Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 21, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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    Bible Classes
Require Budget
Silverton The First Chris
lian church Endeavorers are
meeting Sunday at 5:30 o'clock
for brief devotionals, a supper
and the completion of packing
overseas duffel bags for ship
ment to needy folk.
The Bible school superintend
ents of the local churches met
with the ministeral association
in the office rooms of the Eu
gene Field and discussed plans
for completing the budget for
carrying on the Bible classes on
Mondays and Tuesdays of each
week at the Washington Irving
building for grade pupils who
desire the course. Miss Geral
dine French is instructor Rev
Arthur Charles Bates is chair
man of the ministerial associa
tion. Christian and Missionary Al
liance will present Mrs. Gordon
T. Bratvold in a demonstration
lesson for the young folk of the
congregation Sunday evening in
bringing an object lesson for the
group in studies of chemistry
The evening sermon will follow.
Prayer and Bible study service
is announced for Wednesday
evenings at 7:30 o'clock
Immanuel Lutheran Sunday
school teachers will attend the
teachers' training course at
Woodburn Monday evening, 8
Fenton President
Woodburn Ministers
Woodburn Rev E. Kay Fen
ton of the Woodburn Presbyter
ian church was elected president
of the Woodburn Ministerial as
sociation Tuesday at the first
fall meeting held at the Presby
terian manse. He succeeds Rev.
Lester Gibson. Rev. Raymond W.
Hood was elected vice president
and Rev. Mrs. Rosella Douglas
was re-elected secretary-treasurer.
Arrangements were made for
a union public temperance rally
with Mrs. Douglas, Rev. Orval
Trick and Rev. Earl Baker in
The next meeting of the as
sociation will be the first Tues
day in November at the Wood
burn Coffee shop.
Committees Selected
For Hubbard Bazaar
Hubbard The St. Agnes Al
tar society of the Catholic church
met at the home of Mary Bronec
for the first meeting of the fall
with 14 present.
Plans were discussed and
committees appointed for the
Fall Festival to be held in the
City hall November 4.
Committees are: Beano Mrs.
John Doubrava. Fish Pond
Mrs. Jake Sonnen. White Ele
phant Mrs. Floyd Dominic. Ice
cream Albina Pirkl, Lillian
Bronec, Arlene Strawn. Food
Mrs. Pete Olenski, Mrs. Paul
Bigon, Mrs. McGrath. Chances
Mrs. Mary Saunders. Chairmen
for the fall festival are Mrs.
John Strawn, Mrs. Wersell
Doubrava and Mary Bronec.
Clara Jones Society
Aids Africa Hospital
Gervais Members of Clara
Jones Missionary society met at
the church parlors with Mrs.
Buford Brown, vice president
presiding. Mrs. James A. Boozier
was a guest. The devotionals
were in charge of Mrs. R S
Marshall and Mrs. Clara Jones
gave the Year Book of Prayer.
Mrs. Howard Boster presented
the topic.
Tne society decided to contri
bute hospital supplies to the
Central hospital in Elat, Africa
and each member is to bring
such articles as towels, wash
cloths, bandages, pillow cases,
etc. at the November meeting
Mrs. B. B Barner and Mrs.
Henry Hancs served refresh
ments. Dayton Temperance
Union Has Election
Dayton The Dayton WCTU
met at the home of Mrs. Frank
Foster, with a good attendance
Mrs. A. F. Willson had charge of
the devotional period. Mrs. L
Phelps and Mrs. Foster gave a
report on the state convention
which they atended at Prine
ville. Mrs. Hagan had an article
on "Temperance."
Officers were re-elected for
the coming year: Mrs. F. Foster
president; Mrs. Ralph Timm.
vice presii... it: Mrs. L. Phelps,
secretary; Mrs. Mariam Krake.
The November meeting will
be in the form of a tea and will
be held at the Pioneer church
Refreshments were served by
the hostess.
Missionaries to Speak
Turner Esther B. Harvey,
missionary to India, will speak
at the Assembly of God church
Friday night at 7-45 o'clock and
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
Harold S. Jones, missionary to
French West Africa, will speak
at the church Sunday at 7 and
again at 8 o'clock.
reltphnne - Rev S-5ftfi5
Suite 421-421 Oregon Hide
Corner of Sslem
High A State Bts. Oregon
Saf em 6 C?iurci
VV. '.V
First Christian Hleh mnii rnla, Diiri.
ley Strain, minister. Walter Nail, associ
ate minister. Church school. 0:45. Morning
.uiniiip ana communion. 10:50. Bermon.
On BelliK Mated lusted' bv Dudley Strain.
Anthem "O How Amiable Are Thy Dwell
ings" Barnby. Solo. "How Beautiful Un-
on the Mountains" Hsrker iBetty He
seni. Youth groups, 6:lfl. Evening wor
ihlp, 7:30. Bermon, "Let's Go Ferther."
Ceart Street Christian 17th and Court
W. H. Dnian, minuter. Bible school as-1
sembly. 0:45. Morning worship and com
munion. 10:50. Bermon subject. "Our
Oreatest Bervlre." Youth hour, 6:30. Eve
ning worship, 7:30. Bermon subject, "Our
I'nited Fenlecostal 44ft Ferry. Rev. Na
thaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday school,
0:4ft a.m. aborning service, 11. Evening
service, 7:4ft.
ChrUI Lutheran Bute street at llth.
c. H. schuls, pastor. Worihlp cervices at
8:45 and 11. Sunday church echoo), g:50.
Family church night program at 7. The
sound film. "David Living-atone." will be
Feursaaare 4M N. lath. Rev. Roy Wor-
thlngton, pastor. Sunday school,
Morning worship. 11. Sunday evening.
6:45. Crusaders; 7:46, evangelistic.
Central Chureb af rbrist Chemeketa
at Cottage. M. C Cuthbertson, minister.
Bible school. 0:4ft. Radio KOCO, I to 0:1ft.
Preaching, 10:4ft and 7:30.
Calvary t'baprl (Full Gospel) 1143 N.
Liberty street. Rev. Claude C. & Mary W.
Bell, pastors. Sunday school. 10. Morning
service, 11. Evening service, 7:4ft.
Jason Lee Methodist North Winter at
Jellerson. Louis c. Kirby. D.D.. minister.
Sunday school. 9:4ft. Worship, 11. Ser
mon: "The Master speaks with Author
ity." Anthemc "Like as a Father.' solo:
'The Heavenly Guide ' by Urs. Elsie fie 1.
Evening worship at 7:30. Sermon: "A
Great Book With a Oreat Message." Duet
oy Mrs. Blsle Bell and Robert Klempel.
Methodist youth fellowship, 0:30.
Talbot Community Talbot. Oreson. R.
Rogers Irwin, pastor. Sunday school. 10.
Dlvlno worship, 11. sermon subject: "Olo
rylng In the Cross." Young people's
groups meet at 0:30 each Sunday eve
ning. Evening service. 7:30. Message: "The
Story of the Talents."
Kingwaod Bible U2& Elm street. A. H.
Fadenrecht. pastor. Bible school, f:4S.
Morning worship, 10:4ft. Youth groups,
8:4ft. Evening gospel service, 7:45.
First Spiritualist 24g N. Com'l. Rev
Mary Mann, speaker. Bervlees at 3:30 and
7:30. Circle at 0:30.
St. John's Lutheran (Mo. Synod) North
16th and A streets. Rev. H. W. Gross, pas
tor. Morning services at B and 11. Bumiav
school at 10.
Monitor Community (Full GoiDtl Rev
nd Mrs. . C. Schelling, pastors. Sun
day school. 10. Morning worship. 11. Wil
lis Gerer of Woodburn Youth for Christ
preaching. Young people. 7. Mrs. Schick.
tvangeiisiic .service, . willu Gyer.
Bclbel Baptist North Cottatn at D
street. Rev. Rudolph Woyke, paotor. Sun
day school at 9:45 a.m. with classes for
all ages. Worship service at 11:00 a.m.
Young People's Meeting at 0:30 p.m. Eve
ning Evangelistic service at 7:30 o'clock.
Rev. H. C. Phillips of Vancouver, B.C., Is
the speaker at all three services.
First Bast 1st Marlon at Lihtrt n.
lem, Oregon. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pas
tor. Rev. C. E. Brlckwedel and Rev. Victor
Loucks, associate pastors. Sunday School
9:45 a.m. with classes for all ages. Morn
ing worship 11 a.m. "The Discernment
of the Believer." Pastor Anderson. Youth
meetings 6:15 pn. Evening gospel service
7:30 p.m. "The Parable of the Talents."
in addition a colored motion film show
ing the eruption of a great volcano on
the Hawaiian Islands.
Halbert Memorial Baalist One mile
north of underpass on Highway 9B-E. Rev.
e. sricKwedel. pastor, sundav school
9:45 a.m. with classes for all ages. Morn
ing worship 11 a.m. Rev. Clyde Paul
White, guest evangelist, speaker. Yountt
People's league 6:30 p.m. Evening Evan
gelistic service 7:30 p.m. with Rev. White.
Foar Corners Baatltt State and Elm
Rev. Victor Loucks. pastor. Sunday
school 9:45 a.m. with classes for all ages.
Morning worship 11 a.m. "The Lord's
Presence," Pastor Loucks. Evening gospel
service, An uia rasnionea conversion.
Reorganised Church of Jesas Christ mt
Latter Day Saints Seventeenth end
Chemeketa Sts. Chan. H. Asher, pastor.
Church school 10. Preaching service 11.
Elwin R. Vest, missionary, speaker.
Zions league 6:30. Prayer meeting 7:30.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church and Che
meketa streets. The Rev. George H. Swift,
B.D.. rector. Holy communion. In th
chapel, 7:30 a.m. Junior church and
clauses, w.30 a.m. Nursery school In par
ish house 11 a.m. Prayer service and ser
mon, 11 a.m. Youth vespers 6 p.m.
Calvary Baptist South Libert at
East Miller. Rev. Victor Hugo Sword, Th.
D., pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Bi
ble classes for all ages. Morning service
11 a.m. Sermon subject. "If I Be Ltfted
Up." Evening service 7:30 p.m. Sermon
subject. "What I Owe to Christ." Sunday
5:30 Youth orchestra and choir practice.
6:30 Combined meeting of BYF and
Christian Education clinic.
Truth Center 303 N. Cottier. Eve.
nlng class I 00 Tues.. Oct. 25. Library 13
to 3 p.m. Noon meeting 12:16.
Christian Missionary Alliance N ftth
at Gaines. Herman J. Bohl. pastor. Sun
day school 9:46 a.m. Morning service 11
a m. Sermon subject. "Heavenly Robes."
Evening service 7:30 p.m. Sermon subject,
in mot-ver a Man etowetn Ttiat Shall
He Reap." Young People's 6:30.
Jesus Name Pentecostal 1176 Lewis.
Ronald V. Slttser. pastor. Sunday school.
iu. Morning worsnip, ji. Evening evangel
istic service, 7:45.
First Chnrra af Christ. Sclent M Liber.
tyand Chemeketa streets. Sunday school.
n. Morning service, li. Lesson-sermon
subject: "Probation After Death.' Nurserv
for children up to 3 years of aee nrovld-
ra aunng me morning service. Evening
service at 6. Lesson-Sermon subject; "Pro
bation After Death."
First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win
ter, cnester w. Hamblln, pastor. John L.
Ooodenberger, assistant pastor. Church
school. 9:45. Identical services, 9:45 and
11. "Is It Right or Wrong! But Is It Popu-
irrr orrmon oy ine minisier. junior high
iriiowBiup, o.jw, college leuowsnip, i.
i mining, .nrmnnii . ongrega liana I LOUIS
, E. White, minister. Nineteenth and Perry
"". oiinumy Knooi, w:a. Morning wor
ship. 11. Sermon. "The Oallleean Accent."
Junior church and church-time nursery.
11. Pilgrim fellowship. Junior high end
enlor high groups. 6.30.
vYesI Salem Methodist Third and
Oerth. O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church
school. t:4a. Worship. 11. Sermon: "O
Come Let Us Worship." The service wilt
be a ehnio In worship answering the
que.llon 'What and How?" Young Adult
fellowship, g. Meeting at th, home of Mr
and Mrs. Norman Shaw.
Salem Hrlrhls Community Kon-deno.
mlnatlonal. Liberty road at Madrons
avenue Sunday school. 10. Preaching. 11
and 7 30.
Steel sheet for auto bodies
and cans sometimes rolls out of
the mills in strips traveling 70
miles an hour.
l Sunday, Octobtr 23rd '
I At St. Boniface Parish Hall
J Sublimity, Oregon
Ham and Sauiaga Dinnar Strvtd at Noon.
I Boiaar Activities in the Afternoon and Evening.
a DANCE Monday Evening, October 24th. !
I Music by IRS WOLFER'S Dance Orchestra J
of Salem, Oregon. e
awsm anaya."W-s xj v v -Mt - ' pi'iejew ,
,- 11 It- . i JrV j.
p"A 1 ,1
Ll' 1... l i
Not So Happy Here's one little girl that doesn't want to
to leave home and mother. She's Pat Rose. 3, of Rochester,
Texas, and she was taking the part of a bride on a float in
a parade at the Central West Texas fair held at Haskell. Tex.
All went well until she suddenly realized her mother wasn't
along. Then the tears poured. The truculent groom is Sammy
Bell, 4, also of Rochester. Wirephoto)
Young Folk to
Conduct Retreat
Twenly-fiv young people,
I ruin iiiej r nai riwuj inn
it.. C : DMokniDHiin
church will poin with 75 others
at a young peoples retreat to be
held Sunday, Monday and Tues
day. It is sponsored by the young
people of Willamette Presby
tery and will be held at the Sea
Haven conference ground.
Among the leaders at th
ference will be the Rev. John
Goodenberger, assistant pastor
of the First Presbyterian church,
Salem, the Rev. Harvey Schmidt,
Lebanon, the Rev Hugh Penis
ton, Cottage Grove, and the Rev.
Morton Booth, Albany.
Attending from the First Presbyterian
church, Salem, are: Jerry Annew, Jackie
Baldwin, Bruce Burns, Ann Fowler, Ann
Gilbert, Beppy Gilbert, Amy Girod. Boo
Hamblin. Burton Harp. Bruce King. Ed
ward Xnapp. Cindy Lively, Jim Maden,
Martha Marshall. Jim Mora all. Kenty My
ers, Dale Sheridan, Claudia Talmadse.
Loyce Taylor, Celia Weaver, David WeetM,
Gay wee us, Beth wenit, Dom wunro.
Elmer Wlnegar and Janet Wesifall.
Health Talk Given
For Aumsville PTA
Aumsville The October
meeting of the Aumsville PTA
was held in Aumsville this week.
Mrs. Charles Wright, president,
presided over the business
The Marion county health de
partment presented a film on the
"Care of the Teeth" and the
health educator gave a short
talk on the various phases of
work covered by the department
and its staff of 23 headed by Dr.
W. J. Stone.
Refreshments were served by
the sixth grade mothers.
The room count for parent at
tendance gave the pennant and
book to the fourth grade room.
Mrs. Texia Kennon is the fourth
grade teacher.
The bazaar date has been set
for November 17 and will fea
ture a turkey dinner in the eve
ning, sewing booth and a play
by the junior class.
Stayton Churches
rat-fist-Re Winard Buckner pastor
Sunday school. 10 Morning worship, 11
Training hour. 7:16. Evening service. I.
Cborrh ef Christ Clyde Freeman, pes-
L.O. Bible school, 10 Worship service. 11
Youth Fellowship. 6:10 Evening worship.
Ctaarrh af Christ L U Setd. fnlDlxter
Hibla stud. 10 Morning worship. 11 Eve
Qing worship. 8.
Metboilat John Morante. pastor Bible
school 10 Worship service. II Youth Fel
lowship. 6 SO. Evening worxhlp. 8.
Assembly mt God Rev Melvin Stock
sr 11. pa tor Sunday school. 10 Morning
tervice 11. Young people meeting. 6 46
evening evangelistic service 746
Immaculate ronrepllnn Catholic Rev
Mh. Jotter pa.Mor Sunday service
Maasee 0. 1 30 and 9 30 a m
at. Parlick's Catholle (Lvnnsl -Pal hei
ale. 1st. 2nd and Mh Sundays, maw well, Vera Mae Sidwell, Evelyn
lOjO em. tro and .th Bunda.s maas ai Hol , Marjc Keene KUy peter
J0 a-ro t ' . . '
i sen, Emma Ashcroft, Myrna
oar lads r i aardea Uardani -fstbei i Stewart, Zclrna Hogscd, Vera
ule, 1st. 2nd and Mb Sundays mass g.30
m.i 3rd and 4(h Sundsvs. mass 10 30
Baptist Bruce Wakeman. pastor Run
day school 10. morning worship 11. Youth
Fellowship 1. evening service
Church ef Chrlst-Wm. t Morse, mm.
Ister. Bible school 10. morning worship
11, Junior meeting 1. Young people's meet,
log 1. evening services g
Methediel ebarch Rev Fremont Paul,
pastor. Sunday school 10. mornln, wor
ship 11. Junior Fellowship t. Youth Fel
lowship 1
Aeeeeebly af Oed Willlean R Bearhy.
pastor. Bunasy school , 41, moraine wor,
ship 11. cht'dren'e service f:)o. evening
service S
I Church ef Ood Third and Grant Sts.
! Ravmond W. Hood, castor. Church school
- worship n a.m. and 6 p.m. y.r
Assembly ef God Second and Lincoln
Sts. Lester Gibson, pastor. 8.8. 6:46 a.m.
Preaching 11 a.m. and 7:46 p.m. Y P. 6:45
Free Methodist Young and Gatch
streets. Mr. Koella B. Douglas, pastor.
S.S. 6:46 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. and
7:46 p.m.
Christian t. Lincoln and Doud 8ts.
Don Priest, pastor. S.S. 10 a.m. Service 11
Methodist Young and B Sts. Ormal
. Tru-k. pastor. Church school 10 a.m.
Worship li a.m.
Foursquare 1191 E. Lincoln 8t. Ar
thur Gobi., pastor. 8.S. 9:4a Wor
ship 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Y.P. 6:45 p.m.
Bcth.l Prtsbrttrian 3 mll.s cast on
Union School Road. Earl K. Pcnton, pas
tor. Worship 10 a.m. S.S. 10:45 a.m.
Church of Jesus Christ .f L.D.S.
I.O.O.F. hall. Sunday school 10 a.m.
Sacrament meeting 11:30.
St. Agnes Catholic (Hubbard t At
tended by Woodburn parish priests. Sun
day masses 8:30 a.m.
t. Mary's Episcopal K. Lincoln at
Cupid Court. Clarence C. Slocum. Vicar.
Church scnooi 9:30 a.m. Divine worsnip
11 a.m.
Bible Baptist Grange hall. Settlemier
and Harrison. Earl Baker, pastor. B. 8.
0:46 a.m. Worship service 11 a.m. and
7:46 pm. Y.P. 6:46 p.m.
Immanuel Lutheran Harvtn N. Chrls-
tensen, pastor. Doud and Oswald Sts.
Worship service 11 a.m. S.S. 10 a.m.
Gervais Presbyterian Krnent Trem-
blay. pastor. S.S. 10 a.m. Worship 11
a.m. C.E., 7:30 p.m.
St. Lnkv'a Catholic V. L. Uoffenbeier,
pastor. Harrison between 3rd and 4th.
Sundav services 7 a.m.. 8:30 a.m.. 10:30
a.m. Devotions 4 p.m. Sunday. Weekday
mass 8:16 a.m. Devotions Friday 7:46 p.m.
The Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints Corner of Second
and Garfield. George Omans, pastor.
Church school 10 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m.
Zlons league 7 p.m. Lecture study 8 p.m.
First Presbyterian Garfield and Third
Sts. Earl K. Penton. pastor. 8 8. 0:46 a.m.
Divine worship 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Y.P. 6:10 pm.
Turner Churches
Christian Gilbert R. Carey, pastor.
Bible school 8:46. Morning worship 11,
message by E. F. Beaudreau. Christian
Endeavor 7:00. Evening worship 8:00, The
young people will have charge.
Methodist Dr. P. M. Oatge. pantor. Sun
day school 0:45. Joe Holt. Supt. Morning
preaching 11 a.m. ..
ASSEMBLY OF GOD Bible school 6:46
a.m. Cecil Rodaes. Supt. Morning worship
II a.m. Ethel Outekunst. pastor. C. A. 7
p.m. Eva Hansen, president.
Unit Will Install
Lyons The first fall meeting
of the Lyons extension unit will
be held at the Rebekah hall, Fri
day, October 21, at 10:30 o'clock
with the project "Candy Mak
ing", with Mrs. John Kunkle
and Mrs. Clyde McRae, the lead
ers. The new president. Mrs.
Otto Weidman and vice presi
dent, Mrs. Orvtile Downing will
be installed at that time.
Turner Plans Bazaar
Turner The Turner Sun
shine club held an all-day meet
ing with Mrs. Vera Waller.
Plans are being made for a ba
zaar to be held sometime in No-
I vf,mber
Present were E. Sid-
Waller and L. Spenscer.
The DuPont company says it
has 7000 competing chemical
company rivals, all of them
First Methodist
Church Down Town
The Tall White Spire
8 50 and 11 00 AM.
i Church School 9:45 o m. 5
Sermon by the Pastor
Luther League
Selects Loe
Silverton Trinity Lutheran
church officials have named
Harlan Moe as advisor of Luth
er League members, with regu
lar plans to be formulated lli'a
week for the coming meetings
during the autumn and winter
months. Meetings are to begin
next week.
The Trinity Lutheran Ladic-i
Aid annual bazaar, food sale,
fancy article sale, program and
general auction during the eve
ning is announced for Friday
afternoon and evening, October
28. Lunch will be served.
A number of the younger folk
from Trinity plan to attend the
three-day conference of the Ore
gon circuit Luther League at the
Portland Central Lutheran
church, October 28 and through
October 30.
Trinity choir, Mrs. Don Burch
directing, will meet Wednesday
evening, 8 o'clock, for rehear
sal. In the absence of a regular
pastor, the Oregon State College
Student association deputation
team will be in charge of the
worship hour forenoon Sunday
service at Trinity.
Aumsville Extension
Unit Holds Session
! Aumsville The Aumsville
Home Extension unit met at the
Charles Wrights for an all-day
meeting with a no-host lunch
eon at noon. Miss Betty Boett
cher of the extension office gave
the project on "Window Trrat
ment." Mrs. M. Bradley, unit
chairman presided over the
business meeting.
Present were Mrs. Otto Pap
ke, Mrs. Lenard Lee. Mrs. Elmer
Klein, Mrs. David Weltmer.
Mrs. Marvin Bradley, Mrs. Jack
LaRont, Mrs. Charles Wright.
Mrs. Elmer Gunther, Mrs. Don
Gildow, Mrs. Bud Collins. Mrs.
Ed Holmquist, Mrs, Guy Shields,
Mrs. Conrad Roberts, Mrs. Roy
al Holford, Mrs. Harry Way,
Mrs. Dewey Wells, Fred Ling
and Mrs. Lester Browning.
The next meeting will be at
the Elmer Klein home Novem
ber 9 at 1:30 o'clock.
Garden Club Elects
Officers at Brooks
Gervais Twelve members of
the Garden club met at the
home of Mrs, Martin Seifer and
elected new officers.
Mrs. Anthony Duda was el
ected president; Mrs. Merle Lu
cas, vice-president and Mrs.
Martin Seifer, secretary-treasurer.
Reports were given on the fall
flower show of the club held Oc
tober 1, and proceeds from the
homemade candy and silver tea
amounted to $18.10.
The club's fifth prize award of
$10 from the North Marion
County fair at Woodburn was
added to their funds.
The next meeting will be on
October 26, a day earlier than
schedule, at the home of Mrs.
Clyde Phillips.
Dr. Smith Speaker
Woodburn Dr. John W. V.
Smith, instructor at Pacific Bible
college in Portland, will be the
speaker for both the morning
and evening service at the
Church of God this Sunday. Rev.
and Mrs. Raymond Hood and
baby son left this week on their
vacation in Mansfield, Wash.,
where they will visit Rev. Hood's
parents and attend a family reunion.
Healing Power
Is Available
. to You
Attend a free lecture entitled
8 P.M.
South Cottage and Howard Sis.
First Church of Christ Scientist,
Solem, Oregon
Dallas Churches
Mesmealte Brethren O. H. Jantsen,
pastor. Sunday school, t ti. Uornlng wor
htp. 10 41. Evening service with Dallas
Evangelistic Crusade.
first Oi r 1st la Kenneth Johnston, pas
tor. Bible school. 6 46. Morning worship.
ll. Man in ituiiowstt. roriiana, guest
speaker. CK fellowship hour. 6. Christian
Endeavor. 6 10. Kvemng evangellntlc ser
vlre. 1:36. E. L. Crook. Coburg. gutst
speaker, "Accentuating the Positive."
First Presbyteries Earl William Bpi.
bow. D.D., minister. Sundav school. 6:46,
Worship service, 11. Sermon, "Blind
Evangelical Vil Brethren ft. Wil
liam Elmer, pastor. Bible study. 45.
siorntng worship, 11. Join with Evangel
istic Crusade for evening service.
Cvangtltral Mennenlte Brethren A. P.
Tofws. pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morn
ing worship, 11. Sermon, "The Hid Treas
ure." Assesnbly af Ge4 Alfred ft. Brown, pas
tor. Sunday school. 6 46. Morning wor
ship, 11. Christ Ambassadors. Junior C
A.'a and vesper service, 1. Evangelistic
service, 6.
Apestelie Faith Forrest Damron, pas
tor. Sunday school, 6:30. Morning wor
ship, 11. Evangelistic service, 1:30.
First Methodist Clark S. Ens. pastor.
Sunday school, 6:46. Morning worship, 11.
Sermon. "Now We Create Society." In
termediate fellowship. 6:30. Senior fellow
ship. 6:30. No evening service.
Christian anal Missionary Alliai
E. McOervey. pastor. Sunday school.
6:46. Morning worship. 11. Services dis
missed Sundae evening lor Evangelistic
Trinity Lutheran Sunday school, 10.
Divine service, 11.
Christian taleac Aundiv ser vlre.
Sunday school. 6:46. Subject of the les
son sermon ror tne week la -pronation
i:tt Death."
Free Melhadist R. W. UrCorinltk. pas
tor, fiundar school. 0:45. Preaching. 11.
Evening service, 7:45.
Falls CUT Methodist James H. Rover.
p&tor. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor
ship. 11.
Seventh Day Adventlst Sabbath school,
9:46. Bermon, 11.
St. Thomas Episcopal Cyril P. Hanney,
vicar. Church school. 10. Morning prayer.
11. Holy Baptism. 13:30.
Falls City Seventh Day Adventlst Sab
bath school. 6:30. Preaching, 11.
Falls City Free Methodist Gilbert
Johnson, pastor. Sunday school, 10.
Morning service. 11. Young people's meet
ing, 7:30. Evangelistic service, 6.
Church ef Christ Bible study. 10. Com
munion, 11.
Oak Grove Chapel Fremont Paul, min
ister. Morning service, 6 46. Sunday school
follows. Youth fellowship each Sunday
St. Philip's Catholic rather John Bab-
yak, pastor. Mass. 8:18 a.m.
I'aten Missionary Baptist Harmony
community, W. A. Heard, pastor. Sunday
scnooi, id. sermon, ll.
Eels Sanday Settee) Sunday school.
:46. worship. 11.
Kick res 11 Sunday Hfheel-J. I
seu, aupt. Sunday school, 8:30.
Chare ef God Henry Lottan. pastor.
Sunday school, 0:46. Morning worship, 11.
Young peoples meeting, e:4ft. Evangelis
tic service, 7:46.
Chareh af Jesas Christ af Latter Day
Saints Bldsr Miller presiding. Sundae
scnooi, to. aacramenl meeting, 11:,5.
First Ba,tlst Sundav school. t:4S. Ifor.
nlng worship. 11. Training union, 7. Eva.
mng worship, s.
Falla City Christian Charles Knox,
pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor
ship, 11. Christian Endeavor, :Q.
Bridgeport Sanday Seheet H. Schmidt,
supt. Sunday echool, 10.
Orace Mennenite-J. J. Regler. pastor,
pastor. Orchestra. t:4B. Sunday school.
10. Morning worship. 11. Evening aervlce
cancelled in raror or tn uauas Evangel,
istle crusade.
Roberts Mothers Club
Names New Officers
Roberts The Mother's club
held their election of officers at
the schoolhouse. Mrs. Richard
Sneed was elected president;
Mrs. Olive Holcomb, vice pres
ident, and Mrs. William Schafer
The club painted all the tables
and chairs in the beginners' de
partment and turned over $25 to
the teachers for athletic tup
plies, cot, blanket and supplies
for first aid. There were It mem
bers present.
Hose Mending
Mrs. Elisabeth F. Norwood, C. S. B.
of Brookline, Massachusetts
Member of the Board of Lec
tureship of The Mother Church,
The First Church of Christ,
Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts.
Capital Journal. Salem. Ore,
World Observance
World Order Sunday will be
observed at both of the morning
services of the First Presbyter
ian church. This Sunday, dedi
cated to world peace and order,
Is promoted in some 30 denom
inations. In commemoration Dr.
Chester W. Hamblin, the pastor,
will preach at the two identi
cal services, 9:4.1 and 11 o'clock.
on the subject "Is It Right or
Wrong! But Is It Popular?"
Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, the organ
ist has chosen as her numbers
Berceuse bv Dickinson and Car
illon (O Filii Et Filiae) by
Briggs. The choir, directed by
Charles Stowell, will sing "Bless
The Lord" by Ippolitoff-Ivanoff,
and Miss Grace Ashford, soloist,
will sing "Arise. Shine, For Thy
Light Has Come" by MacDer
mid. Catholic Daughters
Plan Social Evening
Mt. Angel An evening
cards followed by lunch will
be held by Court Marion No
718. Catholic Daughters of
America, at the October social at
St. Marv's school Monday night.
Mrs. Robert Van flatten is chair
man for the evening, assisted by
Mrs. Joseph Brockhaus, Mrs.
Henry SaalWd. Mrs. Robert
Zollner. Mrs. Bernard Schied
ler. Mrs. Mark Wampach. Mrs.
M. I. Meyers. Mrs. Vincent
Smith, Miss Marie Traviss and
Miss Louise Butsch.
PTA Changes Dates
Lyons The Mari-Linn P T A
held a meeting at the Rebekah
hall. During the business meet
ing it was decided to change the
meeting place from the Rebekah
hall to the schoolhouse. Plans
were also discussed for having
a benefit card party some time
in November Following the
business meeting Mr. Bradley
from the Oregon School of Ed
ucation at Monmouth showed
the film "Human Growth".
Salem Pastor Booked
Silverton Calvary Lutheran
choir will continue regular
Thursday evening, 8 o'clock
choir rehearsals during the ab
sence of a regular pastor. Speak
ing as supply for the Calvary
congregation is Rev. P. W. Erick
son of Salem.
at the
N. Cottage and D St. '
Rev. H. C. Phillips
11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday
7:43 Each Night (Except Sat.)
dalvaru iaptldt Cliurcli
1110 South Liberty St
Two Great Services Climaxing a Week
Deeper Life Conference
11:0 a.m. "If I Be Lifted Up"
7:30 pm "What I Owe to Christ"
Dr. Victor Hugo Sword, pastor
The Eternal
ac aha Caaesat Bras anara
No one knows when tubercu
losis became a killer of man
kind. It was apparently a com
mon disease among the early
Egyptians; since then it has
wiped out more people than all
the wars In history.
Even today it claims many
victims. But unlike erss past,
now there are medicines and
methods of controlling T B. if
caught in the early stages.
All that Is needed to virtu
ally eliminate this disease la a
cheat X-ray for every child and
adult periodically throughout
Any medicine beneficial m
the prevention or treatment of
I B. can be supplied upon your
doctor's orders by a conscien
tious pharmacist.
Tata as Kaa SaMfe af a series af laltaf
lal save, lies ss eats agpeaelws fa Hal, ear
aaek rtMer.
Capital Drug Store
State Liberty Pheae l-llll
Friday. October 21, 1949 13
rkarca af Jtsas rbrlal af tha Laltaf
Day Salnta (Marmaal Sunday afhoel at
avaniog scrvira at 7.
Cltrlslisa Sriaara Sunday school al
t.ii. 8rvlca at 11.
:. Paal's Catballa Father John J.
Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses, I and IS.
Weekdays, t.
Assembly ef Geo Berrel H Scott, paa
r. Sunday school 6 45. Divine worship.
. Young people's society at 6:45. Evan
gelistic at 6.
rhsirrh ml C.mA RV. P. E. Nil. DSstOr.
Sunday school at 16: worship hour e,t 11J
evening services at 6.
Seventh Day Ad van I Ist Elder A. D.
Chilson. Salem, and Harold Johnson, lo
cal elder, In charge. Sabbath school Sat
urday. 6:30: morning worship at u. oat-
urdar. Bunasy evening evanseiLsiic mi-vioi.
Mln-lm D. C. Olson. DastOf.
Sunday school 6 46. Sermon by pastor. 11.
xoung people meet at i. . initmii,
sermon at 6.
Methodist Marquam and Mot alia Joint
pastorates. J. S- Kendall, minister. Bible
school and sermon forenoon. Sunday, ai
Marquam, alternoon at Molalla.
Methodist Ben P. Browning, minis
ter. Sunday school, classes for all ago
groups, nursery for little ones, 6:46 a.m.,
Norman Naeaelt. Supt. General worship
hour 11, sermon by pastor, "Oood Infec
tions." Nursery for children to age 4.
Youth Pellowihip. 1 p.m. Evangelistic ser
vice 6 p.m. Sermon. "Inspiration and In
struction." General song service.
Christian and Miselenarr Alliance
Oordon T. Bratvold. minister. Sunday
school classes tor all. 10 a.m.. Oscar sa-
Ilrum- B"i" Wo"",,'c' fit,".1.0'
I anablrina u rennet ' "Thf Ngarriga nT Jef Ilea.
Young people meet at 6:30 p.m. Evangel
istic service 7:30 p.m.. Mrs. Gordon T.
Bratvold will bring object for children
from studies In chemistry. Sermon sub
Ject: 'Tear." pastor speaking.
Calvarv Lutheran Supply pastor. Sun
day school and Bible class 10 a.m.. Mis,
Olga Johnson. Supt. Divine worship, 11,
guestspeaker. Itev. r. w. encason oi tsa.
Immanuel Latberats 6. L. Almlla, pa,
T. Sunday school and Bible classes It
m. Divine worship 11. Sermon, "The
Power of Ood'a Word." Anthem, choir.
Luther league, 1:J0. special program.
First Christian Arthur Charle, Batea.
minister. Bible school .n a.m., M. B.
Ford, Supt. Communion and eermon it.
Subject. 'Thle Kind by Prayer." Senior
Christian Endeavor B:M. Juniors g:30 p.m.
Evening service 7:30. pastor speaaing, sua
Ject: "The Preacher President."
Trinity Lutheran Supply pastor. Sun
day school and Bible classes 10 a.m. Wor
ship service 11. under direction of Depu
tation Team from the Lutheran Student
association af the Oregon Stata college.
In the Revolutionary war th
city of Norwalk, Conn., now an
important hat making center,
was almost completely burned
by the British.
is lYe s s , e s a e ea Self e ill sTe isWee,
Worship With Us
World Order Sunday
9:45 a.m. Church School
9:45 and 11:00 a.m.
Identical Church Services
"Is Is Right or Wrong! But
Is It Popular?"
Sermon by the Minister
5:30 p.m. Junior High
1 Fellowship
'7:00 p.m. College fellowship'
First Presbyterian
Chemeketa at Winter
' Chester W. Hamblin, Pastor
John L. Goodenberger,
Assistant Pastor