Homecoming Spurs 'Cat Training After 27-0 Loss I Back from Tacoma, where they lost to the College of Puget Bound Saturday, tJ to 0, the iront setback ever sustained at the hands of the Lou era, Wil tamette university Bearcats re turned to their training chores Monday under the direction of Coach Chester Stackhouse. With the Lewis and Clark Pioneers due to provide the op position for next Saturday's homecoming engagement on Sweetland field, the 'Cats face a stern task in making ready for the invasion. The Pioneers swamped Whitman last week 32 to 7. Willamette and CPS battled to a scoreless tie in the first half at Tacoma. The Loggers then punched over a touch down in the third and three more In rapid fire order in the fourth. At no time could the Bearcats muster a consistent attack and their aerial tac tics failed miserably, not a tingle pass being completed. Art Beddoe, 210 pound guard, playing his second year, will not compete further, a physical ail ment preventing further com petition. Former Willamette students LOCAL UNITED PRESS ClTOMrSa 'i'Uri-'H era JllDDfifV slan'or nalfback Harry Hugasian (25) slips past ""rr" I Oregon State's Dick Twenge (on ground) and Tom DeSylvia (6) to ramble 10 yards in the first quarter of the Oregon State-Stanford game in Palo Alto, Calif. Stanford end Jack Rye (28) looks on in the background. Stanford grabbed a 27 to 7 win. (Acme Telephoto) Indians Trim Beavers, 27-7; Carpenter Hurt i Palo Alto, Calif., Oct. 24 UP) Stanford punched out a 27 to 7 victory over Oregon Stat college here Saturday after OSC's top offensive player went to the bench with an Injury in the first play. The Indians pushed over in the second quarter on a 58 yard run and then hammered out three third period touchdowns. The lone Oregon State score came late in the final quarter against the Stanford third string. Throughout the game, OSC Halfback Ken Carpenter sat n the bench. He suffered a hip Injury on the first play of the game. Stanford first collected with three plays after the second quarter opened. The Indians were on their own 29. Runs of 12 and one yards were capped by Fullback Boyd Benson's 58 yard sprint. He went over left tackle and wasn't touched after clearing the line. Oregon State's only threat un til the final quarter touchdown eame after that initial Stanford score. The Beavers rolled up four consecutive first downs in returning the kickoff punt. The drive was from their own nine to the Stanford 30. There, how ever. Halfback Bill Sheffold was thrown for a 10-yard loss. A five-yard penalty moved the ball back further and OSC kick ed after failure to recoup the lost ground. The Staters score was set up on an 80-yard pass-run plav. The throw was from Halfback Jack Hoxie 40 yards to Halfback Dick Gray, who ran another 40 to the Stanford one. Two plays fail ad but Fullback Dick Twenge then went over center and End Stan McGuire converted the extra point. Stanford's third quarter rally lot under way on the Indian 20. The drive went to the OSC one where Halfback Benson plung ed. OSCs Hoxie grabbed the kickoff in his end sone, dropped R, picked it up again and finally moved out to his four. The in large numbers are due to return to the State street cam pus for homecoming festivi ties including the game which wilt start at t o'clock. Alumni may secure reserved seat tickets by telephoning the university. Reservations for the general public went on sale at Maple's Monday. Atom Area Welcomed to WIL; Loop to Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 14 The trt-city area of Pasco, Richland and Kennewlck was officially welcomed into the ranks of the Western Interna tional baseball league today. Formal approval of the pres ent Wenatchee franchise trans fer there was given as expected at a league director's meeting here yesterday after it was shown the new club was building a satisfactory ball park. The new entry as yet has no nickname. League President Robert Abel siad the situation of the defunct Bremerton franchise ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Salem, Oregon, Monday, October 24, 1949 Game Statistics OSC Attn Firdt downs 14 20 Yards sained riuhtns neti.,.,. S3 t't Forward paw attempted 2h U Forward pese completed. ...... 10 it Ycrta by forward pajues Ztt Forward puue intercepted by. 3 4 Yards tataed runback interception 3 - M Fun tint averaae (from Mrimmitrel , , 40 t Total yards all kick returned... "0 W; Opponent fumble recovered , , . t k Yarda lost by penalties. .. .37 d 19, where Hoxie fumbled and Stanford recovered. Three plays later Halfback Bob White was over from the one yard line. Late in the period, Stanford Center John Barnes intercepted Gene Morrow's pass and ran 40 yards. He was halted on the one-foot line but Quarterback Emery Mitchell ran it over. Kerkorian place kicked two of three Stanford conversion tries. Orwon Stater LB McMicken. Thorn, Nibblett, Btft LT fflemi. Farnham. LO Zarotjinaitt, Cannithsel. Lofu, C Ptimer, RO IWiMi, 3im Clark, Hot land. RT Simon. Inileaby. H. CJark. HE McOuire. Rupp. Snyder. Q Morrow, Kouck. Schneider. LH Mast. Carpenter. Kellr. Hoxte. R H 8 fief told. Dick Gray. Vailiiacour. F Twen. Knudaen, Brers. Stanford: LE Laxfco. Rye. McCo!!. Taylor. LT O. White, Walker, Rotekrana, Ualy. UcColI. LO Cook Cone. Dick Lucaa. C Caatainoii. Rice, Barn HO Fix, Jacon. RT Rau, Hoktiuon, Latham. Rt Roae, Van Alatyne. SnVrf UirttB. Q Kerkortan. Horn, Shaw. RM Bennon. Bob White. Fecc. Bank. LH Hutu;in. Boruck. PtA, Andrew. F Deyouna. Klein, MiltheU. South wood Meiloway. Orildn. O ret on Start ,..,...,. t t T Stanford ? M Oreeon State aeortnt. touchdown. Twente, Point after toucfeddwa: McGuire t placement i, Stanford acorint. tsuehdowaa: Benson 1 White. Mitchell. Pomt after touendnwr: Kerkorian 3. ARB TOt' Bt'tLT RlRftT IK THS WRONO PLACB8Y Rare roar anouMtra itpped a y. way d.tnf WHIRR II TATLORmO COM PAXY wilt fit you la ft frnart, allmmint in ode W Part Vlrrta Wal Pabrfea St Ha SAia t SH.a THfMtl t4!. to M4.M Q Sundin the Tailor 1M t: Liberty Dial -KM Sates Northwest League 8ttuUaf' w u Pt-i. Pi P Colltt of Sdh0 1 fl 1000 M 33 Pulfie U&tveritt- 1900 St IT Lewi af Clark. I MT M 3 wtutmmt umrrrtiir 9 I .coo i Whitman College .6 t 000 34 Liniield CrtUft fl I . ,000 Week-ta. Kes.it. College of Id 1 1 10 31 Llnfiflcf 7. Lewis and Clsrk 33. Whltmn Meet Here remained the same. Both Eu gene and Wenatchee are after it. He said another league di rectors meeting would be held Nov. 7, In Salem. Eugene is believed to have first call if it obtains a ball park. GOLD HUNGRY EZ INKS FOR LATIN EXHIBITION Los Angeles, Oct 24 (IP) NBA Heavyweight Champion Ezzard Charle- has signed a con ditional agreement to box 20 exhibitions in South America for $100,000. Pag 13 Pro Golfers Nob Lead in Hudson Trophy Matches Portland, Oct. 24 m The northwest's professional golfers had a firm grip on the Hudson golf trophy today after sweep ing nine of 10 individual match es yesterday with the best of the region's amateurs. Final tally in the two-day match, patterned after the in ternational Ryder cup play, was a one-sided 124 to 2 '4 in favor of the play-for-pay shotmakers. Dick Yost of Portland was the lone amateur to win an indivi dual match yesterday. The young Oregon State college star de feated Gordon Richards, Seattle, 5 and 4. But some of the rest of thi amateurs, figured to present a stiff challenge, fell easy prey to the businesslike professionals. Ron Clark of The Dalies, bowed 8 and 8 to Stan Leonard of Van couver, B. C, and Biil Maw- hinney of Vancouver, one of Canada's bc.t amateurs, was a 7 and 5 loser to Al Zimmerman of Portland. Most one-sided of the day's matches was the 1 2 and 1 1 wal loping administered Jim Shriv er. Seattle, by Johnny Langford of Portland. Huskies Break Scoring Famine Berkeley, Calif., Oct. 24 WP A fourth quarter touchdown broke a three-game scoring fam ine for the University of wash-; ington Huskies here Saturday j although the battling Seattle j eleven bowed 21-7 before thej undefeated California Bears. The Washington tally came as i Mel Davis slashed over from the i three-yard line to climax a 76-1 yard march that was featured by . Don O'Leary's 23-yard toss to i Roland Kirkby. The Husky tally was the first j touchdown made by Washing ton in conference play this sea- ! son. KAISER-FRAZER TERRIFIC DEALS "The Best Deal In Town" TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 15S N. Liberty Senator Fans to Hear Negotiators Talk Price Monday Details of the recent con ference between Bill Mulli gan of the Portland Beavers and a group of Salem men con cerning the proposed purchase of the Salem Senators wilt bs presented during a mass meet ing railed for 7:39 Monday night at the Chamber of Com merce. Harry V. Collins, chairman of the committee, will make tilt report which includes a price substantially less than the 195.000 originally put ea the property. Out of the meet big is expected to come a def inite decision as to whether further negotiations will k conducted Fiybbers Defeat Dubbers by Four Points in Golf By the fairly close margin of four points, the "Flubbers" beat the "Dubbers" In a special two ball foursome match over the Salem Golf course Sunday, As a consequence the losers will provide the winners with din ner. Numerous prizes were award ed through the generosity of Salem business concerns and in dividuals. Winners of these spe cial events included: R. McNulty and G. Burright, medalists. The scores: (Dubbers listed first): 3. Sheldon, R, Copjwk t v.. 3. Hunt, D. Kiln. 0: T. h!, W. HghmUner J t-.S. R. Pulntm. Bob Thompaoa 1: L& Eat.y, Jo. Deve.-A I ... O. Ltmrtn, T, Chamber. 2: R. B. Wlet 3 vi. X,. AUey. Q, Hoffman 1: R. HcNultT. O, Butrtrht 1 vt. B. Victor. 1. W. UeCit li!er : B. eh.fr, S. Wadm.n . K. In gram, D. Syre; Pit MtkU.. Rex KlmmeK 9 va. Bill Goodwin, H. Qu.taf.on ti H. Quiataf. J. Zl.t S v.. B. Watarman, F. Keniron 3; if. Fekar. r. Sintr 3. v. T. Arehart. SI, AHen 1: B. CArmono. C. i Corer 3 v.. ttl Oirrnn. R. Bone.tMl. S; j J. Graham. O. C. UcCrary H v. J. ten- len. Tommy Thomson r. Phtppi, H, Hault 0 .a. B. B, price. Eaatman 3. Early (Red) Blaik, now in his ninth season as Army football coach, has held the post longer than any of his 22 predecessors. Southern Cal Ends Duck Rose Hope on 40-13 Win Los Angeles, Oct. 24 (IP) Southern California eame back from the halftime recess to rub out an Oregon lead and go on to score six touchdowns and overwhelm the invaders, 40 to 13, here Saturday. The loss for ail practical pur poses dumped the Oregon team from any claim on the Pacific Coast conference bid to the Rose Bowl classic on New Year's day. Two field goals in each of the first quarters kicked by guard Chet Daniels gave Oregon a S-0 halftime edge. The Ducks had completely dominated the offensive play in those quarters. Backs George Bell, Bob Sanders, Woodley Lewis and Earl Stelie combined to roil op JOS yards in gains to a mere SS yards for KSC. Fumbles, bow ever, cost them promised touchdowns twice. Both were inside the enemy IS yard line. Daniels' kicks for the goal points were from the 13 and 18 yard stripes. But on the first play from scrimmage in the second half. Southern Cal fullback Bill Mar tin hit fullback Sanders and USC recovered the fumbled batlj on the Oregon 38, The Trojans! promptly marched to a touch down to tie, added two more that period an' three in the; final quarter. Martin scored the; first and quarterback Jim Pow-I ers passed to three others. Oth ers were a 72 yard punt runback by reserve halfback Johnny Wil liams and a pass interception by Dean Fchneider. Oregon's lone touchdown was late in the last quarter. It climaxed a 65 yard march and came en Steite's 18-yard pass to end barrel! Robinson. USC recovered five Oregon fumbles, intercepted five Ore gon passes and ran them back for 101 yards. Passing and kicks returned were about even, but Oregon's spectacular first half WRESTLING Tuasdoy Night t:30 MAIN EVEKT Frank Rtojark vs. , Manricf Chattel! OPEKRR Ai Ssaat Ta. Tho Sslnt 8BCONT jack O'Riiey vs. Ernie Piltta SALEM ARMORY Phone I-417J Salem Bears Have Inside Track On Rose Bowl Bid for PCC TeasB ucla California , use Stanford , wMnsta att , Oreaon OffOD , . iaft . Montan Waaiimcton Eager Sluggers A group who will polio benefit amateur boxing card at the armory, lite program is being sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Front row, left to right: L. Wolf, Joey Schmidt, Danny Blake; sec ond row, Garry Wolf, Billy Gregory, Melvin Schmidt, Prank; back row, Dewey Nyquist, Louis Eichter, Bobby Gregory. (A, L, Vinson photo) Irish, Army Top National By STAN OFOIOWSKY .lor, California and Cornell but limited Pre.. spt wrttert j these did not carry the awesome Sew York, Oct. 24 UJB Nofresaura of the Big Three which roll Dame, Army and Oklahoma u" w wee to crusrang vtc towered over the football world whlie othfr pretenders to today aa triple Titans defying as sault. There were other major foot ball teams still unbeaten Bay- Game Statistics Or., nrrt down IS Kt yards a.Si4 rtuhlnt...31 Forward ea&s atttmpicd... 31 Forward pjue. eonpltlid.,. to Tarda forward paaalnt. ...,.i!Z Forward. lrtrcptrd sr.,... t Yard, aatned runback Inlarecptlon. s Punllnr averas. 31.5& Total 7tU, all kteka mgrai.I Opponent fumble, rwowrea. I Yarda lost br wnaltie........ 38 t3 performance had rolled up most of its 19 first downs for a total 214 total yards rushing. USC had IS first downs and 188 net yards rushing. Or .ton: L.ft nd r. Robtiu.n, MtMfeit. Fas ten. Salt.r, Lett taciclejt Dotar. Ro&er, L.ft guards Dan3.lK. Luna. Hut . Cn!.r Oibron. Patflcit. Gauld Rlaht suards Sehrobot. Dauthrt. Hltht taeal .rl!ls, XnlcKr.nm Riant nds L. Robliuan. Andtraan. QuarLroaex. Bt.lle, c.3drwo-J IWt fcaifsac.. Lewis. MrK.r. Oio.Kseo. Rlaht baltbaca. SrlJ, Fail. KarpeJiticy. Fullbacks Sanders, Johnson, Bonus. L.ft .nds Katflrld, Ktoi!ri.rmiti Cra mer, Baldoek:. Left taelelaa Petra, Conde. cOe. Pe terson, Left fuards Bwope, t-ine,n:n. Moor., Centers Same. Itachte. Davts, Riaht auards Mcurtrr, H v,. Men- son. Rlfhl tseWes Asitcralt. Heidentn.1. Rlahs ends B. SUUweli. Sis, .leasup. Ooller, ausrterbaca. Powers, Orttord. Lett hsltbsclra Foueh, Bjwer. J&hn WtHtsms, Canton, Rosers. Rlaht hsUbsclts Daft, -3ttl. Anderson, Scott. Jim wmtame. FuUbscks Martm, Fucrl. bflmeiser. Orecon . 5 S - USC .....,.,. 0 ib 20- 41 Or,, nn Marina: Tourhdown D. Kob son. Point after touchdowo Dantei. .oats Daniels 3, UBC Kormi: TO'jenoawirt Htria. Jf- sup. John wmtam. enter, 5SmKins.i, scnneicr. points arter isuenwnew ford a. NIMuMlaWr f it always a p!tattre Conference AU Game W L T Pet PP CPWLT IV;. PP OP raee iti in t jj jss e I s see n e tow sss 11 Sift : i Hill UQ a l a .? i 3t ft i Ml m si sea it is j o ? is ioi c J S M0 105 ?S S ft ll Mi, H t tS 80 $82 J X 0 .505 lit I i 9 m H S 3 s 1M of willing boys from Donald take put In Wednesday night's and Okies Standings the throne tumble. Gone from the list are Min nesota, a 14-7 loser to twice beaten Michigan Saturday; North Carolina, a 13-7 loser to Louisiana State; and Ken tucky, a 28-7 loser to SMV. Meanwhile Army "rolled over Columbia, 63-8, and Oklahoma battered Nebraska, 48-0. No tre Dame scrimmaged against its scrubs, probably the toughest game of the season for the Irish, In what is known to the trade as an "off day.tt This week Army plays Virgin ia Military. See any upset pos sibilities there? Notre Dame plays Navy. See any there? Ok lahoma plays Iowa State. Any taker on State? No, it's another week o glory in top-sided doses and there seems to be little in sight that can hamper Army as long Arnold Califfa is throwing four; touchdown passes, as he did against Columbia, And who can match Notre Dame's Red Sitko and Larry Coufre? Or Barrel! Royal of Oklahoma? Baylor edged another inch to ward the Southwest conference championship with 21-0 win over Texas A & M and now plays Texas Christian Saturday, Cal ifornia beat Washington, 21-7, but next faces a severe test against once-upset UCLA. And Cornell sewed up Ivy league hon College 'JpptbaU High School COLLEGE JM'ORF Han Francisco 2B, bi. ry ti.r. i. Late $iar4j Hasm: C!afsmi 21, Wfcirsren 7. Reslfwrn C!ifirR3t 40, Orns t3. UCLA 3t. Wtshiisstoo Stte 25. Btsisforrf 21. Otepos Suite 7. Itiho ?. Montn i9. Wa.hJiin Frtsfe S, ro Fresh IS. Wf!?m Wfcjiv.tsffMs , WfiSlworih 1". Cntrs3 Wstihtnfton 14, BritirtJ GsJumbt 12, Putt Sound n, Willmu o. Ortafm GoUes Monmouth i 3St Oregon 1Ph. Int. 0 .W.HARPER Ufc rH polaf p!e$i?3 Xrf?aty form!, nd H food fmpenf in whitk H it rd. Iff t. W. HMPt 47! m ftm ttnmtt nt icumo mnttnt t. . By HAL WOOD Parted Pre IpotU Writer &nu Francisco, OcU tt , : Four tcsms remained is the faai f fr the Paclife Coast eoa- . ... . , BS TiHt iO U fiot, Bawl iodar hut irfin em ail with aa unblemished re- cord were these same eld Gol den Bears of the University of California. Still with a chance however slim are the University of Sou thern California and Stanford with a single loss in conference competition and the UCLA Bruins, who were dumped by Santa Clara In a non-conference tilt but are undefeated in league play. Coach Lynn (Pappy) Wal dorf's Bears have four more conference games to play Carting oft with the "little brother from West wood," the ITLA club, this Saturday. Af ter that. It will be Washington State, Oregon and then the "big" game wKB Stanford, The Bears were anything but spectacular in their 21-7 con quest of Washington on Satur day but they still were solid enough to get by the Huskies de spite a psychological iet-down. The Trojans, possibly rolling m the high gear expected of therti earlier after their come back 40-13 conquest of Oregon, takes on Washington in Seattle. Stanford, which rotted to a 27-7 win over Oregon State, steps outside the conference to battle its tough neighbor, Santa Clara. The advantage is this race Itea al! with the sir bid Bears, who are seeking their second straight visit to Pasa dena. One more loss definite ly wilt eliminate UCLA, USC or Stanford, On the ether band, the Bears eon id drop : one tilt and possibly get the ; Invitation, The only other conference game this week pits Washington : State against Oregon State in Corvaliis. WSC dropped a wild 27-20 tilt to UCLA on Saturday. Ironmen Score 5-3 Win Over Hockey Monarchs j IB United press The Seattle Ironmen handed the Los Angeles Monarch their second straight thumping last night to their northern division swing of the Pacific coast hockey league. A four-goal second period on slaught pacer1 the Ironmen to a 5 to 3 victory. Seattle Wing George Senick led the scoring with two unassisted tallies. ors with a 14-12 licking of Princeton. Colgate comes next Michigan plays Illinois, the only team still unbeaten with in the Big Ten conference play, and a Wolverine win could throw the championship fight into havoc, with Minnesota and Ohio State agate is Rose Bowl contention. Once-defeated Ohio State beat Wiscon sin, 21-0, Saturday, faces Northwestern this Saturday and still has Michigan coming up Nov. 19, Csiiet of 51. Uztlitid f. Eastern WsJs;naion 31, Pmiitic Ltttfe'r- St, 3ktrtm 3iT Sortbrn T. Evsrett JC 29. ClTt JC 5, Louisifctt tX Worth CrJin T. Txs ChmJim 33. MtMlppi 3T. P?j5fitttne 14, Pstt!nti 13. rJoriit ArVM 5S, x.r i3, C3,ese ot Peii3e . Bn Iio 8tt i. Arlion Btftt Flavtxtslt 90, Rtdtnd 10 Montn 8Kt 3f. North Dtatofft fttt T. Whitiltr M. OMidntl CtiHornim Affiti it, Srothri) OrcfOft II. 80TTU0 IN SONO KENTUCKY STRAIGHT 10URSQN ' nt ttttatm c.( tisiiif, in 2.X-CLOTHIS, 440RSE Some tout it teHtrsg me the, of Her day that top hats ore a good bet for Christmas. New that mokes my truebiood blood botf. Top hots , , , imagine Never trust a tout. Let's be practical, One sur thing I do know , , , good looking clothes ore not ex pensive. Look here, for in stance, DOS RICHARDS are always winning choices. The drape is great . , , fabric looks, feels, and wean like a million! Bat priced like I say , , , low! 49.75 Did you get caught lost week in that downpour? Oh . forget my tip? You know. ALLIGATOR, like f hi one. 1 Unless you're a duck, tht St a natural for you. Besides, you'll see an ALLIGATOR everywhere. They're tops in topcoats , . . rain welcome' Th. SURAIN .....27.S0 All yet, I can't forget to men tion MALLORY hats. Now this is no stable talk. In MALLORV Hat there's the softest felt you've ever put on your head. MALLGRY's the name. Priced ...7.503 1S.00 Gotta stop now but I hope you go along with me on this matter of good looking clothes. They are not expen sive. SAK proves that. So, it's a Smart Notion ... shop mi ill Blared the ball to the