Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 22, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Willamette Homecoming October 28-29 Will Be 'Better Than Ever' Say Student Groups
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EACH OF THE sororities and fraternities on Willamette campus has its own activities to honor returning alumni in
addition to the many campus festivities for Homecoming. Four of the house presidents are shown here, left to right:
Howard Loreni, Camas, Wash., Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity; Miss Betty Ferguson, Richland, Wash., Alpha Chi Omega
sorority Miss Avis Roberts, Salem, PI Beta Phi sorority; Kenneth Holmes, Albany, Beta Theta Pi fraternity.
Dancing Parties for
Another week-end of dancing parties
is on the calendar, Halloween decora
tions making them gala occasion!.
Subscription Club
The Subscription club's first dance of
the season is planned for next Saturday
evening, October 29, at the Marion hotel
as a dinner dance.
The social hour will be 7:80 o'clock,
the dinner to be at 9 o'clock. Wulfer's
orchestra is to play for the dancing.
On the decorating committee for the
evening are Mr. and Mrs. Rex Adolph,
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. John A. Heltzel and Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Hamilton.
At Carousel Event
Another group launching its new sea
son next week-end is the Carousel club.
Its danoe is to be a Halloween party.
Members have arranged the party at
Mayflower hall, the social hour being
set at 8:30 o'clock, dancing following.
Glen Williams orchestra is to play.
On the committee for the evening arc
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward, Mr and Mrs.
Jake Foos, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heiser
man, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Cresswell, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Baker of Albany, Mr. and
Mrs. Ottis Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
B. Hynd, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Neel.
Among those from Salem attending
the annual "Frontier Days" dinner and
entertainment at the University club in
Portland this evening are Mr. and Mrs.
William L. Phillips, Sr., Mr. and Mrs.
Willard Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Manning, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, Dr. and
Mrs. John J. Griffith. The Griffiths are
staying over in Portland as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sigcls for the week
end. The weekly at home afternoon for
Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregons
governor, will be Tuesday, local and
out-of-town friends bring invited to call
at the McKay residence at that time.
Justice and Mrs. James T. Brand are
to enlortnin at dinner at their home
Monday pvrning to honor Clarence
Strcit. who is to lecture in Snlrm that
evening under auspices of tile local com
mittee for Federal Union group.
Guests for the diner will include Mr.
and Mrs. Strcit, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Letts Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Sprague, Dr. ai.d Mrs. G. Herbert Smith,
Miss Laura Keller.
Mr. and Mrs. Sreit are house guests
at the Brand residence while in Salem.
Daughters of St. Elizabeth of St Paul's
Kpiscopal church will meet for a lunch
eon next Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard, the
event heing arranged at 1 o'clock.
On Ihe committee are Mrs. Robert
Brady, Mrs. Harry H. Belt, Mrs. C. L.
Bowes. Mrs. C. W. Bartlett, Mrs. C. W.
Salem Linns club is sponsoring an
"old-fashioned" party for members and
their wives next Thursday evening. Oc
tober 27. at the Veterans of Foreign
Wars hall.
TTe evening's program begins with a
no-host dinner at 6:30 o'clock, cards and
dancing to follow. Old-time steps as
well as square dances and a demonstra
tion dance or so will feature the danc
ing. Tex Richardson of St. Paul Is to be
at the party to rail the dancing. On the
committee for the event are Fred Hal
varson as general chairman; Al Schacfer,
chairman for the club's social committee.
Dr. Frank Voight, Robert Ramagr,
Vance Dickey, Gerald Christoffersen,
Carroll Ford. John Marr, Virgil Hum
Roger Cochran, Morrill Crary,
Next Week-end
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Johnson wil'l en
tertain at a reception for members of
the family and a few close friends Sun
day afternoon at their home following
christening ceremonies for their nine-months-old
daughter, Katrinka Eyre
The christening service will be at 4:30
o'clock in the chapel of St. Paul's Epis
copal church, the Rev. George H. Swift
officiating. Godparents will be Mrs. John
M. Simpkin (Charlotte Zieber) of San
Leandro, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. James
At the reception, Miss Mary E. Eyre,
grand aunt of the little girl, and Mrs.
Willard Marshall will serve the chris
tening cake. Mrs. Arthur Benson, Mrs.
Frank H. Spears, Miss Martha Marshall
and Miss Vivian Brown will be at the
punch bowls. The serving table is to be
decorated in a dainty arrangement of
pink and white bouvardia and Cecil
Brunner roses.
Among out-of-town guests here for the
occasion will be Dr. and Mrs. John M.
Simpkin, who are en route to their home
at San Leandro following a trip to New
York City, and Mr. and Mrs. David W.
Eyre, Jr., and children, Conard and Da
vid Lawrence Eyre of Portland.
The little girl is the granddaughter of
David W. Eyre of Salem and Mrs. Will
iam Perry Johnson of Palmyra, Mo.
Mrs. Lora Taylor Hawkins will be
hostess to her bridge club for luncheon
and cards on Tuesday.
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TIIK MRRIC.F of Mrs. Rnhrrt grhnlrier ws solemnrrM the mnrnlni of Ortnher IS.
he Is Ihr former Angela Msrle Kmpp. 4snthtr of Brrnarrl J. Kropp and Mr. IirlU
JLropsv Mr. kat4r la th mm tl tit. mm) stih H. A. tahaidu.
Jwten-Mtller studio picture
INTERESTING news for many Salem
friends is announcement of the mar
riage of Miss Helen Weinhold,
daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Martin
Weinhold of Rochester, Minn., to Dr.
Robert D. Johnston, Portland, son of
Mrs. Dan Johnston of Salem.
The wedding was an event of Octo
ber 11, the 10 a.m. service being in the
Lutheran church at Rochester with the
bride's father officiating.
Miss Anita Weinhold attended her sis
ter and Dr. Frank Babb of Minneapolis
was best man.
The reception following was at the
Kahler hotel in Rochester.
Following a trip to Chicago the cou
ple will be at home at 915 N.E. 47th
street, Portland.
The Salem Alumnae Panhellenic group
plans its first meeting for next Friday,
October 28, the event to be at the home
of Mrs. G. Herbert Smith, University
House, at 2 p.m.
New officers will be elected at this
time. Mrs. Smith is the retiring presi
dent. Final day for the season for the Selem
Women's Golf association is to be next
Wednesday, October 26.
Planned for the evening of Tuesday,
November 1, is the annual "stagette" of
the group, nine holes of golf to be played
starting at 1:30 o'clock, the dinner to
be in the evening. Reservations should
be telephoned to Mrs. M. A. Pekar by
next Friday.
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FOUR OTHERS of the Willamette fraternity heads get together to talk over plans
include, left to rifrht: Miss LaFvrne Showacy, Portland, Chi Omega aorortty; Jack
Sigma Chi fraternity; Larry Stocks, Portland, Phi Delta Theta fraternity; Misa Inie
Gamma sorority.
Town and Gown Club Arranges
Program and Tea Next Thursday
Anticipating an interesting year in program and activities, members of Town
and Gown club are beginning a new season with a meeting and tea next Thursday
afternoon, October 27.
The club dates back to 1921, the late Mrs. A. N. Bush having called a group
of representative women together on October 24 of that year to form what was
known as Lausanne guild. On February 3, 1925, the group became Town and
Gown club. The organization is set up as a contact group between town and
campus folk and fosters interest in Willamette university. Each year the group
presents a gift to Lausanne hall.
Airs. Brand President
Mrs. James T. Brand is president of the club this year.
Next Thursday's program will be at 2 p.m. in Waller hall, the tea following
to be in Lausanne hall.
Honored especially at this first gathering will be the mothers of Ireshmen at
Mrs. Regina Ewalt, dean of women on the campus, is to extend Ihe welcome
to the mothers. Bennet Ludden of the music faculty is to play piano numbers.
Mrs. Philip W. Allison is general chairman for the tea following in the
Lausanne hall. Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr. and Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele are
on the tea committee. Mrs. Lester Barr is in charge of the tea table, and Mrs.
George Alexander is chairman for decorations.
Hostesses Listed
On the committee for the afternoon are Mrs. W. S. Ankney, Mrs. Robert
Anderson, Mrs. Rose Babcock, Mrs. E. H. Ball, Mrs. J. B. Byewater, Mrs. Bessie
P. Ball, Mrs Floyd Bird, Mrs. E. E. Bragg, Mrs. Paul E. Bramble, Mrs. Donald
Brazee, Mrs. L. B. Campbell, Miss Alice Crary Brown, Mrs. Henry Carl, Mrs. E. F.
Carleton, Mrs. A. M. Chapman, Mrs. L. O. Clement, Mrs. Joseph W. Chambers,
Mrs. W. H. Crawford, Mrs. H. J. Clements, Mrs. E. D. Crabtree, Mrs. R. W. Craig,
Mrs. Oscar Cutler, Miss Olive Dahl, Mrs. Leo C. Dean, Mrs. S. G. Dempsie, Mrs.
Earl T. Andresen.
All women interested in Willamette university and the program of the elub
are invited to the meeting and to Join the group.
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Scheduled for Monday evening is the
rush party of the Salem Junior Woman's
club at R o'clock in the Woman's club
house. It is to be a Halloween party.
On the committee are Mrs. LcRoy
Mink as chairman: Mrs. Pcery T. Buren,
Mrs. Tom Gabriel. Mrs. Fred Gat, Mrs.
M.nrvin L. Hellnnd. Mrs. H-irolrl Hciser
man. Mrs. Ted Jenny. Mrs. William Jud
son. Mrs. Calvin Kent. Mrs. Georcc Sir
nio. Mrs. Frank D. W ard, Mrs. Don Can
non. Mrs Irene Bowes left this week by
pli-ne (or S;:nla CiU7. Calif., to spend
Ihe winter will er son-in-law and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Frank.
Mrs. L i' C. n'i-'.d v.. Ui entrlain
Thursday for her social club, the group
meeting for luncheon at 1:15 o'clock and
an informal afternoon.
Governor and Mrs. DoiiRlas McKay
will be among those planning to attend
the banquet to be given Thursday eve
ning in conjunction with the Camp Fire
Girls convention in Portland.
Next Saturday the McKays will he
among those soing from here for the
homecoming game at Oregon State col
lege, the Reavers to play Washington
State college.
Farley Mogan, who recently returned
from Germany where he spent two
months as expert consultant to the sec
retary of army on German rural police
administration, is to be guest speaker
for the meeting of Unit No. 136 Ameri
can Legion auxiliary. Tuesday evening
at the Salem Woman's club house. The
program is at 8 o'clock. Mr. Mogan
will show some colored slides.
Also, that evening there will be dedi
cation of the national and auxiliary col
ors, presented a year ago by Post No.
136. American Legion. As a musical
feature. Miss Anne Gibbens .is to play
piano numbers.
Thr public is invited to the program,
announces Mrs. Bert A. Walker.
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Of interest for Sunday afternoon is
the wedding of Miss Shirley Post, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Post, and
Harold W. McCauley, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray H. McCauley. The service will
take place at 4 o'clock in St. Paul's
Episcopal church, the Rev. George H.
Swift officiating. Mrs. Anthony Becker
is to sing and Miss Ruth Bedford will be
at the organ.
In the wedding party are Miss Char
lo'tc Po1 as honor attendant for her
s's'er: William Barlow as best man, Don
ald Skeelar and Donald Farnam as ush
ers. The reception following Is to be at
the Port residence on Argyle nrive. Mrs.
Jacoh Foos is to cu' the bride's cake,
assisted ty Miss Patricia Macnamara.
Mrs. Charles Shaw will preside at the
co'fee lun. Mr?. Claude H. Post at the
punch bowl. Passing the dream cake
will be Mrs. Donald Baker and Miss
Jean Dnolittle will pass the guest book.
Miss Lois Burris and Miss Vonna Mc
Bricie will have charge of the gifts. Mrs.
Leslie H Leffler Mrs. Gordon Conrad
of Mcdford, Miss Dorthea Kerns of Van
couver Miss Shirley Lively, Miss Mar
garet Swertland and Miss Lola Mae
Windecker will assist at the reception.
Mrs. H. F.. Teck and Mrs. Ralph Nohl
ltr"n will be hostesses at the home of
the former Monday evening. 7:45
o'clock, for the meeting of Chapter AB,
P.E.O. Sisterhood.
Members of Chapter BQ of P.E O. Sis
terhood are to meet Monday evening at
7:45 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. H.
Mrs. Thomas McNeill and Mrs. Wal
ter Snyder will be hostesses at the home
of the former. 540 Rose street, Tuesday
evening, for the meeting of Chapter BC
of P.E O. Sisterhood, dessert to be at
7:30 o'clock.
St. Helena's guild of St. Paul's Epis
copal church is to meet Tuesday eve
ning. Mrs. Ed Lewis to entertain the
group at the A. A. Larsen home at 8
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for Homecoming events. They
Brown, The Dalles, representing
Lou Wilhelm of Portland. Delta
OTH local chapters of Beta Sigrla
, Phi are to be hostesses at prefer
ential teas Sunday afternoon.
Members of Alpha Epsilon chapter
the society are to be hostesses for thtr
informal preferential tea Sunday aftc-
noon at the home of Mrs. J. N. Bishtb,'
460 Leslie street, between 3 and
Greeting guests will be Mrs. B.
Bishop and Mrs. Eldon Lindkorst. J
sisting about the rooms will be mem
bers of the chapter.
Pouring will be Mrs. J. N. Bishop, wlo
is social director for the group, and Mks
Hazel Shutt, director.
The affair honors new pledges of lie'
chapter, Mrs. Donald Stiffler, Mis.
James Marshall, Mrs. Joseph Craecrat,
Mrs. Donald Costulo, Mrs. Melvin Join-
son, Miss Joan Kemmerer, Miss Cecelia -Z
Green, also two transfers, Miss Jo:
Carthy from Portland and Mrs.
Forstrom of Enterprise.
Eta Group
An event for tomorrow afternoon afeo
will be the preferential tea for Eta chjp-: .
ter of Beta Sigma Phi. The affair is--
ranged between 3 and 5 o'clock at tie n.
home of Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, 1128 "
Court street. I
Greeting guests at the door will p1,
Mrs. Roger Lewis. Assisting about -ie m
reception room will be Mrs. Wajtisj "
Rose and Mrs. Burl Cox, j
Mrs. Spaulding and Mrs. J. A. Wiltsiy '':
are to pour. Serving will be Mss
Gladys Quesseth and Mrs. Madolyn''"
Bier. Chrysanthemums will be used in dc-
orating, and yellow and silver will fa-;::
ture the tea table decor, the table to be1 "
set with an ivory cloth. Misses Wanda '.'
Ringland, Audrey Voos and Normarr
Slatton are the committee in charge o. ..
The no-host luncheon being arranged -to
honor Mrs. Gordon O. Leonard, pre- u
ceding her departure with her family to
live in California, will be an event of
next Tuesday afternoon at 1 oclock at
the American Legion club. About 40. ..
will attend the gathering, arranged by -'
members of a bridge club Mrs. Leonard.,
has played in. including Mrs. Sam C.
Campbell, Mrs. Willis Clark, Mrs.
Charles Shaw, Mrs. P. C. Anderson. Mrs. "
Leo Thomps. Mrs. Milo Taylor Mrs.
James Payne, Mrs. Ralph Atwood. Mrs. 1
C?rl Wood, Mrs. E. J. Hagcn. Mrs. Ed :!
Goeckner, Mrs. Lore n Lewis. The partyi
originally plenned last Thursd.w was r
changed to the Tuesday date.
Dr Chester W. Howe of Boston. Mass., '
Is to arrive Tuesday for a visit of two
weeks at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph 1
Purvine. Dr. Howe has been attending
the American College of Surgeons in
Chicago and is coming on west from
Card Benefit Monday , o
DeMolay Mothers' club is sponsoring
a card benefit Monday evening at 8 ;
o'clock in the Masonic temple. Mrs.
Paul Baker is general chairman. Bridge,..;
pinochle and 500 will he played. The
DeMolay boys, who will hp meeting that.,
evening, will join the party following i
their session and will assist with the ':
Among those making reservations for
the party are: Mesdames Frank Brown-n
ell Roy Todd, George Hull, Harvey As-"
ton. Paul Baker. O. K. Beals. Gardner k
Knapp. Ronald Craven. O. R. Eckersley,'
J. C. Jones. John Klcen, O E MrCrary,
Ed Snyder. Everett Taylor. Robert Wick-"
man. Ralph Kinzer, George Mischler,. '
Rosalie Porter. H. J. Van Cleave. H. Jl
Loggan. Elmer Boyer. Harold McMiuVn,"
Ralph Wilson. Russell Bright, L.' J.I
Stewart. Vernon Wiscarson, J. Ttfgar:
Reay, Floyd Seamster, Paul Bassettfi'
Louis Lorenz, Gail Jones. Evert Givent, ?
James H. Turnbull. Lloyd Hughes. L.-.M,i .
Hamlin. Everlyn Cornelius. Charles Boyi -
tr, Ward Davis and George Mauer. .
? I L ;
DR. Ci. HERBERT SMITH, Willamette university president, at left above, hears about plans for Homecoming from this
quartet, left to right, Travis Cross, director of alumni affairs; Miss Margaret Powell of Portland, Stanley Aschcn
brenner, Spokane, Homecoming- chairman; and Dick Stewart, Salem. Faculty members, too. Join in with students to
assure returning alumni have a big time.
""Ill 'HE Portland Symphony orchestra
III will present two concerts in Sa
lem this winter, it is announced
by the Salem Symphony society. Both
concerts will be on Tuesday evenings,
one January 10, the other March 21.
The return to the two-concert series
for this year was decided upon chiefly
because of the time schedule.
James Sample, the new conductor of
the Portland orchestra, is now in Hono
lulu filling a previous engagement as
guest conductor for a series of concerts
by tht Honolulu Symphony, and is
therefore obliged to arrange a late open
ing of the Portland season, on November
A further consideration was the fi
nancial risk of the increased cost of the
concerts to Salem this year, due mainly
to the lack of a sufficient maintenance
fund in Portland, from gifts and pledges
to the orchestra, to absorb a part of the
cost of presenting the Salem series, as
has been done previously.
Musicians of Portland are very enthu
siastic about Mr. Sample's qualifications
as a musician, and his desire to cooper
ate in produoing music of the finest
quality. All of the former members of
the orchestra who are permanently lo
cated in Portland are resuming their
usual places in the orchestra. A number
of chairs which cannot be adequately
filled by Portland players will be taken
by musicians secured from outside the
city, as in former years.
Both Portland and Salem can antici
pate a very line series of concerts.
American War Mothers have been in
vited for a social afternoon at the home
of Mrs. George Pro, 1915 Maple, Tues
day at 2 o'clock. Reports will be heard
from the recent national convention, also
on plans for the state event to be held
here November 1 and 2.
McKwtn itiKllo plct'irt
Dsvis Bsrtuff, the former Mssine M. Mryers,
the wrddlnr being In the First Erantrllral
I'nltrd Brethren rhurrh. The bride la the
dsufhtrr of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Meyers,
Mr. Baruruff the son of Mrs, Lena Bartruff,
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Willamette Students Busy
On Plans for Homecoming
Big event of the fall term for Willamette university, Homecoming, is on the
calendar for next week-end, starting Friday. Many out-of-town alumni are due
to be here for the festivities and a large group of town alumni will join the
students in entertaining the visiting graduates and in arranging details for the
Highlights of the two-day event include the football game next Saturday after
noon with Lewis and Clark college and the semi-formal Homecoming ball
Saturday evening.
Calendar of events for Friday include: Leaf rake, 5 a.m.; putting up the Home
coming signs, 9 a.m.; judging of signs, 4 p.m.; noise parade, 6:45 p.m.; rally in
Bush Pasture, 7:45 p.m.; open house at all student living organizations, starting
at 8:45 o'clock.
For Saturday, following is the schedule: Registration of alumni at Lausanne
hall, .11 a.m.; alumni luncheon, Lausanne hall, at 12 o'clock noon; football game,
2 p.m.; sophomore-freshman rivalry, immediately following game; alumni recep
tion, 4:30 p.m., Baxter hall, Salem Alumni association in charge; 8:30 p.m., semi
formal dance, gymnasium.
Zonta club's regular evening and des
sert meeting will be next Thursday eve
ning at the home of Dr. Helen Pearce
and Miss Dorothy Pearce at 7:30 o'clock.
Miss Lillian McDonald and Mrs. Mar
garet Rosecrans are to be co-hostesses.
Miss Dorothy Pearce will give high
lights of the Zonta fall conference for
Oregon and Washington clubs in Med
ford last week-end, she being the dele
gate from the Salem club.
The club's board will meet for dinner
at the Marion hotel preceding the meet
ing. Marion auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign
Wars, is meeting Monday at 8 p.m. in
the VFW hall.
McPwtn xtullo pltiurt
WED RECENTLY In the Sarrrd llrart
church at Gervais were Mr. and Mrs. John
Alfred Htrfani. The bride Is the former
Dorene Baker, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Harold Baker of Sherwood, Mrs. Strfanl the
son of Joe Stefsnl of Portland and Mrs. Cleo
Burgest of Garibaldi.
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The Women's association of the First
Presbyterian church has arranged a
meeting for Wednesday, in the church.
At 10 a.m. will be held the executive
board meeting. The general business
meeting is slated for 11 a.m., and a
luncheon at 12 o'clock.
The program is to be at 1:30 p.m.
Mrs. Donald Madison, who recently re
turned from a trip to Alaska is to talk
on the Alcan highway. Mrs. Gladys
Thomas will sing.
Social afternoon for members of Chad
wick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will
be Tuesday afternoon in the Masonic
temple. Dessert will be at 1:15 o'clock.
The Paul Armstrong school of dance
will present a recital, some 50 students
of the school to appear in nine numbers.
On the committee of hostesses are Mrs.
Earl T. Andresen, Mrs. V. L. Jean, Mrs.
O. V. Hume, Mrs. Edith Kunz, Mrs. Paul
H. Acton, Mrs. Grace Thompson, Mrs.
Clarence Weber, Mrs. Roy H. Wassam,
Mrs. Harry A. Rowe, Mrs. Lillian Rich
Of interest for Tuesday evening will
be the annual Kiwanis intcr-capital city
conference, visitors to be here from Vic
toria, B. C and Olympia, Wash.
A dinner is planned in the Mirror
room of the Marion hotel for Kiwanians
and their wives. The party is an inform
al one.
The Salem Kiwanis club will be hest
to the following distinguished and hon
ored guests: Governor Douglas McKay
and Mrs. McKay; Governor Arthur B.
Lang-lic of Washington and Mrs. Langlie;
and Byron S. Johnson, premier of the
province of British Columbia. All three
men are members of their respective
Kiwanis clubs.
Also in attendance will be the follow
ing Kiwanis past district governors of
the Pacific northwest and their wives:
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hnzrn, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles W. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Godfrey, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Lawrence,
and Mr. and Mrs. Cy Gengelbach, all of
Portland: Harold Jones, district secre
tary of the Pacific northwest, and Mrs.
Jones: the lieutenant governor, Roy L.
Mangus, and Mrs. Mangus of Canby, and
the lieutenant governor, Ted Carlson,
and Mrs. Carlson of Corvallis.
The social Bnd get-acquainted hour
will bo hrld in the Marine room of the
Marion hotel between 6 and 7 o'clock,
with dinner following at 7.
Special entertainment has been ar
ranged by the committee, with the Salem
Kiwanis president, T. M. Mcdford, in
The master of ceremonies for the eve
ning will be T. lkrold (Tommy) Tomlin
son, Kiwanis lieutenant governor of dis
trict number 13.
A special invitation is extended to all
Kiwanis members and their wives.
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ON THE COMMITTEE to arranre the Homeroming dance, slated for Saturday evening, October 29, are these four
pictured here, left to right: Miss Barbara Kemmerirh of Mihvaukie; John Weisser of Bend; Miss Patricia Howard of
Burlingame, Calif.: Hubert Muhr of St. Helens. The dance, a semi-formal event, is to be staged in the university gym
nasium next Saturday evening at 8:30 o'clock.
-' UESDAY will be a special day for
II all the Methodist women of Salem
-W- when the Woman's Societies of
Christian service of West Salem, Jason
Lee, Leslie and the First Methodist
churches meet in the First Methodist
church at 10 a.m. for an all day session.
The morning period will feature the
advance program with the four goals to
be presented by Mrs. W. W. Geigcr of
Portland, secretary of Christian social
relations of the Oregon conference; Mrs.
Oscar Chappell, secretary of missionary
personnel of the Oregon conference;
Mr. J. Edgar Purdy treasurer of the
western jurisdiction, and Mrs. C. W.
Stacey, secretary of promotion of the
Oregon conference.
Mrs. J. E. Sayre, with Mrs. Mervin
Gilson as soloist will present the morn
ing devotions. Presiding will be Mrs.
Henry Otto, president of the Salem dis
trict. Mrs. Geiger, who has recently
returned from a seminar held in Kansas
City featuring Christian social relations,
will tell of the findings of this meeting.
The afternoon program will be in ob
servance of the week of prayer and self
denial, and Mrs. L. B. Jones is arranging
the program. Those attending are re
quested to bring their sack luncheons.
For the program and luncheon meet
ing of Salem Soroptimist elub Wednes
day noon at the Golden Pheasant, Far
ley Mogan, who recently returned from
Germany, will be speaker. He was in
Germany as consultant for the secretary
of army on German rural police admin
istration. Tri-Y advisers are meeting Tuesday at
7:30 p.m. in the Salem YWCA. Miss
Mary Elizabeth Gilbert, dean of girls at
Salem high school, is to be guest speaker.
Mrs. Jennie Erixon, state president of
the American War Mothers, met this
week with local committee chairmen
arranging for the state convention to be
held in the Carrier room of the Salem
First Methodist church, November 1 and
The meeting was at the home of Mrs.
Minnie Humphreys.
G-eneral chairman for the convention
is Mrs. Bertha Smart, president of the
Salem chapter No. 1. Other chairmen
are: Mrs. Sarah Peterson, program: Mrs.
Linnie Lee. banouct: Mrs. Sadie Pro
and Mrs. Rose HaReclorn. music and
housing: Mrs. Edna Randall. Mr?. Mil
dred Viesko and Mrs. Fronia Mulliea,
decorntions: Mrs. Carrie Linriiay. M-s.
I.uella Engstrnm. courtesy: Mrs Viesko,
Mrs R:'tirlall and Mrs. Humphreys, reg
istration; Mrs. Humphreys, publicity.
Durins the convention the Albany and
Salem officers for the new year will ho
installed. The officers for the local
chapter include: Mrs. Mildred Viesko,
president: Mrs. Hannah Beard, vice pres
ident; Mrs. Katherine Marquis, secre
tary, Mrs. Anna Hunsnker. treasurer;
Mrs. Linnie Lee. custodian: Mif Minnie
Humphreys, historian; Mrs. Effic Mudd,
OSC Parents Meeting
On Monday rvrnitiR's ralendar is the
no-host supper for Oreqon Plate College
parents, the event to he in Ihe Four Cor
ners community hall at fi:.'l() o'clock.
Dean C. E. Maser of the business and
technology school at OSC is to be guest
speaker, his topic to be "Parents' Re
sponsibilities to Higher Education."
Invitation Is extended to al' OSC par
ents of Salem and vicinity to attend.
Mrs. W. G. Burris is program chair
man. Mrs. H. 11. Henry is chairman for
the dinner group, and is being assisted
by Mrs. Ernest Walker, Mrs. M. A.
Pekar, Mrs. E. R. Owens, Mrs. Henry
Bent, Mrs. Joe E. DeWitt, Mrs. J. D.
Berwick, Mrs. Carl R. Miller, Mrs. C. L.
'At V
Junior Woman's Club Plans Dance
Interesting a large group for next Sat
urday evening, October 29, will be the
benefit dance to be sponsored by the
Junior Woman's club.
The party will be at the armory,
dancing to be between 10 p.m. and 1
a.m. The dance will be a semi-formal,
cabaret style one.
The dance is an annual event given
by the club each fall, proceeds to go
to the club's civic projects.
Tickets are on sale at Miller's and
Jackson Jewelers' stores, or from any
member of the committee. Reservations
may be telephoned to Mrs. L. G. Stod
dard, 2-5895.
Theme for the decorations at the dance
will be an outdoor Halloween scene,
pumpkins, cornstalks, large cats, witches,
etc., to be used.
On the committee for the event are:
Mrs. Eugene Morrison and Mrs. Donald
Cooper, co-chairmen; Mrs. Pcery T.
Buren, Miss Betty Jean Bergner, Mrs.
Tom Gabriel, Mrs. Lauchlen Hodges,
Mrs. Loren Lewis, Miss Marilyn Nelson,
Mrs. Sam Epeerstra, Mrs. Clarence Stan
ley, Mrs. L. G. Stoddard and Mrs. Don
Eagles auxiliary is meeting Tuesday
for initiation and appreciation night, the
event to be at 8 oclock in the Eagles hall.
Centralia temple, Pythian Sisters
lodge, is to observe Pythian Sunday to
morrow by attending the morning serv
ices at the First Congregational church,
meeting there at 10:45 o'clock.
Bush school Mothers' club has sched
uled its meeting for next Thursday, Oc
tober 27, instead of on Tuesday as plan
ned originally.
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Annrtlr Prire. fUinchtf-r of Mm. Wayne
Dale Zigler of Went Unity, Ohio.
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Booster club of St. Mark Lutheran
church has planned a no-host supper for
Monday evening at the church at 6:30
o'clock. A talent show is planned al
the special entertainment.
On the committee for the evening ar
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Ahrens, Mr. and Mra.
Dewey Baumgart, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Boesch, Mr. and Mrs. William Brietzkt,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Clark.
Chapter CB, P.E.O. Sisterhood, is to
meet for dessert at 7:30 p.m. Thursday
at the home of Mrs. Earl Cooley,
October luncheon for Women of Ro
tary will be an event of Monday at 1
p.m. in the Golden Pheasant.
Mrs. George Rossman is to give a re
view of "The Big Fisherman," by Doug
las, as a program feature, and Mrs. Rob
ert F. Anderson will sing, accompanied
by Miss Alice Crary Brown.
Wives of all Rotarfans are invited to
attend the luncheon and program.
International relations and United Na
tions committees will have charge of tha
program planned for the Salem Business
and Professional Women's club dinner
on Tuesday evening in the Cave room
of the Senator hotel at 6:30 o'clock.
Miss Hattie Bratzel is to be guest
speaker, telling of her experiences in
Europe, and she will show pictures taken
on her travels.
Another feature of the program will
be a Mexican dance by Anita Aguilar,
who is to appear in costume.
Mrs. Hallie Shard and Miss Myrtla
Weatherholt are the chairmen of tha
committees arranging the program.
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