1 c e: w 1 k o U e: a R I n fi P ii d a: d t C v. t( v. ti p Pi Eaynw, mjjm.i9'"iu v jrv''y;' v-v-i; ."".' "M1 V"'"w.-u'-'"-g'''t Painful Slop Fain contorts the (ace of Washington half back Hurh McElhennr (32) aa he is stopped hard by California's Paul Baldwin (hidden) after makinf 10 yards in the came played at Berkeley, Calif. Coming in on the play are Cal's Forrest Klein (68) and Washington's Dave Gossett (6). California remained undefeated, 21-7. (Acme Telephoto) 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, October 24, 1949 Women to Host Portland Group At Salem YMCA Members of the women's gym class of the Salem YMCA will host a similar group from North east Y of Portland for a mcrning of volleyball and fun Tuesday. The program will be topped off by a noon luncheon in the asso ciation dining room. Salem women in participating will Include Dorothy Campbell, Frances Eyerly, Amy Steidel, Lenore Day, Lorene Sitton, Eleanor Beigler, Mary Emma Beane, Maxine Nellsort; Vera Ayrea, Barbara Robinson, Jean Brady, Betty Lou Pederson, Dean Carlton and Doris Cords. Sivers Named as American League Rookie of Year St. Louis, Oct. 24 (U.R)Roy Sivers, 23-year-old outfielder signed two years ago by the St. Louis Browns for the price of a pair of spiked shoes, today was named American league rookie of the year by the Sporting News, national baseball weekly. Don Newcome, Negro pitcher for the Brooklyn Dodgers, was chosen as the outstanding Na tional league rookie by the same Doll of baseball writers. r-.r:iViking$ Prepare ' tor nome rinaie With Corvallis Coach Loren Mori's Vikings knuckled down to work Mon day to prepare for the tough Cor vallis team which Is scheduled to meet them Friday at Waters psrk in the final home game of 1949. The Vikings face Corvallis, then Astoria and finally Eugene on successive week-ends, but the Friday night game here and the season closer are the only games which count in district of Big Six league standings. Corvallis has suffered only one set-back In Big Six league play this season, and that a narrow loss to Eugene, a club which was upset Friday by Albany. A victory for Salem would leave Salem still at the top of the standings, while a loss would throw the league into likely four-way tie. The task for the Viking coach' ing crew is to find some way to fire the team to game pitch from the starting whistle. Fri day against Hillsboro, the slow start of the Salem team was the greatest factor In the loss. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport nut MS a.m. H 1:H p.m. 1.1 J 08 a.m. 7.1 1:11 p.m. I I 4:01 a.m. 1.1 I 20 p.m. II 4:56 a.m. 1.4 4:01 p.m. II ST a.m. 41 s ol p.m. i.l 1:57 a.m. 1.1 to p.m. -1.1 I II a.m. 1.1 1:40 p.m. -l.T I II a.m. I I 10:31 p.m. -1.4 10:11 am. 1.0 11:11 p m. -0.1 11:11 a.m. 14 High School Gang Beats Opposing Football Player Cleveland, Oct. 24 WV-A high school football player was dragged from bis car and beaten up about a half-hour alter his team, Cleveland Shaw, defeated Cleveland John Adam high, 25 to 13, last night. Jack Reulbach, 18-year-old first-string guard for Shaw, was driving back from Shaw stadium when three youths forced his ear to the curb and attacked him. He was taken to Huron road hospital where he was treated for facial and head cuts and bruises and then discharged. New Managers Join Sacs and Suds for 1950 ' (Br U Crowd Iml Balph "Red" Krem and Paul Richards Joined the managerial rank in the Pacific coast base ball league today. Kress, former head coach of th New York Giants, has been hired as manager of the Sacra mento Solons, replacing Del Baker who resigned the post last Thursday, club owners announ ced. At the same time. General Kanager larl Sheeley of the Seattle Ralnlen announced (hat Richards, former general manager of the Buffalo, N. Y., Bisons, had been aigned as manager of the Rainlers. He sjessart Bill Lawrenee, who took ever the reins near the oad of the season after the re signation of Jo-Jo White. Kress, who started baseball with Tulsa m 1927, has been the Giants' No. 1 coach for the last four years. In the Intervening years, he played with the St Louis Browns and managed St. Paul in the American associa tion. He now resides In Ssnta Monica. Richards, one of many Rain ier manager prospects sound ed out during the summer, sdgned a two-year contract at an undisclosed salary. He was nicknamed the "mlr cW manager" last year for his success In leading the Bisons to th International league pen nant. He formerly was a catcher with the Detroit Tigers, Phlla deiphia Athletics and the New York Giants in that order. -ftAftK-SO Mmmmm4mmammmmmwifc !&!tfttQ?:'. it II Vk 1 U Jl iKiie-up Sewell Signed To Manage Reds Cincinntl, Oct. 24 VP) Luke Sewell, who led the St. Louis Browns out of baseball's wilder ness, today has shouldered the task of trying to do the same for the Cincinnati Reds. Sewell, a veteran major lea gue catcher, yesterday was nam ed manager of the Reds for 1950 and 1951, succeeding Bucky Walters, who was relieved of his duties in the Inst week of the 1949 season. Sewell was a coach under Walters during the past season. Sewell directed the Browns to their one and only American league pennant In 1944. Capot, Coaltown Meet at Pimlico Baltimore, Oct. 24 W Capot and Coaltown magic names of the turf meet next Friday in the $15,000 winner-tnke-all Pirn' lico special. Greentree Trainer John Gav er quickly affirmed the speedy Capot would be at the post after Calumet Farm Informed the Maryland Jockey club last night that Ponder would not be entered. Gaver said if Calumet threw both horses at him, lie wouldn't enter his Preakness and Belmont winner. That would have given Calumet Its third walkover in the 13th running of the race. And You Get Spare Time Training at Home With Regular Army Equipment Extra Money at Regular Army Rates of Pay Credit Towsrd Retirement Pay at No Coit to You Promotions a You Learn Skill Aiding You in Your Civilian Job 19) WW Sfl Oil CAU 162nd INFANTRY THE ARMORY ' Telephone 25284 v."Fmmmr -SrTl 5- Minnesota's star back Gregory Is stopped by the Michigan line (arrow Indicates ball) in the second quarter of the Michigan-Minnesota game in Ann Arbor, Mich. Wolverine Heneveld (on ground, right) makes the tackle with assists from Farrer (55) and Wlstert (11). Min nesota lost 14 to 7 for its first defeat of the season. (Acme Telephoto) PLAID SCARF SUIT, SURPRISE PRICED! 39.95 Tweed incredibly soft, plaided in glowing, mountain-mist shades snd cut to the slim lines of Fall '49. Sacony "brought up" this tartan scarf suit, all the way from wool fibre to finished fashion. That explains its exclusive colorings, expert tailoring, and luxurious lining. That explains why every detail says: "it's a wonderful buy!" Misses' sites. I! T f Jr. , 'I HI fev r - "t'Hv t 4 . WMjJ 1 ksMMMfeJ J J at w imii It, Complete FIREPLACE Materials Bricks, Sfariar, Sasarlaf SJcalfarM PUMILITE Block St Supply Phons 25843 Out Edgewater St., W. Salem MECHANICS! Lest You Forget! Hear CARROLL CANNING Standard Motor Products Held engineer discuss all phases and problems of auto gnltion TOMORROW NIGHT 7:30 at CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HALL Color films Round Table discussions Door prises Refreshments DON'T MISS IT! SETS THE PACE FOR PLEASURE! the whiskey that's NATIONAL DISTIllERS PHODUCTS COP., NIW YOK Hera's a Hp on drinking pleoturei for full-flavored Kentucky tail pick rich Old Sunny Brook. You win plenty of whiikey enjoyment "over on the Sunny Brook sld"l Kentucky Whiskey -A Blend 23p? 360 tOOKTOITHH WATCHMAN OM iviiv lonu (o fHOOf 45 CHAIN NfUTIAl SPIRITS UAH WITHOUT ptRfeaRESUaSINANYfiACKFOSim'iC Wfestinhouse A-774-49 Commander (DOUBLE OVEN) 37495 5e Z' j SSMatJMjaS ' Model D-74-49 (Champion) 279 95 mm 1L" v RAN6E IN THE W0R1P! NO OTHER RANGE IN THE WORLD can match the sheer boking magic of the Westinghouse Commander with the Miracle Oven! NO OTHER RANGE offers more oven cooking capacity than the Westing house Commander ... the workhorse range with two ovens! NO OTHER RANGE can match its bonus space for surfoee cooking! NO OTHER RANGE has simpler, sur er cooking controls ... all out of the steam zone! NO OTHER RANGE is cooler cook ing than the big Westinghouse Com mander . . . with heavy Fiberglas In sulation on all six sides! NO OTHER RANGE has the exclusive Westinghouse Titonium Steel cook ing top . . . with rugged beauty that ' lasts and lasts! E-64-49 Commodore As Low at 18995 Model B-74-49 . Commander 93 329 Some Models for Little as 1995 DOWN! Liberal Trade-in Allowances! YEATER APPLIANCE CO. At Our New Modern Store 373 N. Chemeketa