14 Capital Journal. Salem, Ore.. Friday. October 21. 1949 I'M MRS PARKS T CALL ME IM SO HAPPV THAT MR BIBBS 5ENT A--A MATURE PERSON,' -SOMEONE I KNOV I CAN TRUST.' RADIO PROGRAMS THE SERVANTS WUNT HARRIET DOUBLE TROUBLE ARE ALL OUT I CAME TO tonight--and srr with your: CHILD FRIDAY P. M. r-THIS IS THE ADDRESS. T T 1 STILL FEEL -CfteEPy-FBOM "Wi f LADY eg 1 TALKING TO THAT OUSHY OLD WMAH! V kH I a -MAyee rr$ JUST THAT IM tlEQVOUS I I II ,aW about beno responsible fop ,A II m F it") 1 ovnfcuic etxj atBT r ' L'u c tta KGW 430 NBC' K0IN 70 CBS KEX IIM ABC KSLM K0C0 AP Nawslaaturai By WILLIAM HOBSON Chauter 23 Dp t the settlement on Ante lope Creek. Jay Allison had re mained a prisoner and grown well Hi wound was still tender, and would be for a long tune, but he could use his arm freely and It caused him no Dain. Jay knew that the fall round-ups were soon to get under way and he noted, too, change In the at mosphere of the camp. There was a quickening of pace, a nervous ex citement on the part of the men and their women. Big things were In the wind. His guards had relaxed their vig ilance a bit and he found an op portunity to corner Turk Pennock and find out what was coming. Turk grinned and scratched his head. "Well. Jay, from what I can hear round camp, nere s aoout ine way she blows: Jim Swlnnerton met Randall In town and finagled a sort of golng-away party out of him t the ranch. It'll be a week from tills comin' Saturday. By thet time most of Mike s .ands will be out on the range with the wagon on beef roundup. Accordln' to the way Joe planned it. while the shindig is in progress Joe's a-goln' to meet thet otner guard, wnack mm over tne head with a gun barrel, then tie him with piggin string an' gag him. Then he's a-goln' to ease the Mor gans down to the end of the pasture a half-mile from the ranch an' let 'em out the gate, where we'll all be waltln,. We're all supposed to meet over at a certain place in Aiizony "You going along?" Turk scratched his head. "I rec kon," he said. "Not much else to do. an' Lucia will be along, too.' "Turk, why don't you take her and get out or here? ' Jay urged. "Dang it, Jay. she won't go." "Then get out on your own. Some thing tells me that all kinds or ructions are going to break over this range, and soon. Somebody is going to get killed. There may be a few nung. One afternoon while Jay was lounging on his bunk and reading, he heard an exclamation from one of his guards and a chair, tipped back against the wall by the door, hit the dirt. He stepped to the opening and found them staring off down across the flats, past the corrals. In the distance he saw fifteen or twenty head of horses coming at a fast trot, drWen by three riders. One look at the high crowned sombreros and Jay knew. Miguel had returned. They strolled down toward the corrals. Lucia Joined them. Jay looked over and saw what was on her face. She knew, too. Miguel doffed his big hat and bowed to Lucia, his white teeth flashing. "It is good to see the so lovely senorlta again." he said. Lucia had come to Jay's side and Stood as they unsaddled. Miguel came out again and there was a smile on his face as he looked at Jay standing beside the Bin. "You have been ver good to pay the close attention to Lucia in my absence, but you will not see her while I am here. This time when I go. she goes with me. You Winers t.anti7" "Oan't hear you." Jay said cold- r. "My hearing Is plumb bad lately, reckon." Jay walked away with her and took her back to the cabin she had next to rook one that had become Ms home. "Oo with Turk," he aald. "Oet out of here." Dome of the old defiant fire came baek into her dsrk eyes. He saw the lovely, oval-shaped face, the skin that was almost white. "T do not tore him. I will not go with a man X do not love." He left her, sorry for her, help less, wracking his brain for a way to help her. Jy eat before his cabin door with hie two guards and saw the rider coming acrcoss the waters of the creek. He recognised Peg Smith. The man had returned. He cooked his supper and ate K Bstleasly. Afterward, when darkness had come down in full he said to hie guards, "Might as well 10 down to the store and see what's iiolng on. No use sitting around here." They strolled down to the larger building, but there was no music tonight. The camp appeared to be deserted except for restless men who strolled here and there, talking In low tones ana smoxing. mere was not a woman besides Lucia in the camp. They were gone. Jay saw mat uie laai 01 ine rood and goods were gone irom uie shelves, mey had been used to stock ur the wag ons now heading for Arizona. jay shook olf his gloomy thoughts. He saw Turk at the bar with Lucia beside him and he saw the Mexican Miguel leaning against the wall beside his two dark-faced eompan-eros. Brad Morden was nowhere In sight. Miguel's smoldering eves were upon Turk Pennock and Jay saw what was In them. His two men stood like statues, and something in their mien told Jay that there was going to be trouble. He saw the flick of the border raider's brown hand send his cigarette arc ing through the air. and then Mi guel straightened. LUCla. you Will pa with me now?" he said. She Ignored him. Turk had tune. ed slowly, his hand resting near nis gun. jaayoe sne don't want to go," he drawled softly. "Oet awav from her nr T kin you," Miguel muttered. L,ucia, you get clear of me," Turk said Significantly his eves hnrin. Into Miguel's. "All right, you've made yore play; now follow it" "She is my woman," he stated coldly. "Lucia, you will come with JaV had leaned forward anrf VnH at Turk's side. "Jay," he whispered. Jay bent down closer. "I loved . . thet girl. Don't let thai Mexican take her. Promise me." " u ngm, Turk. I promise," Jay whispered. 'To Be Continued) 1 f 2998 UZfS 10 40 No. MM is cut In sites 10, 13. 14. 16, 18. 20, M. it and 40. 81se 16, 3 to yds. M-ln. Every home sewer needs the FALL WINTER FASHION BOOK a delightful, inspiring presentation of tne rest in tasnion. over 160 smart, practical easy-to-sew pattern de signs for all ages. Price Just 30 cenu. eena now lor your copy, oena .joc jor rsiiKKN witn Name, Address and 8tyle Number. State else desired. Address CaDltal Journal 214 Mis slon St., 8an Francisco S. Calif. R2876 4 Bennle Maieh-Makera Here la a pretty frilled hat with matching muff to keep any lassie of 8 or more, toaaty-warm when the chilly winds blow. Crochet the set In bright wool yarn and embroider the flower de sign In popular satin stitch. Pattern Envelope No. R3874 con tains crocheting Instruction, ma terlal requirements, stitch lllustra Uona and finishing directions. To obtain this pattern, send 30c in COINS, giving pattern number. your name address and tone nam ber to Peggy Roberts. 828 Mission Street, San Francisco 1, Calif. VISIT THE BAR-B-Q. DUDE RANCH VAMT TO SoiH A DUDE PArVcM PER A Very smau. fee ? ASK. IrVSIDE . FEeJCE L4 1 THE 'laxy h RAMCM WAKE UP HEMRY FER. DETAILS $.".1 Andbpoom W LOOK. MICTEH 0ONT KNOW NOUR GAME AND I DONT CARE- BUT TH' B0VS TELL ME VWVE BEEN CABIN" THT OLD BARGE WHERS WE EAT- WHAT'S IT TO YOU? B TROUBL . "ROUND nctthin; LONG A3 yuh keep YcR NOSE CLE AN, CHUM BUT IP Nt3U"RE SHOPP1N' FOR : JUST START MESSIN' ) THRT BARQESEE ! T YEAH? I J CAN HANDLE I ANY TROUBLE I 1 START, I WISE GUY- J I IF YOU THINK TrPO BE A PLEASURE" I I CAN'T-WELL- I BUT THIS IS A J! I NOWS A PINS J WARNIN0jNCrr A lEg I TIME TO FIND ft CHALLENGE" jpS S:00unn? Side kai Mannlns thai, of Ynken B-Bar-B Ranch Rhythm Ranch The Little SaewKrhal. of Taken II-Bar-R Ranch talhm Ranch kv Kins skr Hang i:30pnii efTlaee hrtwt 1:45 eimw riUratNtwt kOOntrlBf LtorMMdthuavt li U Jean1 i:inistrlB Mnaafli l:M Ityr.uta i:45DraBl Barrawt Bit A Encore La II U JtmHoni HUU LBrhlaal Wllh HtU s Encr 1:00 Or. I. Q. ':15 r. i. q. 1:30 mil sum h45 Rb'thas TIbm 1 :0fl l8h.atnaKlratca l:lSNwa f WarM : 30 Life ! Ril. 1:45 Liu tt Riltr 1:00 Martin s Lwli Martin A Lwla Henry Mfgmn Hanrv Margan ant HajM jj Cvrral, Chalrprta Spotllfht :3ft gp-ru rinnl :a OrchcMra .:00wi :15wai MiMin :0!was Mguua AS MmMumim ::00if off UBC I KSI B-tUr-B Mil Toni Mis babrlcl Haatai tandla n. W. Ncwa riahtnr rifhu Fxbla (Taunt Lv lYannr La a Nnmnar Pltaw rtfhta Naasaar Pltaw ilsbta Lwtll Thamai Jack Rmlth rat Man ral Man Tba Galdbarn Yanr FBI Tba Galdbarn Yoar FBI Mr Ftvarlta Hubua Iciah IB B Star Final bcrcnad. Ul LTana Orch. Trraaury Band INcwa BlUait Uuntlnc Clnb jt UhcaaUr Tonchdawn Tlnarat O'Brien lOiilt flarrial ksiU A HarrUI MaaUrn Sklaa Wctttrn Bklta kith. Rnrtar lnlcrmisa Caneart Hanr Cancan Hanr jCanccrt Roar Canccrt Hanr Mcmaa ntcmoa txtxa Hanr Pine Craabv IScwa Liihi-" anal Sllnr rrbla la Maila C'Uca Kid L'iaea Kid Straight Arrow Ktraicht Arrow Mac! tha Band Uaat Ik Band Musical Jacaaol Kvrlm Knlhl P-Td. -Ina Wcwa David ROM Masle SHS-Hilhbor s IIS -II I III oar SlIH-HilUborn SHS-Hlllaborn 9iin-iim.iMrV" hHff-HillalMrn H-Hllabra (Ntwe tFslt. Lewla Jr. Warwick Thcat. Mclarl Ntwi Warwick Than. LNcwa Mtiil. y Want toariit pivai Muale Yon Want Lova Myatari Noclnrna Mailt IN ac tarn Bum Marian nncUrna Orcbcatra Kocturna l(n Off "Slrn Off SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. !;0fl Rodft Podv !:15Uodia Pedra kSOiHodr " 1:45 Modi rdn koiN ':00Now Hear TblaKOIN Now Hear ThlaJNcwa : SO Ntwe News 'SiSam Hayaa LConanner Ktwa 1:00 KOIN Kleck KOIN Kleck Klach Klock Vrad Warlnr rred waring ni lint McCanneU Mary Ln Tajior Nawi Lat'a PraUnd Junior Mlaa Uanlor Mlai fTbeatra at Today Ik Ine Cala Trio (Grand Ctntral INewa prand Central 'Farm Honr :15 Farm Hour 1:30 Report America Report Europe Tropic Eehoee Troplo Echaea Eaat'n Football Eaat'n Football Btara Over Hollywood OWe and Take ple and Taka County Fair County Fair Meet tba Mlaaus iMcet tha Mlsaua Eaat'n Football Eaat'n footoall Eaat'n Football Eaat'n Football r TWIS AlWT A G-l UAIR- wJuvtup uajraCUT. COUSIM CUT, TEDDY? GONNA) AMBV- ITS B6 A BCtV SCOUT 7 J MY POPS FIRST LESSON I IKl BARBER lCCHJLG6E WELL . WEU WILBURS MISrOV LUCKV TO HAVE SUCH A F1ME SACR1FICIM' J& TO PRACTISE 04 K91 Y YEP-BUT HENOWT BE ABLE TO USE ME STUpyiKl'THAK S000NESS! J ujuv wrrr?J 1 AihfT AWTVOUVOLO ENOUGMlJ Cv-LOli il J"P llJ T-1 CU AVE :fH)lFait'n Football .:5jEaat'n Football O emI'b Foo'ball -45 Eaat'n FwbMll Liaslc Vounf Orrconlana Broadway Car. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 VrKf Friday P.M. CbUdrona Tue lM atert 8:15. On tha Upbeat; S:90. S50 Sporta Clobi 6:00, Newa; 6:15, OSC Alumnli 6:30, Muale of CtCfho Slovakia) 7:15, Evening Farm Houri 1:06, Bcaearrb Report) 11:16, Here'i to Veterami ft:30, Prosram of Canadai S:t8, Newa and Weather; B:(H. Muale That End urea t :4B, Evenlnff Medltatlpnai U W, 81 rn Off. Bur-, J VELL-TVI1KJGS AIN'T BEEN iiAVrKiT mn VOD AROUND HERE DONE. ANY- k LATELY AND US HOODLUMS 7-uikjT, -m 7 GOTTA BLAME IT ON OU.'-WHV SOMKfOOY--SO IT M3HT rv-vnu r as well t vnu rr r - 'v HATt ME? , THIS IS AN EMERGENCY i 1 1 itfMMaPcrj 5 ulOW.'-l I ( -AM' TH' NICE THING ABOUT KCKIN' BETTER DON T KICK BACK.V AIREA0T. J II I u StE.SOH- N THAM WHV KK3MIES 1 WAS BORN -SO V FOLKS KIN TAKE OUT k TWAR MEANNESS ON THIH-STEAD OF ON OTHER FOLKS. AH BRANQ ONE FO'Vff DRESSED AS A HOOO- kick HiHyyi X JEFF, QUICK ( sure r WENT TO PU)MBING SCHOOL! f DON'T VKf&M 1 MUTT-I'LL THE 1 I WHERES THE Jim A VKvou. A 1 1 DUN 'AND GfTr I rmmocur PI UMRFR PLUMBER' b A PLUMBER ) VtJ : r-,TT mlttti t1 i -ra-l v ar.jriiAo i t-ftn eratw LrVu t7w i. m anwaEw- sl -awwjs?T''a ur tv v nmaiife Bar l blot v mmm V VOU LITTLE BOOB, My WHOLE CELLAR IS FILLING WITH WATER mm Y WHOLE TROUBLE V-i taC - i vns tw mmk iiwi I OUTBOATO, SALTY T I PROBABLV SOME OP TUB 'COMET'S' CREW COWN6 ASHORE.-6ET IN, PROFESSOB. WELL TRY TO AWKK THE YACHT WHILE THE MOONS BEHIND THOSE C AL77LS UTTZ.IM 7H QV iMML " ' ' 5f I 6 THAT YOU, MONK YES. HOLLO, BEL7AI HAVE YOU 60T YOUZ TOOLS? COME ON - WE'VE oOT TO MAKE TIME J ,7 1 WHAT'S THE TI?0U8LB WITH THE PSH f WHY, . TI.E kUSH Y is SHE'S DEVELOPED A LEAK THAT LEAVES A TRAIL OP BUBBLES LIKE FROM A DIVINS SUIT. TOO MANY STRANGERS ON THE SLANT. TAKE A CHANCE rv iln POC?ASTINATION RPLlAQfT. ir is 04vse''C,us.' OECIS'OVi, , MOVE VOV 1 IM 1 &) AW, PHOOIB, VA-A"T A ... piooNiOfiou D.aarnutc a WWTOlWNO LITTlC.MRW0ftTM ilOMUKI BUNNJI AanilT..UH..HEIJ rctuiNtjr JBBsssa fOiil J THAT WASN'T VERY NICE.DOLORf!"AN0'1 QUITt WITHOUT REASON IMPURE.! MR.M'KEt EN6A6E.0--AND UNN AI.W, GATHER: WUMEAN'-J HER"PUD'-' THE , PILOT? ) . aV PERSONALLY, I THINK. HE'i SOMETHING SHE DREAMED UPI- WEUSEDT0KI0HER J ABOUT NOT HAVING DATES, ANDONE OAV SHE FLASHED' HIS PHOTO ON US: r mm ii V'i t: -V AND- EVEN If THERE 14 SUCH A GUY, SHE MAY FIGURE A BIRD IN THE OFF BEATS ONE IN THE AIR! 1 1 I 12 :30!BC Syanphanj lA;!nbC Symphanr -OQ'NBC Symphony lj'XBC Symphany Banda at the :45" Land Oawn Downbaal awn Downbaal Bound-1 BayiNi Afrooaaty Breakfast an tha Plain Newa frimekeapar March TIbm lawa Hhoppcr'a bpcciai . D. Acant tcaaareh Ad. jGlrl'a Carpa Otrl'a Corpa jToyland Tunaa royland Tunaa Start of Tomorrow Btara of Tomorrow Minn. Mich. Minn. Ml-h Mlnn.-Mlrh. Minn. Mkb. Nawa Mother Beat Family Party Knowa Family Party mewapapr Mewapapr Columbia Feat. Stanford-OSC Stanford -OSC Stanford-OSC Stanford OSC SUnfo.d-OflU Stanto.l OSC Staniord-OSC Stanford OBC Stanford OSC Stanford OSC Stanford OSI Stanford-OSC fiwi Break raat Oanf Breakfait Gang Top Tradea harfaln Counter pewa Haven of Real Hajren of JBeal INorthweat Nawa pint slnfB Faator'a Call Sara Riders Minn. -Mich. Mlnn.-Mleh n.-.Mkh. Mlnn.-Mlch. Mlnn.-Mlrh. Minn.-Mlrh. Mlnn.-Mlrh. n.-Mlch. Mlnn.-Mlrh. Tea Crumpcti1 Tea and Crnmpets Lion lor Junction fan Concert llaaa Concert Res Kour farry Wlatner Albert Warner Church Nat iNewa Garden Gnlda Proudly Wi Mall Doc, Iho PI at tar Jock Top Tradea Kewa V Newt Bob E ber It tba" TBA newt Muale tTei RlttOf Nawa Hornet on Land JLitenalea lart jRemlnlaclnv Remlnliclnr KVeat'n Malodloa Vcleneu Extur, Popular Varieties Muale nitboul Worda CSC-Oreton USC-Or.f n rsC-OrJton CSC-Onon Marina Band Salem Air Rat. Concert Favorltea Sat. Serenade Sat. Seronada Sat. Serenado Sat. Serenada LH tha Opera Lt tha Opera uewa pfafj Band Bat. Matlnae) Bat. Matlnea Sat. Matin Sat. MaUneo Sat Matin Sat. Ma tine Sat. Matin Sat. Matlne USC-Ortron t'SC-Oreion h'SC-Orea-m I'SC-Orecon I'SC-Orea-on h'SC-Oreaon tl'SC-Orfon IHemminstwar Chln-U Chat. Chln-Up Thai. Chin -La Chat. Chln-Up Chat. ISpotllta Mnale ppotlll MubI rurtala Calls Curtain Calls fhC Saturday A.M. 10:Ot. Nw lWMV lt:15, Etreclallr for Woman) U:M, Tbo Concert Halh IS:00, Nawa I 1:15. Noon Farm Beurt 1:00, Rid Rb Cowboy t l:S0 Voir of tha Armri 1:4a, , Melody Lanet 1:00, Muale of the Mat ter a i S:M, Science Newai 1:M. Spirit of Vlklntai 4:00, Your Securltri 4:15, Son f Weat: 4:45. A Last Look at Australia. Prep Mothers' Club Greets New Members Mt. Angel The Mt. Angel Prep Mothera club welcomed the many new members at a party held at the Hilltop recrea tion room recently. Following a short business meeting, when the activities for the coming year were outlined, the members enjoyed the show "Guadalcanal Diary". Guest prizes were given to Mrs. Martin Seller, Mrs. Theresa Wolf, Mrs. John Kloft and Mrs. J. H. Fournler. Mrs. Raymond Ebner and a committee of senior mothers served coffee and cake. They were assisted by the students of the senior class. The mothers of Juniors will be hostesses at the meeting in November, when arrangement! will be made for the Father Son Banquet. During the first five days after their landing on Iwo Jima Marine corps communication crews laid more than 700 miles of telephone wire, although op erating under heavy artillery fire and harassed by snipers. ACROSS L Mklacran measure I. Good times ft. Additional 12. Planet 13. Weaken 14. Post 15. Skip IK. Greek lttr 17. Statement of an account IS. Traill of wild animals M. Orinoco lowlands SL Scotch Tnd child IS. Mlmto 24. Obvious 28. Flylnp; devle 12. So. American wood sorrl IS. Subsequently IS. Operated SC. Wooden pins IS. Con-bearlns trees 40. Lower pen at the fee tl. Therefor 41. Northern 4l Hands on hip and slbowa eitended 10. Ardor 61. Circuit 61. Burden 64. Cut 66. Rubber tre 68. Gaelic 67. Urchins 6. Half dosen 61. Small round marks HBP10KlEnCOATpH Yif Av,Etlj. u u ofwia Ala p eiNlsMiiT pth SIT lRrtEAfBTT A Y Jo "cHaiN tlEiRHE R a If R!ENc1hBo AjR'sfl A N YO.ia1 ' nt tj 1- AjC h i BT pBa-pQi i c a 0 wTt LETfgLlO V liS. R A N I Well C E L E Ris OLelpeRURlelARlsQ W'Tl ''' ' - 1 Mzzzz ZuZZ'L pIIXE IP 35 H55 j"" 1 1 . wWur r wWW u 0v if;s - ", '4 ' Mil I'M I I v.'i'A I I L olutlon et Yesterday's Puule DOWN 1 Thre.-pmrt t Bon of the eompoiitloa Blbl. 4. Bending I Coaru aomlnr I. Employ. I Exactly suit able T. Scamp a. Oo aboard a Tesstl I. Reclined 10. rodder pit It Additions to buildings It. Actual 21. Football poal. tlon: abbr. II. City In lUlnol !. Soft drink 25. Hlrh card 26. Fell behind 27. Microbe 29. Anirer 10. Sailor 31. Kxlstenca 24. Venture 37. Odore 33. Thwarted 41. Exclamatloa 43. Flneet 44. Wlde-montbe )er 4s. Foray 4. Point 47. Philippine netlve 4. Fiber 49. Poeme II Turkl.h name A Neweleahiree ROOM AND BOARD By Gent Aher I WATCHED YOUR. LUMBER JACK PAL SHADOW-BOXING IN TH'YARA AND HE5 AAORE AWKVARD THAN TAKING A LADDER THRU A REVOLVING DOOR- HIS rOOTXACRK 15 AWfUL LOOKS LIKE HE'S GOING ACROSS A SWAMP 13 f V r v i jfi I VCU T UVU PES (Sonima NEED AAORe POLISHIIM THAN A PLASTERER'S SHOES " BUT YUH OUGHTA. SEE HOW HE CAN HIT A HAS A FREI5HT-CAR. JOLT