Eagles In Regional Conference Meet Here Fraternity and social problems considered by national and local leaders of the Eagle fraternity at Salem meeting held in the Senator Thurs day evening. From left: Warren Jones, past state president, Salem; Web Loy, state president, Bend; T. T. Turner, mem bership director, Portland; M. L. Brown, national director, Kansas City; Chester Capone, state insurance director, Port land; Dr. Floyd L. Utter; chaplain, Salem; B. H. Goldstein, past grand president, Portland and G. W. Mason, past state president, Portland. EYEWITNESS' UNUSUAL STORY Plane and Its Crew's Fight For Survival Is Recounted Editor's Note: When a warplane runs into mechanical trouble high in the sky, details of what happens aboard usually go only into the craft's log. But Dave Johnson, Idaho air national guard officer and aviation editor of the Boise Statesman, was aboard a B29 late Wednesday when a motor failed over the Sierra Nevada mountains at 26,000 feet altidude. Here is Johnson's unusual story of the fight of the plane and its crew for survival. By DAVE JOHNSON Written for United Press Mountain Home, Ida., Oct. 21 (U.PJ A four-engined B29 long ranged reconnaissance bomber crippled by the loss of an oil spewing engine and threatening to burst into flames made its way safely back to the Mountain Home air force base just before dark Wednesday night. The big plane, with 14 per- sons aboard, was returning from a strategic mission over the San Joaquin valley in California when number one engine began pouring out oil and smoke The engine apparently had blown a cylinder head and the danger of fire was increased by the fact the propeller could not be feathered to stop it from re volving. With the oil quantity gauge showing lero and the oil pres sure reading almost non-existent, the motor kept grinding away, threatening to become so overheated that It would ignite. But through the skill of the airplane commander, Lt. Michael A. Kelley of Winston-Salem, N. C., and some old-fashioned nav lgatlon by check points on the ground, the bomber was taken safely home. The engine went out as the B2S was flying on Instruments t 26.000 feet altitude about 23 minutes northeast of Bishop, Calif, on the east fide of the towering, Jagged Sierra Nevada mountain range. When Kelley found he could not feather the propeller, he gave orders to prepare to aban don ship, and the personnel made ready to parachute. But the abandon-ship standby order was lifted when it was found the engine apparently was not going to burn. Radio operator Cpl. Robert F. Maddox of St. Louis, Mo., sent out a message on the trouble and preparationi for a possible rescue operation immediately started at the base here. Two other B29's and a C47 transport were readied with drop kiU to fly to the scene of the distressed ship s last posi tion. A doctor was ready to go. Radio direction finders hunted the skies for bearings on the plane. Kelley finally found a hole in the thick clouds and let down over a desert area that naviga tor Lt George A. Anderson id entified as being in the vicinity of the Owyhee Indian reserva tion, north of Elko. Nev. Low clouds topping the moun tains prevented the plane from taking a direct course to its base. So a northwesterly route was followed to a clearer place on the horizon. iff 1 "VtA Midget Slot Machine Selied by Salem Police Proiecuton will aek to link thii diminutive -.lot machine seized at Capp t used car lot with activities of Haley Cordray. ex-Salem policeman arrested Thursday on lottery charges. This sleek little machine, now in custody of Clyde A. Warren, chief of police, Is about eight inches square. The tumbler wheels pin when the coin receiver is retracted. The payoff slot is t the bottom of tht devict. The plane came out over the I-O-N highway north of Winne- mucca. N'ev., and the highway was followed to the auxiliary landing field at Rome, Ore. from where a course for Boise was set. As soon as the lowest possible spot in the Owyee mountains was passed, course was set for Mountain Home and the plane landed safely. Little Loss in Grains for Day Chicago, Oct. 21 W) Grains had to absorb a good deal of profit-taking today after their advance earlier this week. They took the selling with only minor losses in most cases. Wheat and corn slipped under the previous close at times. Soy beans backed down a couple of cents. Wheat closed -H lower, De cember $2.13. corn was "-i-'-i lower, December SI. 16i- oats were unchanged to high er, December 71, rye was un changed to Vt lower, December $1.47, soybeans were 4-24 lower, November J2.28- and lard was 20 cents lower to 5 cents a hundred pounds high October $11.67-$11.70. Parents of Scouts Silverton Guests Silverton The Silverton Scout council was host to par ents of boys of Cub Scout age, Thursday evening, with a well represented attendance, at Eu gene Field auditorium. Officials explained the age group question when boys may become Cub Scouts, and when advancement could be made in to the regular groups and under what circumstances. State Scout representatives were present to conduct the meeting. Ted Burien is president of the Silverton Scout council and Harry Vetter, secretary. The large group of Cub Scouts in troop No. 61, is to be re-organized and will proceed with the autumn and winter months' meetings. MARKET QUOTATIONS alrm Livestock alarkel 'By VU Packing Cumpanr Lambs 119.00 to 120.90 t'eedei lambs 11 a. 00 to 116 00 cwu t: ;o u a oo Cutter cow $8.00 to 110 00 Fat dairy cows .110.00 Bulls 111.00 to 116 00 Calves, rood (300-450 lbs) 115.00 to 117.00 Veal (150-300 lbs.) top ..119.00 to 121.00 Portland Esatslde Market Cauliflower sold lor IMS to I J 00 a crate on the Portland Eastside Farmer Wholesale Produce market today. Corn brought 11.75 to $1.M a crate tor beat stock. Cabbage was 11.65 to 11.75 an 85-lb crate lor medium round heads. Kraut cabbage was 85 to 90 cent! a 75-lb sack, with 40-lb crates of red cabbage seUinr for $1.35 to 12.50. Loose packed delicious apples sold for J2.25 to J2.50 a box; Jonathans brought 11.25 to fl.75 a 35-Ib box: winter ba nanas, 11.75 to $2.00; Ortleys. $1.25 to $1.40; Spitzen bergs. $1.25 to $1.50, and Red Rome, $1.75 to $2.00. Florida pink grapefruit wai $8.50 to $8.75 a crate. California zucchini squash was offered at $3.00 to $3.25 a lug. Portland Produce Butterfat Tentative, subject to Imme diate change Premium quality maximum to .35 to 1 oercent acidity delivered In Portland 63-66c lb., 92 score 61-Mc lb.. SO score, 57-60c, 89 score, 55c. Valley routes ana country points ac less tnao iirst. nutter wnoiesaie fuu duik cudcs wholesalers: grade 93 score. 82 cents: 92 score 61c; B 90 score. 69c lb.; C 89 score, bdc Above prices art strictly nominal. Cheese Belling prlct to Portland whole sale: Oregon singles 39 -40c; Oregon 8 loaf 2-43c; triplet 1 less than sin r les Esse T Wholesalers) A graoe large. es'i-ee'ic; A medium, 49-51'aC: grade large. 58 a-58'.ic; small A grade. .c Portland Dairy Market sutler trice to retailers: uraae as prints 67c: A A cartons 68c; A print inc. A cartons 66c: B prints 64c. Eggs Prices to retailers: Orade A large 73c dot.; certified A la rue, 68c: Isrce 67c: AA medium, 58c; certified A, medium. 57c; A medium. 55-56c; A small. 43c. cartons 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39 -42c, Oregon loaf, 6- id loan tv.-a-toc id.; triplets, ivi cents less than singles Premium brands, singles. 31'4c lb.: loaf. 634c. Poultry Live Chickens - No. 1 Quality FOB plants. No. 1 broilers under 24 lbs. 24c lb., fryers 24-3 lbs., 24-26c; 3-4 lbs., 27. 28c: roasters 4 lbs and over, 27-2Bc; fowl. Leghorns 4 lbs. and under, 18-20C, over 4 lbs. 20c; colored fowl all weights, 22-23c; roosters, all weights 18-19c. Rabbits- Average to growers, live whites, 4-5 lbs., 18-200 lb.: 6-6 lbs., 16-18c lb.: colored S cents lower; old or heavy does, and bucks, 8-12c; fresh fryers to butchers. 50-53C. Country-Killed Heats Veal, top quality, 30-32e lb.: other trades according to weight and quality with poor or heavier, 22-28c. Hogs: Light blockers. 10-316) aews. 93 24c. Lambs: Top quality, springers, 38-39e; mutton, 12-14c. Beef: Good cows. 10-230 lb.: eenners cutters, 20-22e. Fresh Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per ewt.t: Beef steers, good 500-800 lbs.. $43 45: commercial, $35-39: utility, $31-31; utility, $27-26. Cows Commercial, $31-83: utility, $27 30; cannera-cutter. $3326 Beef Cuts (Oood Steers): Hind quarters. S54-86: rounds, $48-51; full loins, trimmed. $71-78: trlanbles, $32-34; square chucks. $40-42; ribs. $52-55; forequarters, $34-38. Veal and calf; Oood. 137-40; commercial. $33-35: utility, $28-32. Lambs: Good-choice spring lambs, $41 46: commerclsl. $36-40; utility, $34-35. Mutton: Oood, 70 lbs. down, 116-18. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1 6-12 lbs., $50-62 1 shoulders 16 lbs. down, $39-40; spara rlbs, $47-60: carcasses, $8233i mixed weights $2 per cwt. lower. Portland Miscellaneous Caacara Bark Dry 13 Ho lb., freen 4c lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium trades. 45c lb. Mohair 36e lb. on 12-month growth. nominally. Hides calves, 3M in., according to weight, klpa 25c lb., beef ll-12c lb., bull 6-7o lb. Country buyers pay 2e less. I Not Quotations 1 nainais Franquettes. first Quality jum bo. 34.7c; large, 32.7c: medium. 37.2c; second quality jumbos, 30.2c; large. 38.2c; medium. 26.2c; baby. 33. 2e; aoft shell, first quality large, 39.1c; medium, 26.2c; sec ond quality large, 27Jci medium, 34 7c: baby 23 3c Filberts Jumbo, 30e Ib.i large, 18c: medium. 16o; small, 13c Portland Grain Portland. Ore.. Oct. 31 OJFiCMh train: Aoft white, soft white no rex, white club, hard red winter ordinary 319 bid. Hard white baart ordinary no bid. Coarse grains Coast delevery: Oats: No. 3 38 lbs white 56 00 bid. Barley: No. 3 45 lbs west 64.00 bid. Portland Livestock. Portland, Ore., Oct. 31 (UB Weekly livestock: Cattle: Friday salable 100: calves 50; market mostly on clesnup basis; rather slow: steady to weak; some medium calves unsold. Hoes: Friday salable 35; steady; early top 20 50. flheep: Friday salable 50; steady to weak; few good and choice lambs 21.00. Chlrage Livestock CMcaeo, Oct. SI (U (USDAi Live stock market: Hots: Salable 1.50. Market 35 to 60 cents. mwty 36 cent lower than Thurs day's average on butchers: fairly active at decline; sows strsdy to 35 cents lower: top 18.15 for a few loads choice 340 to 260 lbs; bulk rood and choice 190 to 2'0 lbs. 16.00 and 16.10, soma 170 to 190 lb. 17.50 to 18 00; weights over 370 lb. scarce; good and choice sows under 450 lb. 16 50 to 17.50; 450 to 6O0 tba. meetly 15. M) to 16 50: aood early clearance. Sheep: Salable 800. Slaughter lambs fiteadr, top 24 50: sheep strong to 25 cents hither; yearlings atwent; most good and choice ale u liter lambs, 23 50 to 34 50, double western ewes, medium to good, 9 25: good 135 lb western ewes, 10.00; fed yen nine wethers abxent. Cattle: Salable 1.500. Calves 300. Choice steers and heifers practically absent: quotable fully steady: good grades about steady; common and medium kind dull and slow: eows about steariv; other cat tie and cslviw unchanied: odd hend choice steers sold up to 15 00: high medium snd eood steers snd yearllnss. 35.50 to 11 00. two loads medium 1300 lb steers. 33.00; few common tracers down to 17,00: load me dium to mostly good 900 lb fed heifers, 26 00: common to low tood bf cows, 14.50 to 18 00: canncrs and cutters, 12 00 to 14.50: medium and good sausaca bulls, 18 00 to 19 75: medium to choice vealere. 35 00 to 36 50: load good to ehoice 860 lb Montana feeding steers 33 SO; loed me dium 656 lb feeders 19 71. Smooth golf balls do not drive as far as dimpled or mesh sur face balls. The explane'jn is that the rough surface enablea pin to lilt the ball mort. Tahlor' s Zany Stunt Calls For Keeping a Cool Head Fairbanks. Alaska, Oct. 21 W Mollis White-bear wants to go to Hollywood, but the 19-year-old Nome Eskimo girl is afraid to fly in one of those "motor birds." So she has suggested that Morton Tahlor, her Brooklyn "radio romeo," travel down the Alaska highway with her by dog sled. Tahlor now is In Alaska to keep a Saturday night date he made with Mollle by long distance telephone as one of the zany atunts on the "Truth or Consequences" radio show. The bachelor from Brooklyn didn't know he was hooked up with Nome when he made the date, as Instructed. Tahlor says he knows nothing about dog teams, except that he would hate to deliver mall to a house that had a set of em. So Mollie has offered to do all the driving on the four-week trek. The Eskimo girl Is afraid she couldn't stand southern Cali fornia's constant "Big Thaw' weather, but her many relatives insist living quarters might be arranged for her in a nice neighborhood's cold storage plant. Mort pleads indecision about the whole Idea. Says he: "I got to keep a cool head." Stocks Advance Irregularly New York, Oct. 21 W The stcok market stolidly followed a narrow price route today. Airline and meat packing is sued enjoyed a flurry of favor at higher quotations but the mar ket generally barely stirred. Gains and losses were thoroughly scrambled. Turnover hit a rate of around 1,300,000 shares for the full session. International Mining advan ced about 4 point to a new high for the year following word that directors had voted a 25-cent dividend, first since a dime was paid in 1941. Airline issues in demand in cluded Pan American, American Airlines, United, Eastern, and Transcontinental St Western. Also ahead were Armour, Wilson, Studebaker, Goodrich, Douglas Aircraft, Allied Chemi cal, International Paper and U. S. Gypsum. Lower most of the time were Bethlehem Steel, General Mo tors, Montgomery Ward, Boeing, Radio Corp., and Warner Bros. STOCKS tBy the Associated Pr-as) American Can 96 Am Pow tt Lt 12 Am Tel A Tel 144 Anaconda ........... 28 Dendli Aviation 2 Beth Steel 28 S Boeing Airplane Ji cam packing 2 Canadian PaclflO 1J4 case j I 31 Caterpillar i0 Chrysler i comwitn a bou Cons Vultee 11 Continental Can 34 V Crown Zellerbach Curtlis Wright 8 uougias Aircreii it Dupont de Nem t Oeneral Electric. 37 General Food 4UH Oeneral Motors 654 Ooodyear Tire 3 Int Harvester i', Int Paper US Kennecott . Llbby McN L 6U Long Bell 'A" 35 Montgomery Ward si Nash K el vine tor 14'4 Nat Dairy 354 NT Central IJ Northern Pacific 17', Pac Am Fish 12'$ Pa Oas & Fie 52 Pa Tel & Tel IOI'i Penney J C j2 Radio Corp 12 Rayonler 4 Rayon ter Pid ......... Reynolds MeUl 30 Richfield 39 '4 Safeway Stores is-j Sears Roebuck ............ 42i Southern Pacific 43 Standard Oil Co 67 Studebaker Corp 24'i Sunshine Mining 11 Transamerlca 12; Union Oil Cal Tin Union Pacific 90Ti United Airlines 14 O S Steel 244 Warner Bros Pie 12 Woolworth 46 SALEM MARKETS Completed from reports et Salem dealers (or ine geidaaee ei uapnai jewrnst Readera. (Revised dally). Retail Peed Prices! Elf Mash 14.86. Rabbit Pel lets 84.30. Dairy Feed 13.70. Poultry i Buying price -Orade A color ed hens 32c; grade A Leghorn hens. snd up. 27-296. Orade A old roosters, lie 18 -10c : trade A colored fryers, three lbs Eat Hairing rrtcee extra tart a as, esc. large AA. 65c; large A, 63-64e; medium AA, 54c; medium A. 46-0c: pullets, 34-30c. Wholesale rricea egg wnoiesaie prices (7c above these prices) abova grade A generally quoted At 6ic; medium c Butterfat Premium 64-oSc. Ho. L 63e: No. 3. 87- 5fc; (buying prices). Bntter wholesale trade A. 67c: re call 72c Requiem Mass for Sister Superior Pontifical requiem for Mother Mary Genevieve, fifth superior general of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon who died Mon day after a heart attack,-will be celebrated at. St. Mary's of the Valley convent chapel at Bea verton Saturday morning at 9 30 o'clock. Mother Mary Genevieve war born Feb. 17, 1883. the fifth of 14 children born to Mr. and Mrs Adrian Vandervelden, of Ver boort. She was christened Rose Vandervelden and received iter early education at Visitation school at Verboort. In 1902 she entered the Sis ters of St. Mary of Oregon and served in Catholic schools at Sublimity, St. Louis, Verboort, St. Marys home and St. Marys uf the Valley. In 1937, while serv ing as superior of St. Stephens school, Portland, she was elected superior general of her congre gation and had been a memoer of the general council of her congregation from 1B25 to 1937 and general directress of studi'i from 1928 to 1937. She it survived by I brother, three listers and three grand nieces, the latter members of the Sisters of St. Mary, all of Verboort. Strike Closes Poultry Plants Two of the three Salem poul try processing plants are vir tually at a standstill as far as business is concerned and no change in the situation is ex pected until the strike of AFL egg and poultry workers in Portland is settled. The Oregon Turkey Growers' association is closed as far as processing is concerned, and will remain until settlement is reached in the Columbia Pro ducers' plant in Portland. Law rence Roberts, local manager, was in Portland meeting with union representatives until mid night in an effort to arrive at arbitration but the meeting broke up without any agreement being reached, he said today. Closure of the killing depart ment at the Northwest Poul try and Dairy Products compa ny is announced by O. F. Ryals, manager. He said he did not in tend to be "caught like he was last year, when he was forced to offer hundreds of pounds pt dressed lowl to trie public to prevent spoilage. Operations were also halted at the Albany plant. Business as usual was re ported by M. A. Pekar, mana ger of the Marion Creamery and Poultry company, with no con tact made during the morning by representatives of the union, Elwood Smith, local steward of the poultry and dairy work ers union, had stated Thursday that unless definite word was received pickets would be placed at the plant Friday morning. Al Hall, manager of the Wash ington Cremary plant at Albany, is still standing by with a sus pension order "possible." Dispute between the AFL and the Oregon Egg and Poultry Dealers' association centers around a week-old wage de mand of TVi cents an hour by the union and an offer of 2lA cents an hour raise by the asso ciation. Local poultry workers' wages range from $1.07 to $1.47 li cents an hour. If you do a lot of baking it is wise to have a four-cup set containing V., Mi, '2, and 1- cup measures. Use these meas ures for fat and flour. In meas uring fat, pack it firmly into the measure and level off the top with a spatula. OBITUARY James J. Town end Woodburn James J. Townen4. 86, lete resident of Woodburn, at a Salem rest home Thursday. October 20. Born at Ontario, Canada. September 38. 1863, came to the United States In 1887 and to Oregon from North Dakota In 1034. Lived In Woodburn for the psst 14 years. Survivors Include a son, H. W. Town send of Woodburn with whom he made his home, a daughter. Mrs. Velme Bisk of Coqullle and six daughters In the east, rune re 1 services will be held Saturday at 3 p. m. at the Rlngo chapel with Rev, Ar thur Ooble of the Foursquare church of ficiating followed by interment la Belle Passl cemetery. Stanley A. Pleser St ay ton Stanley A. Pleser, 47. died at his home In Klamath Palls October 18. Funeral services were conducted Friday from the Catholic church at 9 a m. and burial was In a cemetery In that city. The deceased was born November 30. 1002 at Sublimity, tha son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pleser, and he had lived in this area until he was about 20 years old. He vis ited here In July. Survivors are his wife, Violet, and ehtldren. Dick and Judy, of Klamath Palls; four brothers, John W. Pleser, Spoksne, Wash.; Joseph Pleser Stay ten: Frank Pleser, Sacramento; and Ed Pleser, Albany; one sister. Mrs. EIlzs beth Kebrlbeck. Cottane Drove. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pleser left Slav ton Thurs day morning to attend the funeral serv ices In Klamath Palls. They were to be joined there later by their son, Theone. Letlle Belle Weber Independence Funeral, services for Lot tie Belle Weber, native of Independence, who died Tuesday, will be held from the Walter L. Smith funeral home at 1 o' clock Saturday, Rev. John Hood officiat ing and burial at Hill Top cemetery south of here. Surviving are t nephew, nlre and two e rand-nephews. She mas the daughter nf David L and Amanda Jane Hertso and a member of tha Methodist onrch and, Mh chspttr No 34 QE3 DEATHS Grant fheiaaker Orant Snumaker, late resident of Jef ferson, at a local hospital. October 31. Brother of Krsklne J. Snumaker and Ar chie J. Shumaker. both of Salem. An nouncement of services later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. Cartas Krkerlen In this city October 18, I'jeene Erker len, late resident of 3715 Portlsnd road. Surviving era his wife, Vlreinia E-kerlen of Salem; four slit ers. Mrs. Walter C. Welsh of Salem; Mrs Fred Cornell and Miss Bertha B. Erkerlen of Lot Angeles and Mra. Roy Nadon of Astoria, and a nephew, Bugena Nadon of Astoria, Ka citation of the rosary at the W. T. Rig don chap) Friday, October 31, at 6 pm. Servlres will be at St. Vlnrenv de Paul Catholic church Saturday, Oetober 33. at 10 a m. Rltuallitle services at the grave aids by Capital post No. 6, American Le glon. Jehu Henry Callashan John Henry Callashan, late resident of 466 State street, st the Salem Memorial hospital, Oetober 30. B'irvlvrd by two chil dren. John Daniel Callashan and H! en Marie Callashan. both of Salem; and two sisters. Mrs. Cornelia Snow of Wet Hartford. Conn , and Mrs. Jtaephlne Slack ford of Cleveland. OMo Sertlres will be held at the W. T. P. it don chapel Satur day. Oetoiwr 33 at 1 16 pm with inter ment in Beiereiat Memorial park. Ritual isut services the Salem KU tods a. COMMISSIONERS COURT The following Is tha official publication or the terora or eiaims oeiore tne id an on Cuiinty Commissioners' Court for the August term for 1040. with the amount allowed, bills continued, etc., according to the records In the office of tha County Clerk. Misc. Ooodwln and MrMllltn. Oirba.ee disposal prop. 4,000 JO; Denver Ycung, Exp. 164 80; R. Old Smith Jr., Hauling gravel 40(1.76; Richard H. McColly. hauling gravel 513.18. Public Employees Retirement Bvs- tem, Retirement 2 653 33: Ladd A Bush Kalem Br., U. B. Nat 1 Bank of Portland, Withholding 3.8S0.15: Stats Industrial Arc. Ins. 7J9-Z4. County Assessor C. A. Lewis, Deputy 31S 98: Ray Lick, Deputy 161 63; J. L. Blegmund. Deputy 160.18. Orare N. Bibcock, Deputy 167 42: Ida M. Hi ime. Deputy im so. May Holtorl, Deputy 162.60; Helen Snyder. Deputy 144.73; Alice cummings. t iers ibj gs: Nora nullivan. Clerk 20 12; Mary E Stryer. Clerk 33 64: Gordon E. Tower, Draftsman 327 76. Clr- Court A. A. Richards. Court Re porter 240 61: R. B. Hutches. Deputy 234.66; County Clerk M. Rczmrck. Deputy 163 15; Crosby. Deputy 183 13; R. Howard. Deputy 194 20: Dora Barrett, Deputy 166 14; Vernon Windsor. Deputy 310.47; Helen L. Mulkey, Deputy 182.40; W. M. Oifford, Deputy 161.12; R. J. Stanton, Deputy 62 60; D. Brown. Deputy 68 60. County Court M. Rernicsek. Clerk 60.00: L. urown. Btenog. mj.ou. court House Edw. Brasher, Janitor 163 83; W. A. Orlt ton. Janitor 161.57; Wm. Morlarty, Jani tor 150.07: Edwin Booth. Janitor 153.10; Huth Hutchlns, Kiev. Oper. 76 00: M. E. Lindsey. Elev. Oper. 81.10. District Attor ney Gordon Moore, Deputy 217.74; Doris M. Albln, Secretary 139.12. District Court J Clurus Brown. Dep. Clerk 171.37; Bar bara Bmlth. Dep. Clerk 169.76. District Court Constable Gloria Robinson, Deputy 158.58. Health Department W. J. Htone, D.. Health Otflrer 630.94; F. B. coie- man. Sanitarian 352.78; I. u. Lermon, Sanitarian 252.04: Batty Cooper. Banttartan 253.40: W. B. Quinn, eanitarun w.iu; Bernlce Yearv. Nurse 234.13: Leslie L. Stone, Clinic Nurse 134.37; Merwyn Parby. Nurse 207.63: Evelyn L. Hctiraner, Nurse 2)0.40; Joan Schneider, Nurse 211.13: Jane Domkowskl, Nurse 216.70: Erna Bersterher, Nurse 190.10; Helen Wangsgard. Nurse 214.00; Jean Wright. Nurse 197.40; Vera Wood. Clerk-Stenos. 190.20: Mona E. Davis. Clerk-typist 142.50: Odessa Melby, Clerk Slenog. 169.50; Alice Bergmann, Clerk- tvpist 134 40; panel Le. iierg-iypm 130.05: Francis Relerson, Health Educa tor 254.00; Dolores H. Pyfer. Clerk-typist 133.66. Breltenbush Justice Court Edison Vickers. Justice 89.10. Jefferson Justice Court. E. E. Howell. Justice 121.58; Geo. Armstrong. Constable 14.86. Mt. Angei Justice Court N. M. Lauby, Justice 9 90; Peter J. Burger. Constable 8.90. Woodburn Justice Court T. C. Oorman. Justice 222.58: W. C. Miller, Constable 49.60: Mary Gorman. Clerk 34.65.Juvenile court- Nona White. Probation Oflfcer 318.77; D. Jensen. Assistant 213 40; t. M. jonn- ston. Stenog. 91.60. Misc. D. W. Ram ever. Microfilming 167.80. County Re- oorder Adella Dlckman, Deputy 170.20; VlrKlnla Orltton, Deputy 166.21; Irene Johnson, Deputy iss.ju; nsmons n. Deputy lB.3u: Joan Lsnst, ntn no.oa. Registration snd Election Oladys White, Dep. Clerk 186.02. School Superintendent J, F. ReminKton, Deputy 169.65; Vivian S. Hoenlg, Supervisor 207.80; Marguerite R. Burton, supervisor m.m: nrisnno v. Morley, Secretary 149.69. snerura uiuce Legal A. I. Johnson. Deputy 210.40: B. R. Smith, Deputy 210.80; Wm. DeVall. Deputy 211.50: John Harger, Deputy 219.10; Lawrenre Wright, Deputy 302.60; E. O. Scott. Deputy 100.84: S. R. Tlce, Deputy 171.36; Olen Conklin, Deputy 178.60; M. R. Wood, Deputy 219.10. Sheriffs Oliiee Tax H. F. Domogalla, Deputy 326.37: H. T. Evans, Cashier 208.04: Violette West, Bookkeeper 169.23; Lydla Mattson. Deputy 179.10; Evelyn Mennis. Deputy 164.05: Oeraldine White. Deputy 147.25; Marian Mass, Deputy 70.18. county surveyor Nella Simma. Secretary 154.40. County Treasurer Audrey H. Ewing. Deputy 150.12. Veterans Service Office . c. Saalfeld, Service officer 383.10: Lillian KllDDert. Secretary 66.26. atayton justice court- W. H. Bell. Justice 173.35; Henry Smith. Constable 19.80: Leone Peterson. Stenog. 29.70. Reg. and Elec Alice J. Baillie. Clerk 146.31. uog control wince Ervln A. Ward. Enforcement officer 201.80; R. J. Stanton, Clerk 100.00. County En gineer H. S. Swart. Engineer 305.M9; A. M. Presnalt. Secretary 150.40. County Prop erty H. Wm. Thlelsen, Land Agent 112.20; L. M. Johnston. Stenog. 60.00. Misc. Wil son J. Wilt. Multigraph operator 73.01: Floyd L, Seigmund, Watermaster 192.70; Gertrude Flnnemore, Nurse 209.40; J. P. Asplnwall. Labor 230.87; Delbert J. uair, T.nhnr son 41: J. A. Burns. Labor 143.80; Wm, H. Flcke, Lahor loam; narry n. Lawrence. Labor 206.26; H. A. Martin, Labor 220.20; Harold L. Martin, Labor 229.08: Edward Schmltt. Labor 203.30; F. W. Woelke, Labor 344.44; O. D. Binegar. Labor 388.14; Henry Bower, Labor 304.63; Luwrence Bower. Labor 226.78; Wm. Croker, Labor 208 82; Frank N. Dick, Labor 243.40; W. M. Duchaeau, Labor 225.31; Or vllle L. Dunlgan. Labor 398.97; 6. K. Ely. Labor 314.00; Harvey M. Olrod. Labor 209.79; Eric Gusts fson. Labor 230-59; Roy Hatfield, Labor 345.40: Harold K. Kepptn gcr, Labor 269.98; Ben Kerber, Labor 280. 61; R. W. Kinney, Labor 230.36: Barney J. Kronn. Labor 194.39: Laurel Lamb, Labor 290.08; Floyd Lauber, Labor 382.89: E. A. Lawrence. Labor 3l7.og; virgu umg. t .hor 114 41: tu. R. Massev. Labor 358.62; John McAllister. Labor 211-80: Ralph Mc Allister. Labor 238.49; Wm. Naitiger. Labor 273.53; D. P. Scharf, Labor 318.35. Wm. Shaw. Labor 381.14; August Smith. Labor 257.92: Robert Smith. Labor 273.39; O. L. Spencer, Labor 334.65; Earl D. Stan ley, LiSOOr zeu.lt; Lioya s. inyior, wtoi 2r;.20; A. M. The is. Labor 260 55; Nick Thels. Labor 288 07; Raymond Titus, Labor 169.28; Orvllle L. Trussed, Labor zna.os; Hutrh Webh. Lahor 216.00: Bam Weese. Labor 220.08; Tony Woelke, Labor 202.34; Lee Wells, Labor 113.07; Theodora Kuenil, Labor 254.34; Wm. Brenner, Labor 213.80; Menno Dalke, Labor 203.41; Lloyd Jarman. Labor aiB sz: jam Kitcney, jeoor dia.uv. Jos. A. Robt. Labor 217.79; W. Shelley, LaLir 31.88; Gene Shilling, Labor 314.35: Arthur J. Tackmier, Labor 208.33; Tea Wagoner, Labor 206.10; C. W, Webber, Lnbor 303.33; W. O. Williamson, Labor 303.84; J. C. Curnutt. Labor 212.36' John Anderson Jr., Labor 325.60; Wm. Bunting, Labor 209 SO; L. R. Cooper, Labor 337.60; E. J. Coover, Labor 190.20; Axe) Johnson, Labor 100. 30; J. K. Patten, Labor 311-60: C. G. Ross, Labor 309 59; A. B. Rostad, Labor 200.68; Philip J. Snlle, Labor 107.37; D. W. Selfried. Labor 103.90: R. F. Syver son. Labor 133 31; M. J. MrCormack. Labor 201 50; Leo A. Andreas, Lahor 91 94; David Dubois, Labor 189.17: Virgil R. Pahey, Labor 199 20; P. H. Hostetler, Labor 32 41; S. M. Martin. Labor 204.00: Cecil R. Roy- ston. Labor 207.76; Delbert Shell! to, Labor 62.09; K. J. Richards. Labor 324.49: Artnur Blackburn. Labor 199 73; A. A. Richards, Lahor 18089: Chaa. Tucker, Labor 219.36; E. H. Busby, Labor 205.92; C. A. Coblne, Labor 209 59; Tom Bowden. Labor 213.75: George Frauendlener, Labor 222.54; Myron R. Helvey. Draftsman 14.33; Warren Hicks, Surveying 43 30. Silverton Justice Court Alf. O. Nelson. Justice 176 46; F. N. Burrh, Clerk 49 50: E. J. Jackson, Constable 74.25. Misc. Floy C. Mudd, Bailiff 48 90; Harry Becker. Hauling rock 908.00; L. M. Case, Hauling rock 8ft0.00; Cleo Keppinger, Haul ing rnrk S02 00; John Nag Hauling rock 1,078.00; Salem Chamber of Commerce, Adv. 20000; Ray Lick, T, E. 61.66; Robert V. Nelson, T E. 7 80; J. L. Skegmund. T. R. 76 74; Department of Agriculture, Cherry Fruit Fly Control 318,16: James Blum. Jury parking tickets 360; The Golden Pheasant, Meals 14 30; Brynn Goodenough, Atty. fee 3000; Hank's Park ing Lot, Jury parking tickets 176; Hotel Senator, Menls 13 40; John P. Bteelham mer, Atty. fee 15.00; Mrs. Iva R. Welch, Reporter 22 80; Bostltch Northwest Co.. Hups 7 79; Ralph Cos he id Corp., Sups 6 88. Kay Typewriter, Sups 185. W. A. :ink. Agent. Freight 8 45; Moore Busi ness Forms Inc., Sups 87 80; tlnruh-Knspp Printing Co. sups 94 86; E. Russel White, Sups 4 20: Association of Ore. Counties, Dues 264.77: Keith Brown Lumber Yard, Lumber 1 15; R. L. Elf strom Co., Sups 9 40; W. Posnholm, Signs 26 00. Noma Walker Paint Co.. Sups 13 00, Otis Ele. vator Co, Service 8 no. Salem Willamette Supply, Sups 3 40; Eldon Scott, Signs 6 00, Gordon Moore. T E. 6 56; Sybil C. Cat lln At Frank H. Spars. Rent 100 00; Earl Adams. T E. 3106; Johna Scrim id. Gar bage 100 00. Health Dept. Capital City Laundry Cleaners. Laundry 3.66; Capi tal Drut Store, Sups IT. 80; Dr. Margaret Dowell. Med Sere. 10 00; Dr. Lucille Fort- SAVES MONEY FOR MILLIONS Palmistry Readings Will tell your psst present snd future. Will advise on Open I a.m. ol f" la I p.m. I'ncler New MnKment 171 8. Commercial Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., ner. Med. Berv. 10 00; A. C. Oragg, Post age 67.00; Hendrtf Medical Lab. Lab. Berr. 125 00; Johnson. Slewert 6c Aldrirh. Print ing 1.15: Dr. Robert E. Joseph, Med. Berv. 24.00; Kubll-Howell CO., Sups 4.63; Mc Kesson eVRobblns, Sups 68 67; Helen Mel bv. Sups 33.00: Oregon State Med. So ciety, Prof. Llab. 88.50: Perry Drug Store, Sups 13.43; Physicians 6c Hoip Supply Co., Med. Sups. 36.17; The Qulsenberry Phar macies, Med. Sups 14 64; Radio Station KOAC, Transcription 6.00: Salem Mason ic Temple, Rent 350 00; Salem Med. Lab., Lab. Berv. 37.38; School Dut. No. 4, Tele. 1.15; Shaw Surgical Co , Med Sups. 37.60. Misc. John W. Hanrahen. Fees 306.00. Edward V. Hargreaves, Indemnity 8.00; Fred W. Lange. Fees 433. 50: Fred K. Man gle Agency, Bond 6 00; Kermlt J. Peter- i. Fees 43 60; Flovd L. Bailey, Indemnity 13.00: Oeorge B. Haeer. Indemnity 8.00; Lewis E. Judson. Indemnity 17.50; Floyd Matthews. Indemnity 13 00; Joseph Otoer sinner. Indemnity 4 40: Charles , Hugs ins. Commander. Relief 30.00; Charles Huggtnt. Commander. Relief 37.C-V Dr. Chas. Campbell. Exam. 5.00: Dr. A. T King, Exam 600: Dr. Wm. Mott, Exam. 5.00; Dr. Ralph Purvtne, Exam. 6.00; Dr. Delbert Reed, Exam. 600: Dr. Roscoe C. Wilson. Exam. 20.00; Dr. Paul Wolfe, Exam. 10.00; Floyd W. Kramer. Sups 30.00; Ri- Surplus Store. Sups 96.00: Denver Young. Meals 666 66: The Staton Mall, Sups 13.80; E. Vickers. Postage 3.00; J. rowier. conateoie, sups le as , t c. Howell. Justice. Sups 5.00: E. E. Howell, Kent 15.00; Pioneer Trust Co., Bond 25.00: George F. Armstrong, T. E. 3 84: Pioneer Trust Co, Bond 38.00; Alf O. Nelson, Kent, etc, 56.36; John W. Owen, Receiver Capi tal City Bindery. Sups 39.25; Emery J. Jackson, T. E. 56.32; Walter H. Bell, Kent, etc. 35.00; W. C. Miller. T. E. 11.27; Benson-Dougherty, Optometrists. Glasses 10 00; Jacob A. Braubergcr, Care 30.78: Mrs. Mary Halrorsen. Care 14.00; Mrs. Stewart Miner, Cars 50.00; Salem Memorial Hospl- care zae.otj; int tsoya a uiris Aia Society. Court Comm. 30.00; Catholic Charities Inc., Court Comm. 49.49: Chil dren! Farm Home, ourt omm, 30.00; Ore gon Protective Society. Court Comm. 9.33; Turnmge, court comm. to iw; Ore gon State Game Comm., Predatory ani mal control 730.00; Thornton Stationery Ac Print. Co.. Sups 6.15; Asnes C. Booth, T. E. 22.94; Agnes C. Booth, Postage, etc. 274.46; Underwood Corp.. Equip. 159.54: Anderson. Inc.. Reps 40c: Burke's Camera Shop, Sups 5.51; Capitol Office Equip. Co., sups a.oo Consolidated Freight ways Inc., Express 3.75: Nelson Equip. Co., Bpus 37.50; W. T. Porter Repair Service. Sups 151.24; S. Robert Tlce. T. E. 2.83; C. V. Alien. Labor 43.75; Lawrence U. Wright. T. E. 13.44; H. F. Domogalla. T. E. 6.60; Salem Blue Print Co., Sups 8.32; A. C. Oragg, Postmaster, Postage 18.00 ; H. C. Saalfeld. T. E. 19.66; Ervln A. Ward, T. E. 80.64: Mrs. Claude Fitzgerald, Re fund 300; Oliver H. Brougher, Sheep kill ed 4.00; Louis Cornu. Chickens killed 6.80; Mrs. Floyd Davidson, Sheep killed 40.00; Arthur B. McClellan. Check ens killed 4.75; Louis Melby. Sheen killed 15.00: F. C. Schermacher, Sheep killed 60.00; Fred C. 9cnermacner, eneep kiuea bu.oo; Axie iri ses. Sheep kiUed 67.00; Leo. N. Chllds Inc. Bonds 15.00; John Albus, Cutting brush su.uu; American Brush Co., Bups 47.81; Atlas Stamp and Die Co., Sups 58.21; J, c. uair ana sons. Heps 6.uo; uanou ana wrignt, tsups -j.oz; uroanway Tire ser vice. Reps 3.62: E. H. Burrell. Reps 135.26: Capital Auto Parts, Reps 75.93; Capital journal aov. 3.00; capitoi Lumber Co., Sups 197.30; Monroe 6. Cheek, Gas 18.39 City Water Dept.. Water 99.95: Clyde Equipment Co., Keps 25.51; The Commer cial Book store, sups 380.45; Cooke sta tionery Co., Sups 7.97; Dr. M. K. Crothers, Exam., etc. 46.63: Frank N. Dick. T. E 44.34; Doollttle Master 8erv. eta.. Sups uj.oo; tionn caer, k w lou.uu; nay l,. Hardware Co., Sups 38.21; Firestone Stores, Sups 15.01; The J. K. GUI Co., Sups 60.97; The J. K. Olll Co.. Sups 8.50; Dr. John Goldsmith. Med Serv. 30.00: A. C. Hiaa and Co.. Reps 60c; J. E. Haseltlne St Co.. sups 37.04; warren Hlckt. surveying 2.28 Home Fuel Oil Co.. Koad ollins 50.72 : Howard Cooper Corp. Reps 30.96; Chas. H. Hoyt, Gravel 5.397.55; Chas. H. Hoyt, Oravel 13,759.70; Industrial Supply Co. of aaiera. sups 777.01; intercity Auto Freight. rrt. i.aa; interstate Tractor a Equip. Co., Keps ze.tz; Jensens Klcntieid Service, Reps 1.15: C. A. Johnson. Wood 660.00: Ira Jorgensen, Reps 122.95; H. A. Judd. Petty L,asn rwener nana a uravei co.. Oravel 472.88: Kelier Sand it Gravel Co., Gravel 247.00; Lloyd Kite hum. Lbr. 365.05:' T. L. Kuhns Co., Sups 6.89: C. J. Lewis, Gas 13.61; Loggers 6c Contractors Mach. Co.. Reps 44.45; James H. Maden Co., Reps 66.31: John McClaskey, Labor 300.00; R. H. McColly, Hauling gravel 551.16: Douglaa McKay Chev, Co., Equip. 3,240.24: Douglas McKay Chev. Co. Equip. 1,743.63; a. a ntcLAucman co. Keps 38.63; 0. J. Mtnden Lbr. Co Lbr. 3.457.86; Harvey I. Moen, Hauling rock 698.43; Mountain states Power Co., LAP 64.68: Need hams Book Store, Sups 62.90; Norrls Walker Paint Co., Sups 139.35; Northwest xna. jLiunary Co.. Laundry 3.45; Oregon Auto Wrecking- Co., Reps 5.00; Oregon Elec. Railway Co., Frt. 2,136.31; Oregon Physicians Service. Dues 3780: Orronn oiaii msiiiwir 1-omm.. 1 siting in Lab. boo: sen otlen and Eon. Const. 047 35: Pacific Building, Rent 300.00: Pacific Tele. A Tele. Co., Tele. 329 30; Peck Bros. Sups 833 96; Pitney Bowes Inc. Sups 86.60; Portland oen. Elec. Co., LAP 313.18; A. M. PreanalL Posture 1 OO: Rrl Prn harmaey. Med. Sups 10.86; Remington Rand Inc. Misc. 30 00; Richfield Oil Corp. sups 18.30; J. H. Rigdon. oil rock. 80.78: Saffron Supply Co.. Sups 3.69; Salem Boat House. Supa 1.38; Salem Concrete Pipe A Products, Sups 40.80; Salem In surance Agents Assn., Ins. 1.131.61; Sa lem Laundry Co.. Laundry 6 13: Salem Navigation Co., Sups 1.44; Salem Steel and Supply Co., Sups 64.06: Sanitary Serv. Co. Inc. an Service 1.90; Santlam Gravel Co.. Oravel 6.80; Bauvaln Motor Co., Reps a. am, ouRii uii 10 mi zu.so; silver Booster Mfg. Co.. Sups 85.00; H. A. Sim mons. Oas. etc. 3.136 01: H. A. HI mm nr.. Oas, etc. 13094: R. Old Smith Jr.. Haul ing rock 646.70; "Stan" Baker Motors, Sups 75c; Stance! Asphalt Hitumuls Co., Asphalt 13,821.53; Standard Oil Co. of Calif., Oas. etc. 370.36; State man Publish ing Co., Adv. 142.43; Stayton Parts Ser vice, Sups 613.70; Btelnke's, Reps 16.85; Stevenson Construction Co.. Equip 6.000 00' Stevenson and Mefford, Reps 3.83; Truck Seles A Serv. Co. Reps 40.93; Union Oil Co., Gas etc. 171366: Union Title Co., RW report 13 50; Valley Motor Co.. Bups 75.75; Valley Motor Co., Equip. 3,845.42 Valley Welding Supply Co.. Supa 40 40 Vlbbert Electric, Reps 6.95; Walling Band and Grave Co.. Grave) 79 30; Oil Ward, Supa 146.34; Willamette Valley Transfer Frt. 13.63; Woodburn Sand and Gravel Why Suffer Any Longer Then os-Lera un. use out Chinese remedies Amaslna success for 6 000 rears in China. No matter with what ailments you are afflicted disorders Mnusltls hesrt lungs liver, kidneys fas, t-nnatlpetlon ulcers, diabetes rheumatism gall and bladder, fever skin. i-mle complaint. CHARLIE CHAN CHINE BE HERB CO. Office Boers 6 Is 6 Ties and lal. Only 884 N Cetnaierelal Phone 31M6 SALEM. ORE. 1 ROOFING Now is th time to order that new roof be(or the rainy winter seoson. Expert workmanship with tht highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 253 No. Commercial Street Solem Phone 38478 - WANTED - Walnuts Filberts Nut Meats HIGHEST PRICE CASII ON DELIVERY FOR ORCHARD RUN . . . SEE I S BEFORE TOV SELL. MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 4H0 N. Front Street SAI.EM Telephone S-7633 Friday, October 21, 194913 . Co., Gravel 9 00; Woodbury Co., Bups 6.13: R. D. Woodrow, Reps 3.39; Denier " Young, Mlse, 98.37; Zellerbach Paper Co, Misc. 16 57, Walter H. Zosel Co., Sups ' 126.58. PROCEEDINGS 1 August 3. 1949 Permit to move cnm -bine, Leonard A. Perlich; Pipe line per- -mlt, Clyde W. Var titer: permit to huul r logs, Dolph Heater. Aug. 3, Permit to . move combine, L. E. John, Louis O. Grit ton: Permit to haul Iohs, Cecil O. Clark: r Permit to move mint tub, L. R. Edwafl.s; Application for relief. Earl Comer, Jnhn P. Miller; Order for hearing on proposed formation of Ubertv-Salem Heights Rural Firs Protection District. August 4, Permit to move combine. Harlan Moe: Permit to haul logs, Ceeil O. Clark; Pipe line per mit, U. E. Hansen: Deed to Marlon County for garbase disposal property; Petition to " nam Meadow Lane: Permit to move com bine. W. T. Hetteberg. Aug- 5. Permit to move combine, Richard Miller; Order Vacating portion of Ames Addition to Silverton. August 6. Resolution and Order in matter of Vacation of Lots and Road in Miller's Mill Creek Rural Home Tracts; -Indemnity claim of Adlore A. Paquln, final hearing set for 63149: Permit to move combine, Lawrence Zlellnskl; Permit to haul logs. 8c 10 Transfer. Aug 8. Peti tion to extend Grant Street in Silverton, . and Order continuing hearing to Sept. 3; Petition to Improve Westfield Street in Silverton. and Order to table the matter indefinitely; Order to pay State Game ' CommUnlon for predatory animal control work. Aug. 9, Final hearing on Indemnity claim of Floyd L. Bailey; Order for re- tuna to L. n. Bunmng ana wiinam Frith: Permit to haul logs, Lowell O. Cree, Walter Rak: Permit to move combine. Clifford L. Jenon, Mrs. D. D. Kuenxl; T. Pipe line permit, Fred St ad 11, Aug. 10, ; Temporary Dance Hall license to Idanha Rural Fire Pro. Dlst.; Semi-annual report of Sheriff and Tax Collector; copy of Ordinance No. 3997 by City of Balem naming Streets In Polk County portion; Permit to move combine, Paul C. Gilbert; (. ermlt to move baler, Jos. B. Schmldgall. Auk. II, Order for refund to taxes to ' Jack and Evlyn Frlsbie; Letter from Cen tral Howell Farmer's Union favors con- " trol district for eradication of tansy ragwort, ermlt to move combine, Don R. Meyer. Aug. 13. Approval of Plat of Syl- rark: permit to nam logs, jbck snow: Hearing on Vacation of portion of Sunny- ine rruii rartns rto. 10. taxen unner an- . lsement. Aug. 13. Jury list for Stayton , Justice of the eace District. Aug. 15, Permit to move baler, Alfred J. Zielinski; Permit to haul logs, Donald B. Graham; E. Wilson et al agree to do gratis cater- -pillar work on proposed Mehama-Elkhorn road. Aug. 16. Indemnity claim, Charles B. Jayne. Alvln L. Pool; Permit to haul logs, Vernon and Norman Bergstrom: Pole line permits 3t, Portland Oeneral Electrto Co. Aug. 18. Permit to haul logs, Richard Lee Kendall; Pole line permits (4i, Port- , land General Electrlo Co.. Minutes, of fc Courthouse CommlMon Meeting. Aug. 19, Order naming Meadow Lane; Memoran dum by State Highway Engineer HE Agreement on Nlaeara-Detrolt section of Bant lam Highway. Alls. 30. Permit to move combine. D. R. Kelley; Permit to haul logs, Chas. C. Collier, Aug. 23, Per- it to haul loss, J. u. Collier, Cecil G. 1 Clark; Permit to move combine, O. H. Hplva; Bond for Issuance of duplicate warrant to Sanipro Corp. of Oregon; Per mit ror poie lines tit 10 rortiana uen- eral Electric Co. Aug. 24. Order closing portion of County roads 972 and 973 for construction. Aug. 25, Order RE: approval " of dedicated Plata more than 6 miles from Salem. Aug. 26, Order for transfer ' of funds pursuant to County property audit to 42149: Trnnsfer Order; Order tor transfer or sao.ouu to uenerai iuna from County property fund; Remonstrance to issuance of Beer license In vicinity of Park Ave. and Edlna Lane; Permit to move pepermlnt vats, Clmmunlnga and Hawley; Permit to haul logs. Roy Jacob sen. Aug. 27, Indemnity claim of Laura E. Havernick. final hearing 9949: Ap proval of Plat for "Piedmont" and "Oak-" dale": Permit to haul logs. H. A. Rus sell; Order by State Tax Commission to remove certain landa from reforestration. Aug. 29, Resignation of eter J. Burger as Constable for Mt. Angel District; Bond for issuance of duplicate warrant to Har old L. Brenden for Mt. Ancel Flax Fes tival Commission. Aug. 30, Permit to haul, logs. Everett Oeterberg; Order cancelling 7 year warrants not called for; Aug. 31, rinai nearing on indemnity claims. Ad lore A. Paquln. Chas. B. Jayne, Alvln L. Pool; Resignation of John M. Fidel as Deputy constable or Breitenbusn District; Report by State Tax Commission: Permit to naui logs, naroia k. weatners, iee Wm. Miller Sr.; Resignation of Peter J. Burger as Constable of Mt. Angel Dis trict accepted; Order appointing Joe F Faulhaber as Constable Mt. Angel Jus tic of Peace District; Petition for ap pointment of Valderla Mallsxewskl as Deputy Constable and Matron for Brelt enbush District, as a woman's bag -that's FRES-TO-LOGS THE CONVENIENT, CLEAN, . EFFICIENT FUEL CAPITOL LUMBER CO. N. Cherry Ave. Phone 38862 or Z4431 j.j.4. GIT 'IM f ROM . 1