Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 21, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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r 'H-viip-j
J. V
Chamber Will
Hear Banker
Waller Johannsen, who it head
of the foreign exchange depart
ment of the United States Na
tional Bank of Portland, will
talk to the Chamber of Com
merce Monday noon on devalua
tion of the British pound ster
President Roy Harland will
call for director nominations
from the floor, to be added to
the nominations previously pub
lished by the committee on nom
inations. The election will be
November 7.
New members to be an
nounced will include
the current Pentagon economy
1 drive.
Denfeld, chief of naval opera
tions, denied reports that the
I Missouri had been earmarked as
in rasnallv in thn HHH HHH
New York. Oct. 21 (IW Robert S. Allen, veteran Washindon avy cutback recently ordered
correspondent, took wide swing at built-in corruption and bun-; by Defense Secretary Louis
gling in state government today in a new book entitled "Our!j0hnson
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, October 21, 19499
Corruption, Bungling in
State Governments Hit
IT'S . .
; f Dairymen Make
1 Fine Records
Y"V Marion county dairymen have
f reason to be proud of their pro
,lduction records reported in
"JDHIA associations over Oregon
, ,jln September.
Local cows topped three of the
. Jfour honor roll classes for 305
it day records according to Ben A.
j T Newell, county extension agent,
j. j Dr. A. W. Simmons, Silverton,
J had a two-year-old Guernsey
) finish 305 days with 557.9
. i pounds of butterfat to lead Ore
i; gon's two-year-olds reported in
: September,
f In the three-year-old cows, H.
f j C. Stuwe of Woodburn had a
! 5 registered Guernsey, Peg, out in
( front with 531.4 pounds of but
c ,1 tcrfat in 305 days. Mt. Angel
I i College ran third in this class
I; i with a registered Holstein with
' 499.9 pounds of fat.
J C. J. Berning Mt. Angel, had
: ,,v a registered Holstein leading the
. four-year-olds with 597.6 pounds
,. i of fat In the fourth honor roll
i J- class, Berning came in seventh
(. J with another Holstein making
S83.3 pounds.
" Testing is aimed at helping
' airymen to cull and to feed ac-
cording to production says iew-
t ell. The association in Marion
county now reaches over 100
i herds but is available to any
i if dairyman who wants the serv-
! Ice.
County "Greetings" Sent Tax statements to the number
of 41,000 are in the mail for distribution to Marion county
property owners. Shown loading the statements aboard
the mail wagon are Sheriff Denver Young, R. S. McKee,
postman and Harold Domogalla of the tax department.
Sovereign State.
"The underworld tentacles of gambling overloard Frank Cos
tello are to be found in state -
government from New York to
Florida and from Louisiana to
California," Allen wrote.
Lobby-r i d d e n legislatures,
and underpaid legislators open
to graft, make "the whole sys
tem of state government mori
bund, corrosive, and deadening,"
Allen said.
"It is riddled with senescence
E. R. Cotter. Waco' Sales and incompetence, mediocrity, inef-
Service, 441 South High; L. I.
Burke, salesman, National Cash
Register company. 525 Gaines:
Ian D. Macdonald, M.D., skin
specialist, 180 South Church;
Lowell Steen. Marshall Swear
ingen. Alma Schroeder, and Bill
Howard, all of Oregon Farm Bu
reau federation, 147 North Lib
erty; W. R. Criswell, adjustment
bureau, 229 North Liberty.
Men Don't Know How
To Dress, Says Critic
Washington, Oct. 21 VP) Grip your galluses, men, and prepare
for a iolt.
You guys don t know how to dress. A lovely, well-dressed
lady says so. She is Mrs. Veronica Dengel, author, beauty en
gineer and a personality instructor at New York university who
was in our towner
on business. I 4
km r 1 i L.
who admits to
49 and looks a
1 o t younger,
swears she has
gppii verv few
well- dressed I
men. i
"I travel a lot
and have a
chance to look
men over," she
corruption and
strongest and most arrogant ag
gregation of lobbyist extant in
any state . . . their archetype
is an enormous man who wields
enormous power. He sows,
reaps, and controls a dense
tangle of internal issues that
smother and do violence to par
tisan politics and constitutional
government alike. When he
blows the whistle half the state
jumps without knowing the
source of the command . ,
name is Arthur H. Samish
Mr. Truman last December
scotched reports circulating then
that the 45.000-ton "Mighty Mo"
would be taken out of operation
and put in the "mothball fleet."
It costs about $6,700,000 a year
to operate the Missouri.
. his
)) Dwarf Cattle Yarn
lr man W. Mfhiti i
Expansion Planned
By Dairy Breeders
Plans to expand the Marion
County Dairy Breeders' associa
tion to take in all of Marion and
a large portion of Clackamas
county were tentatively laid
Monday night at the regular di
rectors' meeting reports Ben A
j : iNi-weu, couniy extension agent
saia over iume u...B j-. w willi.- -nrt
Proves to Be Untrue
Jamestown, N. D.. Oct. 21 W.R)
Animal trainer Gene Holter
admitted today that he bought
his five head of dwarf cattle
from a stockman who didn't
want to be known as a breeder
of stunted animals.
His story about finding them
In a "lost canyon" was started at
the stockman's request, Holter
He said he paid $170 for the
five under-size Herefords, aver
aging 200 pounds. They are 24
to 28 inches high.
L. Cadieux, a local photo
grapher who took pictures of
the tiny animals, viewed the
whole affair as a "stunt."
"People are saying it's the
best stunt that's been pulled off
around here for years, but it
got a little bit out of hand," Cad
ieux said.
Meanwhile, midget cattle turn
ed up in normal channels at
Marshaltown, la.
A waist-high 400 pound Here
ford heifer and a bull about the
ame size were consigned to the
Marshalltown market by H. J.
Aneelme, of Nevada, la. They
were sold to two regular buyers.
15-Year Mercy Killer
Held for Investigation
Los Angeles. Oct. 21 J
Richard Elliott, 1 5-year-o 1 d
"mercy killer" of his 10-year-
old brother was held in juvenile
hall today pending further investigation.
A coroner's jury failed to de
cide yesterday whether the shoot
ing was accidental or deliberate.
The boy refused to testify "on
advice of counsel."
He had told police lie was
ihowing his brother Robert a
.32 caliber revolver when it went
off Sunday, sending a bullet In
to Robert's head. He fired an
She started at the lop and took
us guys apart right down to the
"Take hats," she said, rubbing
a manicured t igei across the
feathers on her own chic bonnet.
"Most men don't know how to
wear a hat. They tin them to
ridiculous angles and tivnk it
adds character to keep a felt
skimmer on top for six month?
without having it cleaned or
blocked. A feather is all riRht
in the hat band for college
We'll keep right on a.uotine
a lady, mind you, doing the
Shirts. Why do dark com
plexioned men insist on wear
ing dark shirts They should
always wear white. Fair-hair
ed men can wear an assortment
of colored shirts and get by.
And the suits men pick out!
They should always take the
wife along. She has better
taste. Men never have sense
enough to pick out a coat that
is loose enough in the back. The
spare tire 1 always sticks out
A well-tailored suit should be
a little longer in me dbck man
in the front to take care of that
rear bulge. The' front bulge
somehow always takes care of
And the seat of the pants!
Why Is It that men always have
to have their britches either
skin-tight or with several acres
to spare?
That gets us down to the cuffs.
No comment there, but it leads
to another subject.
Most men overdo stripes.
They try to match stripes in
their suits with stripes in their
label handkerchiefs and even in
their sox. Some of them look
like barber poles.
And once a man gets all doll
ed up, does he look casual? No.
He primps and fusses to try to
look like a model in a store win
dow. And with what results?
His handkerchief has the "ac
cepted" four points in his lapel.
It should be, maybe, a little ruf
fled to appear nonchalant.
He smells of shaving lotion
that is too strong. I could go
on and on.
End of quotes from Mrs. Dengel.
technician, said memberships
will be accepted up to December
1. 1B49. If 600 cows can be add
ed by that time an additoinal
lechn'cian will be employed and
service will begin that date.
Production records now being
made, by the first test tube heif
ers to freshen, look excellent ac
cording to Newell. Many in
complete records show two-year-
olds average 1.5 pounds of but
terfat per day.
Raising the production of milk
and butterfat by breeding more
cows to better bulls is the aim
of the breeding association.
Trainina Come
For Cub Leaders
A training course for cub
leaders to extend over a series
of six classes will be undertaken
by Cherry City district. Boy
Scouts of America. The first
class will be held at the First
Methodist church at 7:30 the
night of October 26 when the
administration of a den in the
pack and pack administration
will be discussed.
The second class will take up
the subject of "How Of A Den
Meeting" with Mrs. Otto Yunker
in charge. A realistic den meet
ing with those taking the course
playing the part of the den will
take up the time of the third
meeting with Mrs. Clarke Lethin
in charge.
The fourth session will be
devoted to the planning of the
pack meeting by Leo Olson and
the fifth to a realistic pack meet
ing with those in attendance di
vided into two dens. The sixth
will depict the cub graduation
ceremony and presentation of
Women who are interested in
becoming den mothers are in'
vited to participate in the course.
Our Sovereign State" (Van
guard Press. Inc.. $5) is a critical
analysis of 12 states by 12 writ
ers, each prominent in his own
statte. It is edited by Allen,
who writes a blistering intro
duction criticizing "ox -cart"
system which "pollutes Instead
of purifies; destroys and ob
structs instead of building and
The home-town boys pulled
no punches in writing their chap
ters on Massachusetts (Prisoner
of the Past., New York (Back
slider), Pennsylvania (Bossed
Cornucopia), Georgia (Paradise
of Oligarchy). Ohio (Ox-cart
government), Illinois( The "New
Look"), Wisconsin (A State That
Glories in its Past), Louisiana
(Beak Too Big for its Belly).
Nebraska. (Norris: In Victory
and Defeat). Texas (Owned by
Oil and Interlocking Director
ates), Utah (Contrary State).
and California (The First Hun
dred Years).
The principal criticism of all
12 writers and Editor Allen-was
the dependency of local govern
ments on the whim of state
legislatures, and the control ex
ercised over legislators by lobbyists.
Extension Members
reek Shorter Name
Salem Heights The exten
sion unit met Thursday after
noon for their first meeting at
the Salem Heights community
hall. It started with a get-ac-
quainted tea and 42 persons
were present from here, Liberty
and Prospect communities.
The club voted to have mem
bership dues set at $1 a year. It
was decided that the club would
take child care during the meet
ings as an elective in require
ments. Each member was ask
ed to give serious thought to a
new name for the club as the
present one is thought to be too
Mrs. Harold Rosebraugh who
is chairman of the Azalea House
committee, spoke on the cooper
ative house and ways of the unit
raising money for it. Also dis
cussed was an apron sale to be
held for its benefit.
Mrs. S. B. Davidson was nam
ed as chairman for the 4-H com
mittee with Mrs. Don Griffith
Miss Eleanor Trindle, Marion
county home demonstration
agent, presented the project
"Unifying Home Furnishings."
She then told of her vacation
trip to Puerto Rico during the
Truman's Pride to
Be Kept in Service
Washington, Oct. 21 (UP)
Adm. Louis E. Denfeld said to
day that President's Truman's
pride, the battleship Missouri,
will not be put in mothballs in
Typical was Richard Hyer's. of
The San Francisco Chronicle,
criticism of "California's Third
It has become "probably the
Commie Stuffed Shoe
With Soviet Pamphlet
Cleveland, O., Oct. 21 (UK
An Akron, O., man, who al
legedly stuffed communist lit
erature into shoes he repaired,
was held today on a deportation
The immigration and natural
ization service said the prisoner.
Steve Ambramovic, 59, a native
of Yugoslavia, spent two years
Russia teaching his trade
shoe repairing during the sec
ond five-year plan.
other shot to "put him out of
his misery," he said.
An uncle, Edward G. Elliott,
testified the brothers had always
been friendly and never quarreled.
Con Game Takes Saving!
Portland, Oct. 20 UP) Police
reported today a widow claimed
she lost savings of $2775 to two
young women in a confidence
They said Mrs. Kate Ransom
told of cashing bonds to post
the money as evidence of'good
faith" in order to share
larger amount the girls claimed
they found on the street.
R. D. Wood row Co.
Gil Ward, Prop.
450 Center St.
Folks everywhere
have switched to
Calvert Reserve because
it tastes better!
CM.VERT RESERVE Blended Whiskey
-M. Proof-5" Oraln Neutral-Spirits.
Cslrert Dlitlllerl Corp., New York City
Show-time and Overnight
In.ld r-arklnc Month); Ratri
Washing - rollthlnf - Flats Filed
1'ndrr Srw Manafrm.nt
S. P. Motors Garage Storage
5 Frrr M. . re.
Hearing Aid
Batteries for all makes of
hearing aids . . . cords for
most instruments.
Let us know your needs!
Mail orders Filled
Optical Co.
444 State St Phone 3-5528
Salem, Oregon
Shop With
Salem's Own
in Monday's
Capital Journal
and Save!
Have you had
For 99C
(Choice of entree and
Downtown on State Street
5:00 to 8:30 P. M.
Every Day Except Sunday
Auto or Personal
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Week-End Specials
good flowering liie
45c doz.
3.25 per 100
Pink Dogwood
Sequoia gigantia
:,c.ik9 6.50
In 5-Gal. Cans for
Immediate Planting
2 for 5.00
(Selection Includes Many
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Grafted Rhododendrons
Camellias g QQ
This Fall... there's just one way to look
nn u 1 1 h III r
new color for matching lips and fingertips
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Red Plumb Beautiful! Pink Plumb Beautiful!
pimnmipinuuiii Ml l. I M.J mwmm -m j
Were there ever two shadea
- so distractingly lovely . . .
that so perfectly capture the
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Red Plumb Beautiful... a rich,
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Pink Plumb Beautiful... a
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Take your pick ... (or pick bolfc !). ,
they're both "Plumb Beautiful!"
Incredible, the sfayKin power
of Revlon'l ever-improved
nail enamel and liptllck!)
Nail enamel .60
Llp-Faliion I.ipitirk 1.0O
"Luacioua"" Lipjtick 1.00
Capital Drug Store
State and Liberty
On the Corner
(I w
If you're moving,..
Want To Know A Secret?
You can save up to
Half on your moving
bill if you
Rental Service
By The Hour-Day-Week-Month
Special Refrigeration Trucks
Padding at No Extra Cost
Gas Cf Oil Furnished
Center and Church Stt.
Phone V
375 S. Liberty JSblki.South of StoM