IS Capita Journal, Salem, Or., Friday, October 21, 1949 it mm '1 SALEM, OREGON BIRTHDA VU r . a f - t i -m ITS PENNEY'S BIG SAVINGS! FRIDAY nn A BARGAINS! iff .i-r Iven as You and I His Lordship, the Marquess of Milford Haven and his fiancee, Mr,s. Romaine Simpson, just like any ether travelers, sit on their baggage on pier as they await customs inspection following their arrival on the liner Queen Elizabeth at New York. The Marquess, second cousin of King George VI, said he and the slender, dark-haired American divorcee would be married in Washington, D. C, "late in November." (AP Wirephoto) MARQUESS AND DIVORCEE David Mount batten, Fiancee Arrive in U. S.; to Wed in Nov. New York, Oct. 21 U.R) A hazel-eyed American divorcee whose ancestors captured the Northwest Territory from King George III, returned giggling from England Thursday with her fiance, A London laundryman who is George Ill's great-great-great-great grandson. - Mrs. Romaine Dahlgren Pierce I Simpson, 26, of Boston, New York, and Washington, and Dav id Michael Mountbatten, 30, the Marquess of Milford Haven, ar rived on the Queen Elizabeth and said they hoped to be mar ried in Washington "about the end of November." The Marquess, who Is between 30th and 40th in line for the British throne has been consid ered Britian's most eligible bachelor. The Marquess shooed report ers away from his bride-to-be as they posed together for news paper and newsreel photograph ers In the chill wind. Mrs. Sim pson, smiling shyly, displayed an engagement ring consisting of a huge ruby encircled by 20 dia monds. The Marquess said he would stay In New York with friends for about a month. He said Mrs Simpson would stay in her Park Avenue apartment,. going ahead with her piano studies. The Queen Elizabeth was al most 24 hours late after one of its roughest crossings. Her 2.217 passengers weathered almost six days of high seas whipped up by 75-mile-per-hour winds that at one time slowed the world's largest liner to less than half her normal speed. j Typing Expert To Talk Here The business teachers of Ben ten, Lincoln, Linn, Marion and Polk Bounties will meet at the high school conference to be held October 24 and 25 at the Balem high school. Charles E. Zoubeck of the Cregg Publishing company, New York City, will be one of the highlights in the business de partmental meetings. He holds the degree of certified shorthand reporter granted by the univer sity of New York, holds the Gregg Diamond medal for writ lnf 200 words a minute, has written shorthand plates for many textbooks, has taught high-speed shorthand in sever al eastern colleges, and is co author of "Gregg Shorthand simplified" and many other texts in the shorthand field. For the past IS years, Mr. Zoubeck has been lecturing to teacher groups all over the Unit ed States. Some of the other features of the program will be a talk by Hex Gibson, manager of the West Salem branch of the Unit ed States National bank, and a demonstration of office machines by the Capitol Office Equipment eempany. There will be on ex hibit, machines and equipment from Roen Typewriter Ex change, Remington Rand, Inc., Kay Typewriter company, and Dictaphone corporations. NEW CAMERAS Kodak Baby Brownie Special .' Kodak Target 6-16 U'i" x AVi" pictures) . . Kodak Brownie Flash 620 Kodak Tourist Kodet lens Argus Argoflcx Model 75 Argus 21 33 m.m. f 3.5 Polaroid Land (1 minute pictures) Kin Exakra II 35 m.m. t 2 lens Rolleicord 2Vi x 2V Xenar f 3.5 compur rapid shutter Universal Meteor 2Vi x 2!i Regular $15.00 Special Universal Roomer I, Regular $29.75, Special Universal Roomer 63 Regular $38.00, Special Universal Bucaneer 35 m.m. Regular 565.00 Special Monte Carlo 24 x 3V4 4.5 lent Regular $48.00 .' .Special Monte Carlo 2',i x 31 i f 3.5 lent Regular $63.00 Special USED CAMERAS Altlflex 2V4 x 2Vi reflex f 4.5 lent Micro 16 miniature , Clerui 35 m.m. f 2.8 Wollentok coated lent with case Kodak Roccomar Model 33 f 4.5 lent, Compur shutter, flash, additional supplementary lenses Centex II f 2 Sonnar lent, flaih and case. . , . $2.75 7.50 11.75 24.50 14.89 51.75 89.75 189.50 144.50 9.95 19.95 29.75 49.50 32.50 49.50 $29.50 19.95 62.50 100.00 225.00 Alto good stock of slide and movie projectors, lenses, reels, screens, light meters, contact printers, rnlargers and other accessories. SENATOR CAMERA & RADIO SHOP 234 N. High St. Ph. 3-3028 (LOUS DU BI T Solem, Oregon NIGHT AND SATURDAY SHOP AT PENNEY'S -AND SAVE WITH CONFIDENCE WOOLEN MITTENS JUVENILE SIZES COLORFUL COMBINATIONS WARM AND PRACTICAL SECOND FLOOR 69c WOMEN'S ALL-NYLON BRIEFS TEA-ROSE, WHITE, PINK, BLUE INTHATEASY-TO-WEAR, EASY-TO-WASH ALL-NYLON WITH ELASTIC BAND MAIN FLOOR 1.00 WOMEN'S CHENILLE ROBES FINE QUALITY, TUFTED CHENILLE SMART WINTER COLORS WONDERFULLY WARM, WASHABLE MAIN FLOOR 2.66 TABLECLOTHS-TABLECLOTHS LACE 72x90 COTTON PRINTS 53 x 53 BUY TWO AT THIS FEATURE PRICE! MEZZANINE 100 WOMEN'S RAYON PRINT DRESSES . BEAUTIFUL COLOR COMBINATIONS STYLES WITH A FUTURE BARGAINS EVERYONE! SECOND FLOOR 5oS8 MISSES', TEEN-AGER'S CHILDREN'S SHOES 150 PAIR ONLY! SOME BIG VALUES! BROKEN SIZES, ALL FALL STYLES SEE THESE BIRTHDAY VALUES DOWNSTAIRS STORE 1.99 BOY' WAIST OVERALLS STURDY, TOUGH "BIG MAC" ZIPPER FLY BOY'S SIZES SANFORIZED FOR SAFETY MAIN FLOOR BRAND 1.49 VALUES IN ASSORTED YARDAGE MULT-FILAMENT RAYON CREPES COLORFUL COTTON PRINTS ALSO ASSORTED RAYON PRINTS MEZZANINE 3 99c LACE TABLECLOTHS-PRINTS FINE QUALITY LACE 72x90 HAND SCREENED PRINT 54x54 FELT-BACKED PLASTICS MEZZANINE 2.00 200 ONLY WOMEN'S DRESSES REDUCED COTTONS, RAYONS, WOOLENS A BIG BIRTHDAY VALUE! . JUNIOR AND MISSES' SIZES DOWNSTAIRS 333 WOMEN'S SHARKSKIN, COVERT COATS 1975 IN TWEEDS AND GABARDINES, TOO! A BIRTHDAY FEATURE! VALUES! BIG CHOICE OF SHADES, STYLES DOWNSTAIRS STORE THIS SEASON, IT'S CORDUROY! CALIFORNIA-STYLED PIN WALE SKIRTS BOXY, SMART CORDUROY JACKETS SUITS IN GREY, F-GREEN, ROYAL, BROWN, RED SECOND FLOOR 3.22 . 5.88 10.88 300 PR. WOMEN'S' FALL SHOES IN PUMPS AND STRAMPS SUEDES SOME THAT YOU'LL WANT TO SEE BROKEN SIZES YOU SAVE! DOWNSTAIRS STORE WOMEN'S ALL-WOOL COVERT COATS ANOTHER BIRTHDAY VALUE! IN SMART, BOXY STYLES, 10096 WOOL CHOICE OF GREEN, GREY, TAN, RED SECOND FLOOR 2500 SPECIAL GROUP-MEN'S SHOES BROKEN SIZES, MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS ALL REDUCED FROM HIGHER LINES FOR DRESS, WORK SHOES, THEY'RE TOPS DOWNSTAIRS STORE 4. Q)0 BROKEN LOTS-BOY'S FLANNEL SHIRTS BUY WHILE THEY LAST! REDUCED FOR PENNEY'S BIRTHDAY BRIGHTLY COLORED PLAIDS MAIN FLOOR 99 BOY'S MULTICOLORED CHOPPERS 100 WOOL WATER-REPELLENT BRIGHTLY MULTI-COLOR PLAIDS ZIPPER FRONT DOUBLE YOKE, 8-18 MAIN FLOOR 6, 90 CLEARANCE! WOMEN'S SPORT OXFORDS BIG SELECTIONS OF COLOR, STYLE REDUCED FROM HIGHER-PRICED LINES A PENNEY'S BIRTHDAY FEATURE PRICE DOWNSTAIRS STORE 2. CURTAIN COTTAGE SETS "FASHION MANOR" SETS CRISP, BEAUTIFUL, EASY TO WASH BUY A.SET OR TWO NOW! DOWNSTAIRS STORE 1. 66 WOMEN'S RAYON PANTIES IN SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE THEY'RE DAINTY, LACE-TRIMMED LOVEL PASTEL SHADES MAIN FLOOR 3-1.00 PENNEY'S STAY OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. rem'T.-nrrrriPT"