. ry- siflwHf g i, t --Kf 1 JTfenj msW?' rl British Dig In Some of Hongkong' 40,000 British troops dig in as Chinese communist forces are reported to have entered Canton in force. Hongkong authorities said they believe that it would be only a matter of days before the communists, spreading out from Canton, would seize all territory right to the borders of the British city. (Acme Telephoto.) 35,000 Flock to See Vision Reported by Girls Frankfurt, Germany, Oct. 19 VP) More than 35,000 Germans have flocked to a remote Bavarian village in the last 36 hours in hopes of seeing a reported vision of the Virgin Mary and the Infant Jesus. The vision was said to have been first seen by ten children. A priest said some of the chil-; dren recently had seen the film, ANCIENT RECORD DISCOVERED Details of Noah's Life Found in Book in Cave Chicago, Oct. 18 u A lost book of Biblical literature reveal ing details of the early life of Noah for the first time has been found in an ancient cave in the Holy land, it was disclosed today. Dr. John C. Trever, head of the English Bible department of the International Council on Religious Education, said the manuscript was the "lost book of Lamech" wrhch scholars found mentioned' Trever said the book proba- in later writings but had given My was composed about the UD hope of finding. j first or second century B.C. by From the "lost book," scholars a peudonymous writer similar to now hope to get an insight into! other writers of apochryphal lit- the life of tiie man who, the Bi-erature of that period. The apo- ble savs, heard the voice of God chr y p h a or "unauthenticated and built an ark to save the ani-1 books were rejected by the ma Is of the world from the great 'council that met to determine floods. The book was found in the the contents of the Old Testa ment, written about SO A D. The book of Lantech appar- Free Lecfure Next Friday "Christian Science: The Reli gion of Love, Which Heals," is She title of the free lecture on Christian Science to be given at Leslie junior high school Friday evening, October 21, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Elizabeth F. Norwood, C.S.B., the lecturer, comes from Brookliiie, Massachusetts, and is a member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. Mrs. Norwood is speaking in Salem for First spring of 1947. It is so valuable ently was related to the apo- that scholars work with photo- jchryphai book of Enoch, Trever static conies and whereabouts of said. In it, Lantech, father of parts of the scrolls is a guard ed secret, Trever said. He described the book as "the most important Bible dis covery of modern times." The authenticity of the book has been established "absolute ly," Trever said. He detailed his finds to scholars in the current issue of the bulletin of the Ame rican Schools of Oriental Research. "Song of Bernadette. ' Busses and trains brought 20, 000 persons to the village Thurn (population 61B), north of Nuernberg, Monday night after 15,000 knelt in prayer outside the village Sunday night. The pilgrims came from tiny villages and towns in a strongly Catholic region. The children reported they had first seen the vision a week ago. Sunday crowds began to pour into Thurn. Rev. Johann Gailer, the local priest, said ten children from the local school reported they had seen the vision first while gathering autumn leaves in the park of the Castle of Thurn. "The following day," said the priest, "They all went again to the spot on the edge of a wood. The older children said they did not see the vision again. Five little girls and a boy (ages 10 to 13) said they saw the vision again. "The following day the boy did not see the vision. The girls continued to see the virgin ev ery night at the same time." Sunday night a crowd of 15, 000 appeared in the park. They knelt in prayer. The five girls said they saw the vision again. But no adults saw it. Among the crowd was a representative of the bishop of Bamberg. Launers Rent Farm Unionvale Victor Launer and his son-in-law, Clarence Smith, have rented the farmland be longing to Mrs. C. J. Countiss. For several years Ersel Gubser has farmed the place. Mrs. Coun tiss retained the residence. 1! Noah, discusses with his own father, Methusaleh, the birth of an "unusual child," apparently Noah. So far, only a small part has been translated, the series of passages related to the birth of Noah, Researchers will need "years" to unravel it complete ly, Trever said. It is written in Aramaic, the complex native Church of Christ, scientist, Capita! Journal, Safem, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 19, 1913lt here. In arranging for the lecture, the members of First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Salem, be lieve they are providing a means for reaching many people with answers to frequent questions about Christian Science what it teaches, how it heals, why j thousands have become its ad-j herents. A cordial invitation is' extended to the public to attend language of Christ. The writings, under studv bv scholars in four rmintriec uwj found "on the purest chance" by a goat herd boy with a wander ing tribe of Bedouins, Trever said. The bov stumbled on thf rav when he chased a runaway goat UD the side of a cliff hoxiri H Dead sea south of Jericho. h : said. Paper Mill Workers Sign Wage Contract Tacoma, Oct. 19 iP Workers in 35 Pacific coast paper mills have agreed to a new contract! calling for no wage increase.' John Sherman, vice president of the International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers, said last night. The agreement, reached joint ly with the International Broth erhood of Paper Workers, called for concession on holiday pay and vacations, and a liberalized night differential. Diamonds have been found in meteorites that plunge to earth, j Yakima Farmer Has Dwarf Cattle Yakima. Oct. 19 i Forget the helicopter and secret can- yons. If you want to see s . rn p dwarf cattle, Yakima Rancher j Hoy Dane suggests you just drop out to his place at Harrah, about i Dane scoffed at mysteries ef the midget bovmes reported by Gene Hotter of Jamestown, N.D., who said he had found a wild herd of small cattle, 25 to 28 ! inches high, in a "secret can-1 yon" and had flown them out by helicopter. I bought mine at a livestock auction in Portland two and a hail years ago for $80," Dane re marked. The Yakima rancher said he has been raiding the six tiny ani mals, five heifers and a bull, for the last two years. None has re produced as yet, but Dane sa&d one of the heifers is "expecting. Whether the offspring wiil re vert to normal size is a question yet to be answered. The bull is largest of the six animals, measuring 38 inches high, Dane said. f THRIFTY, MOR, St Joseph Aiplmt it lo pare, is 10c; ISO ubMs rally 45e. way p$ mom or ver mcctpx lo thm a St. Jowpfe uaraist of "Aipirin at iu ben." But Your Household: Discards I MAKE I Pay Checks I For the Handicapped I ai I Goodwill industries cf 1 Oregon I The Goodwiii Truck Will i be in Sah-m each Fridav I Call 3-9162 or 2-81 U TYPEWRITERS! 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