attention
At all Fred Merer Drug Keelloni and eth
er C.oon Drna Uteres. "
Do You Suffer Distress From
which makes you so nervous
several days before?
Do female functional monthly all
menu make you auRer painful
distress, make you feel so nervous,
ao strangely rest leas, tired and
weak at such time lor a few
daya Just beore your period)?
Then start taking; Lydta T, Plnk
ham'a VeneUble Compound to re
lieve such symptoms. No other
medtclow of tale type for women
Monday, October 24, 194919
year. She had made her home here for
ten years before moving to Monmouth. "
Surviving are three sons, Franel Warren i i
San Ditto. Calif.; Irvin Warren. Amity,
and Robert Warren. Beaverton: three
daughters, Mary Landers, Coos Bay; Mil,
dred Warren, Amity, and Bessie Simoruoa,
Carlton; mother, Mrs. Jessie May Waliln"
Falls Ctty, two brothers two sisters ana
ten grandchildren.
Rev, Beds Rose . ,
Mt. Angel Punsrel services for Rev.
Bede Rose, OSB, 69, who died suddenly
Sunday, will be held from the Mt. Angel 4
abbey at 10 o'clock Wednesday with burial
in the abbey cemetery. He was born in
England, Dee. 26, I860, graduated from. ,.
Oxford and came to the Benedictine monV
astery here In the early 1900s. He com
pleted studies for his degree and waa
ordained in Italy In 1016. He was tne
author of several books and was engaged 1
la lodeilng hi latest when be died. '
William Hub o.ltwal. '
Holalla William Huiri Oottoalo. ac.
II, lau of Molalla, dlad In an Ortaun -Cltr
hoapltal, Wednaadar avenlna, iram In-
Jurlra reeelvad In a loaalna accldeat Id a
tha Squaw mountain ar,a abova aV.aea- ...
da aarlr Tuaadar. Mr. Oottwald aa born
nar Molalla on Mar 10. tail and had
apant hia tntlra Ufa in thla commum-.,. Ha
aa unitad In marr aaa to Vlralnla PaU
t,raon on March la. 1941 at Camaa. Wa.n
Inaton. Ha had Jlut atarlad loaaing on but "
own althouah ha had worked In ah. wuda
lor many yaara. Ha la urv:vad br nu alia.., ,
Vlralnla, dauahter and aon. Cher, Nor.
en. and Keith Huih, both of Molalla hi. '
mother. Mr,. Katharine oottwald ot Mo
lalla; brother, Bert of Molalla: two U- :
tera. Oenevtev. of Molalla, and Bernalt. -Ttechner
of Flora, Oreion; . number Jl
unclea. aunta and ooualna and fr.arida. ' -
funeral aervleea will be held at . p.m.
Sunday. October M. at Uie Everhart'Fun. . .
eral home In Molalla. with interment to ,
follow in th. Smyrna cemetery near Yo.
Mrs. Frances Delmen
Mrs. Frances Delmnn, late resident of
Lincoln. Neb., at Lincoln, October 20. itt ''
tl.e age of 23 years. Survived by .losour.d,
Charles Delman, Lincoln; parent. Mrt, . -and
Mrs. J. C. Carr, Salem; aisteis, Mrs. ,
Florence Krankes,. Kaiuaj C.ty, , and , '
Mrs. Lsie Schle.-el. Port An ttAxn '
brothers. Jwa Carr and Edward Carr ' - .
oom oi aaiem. servicrs will be held at th .
Assembly of Ood church at Park and Mar. -ket
streets Tuesday, October Jj. at 1.30
p.m. Interment In Belcrest M-'mo ,c park: '
under the direction o( Cloin'i-Barrl:' w
company. Rev. Walter B. Frederick will'
ot acute.
Mrs. Mary Leulie Stevenion
Mrs, Mary LouLse Stevenson, at the res-
idence at route 2, Turner. OctO'-.; 22, at
the aie of 83 years. Survived y a asueti-' 1
ter Mrs. Margaret Ryan of San Francis,
co; and four sons, William 6te-en.vor ot ,
Portland, Robert Stevenson of ;it-ve.tnl l
Ohio. Frank Stevenson ot Vancouver,
Wash., and Karl 8tevenson Jf 1 urner.
Member of the Baptist church. Services
will be held at the How el! -Edward chape) '
Tuesday, October 25. at 10 a.m. Interment
In the Columbia cemetery at Portland at
2 p.m. . "
Mre. Nettle Wtlmn
Mrs. Nettle Wilson, late resident of 8a.
lent Route 8. at a local hospital, Sun
day, October 33. Survived by widower,"
Frank Wiljion of Salem; three daughters,
Mrs. Blanche Yates of Portland. Mrs. O.-
E. Smith and Mrs. D. M. Eby, both of
Salem: three sons, Fred Wilson of Port-'
Orchard. Wash.. Wilfred and Ralph WiU
son, both or Salem; three slaters, Mrs. ,o
Clara Homyer, Mrs. Edna Griggs and .
Mrs. Ethel Wilson, all of Portland: aur.
Tlved also by 18 grandchildren and 11
great grandchildren, fiervlcei will h hM
Tuesday. October 25, at 1:30 p.m. from ,
tne Virgil T. Golden mortuary. Interment
in Belcrest Memorial park.
Fred A. Watt
Fred A. Watt, late resident of Aumu-tlla
Route 1, at A urns vllle. October 23 at the '
ase of 43 years. Survived by the widow, "
Mabel Watt, Aumsvllle. Shipment will be '"
made to Portland for services and Inter'"
ment by the Howell-Edwards chapel. "
Nathalie Brian
Nathalie Braun. late resident of 311ft
Myrtle street in this city October 32. Sur-'J
vivea oy nuanand. Ben Braun or Salem;
sons, Albert Braun and Benedict Braun,
uoin oi oBirm, oiuimtn, Mis. muia
Barham and Mrs. Dorothea Madsen, both '
of Oakland, Calif., and Lydla Braun of -Salem.
Also survived by two sLsters in
Romania and one grandchild. Recitation
of the rosary at the W. T. RUdon chapel
Monday, October 23, at 8 p.m. Service ...
will be held from St. Vincent de Paul -church
Tuesday, October 25, at 9:30 a.m.
with Interment In St. Barbara cemetery,
Mrs. tlllle May Carlton
Llllle May Carlson. late resident of 30
Carlton way, at a local hospital. October .
23. Survived by husband, Carl Carlson ot
Salem; daughter. Frieda Carlson of Sa '
lem; son. Robert Carlson ef Salem; and a
sister, Mrs. Elsie Sutherland of Dallas.
Texas. Services will be held from the ;
Cloush-Barrlck chapel Wednesday. Octo- .
oer 20, at i:J0 p.m. with Rev. Louis O.
Klrby offlclstlng. Interment in Belcrest '.
Memorial park, -
John Brush
John Brugh, late resident of 1000 Cap!"
tol street, at Rawlins, Wyo.. October 34V
at the age of 88 years. Survived by wife,
Byrde Brugh of Salem; a daughter. Mre.. t
Carl Jordan of Salem; and two sisters,.
Mrs. Henry Lampe and Mrs. Clyde Jor
dan In Kansas. Services will be held from
tne w. t. Kigdon cnapei Tuesday, Octo
ber 35, at 3 p.m. Concluding aervleea in
Belcrest Memorial park.
Oscar Taft Shutt
Oscar Talt Shutt, at the residence at
1148 Saginaw street. October 34. at the'
age of 95 years. Survived by a daughter, '
Mrs. Ethel M. Hale of Balem: a grandson, "
Paul A. Hale of Salem; a sister, Mrs. C.
O. Dalrymple of Los Angeles; a brother, -James
Shutt of Foe tor I a, Ohio: six great
grandchildren and one great great grand -child.
Announcement of services later by 1
the CloutTh-Barrlck chapel.
Why Suffer
Any Longer
When eaiiers fail, use out Chinese
re mediae Amaslns success for boot
rears in China No matter wttb what
ailments you are afflicted- disorder
tlnusitu bean lunge liver, kidneys
gas, tonstlpation. ulcers, diabetes
rheumatism, gall and bladder, fever
tain, ornate aompialnta.
Office Boa re 9 te 8
Tnea aod Sal. Only
IA4 N Commercial
Phone tlMO
caused by excess acid
Dont Just mtrTer from eamnliln pain en
con tan t burning' of atmaih alters, in h rem
it on, eras, heertburti, other ditrw rauMd 1W .
rice stomach acid. I'ftinder'e Tablet are ,
guaranteed to bring amatinej quk. oothit g
relief of such aeid stomach diflrrw. - R
MONEY RACK I Formula of F. II. 1'fanrtVr,
I'h.O., eontalna medically. proved Ineredl-"
ents. Aeld ulcer enfTerer have bought over
100.000,000 Pfurtdcr'n TahlrU In past -yean.
Get Plunder's Tablets today.
hag guch a long; record of gucceea.
Plnkham'g t'umimind not only
relieves this mont hly pain but also
pre-perlod nervous tension and
cross Irritable emotions ot thla
nature. It ha such a comforting
antispasmodic action on one of
oman i most important oroant.
Regular me helps build up resist
ance atratnst such female d Is tree.
Truly fie woman'i fiend
MUlEi Oe pee'"
LHla E. riaha's TAHI.FT9
with added lr.
Vegetable Compound