Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 21, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    I Capital
Edited by MARIAN
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, October 21, 1949
New Year's Committees in
Lions Auxiliary Named
Standing committees for the new year in the Salem Lions club
auxiliary were named by the president, Mrs. Wayne Doughton,
when the group met last evening at the home of Mrs. John M.
Ramage for the season's first gathering for the group. The com
mittees include the following:
WmmmmiWrimmmmamMllm. Stanley Smith, Mrs. Estill
Party Saturday
Young Matrons club members
are sponsoring a "hobo party"
next Saturday evening at 8
o'clock in Mayflower hall. The
Halloween theme will be fea
tured. There will be dancing and
games, and refreshments will be
On the committee for the
event are Mrs. James Lies, Mrs.
Floyd McNall, Mrs. Norman
Lynn, Mrs. W. C. Cross and
-Mrs. John M. Meier.
Brands to Go to
College Reception
Justice and Mrs. James T
Brand will be among those at
tending the reception for which
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. MacNaugh-
ton will entertain Sunday af
ternoon to honor the Reed col
lege faculty and alumni. The
event will be in the Faculty
lounge at the college between
4 and 6 o'clock.
Justice Brand is chairman of
the college board of regents,
Mrs. Brand will be among
those pouring the first hour of
the reception.
SIGMA KAPPA Mothers' club
met for a no-host luncheon,
Tuesday, at Nohlgren's.
Those attending were Mrs. W.
. G. Burris, Mrs. D. G. DeSart,
Mrs. Forest Holmes of Dallas,
Mrs. A. H. Fish, Mrs. F. B. Cran
dall, Mrs. R. J. Davcy, Mrs. R.
G. Lively, Mrs. A. F Marcus,
Mrs. G. A. Rechcr, Mrs. Vern
McMullen, Mrs. Lester Newman.
Mrs. McMullen, president,
gave an account of her recent
trip by plane to New York City.
The next meeting is to be held
at Benton hotel tea room, Cor
vallis, November 15.
MOTORING to Dallas last
evening to attend a meeting of
Sigma Kappa alumnae at the
home of Mrs. Dclbert Hunter
were Mrs. George Robinson,
Mrs. Allan Johnson, Mrs. E. E.
Beckman and Mrs. Frank De
Parties abound on All Saints'
Eve, and colorful parties they
are, with gay crepe paper trim
mings, orange pumpkins and au
tumn foliage for decoration.
Ducking for apples and trying
to bite the elusive apple on a
string and many other Hallow
een stunts are strenuous, so be
prepared for a hungry and
thirsty crowd of youngsters.
Plenty of hot dogs, rolls, dough
nuts and a good beverage will
mtisfy healthy appetites. Use
Halloween decorated paper
plates and mugs and serve your
beverage from a large pitcher.
Ginger ale Is always a popu
lar drink at parties. Put six
cups of orange Juice in a tall
pitcher, fill the pitcher with
ginger ale and decorate with
orange and lime slices. A pitcher
'Vince's Electric"
Vacuum Cleaner
On All Types
Household or Commercial
Also Waxers
' Free Pick-op and Delivery
i PHONE 3-9239
nirt fl J ' ' ' t " i v '
Membership and hospitality
L. Brunk, Mrs. L. J. Stewart,
Mrs. R. W. Land and Mrs. Harry
W. Scott.
Hostess committe e Mrs.
Floyd Seamster, Mrs. Evert
Program Mrs. Bruce Van
Wyngarden, Mrs. Elmer J.
Church, Mrs. R. W. PicKell.
Social Mrs. John Ramage,
Mrs. Reginald Williams, Mrs.
Denver Young. Mrs. Fred Hal
varson, Mrs. Hausmer Siefarth,
Mrs. Al Sauers, Mrs. Lawrence
Moore, Mrs. Joseph B. Felton,
Mrs. Roy Todd, Mrs. Ralph
Publicity and history Mrs.
Ernest Rostel.
Sunshine committee M r s.
William Newmyer.
Philanthropic Mrs. Harry L.
Miller, Mrs. Carroll Ford, Mrs.
Everett Holmes, Mrs. Gordon
Skinner, Mrs. Lillian Ramage,
Mrs. George Grabenhorst.
School for the blind commit
tee Mrs. Victor Palmason, Mrs.
Walter Dry, Mrs. Joe Tompkins,
Mrs. L. J. Stewart.
Special activities Mrs. Ed
ward Majek, Mrs..Morrell Crary,
Mrs. William E. Kimsey, Mrs.
Leslie Beard, Mrs. Carl Aschen
brenner, Mrs. Ernest Rostel.
Printing Mrs. R. W. PicKell.
Rummage sale Mrs. E. Burr
Miller, Mrs. Jacob Fuhrer.
FOURTEEN attended the
meeting of the United Commer
cial Travelers auxiliary, Wed
nesday afternoon, at the home of
Mrs. Floyd Colburn.
At the business session plans
were made for a rummage sale
on November 8, Mrs. T. F. Ba
gan as chairman.
Following the meeting, a sur
prise shower honored Mrs. Col
OES Event
Salem chapter. Order of East
ern Star, is meeting Saturday at
8 p.m. in the Masonic temple.
There will be initiation.
Guests will Include members
of Chadwick chapter. Salem, and
of Woodburn and McMinnville
Parties Soon
of grape Juice and ginger ale,
half and half, makes a delicious
drink. With citrus fruit Juices
as a base, here is a good drink
for children.
Ginger Frultade
l'i lemons, Juice, S oranges,
j vl ire. S tbsp. powdered sugar,
Ginger ale.
Combine lemon and orange
juices and powdered sugar in
pitcher, stirring until sugar Is
dissolved. Add lc cubes, fill the
pitcher with ginger ale,
VISITORS in the capital,
Thursday were Mr. nri Mn
Herbert Roome of Eugene, who
were en route home from a
visit in Portland.
Furniture Mart
Bu ilr we II
Davenport Suites
1978 N. Capitol
Since 1941
-' . '-y ji
. t ",..' ' 'J
Engagement Announced The betrothal of Miss Gloria
Robinson, daughter of Mrs. Beatrice Robinson, to Harold
Trice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Trice of Sheridan, was
announced recently, the wedding to be next June.
Campus Clippings oregon
The Oregon sophomore has
do we see a shaved lad, but the
peared. The "Sophomore Whiskenno" is in view, and many com
mittees have been busy getting it organized. Jeanne Hoffman has
been working on the Betty-Coed and Joe College selection.
Roger Middleton is one of the"
finalists for Joe-College. The
lucky boy who grows the best
beard, will get a free shave at
the dance. October 28 is the date
for the dance and Les Brown's
orchestra will provide the mu
Entertainment galore as well
as noise and spirit were shown
at McArthur court last Friday
evening. Oregon students turn
ed out in mass for the rally be-
bore the Colorado-Oregon game.
Since the men got tired of going
around and picking up the wom
en, the situation was reversed,
and the women escorted mem
bers of the men's houses to the
Saturday was perfect day for
the game, cool crisp weather,
and lots of pom pons to add col
or in the grandstand. Bend high
school provided us with enter
tainment during the half, which
was very enjoyable to watch.
Salem fans were also on hand.
Among them were Mayor and
Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Bonestcele, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Stadter, Mr,
and Mrs. Walter Kirk, and Rev.
and Mrs. George H. Swift.
Switching from the masculine
sport of football, the Kappas and
PI Phis again met Sunday in
their annual "Lipstick 'Bowl."
The pass happy Phi Phis edged
out the Kappa crew 8 to 8. Well
drilled rally squads were on
hand to cheer their teams.
"Gals. Guys. Textbooks," were
all available for the annual As
sociated Women Students auc
tion held Wednesday. The Delta
Gamma freshmen and the Kap
pa Sigma were slated as the
ones "to go on the block." The
highest bidder was able to em
ploy their services as table wait
ers and entertainers. Proceeds
for this go toward the A.W.S.
The sweetheart of Sigma Chi
will be one of the 42 freshmen
ft started jjMMlkkhWi
with this
htlL DfCM"
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of ihrre fr.entrtions
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taken on a new look. No longer
look of the woodcutter has ap
girls whose names have been
entered by the 21 living organi
zations. Half of the candidates
were entertained by the Sigma
Chi's on Wednesday evening,
and the other half the following
Wednesday. This contest is one
in which everyone on the campus
is always anxious to see the out
Dental Assistants
Will Start Classes
First of the fall classes, the
certification course, for the
Capital City Dental Assistants
society, will be Monday evening
in Salem senior high school,
room 217, Dr. L. P. Campbell,
Jr., as instructor. The course
will be given Monday evenings
between 7 and 9 o'clock.
The regular monthly dinner
and business meeting for the as
sistants and their guests will be
next Tuesday evening at 6:30
o'clock in the Golden Pheasant.
Delegates are to give reports
from the recent national conven
tion. Couple Honored on
30th Anniversary
Mrs. R. W. Nusom and Mrs. A.
W. Nusom were hostesses for a
buffet supper party Sunday eve
ning, the occasion being the 30th
wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry C. Stafford.
A centerpiece of fall flowers
and tall candelabrums provided
the decorative note for the buf
fet table.
The evening was spent infor
mally. The guest list included: Mr.
and Mrs. Julian De Jardin, Stay
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Walker
and Gilbert of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Felton of Waconda,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bressler,
Mrs. Berta Becker, Mrs. Rosa
Cole, Mrs. Susan Remington, Mr.
Dale Nusom, Mr. and Mrs. Bry
an Goodenough, all of Salem,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Brundidge
of Woodburn.
It went
over Big
with this!
en omhin(t iptcial. nil fof
mora uritivm ! A...i
of irt-making skill, tor a bmhd.f
mnj umj vnjoj rrm v in! i
Group Is
Willamette faculty women's
tail iliuioua, i,c,,iwuii,
Mrs. G. Herbert Smith being
hostess to the group at Univer
sity house.
4.. 11 Tt,M.J, n ,
About 70 enjoyed the after
noon and tea. Mrs. Robert Fe
nix and Mrs. Harry T. Morris
assisted Mrs. Smith,
At the tea hour, Mrs. Roy M.
Lockenour, president of the fac
ulty women's group, poured and
Mrs. Earl Brown served the ices.
The tea table was especially
beautifill, carrying out the au
tumn and harvest theme. The
table was set with a dark green
cloth, caught up in the corners
with bronze chrysanthemums.
Tall bronze tapers in green pot
tery holders and a Sheffield
place cake basket filled with
fruits and flowers were arranged
on the table.
The faculty women meet the
third Thursday of each month.
Miss Heidinger
Now Mrs. Perry
Dayton Miss Rosetta Marie
Heidinger, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Heidinger of Dayton
and Rodney Arnold Perry, son
of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Perry of
Newberg, exchanged wedding
vows in a double ring ceremony
at the First Christian church in
Newberg, Rev. Cunningham of
ficiating, on Saturday, October
15, at 7 o'clock In .the evening.
The bride wore a blue after
noon dress, a small brown hat
and a gardenia corsage.
The matron of honor, Mrs. Lee
Perry, sister-in-law of the bride
groom, wore a black two-piece
dress with a gardenia corsage.
The best man was the bride
groom's brother, Lee Perry.
A reception was held at the
home of the bridegroom's par
ents, following the ceremony.
The rooms were decorated with
dahlias and chrysanthemums.
The able, covered with a lace
cloth, was centered with a three
tiered wedding cake topped
with a miniature bridal couple.
Miss Donna Finnicum cut the
cake and Mrs. Ralph Willson,
aunt of the bridegroom, served
the ices. Mrs. Kenneth Suby,
sister of the bride, served the
punch. Mrs. James Webb, aunt
of the bridegroom, poured at the
coffee urn, Calla Dee Perry, sis
ter of Mrs. Perry, had charge of
the guest book. Mrs. Lee Perry
was in charge of the gifts.
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Heidinger wore a gray two
piece suit and the bridegroom's
mother, a black afternoon dress.
Both wore carnation corsages.
After a short wedding trip, the
couple will be at home west of
nouncement of the birth of a
son, Bruce James, October 15
at Emanuel hospital, to Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Welton (Meredith
Davey). Also welcoming the
baby are two older brothers.
Thomas and Richard. Grandpar
ents are Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Welton and Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Davey, all of Salem, and Mrs.
A. H. Patchell of Salem is the
You'd know it miles away.
But don't go miles away . . .
Go right to
Uliis J
The Salem
'i :''''"' fi .I-1 ft w-
si, i ( Y vY
.1 iuv. - . ik:
Wed October 15 Bride lasi Saturday was Mrs. Arthur M.
McKay, the former Charlotte Frances Zielinski. The bri'de is
the daughter of Mrs. Dorothy B. Zielinski, Salem, Mr. McKay
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McKay of St. Paul. (Mc
Ewan studio picture)
Supper Follows
Cama Club Dance
Following the Cama club's
dance this evening, a no-host
supper is to be given at Chuck's
The dance is to be at the Glen-
wood ballroom. A snack bar
and social hour will be sponsor
ed by last year's and this year's
officers at the ballroom preced
ing the dance at 9 o'clock, the
hosts including Mr. and Mrs.
William J. Sullivan, Dr. and
Mrs. John Wood, Mr, and Mrs
Russell Bright, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Kinzer, Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Muhs and Mr, and Mrs. Eu
gene Jarvis.
Reception Due
Invitations have been issued
from the Portland Art associa
tion for a reception in honor of
Miss Milllcent Rogers, whose ex
hibition of "Sculptured Orna
ments" opens October 25 at the
Art museum in Portland. The
reception is at 8:30 p.m. Octo
ber 24 and will allow museum
members and their friends to
preview the exhibition and to
meet Miss Rogers. Trained as a
sculptor, Miss Rogers considers
each of her ornamental crea
tions as a work of art. The art
ist now lives and works in Taos,
N. M.
Mrs. Alfred Corbett will be
in charge of arrangements for
the reception. The following will
preside at the refreshment ta
ble: Mrs. Henry Cabell, Mrs. Da
vid Eyre, Jr., Mrs. Ralph Wood
bury, Mrs. Edmund Hayes. Mrs.
Arthur Scott, Mrs. Stuart Strong,
Mrs. S. Eberly Thompson, Mrs.
iRobert Wilson.
Store With the Saddles
FROM BEND comet an
nouncement of the birth of a
daughter, Jean Frances, to Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Pillette, for
mer Salem residents, on Octo
ber 7. There is a son in the
family, also, Charles, Jr. Mrs.
Eva Pillette of Salem and Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Bergen of Der
by, Conn., are grandparents.
Lata Releases
German Requiem
Vocalists with the Vienna
Philharmonic Orchestra
SL-157 (Automatic .... 9.70
Twelve Concerti Orossl
Bush Chamber Players
SL-158 (Automatic) ..19.40
Concerto No. 2 for Piano
and Orchestra
Cyril Smith Piano
Liverpool philharmonic Orch.
ML-4176 4.85
Corner State and High
Downstairs, Oregon Bldf.
Dial 3-8632
Creamy Elk
Light-Tan Saddle
Party for
Miss Mary Kennedy of In-
dependence, who recently an
nnnnreri her engagement to Ev-
erett Price, Jr., was honored at ?
a bridal shower for which Miss
Mnruaret Sweetland entertained
Sunday, assisted by Miss Delores
Attending the party were Miss
Kennedy, her mother, Mrs.
Frank Kennedy, Mrs. Everett
Price, Miss Hazel Price, Mrs.
Donald Zahradnik, Mrs. Miriam
Sweetland, Mrs. Margaret Gar
dner, Miss Charlett Kirchem,
Miss Arlene Frogley, Miss Von
na McBride, and the hostess.
Mi s Hazel Price also enter
tained recently in honor of Miss
Kennedy, a miscellaneous show
er being given.
VISITOR at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Crosby this week
Mr. Crosby's niece, Mrs.
Louise Towell of Westminster,
B. C. She will leave Monday.
15 Denier
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Fall Shades
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