Who Puts on Best Riots? Women by Far, Says Director By PATRICIA CLARY Hollywood VJB When a movie directoi wants to stage a hair raising riot scene, he hires not men but women. A man has "natural dignity" when he lights, director John Cromwell says. But not a woman. "They're wild," he shuddered. "They put men in the shade when it comes to colorful rouRh She went for the girls like a tiger." Miss Parker's particular op ponent was Hope Emerson, six-feet-two and 230 pounds. Miss Emerson plays the prison ma tron. "They make Gorgeous George look like Mary Pickford," Crom well said. Cromwell first decided that It Two Men and Woman Killed IB th. Anaoetittd Prfial Two men and a woman were killed in separate highway acci dents in Oregon over the week end. Ralph Dean Chancy, 28, Kla math Falls, died when his car overturned south of Klamath Falls on highway 97. His passen ger, Mrs. Gladys lluskins Stone. 35, Klamath Falls, suffered mul tiple injuries but was not believ ed seriously hurt. A second accident in the Kla math area early Sunday was fa tal to Mrs. Audrey Carson, 27 Kino. Her head was crushed when a car driven by Robert J. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, October 24, 194917 Hunt, 26, overturned. He was not hurt. A Forest Grove apartment house owner, George Henry Hunger, 60, was killed Saturday night while walking along a highway. He was struck by one car and run over by another in the dense fog. Coroner Fred Sewell said Hunger was struck by a car dri ven by Ronald Ernest Webb, Beaverton, and then dragged by the car driven by Omar C. An derson, Forest Grove. No char ges were filed. ) You need more than a 'salve' for takes women to break up a scene when he directed a young thes pian named Bette Davis in "Of Human Bondage." "She did such a magnificent s . f fti stuff. All you get from men are punches and a few kicks. The women give you everything " Cromwell directed a three-day riot at Warner Bros, in "Locked In," the movie about a women's prison. In a quarter of a century of movie-making, he said, it was "The girls get in and raise the very devil, hair-pulling slap ping, eye-gouging, clothes-tearing and screaming,' he said. The rioting females are extra and bit players and a group of featured actresses including star Eleanor Parker. "Miss Parker has plenty of in- Nothing Down Hay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades i W alts wah., rrtap, pilot and re-ilaU tour eld Vrnrtlio blind I ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Free Estimates Phone 3-7328 1453 Rune St. West Salem We (rive 8 4 H Green Stamps CHEST COLDS to relieve coughs and sore musdet job of wrecking an apartment," )You need to rub on Humiliating, pain raliavina M imtArrtlo It. nnt nnlv hrinva he said, "that I have ever since given actresses as much rough housing as possible.' Johnny Mize, born in 1913, Is the oldest player on the New York Yankee roster fast, lonjt-lanting relief but actually helps check the irritation and break up local congestion. Buy Musterole! the most -iotous riot he ever did, hibitions ' Cromwell said, "but see. Ishe dropped them for this scene s .. i .... . t Pensioners' Feast Jack Bines (left), 68, and Tom Lamb, 82, British Army pensioners at King's hospital, Chelsea, open a package of food sent to them through CARE. MORE TO TORRID SCENES THAN PAYCHECK Joseph Cotton Admits Frankly Movie Love-Making Is Fun Hollywood, Calif., Oct. 24 U.B Joseph Gotten, who's old enough to know, announced today there's no difference between making love under a romantic Italian moon or under a hot studio Kleig light. He said it's fun wherever you do It. And this makes Actor Cottenf- the first Hollywood Romeo to come right out and admit those torrid movie love scenes aren't always just for the paycheck. before Wallis rushed him off to Europe and Miss Fontaine. And if Cotten's overworked, he's not complaining. Cotten just got back from Italy, where he wooed Joan Fontaine under a moonlit Ro man sky for Hal Wallis' "Sep tember." He kissed her, he re called fondly, in the ruins of Pompeii ... in Florence . . J in Rome . . . and on the Isle of j Capri. j And, he reported, he felt no pain in any of the clinches. "Making love to a beautiful actress," Cotten said, "is one of the few redeeming features of this business of making movies." And It's something he's will ing to spend a lot of time on. J "I'm a 'slow study' " he grin- j ned, "I have to have lots of rehearsals before I get things1 right." j Lots of times, he admitted, an actor will even fall In love with his leading lady. We've asked other male heart throbs about this. But they al ways looked holier-than-thou and swore it was all part of a day'i work. They acted like we oughta have our mouth washed out with soap for sug gesting such a thing. Cottea, who celebrated his 19th wedding anniversary day before yesterday, said he didn't mind confirming our suspicions. "Some actors really live their parts," he explained. "If they play a ditch digger they go out and get their fingernails dirty. If they play a great lover they fall for their co-star. "Married actors? Well . . . let's Just say they shouldn't." But married or single, he add ed, movie clinches are fun. And Cotten's been having lots of fun, lately. After "Beyond The Forest" with Bette Davis he moved over to Ingrid Berg man for "Under Capricorn." He barely had time to wipe Ingrid't lipstick off h mouth Mongolian invaders of the Near East In the 13th, cent-iry brought with them' Chinese works of arts ' whose designs were soon copied and used on clay tiles for walls. WORLD'S LARGEST SELLER AT IOC PAY more; HaH tycu Caterqe4 Oil IS HERE! CATERIZED OIL! The greatest boon -to CLEAN ER HOUSEKEEPING since soap! Yes . . . your fuel .oil .is .chemically treated so yon HAVE NO SOOT 3B CARBON! Per miU your furnace to op erate at all time at peak efficiency! No Soot or Carbon! Reduce Stack Fire Hasards! s Mlnlmlies strainer clogging! 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