AUTOMOBILES Dear Dad: Missed writing you for a couple of weeks. It's been a little busy around here with our Dog Show and all. Our Show went off rather well, and by spring we should have enough Dogs on hand for another showing. It's getting cold and for Carefree Winter driving, you should come in and look over our selection of good Used Cars. For Example, here are a few of them: 1948 Hudson Sedan, R&H. Top's in condition and priced so low. 1948 Ford Coach. Clean and cheap. 1946 Hudson Sedan. One owner, 14,000 actual miles. 1942 Olds Club Coupe. Auto, trans., and stuff. 1942 Chev. Aero. R&H, new paint and sharp looking. 1941 Chev. Sedan. See this one for only $695.00. 1941 Ford Coach. New paint, R& H, and runs good. AND a lot of others in most makes and models priced right. Well, it's about time to go to work. Will write more next week. Tell everyone "Hello"' and have all of our friends to drop in and see us. Sincerely, Your Hudson Salesman. P.S. Forgot to mention that we are still selling the newest car on the road, The New HUDSON, the car with the most of what YOU have wanted most. HEAVE OUT THEY GO' GREATEST BUYS OF THE YEAR WE'LL SALE'EM INSTEAD OF SAVE 'EM 1949 Ford Custom Sedan Loaded. R&H $1865.00 1049 Willys Jeepster. Like new $195.00 1947 Ford Sedan Coupe. A-l condition $1195.00 1947 Ford V8 Fordor Sedan $1145.00 1947 Ford 6 Fordor Sedan. Clean as a pin $1145.00 1947 Chev. Bus. Coupe. Low mileage, & clean $1145.00 1942 Studebaker Champion Sedan. New rings & bearings '.$ 895.00 1940 Plymouth 2-Door. Runs good $ 295.00 1939 Plymouth Sedan. Special $ 295.00 1940 Packard Sedan. R&H $ 395.00 1937 Pontiac Coupe $ 95.00 1938 Ford V8 Sedan. Good transportation ....$ 245.00 1936 Ford V8 Tudor. Not bad $ 125.00 1947 Crosley Pickup $ 295.00 1930 Ford Model "A" Sedan. A dandy motor . .$ 95.00 Here's another "Best Seller" 1948 English Ford Tudor $ 900.00 THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY DON'T FORGET THE LOCATION Valley Motor Mart mora HIOH Pontiac Good Will Cars '46 Ply. Sedan. R& H $1245 '42 Ply. D.L. Sport Coupe $595 '48 Pontiac Sedan Coupe, Has everything. No. 497 $1695 '37 Pontiac Sedan $165 '38 Pontiac Coupe $ 145 36 Dodge $195 '31 Model A $145 HERRALL-OWENS CO. TRADES CW M Llbartr BONESTEELE'S U41 STUDEBAKER 1948 STUDEBAKER 147 STUDEBAKER 1941 STUDEBAKER 194' STUDEBAKER 1943 STUDEBAKER 1941 STUDEBAKER 10.100 MILES 1949 OLDSMOB1LE SEDAN 'ICHAMPXON), R&H, OVERDRIVE 5-PASS. (CHAMPION). R&H, OVERDRIVE SEDAN (LANDCRUISERI. RAH. OVERDRIVI , SEDAN (CHAMPION). HEATER ft OVERDRIVE , SEDAN (COMMANDER). R&H. OVERDRIVE ... COUPE (CHAMPION) NEW MOTOR 9-PA8S. (COMMANDER ) . R&H. OVERDRIVE, SEDAN (HYDRAMATIC). LIFE OUARD TUBES, RAH 1949 FORD SEDAN 1939 STUDEBAKER 1949 NASH SEDAN SEDAN (CHAMPION). CLEAN CAR Bonesteele Sales & Service 370 N. CHURCH ST. SHROCK'S ECONOMY LOT YOUR OWN TERMS WITHIN REASON 1941 OLDS SEDANETTE, R&H, HYDRA. 1938 CHEV. COUPE 1937 FORD CLUB COUPE, R&H. 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $235.00 1935 CHEV. COACH $105 00 1935 CHEV. SEDAN $100.00 All these and many more may be seen At 3020 Portland Road PHONE I AUTOMOBILES Otober 21, 1949 Hudson City, Where Chemeketa goes to Church Salem, Oregon HO! AT CINTIR 8ALRM 0251' TERMS Pbont 1-411! .11491 . li . 159S . 1H1 . 69S . 9 . 1991 PH. 3-9277 2-7023 I AUTOMOBILES WILSONS ALWAYS DEPENDABLE 1948 Buick Rdmstr. Sedanet $2245 Dynaflow. white tires, Aitee frees, perfect con dition. 1947 Buick Rdmstr. Sedan 1825 Exception!, Tirr low mtleige. lou of extra, dark blue. 1948 Kaiser Sedan 1425 Only 10,100 miles, me chanical? perfect, clean as new. 1946 Pontiac Strm. Sedan 1395 A wonderful car, well cared lor, clean, extra equip., low mlleafe. 1947 Chevrolet Sedan .. 1295 We hart repainted thla In maroon enamel. Oood condition. 1942 Buick Special Sedan 650 One owner. 50,000 mlleg. Excellent low coat trans portation, 1941 Buick Special Spt. Cpe. 825 The smaller "A" Seriee, economical to operate. A good buy. 1940 Buick Super Spt. Cpe 795 Oood condition, t e o d looklni-, good price. 1942 Plymouth Con vertible 795 W hart replaced the top. Clean and In excel lent condition. 1941 Chrysler Town & Cntry 695 SeaU nine, or remove aeat for extra luggage apace. Mechanically very rood. Wood better than averate. 1040 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR ,..IS95 1936 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR ....1175 1929 MODEL A SEDAN 180 ASK FOR Ed Gregson or Claude Bird Otto J. Wilson Commercial at Center FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING rm. Ph. 1-4335. PLEASANT lepint room, nice location. 10 qowntowI. 13S6 atate Bt. J k 252 WELL Fl'RN. ileepinr rm. Close in. H&C water, wntieman. 737 Center. jl.253 t PLEASANT 8LEEPINO roonu for rn- nemen, separate entrance. 17S5 3tt St. Ph. 3-43i. , )k252- .ARQE WARM rm. For 1 or 3. 1565 N. Capitol. jlc252 SLEEPING room, private home. Daytime emp.oyeq. B48 w. cnurch. Jk251 NICE SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-T55. )lt252 SLEEPING RMS. Refrlf. 3131 Center. Jk3T3 VERT elate In aleeplni rm. Pb 2-7817 )k263 NICE SLEEPING room, heated, H ft C water in room. bus. diat, 355 Center. k252 SLEEP RM. Hollywood, 2035 McCoy Ph FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN SMALL FVBN. apt. at 2m'b Cot. p JSP LARGE room apt. St houtekeeplnx room.. 375 Market. jp252 MODERN APT. beautifully furnished. 170 a montn. water ek laundry facilities furnUhed. Fullr lruulated. hdwd. floor. Adu.ta preferred. CaU 3-57S6. Jp353 NEAT, CLEAN, warm tk comfortable furn cioae in. A nappy spot to spend th winter. 168 No. 12th at, Jp31 APT., warm with hot water hat. Attrac tive, close in entirely modern. 48 N. Winter. Jp251 WILL BE VACANT Nov. 1. New st attrae tlve 1 rm. bath. Uufurn. except stove ec refrlt. Electric heat, laundry room furnished. Win show anytime. Apply at 1551 McCoy. 1p2S3 t RM. APT. 7 N. Church. Ph. 3-4335 JP353 housekeeplnc, JP251 BACFtELOR apt., llffbt 127.50. Call 2-5247. APT. FOR RENT. Ph. 2-1741 after I P m JP3S3' I'NFTRN. I PSTAIRS Apt. 4 rooms bath Rente, refrlc At utilities furn. Near Wil lamette University. ISO. 450 S. Capitol Jp3sa 1 ROOM furn. apt. Close In. Quiet eouple. 1115. 541 w. cottaie. Jp251 S ROOM apt, furnished. t60 ParrUh ... JPM1' PIRN, cottacas. By week. Ph. 3-1117. JP351" FTRNlWttED cottaie. No drlnkera. 3SS5 rortiana ho. Jp3&l LIGHT houtkeepini apt., utilities urn. 140 E WtJhmaion. jpan I RM. TpTAIRsTpt. Elec. heat. Ai at iloor. 3205 Portland Rd. after Spt. FOR RENT APARTMENTS rt N. apt. Ul Iloor. Prlv. nt. AU I07S N. Cipltol. Ph. I-I7M. JPlH t RM. liNFl'KN. apt. & bath. Zlrctrlc ranga, ram,, ft tiaclrlo Baal. ll Cht intketa corner 12th. Jp2M ro RENT by the iNk or month, stnfia ft double houaekaepmi cottaaaa. a;ao alnila cottaaea mo cookmii. attract ively priced. North Salem Motel. Ph. !! or 7I Portland M. IpJSt FOR RENT HOUSES 01 R HOUSES are new with bdrm. 1 or 3. Oreen U the yard at tht Iloorj art hard. All electric tin t that hectic. 160 170 g, month, torn gay that la not enough. Ain't you glad you watted, be cause lt'i weatheretrlpped At Insulated. Doea or eat we don't went any. chil dren yea. brine plenty. 4541 State. Ph. 3112ft. . Jm261 I BDRM. HOI'KE. North. Newly decor ated. Ph. 3.6681. Jm333 ROOM modern houaa. Close In. Call 3-1136. jm253 S EM. COTTAGE. Also 3 rms. Iir.'t fljer Private entrance. Oarage. Empiovrd couple. 3355 N. 5tb. jm253 NEW 9 BDRM. home. No smoking or drinking, no pets. Ref. Local prelerred. 16. 3811 June Ave., Corner Sunnyview Jk Fisher Rd. Jm251 NEW MODERN 1 bdrm. houae. Unfurn. 1141 Market. Jm252 WHY PAY RENT? Build your own home. Lota IIS down. 115 month with water it light, eloae to .school St bus, nice location. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 365 Center St. m252 RE DEC. t-BDRM. home. Unfurn. Couple only. 160 per mo. Ph. 3-4431 days, 3-3B49 evening. jm252 MODERN 1 bdrm. house with gar a Re. Elec. stove, refrlf. ft furnace. Furnish ed. 170. Pets St children welcome. 842 Bitter Ave. Jm251 FOR LEASE: 2 Bed Rm. turn, bay front cottage at Cutler City. Located at end of 3rd Ave. See Mr. Camming, acre the street. ' Jm252 3 BDRM,-furn. house. Will lease" a rear 166 mo. Inquire 211 N. 'Commercial. Im251 HOME 8 miles out. Not modern. Box 482. Capital Journal. JmJM FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE. Near 13th St State. Ph. 5-O10. J2S3 FOR RENT or leeae. Biulnaaa bids, about 6000 q. It. Location 147 Kearney. By owner. Ph. 3-8343 or call at 2010 8 Cottage. J 351 U DRIVE Truck i. Robinson Shell Service Center at Collate. Ph. 29103. J PARTLY FURNISHED atore building for rent. rn. 3au (a. jzai" FOR RENT D-8 cats with dozers and 18 yd. carry-alls. Salem Equipment Co 9455 D St. Ph. 2-1255 or 3-5561. J351 Bl'rtlNESS RM. for rent H L stiff. FIOOR SANDERS for rent MonUomerv ward. J- OWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use Uowser Bros Ph. 3-3848 I" TO DO a aood lob rent a food floor sand- r wa Mil everything to eompleta the lob ROWSER BROS Ph. 3-3646 OOD IS ED PIANOS. H L. Stiff OFFFICE apace In Hollywood. Reasonable rent lease. Ph. 2-3862 or 2-2147. 2007 N. Capitol St. J252a 1FFICK spaces and duk spaces Ph 35692 P TRAILERS 12.00 per day Bowser Bros 1410 e) 12th, West Salem. ) FOR RENT 105 A. land, 65 A. under cultivation. Good for seed crops, dairy or nay lane, casn rent preierred. Mrs. M. Starr, Rt. 2, Box 167. Monmouth, Ore. J252 SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma ehines Reasonable ratea, Free Pick up A delivery Sinxer Sewlnf Maehme Co no n com i pn 13912 WANTED TO RENT MIDDLE axed couple wants 1 or 2 bj. rm, furn. house. Must be In north part of town. Would consider auto jure. Close to bus line. Ph. 3-4600 afternoons or evenlnis only. . Ja3o3 WANTED to rent a 1 or 2 car i a rase be tween 16th & 20th, State and Center. Phone 3-5426 days; evenlnis 3-4430. ;a2i6 PHYSICIAN St family desire 2- or 3-bdrm unfurn. house. Ph. 2-0319. Ja252 WANTED to rent 3 BR. unfurn. house In St. Vincent de Paul. Write Capital Journal Box 484. JalSl 3 OR 4 BEDROOM hse. unfurn. Close to schools. Responsible party. Call Army m navy store, en. 3-4343. jaaai WE HAVE party that wants nice 3 or 4-bed room home, with basement pre ferred. Oood location. Will alxn year tease. Call for Mr. Led ere. Kv.. z.fl4n J. F. Ulrcih Co., Realtors 31T Court St. Ph. 3-7756. Ja251 WANT TO RENT acreage with llvlm quarters and chicken house. Will pay laa montn. aio t. litn. Apt. 4, fialem Ph. 2-3463. Ja255 COUPLE WITH 3 children need 2 bdrm. nouse near school up to 660. Ph. 39766. Ja251 ROOM AND BOARD CHILDREN cared for. Ph. 3-8704 or 3-6327. JJ253 BOARD and room. Ph, 3-8706. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Black female cocker spaniel. Haa harness and chain on. Answers to Tip py. Reward. 888 N. Cottace. Ph. l-fllM week lys. k253' MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. we close Saturdays ma7Q POWER TOOL RENTAL: VALLEY FARM STORE. 4345 Silver ton Rd. Ph. 2 2024 m350 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR RARRT 8 CM L Eft DENTIST Adnlph Bid State A Comoirla) flu BUILDING MATERIAL WREf KINO A house at 632 N. Liberty. All material ior iaie, maasa KEITH BROWN PRE -INVENTORY BALE BAROAINS Plywood Cetlinf Tile si. ft. 4c Cedar S'-dlns. "x8" 140 00 M Keith Brown. Front A, Court Salem . ma351 NOW IS the time? Call 3-9131 for free estimate on apptkd roorinx. ot rooi Inx weather protection before It rains. Sears Roebuck At Co., 550 No. Capital St. Phone 2-9191. ma275 RED CEDAR shinties No. 1 3x3's any amount delivered lowest market prices. 16 In. No. 1 carton packed cedarwall Shake. Ted Muller, Salem-lndep. road Call 2H9S Salem. mi USED 2x6 s - 2il2's and timbers of all sliea. 8k e Jim Smons at Ore Pulp and Paper Office, SILVERTON. ma253 WINDOWS DOORS 350 used windows eompleta with frame Modern double-huni alndow only 17 50 Olass doors with frame and hardware 112 59 C. O. LONO. Ph. 2-5821, 1 mile N. of fCelzer. measl PTRMA-STONE for fireplaces and home Salem Perma-Stone Co . 2040 N 18th St. Salem. Pnone 3-0603 alter 6pm ma 2 si ALL'MA - LOra. - ALCMtNUM LOCK jHINOtl The motern permanent roof tnf See your dealer tf CaU Dlst 3-4401 ma372 savf on noon no Let Wert's five yau eomptew IN STALLED price est row roof lot needs Wide ranff ef eolora Call vat ewuvde aaieamas for frat est. mate Fbooe l-stai MorrrooMERT ward 00, SALEM. OREOON tsa1 UEAR rrnTOMF.R, In nut on your con tractor ana carpenier uimg tne nnet old arovth vertical train yellow fir finished lumber in Salem On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. W Lna Ave Ph. 34911. Free patkiM. sbs FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I'sr.D DOMESTIC type eU burner, tank & controlj.n5Centr. nJM 8FENCER Coraettle'rT 55 O ftt. Ph. I-S07j7 n277 DEEP treese. I cu. ft. nearly new. Dinette set. coll sprints. Ph. 3-0738 after I p m. n263 DAVENPORT Ac chair. SMthtlr used. Any reasonable oiler accepted. 351 M. Lib erty. na3" CHROME bird case. Good cond.. II. Ph. " I FLAT ALTO sat. Good cond. 1109. Ph. ISO' ORNAMENTAL fencing 8c per ft. rn. 2-.JJ9. niU3 BIO SPECIAL! 13, 16 it 20 gauge hlwh base shells. 11 95. Duck calls, goose 1 la dle. Todd's Camera Clinic. diet. n252 PIANO, small upright Si bench to n:atcn aLo baby atroler, a. E. vacuum clean er. Blk. f sat of Landing on Sunnwrw Sc 1 blknorth. 3130 Jelden Ave. n 263 AVERY MODEL V. SEE THE NIW AVERY MODEL V TRACTOR OOtfiT AT WARDS The new Avery model V can fit need on your farm. Whether you're a bit or small farm owner, or a part t .. farm er. It a a ruited. well designed one plow tractor that easily matches the field work and all f.s.rd efficient ie of blaster two pl.xv tr:t:rs. It rifts a complete line of tamd Tru -draft mount ed tools, and power te nf. You can um It ax an extra tractor, or to do a complete farming In For either .-ob. Its low com of a-jffition will a mare you. See the new A ' i.-y model V at Wards today. WARDS VRM STORE Trade St Huh flu. Salen. Ore. E2M ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana ave. nai BICYCLE, nearly new, 120. 631 n23 apt. a. GIRL'S Elgin bike, bttAKet, 130. Smooth- top aas ranne. aood condition. Phllro ta ble model radio. Ph. 2-3414 or 335 9 13thJ n2j2 t'SKD oil burners, blowers St b urners. Ph. 3-6662. n 2 7 5 WHITE enamel trash burners with colls. Used 6 mos.. 140. See at 865 Brink St. at Four Corners after 6:00 p.m. n252 WESTERN Auto ref rinerator. 6'i ft., excel- left cond., 1125. Ph. 2-3288. Ht. 7. Bux 428. n252 9xll Beaut'ful run, too lane for I. 3-6831. After 9. U251 BROWNING-Remlnaton automatic 13 ta. ahotiun. Like new. With polly ehoke. 390. 370 Fa wit Ave. n251 MORE ORE AT VALUES AT KEITH BROWN PRE-INVENTORY SALE Vacuum Clesners, rev. 169.00. now 324.95 48" -bed Woodworking; Lathe. Ret. 162.00 now 25.00 Breast Drills, W capacity, Rea. 9 00 now 3.60 Ratchet Auaer Bit Braces, Rec. 7.50 now 3.95 Dozens of other bar a ins plus free sift with each 12.00 purchase or can of Pab co paint. Get yours while Ihey last. Keith Brown, Front St Court. Salem. n251 SMALL ORGAN, good condition. Reason- oie. i4u hot Ave. i-n. ii-juiv. djoj- FL'LLER brushes, 1745 Orant. Pb. 3-8357 n370' BARN YARD FERTILIZER 15 yd. f yd. load $25. Arnold Phillips. P. O. Box 281 Turner. Ph. 1X2. n285 USED OIL BEATERS 119 50. 229.50 and $39 50. OOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 467 Court St. Phone t-9811 SALEM SAND A U RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental 15 B yds 10 B yds D-7 Cat St Dozer D-6 Cat St Doeer D-4 Cat es Doier See us about ditching by tht ft. Phone Daya 1-9408 Bvbs 3-83fl or 2-4400 balem Ores on i LUMBER 2x4'a by Jitney load. 110 pet 1.000. You haul. Independence Lumber St Mfg Co Inc.. independence. Ore GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley. Olbson and Montag Appliances at Oevurtz. n PEAT MOSS fortified with turkey drop Intta. Only 90c a sack. VALLEY FARM STORE. 4145 Silver ton Rd. Ph. 2-2024 n259 PLASTI-KOTB: The cellophane-like fin ish for your floors, woodwork or lino leum, no waxing required YEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. n251 Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKES PICK UP AND DELIVER W. DAVENPORT PH 1-7671 n262 USED ELECTRIC reMeeratora YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa n251 USED ELECTRIC ranges YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., S75 Chemeketa n251 USED WASHING machines YEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. J75 Chemeketa n25 OIL CIRCILATORS. drastically reduced prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 875 Chemeketa. n2Sl HUNTERS ATTENTION! Save your game in a Deepfreeze Home Freezer YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa n251 ALL FAMOUS makes of small appliances Y EATER APPLIANCE CO- 176 Cheme keta. n351 SEW IN O MACHINES: Free Westlnghouse YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 375 Chem eketa. 02511 WESTINr.HOUSE radio phonograph con soles. As little as (89 50 YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa n251 SEWINO Machines, electric or treadle Service on all makes. Ph. 1-7671. n254 WALLINO SAND St GRAVEL CO. CRUSH ID ROCK for roads and driveways cement ready mis concrete garden land Buildoflna. drainage and dltchina i-yd shovel and drag Una Ph 3-9249 PHTI.L1PR BROS. Fertilizers, well rotted or fresh, any kind. By yard or sack. Fist rock for all rock work. Cedar fence posts, telephone and elec. polrs Any lennth. Shlnsle Yew potts. Ph. 1-1458. Rt. Bog 116 C1.AR IN E T tor sale, 145. Ph. 3 1 -1 5 87. B25 1 KROF.HLER davenport ft chair 8100. 3850 June, one block o Bunnyvlew St Fiher Rd. Call after 7 30 p.m. n251 SPINET PIANOS JuM arrlvM. a larte shipment of beautiful new pianoe. From $395 up Baldwin . . . Wurlitzcr . Haddorff . . . Cable STONE PIANO CO. "The Valley s Finest pi no Store" 1540 Falrsrounds Rd. n254 ANTIQUE OROAN Blark walnut eae. :npletey i hauled ft in ftr-t rlsss condition Trader Louie, 10)5 Portland Rd, nJU ELK HUNTERS ATTENTION Late model SprinafieM sporter itn scope A brK of shells 185. Trader Lone 3055 Portland Rd. n2ji ITF.INHAt.'F.R p.ano in etcellent comil- tlon All overhauled ft tuned This Is a piano you Will be proud to own. Only 1315. Trader Louie, 1055 Portland Rd I.3S2' HAND M4T1E and rrorheted Chrltmen gilts every Raturrtay at the Farmers Public Market. 1340 I. Rural r2M OAS RF.FRtn.. stnve, hot water tank. double sink, rabinets Davenport ft r ha Irs. Rus and etr Very reason able 719 N Cottsre Ph n32 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS AWnrT burner, eorLv.ralon. Ph 1S. tialij' i yi itNni kr rhon, i-,ies " " aa To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FIR STt'MPAGE and fir log. wanted. Shipment can be made by truck or rail. Independence. Lumber A Manufac turing Company. Inc. Independence. Oregon. Phone 43. na259 WANTED: BARK1E Douglas fir poles or tumpagt. Phone 1287 Albany or write Standard Pole St Piling Co., Inc. na273 WANTED furniture vo glue eWapaur "" Lao Bros. Purrs FU finishing Co h 3-Tool PERSONAL AVOB Christmas products. Ph. 3-5314. P275 STANLEY Home Products. 555 Cross. Ph. 2-5446. F. O. Renahan p273 AUTOMOBILES Itm PONTIAC coupe. Clean, good cond. 2280 Broadway. Ph. 2-031. n2b3 '31 MODEL A coupe. Good mechanically. Oood rubber. 113 Can be seen after 6.30 p.m. Ph. 2-3938. qJSI" 'XI MASTER Chev., 195 590 SE:ma at 4 Corners. q252 For Sale or Trade '48 Packard 4 dr. sedan, 15 000 miles. R&H. Excellent condition. CallJt-3471. eveninss 2-5080. Q233 11)17 OLDS sedanet te. A-l condition. h. 2- 1814 between 6-8 p m. q263 QI'lt'K SALE: 1937 ChryAlf7Ro7aTOood shape. Runs swell. Owner 892 N. Wtnte.v room 5. W. H. Pryoi . q213 IMI2 CHEV. Fleet master Sp. Deluxe 4 dr. sedan. RAiH. Original owner, tl293. Ph. 3- 5384. 985 N. CsiHtol. qJ52 A "REAL "BUY Beautiful 198 Custom Dodge 4-door Se dan. Like new. Ask for Mr, Teague. Teague. ONLY $1395 TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty Ph. 3-4173. q353 LOOK!! 1047 Frarer Sedan. Bargsin of a life time, nice new. overdrive. Radio ft Heater. ONLY $1395 TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty Ph. 2-4173. q252 86 4 DOOR Plymouth. R.A-H. Oood,clean car. $250. Ph. 654R Stajton. q'.6E 1B41 PACKARD super sedan. Heater, over drlva. Oood tires. 1900 cash. Pti. 3-4686 q253" FOR SALE 1048 Plymouth Del.uxe Coupe ib.uou miles, excellent condition, radio, heater, undercoatlng, air cushron tires covers. Priced for quick sale 11400. Plione 2-1425. 7th and Uurlark. West Salem, Ore. q256 Eisner Motors to Sell 146 PLY. coupe, special deluxe. 1150 N 13th. Ph. 3-8963. . q251' 1941 CIIKV. 4 door Special Deluxe. Oood condition, en. qasa 1911 CHEV. 5 pass, coupe, to trsdi for equity or w car. pn. J-7475 at'e' 9 or all day sat. q252 150 USED CAR LOT 150 ft your old one. 12th SU Junction. Open till 10 p.m. q26T WANTED: Clean useo eara Bob Mart 216o South Commercial 1911 BUICK 4-dr. sedan. Has Just been overnauiNl and u in perfect condition. Beautiful exterior and exceptionally clean throughout. See this one for a real buy. Phone 2-7356. q252 1947 BUICK Super Sedanett REALLY THIS 13 AN OUTSTANDING VALUE A BEAUTIFUL LIGHT GREEN FINISH, INTERIOR IS LIKE NEW. HAS RADIO. HEATER, DEFROSTERS. WINDSHIELD WASHERS. SIDE VIEW MIRROR, LOW MILEAGE. LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE, AND CON VENIENT TERMS 11595.00 Orval's (THE LOT WITH TH,E TURNTABLE) Center at Church Sis. Ph. 3-4702 q25I CAR ACCESSORIES tires ft tubes at cost price Ftrt come first served as this Is a close-out ftale Dealers welcomed R D Woodrow Co., 450 Center q ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT SELL TRADB TERMS 232 Fairgrounds Road Phono 2-6454 FOR SALE or trade. '41 OMC 1-ton flat- oeo. uoior rreen A black. Good cond., see at Safeway lot on Front St., Thurs., Frl. ft Sat. qib Eisner Motors Fine Cars '36 FORD TUDOR. '41 MOTOR Radio, heater, slip covers, 6 tires, 1145. See after 5 p.m., 2365 No. Church. q251 lt MFRCl'RY 6-pass, coupe. Ph. 2-1435 iter B P.m. q252" 1946 PONT. Conv. 6 deluxe. Top like new. Mechanically perfect. Fully equip, ped. Will take truck. 1505 N. Capitol. SAVE $350 1949 FORD YES. YOU CAN SAVE 1350.00 ON A 1940 FORD CUSTOM CLUB CPE. VERY LOW MILEAGE. 'AND EQUIPPED WITH RADIO. HEATER. DF.F ROSTER. SPORTLIGHT. SEAT COVEHS. LIFE OUARD TUBES, FINISHED IN A ME DIUM GREEN. THIS 18 A BEAUTIFUL CAR. SEE IT TODAY. SOLD NEW J20S0.00. OUR LOW PRICE IS I169VO0. VERY LIBERAL TRADE-IN AND CON VENIENT TERMS. Orval's 'THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE Center at Church Sts. Ph. 3-4702 t351 MODEL "A" Ford 3-or. sedan. & gd. tries. Gd. pslnt. Reconditioned mtr., gd. radiator ft batt. Very ad. running or dr. Priced for quick sale, 157. Ph. 2-7202. q352 Eisner Motors to Buy HERE'S A BARGAIN 36 Ply. In exc. ahae. ft trailer house. 8x12 ft. CaMi, or trade both for 41 5-paas. Stude, '39 Chev. or IJodne cpe. SV at Montrey Apt., 633 Ferry St., apt 302 eves, after 5 pm. q251 SPECIALS" THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL SALE 1941 Chrv. Coupe. Average. Only $44.5 ALSO 1848 CHEV TOWN SDN RAH. ONE OWN RR CLEAN AS CAN BE. iOR ONLY I125 HOW IN THE WORLD CAN YOU HEAT THlTSr Pitlf E 8 REM KM HER WE HAVE ALMOST Nf.W 411 CHKVS WF CAN SAVE YOU SOME MONEY ON THESE 1948 CHEV. S TON PICKUP W'ilh 1132 FOHO fl'F CHOPPED TOP .. 114. WE CAN fiELL fOH LESS BECAUSE OUR OVERHEAD OR COST OF SELLING A CAR IS VPRY PMAI.L. CASH TRADE TERMS UP TO 24 MOS ACROSS rKOM MKN FURNITURE KANNIER'S Used Cars OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT 1395 EDGE WATER. WEST SALEM 2M MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS BAFTICYCLES The motor footer built like a motor cycle. I1 and 2 h p. motors Automatic elufh. no esri to Shift Up to 100 m les per sa!. Special reduced prlrea for Oct. Terms, new and usej mrm!. HainA Oi.tbnsrd ft Sport hrp 120' S. Commercial Ph. J-wS0 qa351 lt HARI.EY DAVID'ON, 61. Low mile- ate, toot shin. Darland Saan Ph 34117. FARM EQUIPMENT HED TRACTOR T1RM, popular sites. 15 00 and up. Montgomery Wad A Co., Salem. qbStl f Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., FARM EQUIPMENT FARM EQUIPMENT. Oood cond. Write Capital Journal. Box 485. qb350 BOATS I'll.L trade outboard motor or boat for shotgun. Ph. 1-130). qq353 FINANCIAL PERSONAL FINANCE CO.. 513 State. Rm 135. Lie. 8-122 - M-165. C. R. Allan, Uar. WANTED A party who can finance or furnlsn building material for small homas. Costlni around 14000 to 15000. Until build in is are complete. I have the lots and labor. Rm. 123, Orand Hotel. r251 LOAN OF 815.000 wanted on new mod ern theatre including all equipment for 10 to 20 yeara. guaranteed lease for 30 years, good valley town, repay at leasa 1500 Including interest at I per cent fully insured. State Finance Co. 15S 0. High St. T252 IF YOU want to sell your property It will pay you to snow now mucn or an rtiA loan It will stand. This Information is obtainable with very little trouble. Do not healtate to call on us for any In formation you desire on FHA loans STATE FINANCE CO. 151 8. Hlih 81 Tel. 34131. r- oeneral finance corp. Loans Lie S-133 and U-336 and ROY R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8 Commercial St Tel 3-9161 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1080 Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 27033 Lie N MS69 S2l Floyd Kenyon. Mgr r AUTO LOANS WILLAMFTTB CREDH CO. 162 6 Church Parking a Plenty Ph 2-2457 Lie No M-!5 S-154 FOR YOUR SAVINGS INVESTMENT buy real estnte first mortgages, properties flelem ft vicinity. Make your own se lection, nets you 5 percent. We take care or all collections If desired. Amounts 11000 to several thouxand dol lars. See or call us for particulars. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. Hlah St. Tel. 34121. r PRIVATE MONEY Specal Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROT H SIMMONS 126 South Commercial St Pbone 1-9161 SEE P3 FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4" INTEREST I to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 944 State Bt. Phone 2-3662 r FARM AND CITY LOANS 4V and 6". YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortaages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 901 Pioneer Trust Bid Ph 1-7162 r TRAILERS 14 FT. S RM. hse. trailer, mahogany Int., oti arc. nutans rge., ice box. Sleeps 4. vnlued at 12200. Will trade as down pay ment on low priced city or sub. home. Larsen Home & Loan Company Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Pb. 3-8389 Eve: 1-7446 1253 "48. 6' VAGABOND trailer house. Like new. 4383 Haaer St. Ph. 3-2907. t256 UTILITY trailer with shocks. 365. Very good condition. Rt. 2. Box 262, Ph. 3-1857. t252 :.V FACTOR Y-bullt trailer house, good cond., lots of built -Ins. 1950. Fir Crest Trsller Park, N. River Rd. t252 SACRIFICE! 18' trailer house, elec. brakes. Butane, exc. cond., 3580 Portland Rd. 1253 MILEV-McDANHL 2-horse oettixe tandem trailer, electric brakes, spare tire, equip ment compartment. Stored at Senator garage. See Reginald S. Williams. 327 Oregon Bide tlfil DIRECTORY MM) I NO HA CHINES AH makes naed it. r chines sold, rented ripslrtd Roen 48e Court Phone 1-6773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair aerrtce new appllaneaa. vince's Eieclrie Phon Free estimatta Trade-Ins accepted on 9-933V 197 8 Liberty St o AT-l'R DOOR SHARPENING Lawn mowers, scissors, knives aharp- ened Dexter 1220 Center. 1-6833 o AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing aervice day phone s-9286 iflgm r HU4 33 Center Mike Psnek. 275 8 Com'l Ph. 3-3161 Brake and wheel aligning specialists 0259 BRICK WORK Brick ft block work of all kinds Ex perienced, competent masons Call Davidson Bros.. Ph 2-6247. 0256 bTTijTingT'Arpentk i? Remodel, opsir tnat home now Terms No down payment Phon 2- 4860 n Rl I.I.D07JNG Loa.. arnd. dear's, rarrval tk. Ph. 42383 or 3I2G4. Oeo. Worth, 810 Plymouth I)r DuIldo7ing. leveling, road bide., clear ing, treth for bruAh llunkey. in 1 0 J-jalrvlew Ave. Ph. 3-3148. Salem; o265 Dean Robinson. Ph. 2-6537 or 1-4308 0385 CASH REGISTERS The National CBAh Reshter Co. Cash Hefrixter - Arcountlna Maciilnea Ssles Service - Supplies 316 Oalnes Street Phone J 3i oJ-ib Iruttam delivery of new FfCA cast reglsier Al makes sold rented, eg os ed Roen 45 Court Ph 3-6773 CEMEN1 MURK For exieri us inteed t!f action nea foundatlnn 1dewa:Ks repair drivewava patloa. curbs walla etc Cnl' 4850 o CHIMNEY SWEEP urnace chimneys vacuum cleaned tiAler 771 S 2 1st Ph 3-717 033 CONCRETE WORK If It's made of concrete. let us b'd on your work Ph 1-1136. o2K4 DRESSMAKING Dremaktns ft altera! Ion. Wrk guar anteed. I3H0 N. 24th. Ph. 3-7885. o2T4 ELECT R If AL I ONTR ACTING Vlnce's Electric for elertrlrsl wiring contracting, repairing 157 S Libert v EXTERMINATOR Cockroach, Mnth Extarminetnr Service Ph 3-3Q56 Lee CrcM, 155. Pearl o2',9 H.tMIM B'eithauot fn fl-wera Ola' 1 8171 r FUR NATE ft riRTt'LATOR- SFRVIt E Vacuumed ft repaired Dvorak Ph. 24HS o23 llOl arilOI.D PRODI ( T J R Watkm. Oo products Free de tvery 1 7 11 Center Pb 1-9399 e' iNri.vrioN Jo'ins-Manvtlle Phone 1-3746 janitor trRvirr Window Clcaninp; Janitor Service Floor waiing RiCdmis Factoriee - Homes E'!rr,sta Wltnoui Oblieatlnn AMERICAN BLDO MA INT CO Ph Stiem 1-9133 e L4ND( AP' Nl RERT r Ooerfler ft Hnns Ornamentals 13t H Lanrnt't Or at 4 Cor Ph l-im e' HEI UX SERVE SELF t. sundry. 4I Jef lersoa Si Pbone 23451, Friday, OcUber 21, 1949 IT DIRECTORY LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mo were Call Barry W Scott. 147 S Com'l St. o25 MATTRESSES Capita. Baddlr-g Phone 8-4068 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish ft Hawaiian Oultar. Mandolin. Banjo, etc 1531 Court 1L Pb, S-7568. o366 OFFICE FURNITURE ft SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, ' safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps typewriter etands brief easas, , teres Wire Record ra. Roes 456 Court. OIL BURNER SERVICE We guarantse our work. Ph. 2-8662. Ev. 4-3434 o275 Interior painting. O. Horn. Ph. 1-5518. 0357 f strotn's are equlppod to do your ' painting Phone 2-2493 PAPERHANGINQ Expert Paperhenglng and painting. BL J Wood worth Ph. 3-5868 Free est. o3SJ FAINTING ft PAPERHANGINQ Painting ft papering. Free est. Ph. 1-3608 0261 Painting and paperhaniini don expert ly and reasonably. Ph 2-8019. o26f Painting and paperhanalng. Fret atl mate. Pb. 8-9513. 857 Shplplng. o366 Painting A paperhant tm , Int. ft xt. dec. H. r iWoodyl Wood. Pb. 2-6073. o258 PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing Butcheoo Paint Store, Phone 1-6667 PLUMBING Fisher StCom'j. Ph. 1-3019. ol57 R E FR I GF It A T I ON SERVICE Miller Refrigeration Service Co Ph. 2-1534 0265 ' AND A GRAVEL Oarden Sol) crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand ft Gravel Co. Phone 1-9249 O" ' Valley Sand ft Oravei Co Silt, aand ft Ml dirt Excavstlng 10B shovel ft eats. Tractor scoop A trucks for dirt moving, t Ph office 31003. res. 17146 o Salem Saw Wrks. Pb. 3-7603. 1291 N 8th. Ol51 s !EWFR AND SEPTIC TANKS Eire trie Roto-Rooiei Exclusive Patent Rator .'harp Stee' CuUlns Blades. Clean Sewers. Drains, Tanks. Ph. j 3-5327; SEPTIC TANKS K. P. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned, . Electric machine service on sewer and ' drain lines. Ousrsnteed work. 11 43 -8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o275a Vacuum Pumping, no mileais charge. Call ua collect. Todd'a Septic Tank -Service. 2445 State St. Phone 2-0714. o - Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Severa. 1079 Elm SU W. Saem. Ph. 1-9466. 1-5327. .- Q26I SEWING MACniNES Repairs guaranteed all makes. Pb, 35569. 1091 Edgewatcr. West Salem. 0364 Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms, ' All makes. W. Davenport, Ph. S-767L, 0254" All makes repaired, free estlmatag, " Slnaer Sewing Machine Co. 110 No. Commercial Ph 1-1511. Q rTpEWHITEBS Smith Corona, Ramtnaton Royal, Under wood portables AH makes used machine Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court. TRANHFEP A STORACI '.ocal A Distance Transfer, storage. Burnei olis. eoal A briquets Trucks to Portland dally Agent for Bektns House hold goods moved to anywhere Id 06, o Canada Larmer Transfer ft Storage. Ph 3-3131 I VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or reflnlahed Relnboldt A Lewis 1-1639. Elmer The Blind man. Pb. 37328. WEATHERSTRIPPING WELL DRILLING Fred Wymors, Rt. 2. Box 317. Pb. 1-5115. 0263 WINDOW SHADES Wash tale Roller Made to order 1 Day' Del Relnholdt ft Lewis Pb 23629. A IN DOW C1KANINO Acme V Indow Clesners Windows, walls A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waxed and polished Ph 2-1337 241 Court Lauidoc Culbertsoo and Mather. WOOD ft SAWDUST West Satem Fuel Co Pb 2-4031. WOO USA WING Atkins A Cross, Ph. 1-8674 or 3-1171 LODGES LO OJi meeu every Wed me Pacific LodKe No. 50, A.P. S A.M. Stated Meeting Friday, Or'obfT 21. 7-30 pm 251 LKiAL NOTH'EOF.X.MINATION NflTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Olvfl Service Exsmlnatton for FIREMEN sub ject to the rules, rea ulattnns and pro- of the Civil Service Commission or Salem, Orexon. "s amended' will bo held al tV Citv Hall, Salem. Oregon, as follow: Thuraday. November 10, 1949, 9 m s m FIHI' MKN -Fire Depsrtment OENM.AL SCOPE OF EXAMINATION. In addition to physical examination by tie city physician: keenness of observa tion, readlns comprehension, ability to follow direct tons, relations with others. Physical ability to meet fire department Tfinlrcments. PAY; 2as 00 a month for beginners. Phy.lcal te.stA h. would be ordinarily used In fire fit h tin. KEUUIHEMKN l'3 Applicants must have been buna fide residents of the city of flu cm. O rearm, for at least one year immediately previous to the date of the examination and must be reiistered vot er."., AOE LIMITS; 31 to 31 years. Applicant". w:ll be required to take ft physical examination from the city phy rlnn. Enclt applicant snail csu.e to be filed with the Secretary of tha Com mission a .tKlemmi from the city phy trun that the applicant la mentsllv and pliy.Hraliy fi! for the posU l on of firt-msn. In tne atwenre of such a certircnte an applicant w.U not be irrr.ittf-ri t-i tnlte fie examination. AIM'LICA I ION BLANKS may be ob a n-d at 'he office of tne City Recorder. muM br filed in person, and will not be accept ed for tliln after the following date. FrMttv, Oc' t-r 2.1. Iti9. 3 00 p m. livrKD A r BALEM, OREieON, October 19. 1140. ai Frtrn mundt. C il ft r.c CitmmLwlon II v Alfred M jndt. Secretary and Cliff Examiner. Oct JO-31-32 14-2.-2S Sublimity People Buy Stayton Tavern Stay Inn Harvey and Nina Trutna have sold the Santiam tavern on Hiyhway 222 east of Stayton to Herman Breitenstetn, William Van Handel and Ed ward Spinner, all of Sublimity, who took possession this week. The Trutnas and their son and daughter, have moved into a motel apartment in the Howell community, and have gone on a month's motor trip tn North Da kota and Minnesota. Their future plans are indefinite. Gervnis Mrs. Henry Steger was culled to Forest Grove this week to be with her mother, Mrs. Rose Potter who suffered a stroke,