AUTOMOBILES Dear Dad: Missed writing you for a couple of weeks. It's been a little busy around here with our Dog Show and all. Our Show went off rather well, and by spring we should have enough Dogs on hand for another showing. It's getting cold and for Carefree Winter driving, you should come in and look over our selection of good Used Cars. For Example, here are a few of them: 1948 Hudson Sedan, R&H. Top's in condition and priced so low. 1948 Ford Coach. Clean and cheap. 1946 Hudson Sedan. One owner, 14,000 actual miles. 1942 Olds Club Coupe. Auto, trans., and stuff. 1942 Chev. Aero. R&H, new paint and sharp looking. 1941 Chev. Sedan. See this one fo r only $695.00. 1941 Ford Coach. New paint, R& H, and runs good. AND a lot of others in most makes and models priced right. Well, it's about time to go to work. Will write more next week. Tell everyone "Hello"' and have all of our friends to drop in and see us. Sincerely, Your Hudson Salesman. P.S. Forgot to mention that we are still selling the newest car on the road, The New HUDSON, the car with the most of, what YOU have wanted most. Pontiac Good Will Cars '46 Ply. Sedan. R& H $1245 '42 Ply. D.L. Sport Coupe $595 '48 Pontiac Sedan Coupe, Has everything. No. 497 $1695 37 Pontiac Sedan $165 '38 Pontiac Coupe $145 '36 Dodge $195 '31 Model A ;$ 145 HERRALL-OWENS CO. TRADES 160 N. Llbertr SHROCK'S ECONOMY LOT YOUR OWN TERMS WITHIN REASON ' 1941 OLDS SEDANETTE, R&H, HYDRA. 1938 CHEV. COUPE 1937 FORD CLUB COUPE, R&H. 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $235.00 1935 CHEV. COACH $105.00 1935 CHEV. SEDAN . .' $100.00 All these and many more may be seen At 3020 Portland Road PHONE 2-7023 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SAWDUST burner conversion. USfcD FrfcNITtmc Phone I-tl9 o. riR STV'MPAOE end lir log. wanted. Shipment be mde Df truclc. or ..ti Tr.H-n.nrin(.a Lumber A Manufac- turl'na Company. Inc. Independence, Oregon. Phone 43. na2S9' WANTED: BARKIE Douglaa fir polea or atumpao. Phone 12S1 Albany or write Btandard Pole ft Piling Co.. Inc. na213 WANTED furniture w glue repair Le Broa fare HeflnUhlng Co ti 3-1001 PERSONAL MADAM MORA OIFTED PSYCHIC READER Can help ru here others have failed. Satisfaction assun-d. Advice on all al falrs of life. Special reading 13 W . Lo cated lust aouth of Hubbard on Huhwai D9E Between Woodburn and Hubbard. Loo for alan Reading Dally. Pi'' AUTOMOBILES TRADE CHEV. spec, deluxe 4-door. c.ian (or Vh T. truck In good shape, Son-f..,n-H ma eras. Ph. 3-9720. " -,3S 411 DODGE 4 dr. Town Sedan. UO.000 mile. R&H. Excellent condition. C a 1 3-508. V 4R CHEV. 3 yd. dump truck with Job. Will taae iiue . irculSonEi. A Ford eouoe. Oood cond, Ph. 3-0223. 15 FOBO cp. 1535 Bellevue. Call alter noon Sunday. Ph. 3-7741. q353 )9STTONTIAC coupe. Clean. iood cond. 2280 Broadway. Ph. 2-0931. 0.353" mi unnrt. a emine. Oood mechanically. Oood rubber. 3125. Can be seen after 1:30 tm. Ph. 3-3923. JW MASTER Chef, 193. 3M 8. lima at 4 Corner. 252 For Sale or Trade Ml Packard 4 dr. sedan, 1S.0O0 ml!. RAH. Excellent condition. Call 2-2471, venlng 3-5011. q333; iftii nLn7tvlinette. A-l condition. h 3-1814 between P.m. 253 QUICK RALE: 1937 Chrysler Royal. Oood ahapt. Run a well. Owner 393 N. Wtnte. room I. W. H. Pryor. g3l 1047 CHEV. Fleetmaster 8p. Deluxe 4 dr. sedan. RA-H. Onelnal owner. 11205. Ph 3-5384. 063 . Capitol. J A REAL BUY Beautiful 1940 Custom Dodee 4-door Se rf tn. Llka new. Ask for Mr. Teasuc. Teaiue. ONLY $1395 TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 353N Liberty Ph. 3-4173 q232 3 DOOR Plymouth. R AH. Oood, clean car. 1350. Ph. 054R Btayton. q259 111 PACKARD auper sedan. Heater, over drive. Oood tires. 1600 cash. Ph. 1-466 q233 101 1 rttrV. S Ann Insrlii nilm.' rinnA condition. Ph. 4244a, .353 i AUTOMOBILES ' 1 October 22, 1949. Hudson City, Where Chemeketa goes to Church Salem, Oregon TERMS Phone 3-4113 AUTOMOBILES LOOK!! 194T Praier Sedan. Bargain of a life time. Like new. Overdrive. Radio 4t Heater. ONLY $1395 TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty Pit. 3-4173. q353' FOR SALE 1941 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe 18.000 mllea, excellent condition, radio, heater, undercoatlnc, air cuahfon Urea, seat covers. Priced tor quick aaie moo. Phone 3-1125. 7th and Uurlark, Wat Salem, Ore. q3&S' Eisner Motors to Sell lftti CHEV. 5 paas. coupe, to trada for equity '48 or '49 car. Ph. 1-7475 af1-' or au day aat. qisa 150 USED CAR LOT 150 ft your old one. 12th St. Junction Open till 10 P.m. q2o7 TANTED: Clean ilmss eara 2160 South Commercial 1911 BI KK 4 -dr. aedan. Ha been overhauled and u in perfect condition. Beautiful exterior and exceptionally clean throughout, see thi one lor real buy. Phone 3-7356. q252 CAR ACCESSORIES tire ft tubea at coat pnc PtMt come first served a thl la a cloae-out sal Dealer welcomed D Wood row Co., 450 Center. ZEEB'S USED CARS EOT 6FT.L - TRADB TERMS 333 Pairtreand Road Eisner Motors Fine Car's MERC! "RY I ptu, Coup. Ph. 3-1435 alter 6 p.m. q252' MODEL "A" Ford J -or. edan. t td. tries. Od. paint. Reconditioned mtr., gd. radiator ft batt. Very id. runnlni or der. Priced for quick sale. 157. Ph. 3-7202. q252 Eisner Motors to Buy MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS 1947 SALISBURY scooter. 1S0 or take trade. I960 Center St. a2S4a 1919 HARLEY T.AVID40N, II. Low mile ce. foot ahlft, Darland Swan Ph 34127. 23 FARM EQUIPMENT FARM EQUIPMENT. Oood eon. Write Capital Journal. Bot 488. qb350 PRICED FOrTQIICK BALK. Like new Seara Oarden tractor. Bradley David aon. With cultivator, welder, mower at tachment, 3 new 800x19 recap, tire. 1100. PY J-MftO fb2S4 BOATS WILL trade outboard motor or boat fnr shotfua. Ph. J'9303, aqlll KUTOMOBILE3 AUTOMOBILES WILSONS ALWAYS DEPENDABLE 1948 Buick Rdmstr. Sedanet $2245 Drnaflaw, white ttrtj, Aztec green, perfect con dition. 1947 Buick Rdmstr. Sedan Exceptional, very low mileage, lot of extra, dark blue. 1825 1948 Kaiser Sedan Only 10,100 mile, me chftnlcallr perfect, clean as new. 1946 Pontiac Strm. 1425 Sedan A wonderful car, well cared for, clean, extra equip., low mileage. 1947 Chevrolet Sedan . . We have renalnterf thl 1395 1295 In maroon enamel. Oood condition. 1942 Buick Special Sedan 950 One owner, 50,000 mile. Excellent low coat trans portation. 1941 Buick Special Spt. Cpe 825 The smaller "A" Series, economical to operate. A food buy. 1940 Buick Super Spt, Cpe 795 Good condition, iood lookins. sood price. 1942 Plymouth Con vertible 795 We have replaced the top Clean and la excel lent condition. 1941 Chrysler Town & Cntry 695 Beau nine, or remove et for extra lusiai space. Mechanically very eood. Wood better than averate. 1940 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR ... .1549 1938 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR. ,.,.117! 1929 MODEL A SEDAN ISA ASK FOR Ed Gregson or Claude Bird Otto J. Wilson Commercial at Center 353 SALE OR TRADE '41 NASH & pas. coupe. '40 Pick, six se dan. '37 Chev. sed. '34 Chev. sed. '33 CheV. Sed. '35 Dodge Sed. '20 Model A sed., rebuilt motor. These cars are all priced low. Hardman Bros. 44 ml. north of Bslem on Port, hlway. Open from 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. seven day wk. q254 FINANCIAL PERSONAL FINANCE CO., 318 Stat. Tim 125. Lie. 8-122 M-165. C. R. Allen, Mr. r232" LOAN OF $75,fM)0 wanted on new mod ern theatre Including all equipment for 10 to 20 years, luaranteed lea.e for 30 years, iood valley town, repay at lease 1500 lncludlni Interest at 8 per cent, fully Insured. State Finance Co. 153 S. Hlih St. r252 IF YOU want to sell your property It will pay you to Know now mucn oi an rHA loan It will stand. This Information la obtainable with very little trouble. Do not hesitate to call on us for any In formation you Desire on FHA -loans. STATE FINANCE CO. 133 8. Hlih St. Tel. 34121. r GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie 8-133 and M-1JI and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8 Commercial St Tel. 3-9161 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1080 Fair. round Road Next Door to Bank Free Parklnt Phone Y7033 Lie N Ml 69 4301 Floyd Ken ron. Mtr r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 8 Church Farklm a Plenty Ph t-3457 Lie No M-150 8-198 FOR TOt R SAVINGS INVESTMENT buy real estate flrit, properties Salem ft vicinity. Make your own se lection, nets you t percent. We take care of all collections If desired. Amount 81000 to several thousand dol lars, flee or call ua for particular!. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. Blth Bt. Tel. 34131. f PRIVATE MONEY Spec') Rate and Tsrms On Laraer Loans Lone and Short Tim Payment ROT H SIMMONS 111 South Commercial Si Prion 1-0161 Journal Want Ads Pay FINANCIAL 8KB 0 FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOAN ONLY OR 4to INTERCT I to 10 and No CjmmlMlos Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 144 Stat Ht. Phoot t-SMl FARM AND CITY LOANS 4L,, aod tOVM OWN TERMS of repayment within ftuoa Cub for Real bttti Contract tnd Second M or t gate CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. Ml Pioneer Truit Bid Ph. 3-TIW f TRAILERS 14 FT. 1 KM. hs. trailer, mahogany Int., oil elre.. Butane rge.. lea box. Sleep 4. valued at 12200. Will trad a down pay ment on low priced city or sub. noma. Larsen Home & Loan Company Exclusive Listings Personal Service 104 S. Com' I. St. Ph. 1-8389 Eva: S-T440 t3J3 SMALL trailer house for aala. Charles H. Uoore.1730 Water 81. t2J4 t7iV VAGABOND trailer house. Like new. 4383 Hater St. Ph. 3-2807. t2S UTILITY trailer with shocks. 183. Very good condition. Rt. 1. Box 383. Ph. s-1857. ma M FACTOR Y-butlt trailer house, good eond.. lots of bullMns. 1950. Fir Crest Trailer Park. H. River Rd. t252 MCrTficE! 18 trailer house, elec. brake. Butane, exc. cond., 15S0 Portland BJ- tasi TRANSPORTATION DRIVING through Minneapolis. Minne sota. Nov. 1. '49 Hudson. Take 3 Ph. 2-4510 X257 DIRECTORY 4DDINO MACHINE All make nwd mi chines sold, rented repaired Roen 46 Court Phone 1-41773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC ROME appliance repair service new appllanew Vlnca's Electric Phone Free estimates Trade-ins accepted on 3-333 137 8 Liberty 8t o AT-UR DOOR SHARPENING Lawn mowers, scissors, knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1220 Center. 3-8833. o AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towlna aervic day phone I-IS8I Klcht 3-1804 33 Center O Mike Panelc. 275 8 Com'l. Ph. 3-5161 Brake and wheel aligning cpecUlLsu. 0259- BRICR WORK Brick ft block work of all kind. Ex perienced, competent mason. Call Davidson Bros.. Ph 3-8247. 0258 BCILDING CARPENTBT Remodel repair that horn oow Terms. No down payment Phone 3-4850. o BULLDOZING Log., .tmd. dear's, carryall wk. Ph. 42383 or 31264. Geo. Worth. 840 Plymouth Dr. Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Falrview Ave. Ph. 2-3146. Salem. 0265 CASH REGISTERS The National Cash Register Co. Cash Registers - Accounting Machine Sale - Servio - Supplies 523 Oalne Street Phone J-1422 0240 Instant delivery of new RCA eaab register Al makes sold, rented, pa'-ed Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6773 CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveway, patio, curb, wall. to. Call 2-4850. CHIMNEY. SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned Ensley. 771 S. 21st. Ph. 3-7176. o259 CONCRETE WORK If It's made of concrete, let us bid on your work. Ph. 3-1136. o264 DRESSMAKING Dressmaking ft alteration. Work guar anteed. 1200 N, 24th. Fil. 3-7885. 0274' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vine' Electric for electrical wiring", contracttn. repairing, 1S7 8. Liberty 303 o EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross, 1555 PearL o25B Bralthaaot's for flower Dial 3-9178 o FURNACE ft CIRCULATOR SERVICE Vacuumed ft repaired. Dvorak. Ph. 34963 o263 ROUSFHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watkin Oo product Free ..very 1717 Center Ph 1-5305. INSULATION Johns-Uanvllle. Phone 3-3748 JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning An i tor Serrlc Floor Waxlnt BulldinM Pactorte - Borne Estimate Without Oblleatlon AMERICAN BI.DO MA INT CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 o LANDSCAPr NURSERY F A. Doerfler ft Sons. Ornamentals. 130 N Lancaster Dr it t Cor Ph 3-1323 o DELCX SERVE SELF Laundry. 843 Jef ferson St. Phone 23452. O LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers Call Harry W. Scott. 147 8. Com' St. 0259 MATTRESSES Capita Beddlni Phone 3-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish ft Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1521 Court St. Ph. S-7569. 0266 OFFICE FURNITURE ft STTFPUES Desk chairs, file and fllln supplies. safe, duplicator and supplies, desk lamps typewriter stands brief oases 9lerce Wire Recorders Roen 458 Court OIL BURNER SERVICE We guarantee our work. Ph, 2-8663. Eve. 4-2424. 0273' Interior calntlni. O. Horn. Ph. 3-8518 0257 Vfstrom'a are equipped pal mini Phone 1-2493 PAPERIIANr.INO Expert Pnperhantlni snd palntlnt. H. f. Wood worth. Ph. 3-3868. Free est. 0279 PAINTINO ft PAPERR ANQING Palntln A paperln Pre est Ph. 1-2608 0261 Palntlnt and paperhantlnt don expert ly and reasonsbly Ph 2-6019 Palntlnt and psperhantlnt. Pre estt mste. Ph. 1-0313. 837 Shplpln. 0266 Palntlnt ft paperhantlnt. Int. ft ext de. H B- (Woodyt Wood. Ph, 3-5072 02 hf PICT I HA F AMINO Picture framin Pho. PL? 'MR I NO Butcheoo Paint Store Fisher 344 Com'L Ph. 3-3011. o23T RF.F1I IRE RATION HFRVirE Miller Refrigeration Service Co Ph. 3-1M4 0285 AND A ORAVKL Oarden Soli crushed rock. Shovel and dragline eieavatlng W a Ulna Sand ft Oravet Co. Phone 1-3349 o Valley Band Oravei Co flllt, sand f It din F.acavtlni 10B shovel cat Tretor scoop A trucks for dirt n ovine Ph office 34003. re till C SAWS lem Saw Wrfci Ph 1-7803. 1393 N 3th o3S sevtirs a .vp srrnc tajii Cleetrl Ruto-Rooter Kicluslve Patent Rator 'h te Crtlne RId- 0 I u Sewer. 1337. Drain. Tank. Ph Stock Market Marking Time New York, Oct. 22 WV-The stock market jogged along a narrow price path today. Caution wag the dominating factor. With the iteel and coal strikes crippling the economy a little more each day, and with the possibility that the president might take action over the week end, traders were in no mood to get out on a limb. The result was a collection of insignificant price changes. Gains and losses were well scrambled, most of them in minor fractions. A wide variety of stocks were either ignored or remained at Friday's closing levels. Business turned out to be skimpy after an overnight batch of orders was disposed of at the opening. Turnover slowed to a rate of only 350.000 shares for the two-hour session. A major exception to the pre vailing narrowness was Douglas Aircraft, which rose a point to 72 at one time, the year's top price. The issue has been a heavy favorite this week, large ly because of a special dividend and an excellent earnings re port. A handful of railway issues attracted support in the bond market. DIRECTORY SEPTIC TANKS K. F. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143-Sth St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o275 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service 2445 State St. Phone 2-0734. o Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St.. W. Saem. Ph. 1-0468. 8-5327 o261 SEWING MACHINES Repairs guaranteed all make. Ph. 35569 1091 Edgewater, West Salem. o264 Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ term. All makes. W. Davenport. Ph. 1-7671. 0254 All make repaired, free estimate Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No Commercial Ph 3-3312. o TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Roy&l. Coder wood portables Aii make used machines Repair and rent Roen. 456 Court, o TRANSFER STORAGE .ocal ft Distance Transfer, storage Burner oil, coal ft briquets Truck to Portland dally Agent (or Bektn House bold good moved to anywhere In US or Canada banner Transfer ft Storage Ph 3-3131 e VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or raflnlahad- Relnholdt ft Lewi 3-3639 Elmer The Bllndman. Ph. 37328. WEATI1ERSTRIPPING Free estimate. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-3905. 0250 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymnre, Rt. 3. Boa S17. Ph. 3-5135. 0265 WINDOW SHADES Wash tale. Roller Made to order. I Day Del Relnholdt A Lewi Ph 23639. o WINDOW CLEANING Aame . lndow Cleaner Window, wail ft woodwork cleaned Floor cleaned waxed and polished Ph 1-3337 347 Court. Lansdoe, CulberUoo and Mather SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co. Ph 3-4031. WOODSAW1NO Atkins ft Cross. Ph. 1-8674 or 1-8178. LODGES rrpv l.O OJ1 meu every Wed nesday, aight. VUltort wei come 1 A Kingwood Lodge No. 204, A.P. AM. Special F.C. degree ..nday. Oct. 24, 7:30 p.m. zw LEGAL NOTICE OF EXAMINATION NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVKN that Civil Service Examination for FIREMEN sub ject to the rules, regulations and pro visos or the Civil service tommiwinn 01 Salem, Oregon, las amended! will be held t the Cltv Hall. Salem, Orexon. as follows: Thursday, November 10. 1849. 9:00 am. FlrtEMEN Fire Department GENERAL SCOPE OF EXAMINATION. In addition to physical examination by the city physician: keenne.ia of observa tion, readlne comprehension, ability to follow directions, relations with others, phynlcal ability to meet fire department requirements. PAY: 1225 00 month for beflnners. Physical tests as would be ordinarily used In fire ftuhtln. i REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must have been bona fide resident of the city of flalem. Oreton. for at least one year Immediately previous to the date of the examination and must be reclstered vot ers. AOE LIMITS: 31 to 31 year. Applicants will be required to take a physical examination from the city phy svclan. Each applicant shall cause to be filed with the Secretary of the Com mission a statement from the city phy sician certlfylne that the applicant Is mentally and physically fit for the posi tion of fireman. In the absence of such a certificate an applicant will not be permitted to take the examination. APPLICATION BLANKS may be ob tained at the office of the City Recorder, must be filed in person, and will not be accepted for flllne after the fnllowlne dates: Friday, October 28. 1149, 5:00 p m. DATED AT BALEM. OIIEOON, October 19, 1949. ALFRED MUNITT. C;vll Service Commission' Bv: Alfred Mundt. Secretary and Chief Examiner. Oct 30-31-32. 34-3V38 NOTICE TO CREDITOR Notice la hereby given that the under lined has been appointed by the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for Marlon County. Administrator of the Estate of i c. waixer, deceases, ana nss quanta ui such. All persons having claims a Inst aid &Mat are hereby noli tied to present the same duly verified a required by law, to the undersigned at the oil Ice or Paul R. Hendricks. 412 Pioneer Trust Company Building, Salem. Oreton. with in :x months from tne date oi th nrai publication of this notice Dated and first published th 15th day of October, 1049 WARKEN A. SPKRRY, Administrator of the Estate of D C. Walker, deceased PAUL n HENDRICKS. Attorney. Oetli-JJ-M.NovS-l J Th School Board of Union High School District No. . Marion Cointy will re ceive eed bids on 27 eterl lockers, aire S ft., I Inches hieh. 13 Inches wide, and l! Inches deep. These re recess lockers to be set In the hull way. Give prirea on key locks, padlorks and romb.natlon locks Submit sample locker If powibie. Tl:l will be opened at I o'clock P m , Tuea dav, November 1. 1949. atHfie Donald Cay Hall, Donald. Oreiton. The board reserves the right to reject any and all b.d. Robert Ooetr, elerk Union Hlh School District No, I Rt 1. Br M) Woodburn Oregon. October 33 35, l4t. M A R K F Tr QUOTATIONS taieea Livealevk Market (By Valley Packing Company- Lamb 119 00 to 120 00 feeder lamb iii.uo to lie.uo Ewes . i: DO to M 00 Cutter eowa li.oo to fiooo Fat dairy ows 110.00 Bulla in.oo to tie.oo Calve, good (300-450 lbs) r.S.GO to 117 00 Veal (110-300 lbs.) top ..f 19.00 to 131.00 Portland Predae Uutterfat Tentative, tutijert to Imme diate change. Premium quality maximum to JS to 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland 3-6c lb.. 93 score 61-8e lb., 90 score, 67-OOc. 69 score, 55c Valley routes nd country points 3c le&s than first Batter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers: grade 93 score. 63 cents; A 02 score 61; B 90 store. 39c lb.. C fti) score, 56c. Above price are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale: Oregon singles 39 -40c; Oregon ft sin. loal U-43e; triplet I less than singles. Eggs Te Wholesalers) A trad large. 65' i-66 'tc: A medium. 4-il 1 tc . grJe B large. Wj-JS'iC, small A grade, 42.0 Portland Dairy Markrl Bnllrr Price to retailers: Grade AA prints 7c; AA cartons 68c; A prints ci;. a canons esc: ts print e. Eggs Prices to retailers: Grade AA larse 73c doa.t certified A large. 68c: lame 67c; AA medium. 58c: certified A, medium. 57c: A medium. Si-SIJc, A small. 4jc. cartons 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39-42c. Oregon loaf, ft' id loais '-45c id.; triplets. 1-1 cents lens than singles Premium brands, singles. 5me lb.: loaf. 33 e. Poultry Live Chickens - No. 1 quality FOB plants. No. 1 broilers under 2' lbs. 24c fryers 2l-3 lbj.. 2l-?oc; 3-4 lbs.. roasters 4 lbs and over. 27-28c; fowL Leghorns 4 lbs. and under. lB-2ic over lbs. 20c: colored fowl all weights, 22-23c: roosters, all weights 18-19c. Rabbits Ave rune to growers, live whites. 4-3 lbs.. 18-200 :b ; 5-6 lbs.. 16-180 lb.; colored 3 cent lower; old or heavy does. and bucks, 8-13c; fresh fryers to butchers 50-53c. Country-Kilted Meats Veal, top quality. 30-320 lb.; other grades according to weight aud quality witn poor or neavier, ii-mc. Hogs; Light blockers. 3U-31C: sows 33 24c. Lambs: Top quality, aprlngers, 38-3BC, mutton, 12-lic. ucei: oood cows. 30-320 lb.; canners- cutters, 20-22c Fresh Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per ewtJ: B-ef steers, good 500-803 lbs.. 143 4ft; commercial. 135-39; utility, 131-33; utility. 427-38. Cows Commercial. 131-33; utility, 127 I: can tie ra-c utters. 123-26 Beef Cuts iGood Stccrsi: Hind Quarters $54-55; round., 148-51; full loins, trimmed. 173-78; trlanbles, 132-34; square chucks. 140-42; ribs, $52-55; forequartere, 134-38 Veal and calf. Good. 337-40; commercial. 133-35; utility 123-32 Lambs. Good-choice spring lambs, 141 46; commercial, 136-40; utility. 133-33 Mutton: Good, 70 lbs. down, $16-18. Pork euts: Loin No. 1 8-13 lbs.. 150-53; shoulders 16 lbs down. (39-40; spare ribs. 147-50. carcases 132-33; mixed welnht 12 per cwt. lower. Portland Miscellaneous Cascara Hark Dry 13ie lb., green 4e lb Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 45c lb. Mobalr 25c lb. on 12-montb growth. nominally. Hides Calves. 30e lb., according to weight, kips 25a lb., beef ll-12o lb., bulls 6-7c lb. Country buyers pay 2o less. n notations Vtalnat Iranquetiea, first quality jum i. 34.7c: large. 32.7c; medium. 27 2c: second quality Jumbos, 30.2c; la rue, 20.2c; medium, 26.2c; baby, 23 2c. soft shell, first quality large. 29.7c; medium, 26.2c; sec ond quality large. 37.2c; medium, 34 7c. baby 22.2c. t liberie Jumbo. 200 Ib.t large. 18c. medium, 16c; small. 13c. SALEM MARKETS Completed from reports of Salem dealers lor the eu lila nee or t:nptlal Journal I Readers. (Revised daily). Keiaii eeeo I rices: Kf Mash 14.85. Rabbit Pellets 84.30. Dairy Feed 13.70. Poultry) Buying prices -Grade A color ed hen 32c; grade A Lea horn hen, and up, 27-29C. Qraie A old roosters. 15c 1B-10C, grade A colored Irycra, three lbs Kits Buylnr Priors Extra Urtre AA 84c; large AA 63c; large A, G0-64c: medium AA, 52c; medium A. ,49-50c; pulleis. 34-38c. Wholesale Prices Kim uholi'ale n rices 5-7o above these prlrcs; above grade A generally quoted at 69c; medium 54c. Bulterfal Premium 64-65c. No. 1. 83c: No. x. 67- 69c: (buying nrlcesi Sutter Wholesale trade A. 17c: re call 720. Prices of Eggs Cut Here on Top Grades Cuts on (op grades of eggs, varying from one to two cents, were quoted in the local mar kets, Saturday. Under the new listing, buying prices, the extra large AA are listed at 64 cents; large AA at 63 cents; large A from 60-64 cents; medium AA, 52 cents; me dium A, 49-50 cents; pullets, 34 38 cents. It was the first change in egg listings for some time. All other produce remained unchanged en the Saturday mar kets here. Fear of Higher Taxes Brings Shopping Spree London, Oct. 22 fP) House wives went on a shopping spree today after rumors spread that the government will raise pur chase taxes to fight inflation. Stores in London's fashionable West End reported the busiest morning of the year. There was no confirmation or denial of the rumors. Prime Minister Attlee plans to sn nounce on Monday a scries of economy measures necessitated by the nation's financial crisis Details still are top secret. Earlier this week a buying rush for clothing developed be cause of rumors that clothes ra tioning, abandoned Inst spring, would be restored. The gov ernment denied that it had any such intention. Damage from early killing frosts in the fall, or the spring for that matter, can be avoided generally by covering plants with newspapers. Constipation (Colitis) Is ft symptom, not a Rectal Ailments Are tho Underlying Factor Hemorrhoid. and othpr colon ailment mu.t be corrected. So foai or Tim No HntpilallT.itlnn m liMrrlptlvf Rnnklrt DR. R. REYNOLDS Prort!nr;t..t Naturo Kectal Sprrl.ill.t 1144 tfntrr Ht. j.lrm. Ore. Capital Journal, Salem. Ore.. Saturday, October 22, 194911 Grain Prices Listed Easier Chicago, Oct. 22 VP) Grains showed an easier trend without developing any pronounced weakness on the board of trade today. Largest losses were in soybeans, running to more than a cent at times. Toward the close a mild rally reduced or cancelled early declines. Lard had a rather severe sinking spell mid-way in the day. The October contract ral lied on short-coverinc at the end, but other deliveries could ! not make up much ground. Deal ings in the October ended today and outstanding contracts must be settled by delivery of actual lard. mi -vi l i J i : ! i ne uuiuuiT idia uuiivcry ended at $12.15 to $12 47, a gain of 52 to 77 cents a hundred r-.nin.Hc nn a Inct.m inn t hurst . ' ' of snort covering. Wheat closed unchanged to 1' lower, December $2.13:'k, corn was unchanged to 4 lower, lower to l2 higher, December 707a-71, rye was lower, December $1.46, soybeans were 34 lower to v4 higher, No vember $2.29-$2.28, and de ferred lard futures were 25 to 35 cents a hundred pounds lower, November $10.10 to $10.25. Accidentally Cuts Himself For Appendix Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 22 ) A Raleigh butcher accident ally carved the incision (or his own appendectomy. John C. Sykes, 25-year-old meat cutter, told his story to day from his bed at Rex hos pital here. Joking as he went along. Sykes related how on last Fri day afternoon he was slicing veal cutlets. At one point, his razor sharp, 12-inch knife blade got stuck in the meat and he yanked it out. As it came out, he lost control and the blade slashed his side. At the hospital it was found the butcher's wound could nearly pass as a double for an appendectomy incision. In addition, Sykes said, the knife had damaged his appen dix to the point It was neces sary to remove it. Pope Asks About Our DP Law Castel Candolfo, Italy, Oct. 22 (A1) Pope Pius XII asked a group of American congressmen today to Consider Whether the!1" Aurora, at the home o; Mrs. Daisy immigration policy of the United Mates is as liberal as it could be. The pontiff, who received the congressmen at his summer res- dence here, said: "We dare say the further ques tion has risen more than once in your minds, if not to your lips: Is the present immigration pol icy as liberal as the natural re sources permit in a country so lavishly blessed by the Creator ii, un . . and as the challenging needs other countries would seem to demand? Your travels no doubt will afford much data for the answer to that question." The pope told the group members of a house committee touring Europe to study U. S. representation in United Nations agencies that "American gener osity has made bounteous con tributions to various internation al organs of relief." "You do well, he added, "to examine with what success this relief has been and is being brought to those who are really most in need. "The task of attempting to bring peace and decent prosper ity to the stricken peoples of the world is a gigantic one," t h e pope said. WALNUT MEATS WANTED We will Pay Top Price, for WALNUT MEATS Depend On li For Square Deal Willamette Grocery Co. 305 So. Cottage St. Phon 34146 SALEM, OREGON f To Sell Your FILBERTS H. R. JONES BUYER FOR ROSENBERG BROS & HIGHEST MARKET PRICE CASH ON DELIVERY AT SHRYDER TRANSFER CO. 285 S. Cottage STOCKS By the Associated Pr sst American Can Am Pow ft Ll , Am Tel ft Tel Anaconda , Uendlx Aviation Beth Steel Boeing Airplane Calif Packing Canadian Pacific Case J 1 ... Caterpillar Chrysler Comwlth ft Sou Cons Vultee Continental Can Crown Curtiss wr.ghi Do uu Us Aircraft 11 J4a Dupont de Nei General Electric 3 , General Food - General Motors 65'a Oood year Tire 33 Int Harvester 27 tnt Paper ' iKennecott era L LniiK BeP .. 244 Montgomery Ward Nash Kcl vlna tor ... Nat Dairy NY Central Northi-rn Pacific .. Pac Am Fish .... Pa Gaft ft l-lleo .... S4T4 l'j'i " prnney J c i g;d.0notp jnayomei Pid .WW! ! Heynolda Metal .... iHu - hfield 3 Safeway Stores 38 Sears Roebuck 43 Southern Parlfio 43 Standard Oil Co "Q1 ritudrhaker Corp 34' Sunshine Mining , Trfitisamrrlra 11 t Union Oil Cal 234 Union Pacific Hi's United Airlines 141 U S Hteel Warner tiros Plo ; Woolworth " Pensioners Fight Cut Olympia. Wash., Oct. 22 OJ.R) The Washington Pension Union and several state welfare re cipients started two court ac tions yesterday to stop the so cial security department from cutting grants Nov. 1. OBITUARY Edith Danisan Duranl Amiiv Mrs. Edith Dunltan Durant. 94, i( nt .Tntin Heni-T Durant. 7211 N. Oree- ley, Portland, formerly of Amity, dlad at the family home. Mr. Durant suffered an acute heart attacK tnat morninc soon after her husband left for his wor. Bora In Nebraska. January 7, 1884, lived for a while In Kansas, and grew to woman hood in the Perrydale community. Snj wn mil tried to John Henry uurant. Am ity, June 35, 1910. They lived In Amity - for a number of years. Funeral w.eea were held Wednesday afternoon from Mlkeworth' -Peninsula Funeral horn un der auspice of Mt. Hood chapter O.E , No. 144, Rev. Walter H. Hetlman off'lat ln. Concluding service Rivervie Ab bey, vault entombment. Survivor -r th husband. John Henry Durant, at home, two daughters, Dorothy Simon. Portland. Mar? Bopp, Fresno, Cam.; one sister, la ua Rude. Fresno: two it rand daughters, Pat- rlcla Simon and Sharon Bopp. Walter Frank Brooks Oraveslde service wert Rt4 Friday at the City View cemetery f-ir Wel ter Prank of Central Point, who died sud denly of a heart attacc early Wednesday morning. He hal spen; tne pa; two weeks v Lilting hi sister Mrs. George Per rell. snd was on his wy to take the bua for home, when he s opped to talk to Mrs. C. Whltlock, n tlie Bethel Park area, and suddenly bec tm; 111. He was 78 years old. He Is mrvlved by hi wlf . Mildred Frank of (antral Point, live step children and his sisLer, Mrs. George FerreU. of Brooks, ferment In the City View cemetery at Salem. Howell-Edwaid were In charge of '.he arrangements. Mftet. James B. Hendershot Aurora Many local friend attended funeral services at the St. John's fun eral home 7303 N. Leavitt Ave., Thur"Jay afternoon for Master Sgt. James Bin If Hendershot. who died at Portsmouth. If . October 11. He was the 'itisjand of Mrs. Elinor Hendershot, Santa An.i. Calif.. and son of Mrs. Nellie Collins oi Portland. Por noiTiK Tears, voune HenJr-.stto' lived m(.ni WM , the veteran- ua 'unc'ida Memorial park, Portland. DEATHS Grant B. Khumaker Urant B. Shu maker, late resident of Jef ferson, at a local hospital, October 31 at the age of 83 years. Survived by listers, Mr. Carrie E. Roland and Mrs. Hattl Lonney. both of Salem, and Mr. Eliza beth Looney, Albany; brother, A. J. 8u maker and E. J. Shumaker, both of Sa lem, and four nieces and one nephew. Services will be held Monday, October 14, at 3 p m. In the Methodist church at Jef- .iieraon miner uie direction oi noweii-co- of ,mBrtu cuapei. concluding service at jef- erson cemetery. Mr. Franres Delman Mrs. Frances Unman, late resident of Lincoln, Neb., at Lincoln. October 20. at the ate of 23 years. Survived by .luaoand, Charlea Delman. Lincoln: parent. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Carr. Salem: sisters, Mrs. Floren Krnke.v, Kansas City, rfo., and Mrs. fcUle Schleicet. Port Angeles, Wssh.i brothers, Jrss Carr and Edwsrd Carr. both of Salem. Service win be held at iho Assembly of Ood church at Park and Mar ket streets Tueadav, October ?5, at 1:30 p m. Interment In Belcrest Memo.' It park under the direction of Clough-Barrlcl company. Mrs, Mary l.ouiie Ktevenson Mrs. Mary Stevenson, at the res idence at mute 3, Turner, Octooe 33, al the age of 83 years. Survived y daugh ter,. Mm, Margaret Ryan of San Francis co: and four son. William Stevenson of Portland. Robert Stevenson of Cleveland, Ohio, Frank Steverwon of Vancouver, Wiwh., and Earl Htevenson of Turner. Member of the Baptlflt churcn. Announce ment of service later by th rioweil-Ed ward chapel. John Rrouch John Brough at Rawlfn. Wyomlnf. An nouncemant of service later by W. T. Hlgdon company. WALNUTS SEE CO. Phon 3-4966 Y