Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 20, 1949, Page 30, Image 30

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Wedding Cake Comes Near
C.1--.I: iL. CL . n.
jieuimy ine jnow or Kres
Memphis, Tenn. iu.R The wedding cake almost stole the show
11 me iiiaiwoBc ui noincuiie taenia ana nennem nooDins.
"As many had come to see the cake as to see us'' the young
couple laughed.
The .cake was a masterpiece of pastry art, and it was made
by Katherine's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry 'Zderad, bakery
The 500 guests who went to
the wedding of the baker's
daughter said the four-tiered,
175-pound cake was one of the
most intricately beautiful pro
ducts ever seen in this part of
the country.
Mayer Named
French Premier
Paris, Oct 20 U.R) Rene May
er, radical socialist former fi
nance minister, was named premier-designate
Wednesday ac
cepting a presidential assign
ment to try to form a coalition
Mayer will go before the na
tional assembly tomorrow to
seek a vote of confidence as pre
mier. The 54-year-old financial
expert accepted President Vin
cent Auriol's request to try to re
solve the government crisis now
nearing the end of its second
The former finance minister's
"Mayer plan" was credited with
saving the inflation-threatened
franc in the spring of 1948.
He was called in by the presi
dent after the failure of Jules
xch to get an agreement by
me i-euLiiai parlies ujl a new
coalition government.
Mayer accepted the bid after
getting go-ahead signals from
the three main middle of the
road parties, the socialists, radi
cal socialists and popular repub
licans. Political experts said Mayer
might get 330 to 335 assembly
votes. His confirmation would
require a minimum of 311,
Night Vigil Reveals
Appetite Troubles
South Bend, Ind. U.R Rober
ta McCay, nine, is putting on
weight again, but there was a
time when eating was a chore
for the youngster.
Her life was just one unhappy
round of visits to the doctor's of
fice, vitamin pills and cod liver
The doctors didn't know what
was wrong and neither did her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
McCay. Until one night Mrs. Mc
Cay, who had noticed little bald
spots on her daughter's head,
decided to keep vigil by her bed
aide for a clue.
Patiently, Mrs. McCay watch
ad, while the child slept.
Suddenly, Roberta . stirred.
She touched her head slowly,
curled a few strands of hair
about her thumb. Dut it into
her mouth and swallowed.
The next day the doctor X
rayed and found a ball of hair
In Roberta's stomach.
After the operation, an unus
ual one for humans, Roberta
gained five pounds in less than
a month.
She now wears a pair of can
vas mittens and a hairnet to bed.
Greek Civil War
Practically Over
Washington, Oct. 20 W) Sec
retary of State Acheson said to
day that the Greek government's
war with communist-led guer
rillas is practically over. Re
duction of American aid to
Greece would seem to be an
indicated step, he added.
Acheson told his news con-
The cake itself was baked the
night before the wedding, but it
took a week of intensive prepar
ation to get it ready. And it al
most took a set of blueprints to
put it together.
Zderad preoccupied himself
with making a pastry gondola,
swans, wedding bells and hun
dreds of hand-made flowers.
His wife copied the bride's
hoop-skirted white satin gown
and the bridesmaids' pastel
hued frocks for dolls dressed in
miniature replicas of the bridal
party costumes.
Courtship was the theme of
the design, with the cake placed
on a blue mirror to represent
the sea of matrimony.
Each section was decorated
in accordance with the theme
and each of the four tiers was
held up by five decorated col
The cake's ingredients includ
ed 30 pounds of flour, 18 pounds
of butter, 40 pounds of sugar,
30 ounces of baking powder, 12
ounces of salt, 300 egg whites
and 12 quarts of milk.
The icing took 25 pounds of
powdered sugar and 60 egg
It was truly a monumental
achievement and so awed the
bride that her nerve failed after
the wedding.
She couldn't eat the cake.
U. S. marine detachments
form a part of the complement
on all American battleships, air
craft carriers, heavy cruisers,
and on the latest types of light
cruisers, as well as on other
types of combat ships.
JV JSj 1 economy list
t your
ferenc that there art only about
2.000 guerrillas left In Greece
and they are widely scattered
and mainly concerned with a
search for food.
Before there is a decision on
cutting American military assist
ance to the Greek government,
Acheson said the U. S. will have
to find out what the Athens re
gime proposes to do with Its
military establishment. Ameri
can aid has been given for more
than two years.
The world's two most popular
canned vegetables.. W
BIG or LITTLE varieties of
Sweet Peas . . . both equally
Under! Unusually green . . .
deliriously full-flavored I
Firm, sweet kernels of Gold
en Corn. ..tender, succulent!
Cream Style, Vacuum-Packed
or Whole Kernel style.
Try riivts ether popvfejf itw
product Spaghetti, Heme styto
noodlei, Curiy-Q, SeotheU mnd
Solod-type nacaronL
"y" " v
You ought to be
driving a
A Product of General Motort
Meres Where the Best Begins!
You ire face to face with something very
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You can sense this, of course, simply by look,
ing at Pontiac. Its Silver Streak atyling has a
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Your first imprwwion is strengthened as soon
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Pontiac is in the fine car spirit its smoothly
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Thea get behind the trim, stylish steering
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here is automotive quality at its beat I You
will know why Pontiac's engines straight
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These impressions of Pontiac become 6rm con.
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Drop in for s visit and see for yourself where
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trttfif fam looHi nvMrvthini ftm M
were rnra ta Pnnlioet Tht dnnr, far matnpU. Of
Mlt far Mav, frarM entry et exit, Poatuc et
TO wtd Ostt) OMfarubii,
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Oct. 20, 1949 31
Homart 3-pc. BATH ENSEMBLE
Now Only
Acid, Srainproof Vitreous China Lavatory
Easy-to-Clean Glass-Hard White Porcelain
Enameled 5-Fr. Tub
Deluxe Reverse Trap Toilet
A bathroom you dream about sparkling-streamlined styled in gleaming
white matching beauty! Easy to clean . , . each piece designed to eliminate
dust and dirt catching corners. Porcelain enameled 5-f t. recessed tub ; lava
tory and toilet in sparkling, sanitaryvitreaus china. Buy today at this great
sale price and save 1
Homart Electric
Water Heater
50 gal. glass lined tank
Hot water . . day and night ; s
for the entire family! Thick fused
glass lining in tank cannot rust,
peel or corrode. Automatic ther
mostat keeps water hot day and
night . . just set ond forget.
Quality Toilet Seat
Chrome-plated Hordwore
Hardwood Stock . . 3.88
Carefully formod, dorabW MM Mat ,
b mad of on Inch hardwood stock.
WhHo Maura! Dnish. hong huHng.
Medicine Chest
Homart All Steel Construction
Whit- Enomel .;. " ,.95
Providos phmty of tpoco yof maty S
hup efeanl M x 22-fc. Bias gtam
4t"TOaT J QroM fhejftJMt SaM M
Dependable Homart Oil
Fired Floor Furnace
Sturdy Steel Casing
Enjoy worm, holthful heat with this compact, efficient
floor furnace. 1 1 0 volt, 60 cycle AC motor. Constant
running blower forces draft through burner for complete
combustion. Air flow design reduces turbulence. Come
in today, tee its other important features at Searsl
42-inch Sink Gives
Time-Saving Utility
19 x 22-in. Drainboard
Select this fine sink for complete kitchen utility ond spar
kling beautyl Chrome-plated mixing faucet has swing
spout with indexed levers. Sink is porcelain enamel
coated. Roomy undersink compartment gives 15 cu.
feet of storage space. See it at Sears, it's priced lowl
SEARS Arranges, Finances and Guarantees Installation of All
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550 N. Capitol St.
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