lft Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, October 21, 1919 nsmriri n l , " I v l y '' !'--- J North Salem Community Seeks Drainage Solution Glenn M. Slentz, North Salem business man, has written the state engineering department lor aavice ana possiDie assistance in the drainage problem facing the northeast part of the city. The city of Salem, which had hoped to complete a drainage project there before arrival of the wet season, dropped it tem porarily oecause ot refusal of some property owners to give Displaced Estonian Educators Accept Janitorial Work Here Mr. and Mrs. Agu Ounapuu, displaced Estonians brought to Salem by Rev. John L. Baglein, accept janitorial duties at St. Marks Lutheran church, 343 Church street. In Estonia Mr. Ounapuu was a teacher of engineering in a technical school and during the war Mrs. Ounapuu served as an interpreter. During the war the family was in Germany. A son perished in Siberia, a daughter recently arrived in the United States. Four Corners Girl Scout Troop Formed This Week Four Corners, Oct. 21 Mrs. Raymond Hough as leader and co leader Mrs. Earl Thulin organized their Girl Scouts troop 42 rt the Community hall. The following officers were elected. President Donna Meyers, secretary-treasurer.Janet Klcen; scrapbook, Shir ley Thulin. Halloween party plans were discussed. New girls joining at this meet- ing were Charlotte Smith, Shar on Egglcston, iwua Kicxman Joyce Brant, Denice Miller, Jan et Klcen, Diane Keanen and Donna Meyers. Hostess for the day was Charlotte Smith. There were 19 girls present. The next meeting will be October 24 at the home of Mrs. Raymond Houeh, 4140 Beck avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Terch and sons Larry and Jimmy who have been residing at 3790 La Branch avenue, are leaving this week for Berkeley, Calif. Mr. Terch has eccepted a position with the California Redwood Association of San Francisco He is a graduate of the Univer sity of Minnesota School of For estry. While here he was employ ed by Campbell a Rock Wool and Insulation Co., of Salem Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Iglcheart SR80 LaBranche avenue had as their house guest for a month his sister, Mrs. W. D. Ward of Para dise, Mont. While the visitor was here they held a reunion of relatives, some of whom hadn't seen each other for 26 years. There were Mr. and Mrs. J. Pankey of Phillipsburge, Mont., Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cadell of . Kirkland, Wash., Mrs. Justis Ak- ers and sons of Ephrata, Wash., Mrs. John Leseal of Sioux City, Iowa, and Mrs. Hilda Burke. Dr. Willard Stone, Dr. Mar garet Dowell and Miss Claudia ; Donnelly, Marion county health nurse held a health clinic at Lincoln school for first grade students. Assisting were Mrs. ) Jess Mcllnay, Mrs. C. A. Los ! ner, Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Harolfl ' Snook. Princess Margaret May Wed on Birthday London, Oct. 21 (U.B Princess Margaret and the American girl with whom she shares her dates were back in London today for a winter social whirl that may bring wedding bells for one or both of them. Mayfair gossips already were speculating whether Sharman Douglas, 21-year-old daughter of U.S. Ambassador Lewis Doug las, Is engaged secretly to the Earl of Westmoreland, who also I considered In the running for Margaret's hand. Friends of Sharman say it isn't so, however. She and West moreland are the "best of friends," but there is no engage ment at least yet, they say. Margaret, youngest daughter of King George VI and the world's most eligible girl, also is free of romantic entangle ments as the social season near.". But the odds in Mayfair are three to two that she will an nounce her engagement before spring. Just who the lucky man will be, no one will venture. How ever. King George has said that Margaret may marry at 20 her 20th birthday Is next Aug. 21 and It Is known that she is eager to take advantage of the royal concession. fix tJw : j h il ' Y 1, Takes French Reins Rene Mayer (above), ex-finance minister in the French cabinet, has been named premier-designate to form a new French cabinet after socialist leader Jules Moch failed in his try at forming a new coalition gov ernment. (Acme Telephoto) His Height Saved Him Detroit, Oct. 21 MV- Arthur Gerish's six-feet-six of height saved him in a tight spot. He was digging a ditch yes terday and the walls caved in. He was all but buried just up to his chin. Firemen, police and fellow workers dug him out. Gerish, 21, brushed himself off, said thanks to all, finished the day's work, and went to his night classes at the Uni versity of Detroit. Of the original broadcast sta tions, WWJ of Detroit and KD- KA of Pittsburgh both arc still on the air. They started in 1920. Hurls Charge at Child Movie Star Hollywood, Oct. 21 (U.R Child film star Margaret OBnens stepfather Thursday accused the highly-paid moppet of wreck ing his marriage by throwing a tantrum next door to his Palm Beach hotel suite on his wed ding night. In a deposition filed in the contested divorce suit of Mrs. Gladys O'Brien Sylvio, Band leader Don Sylvio said his bride and her daughter left him to fly to Boston the morning after their much-publicized marriage. Sylvio charged that his wife sent her business manager, Al Blum instead of visiting him herself when they returned to Florida three months later. Blum told him, he said, that Mrs. Sylvio wanted an annul ment and said the decree could be obtained easily if there had been fraud in the marriage or it had not been consummated. "I told him there had been no fraud and that the marriage certainly had been consummat ed," Sylvio's deposition said. "I couldn't believe it. I broke down and could not speak. I cried like a baby." After the business agent sug gested Sylvio accept $3000 to agree to ending the marriage, the bandleader said, he answer ed he was "not interested in money. AH I know is that I love my wife." He also denied Mrs. Sylvio's statement that he demanded a $200 weekly allowance, a new car and a house for his mother immediately after the wedding Sylvio quoted Margaret as saying when the marriage was suggested to her: "Oh, no, Mommy. No. I like Don all right, but I want you to wait until I am 16 years old." Family of 16 Gets Ovation on Return Troy, N.Y., Oct. 21 (U.A Troy family of 16 who made a 6,000-mile vacation trip to Call fornia and back in a school bus received a rousing ovation last night on their return home Hurry Bayly, his wife and 14 children were met by more than 100 cars which lined up in a triumphal parade. Bayly said it was the biggest and finest thrill of the whole trip." It was just 23 days ago Sept 27 that Bayly loaded his fam ily, his parents and Miss Rose mary Warnock of Troy aboard the second-hand bus he had pur- cnased for the trip and started west. Bayly said the only Incidents marring the trip were three flat tires and an arrest at Santa Rosa, N.M. Bayly had parked the bus at the roadside to fix a flat and police said he should have flares In England, a radio receiver license costs approximately JH (er year while that for televis km la Just double. 1 JIM'S SHOE SERVICE 175 N. flkh ETONIC America's Greatest SHOE VALUE With NO-SKAM 111-WILTS . . keeps Water out , . Feet dry! With the heavy Salem rains , why not buy ai alternate pair? Give your ahoea a rhanre to dry ul! All aim and widths. 3 Jim's Shoe Service c 175 N filch 3 SI I LIT US DO THIS .. . I I easements, and also because of doubt about legality of paying for it with sewer funds. To meet the situation this win tcr the city council authorized the purchase of four pumps and a sewer cleaning machine. It also voted to plan a thorough drainage problem, Including fi nancing, for next year. Plans are to be made during the winter so they can be acted on next spring. The north Salem people, how ever, want to make sure some thing is done this winter. Slentz, who lives at 1245 North 18th and has an implement business at 30 Lana avenue, believes project might be the business of the state and the county as well as the city, and information about that is one of the things he wants from the state engi neer. Also active in getting people interested is Mrs. H. J. Low miller, 3460 Donald way, who said it is a mass movement by the whole north Salem community. The residents are being assist ed by Aldermen Tom Armstrong and David O'Hara, whose wards are in the district that feels dis tress from water overflow. They have told residents of their wards that they will help them arrange a conference with city officials, and it is possible a con ference may be had next week. O'Hara was critical of the city administration for not applying sewer money to the project as first voted by the council. This action was rescinded at the next meeting because of doubt about its legality. "It was rescinded in about three minutes," O'Hara said, "while 20 minutes was given a parking meter salesman, and the city wasn't in the market for parking meters." (X v, Y $ ; Second street home when her mother, Mrs. Starr, Mrs. Perk ins, and Mrs. Bill Bentson, her sister-in-law, and small daugh ter, were her guests, graciously greeting local folk. Massive While the armed forces rake the effectiveness of the B-36 across the coals, pro and con, a B-36 tail section maintenance rig is placed in operation at March Air Force Base, Calif. The huge platform permits ground crews to work all around the bomber's massive tail after it is once placed in position. (Acme Telephoto) Los Angeles has more televis ion stations than any other city, seven. New York is second with six. out. But the judge let him go. Soc City 15 OES Event Salem chapter, Order of East ern Star, plans its meeting for Saturday evening in the Masonic temple. There will be initiation. Members of Chadwick of Sa lem, and of Woodburn and Mc- Minnville chapters will be guests for the meeting. Josslin to Tour Eastern Oregon Portland. Ore.. Oct. 21 U.K William L. Josslin of Portland, chairman of the Oregon State democratic organization, today began a 1500-mile political tour, of 18 eastern Oregon counties. During his tour, Josslin will discuss various possible demo cratic candidates for state and national offices with eastern Oregon party leaders. Josslin was to be in Madras tonight. The rest of his itinerary included: Prineville, Bend and Klamath Falls. Friday, Oct. 21; Lakeview and Burns, Oct. 22; Canyon City and Ontario, Oct. 23; Baker, Enterprise and La- Grande, Oct. 24; Pendleton, Hep- pner and Condon, Oct. 25; and Fossil, Moro, The Dalles and Hood River, Oct. 26. Sawyer Says U.S. Not to Devalue Mexico City, Oct. 21 (U.R) Sec retary of Commerce Charles Sawyer says the United States will not devaluate the dollar and does not plan to boost the price of gold. The American government is not thinking about changing the relationship between the dollar and other currencies in the world, the cabinet officer told a press conference Wednesday night. Blonde Homecoming Queen Seattle, Oct. 21 U.RiUniver sity of Washington students are relying on slender, blonde, blue- eyed Joan Harris, 21, Seattle, to dazzle the University of South ern California football team out of victory Oct. 29. The soci ology senior was selected home coming queen yesterday. Her duties include flashing a "wel come back" smile at alumni and sitting on the sidelines charming the Trojans to a standstill.. Mrs. Perkins of Brisbane Sees Veterans at Silverton Silverton, Oct. 21 With her ever-present address books bulg ing with more than 800 addresses of GIs, Mrs. Amy Perkins from Brisbane, Australia, is a visitor here. This is why Mrs. Perkins, lovingly called "Ma Perkins," by her boys, happened to be a local guest: Mrs. Frank M. Porter (Bessie- Bentson) has a brother, Bill. Bill has a wife, a former Aus tralian girl, niece of Mrs. Perk ins. En route to practically every section of the United States in search of her family of boys, guided by their addresses, Mrs. Perkins is using Mrs. J. A. Starr's Salem home address, 1455 Marion street, Salem, Ore., to which her travel letters are to come and be saved for her. Mrs. Starr is the mother of Bess and Bill. The distinguished woman left a few days ago, south. She has letters from every state in the union urging her to visit at homes of Australia-homesick lads who came to her spacious home in Brisbane, always welcome for a night or longer, for meals, and touch of home contacts that meant much to them. She will see many of them. Mrs. Perkins said that two doors were always open at her home for the incoming and the outgoing guests. One Silverton young man, Don Palmer, now in Eugene and not knowing of Mrs. Perkins' Sil verton and Salem visit until he saw the story in the Capital Journal, too late to meet her again, is terribly disappointed. Don was one of her favorite, visitors in Australia. The disap pointment was two-fold, accord ing to Mrs. Perkins. Mrs. Porter held almost con tinuous open house at her North $$ MONEY $$ FHA 4H Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S Hifh St Lie. S-216 M-Z22 Schwinn Bicycles Velocipedes Toy Autos and Wagons Use Our CHRISTMAS LAY AWAY PLAN MOORE'S Bicycle & Sport Shop 237 N. High Street OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS t HEWITT'S for a limited time only!. TWINS DISCOVER DOUBLE ENJOYMENT! Both "Men who Care"... Both prefer "CARSTAIRS" J, Drln and flvifc radlat, htth KMtw 4 MMftcttont, iii to 1 1 2 Drain, flvifc antf All crank wtifi wlft!tfwlaM all. 3, Rffplata riHVaranHal mn4 Irant mliilan Ivaa. f , ChMk aatttry 94 anttrt lfil Nan lytttm. 5, iMtall frail ihtcWt all atavna 6. MVI TOUt A AN Mil I PAT. Of. "UNDER SEAL" Treatment! "UNOIRtl Al" Il rttc rwaatrltta' tHtf wa laray an tna wndar taa a yawr car. H itiuti awl chill. 19 aVafft, arataitf aaaliiit rail m4 carrailaa, dcadcni raaa" rata tit, tltancac iqwaalii and raftlai, nd mwfflat aaa and matar vlaraHan. "UNDIRSIAl It fuar. niaad far ftia lift af yawr car, SHROCK MOTOR CO. Sit N. Church . Salem ' Phone 39101 1 iffX if Nt-'!li-iiiiilw':- , I PREFERS CARSTAIRS' I ( PREFERS CARSTAIRS' PREMIUM FLAVOR EXTRA SMOOTHNESS They look alike. Tliey'n)olh moderate drinkers. lioLlf these twins have not ono, but (no good reasons for enjoying Carslairs. And so do you! You got premium flavor ... rtra smoothness . . . double enjoy ment in one distinguished bottle lien'you buy CarKlairs. the pcrltvlly balanced blond. Try it today and you'll agree its unique flavor is mellow inagiiilurnl ! CIRSTAIIK JllillrSfrtj ytV CALL IT WHAT YOU LIKE! . TTuTl 1 I II7a name for this .alejt 1 tO US It S a We ' " that we p"f real ql,t I We d0 Triee reduction ' re!' V ? I GENU NE PRICE REDUCING very . - attorn i - , is. ; ii ... I Vfe Damico .. Society Brand .. Hyde I K' '"''I Pork .. Downs of Hollywood Xtl Famous brand suits from our res;- jj lA-' j' "-- ular stock substantially reduced for f JS 'A ' AV this great sale! I l;:it j"-!, OO50 All wool Tweed OZ00 H m fjh VI W2T SUITS (36 to 38) U I JL- A ij SLITS Sale Price J 5 J- 1 ' " 50 qoo Z-'x ri W SLITS Sale Price J & J j OW SLITS Sale Price H7 T jH 75?,IXS SaIePrice63oo 5 1 Other Fine Custom Tailored V C I ft' h Vr Suits Proportionately Jyv W & Reduced! PAf , H ' f J Here's an opportunity to save ' 'jWJ'v'Ty real money on fine quality men's , ' tfsfIl H clothing. These are bona fide i J WJt. f I 1 9P'1 I The Man yso Cares. . . says CARSTAIRS White Seal CARSTAIRS PROS. DISTILLING CO.. INC. BALTIMORE. M0 .BLtNDtO WHISKEY. 8&S 72;; GRAIN NEUTRAL SflRiTS. All Wool Gabardine TOPCOATS A savings-smash from our regu lar stock Wcatherproofed all wool gabardine. Rcgulars-Long-Shorts. Re9. $ JV.50 29. Bostonian Shoes JOGS and 4 QC CRUISERS .7J 13.9514.95 Fine Calf 9.95 KNOX HATS Two Special Groups $10 $6.95 $15 $9.95 S45 to $50 All Wool TOPCOATS $19.50 Beverly Corduroy SPORT COATS 525.00 All Wool Garbardlne LEISURE COATS $12.95 to All-wool Gabardine 13.95 and Glen SLACKS $20 All Wool SPORT COATS Odd lot $33 $39 12.95 15.95 9.95 11.95 10.95 One croup all wool ft . ftC to 15.95 water repellent Jackets ' 5.95 to All wool Pullover 95 9 95 Sweaters t Groups Money Saving Prices on Men's Quality Furnishings 2.50 to Wilson Bros. 1 TO t for 2.95 FA.NCi- T-SHIRTS .... li W J.30 3.65 Famous Brands 1 3.95 DRESS SHIRTS. Broken sizes I. WW 55c to SPORT SOCKS (J 85c Solid colors and fancies 7C 4.95 to Rayon Gabardine A 6.95 SPORT SHIRTS At7J 1.00 to Fine Ravon C C 1.50 NECKTIES W OC 2 for SI S.95 to All wool and fine wool and rayon C QC 10.95 SPORT SHIRTS J.TJ ewitt s Distinctive Men t Wtar High at Court Senator Hotel Building