f Relatei Trasedy Imogene Wittsche, 14, whose legs were severed by a ipeedboat in Lake Tahoe last summer, is carried into U. S. court in Sacramento, Calif., by ambulance attend ants. She related her story of the tragedy and pointed out Phil Davis, Oakland, Calif., auto dealer, as the driver of the boat He is on trial for negligent operation of a boat, an offense carrying a maximum penalty of a year's imprison ment. (Acme Telephoto) Nickel 'Devaluation1 Hits Georgia Town, Starts Fuss Eaton, Ga., U.R The city council devaluated the nickels and got a taste of the trouble Bntian is having with the pound sterling. The value of the nickels went down when the council upped the price of soft drinks by levying a penny tax. The bottling business promptly went to pot Some stores quit selling soda pop altogether to escape the ire of small fry customers. Some stores absorbed the tax themselves to keep the drink at market value. Other stores posted signs reading: "All five-cent drinks, six cents." A group of merchants circu lated a petition for repeal of the tax. One bottling company refused to solicit business within the city limits. Owners of automatic dispensing machines that handle only five-cent coins were frus trated. A vendor who tried placing a "tax box" at the side of the machine for collection of pen nies remarked later: "You'd be surprised how little honor some people have when it comes to paying taxes." The city council, however, 800-MILE CEASE-FIRE LINE India, Pakistan Dig In For Winter on Kashmir Line Srinagar, Kashmir U. Up on Kashmir's cold Himalayan ridges, armies of India and Pakistan are digging in for the winter along an 800-mile cease-fire line which is all that sep arates them from war. Efforts for a peaceful settlement of the two-year-old dispute over Kishmir have broken down and the special United Nations! commission which tried to act as People In both countries seem to fare that no uch nlce- . . I . n kstuiaan (ha f 1 1 ' n pc.kcuui.ct """"" ties would be observed if fight nations has left Asia to refer the , , . whole quarrel back to the Sec urity Council There has been no fighting in Kashmir since India and Pakis tan signed a UN cease-fire agree ment last January. Both sides say they want peace. But both have warned that any breach of the cease-fire line will be an invitation to a full scale international war. They watch each other like panthers. Sentries posted on mountain tops along both sides of the line stand guard 24 hours a day. ready to report any unusual movement. From the pine val leys below on a clear day you can see the glint of their binoculars. Troon strength figures are secret, but neither army is small India alone spends 800,000 rup ees a day to maintain its Kash mir forces, according to official figures. The bitter fighting that pre ceded the January cease-fire was never a declared war. Indian and Pakistan officers referred to each other as "the opposition" rather than "the enemy," and care was taken to keep operations from spilling over onto the home soil of either nation, shrugged off all the abuse and waited for reaction to the rest of its tax- program, which included: Two and three cents on movie tickets. Four dollars on all men be tween the ages of 18 and 50. Two dollars on dogs, regard less of age, size, color or breed. Grade School Posters Are Judged at Detroit Detroit The poster contest for the school carnival drew a great deal of interest at the grade school during the past two weeks. Judges were Mrs. Otis White, Mrs. Ed Hanan and Mrs. Russel Hoyt. First Prize w Mt to Judy Haseman, second prize to Morla Vickers and third prize to Richard Hansen. Honorable mention went to Gale Parker, Quentin Findley and Marilyn Overholser. SfJVi iCSSjaiioSi.C5SPiieiS.Sii'f7? V 1 8 "Cinch I 1 p ever used." i ' ioyt Mrs. Jm MiUwiy lovalond, Colorodo 5. Cake Mix is the finest I have ing began again. The prize at stake. Kashmir itself, is a snow-peaked princely state roughly the size of Min nesota that lies between India Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tibet Sinkiang and Russia. The fight for control of Kash mir started In October, 1947, when Moslem tribesmen swept into the stale from the west to "liberate" its people from the rule of a Hindu maharajah. The maharajah had not de cided whether to Join this state with Hindu India or Moslem Pakistan, but as the raiders ap proached his palace at Srinagar he quickly joined India. Indian troops poured into the state that autumn and easily drove the raiders out of the cen tray valley, only to meet Pakis tani regulars entrenched In the mountains beyond. Though what followed was never a declared war, it was fought with all the fury of one with planes, tanks, bombs, ar tillery and even knives. When the cease-fire came, India held about two-thirds of the state and Pakistan one-third. CapiUl Journal, Ralem, Ore., Thursday, Oct. 10, 194929 Mrs. Wood Entertains Fairview Honoring her hus band and son, Carl Wood and Monte Carl Wood, whose birth days were Monday, October 17, Mrs. Wood entertained with a family dinner at their home here. Mrs. Rose Wood and Miss Edith Wanless, mother and aunt, 8 QltUP fj7rj7lffi tfrfl?, ffl 1 1 s M 1 1 Vgg? We couli simply dalm-lflce others do-thtt S W b the best 032? yon an buy. But we prefer to let oar Fine Foods ipeslc for themselves (v&ii!? Everyday ,in stores throughout the lnd, we make this simple test. We jvfei g"" t0 se,ect ot!ier bnn1'-bands from his shelves. X55v) Then together we open each can and compare its quality with S W. DW pot more than 50 yean, grocers who hart made this Kxoal stott JtlSfa AgEi? lest hire jndged SW ""7 timt IEeSK $ for Yourself SePyij w3 Try any SW Fine Food fruits, vegetables, juices, oven-baked bean Tg Qgg? and brown bread, or delicious SaWmellow'd coffee. We are confident fTfc' yoowillagreethttSaWUinaclasibyiuelt $&y p Sffl quality is so much better Wk It solves child dosago problems. Easy to give j no DreaKing oi tab lets. Assures accurate dosaee each tablet is V adult dose. Easy to take, orange flavored. KAISER-FRAZER TERRIFIC DEALS "The Best Deal in Town" TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY of Amity were special guests. Mrs. Lloyd Massey of Camas, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Panek and Barbara of Broad mead were afternoon callers t the same home. Better kings always with the One and Only BURNETTS Vanilla HE TEGlJEM0T0RC0MPANY ' M rn.nez-4.73 sa.em fCJ f'Otlfj fit) iMMMmmiM shop ; w Itsii"!!! 8iSlsteilwKffiri p.m. mmmmmmmmmi - 9:C0 Friday SEARS REDUCES the Price on Harmony House OO broodl mm Sells Elsewhere up to 9.50 Sq. Yd. Here's the. answer to jour decorating problems! Magnificently beauti ful Axminister Broadloom priced lower than ever before Carpet your home wall-to-wall and save as much as $30 on the average room. Famous Harmon- House heavy quality Belfast Broadloom in rich glowing shades. Get long lasting dependable service every square foot of Belfast has over 7800 all wool tufts. Buy now Save during Leadership Sale. sq. yd. rl free Parfcbf " Shop in Air Conditioned Comfort Lowest Price at Sears in Years Inlaid Linoleum We believe this to be America' jrreatest value in inlaid linoleum Bright colors inlaid rifrht into pattern refuse to wear and are spot and stain resistant. Marbelized pat terns available in red, tan, j?reen, blue. Cut from full rolls. No seconds, no remnants! Sells Elsewhere up to 1.70 Sq. Yd. .19 q. yd. Fine Quality Standard Weight Felt Base Rugs At savlnjfg like this you will want to buy sev eral in 9 x 12 ft. size. Gay designs printed on felt back, coated with spar varnish to make durable, easy-to-clean surface. Floral, tex tured or tile designs. Sells Elsewhere up to 9.95 6-88 During our National Floor Covering Sole (or the benefit of our customers Sears now hat every Saturday afternoon a floor covering expert to answer all your questions on installation. cfcS23& SEARS Capitol St. Phone 3-9191