Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 20, 1949, Page 29, Image 29

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    80 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Oct. 20,
Born Over Atlantic Mn. Jamei C. Parker imilei at her
aon, Miodrag, four and a half pound baby born 19,000 feet
up and 400 miles over the Atlantic from Shannon airport,
in Clare county hospital, Ireland. Mrs. Parker is a Yugoslav
born GI bride whose first name is Darinka. The baby was
born in the crew's compartment of an American Overseas
plane and was delivered by Dr. Frederick Henschell, New
York, passenger, aided by Stewardess Mary Jane Hinckley
of Millville, N. J. The Parkers' home is in Alderson, W. Va.
He Is an air forct sergeant stationed in Germany. (AP Wire-photo)
Human Body Is Tougher
Than Most People Realize
Take it from Dr. Peter J. Steincrohn, a Hartford, Conn.,
ipecialist: The human body is tougher than generally believed
and needs only a little common-sense care to keep It fit and
Not only can the body take an astonishing amount of punish
ment and still perform but, says
Dr. Steincrohn in the Octoberl
American Magazine, it has an
Infinite capacity to Improvise,
manufacture and repair itself.
The unfortunate accident that
befell Justice William Douglas
while horseback riding In Ore
gon'! mountains recently Illus
trates the wisdom of Dr. Stein
crohn'! words.
Although suffering IS broken
ribs, wai crushed by his horse,
rolled down an embankment In
rugged terrain, and didn't reach
a hospital for agonizing hours,
the Justice is recovering satis
factorily. His case alone underscores the
Illimitable reserve of the body.
As further proof of the body's
durability, Dr. Steincrohn points
out that the average man can get
along without his gall bladder,
spleen, tonsils and appendix;
can dispense with one of his
two kidneys, one of his two
lungs, two of his four or five
quarts of blood, two-fifths of his
liver, most of his stomach, four
of his 23 feet of small intestine,
half of his brain, and still live.
"Even after we stop breath
ing, our bodies are so durable
they refuse to give up the ghost,"
aays Dr. Steincrohn.
"Our brain survives anywhere
from a few seconds to 15 min
utes, and continues to send out
brain waves during that time;
our heart muscles last 20 min
utes; eyes, 30 minutes; ears, one
hour; arm and leg muscles, four
hours; blood molecules, IB hours;
bones, three days, skin, five
While the body Is tough, Dr.
Steincrohn warns that it needs
common-sense care to keep It
fit and functioning.
Astoria to Bid on
Navy Hospital
Astoria, Oct. 20 W) Astoria
will bid for the site of the As
toria naval hospital and plans to
resell the land for a new resi
dential subdivision.'
The council voted to buy the
site, Including roads and utili
ties, from the government for
$20,466. E. B. Herrom, Seattle
region war assets division chief,
said chances were good that the
city would get the property at
this price.
The council instructed City
Manager Brewer Billie to sub
mit a bid when the hospital is
offered for priority sale to pub
lic bodies this week in Seattle.
Billie told the council that an
offer had been received from an
experienced building contractor
to repurchase the 54-acre tract
from the city and put up 130 to
200 houses there for sale and
Billie said the government
price of $20,466 was a fair one.
He said this total included $1808
as the value of the land; $18,033
as the value of the utilities; and
$535 as the value of six small
buildings that will be left after
purchasers of the hospital units
complete demolition work.
American production of plas
tics is now 720,000 tons a year,
which is less than one per cent
of annual steel tonnage.
Hunters Are Numerous
Butlevllle Hunters of the
Buttevlll are- hunting along the
Oregon coast Included Glen A.
Yergen and BUI Engleman. Jim
Long of Donald returned home
with his deer, killed In the Sil
verton hills. W. O. Lindquist,
line foreman for PGE, Wood
burn, and Tom Shook, railroad
engineer for SP&S at Portland,
are on a hunting trip in the
Uklah country. The two men
are on two-weeks' vacations from
their companies. Mr. and Mrs.
John Hayes, Daniel Clark, Ed
ward White and Howard Par
menter are also among the hunt-ters.
H I Path-mil
People With Simple Names
Like John Jones Are Lucky
Hollywood u.R An actor who's been known during his short
life by six different names says you folks who are born and re
main John Jones are lucky.
This man was born Kenny O'Morrison. But nobody believes
it. Not even the nurse who made out nil birth certificate.
"I'm legally registered," hef
said," as Kenneth Eugene Mor
rison. That name ias entirely
the idea of the recording nurse
at the hospital. When my father
said 'Kenny O'Morrison,' she
thoueht he was too excited to
know what he was telling her."
The "O" before the "Morri
son," he added, throws more
people than just the nurse at
the hospital.
"People won't question O'Shea
or O'Donnell," he said, "but
when you say O'Morrison, they
think it's your middle Initial."
Kenny, he adds, is not a dim
inutive of Kenneth. It's good
Irish clan name.
When Kenny was four, the
father who named him was kill
ed in World War I. His mother
married again, and the boy be
came Kenny Elliot, in scnooi,
he added, teachers called him
Kenneth, even though It wasn't
his name.
Later his mother married an
other man named Mandel. Ken
ny became Kenny Mandel.
By the time he got to high
school his mother was divorced
and had resumed her maiden
name of Adams. Kenny became
Kent Adams.
"These troubles were no
thing," he says, "compared to
trying to explain to the army
why I called myself Kenny O'
Morrison when my birth certif
icate said Kenneth Eugene Morrison."
It took the government five
weeks to adjust to the situation.
Now he is working in Fllmak-
ers' "Never Fear," produced and
directed by Ida Lupino, under
the name of Kevin O'Morrison.
"Richard Conte suggested the
name," he said. "I hope it's the
last one I have
Social Club Resumes
Dayton The first fall meet
ing of the Dayton Prairie Social
club was held with the presi
dent, Mrs. James Oswalt. Oth-
officers are: Mrs. William
Belts, vice president; Mrs. Fred
Hackworth, secretary; Mrs. Will
iam Hardy, treasurer.
The next meeting will be de
voted to making a quilt for the
local Red Cross. Mrs. Nettie
Smith became a new member
Kills Deer with
Pocket Knife
Seattle, Oct. 20 IIP) Clarence
A. Rees killed a deer with his
bare hands and the inch-and-a-half
long blade of his pocket
Exhibiting a bruised shoulder,
a torn and bloody shirt and the
two-point buck deer weighing
110 pounds the Kent resident
said today he would "never do
It again. Not ever.
He was looking over the cows
at his farm when the deer sud
denly jumped from the brush at
his side. Acting without thought,
he grasped its horns.
"Then I was afraid to let go,"
Rees remembered.
"He knocked me over on my
back, with him on top, but I
held him. I choked him until
his tongue was hanging out. I
guess mine was, too."
Getting the knife out of his
pocket and opening the blade.
all with one hand, "was the
hardest part of the whole thing,"
said Rees. He stabbed the deer
in the throat. "I guess the
whole thing lasted about five
minutes, but it was all dyna
Rees had purchased a hunting
license, but had expected to get
his deer in the conventional
nner, with a rifle.
1,000 Perish in
Guatemala, Guatemala, Oct. 20
P) The Guatemalan govern
ment today stepped up relief
plans to care for 70,000 persons
made homeless by the most dis
astrous flood here in recent
About 1000 persons are be
lieved to have perished in the
flood. The economic loss was es
timated conservatively at $15,
000,000. The government named an
emergency committee to admin
ister relief and provided it with
a fund of $6,000,000.
Neighboring countries were
quick to offer help. A Cuban
army plane left Havana for Gu
atemala early today with a group
of civilian military engineers to
aid in reconstruction.
The U. S. air force is search
ing for an American Catalina
dispatched from Panama on a re
lief mission. The Carribbean air
command laid the search has so
far been unsuccessful. However
It said high hopes were held for
the safety of the missing amphib
ian and its occupants because
the area where it was last re
ported, 350 miles northwest of
the canal zone, is dotted with
islands and sheltered waters
suitable for an emergency land
ing. Twenty-six American tourists
were trapped by the flood wa
ters. Fifteen had been marooned
more than a week at the village
of Panajachel on Lake Atitlan,
40 miles north of Guatemala
I i nm auxiliary ippuiuira ivin.
m. n. inompson as ineir repre
sentative to the community club.
The. auxiliary voted to donate
money to the Emergency Polio
"The"nextmeetingwiH be Oc
tober 27 and will be a covered
dish dinner. A special Hallow
een program is being planned
for the children.
Halloween Program
Planned by Legion
Monmouth The American
Legion and auxiliary met in the
Legion hall. Robert Baker was
appointed to represent the
American Legion at the commu
nity club meetings. Also on his
committee is Lee Jensen.
Students Put Russian
Over Other Tongues
Marietta, O. (UR Marietta Is
probably the only college in the
nation where more students last
summer studied Russian than all
other foreign languages combin
ed. The language professor teach
ing the course said sincere de
sire to understand modern Rus
sia accounts for its popularity
and not communist dogma.
The professor described the
present day land of the Soviets
as "under the bolshevik regime,
an ancient Asiatic tyranny ter
rorizing a potentially wonderful
country with the new modern
horrors of atheism, secularism
and mechanism."
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