18 -Capital Journal, Salem, CLAIIintD IDVIETlSlNQl rw una in Ptf LID I tlDIU , 40 Per Lin t tlmi .iM Pl un 1 montb 12.00 Ouutd al Salem IS. pr Un pi Hit Mia. lOei I time mln JOe time mla. tl.20. No Refund BEADKRS In Lock! New Col OnlJ: , Mln. 0c; 1 time mm. I0e To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES : 4 BED ROOM Onlr I it, old. Large carpeted living ft dining rm. Breakfast nook ft car port. All room on 1 floor. Over 1.400 q. ft. of pc. CIom In. Suburban location. Vt block from bus. Owner vlU sacrifice for only 18500. Call Bon Cleary. WALTER MUSGRAVE R'LTOR 1111 Edge wafer. Ph. J-S108. Eve, J-St3 353 IOE BALE OR TRADE for cabin. 7 rm. house, lot 66x144: frulu ft nuts ahruba; 1 block of food ichool, 4 block hi school. 288 B. 5th St.. Independence, Oregon. R. J. Wilson. a253 PBDRM. HOME S yra. old. Attached car age. Auto, hot water heater. Fireplace. Venet. blind- Floor furnace. Floored at tic. Also chicken house. Lot 10x160. 633 Edina Lane. Ph. 2-2333. mm $7250 Late built 1 BR borne NX Pli 3-6834. a259' 3295 BROADWAY Wt feel we have a very good bur in this 8 yr. old home for someone, plenty of elbow room, has lc. unltn. upstairs, all lnsl. overhead. 2 nice Br. nook, din. mi., fireplace, hdwd. floors, full dry bum., with exl. sawdust fur., pvd. rt. ft walk, close to grade schl.. Catholic Sen. ft Churcn, A very attractive- nome (The price Is rlnht. Ph 2-66801. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Eva. Ph. 2-8704 a254' BY OWNER Leaving town, must sell immed., 1W acre. Lovely small home, new alec, rang and water heater inc. Large garage and small one room boum. Family fruit, nuts and berries Near new Four Corners school. A good buy at 16900. 480 Elma Ave. a254 Doll House Fur. or Unf ur. S BR. home, corner lot, fireplace, ther moststtcally controlled oil heat, all elec. Outstanding and congenial neighbor hood, close to Leslie and McKlnley schools. Furniture optional. Supervisory personnel Standard Station, Inc., belns transferred to California. 1090 B. Hlah Ph. 3-3983. a 2 54 HOME OR INCOME OWNER. EAST SALEM. GOOD LOCATION. Must sac r( lice lovely, clean, furn. or niurn. z-Ddrm. nomc. uut to oeam In family. Yountstown equip. V. blinds. Inaul. Approx. A. fruit, nut Irw and berries. Ph. 2-5381 for appt. a255 BUY NOW SMALL NEAT HOUSE. Corner Int. plumbing roughed In. Only 12350. $500 ash. VERY NICE 3 bedrm. home. About 3 yrs. old. Oil furnace. Disposal unit and dish washer. Att. garage. Close to bus. Price only 19450. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 44 State St. Ph -SM Evnlni cn: Mr. Voorhee. 2-4007 .251 SEE THESE 1060 North 18th street. Beautiful cor ner lot, yard fenced; 2 bdrm., oil burn ing furnace. 111.000. 2010 Center street, t bdrm., oil fur nace. 111,000. 196 South 25th street, 14950. If you need a furnished house, we have a two bedroom at 17650. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. Rich St. Phone t-7660 Eve. Phones 1-4591-3-6805 a 353 An Excellent Buy 15600. One of the better older type 2 B R. homes. Living R., dining R Ue. kitchen, den with frplc. Lot 50x160. No. I tone. Near Englewood School 10.500. New FHA financed I bed R. living: R., dinette, kitchen, frplce. Hwd. Suburban 11.500. I A. Very good 2 bed R- pre war home. Nice living R , dining R., kitchen, full bsmt. Furnace, am. barn, ehleken hse. Consider home In Salem as trade-in. 81500. New FHA financed t bed R., It. Ini R.. dinette. A dream kitchen, hwd. firs.' Attached gar sue. Beautiful Floor Plan SIl.tOO. Nearly new 2 bed R. home with atalrway to attic, good sice living R.. dining R., kitchen, hwd. firs., fireplca. FoB alee bsmt. OH furnace. FHA terms. UV. OMER HUFF 361 Chemeketa St. Ph. 1-5091 Eve. 2-2451 or 2-8942 a254 Immediate Possession Out of state owner sacrificing almost new 6 rm. home. Hdwd. tlrs thrutmt. auto, furn., breexeway, attached gar age, ise. unfinished upstairs, city water and bus, le. lot. Low dn. paym't. FHA term. Salem HetghU district. 585 Ewald. a256 $10.0. LATE built I bdrm. home on one floor. N. E. Hardwood floors, fireplace, oil heat, attached garage. Terms, bal ana FHA. Cell O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. R'ltors 151 SHIh Phone 3-4131 a.-.".) fin.flfM. LANCASTER drive. About 1 acre Modern 8 room 9 year old home. Floor furnace. Fireplace, hardwood floors, Un finished upstairs. Utility, garsae. small poultry house. Beautiful lawn and ah ub. Nut trees, berries, garden space, i Call O. V. Hume Willi SUte Finance Co. R'ltors 151. a. High. Phone 3-4121. aJM FAIRMOUNTllILL" Browner. 1 bdrm., I' bath, large tree eofered lot. 1750 down. 155 per mouth on 4" contract. Ph. 3-9831 or 3-3722. a2.sj - OrEN HOUSE Immediate Possession Immediate possession on my 1 year old 6 room home. Must srll. lea vine, state Well arranged 3 bedrooms, larne living room, dining room ft kitchen with breakfast nook. Kitchen ha lot of cup board A counter aimce with tile floor Beautiful hardwood floors thruout. Large Inside utility room. Aitsrhed .nr asc; Nice fenced In lawn. Larue lot. Oood location with city At school bus at doot. Can be seen at 3330 Sunny v lew Ave. a2S3 KFW S-BDRM. hoUJ-e. All on 1 "floor. Rem. -ttftrt fireplace, rlck veneer limit. Hard wood floors and Ven blinds thru out Kitchen, breakfast nook, clinlne room and living room alt fece meet. Dry full basement, sawduM heal Not more than I block to bus, school, store and church. Can be seen by appointment Ph., 2-6832. No agents. mi. if ftMl.eo. NI'W i bedroom house. Some turn, for sale. Easy terms on turn. Ph. 4-311 a355 MAIL ' DOWN FAVMI NT. Laree'lonn I bdrm FHA built home. By owner, fllo Ford St. al56 KKMODELF.D ft redecorated, l'V story house. 1 bedroom, living room. kilc!nn utility room, ft bath down. I bedroom extra room up. Nice lot 2 a ainut tree, I Blng cherry tree. Oravel drive way ft attractvie car-port. Near trade ft parochial schools. Phone 3-5030. a2M , Poor Man's Opportunity Just torn pi e ted . t room modern home . garage, paved street, good location near school. 25 year FHA loan pay 143 56 month, Will take good car, lot, or what hav you a part payment. State Finance Co., R'ltors ISI I. Huh Ph. J-4U1 3Jf BT OWNra New int. ftm.hom. S fill lh. Mehoc.nr woodwork. O.k floor I flrepUee. TM buement. Clo to lt ehooU. IStTCourt; 2H Errrrn. Hleelr furn. Oood Incorne "n lull or M JM' Journal Went Ads Pay Ore., Monday, October 24, 1949 IFOR SALE HOUSES $75 DOWN!! 175 a month. J'i bedroom home located north. Clone to biu. store and Hianland srhool. fenced-in back yard. ImmedUt possession. Price t7 500, No.265 $350 DOWN!! 137 50 per month. New liveable unfln lslied 2-bcdroom home on large lot North or South. Wind for range ano hot water heater. Chimney In. Imme oiaw pos.seM.ion. run price. rl.975, $800 DOWN!! 360 per month. Furnished 2-bedroom home near Leslie School. Extra large garsKe with work.vhop and laundry room. Launclerall goes with furnlAhinns Immediate possession. Full price, 16,800 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High Street Ph. 3-SJ03 eve. a auns., a-1327. 4-2874, 2-3138, 2-2532. 3.5805 a253 OWN KB musTsell, 7 bdrm" 1 year oM Automatic oil furnace, electric dish washer, automatic washing machine. Fenced-ln back yard. 4a0 B. 18th. a257 FINE PLACE FOR KIDDIES This East Salem home has a lovely lencpc dick yard with pJay area, trees, double garnxe. fruit room. 5 larae rooms. fireplace, plus dinnette ft utility room with extra toilet, good automatic oil lorcexi s r fieatlne unit rea y a live. able home for .9750 FHA terms. Craw- WELL FURNISHED 3950 Is the price of this 2 B. R. home on a fine corner lot, paved streets ft sidewalks both .sides, clo.se to' schools ft Du.s.ve.1 in Yfsi Salem. Crawford. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St., Ph. 2-3649-Eves. 2-5390 253 $1250 Down 162 per rno S A. Esst. Neat starter home. Fine lae. barn suitable for chick en. 35250. Consider larger home. $1350 Down $60 per mo. 2 BR. City lot 62x130, I6U0Q. conMder acreage. $750 Down 170 per mo, 2 BRs. East, Lot 60x118. $7500. B. Isherwood. Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3863, Eves. 2-2417 or 2-8836 ' a255 BY OWNER CHOICE LOCATION Lovely new 2 bdrm. home. All electric. Fully I iks u la tod. Close to school. Best workmanship and material. F. H. A. terms. 9J5 Cross St. Ph. 4-2126. a358 FOR SALE by owner, new 2 bdrm., dining room, jiving room, jciicnen, oath and utility room. Hnrdwood floors. Ven. blinds, attached garane. Lot 81x178. (7,150. Ph. 2-1390. 3395 Livingston St. a255- WEST SALEM Nice clean 2 bedroom home, living room, kitchen, nook, bath, utility, att. garage, den up with spate for another riirnom. Lot lf)0 x mo. $7850. Very easy terms. LESLIE SCHOOL Brand new. beautifully finished 2 BR home. Hdwd. floors. Inlaid linoleum, large windows, SnGOO with S1500 Down. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hiulkins & Son REALTORS 250 N. Hlfth St. Phone 2-4129 a255 $H!(.o 3 bedrm. home on " arre, east on pavement, good barn, fruit ft nuts, will consider trade on small house In town. Geo. A. Walters. Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 23849 Eve. 25260 a253 Near Englewood School 113,200 3 bedrm. home with double plumliing, full hasemrnt. oil furnace, 1) replace, hdwd. floors, large rooms, new ft very nice. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor FOR SALE LOTS .11.1, PAV CASH for lot on paved street. Price must be reasonable. Phone 3-9865. a a 253 WHY PAY RENT? Build your own home. Lots $13 down. 115 month with water ft Hunts, close to school ft bus. nice location. Ph. 2-3289. General Real Estate 255 Center St. aa255 EAKT VIEW LOTS. 1750 too $2500. Op- posile 545 Vista Ave. pn. 9-4284. VIEW LOT In exc. loc. Will sell or trade for city lot or part payment on small house. Ph. 2-4091. aa354 FOR rilim-F. residential tracts In King- wood Hts. A Cascade Terraces, at mod erate prices A very low monthly terms. se the original owner ft developer. C A. Robertson. Ph 1-8413 aa259- FOR SALE l-ARMS DUCK HUNTERS ATTENTION 55 Acres. Near Rickreall. Livable 2 bdrm. house 8 stanchion burn ft poul try house. Old Iske bed Hoods in winter For one of the best duck ft goose spots in the valley. Drains In spring for on ions and prnln crops. Illness forces owner to sell. For J9..00. Terms. Immed po.ss. Call Bon Clenry. WALTER MUSGRAVE R'LTOR 1211 Edgewater. Ph. 1-5109. Eve. 3-D 919 b254 84 w, ACRES!! 2 houses. Lnrte barn. 2 chicken houses 7 mile. out Mv.tW in fruit Prtre 119. 000. Will take 3-hrdroom hme in Salem up to 112,000. Hrnt from 1 house will make niorUniie payments. BEAVEKDAM!! 13 acres of henverdam 3 acres of up land. No hiilUUntts, Luke Lahlsh. f 16,- 000 - hmi.'i REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South Hlch St. -- Ph. 3-9203 b2!S3' " TWO GOOD FARM BUYS 20 ACRES Close to Pulem. NE on paved road. Oood 5 bedrm. house. Barn, chicken house, hoc sheds. Family or chard, t A. in cane berries. Price re duced to 113.000. OOOn Bl'Y IN SMALL FARM. 15 acres. All c lea red. few miles north on pa cd road Well and elec. water system. Can trrunte. Fine for berrirs or gardening 4 rm. house. Barn and outbids. Imme diate possession. Price only 15300. Part terms LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 glut St Ph S 3662 Evening call: Mr. Voorhees, 3-4007 b35S tt'.o ftlV) imn v l acres with 2 bdrm home Located about 3 miles south of Liberty. Immediate possession, A good buy. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. R'ltors 13 8 HUh Phone 3-4121. 0259- 35 ACKK berry ranch 2la mile from Pa ton. 17 A. berries. 5 room home harn. g urate, tractor, farm equipment Price II J w Cull O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. R'ltors 1M S H'h p'.nne 1-4U1 h?M FOR SALE ACREAGE ri.OK IN. 3S acres with highway front- aie on 99r. south. 4 room neww decor ated, harn, shop A eara-e, ouna orch ard Ideal for chickens, etc. Terms df.-lred ("ill 2 ftP inornlnrs hh4 REAL ESTATE mil fftiTR A VINO investment buy a tlrv mortiut on real estate Salem ft rtcinttv F amine wcurtty yourneif Anvjnt mw to rrai thousand do' lars net investors i". te make all eoi lections for you it desired STATE FINANCE CO, 15$ ft. Itta) f FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS 9E SOUTH & FABRY ROAD Jutt l1 ml. South of Salem 254 ft. of highway frontage, cosy S bdrm. home In excellent condition, new well and pump house, gsraseft tool shed otne fmlt. plenty of room for court or business bldg. Exactly 1 acre, price 14,850. CALL ROY FERRIS. LOCATED SOUTH 1 bdrm. home, wall-to-wall carpeting, close in. beautiful yard, full bamt. auto-oil heat. This home li available for only 11,500 down. CALL EARL WEST. , GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2411 Evenings and Sundays Call Earl West 2-0608 - Roy Ferris 2-6010 - Peter Oelser 1-9941 BY OWNER: 2 bed room S large living room utility room t) hardwood floor 4) large garage latest type oil burner PHONE OWNER 3-7028 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS $1500 DOWN Almost new 2 bdrm. home with unfin ished upstairs. Northeast. Bua ' block. Thli home la priced right. 19500. Eve. Ph. 27674 or 33558. 3 HOMES Excellent rental property. Close in north. Income $170 per month. 100 x 211 lot. Close to school ft bus. Terms. Total price only $18,000. Eve. Ph. 27674 or J.irri8. OREGON G. I. SPECIAL Close In east. 2 bdrms. with unfinished upstair, fireplace. Insulated, attached garage, nice yard ft shrubs. If you are an Oregon vet we can arrange a very good load for you. Total price only I751KJ. Eve. Pn. 27674 or 3355B. 11 ACRES, $1000 DOWN uooci nome ft outbuilding., ah equip ment goes, a acres berries, good wen. About 9 miles from Salem. Total price oniy lynxj. eve. rn. j9uj or jjsh. 1 ACRE, LANCASTER Very clean home. Built In 1939. Nice yard. Several outbuildings. Room for business building facing Lancaster. To tal price $8200. Terms arranged. Eve. Ph. 39403 or 33358. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3036 Portland Rd. Ph. 37820, 24596 C254J THRIFTY COLUMN $6,500 Older type house. Two bedroom. 1 up and 1 down. Living room, dlrj'ng room, kitchen and nook. Large utility room. Lots of built Ins. Quarter acre lot. Oood garden spot, lots of nice shrubs and flowers. A very nest home. Will take trailer house as down payment. Eve 2-0473. Farm $24,500 40 acres farm all In cultivation. Will. soil, fully stocked. 13 cows, 200 chickens, and 3 bedroom modern home. Will trade for nice home in Salem. Eve. 2-0472 Bus. Bide;, and Home $12,500 Oood two bedroom house, bus. bldg. suitable for most any kind of business. No. 3 Zone. Terms available. Eve. 2-0473 Call for Mr. LeClerc J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St. Ph. 2-7756 $7300 ONE ACRE Hayexvllle Dlst.. nice 2 B R. home. Excl. loll, fine location, hard surface road. $13 500 ON CHEMAWA RD. Attractive new home built by owner that knows how. Lots of fruit trees, good soil, forced air oil ht., elect., f.-place, 2 lg. B R . unlln. att.. house Is rully lnsl. Also small house that could be used as guest hou.e or work shop. Ph. 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Eve. Pb. 4-2326 2-8704 c2S4 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED to buy: 3- or 4-room modern house. $100 down, $30 month. Ph -3217. ea271 LISTINGS WANTED on a few good homes and Business Opportunities. C. A. OIES. Realtor. Ph. 2-7812. ca263 MOTlt'E! If your property to for tale rent or exchange list It with ut We have all kinds of cash buyer BTA:E FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8 High St ea WE ARE In need oi gooe nouses to sell In or near Salem If you wish to list your property for sale aee CRAIUINHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 6 Libert. St -Phone 3-2411 eg EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE SEVERAL fine properties in Bend ft "vl clnity to trade for Salem ft Willamette Valley Call Crawford with Burt Picha, Realtors, Ph. 2-3649, 279 N. High St. cb2!S3 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES N. COM'L, bldg. ft 5 llv. rm., $12,000By owner, trrnu. Ph. 2-9839. cd217 N. COM'!,, store bid, ft 5 llv.TmjTTll2.0l3 By owner, terms. Ph. 2-B839. cd277 LOT 6fixl22. 1300 Block Broadway St. This is the best business property in Snlem.Ph. 34642. Eve. 21647. cd258- A KEY Mobil Gas service station. For lease in Pallas. Ore. Buy Inventory and tools at wholesale. No blue sky. Contact Warrrn Doolittle. Mobil Gas Distr. Ph. 3-4619 dsys. 2-6045 eve. cd257 TRttf.ER court. 16.000. terms.' B owner. Chas. H. Moore, 1730 N. Water St. cd271 OROCERT $16,000 11 50.000 Vr. Gross, stock ft equipment worth the price. dissolving partner ship, located In Salem on busy st. Ph 2-6H0. Ft). LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. Ilmh 81. Eve. Ph. 4-2336 2-8704 Cd234 DINING AND DANCINO Setup and beer license, beautiful Lg. Lnma quarters upstairs: lower floor has 3:00 H it. H. floor space. Auto, oil lit. Hmldiiti Is less than 5 yrs. old. lo cated on Hlway 99 close to Salem. I. fri'iitanr. includes propertv. stock, eqimmeiu. ft business Ph. 2-6(180, FU. LUKINBEAL HEAL ESTATE 433 N. HUh St. Ev. Ph. 4-2328 2-8704 Cd234 NI.KiHBORHOOn grocery. Good stock and fixture. Priced to sell. By owner, lh. 3-1818. cd255 fiiitit . hy STORE ft fixtures. 2 gas punipn ft 6 caMn. An etbHhed husl ne.s tor sale by owner. Ph. 24319. Ht t nos cclISB $22 000. APT. HOUSE 1W) Mo Income from 3 Lc room? Fur nlshed Arts Building In Excl. Cond. Lo cated 4 R'ks. from rapitol Build. In Apt Hse. one Ph. 2-680. EM. tUKtNRFAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 4-3131 -3-8704 Cd354 FURNITURE FOR SALE NOW Open Eves. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS lOWFftT PRUTS H1GHFST QUALITY r.MlKSr TERMS FREE DEI 1VFRY YOU CAN T m T THIS COBINATION U& H FURNITURE CO. WANTED FURNITURE It-S'YOUR'iMISTAKE" If you aell used furniture, appliance sporting goods, household effect with out first getting hit price. GLENN WOODRY PAYS TOr FR1CFS Ph 2-S11 for tmrred'ate ReiulU da AUCTIONS : t RMTI RE ft AfPlUNt F auction every T'ies . 8 t m . Unnwood Ballroom I pat cash or sell on commus:ton. Olenn Woodjy, auctioneer. Pit I -$119, FOR SALE HOUSES NEW HOME paved afreet. near school I on bus line I among new home I terms I Price 16950, 11150 do. AUCTIONS AUCTION Tuesday 8 p.m. Furniture, Appliances and Miscellaneous. See Tuesday List. GLENN WOODRY, AUCTIONEER FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Light sorrel posse horse 8 yr. old. Well trained and about 15 hands high. Drive over and see this horse gt 630 Wash. St., McMlnnvllle, Ore. Owner Lyle House. e253 BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer, r C. McCandllah, 1127 8. 25. Ph. 3-6147 e257" PETS ANGORA RABBITS Your choice of 2 out of 4 doe, bred or with young. All with pedigree. H. S. Frleen, 1701 W. Maple, Dallas, ore. Tel. 2648. ec253 REG. FEMALE Collie, puppy, 2-2353. 315. Ph. ec254 THOROUGHBRED buff cocker puppies Ph. 2-3581 between ft 6. ec253" MANX KITTENS. Ph. 34098. PEDIGREED collie pup. Female. 24 month old, 470 Waynt Drive. Ph. 2-3013. cc260 REG. COCKER puppies from champion stock. Black, golden ft blond. Ph. 2-1252 ec253 FUEL SAWDUST A Wood. Ph. 23808. 18 IN. old fir. Arnold Phillip. Turner, Ore. Ph. 1X2. e254 Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Edging $5.50 load Double 110-00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 35533 EE' SHELL STOVE A DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186. oneu uu co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor. . ee275 CALL HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oil. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer End tk Block Wood. Pb 16444 West Salem Fuel Co. M IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 11-01. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIX Phone Filem 2-4031 Alio pick up wood at 1S33 Edtewater St. West Salem PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash A maple. 4 ftr. 18" alab and edging. Pb 31458 ea TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR 8&H OREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day, uraer rrys or Hens now at spe cial quantity prices for your locker Custom Dressing a specialty. Phone 22861. Lee'g Hatchery. f HENS $1.50 each. Ph. 22196. f354' NEW HAMPSHIRE chick for Immediate or future oe livery h atones every Tuna Pox Hatchery. 1830 State St Ph. 2-428S f PRODUCE WINTER PEARS, apple, cabbage wal- nuu. 24110 Broadway. ff256 GROWERS UNLOADING SALE 10.000 boxes Jonathan. Spltxenberg and Delicious apple. (Good grade, no worms) from our own orchard. 65c box. 3 boxes, 11.75. Oet your winter supply now. Bring boxes or container. PurlUn Cider Wks.. West -Salem. H356 FRANQt'ETTE WALNUTS. Very nice. 20c FIELD CORN, 1 '4 mile atralght west of neiser scnooi. Hi. 2. BOX 154. Ph. 3-1160. ff35T FILBERT-WALNI'T drying. 1 mile E. Len- (-iiier ur. Auourn Hoad. Claude Mc Kinney. Ph. 3-16J2. ff258 APPLES Spttzenberg St winter "Jn- anas, also filberts. 1st house off North Pacific hiway on Claxter Rd. Ph. 2-4305 253 SPIT7.ENRERG WINTER BANANA ap- pies. t-ou asp in wan, Market St., Ph. -L ft275 PEARS Delicious late pears, Allrma Mo- wi. 30 foriiand rd. en. 24510. ffa57 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special rrv.ee tor imau ioia rnon 3-3861 Lee's Hatchery ff HELP WANTED MALE 4 MEN over 16 to set pin BAB Boi rllng ,253 alley. 3085 Portland Rd. ai NATIONAL CORP offers profitable buM- ness opportunity to middle sued ot o.det men with car. Write Box 464 Capital Journal. ga281 HELP WANTED FEMALE HIGH school girl for part time work. Vi cinity oi wnite oriva in. Ph, 20555. gta-231 LADV FOR general houne work. Some cooiing i cniid. private room At bath Ph. .14704 ffh25V EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS ISO State Street Phone 3-1488 gf WANTED SALESMAN CAN I SE one energetic real estate sales man, omer Huff Real Estate. 361 Chem eketa. gg256 CARPENTER. WRITE Capital Journal Box '1. 8365 SALESMAN WANTED. Car necessary. EW- iroiux corporation. 1071 Broadwa WANTED POSITIONS CHILD car by day or hour. 10M N. 18th h358 LFT ME figure your bultdlnng A house iramtng ah or trie exterior -mpiete ready for plaster Inng Including wt re in At plumbing roughed In. 13 00 s ft , labor A material or labor tl per so ft. w can furnish you a good car penter or brick layer II 75 per hour, la city or county. L. W. Rogers. 39133 h358 F.P. WOM4N wants house work cook ing. Ph. 3J161 Rm. 143. h333 Ct'RT 4.INS IAVNDRIFD and stretched. Straight panels 35c. Ph. 34613. 18 N 34th h31S RrsTMRtNT WORK wanted by eiper lenced A O I trained chef or pastry decorator Rent of references Ph.tne t MJ3, ak lor DoaaM RodevaM. Mi REAL ESTATE Look These Over 2 bedroom home newly decorated, only $4750. 1' bedroom home near shopping center, priced to sell at $8,000. 3 homei near St. Vincent de Paul school. 2 bedroom home furnished near St. Joseph's church. Fine Ranch type home near Englewood. Builders We have some fine building lots priced right. PH. 2-3617 Evening, Mr. Smith 2-8266 Wm. Bliven & Co. REALTORS 647 N. HIGH ST. WANTED POSITIONS GENE RAL bI'TlDINgT re pairing. I special- lie In general remodeling brick work. plastering, painting and paperhanging. Nothing to large or too small. Reason able, free estimate. Walton 3-5072. h258 FAMILY man wants work on truck or dairy farm. Housing furn. Good worker St mechanic. Willing to go anywhere. Write Art Schroth. Fall City. Grs hI54 IRONING 4t Cleaning. 50c per nr. Refs Call after 6 p.m. 399 Mission. h2a3 MALE SECRETARY-STENO. with exper ience In payroll, collection at legal or technical office work. 15 year ex perience. Phone 3-9332 for Mr. Knox. h254 WILLAMETTE student want part time clerical work or bookkeeping. Please write to S60 Marlon for qualification1 Carol Sherman. h233 CHILD CARE. 183 8. 18th. Ph. 26876. h273' CHILD CARE 11 day. 170 W. Bush. Ph. 2-0555. H255a TREE work. Topping, trimming, removing. Insured operator. John Payne, 248 S Church. Ph. 2-8014. h254 DANGEROUS trees removed. Tops trlmm ed or cut Back, f ree estimate, runy covered by Insurance. Ph. 6281 McMlnn vllle. h2S4 WILL CARE for your child In my home. 11.25 per day. Will pick up and deliver. Ph. 2-8291. Out S. 12th, turn left on Hoyt. come to the Mortarles Block Plant A turn left, go to Walling Sand ft Oravel Plant It turn right. 3rd hou.se on left. h254- BUILDING or REMODELING. Frame or finish work. Free estimate. Ph. 2-5833 h253 , . . WOODSAWING PH. 2-1575 , BABY ' SITTING. Ph. 2-6822. h269 CARPENTER work. New. repair. Ph. 2-20S3. 1.265 CEMENT WORK wanted Ph. 2-4850 h- TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. In, op Work guar W. H McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h261 Mimeographing-Typing CHILD CARE day or nr. Ph. 2-49.40. TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr erv. Ice Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h256J BABY SITTING. Night relief. Ph. 2-0580 h259 FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING rm. Ph. 3-4335. Jk274 SINGLE SLEEPING room. Hot At cold water. Steam heat. 472 N. Liberty St. jk254 LARGE room close in 1 or 2 employed per sons. Ph. 352."4. jk255 MEN'S WARM alteplng room. Prlv. ent. Ph. 33425. 1505 N. Capitol. Jk278 heVted sleeping-room for l or 2. Ph. 2-0468. 2075 University. Jk234 SLEEPING RMS. Refrlg. 2131 Center. JK273" "avrsiT Jk263 VERT close Id sleeping rm. Pb. PLEASANT furnished room. Close In. Ph. 2-4469. Jk258 ROOMS 448 Center Rear Woodrow's Jk279 SLEEP RM. Hollywood, 2035 McCoy Ph 36093. JK356 FOR RENT APARTMENTS S RM." FT. RN. APT. 597 N. Llber'.y. Jp2jf NICELY FI'RN. ant. Utilities' furn. Seas onable. 365 S. th. )P2S4 t RM. FI'RN. Apt. 1 or 2 employed. 1480 Broadway. jp35S" NEW COURT Apt. Unfum. except range. j rooms k oatn. fanei ray neai, utiiitv room. 1485 Hines. S50. Ph. 22507. Jp355 APT. OR duplex, grnd. floor, prlv. ent. rront & back. 3 rms. a batn. L.R.. ige. bdrm. with very Ie. closet, kitchen with built-in, prlv, bath, all furn., elec. heat, garage, near hlch gchool ft shop ping center. Ph. 28559. Jp255 ULTRAMODAptTcomprin everydetail. Located 2 bl. from State Bldgs., Shop ping Center ft Bus Station ft S hi. from City Center. Hot Water Heat. Auto. Ldv. Facilities. 488 N. Winter. Jp255 S ROOM AFT. downstair.-furnished. 1855 N. Commercial. Jp257" MODERN APT. beautifully furnished. 170 a month. Water ft laundry facilities furnished. Fully Insulated, hdwd. floors. Adults preferred. Call 3-5765. )p3i3 NEAT, CLEANrwartn &7om fort able" furn. Close tn. A happy spot to spend the wlnter. 168 Noth St. Jp2S3 4 RM."dUPI.EX 2 B "R."on"Hlway" near Salem 150. per mo. Burt P!cha, Realtors 379 J. Highest. Phone 2-3649. Jp253 5 RM. FI'RN APT. private bath, close In North. $18 50. Inq. Burt Plclia. Renltors. 379 NHlsh Sl. Phone 2-3649. jp2.M NEWLY decorated 3 room furn. apt. Call after 2 p. m. side enntrance. 778 S. 13th )P2S WILL RE VACANT Nov. 1. New ft attrac tive 3 rm. ft bath. Uufurn. except itove ft re frig. Electric heat, laundry room furnished. Will how anytime. AppIv at 1553 McCoy. Jp253 t" R M. A PT7B0 N, Church. PhT3 -43 3 s" 1P25J FURNISHED cottage. 3313 Portland rd. JP277 t RM. furn. apt. Close in. Ph. 3-9396 JpaM 1 RM. UPSTAIRS apt Elec. heat. Sus at door. 1305 Portland Rd. after 4 p r - JP356 FI'RN. apt. 1st floor. Prlv. ent. AH elec 1075 N. Capltol.Ph. J-B706. )p358 FOR RENT by the week or month. S'.n-tie ft double housekeeping cottage. A so single cottages tno cooking), attract ively priced. North Salern Motel. th. 2-8A88 or 3873 Portland Rd Jn?4 FOR RENT HOUSES 1 BR. HOUSE, rente, refrlg. ft auto, washer furnished. 162 Available Nov. 1 1583 Market St.Ph.JI-9 409 jmJ54 OUR HOUSES are new with bdrms. 1 or 3. Green Is the yard ft the floors are hard All electric ain't that hectic. 80 ft 170 a month, some say that 1 not enoHth. Am t you glad you waited, be cause It weatherst ripped ft Insulated. Does or rats we don't want any. chil dren yea, brint a plenty. 4543 State Ph 11135. Jm353 CLEAN. ATTRACTIVE 1 BR modern hous. oil heat, built ins. V blinds. iarae. 1810 M 11 St. Phone 2-7023. Ouner at 630 Nor man Ave. John T, Franer. Jm254 SM1L HOUSE partly " furn7 Notmodern IJ2 50 a mo 62 Willlami Ave. Jm254 r RPRMHOUSeT" NorthNewlydecor ated Ph. 3-6561. Jm253 S RM. rorMGE. Also 2 rm. first fix'" Private entrance Oarate. Empnd couple. 3255 N 5th. Jr?"-! Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE FOR REN1 MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE. Near 13th ft State. Ph. 3-4370. J253 V DRIVE Trucks. Ro'jlnaon Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103. J FOR RENT or lease. Business bldg. about 6000 sq. ft. Location 347 Kearney. By owner or can si 3010 s. cottage. Ph. 3-8342. 54 BUMNESS RM. lor rent. H. L. Stiff. )' FLOOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. POWER TOOL rentals for borne and in dustrial use. Howser Bros. Pb 3-3646 TO DO a good Job rent a good floor and r Wo tell everything; to complete the Job HOWSER BROS - Ph. 2-164 J lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. 3FF1CE i paces and desk apace. Pa. 25692. r TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Howser Bro 14 It S t2th. West Salem. J SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chine. Reasonable rate. Free pick up A delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co ISO N Com 1 Ph 33513 r WANTED TO RENT MIDDLE aged couple want 1 or 2 bd. rm. furn. house. Must be la north part of town. Would consider auto jurt. Close to bus line. Ph. 2-4800 afternoons or evening only. ja2.,3 UNFURN. MODERN 2 bdrm. house. From 50to 660. Ph. 35072. Ja255" WANTED to rent a 1 or 2 car garage be tween 16th ft 20th, State and Center. Phone 3-6436 days; evening 3-4-: 30. .a6 WANT TO RENT acreage with living quarters and chicken house. Will pay 335 month. S10 N. 17th, Apt. 4, Salem. Ph. 2-34B8. jB2S5 ROOM AND BOARD CHILDREN cared for. Pb. 2-8704 or 1-6337. JJ253 BOARD and room. Ph. 3-8706. LOST AND FOUND LOST Pink plastic frame glasses In tan leather case. Ph. 2-9173. k254' STRAYED or stolen, shaded silver Pet slan kitten, 5 mo. old. Liberal reward. Call 654R. Btayton, collect. k257 LOST: Black female cocker spaniel. Ha harness and chain on. Answer to Tip py. Reward. 888 N. Cottage. Ph. 3-6155 week days. k253 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturday 13:30. 0.270 POWER TOOL RENTAL: VALLEY FARM STORE, 4345 SUvertOn Rd. Pb. 2-2024 0)239 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EM LER DENTIST Adolpb Bid. State ft Comaiarclal Sts SALEM Phone 1-3311 BUILDING MATERIAL WRECKING A house at 632 N. Liberty. All material tor aaie. tnaa&a PLYWOOD Large stock, S thickness, your choice of material. Compare our price. C. O. LONO, Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Keiier. ma257 SHINGLES No. 1 17.7S sq No. 2 $5.00 q. No. 3 S3. 00 sq. C. O. LONO, Ph. 2-3821. One mile north of Keiser. m257 WRECKING HOUSE. Chemawa trea Building material ft plumbing for ale Also house 10x16 suitable for Ilvins. VQ. Must be moved. Ph. 2-6869. maSjT NOW IS the timet Call 3-9191 for free estimate on applied roofing. Get roof ing weather protection before H rains. Sears Roebuck ft Co., 550 No. Csptt.il St. Phone 3-9191. ma275 COMPLETE FIREPLACE MATERIALS SUPERIOR HEAT FORMS PERMANENT MATERIALS AT PUMILITE BLOCK ft SUPPLY CO. OUT EDGEWATER ST., W. SALEM . ma 353' GOOD used flooring ft aiding. Bee Chris at 1288 Ferry St. m355 PERMA-STONE for fireplaces and borne. Salem Perm a -Stone Co., 2040 N. 18th St. Salem. Phone 20605 after 6 P.m. mi 363 RED CEDAR shingles No. 1 2x3' any amount delivered lowest market prices. 18 In. No. 1 carton packed cedarwall shakes. Ted Muller, Salem-Indep. road. Call 2-1196 Salem. ma ALU 51 A . LOCI. ALUMINUM LOCK jllINOlE The modern permanent roof Ing See your dealer of Call Dlst 3-6401 ma272 SAVE ON ROOFING Let Ward give you complete IN STALLED price on rout roofing needs Wide rang of color Call our outside salesman for fro estimate Pbone S-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO SALU1 OREOON ma DEAR CUSTOMER, tnilit on your con tractor ana carpenter using in rineit old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 36 Lana Ave Ph 349.19 Free parking ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS wn.L SACRIFICE sterling allverw'. Marit by West Marland. Pattern Me .born Rstse. Setting for 6, plus salad set and salad forks. Also Including buffet rav Will sell all or by pmce set tin. Pn 1-7026. P254- USED EASY washer. 827 60. Ph. 3-4058 n255 PORTABLE HYDRAULIC SCOOP At lattt A hydraullcally operated coop designed for farm work. Look ft works like commercial units. Has approximate ly I't cubic yard capacity. See It NOW. Excellent for soil conservation work. Hvdraullc hose to connect to the hy draulic pump on your tractor Included. Price, without tires. 1.161. WARDS FARM STORE Trade ft High Sts. Salem, Ore. n333 I ALMOST NEW Montgomery Ward wash ing machine. With electric pump. 73. I 593 N. 20th. 253 NEW PHILUO car radio cheap. Ph. 4263L n25 i FREE FILL dirt. U haul. 380 8. 17th. n254 wood cook stove ft heater for ale. 145 Hoyt St. n258 CHEr. Oil circulator, bassinette, stroller high chair, crib ft play pen. Ph, 21263 n355 WESTERN Auto refrlg. 6'' ft. Excellent cond. 1100. Pb. 2-3361. Rt. 1 Box 438 B333 41 GAUGE Repeater Shotgun 111.50. 120 N. 241 h. ",M.! SPARK OIL circulator. 135. O. E Wash ing maotne, 135. Man btcc.e no. Ph. 4-2551. ri3.J RHOnrs 13 t(TlVAralta I forlf King Alfred bulbs 60c do. Merrill Oreen hou. Brook. ft352 REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS BETTER THAN RENT A new 2 BR home with living room. dimnrroom space, auto oil heat hardwood floors located close to Leslie School. FHA Comm. 16500. Full price only 67700.00. CREEK PROPERTY Close to new shopping district and schools, ft Bedroom tome, double plumbing, large living room and dining room, full basement, oil furnace Extra large lot. 112.500. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Furnished S BR home clean and neat. Large lot. 18950. LOOK WHAT $7000 WILL BUY! 1 Bedroom home very clean throuthout, good location. Nice fenced In yard. DUPLEX NORTH SUMMER Close to capltol bldgs. and new shopping area. Would trade on smaller home. Sale price 413,500. GROCERY STORE Oood location 4 year lease. Equipment 13500. Stock at Inventory, OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Eve. 23488 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GAS RANGE. Excellent condition. S15 104 E. Wilson. n257 We HAVE A VERY nice variety of turn.. ranxes, wood, gas, elec. oil heaters. New O.E. refrlg. Hipboots. 22 rifle. Radios. Car radios. Car chains. Alcohol tester New batts, tires, car heaters ft muse. Items. Everything priced to snve you dollars. Hardman Bros.. 41a ml. north of Salem on Port, hi way. Open from 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. 1 day a wk. n2j4 ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana ave. SPENCER Corsettler, 2555 D St. Ph. 3-5072. DEEP freeze. 8 cu. ft. nearly new. Dinette set. Coil spring. Ph. 2-0736 after 6 p m. n253 DAVENPORT ft chair. Slightly used. Any reasonable offer accepted. 251 N. Lib eity n253 CHROME bird cage. Oood cond., 16. Ph. 2-172. n03 E FLAT ALTO ax. Good cond. 5103. Ph. 2-1725. B253 BICYCLE, nearly new, 320. 531 N. H.r apt. 4. nzi3 SMALL ORGAN, good condition. Reason able. 1220 Troy Ave. Ph. 2-3019. n33 BARN YARD FERTILIZER 15 yd. 6 yd. load 125. Arnold mump, e. o. box 261 Turner. Ph. 1X3. n265 USED OIL HEATERS 119.50, 329.50 and 139 50. OOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 46T Court St. Phone 3-9611 SALEM BAND At ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental lb B yd 10 B yds. D-7 Cat ft Dozer D-6 Cat ft Dozer D-4 Cat ft Dozer See u about ditching by thi ft Phone Day 8-9408 Eves 3-826 or 2-4400 baiem Oregon o LUMBER 2x4's by JUney load. 110 pet 1,000. you haul, independence Lumber ft Mfg. Co, lnc Independence. Ore (iENERAL ELECTRIC Croslej. Gibs Or and Montag Appliances atOevurU. a PEAT MOSS fortified with turkey drop- imts. Only 90c a sack. VALLEY FARM STORE. 4343 SUvertan Rd. Pb, 2-2024 n259" Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKES. PICK UP AND DELIVER. W. DAVENPORT PH. 3-7671 n263 SEWING Machines, electric or treadle' Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. n254a WALLING SAND ft ORAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways cruirn. icmij mix concrete, Haraen and Bulldozing, drainage and ditching -yd. above! and drag line. Ph. 3-9249 PHILLIPS BROS. Pert Hirers, well rotted or fresh, any kind. By yard or sack. Flat rock for all rock work. Cedar fence posts, telephone and elec. pole. Any length. Shingles. Tew post. Ph. 3-1458. Rt. 6 Box 118 SPINET PIANOS Just arrived, a large shipment of beautiful new piano. From $395 up Baldwin . . . Wurlitzer Haddopff . . . Cable STONE PIANO CO. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS USED FURNITURE Pbone 3-9185 FIR STUMPAGE and fir logs wanted. shipment can be made by truck or rail. Independence Lumber ft Manufac turing Company, Inc. Independence. Oregon. Phone 42. na259' WANTED: TO buy a Auto. Harp Zither. Ph, 2-6662 after 6 p.m. or before Sam. na255 WANTED: BARK IE Douglas fir poles or turn pa Re. Phone 1287 Albany or write Standard Pole ft Piling Co.. Inc. na273 WANTED furniture to glue ft epatt Let Bros ruro Rerinisbiof co ti i-iooi PERSONAL MADAM MORA OIFTED PSYCHIC READER Can help you where others have fulled Satisfaction assured. Advice on nil af fairs of life. Special reading 2 no. Lo cated Just south of Hubbard on Hlahway 9AE. Between Woodburn and Hubbard. Look for sitn Reeding Daily. p278 AVON Christmas products. Ph. 3-53:4. AUTOMOBILES TRADE CHEV. spec, deluxe 4-door. for l' T. truck In good shape K.n netb Lund, 1335 Cross, Ph. 3-9720 48 DODGE 4 dr. Town Sdn. 10.1m) mile.. RAH. Excellent condition. Ci'l 2-3089. MC'it 48 CHEV. S yd. dump truck with Job. V!ll take trade. 1389 Center St t354 1A3I MOflEL A Ford coupe. Oood cond. Ph. 2-0223. q:3- 'IS FORD cp. 1533 Bel.rrue. Call af'er noon Sunday Ph. 3-7747. q2.S3 1M7 PONT1AC coupe. Clean, good cond 2280 Broadway. Ph. 2-0931. q2.S3 II MODEL A eoTie. Oood mechanlca'.l. Oood rubber. 313 Can be seen -r-I 30 p m. Ph. 3-3938. q2.4 For Sale or Trade '48 Packard 4 dr. sedan, 13.000 mile RAH. Excellent condition. Call -247t, evening 2-5089. q25S 1947 OLDS sedanette. A-l condition. .i 2-1814 between 6-1 p m. 453 QUICK SALE: 1937 Chrysler Royal. Good shape. Runs swell Owner 892 N. wtn'e. room 6. w. H. Prypr. q35J M 4 DOOR Plymouth. R AH Oood, clean car. 8250 Ph. 654R Stayton. q:5P l41 P4CK4RD super xdsn. Heater, over drive. Good tires. 6oq cash. Vn 3 " fANTTD: Clean oseo ear, lift) South Ooammriftk I REAL ESTATE 25996 33632 Phone 3411624116 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1948 Plymouth DeLux Coupe, 18,000 miles, excellent condition, radio, ru-ater, undercoatlng, air cushion tires, scat covers. Priced for quick sale 11400. Piione 2-1425. 7th and Murlark, West Salem. Ore. q256" Eisner Motors to Sell 150 USED CAR LOT 350 ft your old one. 12th St. Junction. Open till 10 p.m. q267 CAR ACCESSORIES tire ft tube at COM price Flrt come first served as this 1 a close-out tale. Dealer welcomed. R. p Woodrpw Co., 450 Center. MODEL A. '32 grill. Chopped top. 16 "in! wheels. Reasonable. Ph. 37078, q255 '36 FOltD Tudoor. MustTelt. Oood me chanically, tklrts. 2590 Simpson St. q255 MUST SELL 1937 Dodge. $176 or best of fer. Ph.4263l. q355 '30 MODEL A coupe. Seal beam lights, runs good.Ph. 26287. q.355' ZEEB'S USED CARS- BUT SELL - TRADB TERMS 333 Fairgrounds Road Phono 2-6454 FOR SALE 1947 4 Door Pontlac 13000 milc-i, one owner. Phone 24902. q255 Eisner Motors Fine Cars SALE OR TRADE '41 NASH 5 pas. coupe. 40 Pack, six se dan. '37 Ciiev. sed. '34 Ohev. sed. '33 Chev. Sed. '35 Dodge Sed. '29 Model A scd rebuilt motor. These cars are all priced low. Hardman Bros. 4S mi. north of Salem on Port, hiway. Open from 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. seven day a k. q254 LAST CHANCE BEFORE WINTER Oldsmobile FACTORY DELIVERY SAVE $318 FREIGHT Can Accept Orders Until Nov. 1 SEE US TODAY LODER BROS. 465 Center Phone 1-4119 Eisner Motors to Buy MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS I!m HAMshr'RY icnoter. ,1(0 or lak trad. 1369 enter fit. q25." - - - - - rrrrrrrirnin, FARM EQUIPMENT PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. Like new Sears Garorn tractor. Bradley David son. With cultivator, wecder. mower at tachment. 2 new 600x16 recap, tires. 100. Ph. 2-tt00. qb254" BOATS WILL trade outboard motor or boat for shotmin. Ph. 3-S303. qq35l FINANCIAL IF YOU want to sell your property It will pay you to know how much of an FHA loan it will Mand. Thin Information 1 obtainable with very little trouble. Do not hesitate to call on us for any tn f ormat ion you desire on FHA loans. STATE FINANCE CO. 1.S3 8. HUh St. Tel. Kill, r How Many Bills! Do you pay ench month and what do they amount to. add them up , . , then phone Per-sonnl for a loan on their "Smaller Payment" plan one lonn and one month ly pa vin nf . , . generally much less than the monthly total you are now paying. You may spread the payments over 20 months. Borrow wisely where a loan wo.itd really help. Come In or phone the ' Vc" Man. he says "Yes" to 4 out ot 6. PERSONAL FINANCE CO OF SALEM 518 State. Rm. 125 Ph. 22464 C. R, AiUn. Mir. Lie. S-122-M-185 r2i' GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie S-133 and M-336 and ROT H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 S Commercial St. Tel. 3-91l r $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1P"0 Fairground Read Next Dnnr tn Bank Frr Parking PhOD. 17032 -Lie N U36t-6Utl Floyd Kenyoa. Mar. f AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S. Church Parking a Plenty Pht-2457 Lie No. M-136 8-1B4 FOR YOUR SAVINGS INVESTMENT buy real estate fir5t mortgages, propertleg S.i!rm ft vicinity. Make your own lec: ion. nets you 6 percent. We tak care of all collectioni If deiired, Aniount i ooo to several thouiand dol lar. Pre or rail us tor particular. STATE FINANCE CO. 1M S Hlch St. Tel. 34131. r PPIVATB UONFT Spec al Rate and Term On Larger Loan Long and Short Tim Payment ROT H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St Prion t-9161 SFTC US FOR ATTRACT I VI FAR M LOANS ONLY 4-. OR 4' INTEREST 6 to 40 Tear and No CommlMloa Leo N. Childs, Inc. RULTORS It. -,T. t P!in t-SMJ I (Continued on Page 19