16 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVEBTlSlNQi Per Un 15e Per Lint 3 tlmea 40c Per Un time 60e Pei Line 1 month 13.00 Ou tilde ol Salem 15o per line per day. Mln 80es times mln 10c I times mln. 11.20. No Refunds ftEADERS Id Local News Col Only: Pei Line 10c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES flaw Lte built I B R home N E. Ph. 1-8834. a259' MALL new house; city water, 1A., 20x50 ft., chicken hou.e. 300 Austra White pullets 4'A mo. old Included with place if buyer desires. Price complete, 14500. Near Dallas. Ph. 2-5126. OPEN HOUSE TODAY 1010 8.14th. 2&1 BY OWNER 2 be r m modern house, floor furnace, garage, 13800. 11300 down, 27 per month for 10 years. 3330 Hide M. Grand View $8000 Owner moving says drop price ft get It sold. We don't believe this home can be duplicated anywhere for the money. It combines a substantial attractive 2 BR modern home on a big lot. Located on Victory Circle with a real view of val ley, mountains it city. Walter Musgrave, R tors 1111 EOiew.wr Ph. 3S10D BY OWNER 9 Krirm Knaiish ntvle. 1 blk. to McKlnley school bus. Hdwd. floors. Auto, oil fur nace. Dry sealed basement. Nice fenced yard. Excellent cond. Consider any reas onable offer. 3-5472. 252 4 BED ROOM rtni i vr nlri Larue carpeted living dining rm. Breakfast nook it csr port. All rooms on 1 floor. Over 1.400 sq. ft. of space. Close In. Suburban location. V block from bus. Owner will sacrifice, lor oniy ouu. o WALTER MUSGRAVE R'LTOR 1211 Edgewater. Ph. 3-5109. Eve. s-uhju 253 FOR SALE OR TRADE for cabins, 1 rm house, lot 86x144; fruits it nuts & shrubs; 1 block of good school. 4 blocks hi school. 280 8. 5th St., Independence, Oregon. R. J. Wilson. 253 16700, CLEAN late built 2 bdrm. home. Hardwood floors. Venetian blinds. Fur nace, attached garage. Close to bus. 11,000 down, balance 150 per month. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 B. High. Ph. 3-4121, Eves. 2-5581. a251 0,000. M ACRE wit, clean modern 3 bedroom home. Clowe in North. Small chicken house. Lots of fruit. Close to bus. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 7ftoo, CLEAN modern 3 bdrm. home, En glewood dlst. Hardwood floors. Fireplace. Basement, furnace. Immediate posses sion. Close to Salem HiKh. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors i BDRM. HOME 8 yrs. old. Attached gar age. Auto, hot water heater. Fireplace, Venet. blinds. Floor furnace. Floored at tic. Also chicken house. Lot 80x160. 633 Edlna Lane. Ph. 2-2292. 253 $600.00 DOWN Hew 3 Bdrm. modern, hrd. wd.. and plaster, fireplace. Utility Rm., Din. Rm.. Attch. gar., near bus and stores, Immed. poss. Eve. Ph. 3-9217. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 3-9211 Insurance - Mtg. Loans a251 2295 BROADWAY Wa feel we have a very good buy in this 8 yr. old home for someone, plenty of elbow room, has lg. unfln. upstairs, all lnsl. overhead. 2 nice Br, nook. din. rm.. fireplace, hdwd. floors, full dry basm., with ex!, sawdust fur., pvd. st. ft walks, close to grade chl Catholic Sch. it Church. A very attractive home. (The price Is right. Ph. 2-6680. ED. LUKINHEAL REAL ESTATE ' 433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 2-8704 a354 fstm DOWN. 2 bdrm. hardwood floors, fireplace, attached (tar age. 3850 June, one block off Sunnyvlew St Fluher Hd. Call after 1:30 P.m Ph. 2-9B96. a352- y OWNER, new 3 bdrm. home. Low down payment. 3815 June Ave. Corner Sunnyvlew Ac Fisher Hd. a251 BYOWNER Leaving town, must sell Immed.. m acre. Lovely small home, new elec. range and water heater inc. Large garage and small one room house. Family fruit, nuts and berrlea Near new Four Corners school. A good buy at 16900. 480 Elma Ave. e254 " Three Good Buys 16950 3 bdrm. home on 'fr acre, east on pavement, good barn, fruit and nuts. Will consider trade on small house tn town. 11500 J bdrm. home completely fur nished on extra large lot in Enalewood Dlst. About 3 yrs. old. Room on lot for another house. 17000 New 1 bdrm. with large living rm. and extra large kitchen, lota of bullt-lns. hardwood floors thruout, oil floor furnace. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 900 0. Commercial Ph. 1-3849 Eve. 2-5280. 351 t)oll House Fur. or Unfur. 1 BR. home, corner lot, fireplace, ther mostatically controlled oil heat, all elec. Outstanding and congenial neighbor hood, close to Leslie and McKlnley schools. Furniture optional. Supervisory personnel Standard Station, Inc., being transferred to California. 1990 B. High. Ph. 3-3983. 254 $9400 You would be proud of this new and dif ferent home. Unusual features, brick trim, 2 bdrms., dlntna room, cute break fast nook, fireplace, fine floors, lots of store e spare. Terms. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2.7642, Eve. J -01 2(1 a25l FOB RALE By owner, new 2 B R. house, DR.. kltch.. bath ft utll. room, hdwd floors, alt garage, lot 81x178. Price 17,150. Ph. 2-I3!K. .195 Livingston. a352 $6950 Vacant elean read for you 4 large rooms and bath, utility, built-in large kitchen, automatic oil heat, tiooo down. If you don't have that much let's talk about It anyhow. $10,250 Emlewood home tn perfect ennd lne light rooms, nice yard and shrub. This la a beautiful home in the best district. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 180 N. nigh St. Phone J 4111 alM- EAST A. of good level land, with some berries ft fruit, very nice 2 BR house ft gar. 4 yrs. old. Room for BR upstair. Terms. Will take In late model car, full prlct 18800. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 B. Com m err l a 1 Ph. 1-4390. Eves. 3-9336. a253 Really Worth the Money Appraisers say rait la here 3040 Mar ket St. t B.R. home, extra bsmt. rm.. I lots, hdwd. firs., (place. 19500. Drive by ft rail for appt. B. Isherwood, Realtor 200T N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3863 It. 1-3141 or 28836. a253 HOME 0R"INC0ME OWNER. EAST SALEM. GOOD LOCATION. Miut Mfrfik1, lov.l?. clean, furn. or unrurn. I-Mrm. hom. Dua to death In family. Youniatoirn Mtup. V. blind Innul. Appro. A. fruit, nut trw and HrrlM. PH. I-3T tor ppl. J "(Continued on Poge 19) Ore., Friday, October 21, 1949 fOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER New I Bd. Rm. home. 2 full batlis. Mahogany woodwork. Oak floors 3 fireplaces. Full basement. Close to sll schools. 1547 Court. a25S IttoU 3 RM. house on ci of targe lot, also new Home can be bought like rent, with small down payment. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 946 B. Commercial Ph. 3-490 Evcs.3-9536. a252 SIO.ihw. LATE built 3 bdrm. home on one floor. N. E. Hardwood floors, fireplace, oil heat, attached aaragt. Terms, bal ance FHA. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. R'ltors 153 6. High. Phone 3-4121. il.U- jiio.imfl. LANCASTER drive. About 1 acre Aioaern o room v year oio nome. riooi furnace. Fireplace, hardwood floors. Un finished upstairs. Utility, garage, small poultry house. Beautiful lawn and shrubs. Nut trees, berries, garden space. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. R'ltors 153 B. High. Phone 3-4121. S253 $1550 DOWN Oood 5 rm. home North, fireplace, hard wood firs.. Insulated ft weather stripped. Lame gar., fruit it shrubbery, fenced back yard ft lawn, Priced to sell 18350. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 916 S. Commercial Ph. 3-4590. Eves. 3-9536. a 2 52 FAIRMOUNT HILL " By owner, 1 bdrm., l'i bath, large tree covered lot. 1750 down. 55 per month on 4. contract. Ph. 3-9831 or 3-3723. a253' OPEN HOUSE Immediate Possession Immediate possession on my 1 year old 6 room home. Must sell, leaving state. Well arranged 3 bedroom, lame living room, dinlnv room ft kitchen with breakfast nook. Kitchen has lots of cup board ft counter space with tile floor Beautiful hardwood floors thruout. Large inside utility room. Attached oar age. Nice fenced In lawn. Large lot. Oood location with city ft school bus at door. Can be seen at 3330 Sunnyvlew Ave. jg2M ON ONE FLOOR ! J -bedrooms, living room, dining room, large eating space In kitchen. Fireplace, hardwood floors. Full basement with fireplace, auto oil furnace, part bath New! Only $12,800. No. 320 SELL OR TRADE! 2 -bed room stucco. 2 years old. Ranch style, 'it acres strawberries, raspberries, fruit trees. 18.500 with 11.400 down, or trade for Pendleton property. No. 291 SUBURBAN! close to bus, store and school. Very nicely arranged, 2-bedroom home with large attic, all hardwood floors. Attach ed garage. Price 17,500 terms. Will take lot in trade. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9203 Bun. ft Eve. 2-3738, 3-1327, 4-2874. 3-5905. 2-2532 a291 BUY NOW SMALL NEAT HOUSE. Corner lot. Plumbing roughed in. Only 12350. 1500 cash. VERY NICE 2 bedrm. home. About 2 yrs. old. Oil furnare. Disposal unit and dish washer. Alt, garage. Close to bus. Price only 19450. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3663 Evenings call: Mr. Voorhees, 2-4007 a253 To Settle nn Estate " We have for sale, the Dr. W. C. Jark son house at 2050 Myrtle Ave. This home has 3 B.R. and Is modern In every de tail, located in the Hollywood Dlst. and close to St. Vincent De Paul ft Highland Schools. Sale price. J12.000. can be han dled on terms of 31500 down. John son, BURT PICHA, REALTORS 379 N. High St. Phone: 2-3649 Eve: 3-7451 a251 SEE THESE 1990 North 18th street. Beautiful cor ner lot. yard fenced; 2 bdrms., oil burn ing furnace. 111,000. 2070 Center street. 3 bdrms., oil fur nare. 111,000, 196 South 25th street, 14950. If you need a furnished house, we have a t i bedrt tn at 76:i0. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. HiKh St. Phone 3-7860 Eve. Phones2-4591-2-8605 a2f3" An Excellent Buy 15800, One of the better older type 3 B.R. homes. Living R., dlnlna R., Ige. kitchen, den with frplc. Lot 50x160. No. 3 sone. Near Englewood - School 110,500. New FHA financed 3 bed R.. living R , dinette, kitchen, frplce. Hwd. firs. Suburban 111,500. S A. Very good 2 bed R. pre war home. Nice living R., dining R.. kitchen, full bsmt. Furnace, sm. barn, chicken hse. Consider home In Salem as trade-In. 17500. New FHA financed 2 bed R., liv ing R.. dinette. A dream kitchen, hwd. firs. Attached garaae. Beautiful Floor Plan 118,000. Nearly new 2 bed R. home with stairway to attic, good str.e living R, dining R . kitchen, hwd. firs , flrentce. Full alse bsmt. OH furnare. FHA terms. V. OMER HUFF 361 Chemeketa Bt. Ph. t-8091 Eve. 2-2431 or 2-8942 a254- $4500 4 rm. house. Large garage. Paved street. In city. Hollywood, near Church. $8000 "J1. N c'"""' (tQOr:A New 1 bdrm. ft garage. 8a- J0-UU m Hifhti nttr jchool, 5W7r;0 McKlnley school district. S CQQCA 1 bdrm., 1 ac. Beautifully pOJUU landscaped. A Buy. North Cottage. Close In. dowa. 11000 down. 178 mo. ture window. 1Wr,nn Candalana beaulv tpswui'v hon,, Xn liJtt ord. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church. Ph, 3-7642 Eve. or Sunday 3-0126 a3.W BUY NOW SMALL NEAT HOUSE; corner lot: Plumb ing roughed In. Only 12350. 1500 rash. VERY NICK 3 bdrb. home. About 2 yrs old. OH furnace. Ditposal unit and fllsh washer. Ait garage. Close to bus Price oniy 19450 Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 Btatt Bt Ph. 3-3663 Evenings call: Mr. Voorhees, 3-4007 a35S Immediate Possession Out of state ownrr sacrificing almoy new I rm. home. Hdwd. firs thruout. auto, turn., breeeewa attached tar ase. ige. unfinished u.wtairA. city water and bits. lee. lot. Low dn. parro t FHA terms. Salem Heights district. 565 Kwalri a238 MAIL DOWN PAYMENT. Large loan 3 bdrm FHA built home. Br owner. 9lfl Ford t a3?6 F0JL iAl LJ3IS nil I. f.tT CAMI for lot on v.v'wl .trwT Prlct muM rwon.blf. Plione J-OBBV T VirtV !OT. 1155 loo I1MM. Op OOIU TUI4 A. M. I-MM. FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER: A 3 bed rooms m larse living room utility room hardwood floors large garage latest type oil burner PHONE OWNER 3-7028 Fairmount Hill 17625 00. View Property living, dining rm., kitchen. '1i bath dn . 1 large bedrm. - full bath up. fireplace, elect heat, beautiful yard with shade trees. Outdoor fireplace, fenced yard. Has 15300.00 loan, 4, 144.10 a mo. Leslie School District 17500.00. 3 Bedrm. living, dining, large kitchen, bath, big closets, full base ment. House is spotlessly clean. Fine neighborhood. Close to school. Nict yard and shrubs. Let us show you a good buy. Englewood Dist. 812,800 00 Nw Modern 3 Bedroom Home on one floor. Living rm.. dining rm., large kitchen with nook, bath, full basement, auto oil furn., 3 fireplaces, room for lane party rm. In basement. Plumbing Is In basement. Lot 83x108. View Property tlB.500 00. Lot 70xl3V New. modern beautiful 3 bedroom home all on one floor. Large living rm., dining rm., kitchen, with nook, big utility rm., 2-car garage, auto oil furnace. Fireplace, picture windows a full view of the mountain!. One of the finer homes In Balem. Call for an appointment to let us show you this home. Furnished Home Near McKinley School 110 450 00. Corner Lot, Bung. Style 2 bedrms,, llvini-dlnlng comb., kitchen, nook, bath, basement, fireplace, auto oil furnace, 7 shade trees, elect, stove and refria. Furniture Is in good shape. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORSEN 191 S. High St. Home 3-7163 A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR OFFICE: 2-8629 OPEN HOUSE CANDALARIA HEIGHTS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1949 2 P.M. TO 3 P.M. HEADQUARTERS 245 CANDALARIA BLVD. THIS IS THE ONE S bdrms. ranch typf. located on Candalarla Blvd. L-xhapd llv. rm. & din. rm., liall. bath, hdwd. lira., rtreplace, auto-oll heat, ifuide utility, dble. lar. ase. The price la rlaht on thlx one. CALL ROY FERRIS WELL Arranged home. 2 nice bdrm.., llv. rm.. din. rm.. kitchen, full baamt.. oil furnace, larae lot. garage, 4 block to bug. iBOOO FHA loan, thlj home can be bought at the right price. CALL PETER OEISER GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty - Phone 3-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Earl West 2-0608 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Oeiser 3-9968 FOR SALE LOTS LOTS OF DOORS We have several nice bldg. lots In ihe Candalera Dlst. which are selling fast. Buy now. Burt Pirhn. Realtors, 379 N. High St. Phone 2-3C49. aa352" FOR CHOICE residential tracts In King- wood Ht.i. cescaie Terraces, ai mod erate prices St very low monthly terms see the original owner & developer. C A, Robertson, Ph. S-8413 aa259 FOR SALE rARMS TWO GOOD FARM BUYS 30 ACRES. Close to Salem. N.E. on paved road. Good 5 bedrm. house. Barn, chicken house, ho shed. Family or chard. 3 A. tn cane berries. Price re duced to 115.000. 0000 BUY IN SMALL FARM. 15 aces. All clean-d, few miles north on paved road. Well and elec. water system. Can Irrigate. Fine for berries or gardening. 4 rm. house. Barn and outbldas. Imme diate posieshion. Price only 13300. Part terms. LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 State SI. Ph. 2-3663 Evenings call: Mr. Voorhees, 3-4007 b253 84'4 ACRES! 3-houses. large barn. 3 chicken hon.ies, T mile out. mo-stly in fruit. Price 119 000. Will take 3-bedrooirr home in Sa lem up to 112.000. Rent from 1 house will make mort 'nae payment.. No. 849 BEAVERDAM!!! 1.1 acres of beaverdnm. 3 acres of up land. No buildings. Lake Lablsh. 118,000 Terms. No. 882 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9203 b2Sl VtM. 8450 DOWN. 1 acres with 3 bdrm. home. Located aoout 2 mites somn oi Liberty. Immediate possession. A good buy. Pail O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. R'ltors 153 8. High Phone 3-4121.b258 35 ACRE berry ranrh. 2' a miles from Dayton. 17 A. berries. 5 room nome. barn, garage, tractor, farm equipment. Price 113.100. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. R'ltors 153 B. High. Phone 3-4121. b2S3' Good Building Site 8 acres with modern garage hse., dfep well A elec. pump. Native trees. View of river ft hills. 14800. J 1300 dn. ft t0 per mo U1 handle B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph 2-3662 Eves. 3-2147 or 2-8836 b353 A Wonderful Farm Buy $10,000. 10 Miles 8. E. of Salem. 81 acres with creek running through property Oood road runs through property - 51 acre on one side, 30 acres on other side - 30 stanchion barn small 3 rm. house - auto, water system Won derful soil - all bottom land Let us how you this property. CALL OR SEE ANOY HALVORSEN Office 2-8629 191 8. High - Home 3-7163 A. A. Larsen Realtor FOR SALE ACREAGE J5875 10 acres. 8 room redecorated house. n finished upstairs, chicken house. Battle Creek road IU mile past Prlngle school. Opposite Robblnn Lane. Owner there Bat. ft Sunday afternoon. Ph. 3-6370. bb333 $7500 10 acres about 16 ml. east. Young fruit trees bearing, also bsrries ft nuts ft lots of nice shrubbery. 3 bedroom house, also good barn 4 stanchions, 2 chis houses A 300 ft. well on paved road. This plsce must be seen to be appre ciated, will consider terms. Immed. poss. G.A. VICARY REAL ESTATE 818 N. Com' I. 8t. Ph. day or eve. 2-0431 bJ51 REAL ESTATE High Producing 110 A. farm! Under 9 miles Salem l 85 A irrigated ladlno clover, alfalfa, beans, corn, asparagus, tomatoes! two ood plumbed houses' Grade "A ' barn, milk house' Sllot Greenhouse! Packing shed' All Salem services' Fine road close to hi art Borders Willamette river! Every acre best Newbera sandy loam' $33,000 32 A ttact! Close in north.!1 Fine road! Eola hlllst View homesites' All Balem services! 39 A big paying Royal Ann cherries, pears, nuts, prunes! Full Price $5,000! C. W. Stuller. Broker ON WAt.LACt ROAP S MILK NORTH OF BR1DOI To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 IFOR SALI HOUSES NEW HOME I paved streets I near school I on bus line l among new homes I terms I Price 18950, II 756 da. REAL ESTATE Best Buys Drive Bys 3 B.R., basement, oil or sawdust heat. Ige. lot, $10,250. 2345 8. 13th St. 11500 dn. 2 B.R. unfinished upstairs, at tached gar. Only J7500. 640 Edlna Lane. t B R., basement, furnace, fireplace, excellent cond. Can be FHA financed. Well worth 19,250. 2029 S. Church. 17800. Special. Almost new. oil heat. 2 B R,. (2,000 dn., ba). i'-p Int. 3755 Hal sey ave. 9 1 500 dn. Almost new, electric heat, fire place, excellent cond. Oarage, beautiful yard, shrubs. A bargain for 19300. 3645 D St. 96950 full price. New elect, heat. Private well, garage, car port. Close In. 3050 Livingston ave. Call us for further Information. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. 2 A., $500 Dn. Willamette soil. 3 rm. house. Well worth the full price of onlv SO0. Well, chick en house, family berrlex. Keizer dist. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 14 Acres Choke bldg. site. Close to Salem. Alt cleared. Well worth 14500. Terms If de sired. Eve, ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 6 Acres Modern 6 rm. home. Well, lots of wa ter. 12x16 brooder house. Chicken hou.se for 200 chickens. La. barn. 30 head cat tle rapacity. Several other good out buildings. Family orchard, berries, nice yard. Located between 2 htwavs. Only l'-j mi. from very prosperous town. No wi.ste land. Ideal for chicken farm or Ideal for semi-retired couple, Total price o-ily 115,800. Terms arranged. Ee. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak& Co., Realtor- 30.15 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820, 2-4896. c253 (7900 ONE ACRE Hnvesvtlle Dist.. nice 2 B.R. home. Excl soil, fine location, hard surface road. 113 500 ON CHEMAWA RD. Attractive new home built by owner that knows how. Lots of fruit trees, good sol), forced air oil ht., elect., f. -place. 3 li. BR. unfln. att.. house Is fully lnsl. A Is a small house that could be utcd as auest hou.e or work shop. Ph. 3-6080. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. Hiah St. Eve. Ph. 4-3326 THRIFTY COLUMN . $5,250 Older type home, elean and in tood re pnlrs 2 bed rooms, llvini room, dlnini room, kitchen, and nook. Walking d'.'t ance to State House, bus by door. Will trade for 3 bedroom home. Eve. 2-0473. .$8,750 Oood old 4 bedroom home, with full basement, automatic oil heat, bus by door. 3 blocks to trade school. House all plastered The house is clean, and very good valiw for the money. Party leaving town. Hurry on this one. Eve. 3-0473 10 ACRES 30 miles from Salem, right In a amalt town. 3 bedroom home. 3 fireplaces, dou ble bath, chicken house for 1.000. Oar den spot and a famtlT orchard, hood dnrk. soil. Here Is a good place for nine one wanting to retire. Only f9,5f)0. Eve. 3-0473 CALL FOR MR LICLERC J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors SIT Court mtrn Ph. -T r,l $500 DOWN New, plastered two bedroom home, with hardwood floors and automatic heet. tn a restricted district. IMME DIATE POMEWION. Better hurry on this one See Joe. Eve. Ph. 3-7317. OUT OF THE RAIN Large remodeled 3 bedroom home, In tood condition, located about 5 mllei north on 9E. House Is completely furn ished. Pull price of 13500 Owner aaeru flee for cash. See Mar. Eve. Ph. 2-8476. GOOD 2 BEDROOM On paved street, with city but by the door, also near trade school. A good house that will finance FHA, Owner aaya get us a reasonable offer, SUBURBAN ACREAGE No buiMtnt. ideal location to have chicken, cow, garden, etc. Owner does not need money, and If you want to bulk) lhat little starter house, and get away from the rent receipts here is your epportunltT to get started with practically not -hint down, with terms to sul buver. 4 acres should not last long. Ve Joe Eve. Ph. 3-7217. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 'J-40 N cp,,,, rn 3-8316 c253" FOR VOt'R BATING! mwlmtnt Bui m flMt nortiiii on rati astata Salem nclnlty rvamlnt security youraelt AmojnU tSOO to tavtrat thousand dol lar, net lBTstora W mat all ol lections for on U desired !T.TF FTNANCW CO !SS P Itltrt e WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTtO to bur 3 er 4-room modern house. SIM 4ob, 116 Booth Ph I -31 IT. tOll lAUTOMOBILES Quality First WE AIM TO SATISFY YOU BEFORE AND AFTER YOUR PURCHASE! Come in today. We guarantee satisfaction tomorrow. 1948 Oldsmobile Station Wagon . .$1795.00 Fully equipped, extra fine in every way. Hurry. 1947 Frazer 4-Door Sedan $1295.00 One owner. Radio, heater. Tu-tone upholstery. Very good throughout. Buy and save. 1946 Chrysler Windsor 4-Dr. Sed.. $1495.00 Light gray color. Tu-tone blue and gray upholstery. Fluid drive. Lots of extras. Don't wait. 1947 Plymouth Sp. Del. 4-Dr. Sed.. $1495.00 Radio, heater, new tires. Looks and runs like new. 1941 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan ....$ 795.00 1940 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan ....$ 745.00 1940 Ford "85" 2-Door Sedan $ 695.00 Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER Home of Service PLYMOUTH 435 N. Com'l. Street Phone 3-4117 405 N. Com'l St. 495 N. Com'l St. VALLEY MOTOR CO. PICKUPS Week End Special 1946 FORD "i-TON $695 1944 Dodge -ton, 4-speed transmission. 1941 Dodge '2 -ton. TRUCKS 1947 Ford COE stake body, 2-speed axle. 1946 Chev. 5-speed transmission, 2-speed axle. 1946 Chev. 3-speed Brownie, 9:00 rubber. 1946 Chev. 1 '2-ton flatbed. DUMP TRUCKS 1949 Ford F-6 2-speed axle, 4-5 yd box. 1948 Ford F-6 2-speed axle, 3-spd. Brownie, 4-5 yd box. 1940 Chev. 2-speed axle, 4-yd. box. WE CAN GIVE YOU FAST DELIVERY ON NEW PICKUPS AND TRUCKS-ANY SIZE Valley Motor Truck Dept. LIBERTY AT MARION WANTED REAL ESTATE I TRAILER HOUSES it houses wanted for trade. LIST your trailer hoot.es it hoiuiea with ut now. WANTED 3 or 3 bdrm. home for 1500 down it (100 or leAB per month. COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 2-4552 Eve. 2-8651 c252 OTICJt! U rout property u tor tale rent or iiehun Uit li un un we have all kind of caxh -viyer HT4:i FINANCE CO. RKALTOB9 151 8 Hlcb St ea We Need Good Farm Listings If yoii are litlns your farm property we have several Oood Buyers. CALL OH SEE ANDY HALVORSEN Office 28639 - 191 S. HM Home 31163 A. A. LARSEN REALTOR ca2a2 WE 4.RE In need oi gooc houses to eli tn or oear Salem tf rou wish to ils your property for tale ee GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S Libert St Phone 3 2411 ! EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 62:.A. Stocked & Equipped All under cultivation. 35 A. fall Brsln now tn. aood 4 B.R. hou.se. 2 barn.. 13 stancholns. family orchard, chicken houe and other bldss.. school bus. Will exchange equ.tv for home tn Salem or Income property. Price 114.500, Mort taae o "if)0. ,tolinon. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 373 N. tilth St Phone: 2-3849 Eve: 3-74i1 cb2ftl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES N. COM'L. bldg. iz 5 llv. rrns., 312.000. By owner, terms. Ph. 2-9829. cd277 GROCERY 118.000 8150.000 Yr. Gross, s toe It it equipment worth the price, dissolving partner, ship, located In Salem on busy at. Ph. 3-0680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 4-2126 3-8704 Cd254 SAWMILL sacrifice. With top saw, it dl!"el power. Other equipment. edger Ready to operate on cutting orders, l ft. stumpate paid. 16500. Cssh ti If sold soon. Ph. 8F1 W Id port owner at Ocesn Shrine Cottar ml. south of Waldport. million ices all or see rd252 NEIGHBORHOOD grocery. Oood and future. Priced to sell. By Ph. 3-1818. stock Owner. Cd255 DINING AND DANCING Setup tnd beer license, beautiful Lf . Living quarters upstairs: lower floor hu 2900 8q, Ft. floor space. Auto, oil Ht. Building la less than S yrs. old, lo cated on Hlway 39 close to Salem, lb. frontage, aale includes propertv. stock, equipment, A business. Ph. 3-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Ive. Ph. 4-2338 2-8704 cd3S4 123 000. APT. HOUSE 1300. Mo, Income from 5 Lg. roomy Fur nlshed Apts. Building In Excl. Cond. Lo cated 4 Blks. from cp:tol Build. Apt. Hse. rone Ph. 3-8680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Evt, Ph. 4-3.136 2-8704 cd3M FURNITURE FOR SALE NOW Open Eves. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THROt'OH FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS i LOWFRT PRICES - HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TFRMS - F"EE DELIVERY YOU CAN'T BFAT THIS COMBINATION ! H&H FURNITURE CO. 1550 Fairgrounds Wd. Ph. 3-3787. d3M DvrNoTiXC. condition, ISO. Wash ma chine, auto timer. V Ctirome dinette set 13 Maple tables. .M-lb. Icebox. w:i te, 18 Girl j bind. J3? Various arden toot. Rt. 3. Box 262. Ph. 3-18V7 d253 OI'Doiid;nlnt tabla, t ehair. '35 -Ph. I-44M . d3ll AUTOMOBILES PHONE 3-3147 q2.il. 4 WANTED FURNITURE IT'S YOUR MISTAKE tf roti aell used furniture, appliance uportini goods, household effects with out first iettint my price. GLENN WOODRY PAYS TOP PRICES Ph. 3-5110 for Immediate Results da FrRMTURE. appliances and household articles of all kinds, wanted for cash Free appraisal. Trader Loute. 3053 Port land Rd. Ph. 3-8558 days. 3-4407 eves AUCTION CAR & TRUCK AUCTION Friday Night. 7:30 P. M. CONSTON YOUR CAR OR TRUCK NOW OR DHONE 3-60R8. LANE SUDTELL'S Auction Sales Yard Located l'i Mile East of Salem on i Silver ton Road I "To Buy or Sell Call 3-6098" i3M I Fl'RNITl'RE A APPLIANCE auction every Tues.. 8 p.m., Olennwood Ballroom I pay cash or sell on commission. Olenn Woodry. auctioneer. Ph. 3-5110. dd jFO SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Littht sorrel posse horse 8 yrs. old. Well trained and about 15'a hands high. Drive over and see this horse at 630 Wash. St., McMmnville. Ore. Owner Lyle House. e.253 BONDED " AND-LICENSED livestock buyeF ! E. C. McCandllsh. 1127 S. 25. Ph. 3-8147 e257 PETS ANGORA RABBIT Your choice of 2 out of 4 does, bred or with youna. All with pedigree. H, S. Frlesen. 1701 W. Maple. Dallas. Ore. Tel, 2648. ec253' PERSIAN KITTEN needs good home. Call 3-4418 after 5.30. ec251 DACHSHUND puppy, 2-5281 before 6 p.m. PEDIGREED collie pups. Female. Vt months old. 470 Wayne Drive. Ph 2-3013. ec260 REG. COCKER puppies from champion stock. Blacks, golden it blond. Ph. 2-12fi2 ec2.'3 FUEL 10 CORDS seasoned 4 ft. ash. 1898 Mar ket St. Phone after 6 p.m. 3-6P86. eej.i2 SAWDl'ST A WoodPh. 22608. Vc372 10 IN. old fir. Arnold Phillips, Turner. OrePh. 1X2. ec234 SHELL STOVE DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186 Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor. ee275 SECOND GROWTH timber wanted. Will pay up to IS stumpafte. Write or come to 419 Blller St., Salem. ee2tt CALT HIGHWAY FUEX FOR Diesel and Store Oils FRESH CUT SAWPUBT Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends ft Block wood Pb 1644 t ee i -1 West Salem Fuel Co. If IN DRT OR OREFN SLAB WOOD DRT PLANER tTNDP OLD GROWTH LOCK WOOD. 18-IN CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDCPT RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phont f Uein 3-403) A is p-lct up wood at 1535 Sdgewater St. West 8atn ee PHILLIPS BKOS Old fir. ttak. ash A maple f fir 18' slab a nd edgings Ph 31458 ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 37443 18" Slab Wood and Edfint Ft ash Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASR FOR UH GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY U NEW HAM P. pullet 4 mo. old. Archie Mattison. Call bet. I and I p m. only Rt. 1. Hubbard. 4 blocks W'. on Pud dingy River Rd t tm NIW HtMPsntRI thk every thur-" da?. Order Ffy or Hen not at spe cial quantity price tor your locker Ciipfom DreMtng a tptciaJty. Pbcn I3981. Ue Hatchery. t AUTOMOBILES Buy From The Dealer Your Friends Would Recommend ONE OWNER CARS 1949 Lincoln Sedan. Dark blue. Fully equipped . $2595 1949 Mercury Sedan. R&H. Undercoat 2095 1949 Mercury 6-Passenger Coupe 2095 1947 Ford "6" Coach 1395 1947 Mercury Sedan. Overdrive, radio & heater . 1395 1947 Mercury Sedan 1345 1946 Mercury Sedan. Clean 1295 1946 Oldsmobile Sedan. Hydramatic 1395 1946 DeSoto Sedan Coupe. New paint 995 BEAT THESE PRICES IF YOU CAN 1941 Lincoln Sedan Coupe $ 445 1941 Buick Sedan 795 1941 Ford Tudor 595 1940 Dodge Sedan S45 1937 Buick Sedan 245 1937 Plymouth Convertible 145 Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN - MERCURY DEALER 545 CENTER TEAGUE'S For The Best Used Cars See Your Kaiser, Frazer Dealer Now HEAVY SALES OF TRAVELERS AND VAGABONDS HAVE BROUGHT IN A LOAD OF FINE USED CARS. THEY . HAVE BEEN TUNED UP IN CONDI TION AND CUT DOWN IN PRICE. FOR EXAMPLE: 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE SEDAN ... $1395.00 1948 DODGE SEDAN, FLUID DRIVE 1395.00 1947 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR FLEETMASTER. 1295.00 1946 CHEVROLET FOUR DOUR 1195.00 1946 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR DELUXE 1095.00 MANY MORE NICE CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. See Teague's Downtown Used Car Lot 352 N. Commercial THIS IS YOUR REWARD! Your continued patronage here has made it possible for us to give you real value. Our policy continues as al ways sincere interest and courteous attention, back ed by our reputation for fair dealing. See our fine Guar anteed Used Cars 5050 for 30 days or 1000 miles. Easy terms on approved credit. 1948 Dodge Custom 4-Door Sedan $1745 1947 Mercury 4-Door Sedan 1365 1947 Plymouth 2-Door Sedan 1295 1947 Ford Super Deluxe 4-Door 1295 TRUCKS 1947 Ford l'i-Ton Stake $1095 1946 Dodge Panel 995 1946 Dodge Pickup '. 845 SPECIAL THIS WEEK 1949 Dodge "-Ton Pickup. Reduced to $1495 this week only. STAN BAKER MOTORS DODGE-PLYMOUTH HEADQUARTERS FOR A BETTER BUY, BETTER TRY "STAN" BAKER UNION AT HIGH FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for immediate r future delivery Hatches every Tue-a Foi Hatchery. 3830 StaU St Ph 8-4860 PRODUCE WINTER PEARS, apples, cabbage it wal nut. 2490 Broadway. 1(256 GROWERS UNLOADING SALE 10.000 boxes Jonathan. Spitzenbrrg and Delicious apples. iGood grade, no worms i from our own orchard. 65c box. 3 boxes, 11.75. Get your winter supply now. Bring boxes or containers. Puritan Cider Wits., West Salem. ff256- APPLES Spitrenbergs it winter oan- snn.v also filberts. 1st house off Noith Pacific hiway on Claxter Rd. Pn. 2-4305 FILBERT -WALNl'T drying. 1 mile E. Lan cnMer Dr.. Auburn Road. Clause Mc Kinney. Ph. 3-1632. 'i1. GRAPES U-plck. Bring containers, 3c ib. Rt. 2. Box 259. on Clearlake rd. "252 SPITZES R E R fl 4W1 NT F. R BANANA ap ples. Phil Asplnwall, 645 Market St., Ph. 3-9419. ff275" ONIONSuTTb. sack II 25. Will Deliver. Ph. 26568. 11252 CAMPBELL'S early grapes. Bring contain ers. R. H. Wucken. Rt. 7, Box 357. Hazel Green Dlst. Ph. 2-3169, tf252 FOR SALE Carrots Carrots, sweet and tender. Reasonably priced. O. P. Millet R. 7. Box 30J.Lake Labish. ft253 FILBERT AND Walnut drying Special service for small lota Phone 2-2R61 Lee's Harrhery tf HELP WANTED MEN OR WOMEN to sell In residence and business dlst. Photograph Christinas special. Mueller Studio. 229 N. Com'l. R"a ACCORDION" INSTRUCTOR. Part or full time Excellent opportunity No ei perience necessary We train rou Write Capital Journal. Box 422 g2!tl HELP WANTED MALE ' I MEN over 18 to set pins BAB Bowling alley. 3085 Portland Rd. ga253 BVRBFR W ANTED to run shop until Feb. i 1. Write or apply Lou's Barber Shop. I Fall City, Ore. Ph. 251. M252 iWII.I. piace 3 men In business for them selves with no investment on their part. Must havt car, Writt Box 483, Capital f Journal. 251 NAT IONALCOFP offers profitable: busi ness opportunity to middle aged or older men with car. Writ Boi 464 Capital Journal t"361 I HELP WANTED FEMALE ! WANTED: EXP. part time office help. Typing nictation required, some mi meograph work. Give qualification salarv expected In first letter. Write Box 486 Capital Journal. ab252 LADY TO care for two children In my home. Can have cabin. Ph. 3-5072. gb251 WMTRF.SSW4.NTEI.rPart time, Y Cafe. Dalla Hlghwav. Ph 2S220. gh251 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICt ANT! CLERICAL POSITTONS 1H !.t, lum r&oM l int, r lAUTOMOBILES PH. S3012 QUI BARGAINS Phone 2-4173 WANTED SALESMAN SALESMAN WANTED. Car necessary. Elee- trolux corporation. 1079 Broadway. S83S6- PART TIME HELP: I want to Interview 10 men, who have to make 50 per wk. In spare time. Car necessary. Sat. 9:30 a.m. 757 Center St. gg251 WANTED POSITIONS YARD MAINTENANCE, prunim and full can-up. Phone 2-5828. h.252 IRONING & Cleaning."" Per hi. RefsT Call alter 5 p.m. 399 Mission. h253 WILLAMETTE student wants part time clerical work or bookkeeping. Please write to 960 Marlon for qualification'. Carol Sherman. h2j3 WOMAN wmHdl)ke to care for 1 oV 2 children day or do light housswovlr. Ph. -M" h2M CHILD CA BE. 183 8. 18th. Ph. 26B76h273 CHILD CARE 31 day. 170 W. Bush. PhT 2-0555. h255 TREE work. Topping, trimming, removing. Injured operator. John Payne, 248 6. Church. Ph. 2-6014. h254" DANGEROUS trees removed. Tops trimm- ed or rut bark. Free estirae.te. Fully covered by Insurance. Ph. 6281 McMlnn- vlll. h254 CAPABLE woman wants ironing ln rour home. Hef. Ph. 39691. h251' CHILD care in my home by day. Ph. 2-87 40. h25 1 WILL CARE for your child in my home. 11.25 pei day. Will pick up and deliver. Ph. 2-8291. Out S. 12th. turn left n Hoyt, come to the Mortar less Blocx Plant it turn left, go to Walling Sand ft Gravel Plant it turn right. 3rd houi-e on left. h2i4 BUILDING or rVmod FLING. Frame or finish work. Free estimate.. Ph. 2-5833. h3S3 WANTED Carpenter work new, remodel or repair, ref. furnished. Also 500 gal. steel tank for sale. Ask for Oliver . t 340 Division St. n251 GENERAL BUILDING, repairing. I ipeeial ire in general remodeling brick work. Plastering, painting and paperhanglnc. Nothing to large or too small. Reason able, fret estimates. Walton 3-5072 h252 PROFESSIONAL paperhangini and paint ing. Guaranteed workmanship. Pb. 42761. h351 . WOODSAWING Pi Y SITTING. PhTTei PFNTFR wort. New, MM PhT 1)26 5 CEMENT WORK wanted Ph 3-4SM ft INTERIOR PAINTING, tn Pb J.17M. MM TRl:E WORK, topplnt. trtmmlni. remo- Irif In op Work tutr. W. H UcADI.. tpf. 840 Trad,. Ph. 8-14M. haBl' Mimeographing-Typinjr POES tflS Nortb ltlt. Prion, 1-3649. MM' CHILD CARE day or Dr. Pn. 1-41.40. h5S- TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. tfrT. If. form.r phone opr. Pn. 1-5073. Msf RABT SITTING. Nlfht rtlltr. Ph. 3-010. hJ5 N'l:W LAWNS prfpired bimI i(4,d. Llil-t tractor oo rubber lht Jnr.r Pn 111!". (Continued on Page 17)