U Capita Journal, Salem, Or Saturday, October 12, 1949 School Clinics Here Next Week A number of school health ex IT'S WOODRY FURN. CO. FOR amination clinics are scheduled for next week by the Marion county department of health Mrs. Katherlne Harris Mrs. Harris Best Booster Lebanon Selection of Mrs. Katharine Harris as Lebanon's leading lady booster for 1S49 was announced Wednesday eve ning by members of the Business and Professional Woman's club, sponsors of the event. Judges were Mayor Peter Tweed, Oli ver Larson, Chamber of Com merce secretary; Mrs. John Hat field, BPW president; Mrs. Glenn Huston, president of the PTA and William Thomas, Linn coun ty Red Cross chairman. Mrs. Harris, a member of the Leba non Express staff is also staff correspondent for the Capital Journal and Oregonian, secreta ry of the Community Chest and a past officer of the Business and Professional Women. She was general chairman of the centennial pageant "Lebanon's One Hundred Years" and takes an active interest publicizing the pioneer history of Lebanon and its vicinity through feature articles in the press. Mrs Norwood Lectures Here Mrs. Elisabeth F. Norwood, C.S.B. of Brookline, Mass., spoke her last night in the Leslie jun lor high school auditorium. The title of her lecture was Christian Science The Relig ion of Love, which Heals." The following are a few of the points she brought out to substantiate the fact that Christian Science is a religion of love and that it does heal: "Sometimes we find a person who considers himself an atheist, that is, one who disbelieves in the existence of a God, or a Su preme Being. But truly there is no such person as an atheist; for any thinking person knows he is not self-created, that he does not govern the universe or control vents. He knows that there is something outside of himself, above, beyond himself, which is In control. He may call that something power, force, or some ether name, but that something 11 his God. "In Christian Science God, who is Love, is incorporeal, that la. without a material body. If God, Love, were corporeal, some how, somewhere, sometime, someone would have seen God. But in Exodus (33:20) it is re eorded that God says, 'Thou canst not see my face: for there hall no man see me and live. Although Love cannot be seen by the material senses, the pres ence of Love is mentally real laed." Kebekah Lodge Invited Hubbard Thalia Rebekah lodge met In regular session with Mrs. George Leffler pre aiding. An Invitation was read and accepted from Molalla Re- bekah lodge to attend their meeting October 25. All mem bers of Thalia were asked to meet at their own lodge hall at 6:45 o'clock that evening for a short business meeting before leaving for Molalla. with offices at 208 Masonic building. Parents are being urg ed to accompany their children to the clinics. The activities for the week in clude: Monday and Tuesday, Immun isations and vaccinations for children at the health depart ment, 8:30 a.m. to noon and I to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday: School health ex ams at Bush school, B-ll:30 a.m. and 2:30-3 p.m. at St. Vincent DePaul school, 9 a.m. to noon and 1-2:30 p.m., chest fluoro scopic clinic (appointments made at health department), Thursday: Bush school health exams, 9-11:30 a.m., 2:30-3 p.m. Child health conference, health department by appointment. Friday: Examinations, blood tests, etc., for milk and food handlers and beauty operators, 8:30 a.m. to noon; 1-4:30 p.m. Saturday: Immunizations, vac cinations, children and adults, health department, 9-11:30 a.m. Boost in 5-Cent Coin Box Phone Suggested Seattle, Oct. W A boost in the rate of 5 cent coin-box telephone calls was suggested today in hearings on a propose, telephone rate increase asked by the Pacific Telephone and Tele graph company , Testimony on the. requested $7,000,000 total revenue in crease is being heard by the state public service commission. Fred J. Lordan, special assist ant attorney general, asked com pany assistant vice president George M. Dean why public phone patrons should not con tribute their share of the higher tools. Dean replied that the Western Electric company could not turn out enough coin boxes ar ranged to take dimes instead of nickles. However, Lordan pointed out that the Bell company in New York state was arranging to get 10 cent coin boxes, in connection with its application for a general increase in telephone rates. Jams, jellies, and marmalades if they are used moderately are perfectly appropriate for young children. Let them have a teaspoon or two of the pre serve at breakfast, and some times at lunch or supper if they want it. "ftIf to keep fit! $un Valley 32e 10W IN CAtOWB HIGH IN ENERGY BT VOOR f RVORITE FOOD STORE MaMti ttirail Clough-Barrick Company CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO LISTEN TO HYMNS OF THE WORLD BEAUTIFULLY SUNG FOR YOU BY olm CliarieS Jlwni as ond The Kings Men Monday through Friday 9:45 a.m. KOCO- 1490 KC. OTIC llffill The From A Rocker. VK ale "S3 a. 4 LUXURY EXTRAS" found in Higher Priced Chairs are YOURS at an AMAZING LOW PRICE1 SPRING-FILLED! CHOICE OF COLORS! Dad, Mother, Sister, Junior . . . The whole family will fall in love with this platform rocker! Deep, spring-filled seat, tufted back, fine fabrics. A value ! Woodry'i Again Point the Way to Substantial Savings With an Additional Dramatic Offer! GENUINE Choose Selection 200 Swing All S Priced! DURAN PLASTIC SWING rockers It's inconceivable ... but it's True. A Swing Rocker upholstered in washable Duran Plastic and at such a low price . . . Truly a Grand Value ... Your choice of colors. M95 deliver Proof Again That It Pays To Buy At Woodry's . . . BALANCE 50c PER WEEK