18 Capital Journal. Salem. Ore.. Thursday, Oct. 20, 1949 DOUBLE TROUBLE JPIWm-k. By WILLIAM HOBSON , Chapter 23 H spent the night alternately lounging In the saddle, sitting witii hit back agaliut a lence post and smoking thoughtfully, and riding hi part ol tin bin horte pasture Inw. When he rode In at daylight siuny was down at the corral, turn ing 'U soma of the saddle stock. l.iey looked at each other si lently (or a moment; then both burst out laughing. "Here. I'll give you a hand with the saddle," Harry laid, going to work. "Thanks, yawning. "I'm going to roll in and sleep all day." Jot Allison nodded. "Did you see Ellen last night?" It was Hurry's turn to nod. "She still mad at me?" "Frankly, 1 dont know, Joe. It's hard to tell what Ellen thinks some times. It was that way back East." Joe said soberly, "I got a hunch she means it this time. I know Ellen pretty well. She still believes I was over In the settlement mak ing love to that pretty hall Mexi can girl living over there. Lucia. And she should have known that I'd cut oil my right arm rathe, than (col around with other women, except to kiss 'em and make her jealous., bo that range is open. Harry. II she don't want me, then I won t botner her any more. "Will you tay on." "I suppose so, For a while, at jeasi He did stay on. riding the nlchi guard (rom dark until dawn seven days a week. He never went about the house any more and he had grown quieter. Then one night It came. Joe had dismounted and sat with his back against a fence post about hal( a mile (rom the ranch house when his horse twisted lbs head a bit and pointed Us ears. He slid to his feet and had his pistol out. tending rigidly, straining his eyes through the night. It might be a coyote or a ooocut prowling around; and It might be a man named Peg omiwi. a voice cauea soitiy, "Joe. Hey. Joel" "Who Is It? And (reeze, or I'll &rb Lnunioing mem. "Don't shoot. It's me, Hank. I got a message (rom Brad Morden." Joe swung Into leather, recogniz ing Hank's voice. "Howdy, Joe," the horse thief greeted him. "How's it going?" "AU right. How's my brother Joy." "Fit as a (iddle. Shoulder Is plumb well. Brad lets him out of the cabin once in a while when there ain't no men around. But two o( the boys guard him day and night. No doubt about It. the boss an' Jim Swlnnerton mean business." "6wlnnerton pulled stakes yet?" "He's closed out all his cases. I hear there's going to be some kind of a big farewell party for him aom'eres. What you got lined up fer Brad an' the boys when they git here? That's what Brad tor me to ask you." Joe squatted down on his heels. Tell Brad to send me word . . ." And Joe Allison went on to ex plain his plan. Hank slipped away into the night. Joe went back on patrol, his face grimmer than ever. During the next two weeks he again changed to his (ormer ways. He became quarrel some, he snarled at everybody in eight except Mary. Where Ellen had (ought with him, Mary merely said quietly, "Joe. that will be enough." He rode Rover Boy evenings, and ttie feud between the two became something almost personal. "They make a pretty good pair, those two," Mike Randall remarked to Ellen. "Both wild and untamed and neither will quit. But Blue 6tar can still run him down and kill him on his feet." Ellen dldnt reply. She watched Joe day after day, and whatever her thoughts were she kept them to herself. Harry had again asked her to marry him. and she had asked him to wait a month before he gave him her reply. The two families went Into town bout twice every month, staying overnight and coming back the next day. It was on one of these trips that Randall met Jim Swlnnerton on the street In front of the Ford hotel. "So you're leaving us, Jim?" the rancher asked. "I'm afraid so. This country is getting too settled (or me. I'm go ing up into one of the territories. I think there's better future for a lawyer up there.' "When are vou going?" "In a couple of weeks or so. I've a few more affairs to wind up and then I'll close my ornce. Ana some friends have been hinting about elvinir me a Dartv " "Now hold on a minute. Mike." protested the lawyer. "The fall roundup will be starting next week and your own men will be on the range, as will men from all the other outfits. Most of the owners will be with them. It wouldn't be fair to ha. ha me. But." he went on seriously, "If you'd care to have me out lor an evening witn just a few friends, I'd consider it an honor to accent." "You've Just accept d. Name the night." ' 1 11 oe all cleared un by a week from this coming Saturday. I could ride out with my pack horse, stay all nitnt. and set on Sunday. And thus It was agreed. Five nights later Jay had a visit (rom Hank. The raid would come on the following Saturday night while the party was in progress. Old Jim was a slick one, all right, all right, Hank had chuckled gleefully. Joe Allison, still on night guard received the news with mingled dread and relief. Whatever haD- pened. It would end the suspense of Jay being held up there pris oner, of being around Ellen this strange new Ellen who looked at him with that unfathomable something In her eyes of being near Aiarv seltzer. (To Be Continued) Minimum of Material Let these orettv aprons help solve your Christ mas Rift problem! Kitchen - wise .style No. 3068 has two heart pockets to highlight the nipitne. iea timer No. 2900 can be made (rom left over plain and print scrap bag pieces. (Two separate patterns). no, hm is cut in one size, i ya. 35-in. No. 2960 Is cut In one size, Vt yd. 35-in. plain fabric and yd. 35-in. print fabric. Every home sewer needs the f AlA WINTER FASHION BOOK a delightful. Inspiring presentation of the best in fashion. Over 150 smart, practical easy-to-sew pattern de signs for all a Res. Price Just 20 cents. 6end now for your copy. Send ?5c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State size desired. Address Capital Journal. B5J Mis sion St., San Prnnclsco 5, Calif. t 9,i I I.ITTI.B DREAMER Embroider tills cunning trio in toft pastel col orings and variety of fascinating stitches. Your "little cherub" wlU love having her own pillowcases I Pattern Envelope No. R3634 con i tains hot-Iron transfers (or ( de I feigns, I by I Inches (1 each of I designs); color chart; stitch fllus tratkmi and (ull directions. To obtain this pattern, send 90c In COINS, giving pattern number your name address and sone num ber to Peggy Roberta. 828 Mission Street, San Francisco 1, Calif. VOU LOOK VERY PRETTV TONIGHT; DARLING.'-BUT I MUSNT STAND HERI P4TTI iki1. AAAS i.e.TUCVrlne EXPECTING? ME AT THE PARKS' g 5 TATE.' i I ester. News aKnii of Times g.'t, timer ' Feterson la Mail Mint re ;:45 Muili Mnm A.iPerrf Com I.AA'ginttra-KlrmB I-I EXPECTED TO T COME IN, MRS. " YOU MUST BE AUNT MH I IF DONT LET IT 1 - SEE CHOKEP JbPAWNSKI MV HA&RIIT ?-I DO HOP6 nL I WORRY VOU, MR. BIBBS, THAT IS'NePHEW TOLD ME GET ALONG ALL RIGHT ON 1 fl DEARIE JUST T Hi i Cr?TO QtVE VOU YOUR MV FIRST JOB . hASl Ik ONE BIT OP Wm inSr WtavS JM Wmi i kgw I 1 1 1 i 1 1 7 1 1 : I h I La ,0-20 CK " Caql- P 3 jffl Knt Newt fy iw kitm. m v e. n ili-Q jj i 7:45 swhtm Wm-mjli.i -isipr i MiJwewsMegeBewii iiiji'HIluji 1 8:00 ejjis jjjrt O K-rm&maBm ' s well, BST course not- If UHeRCs he go T i seen him a'utt I 5wt n'l'tn p f THERE1S T OONT NOBOOy 7 NA HE I MM" HPS NT NO BUTACTTN' B I IM THOT OINQHY? JUST SITTtN' DOWN I 1 i on C, f THAT BK3 KNOW WHO I DONT TALK S I HIDIN' OUT- I CRIME- TH WflY Hg 1 sJ TH'CREEK WATCHIM' I 9:15 Cup P lOJV AGAIN- J HE IS YET? TO M060CK'- jj L Ap-ejl DOES IS- J M OONNO-CflNT Ij THAT BARCE- I fij" K. "sJiT .. ' m " . - i ' . ... Front ' Vm. Vr'n RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY P. M. K0IN tip CM KBIt HkBBlBf jtU t la Show Klr iUfJ Mmptnit ICrim Th rifty-bOHM Vlril Ntrtaltr Wlttt NifhlH i Lwrll Thorn as Jack Smith Aldrlth rUrjMr. Kcca inAiatiir iMffi 1 15 Father Knawa l4 Oalfr'a Taen (00 ,:ir M.rt. D.WBW 1 fu. Stmt :.lwax Miatan l;30lWai Mnacuai 1 kxWax Hvma Z:00li KEX JIM ABC ma Uaratt GfNi Uornat Jack Armitroni Jack Armtlrong Madllnt edit. Horn Edltloa Blandla BJandU CaaaUrta ICoanUrtar h)at With Jadr Data With Jadr Amataar Roar (AmaUar Hoar latcar Hoar IN ana Mart ill Baalah jt'laa If Star rioal hra. a.d W.rl. Lilr-FIa Orehcatra Hvrcnada nrehestra LBaadatand LNawa Stralrhl At-raw Stratiht Arraw Capt. Mldalfbt Lapt. Mldalfbt rT.ab. Hcatar is. w. Ncwe Trlla laal Maate Drama at Mta. SIbkIbi Stlraaa Raaablera Ramblara Naaia tfavia Rabt Motcmrr Damaa Banraa TbaaUr Rlebf'Id Bap'tr Inter mtiio IConctrt Haar Coacart Hoar Coneart Hoar Concert Hoar Memo Memo Xtra Hoar KSLM UH UBC K0C0 jRhrthm It a bc b Khytbat Kanch Hlnf Craabf Baalaaaa Nawi Candle Llfhi lirar pVava Biu ura Pal O'Brtoa tMael. Jackaad Krolya Kalgbl FootbaU rroabel noa'lBff CaaildrTreek 14M IIub'Ibi Coaid7fTrcb 4w) MHBic rrraca ie Urmchr. Q-baek (Track liM LNew ib RaeordilNcwa Stw Id aUaorda Folt. Lewis Jr.lFroatler Ton Ma el Lor Hrtttrr IMuitc lHaia Moriaa ntaaa Horian FsIcb Off Track 14M Track UN Frontier Tow Mnale Voa Waal Mailt 'ia Taat Noeturiir Nocturne INoeli - n Nocturne &Ub Off FRIDAY 6 A. M. TO 4:45 P. M. iNewi IKOIN Klork KOIN Klook KOIN Klock KOIN Klock LV'twi S'ewa Fred Beek Conaamor New New a Grand Slai RotcroaiT Wendr Warrea Annt Jenar Helen Trent Our Gal Sunday Bit- Rlaler Ma Perkins Malone Gnidin Lirfat WEii.i Dorr agree r VOU A BEAUTIFUL HAIRCUT MV WILLIE CAM DO AnYTwIKIGI Z' WLL.NOW I DOKPT TUIKiK VOU'RE REACT 1 WUV? DIDN'T T KKDPE . AM' 1 TMAT I'VE PASSED ) POR THE NEXT LESSON VET, J VOU LIKE THE JmOBODY ELSE ) T MV P'RSTTEST J DADDV-AS PAR AS I'M . WAIRCUT 1 DID EITHER - J i-v-j;-. i irn niKui i irM a ii iwN.tiMNcw lv ritwiri,vj i wvc .j v.Loirsi ruw i i n r&VJ fin ON TO TUE 1 VTUAT TEST , ""m RwaU l!"iwaufl CAirj 1 inni VJ tji,w. A AklVTUIkJAI J UmrrtD what's i els. mp. -y ( voo say ) tJVMffr . .Av OES'''lttl KGMY I that, mb. SV benny-one vooVE S WftVA-A TREMENJUS oh, 2eBtRFELllSr.r MEADouAirrtm I tito -ten? Y half dozen Ialready Y . ordep run tw mine- dBABf- 0'r1 .UVPJL ' L aoZoia -dressed k assorted 1( usid up ) fowww- hondrep vc jOHH feSptB?' , mtlMMSS AS -ALLENS-r A DOZEN S J CRESSED LIKE OOHN . FELLAS 15 Hm0 Uff I 1 v STALIN?) PLENTV OF BENNVS'Mf' UVBMIT . IS & nOtSZt!1 I ytS, MB. STALIN- ) I OLAD I BAO UNDER ALLEN? OCT VR-n Z ( WUY 1 5 ZM.'frt. K U TEN KK3MIES- V TOJ X. THE CYES? A PADDINft IN - AWxTjjJA GONNA ).?SStff . . j'MV GOODNESS, JEFI; yuay t1 r-J-H rSs lMAI HAVE )T ANOTHER 6LASS Y"4' fVsivi-BUT THAT OLD T M WHAT ARE VOODOINS Iuawc a : r - ftM ANOTHER, f OF WATER? HARD MATTRESS K U UP SOEARLV THIS V-i A ! GLASS OF ( WHAT'S THE J OH- VoU HAVE ON M !ljlinlllB J ST AH, THERE.g piNSHV'.- " JIMINT ! I B'LICVF THAT'S LSSS THIS COVEWTTH THE I 60LLY! THE TlPE ISA LOT W6HEK l-tf ONE OP THE 0LTTBO4BPS PTOM ,. SrTiNCNralm"'WVtMtT wSS!5 I UNltM YOU THINK ) I (tt OfHORROM THI "I GU0TI0IN& THAT I'M lS,RS UTURt N- A CUiTARO Pit FACIAl J iSTtfV AWBN?NfiBWiyET'.. yTHtNtWfORELAPVOF ,N iftw Kf E Hmi PACK WOULD IMPTOVt rfS fTT 5 MORNING. BkIlXjLT." 5QXIN6 AND HIPPING! au Sjr ui rt ad 1 VOUR COMPLtXlON.OOLORW, -ltH ( 1 tt'rlc, Travelers Wele. Travelers Aunt Mary lVe Love, Learn h'om. Secret Road to Life Dr. Paul On Sonny Side Farm Newt Keep Smilinc Keep Smiling Keep Smiling Waiha'ra News Hart. Acronaky Bob Haten Zeko Manner iBreakfast Club Breakfast flub IBreakfast Club IBreakfast Club Mildred Bedell Stars of Today Art Link letter Art Llnkletler Jaek Norman Galea Drake Mr True Story My Trao Mary ?nd Mrs. Bart'B Perry MasoB N'erab Drake Brighter Day Newa Come Get It Brlght e Light Art Baker Barny'd Follies Garry Moora (Garry Moore Klrkham News Ktrkham News Meet the Missus Meet the Missus Tunefully Yours Art Klrkham Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Curt Mane Edw. Morrow IXrws Summary Timekeeper March Time News Urkfat. Oaag LMusie Top Trades (Barf. Counter Kite Shine Bible Institute Bible Institute W. News rOull Club Fastor'a Cad Walts Tim News Gospel Sinter Perry Coma Walts Serenade Betty Croeker Rid. of P. Sage N 'rt n wes le rnert N'woaterners B'khage Talking News Victor Llndlshr Meet Menjoua Brkf. In Holly. Hrkf. In Holly. Kay West Kay West Jay Stewart Jay Stewart Urid A Groom Bride A Groom Talk-WayOul Talk Way Ou" Be Seated Ted Malone Mod. Romances Mod. Romans Squirrel t.'ane Souirrel Cage KOCO Kloeh KOCO Klock rres Bitter Nawa Sparta Top a' Morning Top a' Mornla Klng'a Craaad. King's Crusad. Western Mrloa. Fiesta Tims Tim for MeTdf Tim for Moldy Stars Sing LI. Chat Thomas Tune Time iM Keys Ladlea First Ladiea First Queen for Day Queen for Day Top Trades LNew NW New Bob Eberlr (Trll Neighbor Harvey Harding jOrgan Rev'rles Blng Slngg I Against Storm Against Storm Musi Musie Kay It w. Music Say It w. Music News Nonas of Times Fulton Lewis Hemingway Behiod Story P'ews Musi Mart iMasle Mart uaa Garbor Voeal Varletla H'Uywaod Masl H'Uywaod Masl News rTcd Dais Pre. Mae's Melodies Mao's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodie Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Movie Tim Philosopher Brers Can B Beaatlfal DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 lCkC Thursday P M. 8:00, Chll r VMVi dren's Theater. B:1S. On the Upbeat i ft:5a, SAO Sports Clubt 0:00. Newai 0:15, Dinner Melodies i :M, 'Round the Campflret 7:00, Headlines la Chemistry i 7:15, Evening Farm Hour I 8:00, Vets' News Review: S:15, Great Songs; 8:18, News and Weatheri 9:00, Musle That Endure! 8:45, Iro ning Meditations: 10:00. Sign Off. un Af Friday A.M. 10:00, News and IwMm Weatheri 10:16, Especially for Woment 11:00, Oregon School of th Alri 11:10, Concert Hall; 12:00, Newsi 18:15. Noon Farm Honrt 1:00, Rid 'em Cowboy I 1:15. Oregon School of th Alri 1:80, Th Story Behind the Discovery; 1:45, Melodr Lane; 8:00, The Clabwotnen's Half Henri t:S0, Memory Book of Mask I 8:00, Newsi 8:15, Musie of th Masters. 4:00, OreaoB Reporter. 4: IS, Favarlta Hymnal 4:80, Proudly W Hall. Woodcraft Neighbors Call Valley Circles Silverton Mr. Mabel Talbot, G. N., and Mrs. C. E. Higin- botham, represented Marlon circle ol Silverton Neighbors of Woodcraft, from the fifty who attended from district 21, at Portland East Side circle Orient Building in a formal reception for Grand Banker, Miss Eudella Norgaard, and Grand Physician, Floyd South. Grand Guardian Neighbor, Mrs. Minerva Codd ing, installed the grand clerk. Following the formal ceremon ials of the session a social hour with supper furnished was en joyed. Mrs. Talbot, as Marion circle correspondent, told of the Sun day early afternoon no-hostess dinner being served at the Al Down home and a business and social hour later. Among th guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Storlie of Independence members of Marion circle for many years. ACROSS L Out of funds: Blans t. Outer garments 1L Uakes Into a fabrlo It. Permits 14. Poplars 15. Set of seven IS. Commotloo 17. Dine 19. Remain SO. Garden Implement tl. Genus of geese 23. Before 24. alerhanlc's tool II. Band propellers IS. Lyric poem 19. Spinning tor SO. Semicircular part of a building II. Minister ot parish Is. One Indef initely It. Godly peraon IS. Ingredient of varnish 40. Russian Til lage com munities 42. Mineral splint 43. Flaky mineral 44. Egg dish 46. Hand covering 48. Pertaining to frogs 41. Catchers ol long flsn 10. Lazar 61. Raises TjO S sfjACTrA U T O R A C oil. A bU W I A pIa v a nBcIoim.m e N o Bt o r i icrjp'O 1 1 Niels oIr ET OirjOT ill ' I EVE WED I K Y L Solutlon of Yesterday's Puzzle DOWN G1v Straight two dged award w r r r ij w r r r r"P " ; M'l IA ; WLJLSl 'UiiL ' jmxL 44 AS W f - Wl 9t 1 1 irT 1 1 m A Nwffterr8 I. AoroM 4. Ran; of knowledffe I. Parfumo , Social standing 7. Masculine nam 8, European mountain! I. Walk imeadlly 10. Takei oath 1L Launder 11 Boll on tne velld: Tart ant 18. Kind of tre IU tfouth Americu mountains Zl Porch 36. Qoddrst ol dawn 17. Likely 73. Brilliantly colored bird 80. Beast 11. Constituent ef coal tar II. Spot on a playing esvrd IJ. Small tilt hammer 14. Black makes 15. Cupid 87. Flower 89 River In Mich Ig-as 41. Slid 41 Genu ot the iunflsb 46. Compass point 47. Shelter ROOM AND BOARD By Gen Ahem IF YOU'D LOM (WE tlOO, Y BUT, ALFY -YOU-L SPOIL OU CAN TAKE IT OUTA X?&f A GREAT FTlOAVTTlONrM. . TH' PURSE OF MY STUNT I HAVE IW OUR. V A FIRST FlGMT,,,I BRILLIANT FiSTlC FUTURE, t I VANNA SHAKE THESE & I TO BUILD OU UP AS AN ' LUMBERJACK DUDS ' ) AUTHENTIC, FIGHTING AM' BUY A FLASHY ) LUMBERJACK V NEW OUTFIT J I JOVE- ITS THE CCtORFUL 1 TOGS YOU RE NWEARING 'fc'lf NOW THAT WILL PUT J jCf jj, jMi i Tv m J -a T ANA3E $:''$r