Leahy Forecasts Defeats For Webfoots and Beavers By FRANK LEAHY (Km Football Cmc. Unlr.ratw of Ifotrt D.m Many favorable letter have com acroai our dek slnee lait Saturday's victory over Tulane, and we ahould like to see that the pralee foes to the proper people. Our assistant coachei deserve the majority of the ered H for the team's marvelous showing afalnst Tulane, as we tried a new system of preparing for that important contest. As toon as the scouting re ports were received the staff was split into two groups. Joe McArdle, Bill Earley, and Bob McBride handled the defensive chores, while Bernie Crimmins, John Druze, and Walter Ziemba devised the offense. My posi tion was strictly in a supervi sory capacity. It certainly proved to be a wonderful plan and the vic tory Is a great credit to the extreme diligence with which the capable coaching staff 12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, October 21, 1949 - ' V .. VAX X I ;..t:-A". Outstanding Back ;JT Francisco is being boomed by the local experts as the best college running back in the nation. In five games, the six-foot-two, 207 pound Negro speedster, has gone for touchdown runs of tO, 39, 60, and 80 yards. Matson has parked the ball (00 yards In 77 trys tor a 6.4 average. (AP Wirephoto) SCORES in (Complete University Alleys OOMMKBCIAL LSAdtl NO. 1 r. W. (II WodBewodi 48T. Valleau 4S1. Oarrlaon 612, While 884, Ntaller 365. S a N CTIethlere (ll-Kaneskl 614. Barker 406, Mualhaupl 416, Xeenan 436, Naalar M. taalee (31 Peterson 616. Raid 464. Rita nan 461, Pero 431, Zallar 464. rnmlllt (II Keller 463. Spare 406, Jone 456. 11 wood 466, Duncan 636. Ralph Johnaan Apt. (3t Coan 461, R. Bell 448. rrank 644, Prkar 471, A. Ball 4.S8. Inlara(ala Traelar (3 L. Horru 471, Stiackman 434, Roblnaon 367, Pearl 633. Tanquev 411. Ilraaa A Sana Ina. (61- Kama 633. Ur Olothln 406. Cauaar 467, Pcrman 376. Caahlna'a t'nlaa Her. I4t Paaaa 606, Ston 460. Scoll 606. Conutock 673. Weatarn raw (4i Craarlord 461. An daraan 437. Uadach 431. Luke 473. KueD lar 664. Naval Air Facility (0 llaal 440, HolmaD 436, Hobaru 466, Kneillar 486, Brown 481, Judaan'a (3) Anaova 466. Bronann 333. Bral 403, J. LKUa 133, Hopllnaar 603 lal Nat. Bank (1- Morris 461. Kottka 360. Marshall 368, Marr 3U8, Urlaaa 440. Hlah Indiudual ntnr: Kiubirr 313. Hiari Indlvlilual aarlaa' I'l'leison 376. Hl!i team aarlra. 34J6; hull tam lama. 77 Waatarn Paper. COaBMBRClAL LSAGI S NO. S Saaltb Aata Peru (31- Clark 386, Fd- ilnuter 3V0. Bchua(a 406. Lemon 436. lea 630. Khrark Malar ,0 White 433. SlcParland 306, Fowler 396, Toraeraon 373, VTUier 403. MrllanalS Candr Ill-Bailer 173, Rry. Ant 411, NlchoU 478, Oemmell 433. eWMt 413. Vane Parklne 111 Hnaera 440. Keenan 436. Vlack U7. Barnea SJ3. UrDanlrU 433. X.O.C.O. (II Waaner 386. Williams 313. Hanson 471, Nason 306. Tliede 473 eeh'a l'ee4 Lara (31 r. Zeeb 440. B. Carr 414, A. 2eb 436, a. Zeeb 361, Peterson 841. Knlabta 6 Prlhlaa (Si neratur 664. Judaon 834, Scllrldel 466. Rlwood 3ii8. Tsrhlda 461, Memrer I'hevran klatlan ill Momrar 630, Schkrfter 481, Odermatt 337, Covert 366, Millar 464. Hlah Individual aamai Deealur o( KnlatiU el Prthlaa, 346. Mtth Individual arrlaa: Decatur of Knlahti t rrthiea. 684. Huia team ikna: Knwhu ( Pvthlaa. S041. on Fuel Bills !! STORM) I SALEM WOODWORKING CO. J223 L went to work on this all im portant assignment. This writer is indeed a fortu nate person in having one of the finest and most loyal group of assistant coaches in America. We all know that the row ahead is a tough one, but if hard work and concentrated effort will help our team to complete its fourth consecutive season without de feat, we won't be found, wanting. Southwestern skies will be filled with footballs Saturday as two of the nations top of fensive aggregations oppose each other in Dallas, Texas. It's Southern Methodist and Kentucky in a thriller which we see going to Southern Methodisi on the strength of their amazing fourth quarter finishes. Of equal importance in that sector is the Texas-Rice game in which Texas is given a slight edge. Another important con ference contest sees Baylor downing Texas A&M while Mis- 4 t --as M 4 USHifcae " 4 W fyFw vi&ii Ki : -As Z v-. ti . vv h 4 ii' i'rtiJfat'T IK (above) 19-year-old the University of San the ALLEYS faepullal a Capital Alleys SFARS MFN'S 13 4(11 F. Harmony Honae Davey 631. Paulson 467. Slook 638. Hill 330. Pllarlm -Clous 447, Forstrom 463. Jansen 387. Clark 430, Allstate Dnon 386. Clllser 411. McOulre 8B0. Hlehl 468. Kenmore Wlnarr 467, AC- am 362. Hutmactlcr 330. Dv, rer 3H4. Ilamart Cooper 436. Forbes 483. Mor ris 403. Cook 813. J. r. Hlaalna Ambrose 414. fialstrom 413. 81frp 3.17. Oalund 483. Craftsman Barker 410. Kraus 427. Bl Irkson 446. Klein 373. Catdspot llalsey 380. Urye 408, Bevens 446. I'altun 346. Hlah Individual asma: Slook. 330. Hivlt Individual series' Oouah. 347. . Hull (earn asme' Pllarlm. 471. KlaH team aerlea: Harmony House, 1871. SFARS WOMFN-H rKkdl'S Reral Purple Woodward 302. ftraash 30. Newberry 363. llsuahn 398. Krrry Rronke FlretwtMid 169, Lancaster 380, Ttiouta 373, Forbes 407. tlonevvurkle Halsey 382. Phelpa 333, Walnwiuht 363. llaln 404. (harmedr Lane 339. Meyrrs 337. Wrdrl 340. Hill 287. lllati Individual aame: Forbes, 131. Hull Individual series: Forbes. 407. luih tram same. Honeysuckle. M2. ll:alt team serlar.i Honeysuckle. 1304. Duckpin Bowling COMMFRCI4I. LRAfll'l Willamette Amusement (3i Clarence Appleaata 434. Kgy Robinson 411, Wittred W'tller 383. Cllen Rlanton 401. Howard Ullls 386. (ileaien'a Bakery 111 Tom Wood 338. Art Woelk 334. Marion Oleason 333. Oor den Oreaory 326. ororee Hubert 303. Tweed! Oil 111 lluana Prank 363. Carl Flood 340. Ira Short 443. tmery Alderman 466, Mllbert Jacober 363. quality t'ved Cera (3i Royal Pawley 463. Bill Campbell 463, B B. Snelarove 434, Mos4 Van Pell 434, tTmll Schola 466. A. L. Cwmmlnka Heatlna (41 Dayp Spaldlua 386. l.et.rr Wooda 411. Wlllard Hamblv 371. Howard Sinllh 433, Las Dolse 476. Willamette Valley Rank 101-Harry Fwmt 390, Keith Kavp 418. Bob Junallnk 364. Carroll Meeks 377. Al Flicker 302. Huh learn aeries and same: aaukllty I'sed Cars. 3333 and 803 Hlah liiillvldual series. Tom Wood lOlet sons' 336. H.sh Individual 9km: Howtrd annul Cummlna at 317. CONSERVE ITIX! A most practical means Is by installing Storm Sash for every door and window opening. Costs little at our saving prices; but helps siibKtantlully in reducing heat loss. Reduced fuel consumption will produce money savings year alter year, not to mention the comfort and health bene fits your family will enjoy. f4 a - W ' L f..'-3"59.?3 Jj sissippl, Tulsa and Oklahoma A&M defeat Texas Christian, Bradley, and Kansas. Journeying westward we find the Faclfie Coast Con ference operating In every sector. Most Important is the Southern California Oregon game as the Trojans make their last bid to remain In the Rose Bowl picture. Know Ing full well of their ability to make final bids, we are picking Southern Cal. League leading California will remain on top by downing Washington, while U.CIL.A. and Stanford will stay within strlk ing distance through victories over Washington State and Ore gon State. Three rising power houses, Santa Clara, Nevada and Denver should set down Loyola Fresno State and B r 1 g h a m Young. Remaining costal clashes see the verdicts going to Ida ho and Utah over Montana and Wyoming. Cutting across country once again It Is the service schools in the limelight. As they both venture into the Ivy League we look for a split as Army downs Columbia and Navy loses a close one (o Pennsyl vania. Of utmost importance In the aforementioned league is the Cornell-Princeton game. Prin ceton has come along surpris ingly fast in the last few games but the Big Red packs too much power for the Tigers. Dart mouth must watch out as Har vard is considerably better than the records show. We are stringing along with Tuse McLaughry's Indians al though an upset may be in the air. Bostonians are In for much enjoyable football as both Boston College and Bos ton University are favored over Georgetown and New York V. Down in the Yale Bowl Her man Hickman s Bulldogs will entertain Holy Cross with social amenities being forgotten at kickoff time for Yale has what it takes this year. Duquesne and Lehigh will suffer the wrath of Villanova and Brown as they re sume their position on the vic tory road, while Rutgers Is con tinuing their successful season in Colgate's home stadium. Southern schedules are filled, with the North Carolina-L.S.U. game being one of the best. L.S.U. is rebuilding but this isn't their year to halt the Tar heels. Tulane will bounce back and beat Auburn, while Ala bama is doing likewise with Mississippi State. A strong Maryland team will defeat North Carolina State as Vanderbilt, Clemson, and Duke are outscoring Arkansas, South Carolina, and Virginia Tech. Both Georgia teams will emerge victorious as Tech takes on Flor ida and Georgia university sub dues Miami. Virginia and Ten nessee are favored in their home state clashes with V.M.I, and Tennessee Tech, while the south's closest affair will take place at Wake Forest with the hometowners edging out Wil liam and Mary. The Big Nine scramble should definitely be settled at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as mighty Minnesota moves an other step towards the title. From this corner the Gophers appear to be unstopable. Outstanding games will be played elsewhere in the confer- once as Purdue, Ohio State, and Northwestern, all have difflcul ty in downing Illinois, Wiscon sin and Iowa. Potent teams on the national scene invade the midwest, and Oklahoma, Mis souri, and Pittsburgh should de part with the scalps of Nebras ka, Iowa State and Indiana while Michigan State gets the nod over Penn State. One of the areas' best small college trams Dayton university, is favored to defeat Youngstown. P 68 98 r WALNUT MEATS WANTED WE NEED 10,000 POUNDS AT ONCE Top Cash Prices Paid ORCUTT'S MARKET 4200 No. River Rood Salem, Oregon Phone 23213 BORING OPTICAL HAS MOVED To Their New Location CORNER 12TH AT CENTER Across 1 MKareBelBBBBJ USE YOUR CREDIT AND OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL Now In Our New Modern Office and Laboratory CORNER Itth AT CENTER Dial t-S0( Dr. T.. E. Boring Gleeful Unable to withhold their glee, Senate pageboys toss paper in the air as the senate adjourned in Washington. Adjournment of the house presented much the same scene as the 81st congress finished its first session the longest peace time sitting in history. (Acme Telephoto) National Survey Shows Hunting Claims 78 Lives (By Onlted Prassl At least 78 persons have been killed in hunting accidents since September 1 with the nation's main open season yet to get un der way, a United Press survey showed today. The survey showed that 62 hunters died in gunshot accidents and 16 others due to heart at tacks brought on by exertion or I excitement. Conservation experts said that, as usual, most of the fatalities could have been prevented had the victims or their accidetnal assailants displayed due cau tion. Some hunters shot them selves as they climbed care lessly over fences with their guns loaded and the safeties off. Others were killed as they dressed out game which other hunters mistook for live ani mals. But one Washington state hunter got killed because of the white sweater he was wearing. A fellow nimrod mistook him for an Albino deer. A bow-and-arrow hunter in West Virginia was killed by an other archer who mistook him for game and sent a clothyard shaft through his body. State authorities throughout the land appealed to sportsmen to exercise more care than ever the woods and fields this year. They said that with game, ammunition and arms more plen tiful than ever since the war, America's open areas would be Parents Hear Voices But Can't Find Girls Freeport, N. Y., Oct. 21 iA The fathers and mothers still can hear their daughters voices. But where are the girls now? "won t look for us ... we know how to take care of our selves . . . there are too many places we can go for you to find us . . ." the voices say. The voices come from little phonograph record that arriv ed in the mail yesterday. It ap parently was made in some pen ny-arcade in nearby New York City. But the girls themselves have vanished. They left supposedly for Freeport High school Wed nesday morning and never ar rived. Policp said the three are Ma bel and .-arbara Batcher. 15 and 14, and their 14-year-old play mute, Mnrylou Gross. from Bergs rz feTO w mrwi : crowded and the slaughter of humans could be terrific. The main deer seasons, usu ally the most deadly to hunt ers, were yet to get under way and the big waterfowl season on the Illinois and Mis sissippi flyways also bad not opened. Three states bore the bulk of the tragedies. Washington had 11 fatalities since Sept. 1, Colo rado 11, and Minnesota nine. Most of the dead lost their lives hunting squirrels. Eighteen persons died hunting the furry tailed rodent. Eight died hunt ing deer and the same number while after duck. The Dakota and Minnesota pheasant seasons claimed three lives. The re mainder were killed while hunt ing miscellaneous types of game, many of which were still out of season. Veteran hunters reserved their sympathy, however, for an Idaho victim who bagged his first deer, then got buck fever so badly that he died on the spot of a heart attack. Mother Suffocated By Daughter's Body Abilene, Texas, Oct. 21 W) A mother suffocated today be neath the body of her daughter, critically injured in a tornado which exploded their home ear ly today. Mrs. Ruby Lee Person, 37, teacher, was the lone fatality of the brief storm which ap peared to have died out near this west Texas town. Her daughter, Mina La Dell 11, was injured critically. Long nails from heavy timber of the house were driven into her body as she lay helpless over her mother's face. Allay Person, 51, the hus band and father, who is blind and Eddie Earl, 14, a son, were less seriously injured. Bowder Leaves Hospital Gervais Hamilton Bowder has returned to his home from his second trip to the hospital after a broken ankle received three weeks ago when he met with an accident while leading a calf. E-'U-Mr-r. -si .!Y T-tTTT-a -r.o l wgay Woodburn Asks New Wafer Pipe Blaine McCord, Woodburn at torney, acting at request of the Woodburn city council and board of directors of school dis trict 103c, has written both the Marlon county court and state highway commission for permis sion for the school district to lay a new six inch water main from Harrison street and Settlemeler avenue junction in Woodburn to the new school site at the inter section of the Silverton-New-berg highway cutoff with the Boone's ferry road. District 103c authorized a bond Issue of $375,000 for purchase of site and erection of building and the 25-acre site has been purchased on the Silverton-New-berg highway outside the corpo rate limits of Woodburn. He says In his letters to the court and commission that it is necessary to secure immediate permission so construction of the building may proceed without delay so as to be completed, if possible, by the beginning of the next school year. Request for permission from both authorities is asked so as to eliminate any question as to whether roads Involved are state or county roads. It is probable some of the commissioners will go to Woodburn to show McCord and others Interested just the status of the roads. In the mean- time a petition along formal lines will be asked of the board. WU Artists to Appear At Portland Concert Four Willamette university artists will be presented in con cert Sunday night at the Wom en's club auditorium, 1220 S. W. Taylor street, Portland at 7 o' clock. Performing will be Clorinda Topping, soprano and assistant professor of music; Melvin Geist, tenor and dean of the school of music; Amy Lee, pianist and Frances Woodbury Stone, vio linist. The program is being spon sored by the friends of New Mu sic club under the management of Henri Arcand. Purpose of th eorganizatton is to bring new music to the attention of the public. Attendance will be by invitation. Mens' Garden Clubs of NW to Meet in Albany The quarterly meeting of Men's Garden clubs of the Pacif ic northwest will be held in the Albany public library Mon- SEATTLE 6 "LIMITEDS" DAILY Throagh Service without transltr ONE WAY. only... $4.35 ROUND TRIP, only . $7.85 Pint 6-V Tea- Tsere Arm No lowr fares I IHiH.II-l'li'l)! l THROUGH LIMITED Jkj I MR VIM JMr PIMM 2-3421 ::'JUl- day afternoon starting at 2:30 o'clock. Mark M. Taylor, Salem, sec retary of the Men's Garden Clubs of America, will explain activities of the national associ ation at its annual meeting. A dinner will be served at the Candlelight cafe at t o'clock with the Albany club as host. Delegates will meet with the Al bany Men's Garden club at the bureau of mines building on Broadway at 8 o'clock. Dr. J. E. Kraus, university of Chicago horticulturist, now liv ing at Corvallis, will speak it the evening meeting. Phillips Is Heard By Bethel Baptists Rev. H. C. Phillips of Van couver, B.C., is being heard by many people of Salem. He is again preaching at the Bethel BaDtist church on Sunday and each everting of the week. The services on Sunday are at 11 a.m., 0:30 and 7:31) p.m. me week meetings are at 7:45 p.m. The Bethel Baptist church is on the corner of North Cottage and D street. The closing service, will be October 28. . A light year means a distance of about six trillion miles. Qfmm THE NEW Bin-bottle! U.S. lent KU. IJI.60J I WITH THE MAOIC PANEL LETS YOU IMPROVE Mr. Boston Fine Wines AT HOMEI lCbS&-B7fe3fedbS-3-sa J Fine Wines I AT HOMEI J I i5ce 3 S, OUr f ' QUART , MR. BOSTON WINES OF CALIFORNIA ' Mr. Boatoa Distiller Inc., Boatoo, Mas. KRAFT SYSTEM RECAPS While you work, (hop or play we put deep, (harp treads on your smooth tires. Stop spinning, slip ping ... go safe, go straight through mud, slush or snow. State Tire Service 710 State Street- Phon 2-2459 BUY-TRY-COMPARE aCIO' RIWIIW Pole Sitter to Break -100-Day Fast Nov. 3 Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 21 um Huge Percy Coplon, more than halfway through a pro posed 100-day fast in a little house atop a steel pole, will make a forced landing on No vember 3. Coplon, who has slimmed down from 357 pounds to a mere 280 in the first 58 days ot his fast, has been subpoenaed as a witness in a trial involving his mother-in-law. She Is being sued on charges ot nonpayment of a debt. Percy said he would go back to his perch and finish the fast after the trial. Hade 1(u Heard? Caterijel Oil IS HERE! CATERIZED OIL! The I greatest boon to CLEAN- j ER HOUSEKEEPING since soap! Yes . . . your I fuel .oil .Is .chemically i. treated sa you HAVE NO j SOOT OB CARBON! Per- j mils your furnace to op- 1 crate at all time at peak efficiency! 1 No Boot or Carbon! ! Reduces Stack Fire Hazards! i Minimises strainer i clogging! Cuts furnace bills I IN HALF! i So .do .as .hundreds .of smart Salemltes are dolnf ! DIAL 35606 or 35622 1 For Your Load of 1 CATERIZED OIL! j Howard J. Smalley I Oil Company 1 1405 S. Broadway K" m . . 0 ...those that delight in a beer that's light . choose Sicks' Select EXTRA PALE After a day of hunting, Relax with good companions. Man talk, And SICKS' SELECT... Enjoy the relaxing hours with SICKS' SELECT EXTRA PALE Stubbys, Quarts and Cans by the Case. Stubbys and Cans In the handy 12-PAK ANT BEER from ANYWHERE COMPANY AUaa. tJaUaON