1 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Monday, October 24. 1949 DOUBLE TROUBLE ( ( T C ei w 1. k OI U ei a R iv fi P' i d' ai d. tc O w ti P P ci y.' u p F B C 8 K zi I( n' I Si ij . a I a g; a i e pi C' n, ci c! tn n! Jk ii' d I n u E r t t AP NtvvsraoiufwS By WILLIAM HOBSON Chapttr 35 .. tucia came without a word, and warn with him to the big rock cabin. Once inside, she sank down and Jftan to cry softly. t'Tm like a dogle," she wept. "No borne, no relatives, lust a nau-Drwa girl." None of that talk," he said sharp s'. .... "But what am I KOlns to do?' "We'll think about that later. To night you'll share this cabin with mi.-. You can sleep in Mrs. Sanchez' Hunk. Miguel will not want you in the morning. ' jJCarly next morning a group oi ..riders went to the corrals and sad--dled fresh horses. The cavalcade -started west and presently topped 'a rise and was tone, leaving oniy a ' faint dust haze to mark lis passing. Z Miguel came by and there was .sheer, murderous fury In his black -eyes as Jt looked at jay and Lucia -in the doorway. Jay sneered at him "and slipped his arrr around her ' slim waist. He bent down and kissed T her. . Miguel's face whitened. He walked -on, followed by his two blank-faced - oompanieros. - He went back Into the kitchen ? and turned to face her. "You re safe from him now. Lucia. Just stay . close to this cabin," he ordered. "Ana ... tell them all that you're my worn . an. that you beioi.g to me now." - On Saturday morning fifteen rid era left the settlement, led by Brad Morden; twelve Americans and the . three Mexican vanqueros. They left . behind them a dead settlement: a - ghost town. The only sign of life - was Lucia, standing alone and for - lorn in the doorwa' of the rock cabin that had proved sanctuary to her. The outlaws kept to the gullies and among the mesqultes and off "- the skyline. By mid-afternoon they came from the ranch and swung down to loosen cinches. At sun ' down they tightened cinches, and ' mounted. "Here's how we'll work It," Brad '- Morden called in a voice loud ' enough so that all could hear. ' Me ' an Jay an' Peg an' Hank an' Ace five of us will go forward to con tact Joe. Peg an' Hank will cover ' the house an' not make any trouble ' unless they hear us. Joe's goin' to change clothes w'th Jay here an '. ' then go back to camp under guard of Ace. You boys wait till we trickle . . the herd down this far an' then fall ' In behind 'em. Don't push' 'em till - vou-re out oi souna oi tne rancn. ' rhet all clear?" There came several affirmative .! answers and the five men rode for .. ward. Jay saw the outlines of the . poplars forming the lane he'd rid ' den down so many times and he "'' felt his stomach tighten inside. Morden was playing it clever. The . outlaw knew that Joe was hot-head-. - ed. He knew that with Joe In his power, his cooler-headed brother wouldn't try a double-cross. He heard singing and recognised Joe's voice as his brother Jogged . toward them. Joe pulled up and Jay saw his face in the night. "Cut it out, you fool!" Brad Mor- den murmured in a low voice. "They fevill hear you." ' "They otiRht to," Joe grinned back at him. "They've heard it so much . every night that the girls are try . In' to teach me some new songs. How are vou. bov?" This to Jay. "Where's the other night guard?" Mornen snappea. "You almost tromped on him," chuckled Joe Allison, and reined over. They rode along the fence for' fifty yards. There was a saddled horse tied to the wire and on the ground lay ! a muffled-looking figure. It was threshing around and making gurg ling sounds. Joe swung down, ex- . amlned the bonds, and remounted. 'tHe's come to," he said. "Guess I didn't hit him as hard as I thought. But he won't bother us. . Come on; the gate's down here about a quarter of a mile." An hour later the last of the big hipped colts trotted through and faded onto the plain. In the lead went Rover Boy and his half-brother Blue Star. Somewhere In the herd Lily Belle trotted along. Brad Morden watched them go with a grin on his hard, crafty outlaw face ana men casually ana nis gun from Its sheath to cover Joe. "Get down, Joe, and change clothes with yore brother. You're a little bit too much of a hot-head to have runnln' loose. Ace is go In' to take you back to camp an' wait for us. I ain't afraid of Jay's doin' anything foolish as long as you got a gun at yore neck." Joe got down chopping on oil ing curses with every click of his teeth. He yanked savagely at his belt buckle and got his pants down, and finally freed one spur through a trouser leg. He hopped around on one loot, sun cursing lost his balance, and toppled head long Into Jay. They went down in a tangle oi arms ana legs ana guflaws came from the rulers. "That other guard ain't bound," came Joe's low voice In Jay's ear. "Why don't you watch what you are doing?" Jav snarled back at him, and rose, his heart pound ing. Joe and his guard disappear ed Into the night and the others took out alter the herd, now walk ing along half a mile away. They moved in on it, the riders be came blended, and then Jay made his break. He wheeled and drove in the spurs hard, heading for the ranch. From behind came a shout in Morden's strident voice, a shot, a curse, and then another shot. "Now the fat's in the fire! "some body bellowed. Jay hunched down over his horse and made It give all It could give. He came back by the 'fence to see the "bound" rider getting to his feet and swinging uu. "That you. Joe? How'd you get away?" Jay rapped out a terse explana tion to the other's amazement. "Give me your gun," he ordered. Peg Smith and a man named Hank are guarding the house. ' Shore," the guard agreed, hur riedly unstrapping it. Joe had Con cealed It under his body- when he naci "oouna" mm. "Just you wait until them thieves mow into the place they're headed fori There ain't a man on the range tonight. They're goln' to hit that settle ment at daylight." "Gosh almighty!" Jay Allison cried out, and sank In the spurs. Joe and Lucia would be In that camp when the attack started! (To Be continued) m- .r o :H 1 2UJo , Q SIZES -y? USKW.-' New Culled Casual This shirt waist dress hem a touch of softness In Just the right spots! See the way cuffs emphasize the sleeves and new-size pockets . . . tne way long pleats front and back bring full ness without bulk. No. 2038 Is cut In sizes 12. 14, 16, 18, 20, 36. 38. 40. 42 and 44. Size 18. 3 yds. 54-in. or AM yds. 39-ln. Every home sewer i.eeds the FALL WINTER FASHION BOOK a delightful. Inspiring presentation of tne Dest in lasnion. uver imi smart practical easy -to-sew pattern de signs for all ages. Price Just 20 cents. Send now for your copy. Send 2fc lor PA l tkrn with Name. Address and Style Number State size desired. Address Capital journal. 214 Mis sion St., Snn Francisco 0, Calif i K (VfV A R2850 NJ enjoy 1 MSlKr i V rimorkrd Frock "Suear n Rnlre. n- every tnniR nice mat what lit tle girls are made of." This Is lust what the little smocked frock will bring to mind, when your little charmer wears it. Honeycomb smocking Is easily and effectively Pattern Envelope No. R28M) con tains tissue pattern for frock, sizes .1. . a included, material require- inrmts; sewing Instruction: hot-Iron transier for smocking: stitch Illus trations: color suggestions and com plete smocking directions. To obtain this pattern, send 30c in COINS, giving pattern number your name address and rone num ber to Peggv Roberts. 828 Mission Street. San Francisco S, Calif. HKi UfJ&l lfi' RADIO PROGRAMS E '.-h-VJ y " -V- Cr-sso.W fcJif, &-fcr ifffl) MONDAY P.M. r WfJ&MtWj SSL MMH I KGW K0IN KEX KSLM K0C(Tx ''m I M TtjLiVX- ZT-l-J Jl 'v'' If 1,5 A f V U'-l 5:00O S.aairild. Ko.I M.nnlo. Ch.lleni. W HStri I..hlill lull R fi- 1 VW rJSm K&i3gf S tl,:'r"m J Fi 'A-hPil'TJ'ri 5:15s.. Lllll. Sb.w Yb BB.r-B Bn.b. Kbrtbn a.ek. E'f;li;Stt IJOZ rr'Vf i ft I l W JXLUt y M 5:S0 V.I.. .I rum n Isck Afulieu Tm Mil Bin. Crwb. O ijmZ ll TrM 'k - W3iJ f. I .1 gViAj S:45 V.lc.Ir.l.. Sw. luk Aim.lr.n I.. Mil BwJanKa p , 1 ) V'W'J ifiX T f7 0 , , P T, V''.' I UW 6:00M.ill Mm ill Thf.l.r Bi.silo. MM. c.brlri BmI.i C.nSl.llibt 7 ' li i'i!-3tt ' Jhr&Z J&r iA l JieLl & JJ.ii fe , v,lfaWJ :15 M.,lc.l S.IlM Tb.M.r Horn. Edlliu H.w. "'" t Zm-Zl SJ,'i&RU' iiS. K! '1 7t:;As B Jlh.VClMar .i' I:ic.dI, M.u.a ai Tb.l.f K.u Bmllb Till. T-.1 Km B 101 -52ffS-' ' i'-T S'J 1 iclftf'-t . fjnt&r'M&H CSSer" :45Cndr Uauaii Esai.Tb.au. K.l. Smllb s.t.n.d. Tr.pltms R "'''g" ti STBl. ; A1 Wmm I I IWT"V!J "j:o biri.. n Mr rn.na irm. R.ni.r Mum.r p.n. pi o'bhmi yr---:":kiitii' rjSrrt Sil W J VmW I I IV 7:15uir.c. rm H. rrlrad lr Loa. R.mer Mord.r Jtkrt ' I 1T Zr.-y.."'" B -AM Mat ll-i050! i:.KTBA Bob H.b Sh.r. llh CUe. EH It.1 KnliM I aJ-v'..rl X."" 1 H l?JBll It 7:45 T B A Bab Hawk Sbar. W..UH CUe. Kid M.n. O'lrb.cb l nS Mlft!! ZtL,-JjXaJ I N.V I L..1I P I " I 11 g.(( Slnatrs, Klrll. Lowell Tb.mai K.le Smllb L.I O... D. II Traeh KM , I I I 8:11 New, J. Smllb "how K.l. Smllb Ut Cm. D. It Tr.ek 100 JO k:30 Rallr.ad Ho.r Talent Se.nU Kat. Smllb rh. Saint Traeh 1IM I gf-wii. A r ) g:45Kallr.ad Ho.r Talent Scoute H. J. Taylar rh. Saint Traek Ua I JVpeifiTmJi&pz ' o.ftoTel.ph.n. Hr. iVnerSanelBm' Arlh.r Oaetb New. Traek I4S8 rlfr f V, el? ( H "V - i-.. . 9:15 Teleph.n. Ur. Inner San.lum Tribune Fornm a. Rom Traek ItSt . 7. L v f), -r.N I . 'JVf 9'?nHeBrl' Branden Benlah Eex Manpin Morgaa s.w. I I I !r i I I I ' I VlirrJ ' Ffl I ff I' JV Vj,5 I j.l45Henrr Brandon ci.b IS Re. Mjupln t Jl!?'! Bb Tbaaa. H I T" I rCl j Aagft-L-? ' ' M 'ttfejj? AA IT n I i(V0llP " i-StiTrinal RleblUld Rep. f"'nlwl. Frank Bae. I I Vf IS ) ft T ' RfcO!V Jl Cil-is2 in:l!ip"r- Cb.le. Von and Warld Inlermeii. -'' ws rrank Bsc. E ' v . 1 I A V( X I y) ye S. & Kn'r&-iOf-n 10:S0n" rl''1 ''" Cneert Hoar Mna. T.a Waal (C A I I J vA IV f 11 n 0 1 I I l C n 10 :45 Bab Bain. Q'nt Orcbetra Concert Hoar Ms'l Mua. Taa Wabl V rtV V Gl A-J 7 r rl J A W. J il-M'' Serenade Concert B L L1"' Natlw . B J V. X TvJ I J I rm J ii... Wata MuMar. Cblcaeaans roncerl Hon. """U Noelarn. R Ci S-v, A Oi I If I 9 ' 11 -30 w'as Haieaa Prelud. Memo. Mutual N'oelaraa y I' ll r----"' ' 7 I I l ill 11 :45 Was Maieum prlnde Memo. Mutual Saclarn. V,' I I VfeTTXV I it rr-A if AyJl I I 12:00'Sll OH WHn Off BtiraHour Bl.ii Oil Iglen OK U V r&S3 WV J j ' rT "TUESDAY AM. T04i45.M. IW jfS- I St rOCF" J I I I I 6:00 Hod.. Pad.. New. Farm New. K.W. fC- r J P SXyXZl tV - , mt 6:15 New. KOIN KlMk Keep Smlllnc Mu.. Tlmek'ppr 111 Ay Vr I K-Ss; ?r3c J J i A i 6:30 Karm Tim. KOIN Kloch Keep Smlllns March Tim. KOCO KlMk t). XT. LA ( yltr'tli I AJ b 6:45 Farm Time KOIN Kl.cb Keep 8mlllng New. KOCO Kle tlS I E, VJJ t4Sg. t- (I 7:00learl Bird KOIN Klaek S.w. Nor. I fB8? r V feS?5 Anoe!JSom 7:15 Old Son.. New. ronikr Br'tfa.l Gam I i i' "' K-,' ..-...J .i 1 I I 7 ;30 Newe CBS New. Bob Haiea Br'kfaet Gang i awall I. JP-,1, J 1 ..!. J ."UliLJPI.-jL,lj W-M II J Sam Jain Fred Beck fat. Manner. lop Trad.. O iSAUg F ALL voo rviol Tom. johnmvI If ho! Sm6 stupio wrmerIs rajcWVl J-ggjl; !;."- "'p.!.., g .f.Tp'.V,.. B TH CUV? HE'S R6ALUC 7 VES, OMME-OH. j BREAK IT UP WOfiK I Mf DID VCU HI I fNAARRIK -LEAVE MDU IJO? WMX Tt g:30 lark Bercb r.rand Slam 6re.bl..l Club Ha.ea of Keel I THB JOHNNV VOU TOLD WHY DIO HE II TO 66 OONEStW COfE BACK? 1 rl THIS THING IS A GOLD MINE ANOPM J1 8:45 San Rider. R.eemarr reaklart Club Harm .1 Reel P I ME 'BOUT? H55 YOUQ 1 HAVE TO COME V I INTO IT "CORE I PUT A ) WHV CANT VOU I V THE WJfi HEt?E tg ORE, THAT IS- f 9:ooseeond Cap wind. WaTrerT Ne"w. X WNew. flm. far Mel'dr 1 HUSBAND? I BACKEVSB? M 1 PEWI WE1JS ON VUH-- LEOE US AUOKE? 1 -i --trftl HAI HAl UVEUC NOW I 9:15iSecend Cup Annl Jennr Tod.T'l Slara Oali Clob Tim. for Mal'dr H T7' y m.m fl V M Bry. jmaawwL 9:30 llometowner. Helen Trcnl Llnkleller Pa.lor. Call star. Sin. jPyaar r IL Jl XY riVV ryqrll"t II W- pffl ft!$Vf'frV'l,'mntBMar I i 9:45 New. Onr Gal Snndar " Llnkleller Rider. Pnrp. S. 1. cb. Th.mae Sl'fflWftlJs. IK4WiWEit!3 Ji?Vrthi''4 if(v1 ILtJ ?-Jt'V aal'rfVtr.-anall - VS' 10:0 Dlrb Harme. Dr. M.lon. Mr Tru. Slorr Or.anallte. Tune Tim. ES MSw4v99) ffff iVLfUJf JTii'' flmySL iW''9i&GP7Smtei. """a omim lism My rn, tun wws unaa. Km A MWW!.fc 4'C7 rlK Tr-. 7'3J?i Vp3s EIWlt Sf AH TOSbPT'-I WVk 0vM - Club Tim. Ladle. Flr.l " :Mfll1tSllwil'J'"4p Vtf$ii&M:ti2& 4K'Si Ktr1FP!t!f- ""''' WrlBrlrtt Dap N weelcrncr. Queen for Par I '-hi jAft.fWi SrXJtPVtCm 4 iLlpB'iWVL I 0 l.:30 PeWf raaat RrlsM UtM T Taaes N VV News ' PP'ISuS-im SrJ l3Pvics f twif-sM WfeVw-M Sw- fetM ?UTf IfWfi I sj5 "" A" "" " B'' K"" . E IfWa5l'v3i S5k Wi' 3f3 iMPl miMbK-lM 'ful!& Jf I ilf wsl!. :? '" Vfll. B'.rn-d F.llle. Breakf.el In T.IIN.l.bbo, 4 .Stfil VtV BayJa.l"l ?$ IlPi SrvRWl XlS rS ?mI LS 1 F SiSSSS l:lt.Ha Dslla. Gar,, m..,. Hollywood arr ttofdlw IK lit 'V El5-W. 1 i" tELaJiJ 7? Si S5 EiasWl if S itCJ ;i..rmwJ. G.rr. Moor. Kar Vteet Or.an Re.erle. J -Si ? . K ! Ham trS-tnmi I I m gaw I UVmim I I W It I 1 I gr I r nBIIIBM,SMJaSnai 1:45 ividder Brown New.paper Kar Weil Bin. Sin.. NOT TOO I I PRACTICALLY TUE EMTIRE rilOW ABOUT AMBV MERE? I "SI I NO SR66! HE NICKeS Si' ' S:?2A olrl Swepawi j; Stewart Melodr Matinee , j6O0OI'M COURSE IS ACTUAL EXPERIENCE THOUSUT WED BEASTS ADV 1 ME GOOD WWEM 1 LET Hi T"" LB' " "!" 9'""' ?.'n4"rb'.r,! HOW'S THE BABBERl SORT OF IW MAIR CUTTIW&.ETC-AMO 1 CUSTOMER AS LONG AS YCXjiS U1M SHAVE ME T'OTHER DAy.l 1;J5 f". i "V.r.".i! Tu",fn" J v..,. Snn. J G T COURSE COMIMG, 7 STYMIED, HAVE NOBODY TO PRACTISE OW ARESfT ABLE TO CHARGE rtTJ FROM NOW ON HE KIM ) Vfm w.i t... v , . r - . - ... H s MLBUR? t RUDY -r-,- LANYTUIrJG PRACTISE OW YOU 6UYS1 'iisw.!.. w'"., fi.df, v.,.7 Son Poo!. V " t I I YS I iA 7 I NJ , 3:30 -nnt Mary Arthur Godfrej- Be Britcd Sew E r? . l-STK I 1 A if If A 27 A I f r 3:45 U4 U.rn Arthur Gndtrer Ted M-lon. David Rom OH, CUSS LI'L ABNER HARt3-TO- jIT HIDr-.'-AH rs so ritp o -4 SEIN' VOONG, W1LLIN; AM' .JH -Sd KICK him ri mirct. " I were corn r,amm tokuti a fiogered vod be ready to S?:J BAH''- B ooo-mik. 1 tr.p for NOTHING.1 s wheit e disappoin;- ' merrr..':' ana she I OH EM-K4S HEH.T--rO ) SB.?-AH CAIN'-r 16 CS-3T WHOT AH DO IT.T-AH LOVES J B .r ct-a- r.n,iww,l-TL TTU TOO rHKH, Haru.,peww, in-- m-w - Kpiooe ixxji now-aosis WHOT j r hubt youo-"- I had Such strono 1 I -j, T-zr&mlmf-Q, se" ME-m the yrfif comin'J iOTir V feelin's.':' , feet too.'? J l y - WHEReY70 e BARBER WHY, VOU ONLY V I' tU j' U CAN YA BEAT WWHAT'RE -W W LJUi-Q931 M VOU FOR A HAIRCUT.' GOT A HAIRCUT Jl KNOW r THAT LADY VOU SORE tmm3 TGOTA Ji 0 CON,' XTfSGTtO&f KV BEFORE (rUT I CAN jy''' lBRBeR0 iJP BALD ft T I eA'E 6FA5KS yanT-? OH,63LLV!E)CLlSe MS ANO rDU Yl'M PB?0F.TER1! Vffl THEBES ONE HECE FC? 3 VKSA6E,ANC HE SENT f'- PO? &4R6IN6 IN! I PICN'T WERE RI6HU RUSTV-MINUS TH R ;paci; ucppv-a him . came an hour A2 it ri6ht cur anp th there vvas4nbopw vlap rip van winkli ,. MESKA6E SALTy WRSH VV A60"' 6AVE ME 0N5 THAT HERE BUT M3U AND s VE6ETATION-AN0 R U BA60W 1 SOMEOFSALTYSPU . "sy8 LbuJ'P. - - '. ':T-r .oi 100 w;3b, ATt-'IFVOII'M r K K Rf t -SpouM F0R6M, MARTY AKOUNH 9 lONKiHI.PUNNt. youR FIANCtt , lilt wttl mtllAtiUlN IU r-'iORTOF PR0N W,IJ M WORKONTHFJJFW- NEVER BUKItTHt HAT CARDS! fjr-tj! CHET WITHOUT ERF.CTIN6 J IN i'nt or IUCIA, I'll NA 60 SNtAMN ASOOT.MIND VE!-HOWEVER- -SUPPOSE I PICK 11 W A BLOCK. AWAY FROM HAIRPIN HAIL: a. ' a. MW i k J 60 GOOD TF A L'.. I I UTTER FOR MISO'HARt. -&3&l&fF: Junrt i hopf ' A Minus worth!- -with enough .it-W . J 4C t.l nu t. yp STAMPS ON IT T'SHIP A FAT .vSiT Ci' 5 i 1,1 STEER BY FlYIN' MACHINE! EcTTLSlS Mod. Romancei1 Mod. RaninfM1 lSqnirrcl Cas Sqnirrl Cat Itm Rlttor N.wi Bat. Tot ' Moralat To ' Morntnc (W'lidwood char. Orfas Moods Wratcrn Mrlodr ricaU Tim Fulton Lcwla Hrmlnctrajr Behind Slorr ICarm. Cavallcro Muilo Mart Muile Mart Jan Garber Vocal Varlttlta Hollyw'd Hnsla Hollyw'd Muili Newi Ted Data Mac'a Melodiea Mae'a Melodiea Mae'a Melodiea Mae'a Melodl Mae'a Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies MotIs Tims Phlloaopher R can be Resnft. IB C'a be Beast. S:M, IHH Sporta Clobi :W, Kewi; Dinner Mdodleai :M. Muls ! Ciecbs sloTakiat 1:15. Etenlns Farm noart :. Webfoot Huddle j 8:15. World In Rerlewi 8:S0, Campus Recital; :4S. Hews Wea ther; 9:00, Manic That Endures: fl:, Evs nlnc Meditations ; 10:00, Blfn Off. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 I KOAC Tuesday A.M. 10:00. The News i 10:15, Eepeelallr for Women t 11:00. School sf Alri 11:15, Con cert Hall: 12, News; lt:l, Noon Parsa Honr: 12:15, Polk Coantr Arsnti 1S:M, 9pot Marketsi It: 45, O. B. Hardy i 1:M, Ride 'em Cowboy. 1:1ft, School of the Air; Melody Lane: t:00, World Oar Affalri t:30. Memoir Book sf Msilct t:, AcbtMrl of Air: 3:00, OSC ConToeation, Silverton Lions Hear Wilmer Lamb Silverton With a suggested thought-theme of "unselfishness and kindness as necessary qual ities for this modern world," Wilmer Lamb of Salem as guest speaker of the Silverton Lions club, talked on the topic: "Little Douglas didn't get his Overcoat." Gene Smith, president, was in charge of the business meeting, and named as hit commlttet on plans for the November 16 an nual Thanksgiving dinner and Ladies Night, Bob Miller, Wil son Johnson, Lloyd Tlmm, and Frank Powell to be assisted by the program chairman, Dr. A. L. V. Smith. Special guests from Salem, were Joe Land, from West Sa lem, Dr. A. F. Goffrier and of Silverton, Ralph Gordon and i Craig Clark. 12. ACROSS L CltT In Colorado . Adults I. Guided 12. Positive clcctroda IS. Hewing tool 11. Anger 15. Bluets 17. Exlamstlon IS. New: comb. form II. Explained by note. 21. Go aahora 23. Allow 21. Turned out 17. Capital of Delaware 11. River In Bootlana East Indian split peas Father Hindu form of address Bent to the wrong placa Seine Reacb across Kind of maca roni No: Scotch Simpleton Writers of New Testa ment books Title of a monk Witness Rose-red dro Roofing material Spread see kUo p e rITl 0 P i s!mBon aPij v u l a A TBKUpSP I PElR BoImiaIrHsI6 t e Ml i'i H EInJ ST a I cBa A R s jflSH0 R N Bjpl I LIK Cas ha" lIeBsieIr Til RiEjP u TiEBw ihrBhiCo A NiElNlTnrflBllA PIa M 0AHgjLB eWa"ua S a skHri aTTInUpi eirit S7. EcandtnaTlaa DOWN I. Repoaed 33 '', n 7-5 M. ''''''' ss r-SE ,35 I I . M I I 1; j Ml I Af Ntwtfsefvrst Solution of aturdiy't Puzzls t. English quMft I. Monument made of a) incls atono 4. Commotion t. Take back C Eaat Indi&a weight f. Praia I. Nidified I. Hoiat -10. Laks nortb of Ohio II. Legal paptr IS. Pinlahcd 10. Mother of Xenea 11. Palnlnr 24. Half em 25. By way of IS. Hold back IS. Of a uropeafl ' city 19. Eagle SO. Steep S3. Catalog SS. Command It, Treat mali ciously 40, Wig-wain 41. Pliable 43. Kind of in bos 44. Distant 45. Evened 47. Barren 48. Ansrlo-Saxoti alav ll DepreM4l ROOM AND BOARD By Gen Aharn IXL AWMT ALPY WAS T"5?g3 I-; MUCH TO LEARM ABOUT Zf ? BOXING BUT IN Mf Z VOUTH I WAS AN Y2 EXTREAAELY CLEVER. AMD PLASMY AMATEUR. I ' WELTERWEIGHT -SO I'LL COACH THE J I L -L Sb IT WEIGHT IN J 1 ' I IS, AJ- ThatS a 50-YEAR JOB- Hfci DUMBER THAN A rtcnrTV rii iri...vr-n i Can uss a Putty knife to smooth out the BROW AFTER IT HAS BfctN MOMENTARILy FURROWED BY SIMPLE THOUGHT am