Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 21, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local Paragraphs
Leave for Sao Francisco
Robert R. Johnson, state civil
! service director; Warne Nunn,
classification supervisor for that
igency, and Gene Huntley, per
lonnel officer for the state high
way department are leaving Fri
day, to spend a week in San
Francisco attending the national
conference on personnel man
agement sponsored by the civil
ervice assembly of the United
States and Canada.
Wlthey to Preach Dr. Ray
mond Withey, Jr., dean of stu
dents at Willamette university,
will conduct the morning serv
ices at the Corvallis First Meth
odist church Sunday. Dr. Withey
who holds degrees from both
Harvard and Boston universities.
is also counsellor on religious
life at Willamette. He is a
scholar on the New Testament
and in philosophy. He was made
a Frank Howard fellow at Bos.
ton university in those fields.
Ditch Finished Difficulty
over construction of a drainage
ditch on property on the Silver
ton road near Lancaster drive
which was temporarily halted
by Ernest Barker, owner of the
-land over which the ditch cross
ed, came to an end after the mat
ter had been discussed between
Barker and County Engineer
Hedda Swart and the ditch was
completed. Barker had feared
the ditch would cause a hazard
on his land, particularly to chil
dren in the neighborhood. The
ditch was deepened at this point
to permit a drainage pipe across
the Silverton road to be replaced
and lowered.
Hunters Successful Among
the successful deer hunters from
this part of the valley were Ros
Foster, Route 1, Gervais; Frank
Bello, 580 Hollywood avenue
Frank Rock, 2210 Chemeketa,
and M. J. DeLapp. Route 1, Ger
vais. They went to the Paulina
Butte country of Crook county
and all returned with deer.
Asks Four-War Stop Dr. L.
C. Marshall who resides on the
Fruitland road, has asked the
county court to establish a four-
way stop intersection at Center
street and Lancaster drive. At
present traffic stops on enter
ing Lancaster drive from Cen
ter street. Dr. Marshall said
there had been a number of ac
cidents there due to the situa
tion. The county court ill ask
the state highway commission
for a report on the number of
accidents at the intersect on nci
probably make an inspection f
the place. Opposition would be
expected to establishment of
the four-way stop.
Returned from Medford
Deputy Sheriff Duvall has re
turned Floyd Long from Med
ford to answer to a charge of
non support.
Leave Garage L. L. and Lucy
Short have filed certificate of re
tirement with the county clerk
from Gates garage.
Held at Eugene The state po
lice have reported to Sheriff
Denver Young arrest of Ed Dun
gey wanted on a warrant out o)
Woodburn justice court charg
ing larceny in a dwelling.
Letter Society
Has Initiation
Halloween was the theme for
the Girls Letters club initiation
held at Salem senior high school
Thursday evening with Betty1
Breakey in charge.
The new members arrived!
wearing pajama tops, shorts, hose
rolled up to their knees, tennis
shoes, hair braided and cheeks!
painted with rouge. I
Miss Jacqueline Bogan, Miss
Margaret Steinbrugge and Mrs.
Phyllis Goakey, physical educa
tion instructors, demonstrated
the art of bubble gum chewing.
Other events included shoe and
sack racing as well as a variety
of sports and dancing.
Honored guests introduced by
Alice Lehman, president of t h e
Girls Letter club, included: Mrs.
H. Lehman, Mrs. V. L. Walser,
Mrs. F. W. Breakey, Mrs. H. W.
Lanke, Mrs. P. H. Carrow, Mrs.
J. F. Baggett, Mrs. H. D. Smit
tison, Mrs. A. L. DaMaude, Mrs.
A. F. Kreft, Mrs. Fred Wolf,
Mrs. John Chamberlain and Mrs.
Fred Boyer.
In charge of decorations were
LaJune Rathz, Carol McLeod and
Iris Fisher.
Graves Desecrated A report
that vandals have been desecrat
Meat Market Files Certifi-ling graves in the Jason Lee cem-
cate of assumed business name etery by tearing up markers was
for Reinwald and Pitzer, butcher under investigation by Salem
shoo and meat market at 610 police Friday. The sexton, C. R.
Lancaster drive, has been filed
with the county clerk by Lloyd
H. Reuiwald and Robert F. Pitzer.
Credit Reports Reports deal
ing with group meetings of the
Oregon-Columbia regional
credit conference held in Salem
last week-end were heard Fri
day at the meeting of the Salem
Credit association. The reports
dealt with account and collec
tion work in the medical, auto
motive, building and finance
Sheriff's Meeting Members
of the executive committee of
the Oregon State Sheriffs' asso
ciation are meeting here Friday
afternoon to discuss plans and
outline a program for the an
nual session of the organization
to be held in Salem in Decem
ber, according to announcement
by Sheriff Denver Young. Such
conventions are generally held
' i Portland. Expected to attend
the session are M. R. Calhoun,
St. Helens, president; Claude
McCauley, Bend; Allen Burch,
Tillamook, and Fred Reakseck
er, Oregon City.
Gives .County Land - Israel
and Kathryn Hartman have
deeded a 80-foot strip of land to
the county in Jones-Hicks ad
dition north of the alumina
plant ostensibly for road pur
poses. It is understood tne nan-
man's plan to sell off a five-acre
tracts in lots.
Fellowship Calls Attending
the Pacific northwest conference
of the Fellowship of Reconcilia
tion in Portland Friday through
Sunday are Mrs. J. W. Isely,
Mrs. Marvin Nettleton and Mrs.
Alden Bowes, all members of
the Salem group.
Plat Submitted Plat for Ma
plehurst addition on the Macleay
road has been submitted to the
county court for approval by
Robert C. Abrams and John Ir
vine Caplinger and Anna F. Cap
linger. The plat includes 138
tracts, is in the vicinity of the
old Rickey school and streets
named on the plat are Macleay
Boulevard, Cleary and Hagcr
streets and Benson, Hackett,
Prindle and Whitten avenues.
Shelton, told detectives that he
had made every possible effort
to restore the markers to their
proper locations but that he was
not sure of all the locations. It
was suspected that the vandal
ism had been perpetrated by juveniles.
f 4
Initiated Into Letter Society Initiation and the spirit of
Halloween were mingled at a meeting of the Girls Letter club
at Salem high school Thursday night. Shown here, trying to
bite apples without the help of hands, are, left, Inez Fisher;
middle, Wanda Tanner; and right, Naydene Taylor.
Burglars Frustrated An at
tempt to burglarize the 12th
Street Food market at 1396
South 12th was reported to Sa
lem police Friday. Efforts ap
parently had been made to jim
my the front door of the establishment.
Slightly Warmer
morning brought slightly warm
er temperatures for the Salem
area but still two below freez
ing point, the mercury reading
30 degrees. Forecast is for con
tinued cold tonight with slightly
warmer temperatures due Sat
urday afternoon. Bend appear
ed to be the cold spot in the
state this morning, press dis
patches listing a minimum of 12
degrees there. Eugene's mark
slid to 26 degrees and Portland
recorded 30.
Demonstration In Art Men
alkas Selander, Portland artist,
will demonstrate the direct
method in - oil painting at the
Elfstrom galleries Saturday
morning at 10:30. Selander, one
of Oregon's popular artists, will
also be presented in an exhibi-
Friday I t'on watercolors and draW-
galleries, October 28.
Leave Salem General Dis-1
missed from the Salem General
hospital are Mrs. Robert H.
Butte and daughter, 1196 S. 13th;
Mrs. Ernest Friesen and son, 871
Kingwood drive; Mrs. James
Stone and son, 1115 N. Capitol;
Mrs. G. R. Boatright and son,
667 Thompson and Mrs. Frank
Andreas and daughter, Gervais.
Brotherhood Called The Wil
lamette district of Ninety and
Nine Men's Brotherhood of the
Christian Churches of Christ
will meet at the Liberty Chris
tian Church, of Christ Monday
evening with dinner from 6 to
7:30 o'clock. Rev. Walter Naeff,
associate pastor of the First
Christian church of Salem will
speak at the evening meeting at
7:30 o'clock. All men and boys
of the community are invited to
Teachers of 5
(Continued from Page 1
Lumber Concern Files Cer
tificate of assumed business
name for Garlang Lumber com
pany, 225-226 Oregon building.
has been filed with the county
clerk by H. I. Garabrant, Sheri
dan, and F. V. Garrabrant, Hood
Licensed at Albany A mar
riage license has been issued at
Albany to Jerry Lynn Montgom
ery, Coquille, and Beverly Jean
Nelson, Salem.
Nuts to Chtco It will be nuts
to the Chico, Calif., State col
lege football team, but in re
verse English, when they head
quarters in Salem this week
end. In each room at the Mar
ion hotel occupied by the team
they will find a gift of filberts
from the Salem Chamber of
Commerce. The team will come
north to play Pacific university
at Forest Grove, and will be
guests of the Marion hotel Fri
day and Saturday nights. The
game is Saturday afternoon.
Baillie Will Speak William
H. Baillie, manager of the state
employment office, will be the
speaker at the annual meeting
of the Chamber of Commerce at
Newport Monday night. The
Salem Chamber of Commerce
was asked to furnish a speaker
and Baillie was selected.
Spencer Corsettier, 2555 D St.
Ph. 3-5072. 252
Dance! Stayton's new Civic
building, Sat. nite, Oct. 22. Chet
Mulkey's Band. Good floor.
To Haul Logs Jacob C.
Strom, 4661 Clark avenue, has
been granted permit by the coun
ty court to haul logs.
Paving New Bridge The
county road crew Friday started
putting a sealing coat and pav
ing on the new Hubbard Hill
bridge on market road 24 in the
Mission Bottom country. The
bridge was recently completed to
replace an old one. The struc
ture is 551 feet long including 29
spans of 19 feet each.
Meat Stolen William Meier,
route 4, residing between the
girls school and prison annex,
has reported to Sheriff Denver
Young someone entered a walk
in cooler on his place situated on
the outside of his home and ab
sconded with a barrel of hams
and shoulders which were curing
-in brine.
Dance! Stayton's new Civic
building, Sat. nite. Oct. 22. Chet
Mulkey's Band. Good floor.
To Stripe Road On request
of Thomas Gabriel the county
court has consented to striping
with a centerline stripe the 2 of
a mile stretch known as Man
brin drive entering Manbrin
Gardens in the Keizer area.
road will be striped to where the
streets branch inside the gar
den proper. Gabriel said that
there are no curbs on the drive
e Urance and on foggy mornings
hazardous condition exists with
out the stripe. Residents of the
area will pay for the paint
Clarks Sandwich Shop
479 Court St.
Now open until midnite on
Friday and Saturday nites.
Going! Going! All myrtle-
wood gifts on sale at cost Don't
miss opportunity. Pemberton's
Flower Shop, 1980 S. 12th St.
Ph. 2-9946. 251
Special! For dish gardens, ivies
& philodendron, 25c each. King
Alfred daffodils 55c dozen.
Pemberton's Flower Shop, 1980
S. 12th St. Ph. 2-9946. 251
Red fryers.
Phone 38341.
Live or dressed
Lovely modern 2 B R. home
suburban N.E. 5 acres or 1
Priced right, only $1500 down
Phone 23425. 251'
Beginning shorthand class
starting October 24, Capital Bus
iness College.
Book Shelf Rental
370 State St. Open
p.m. '
Orwig's Market has
fresh killed turkeys. 39c: also
baby beef for locker, 37c. 4375
Silverton Rd. Ph. 26128. 252
The Capital Journal Welcomes
the Following New Citizens:
BFRRT Ttt Mr. ami Mrs. Rarmond
B-rrr. at StlvtrtOD hoapltal. t boy, Oct.
VALDROOP T Mr. and Mr. O. t.
WaMroop. 1331 Norwar. at the Salem
Orntral hoapltal, a bor. Oct. 21.
STOLLFR To Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Stnllfr. Darton at. J. at th Salem Cen
tral hospital. bor. Oct. M.
HART To Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Mart.
99 Palrvlrv. a son, Oct. 30, at Salem
Memorial hospital.
woo LARD To Mr. and Mrs. Jason
Woolsrd. 563 North Capitol, a son, Oct. M,
at ftRlrm Memorial hospital.
OOLD-To Mr. and Mrs. Tils Onld. Mi'l
C'- a daushter, Oct. 30, at Salem Mem
oriel hospital.
ALLEN To Mr and Mrs. Minsrd Allen.
ll) cross, a son, Oct. 30, w falsa
Memorial hospital
11 to 6
Custom made Venetian Blinds
call Reinholdt & Lewis 2-3639.
Eola Acres Florist. Ph. S-5730.
Ragan in Seattle Howard Ra-
gan, Marion county chairman
for the 1950 March of Dimes
campaign, left Friday morning
for Seattle where he will attend
a northwest regional meeting of
those interested in the campaign.
The local drive will get under
way early this year.
Leaf Raking Rules Only
leaves raked from the sidewalks
or parking strips will be re
moved free of charge, accord
ing to W. H. Porter, street su
perintendent at West Salem
These may be piled on the street
ready for the city crew but all
other leaves on the property
must be disposed of by the prop
erty owner.
Circuit Court
Launderette, 1255 Ferry. 251'
Having a party? or reception?
You furnish the guests;
We'll furnish the spirit.
Fall bulbs. Jary's Flower Bas
ket, 1020 Market. Ph. 2-4802.
Air-steamship tickets, Kugel,
735 North Capitol, Ph. 3-7694.
Expert picture framing 120
new designs. Third Floor Art
dept. at Elfstrom's. 251
Let us put your home on good
foundation. Remodling, paint
ing and concrete work. Klang
Bros. Ph. 3-3292. 255
Rummage sale Fri. and Sat.
over Greenbaum's. Richmond
P.T.A. 251
Pels es Dora Tolenttno. dlvorca com
plaint alleges desertion and asks defen
dant be restored the name of Dors, Tom
llnson. Married in Msy, 1942.
Jennie K. vs Glenn H. Moraan. divorce
complaint alleles cruel and Inhuman treat
ment, asks 1150 alimony pendlnv atlt
for settlement of property rlthta. Married
April 2, 1941, In Salem.
Mildred Ruth vs J. D. Evans, defen
dant's motion for change of venue to
Polk county on grounds suit was not
commenced In the proper county ard
convenience of witnesses would be bet
ter served.
Dorothy Vap Masell vs Loren Wtlte
Roy A. Yung end Frsnk Pack, Jury Ver
dict agalnnst defrndnnt Frsnk Pack tor
S3000 general and 1603.07 special dem
ises and for defendants Loren White ard
Roy A. Yung. Outgrowth of a three
way auto accident In Polk county.
Mrs. Agnes Booth is general
chairman for the planning com
mittee arranging for the confer
ence with E. A. Carlcton, prin
cipal of Salem high school, as
her assistant. Other members are
Gurnee Flesher, facilities chair
man; Mrs. Mabel Cooley. hos
pitality chairman; Neil Brown
entertainment chairman; con
sultants, D. A. Emerson, state
department of education, and Dr.
Hugh B. Wood of the University
of Oregon. Committee members
from other counties are Mrs.
Helen Baker, Benton; J. M. Ben
nett, Linn; Joe T. Longfellow,
Lincoln, and Josiah Wills, Polk
Elementary Teachers
The committee in charge of
the elementary teachers confer
ence for Marion county teachers
at Leslie junior high school are
Vivian Hoenig and Marguerite
Burton, school supervisors for
Marion county. Invocation at the
opening session will be given
by Rev. Walter Neff, First Chris
tian church, Salem, and intro
duction of the conference by
Miss Florence Beardslcy, direc
tor of elementary education,
state department of education
Social studies will take up much
of the time of the conference.
The conference speaker will be
Frank B. Bennett, superinten
dent of Salem schools, and fun
night also will be held Monday
night t
College Leaders
Here November 10
Some 45 student leaders from
independent and state colleges
will be in Salem November 10
12 to take part in the 11th an
nual convention of Oregon Fed
eration of College Leaders.
Russell Tripp, Willamette uni
versity student body president,
said the delegates would devote
much of their time to discussing
ways and means of improving
student government as well as
seeking better relations between
Art Johnson, student bodv
president of the University of
Oregon, and vice president of
the federation, will preside dur-
ng the conference. Ken Collins,
of the University of Portland,
president of the group, was in
jured in an automobile accident
and will not be able to direct
the deliberations here.
County Health
Board Meets
The executive committee of
the Marion county department
of health, meeting for their
monthly conference Thursday
afternoon discussed a number of
The United States public
health service reported it could
assist in a rodent control pro
gram for a period of four or
five months early next year,
This would embrace ratproofing
but would involve little actual
Twelve hundred dollars will
be made available for psychia
tric services on a half day a
week basis and in this connec
tion Dr. Horace Miller will ret
as consultant.
Reports of the health depart
ment for the month of Septem
ber reveal that the birth rate
for 1949 is exceeding that of
last year. The 210 babies 'orn
in September brought the total
for the first nine months up to
1830 as compared with 1752 for
a similar period last year.
Deaths during September to
talled 75 bringing the nine
months figure up to 590, a
crease of 16 over a year ago.
Thre were two infant deaths.
Heart disease accounted for
14 deaths in September while
cancer killed 10 others. There
were six deaths due to apoplexy.
five kidney disease and four as
the result of accidents. There
were no deaths due to automo
bile crashes.
Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Friday, October 21, 19495
Sciences of Mind
Lecture Sunday
The lecturer on the Sciences
of the Mind, Mrs. Toni Van Or
num, who has been speaking
Sundays at 11 a.m. at the Sa
lem Women's club for the Sa
lem chapter of the Institute of
Religion, Science and Philoso
phy, will talk two more Sun
days in October.
This coming Sunday the talk
will be on the subject "Making
All Things New."
Mrs. Van Ornum is planning
lecture work in Washington
state again in the near future,
but will continue her classes in
U.S. Reds
(Continued from Page 1)
Warren Northwest, inc.. vs Sslem Box
compsny. defendsnt's motion u qussh
service of summons for rrason service not
tnsde at place ol business In Polk coun
ty but In Sslem.
Coral Courts at Neskowin,
young Ore., are open all winter. Winter
prices. Ph. 0915. 251
Fred McCall and Earl Weathers vs D J.
Ooode. lemporsry restrslnlng order ms4e
continuous as to spresdlna of exposed car
baae on certain premises north of Islera
John McCann vs Psntex Msnufactur.
Ing company, complaint seeks to recover
S130B.90 surged due as rent and other
Items connected with lesse of a store for
laundry purposes St 230 N. High street
Marshals ringed the marble
paneled courtroom; which was
packed with spectators and re
In giving 10 of the defendants
five years, Medina adhered to
the maximum sentence under
the Smith law as now consti
tuted. Maximum Sentences
He made it clear, however,
that "if it wasn't for the change
in the statute, I would be think
ing in terms of more than five
The Smith act, under which
the communists were indicted,
provided a maximum penalty of
10 years at the time the indict
ment was returned, but one
month later, in August, 1948, a
re-codif ication by congress
changed the maximum conspir
acy penalty to five years.
During extended arguments
by McGohey and defense coun
sel on whether the legal max
imum now was five or 10 years,
Medina said: "It's a question I
must thresh out with my own
conscience, and I shall meet that.
When I decide in my heart what
is right, that I must do."
Eugene Dennis, general secre
tary of the communist party and
Benjamin Davis, Jr., Negro co-.
defendant, made the statements
on behalf of all the others.
They denounced the trial as a
frame-up and declared that the
communist party will survive
A 100-man police detail, alert
ed for possible disturbances,
ringed the Foley Square court
house, closed all doors except
the main entrances, and careful
ly scrutinized every person en
tering the building.
Marching in orderly fashion
and carrying no placards, pick
ets chanted: "We shall not be
Court Rules on
Garbage Case
Decree In the case of Fred Mc
Call and Earl Weathers against
D. J. Goode handed down by
Judge Rex Kimmell continues in
effect a temporary restraining
order against defendant from
leaving garbage exposed on cer
tain premises used as a garbage
dump in the Clearlake area but
does allow the dump to be used
for that purpose under what is
known as the "sanitary land
fill" method prescribed by Ken
neth Spies, assistant state sani
tary engineer.
Under the method allowed by
the decree garbage shall be de
posited in trenches or pits to be
dug by the defendant and at the
end of each day the garbage so
deposited shall be covered with
a quantity of dirt sufficient to
exclude rodents and insects and
prevent the creation of an odor
nuisance. The earth covering
shall be tamped so there will be
no opening. When the trench is
completely filled with garbage
it shall be covered over the top
with sufficient dirt to eliminate
the odors which might emanate
therefrom, the amount of such
dirt being approximately two
feet in depth, tamped so there
shall be a compact covering with
no opening. Neither party is to
recover costs in the suit.
J. H. Callaghan
Dies Suddenly
John Henry Callaghan, Salem
resident since 1928 and a vet
eran of both World Wars, died
suddenly Thursday afternoon at
the Salem Memorial hospital
following a brief illness.
Callaghan, who when he cam
to Salem in 1928 was sales man
ager for Belcrest Memorial
park, vwas born at Cleveland,
Ohio, August 17, 1898, and at
tended Notre Dame University.
During the last war he served
with the army engineers ana
spent tbout two years overseas
and seeing duty in England, Af
rica and Italy.
Surviving are a son, John
Daniel Callaghan of Salem; a
daughter, Helen Marie Callaghan
of Salem; and two sisters, Mrs.
Cornelia Snow of West Hart
ford, Conn., and Mrs. Josephine
Slackford of Cleveland, Ohio.
Services will be held at the
W. T. Rigdon chapel Saturday,
October 22, at 1:30 p. m. with in
terment at Belcrest Memorial
park, Ritualistic services by the
Salem Elks lodge.
Plans Adopted
(Continued irom Page l)
Realtors Hear Crone State
veterans' loan program was de
scribed for the Portland Realty
board Friday noon by Al J
Crose, loan supervisor for the
state department of veterans'
Phone 22406 before t p.m. If
you miss your Capital Journal
Accordion, Marimba, Guitars
and piano. Instruments rented
while you learn. Wiltsey Music
Studios, 1630 N. 20th. Phone
3-7186. 261
21j current rate on your
savings. Salem Federal, S60
Stat St Salem's largest Saving!
Painting and decorating.
Phone 22406 before 6 p.m. tf
you miss your Capital Journal
Federally Insured Savings
Current dividend 2 ' .ice
FIRST Federal Savings FIRST
142 S. Liberty Ph 3-4944.
Exclusive presentation. Imper
ial wallpapers R. L Elfstrom Co
Rummage Sale Fri.
129 N. Commercial.
Eagles Auxiliary Rummage
sale, 335 N. High, Sat., Oct. 22.
He's sensational, He's Jimmy
McMullen, He's at Shattuc'i
Chateau. 252
Johns-Manville shingles ap
plied by Mathis Bros., 164 S
Com'l. Free estimate. Ph. 34642.
Dr. L. B. Schmidt wishes to
announce he will be out of his
O. A. Conn vs Plovd Steward and oth
s. complaint for 11500 and other temi
and foreclosure on reel property.
Oenersl Grocery company, inc.. vs
Rx Putnam, stipulation that trlsl set for
October 21 may be held without a Jury.
Maiamas Visit Falls The
Maxamas Mountaineering club
of Portland will visit Silver
Creek falls Sunday, leaving
Portland about 8 o'clock.
Probott Court
Otto A. Kktt Mtitf. wit termination of
tiluf, and Inheritance tax on em am
proper tt-U devued to Andrew T. Klett,
brother of deceased. Under xtlpulatlon
aiuujied valuation of the Crrtal Oar-
derm properly U cut from 174.000 to lib,-
ww and tne Hollywood B porta Bowl prop
erty north of Balem from 105.000 to
146,500. The cut- mere bued on reapprais
al made on both aide and reulta of
conference naotlatlnt aettlement. The
total value of the broth era ahare la now
placed at 1101.500 and of the nliare of the
widow. Bertha Klett. at tl98.4.fl 30 or
total valuation of 299.919 30. Calculation
of the ej-tate tax la placed It 111,770 97
and of Andrew T. Klett collateral chare
at 111.4C0.
Kit nidi Tea-pie jitate, final account
filed by Howard M. Teeple, exreutor, and
final hearina aet for November 21.
District Court
Tl lax all (UUa.asa.alnn f aa ft rasas Ml a. staatlai
OffiCO at 2416 StatC St., Until of concealed upon the peraon CI If -
Tuer, Oct. 25, while attending .J foil'00 contlnued lor toU
the national Meeting of the Am
erican Dental Association at San
Francisco. 253
Non-nupporf Floyd A. Lont,
for plea, bail aet at 100.
Phona 22400 before 6 p.m. If
you mint your Capital Journal
Phone 22408 oetore 8 p.m. If
you miaa your Capital Journal
Marriage License!
Kdward i. Paul. 37, amelter operator,
RoMland. Canada, and Joyce I. Hadler, II,
at home, Silverton.
Prancl X. LaDnui, 34. merhenle,
Aneei, and toretta Iran Randall,
1 1 not raphe r, Wood burn.
Friday. October 21
Organized seaboe reserve unit at
Naval and Marine corps reserve !
training center.
Monday. October 24
Company B. '62nd infantry, and
headquarters detachment, Oregon
National Ouard. at Salem armory.
Organized Marine Corps Reserve
unit at Naval and Marine Corps
Reserve training center.
Salem post No. i.e, American Le
gion, at Legion hall.
Marion post No. 661, VFW, at
VFW hall.
409th quartermasters and 369th
engineers, Army Rwervea, at Army
Reserve quonset huts.
Nunea Needed
Thirteenth naval di.-ar.rt head
quarter has informed the local
navy recruiting office that approxi
mately 12 nurses are needed Irom
this district to replace army nurses
on vessels of the military sea trans
portation service.
These billet are available to in
active members of the nurses corp
U. S. naval reserve, in the grades
of lieutenant and lieutenant (Junior
grade. Nurse will be ordered to the
port of embarkation nearest their
home naval district. In submitting
Applications, they may request ac
tive duty at a naval hospital in
their home naval district prior to
assignment to the sea billet.
Breakfast Club
To Greet Officials
When officials of the Western
International Baseball league
meet here next November 7 to
conduct league business, they
will be provided with entertain
ment by the Salem Breakfast
club. This was determined Fri
day morning during the club's
weekly session. Plans for a
dinner the night the WIL big-
wings will be in town were dis
The organization also decided
to join forces with Portland in
giving a greeting to members of i
the Michigan State coaching staff
and players when they come
west November 12 for a clash of
strength with Oregon State in
Multnomah stadium.
Motion pictures were shown
during Friday's breakfast of sev
eral of last year's outstanding
football games.
Hoover was the last witness.
After hearing him, the commit
tee adjourned until Jan. 3.
Chairman Vinson (D Ga.) said
that meantime the members
would study the testimony and,
beginning in January, would
discuss "the best course to fol
Hoover said that after the
"public washing of linen" that
has gone on, peace is needed
"for morale and for the good of
our national defense. '
In a fatherly vein, the for
mer president said the revised
unification law has been oper
ating less than four months and:
'It requires a year for new
ly wedded couples to get used
to each other."
Johnson said all he is trying
to do is see that the money of
the taxpayers is put into the
most modern and efficient de
fense equipment so that they get
hundred cents worth of de
fense for every dollar spent.
And, throwing his "whole
hearted support" behind unifi
cation of the armed forces, the
secretary said that there is "an
essential and honorable role"
for each of them to fulfill un
der present strategy plans.
Before Johnson went on the
witness stand Gen. George C.
Marshall told the committee
that money is "the root of the
present trouble in the armed
Unity in Farm
Groups Urged
Need for strength of unified
agricultural organizations was
emphasized by Marshall Swear,
ingen, of Salem, state vice presl
dent of the Farm Bureau, at a
meeting of the Cloverdale group
this week.
Also attending the meeting
were Elma Schroeder, state sec
retary, and William Howard, di
rector of information. Eddie Ah
rens, president, introduced as
new members Mr. and Mrs. John
Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Booth
and Arthur Gath. The Clover
dale bureau will hold a pie social
November 22 with the money to
be used in the purchase of kitch
en equipment.
Hostesses for the Turner home
extension unit at the Cloverdale
schoolhouse were Mesdames
Shampier, Fritz, Sawyer, Wheal-
don and Kaeppelli. The group
voted 14 to 5 to retain the ex
tension unit and retain present
officers with meetings the third
Wednesday of the month.
The unit voted to sponsor a
4-H club with the cooking club
led by Mrs. L. Newkirk selected.
Support of the Azalea house was
pledged. Miss Eleanor Trindle,
home demonstration agent, told
of unifying home furnishings.
Building- Permits G. C. Bo
velle, to reroof a one-story
dwelling at 160 North 17th,
$139. C. H. Ringwald, to reroof
a one-story dwelling at 640 Mill,
$50. Mark E. Capps, to reroof a
garage at 1140 E street, $50. Roy
L. Carter, to alter a one-story
dwelling at 1610 Lee, $50. Wil
liam T. J. Foster, to build a one-
story dwelling and garage at
2235 Breyman, $7000. Goldie
Macauley, to alter a two-story
dwelling at 690 South Commer
cial, $100. C. W. Beckett, to
alter a garage at 695 Johnson,
Probably the most unusual
shutout game In World Series
history was the ten-hit job Yan
kee Spud Chandler turned in
against the 1943 Cards.
To Dorena Dam G. F. (Ted)
Chambers, Mrs. Chambers and
Miss Dorathea Steusloff will
represent the Salem Chamber of
Commerce at the dedication of
the Dorena dam in Lane county
Sunday. The dam is a unit of
the Willamette valley project.
Leave Salem Memorial
Leaving Salem Memorial hospi
tal Thursday, both with infant
sons, were Mrs. Harmon T. Har
vey, 1190 Spruce and Mrs. Wil
liam Hall, Jr., 855 Thompson
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