16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, October 17, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Pr Un ise Per Lin I time 40c Per Lin time .60c Per tin 1 month 13 00 Outdid of Salem 15o per line per day Min lOei I times mm. aoe 6 time min. 11.20. No Refund READERS In Local New CoL On It: Per Lino 30 To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES $725(1 Late built 3 B.R. hom N E. Ph 3 - 683 4. tTru' i RnnM hftnw at 2310 Broadway Call t33.J1lberty8t:2 t BR MOD. home. Attached gar. Auto, wtr. htr.. fireplace, ven. blind, llr. turn, floored attic. 631 Edina Lane. Ba- Jem. t v nuvti' 9 Rn nMn flra.. fireplace. auto. hi., att. aar., Englewood school dlt, 11150 down. PH. A. commitment. Call 2-3536 or aeeat 1040 Or ant. 347; FORSALE New 2 B.R. home, all-elec, price $5500. 315 Jensen. Ph. 2-0014. 247 tHAi.l. rtown oavment. Large FHA loan, new 2 bdrm. hom by owner. 010 Ford treet. 27 BY OWNER: 2 Bdrm.. kitchen, living rm., hath, utility rm., attached garage. Lrge. rm. built tor grocery ator. On approx. xh A. Excel, location. 13 miles K. on Newherir highway. Next to Signal Sta tion. $7750. . 247 'TRY THIS! Finish this houe yourself and aave. Your choice of a number of Interior arrangements. Location E. on Garden road. Owneri. Ph. 3-1939. 248 Move Right In Owner sacrificing almost new 6-rm home: hdwd. fir, thruout, Ige. unfinish ed upstairs, auto, furn., brceieway, at tached garage, le. lot, city water it bius. Low down payment. PH. A. term. Salem Height! dUt. 585 Ewald At, alt 9'JE So. 249 itv nwNKB! Rpautlful modern 5 room house, finest construction, hdwd. floors thruout, all Ik, rooms, with extra lie. kitch., full bsmt., St Ue. fully finished party room. 1430 Market St. V' BV "OWNER 7 rm. modern house. Fruit St nut tree.. Lota of flower and ahruhs. 10 min. walk to town. 70S Bel levue. 47 SUBURBAN i ACRE-. rm. house with bat h, utility room, att. garage. Price 17ft0. Easy term.. CLEAN 2 BEDRM. HOME completely furnished. Price only 10075. Clow to store; on hus line. ATTRAf riVK fi ROOM HOME. Hd floors, basement, oil furnac. Only 2 yrs. old. Price (flBSO. Term. NEW LISTING. Very nice 2 bedrm., drn, liv. rm., dining rm., reception hall, floor furnace, patio, garage. Fenced In back yard; nice atreet. Close to bus. Immediate possession. Price only $10.- ,0 LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 144 State St. Ph. 1-1663 Evening call: Mr. fledertrom, 3-6789 or Mr. Voorhees, 2-4007 347 McKillop Real Estate REALTORS North Salem Large lot. one-roorr Viniic InaMa r-ltv 11ml South Salem 141,930 3-bedroom home, living room, dining room, kitchen, base ment. Real nice large lot. Pav tnft and lrlewalk In. Close to schools and bus. East Salem 16,000 3-bedroom horn and H acre. Good location. Deaconess Hospital District I7.B00 t bedrooms. Hvlnf room. dtn lnr. room, nice, lirte kitchen, full bnj.fm.nt, corner lot. COME IN OR PHONE D.ytlma - 1-5131 Ivenlnia 3-1406, S-M14 McKillop Real Estate 493 Center at High Salem, Oregon We Make Real Estate Loans a347 Locate your family near new sa- LEM SCHOOL. Tliev will enjoy thl l'fc acre St Modern 2 B.R. home, surround d by lawn, tree. Spacious room. In stated, plenty built-in, fruit rm.. gar age, pltry. hae., Bendlx goes. IMMED POSS. VERY GOOD TERMS. 38000. LOCATION IS IMPORTANT. Thla hom at 3000 Breyman la aurrounded by at tractive home, near school, city bu bv door. Offer L. D. rm., 2 bdrm., bath, elec. kitchen with good built-in, plaster Interior. IMMED. POSS. 35500. Low dn, payment. STATE STREET SPECIAL. Thla I IR home at 2345 State St. ha double value. Rent bring In 140 per mo. Deep lot live valuable bual. frontage plu du plex or court rental to rear. Look thl over) 15500 Term. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing Peraonat Servire 164 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389 Evel-7440 a7 SMALL new house, city water, 1A., 20x1,0 ft., chicken house, 300 Autra White pullet 4S mo. old Included with place If buyer deal res. Price complete, $4500. Near Dallas. Ph. 2-5130. a2M HOME AND INCOME Modern 2 bedroom home 14750. or with trailer park 16750. Term. 1132 8. Water, Silverton. a34l $p; VI New 2 bedrm. home with a lot of floor iare. large living room, dining room vrrv nice kitchen A; nook, hard wood floor thruout. Wall tvn oil fur- nnre. extra lari lot, bus near by. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8, Commercial Ph 2-3B49 Eve. 2-8658 34l OPEN HOUSE TODAY 1010 B. 14th. "! BV OWNER 3 bdrm. modern house, floor in rim re, garage, 13(100. 31100 down, 137 per month for 10 year. 3330 Hide fit m e2M II Y OWNER SUBURBAN Spm-lous 7 bedroom and bath. Separate i:n tin renin, liv in room, lae kitchen and nrtoa. Hdwd. Tioor. ke. aaraae. In ulnted, in exceptionally good condition, biL by door. cloe to tchool. 410 acre grod noli, Till tn't a real fancy hum b it It I well built and will jtmt a (am liv needing a larte 5 room home. VJ0O0 down and balance on FHA. Immediate peeion. Call 27371 for appointment B347 Grand View $8000 Ouner moving aava drop price A get It anlrt We don't believe ihu home can he duplicated anvwhere for the money It enmhmes a subMantlal attractive 3 BR windetn home on a big lot. Located on Victory Cirri ith a real view of Val ley, mountains A eity. "Walter Musrave, Ti'tors 1111 Edtewater Ph. 3 MM a353 RENT BEATER OWNER LEAVING UmaU eoy 2 B R home on Miino ft lot located In West Salem. ull price Wiich include neew a a stove, refrig erator, liv. rm. set. rartio. I bed, dresser -only IliM on i e te r ms HERE IS VALUE BR. home located high on the bluff In Ho. Salem with 4 13 A., part in tide Cnv L:miu wonderful view, on dead end e"eel In fir grove selling. Double r.nnhlng, full hsml. lovely aall lo a!l furnels. Ideal qvtiet j secluded hom for ret;i ed or professional man. BURT RICH A. Realtors 370 N. Hiah St. E: 3-74M Phone: 2-164 247' BY OHM leatine lon must sell nice I tm, modern hom. Hdw. floora, flte Piare, full basement, nlc yard. Enile diAtOJO Thompson Ave. 3M RY OWNER t bdrm. English style 1 felk. to MrKinle v Iivh Bus. Hld Omits Auto oil fur. Race, Dry aealed basement Nice fenced yarn BKrellenl eond. Con id r any rea- enabl offer. 1-5413. 23 FOR SALE HOUSES Country Home, Reasonable By owner, 1 acre of land, 4 more avail able. & rm. houe, double garaie. In Broadacre neighborhood. North of Wood burn. For information aee Mr. Opal Courter, acrou from Hubbard Poat Of fice, Hubbard, Orenon. 249 floo DOWN. 2 bdrm.. hardwood floor, oil furnace. Ph. 2-9896. a249' THIS IK A GOOD HOME St one of the bt location on S. High, 3 BR, full basement, fireplace. Term within reas on. 112.000 A FINE BR home on one floor, fire place, full ba.sement, flnuhed, double plumbing, double garage, corner lot. Englewood district, com In and ee us. OM.Y w:ino, for thl 100x124 ft. lot. North, lota of xhade. Nearly new. little 1 BR cottage. Term within rea.on. LARGE LOT 47x331, NO. 3 Zone. Home old but livable. Price 1630. 0 BR HOME. Creek lot, very close in. pla- tered, basement, LR, OR. Ven. blind. Immed. pom. See this for 17350. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclutve LUtlni Per.'rmal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8339. Eve. 3-7440, or 3-4H37. a243 FO RESALE LOTS EAKT VII. W LOTH, 3750 too 13500. Op poalte 543 Vbta Ave. Ph. 3-4384. aa" FOR CHOICE residential tract In King wood Hu, it Cascade Terrace, at mod erate price St very low monthly terms, ae the original owner it developer. C A. Robertson. Ph. 3-8413 aa359' MtlulTviKW LOTr3385Vlew avenue. City water-gai, near Salem Height achool 6850. Ph. 209B8. aa247 FOR SALE ACREAGE A. I'i MILES North of Kelzer. Clear late rd. Mr.dern home, good out bldfc. Sacrifice. Leaving tate. Itt. 2, Box 2t2. bbaar CLOKE IN lB'i acres on paved atreet. Silt aoll. Fine building. Muat tell. I3O00, terrrm. Call Oeo. Virk 2-3888. bb349 REAL ESTATE RANCH STYLE! J -bedroom home northeat. Living room with nice fireplace. Dining room. At tractive kitchen with eating apace. Brick patio. Bedroom with wardrobe closet. Price 310,500. No. 297 NURS'Y. BUSINESS! with 2-bedroom home. Double garage. lJa acres Piped for irrigation. Several hade houses. Ground all planted with hruh and trees. Ask about No. 866. GET STARTED! In a nice new 2-bedroom livable, unfin ished home, for only J350 down. 137.M per month. Located south near oi;s, school and jtore. 60x105 lot with cHy ""reimann for real estate 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9203 Sun. it Eve. 2-3738, 2-1327, 4-3874, 3-5905 c247 HOUSE READY for roof near achool A bus. Ph. 30640 after 5. C249 FOIL YOUR HAVlNGh investment buy a first mortgage on real estate. Balem A vicinity. Examine security yourself Amount 3500 to several thousand dol lar, net investor 6. W mak all col lection for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO . 153 8. High BEST BUYS $7500 FULL PRICE Only S year old. Part hardwood floor, fireplace, oil furnace. Unfinished up-, atairs, Insulated, weather-stripped, at tached garage, large lot. 2 block to bU. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-35SB. $1500 DOWN Nice 2 bdrm. home. acre lot. Electric heat, garage. Only 3 year old. Well worth the money. Only (7200. Eve, Ph. 2-7074 or 3-3fiSB. SEWING MACHINES Doing very food business. Very tood Mock and tools. Almost new panel de livery. Everything goes for only 10400. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3i5fl. 5 ACRES 3 bdrm. older type home. Several out building, good well. 2 acre strawber ries 15 minutes from downtown. Would trade for home or acreage. Total price 16500. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 69 ACRES Extra tood building, very modern home. 0 mile from Salem. Would exechange for city property. Total price 318,500. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3.-58. GRADE A DAIRY BS acre. 6 rm. house. 30 stanchion barn. 20 milk cow, 8 heifers, tractor, all ma chinery. Owner forced to sell because of Hi health. Very liberal term or would trade for other property. Total price 335,000. Eve. Ph. 1-9403 or 3-3558. Have client who want to rent 2 bdrm. home. Guarantee excellent rare. No pel, no chlldten. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor 1035 Portland Rd. WANTED REAL. ESTATE PROPERTY WANTED We need a two bedroom home with un finished upstairs, or a three bedroom home that ran be purchased for 11000 don and 100 or more per month, I party coming to Salem thl month. We also need several two or three bedroom home for 1500 down and good monthly payment. We have a good farm about 80 acre, owner Is retiring and will take nalem home on a trade. What have you? Joe L. Bourne Realtor WANTED NOW! 9 ranch at vie 2-bedroom view home for around 113,000 Also 3 -bedroom m burban home on bus line that will take '41 Chevrolet Sedan a down payment Call i ; today! REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 S, High St. Ph.3-930! ca347 NOTICE! If rour propn la for sale rent ot iehang. list it with u We bare all kinds of cash buver TA B FINANCE CO. RIM, TOR 153 8 High St ca WANTED to buv: 3- or 4-room modern house. 1 100 down, 130 month, l'h . 3-3317. c371 ft'B ARE In Deed ol gooo house to sell In or neat Salem. If you vuui lo list your property for aal - GRAREMIOHST BROS., R At TORS 134 S Liberty St. --Phone 3-3411 e RESORT PROPERTY S HO-t:$ KM'TFD In NelscoU. a good Value for 11.500. Will trade for Salem property. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Strluslv Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com ! St. Ph. 1-8389. Ev, 3-1440 fr34 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PI Bi t C ACCOI'NTANT tRegiatered Calif ornia) wishes to bur going practice Sa lem or Portland vlrlnllv, give details and term. Write Capital Journal Box 49V cd34T HOM K & INCOME 111 ooo Two modern apartment com pletely furnished, very nice. One 4 room with hath. One 3 room with oatn. Onod location, building in first e la condition, Goo. A. Walters, Realtor MM1ATINK A randr concession. TraHwam Has Depot. Inquire ticket counter, edit 7 GARAGE equipment for Immediate aale. 11500 00. Writ Box 471, Capital Journ al. Cd347 RAI'TT "HOP: Excellent lot at loo. Owner leawntjown. Ph. 3-lill wf. f1' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS DRIVE BY AND SEE 1340 Mission St., a cute 2 bedroom home with living-room, dining-room, large kitchen, bath and 3 bedrooms, garage 17400. Good FHA trm. SOUTH JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS Nearly new 2 bedroom home, harcUood floors, large lot, good location 11850. down, full price 17400. IF I WERE BUYING A HOME I would Ilk thl one BECAUSE It's In the Englewood school district, has t lovely landscaped yard. 2 good bedrooms, full bayement with an economical aawdust furnace it a fine home for 111.000 00. WONDERFUL FOR A LARGE FAMILY 6 large bedrooms, big llung-rom and dinina-room, full basement with gaj furnace, fireplace, located at 539 N. Wlnier St. See US FOR. PRICE Owner will accept amall home u part payment. ONE OF THE BEST Lovely Cape Cod home with 3 bedroom. 2 bath, inside and out In perfert condition, beautiful landscaped ground A HOME to be proud of th real of your life 117.500. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 2411524118 Eve, 23488 25996 33632 c G R A B E N H 0 RSTS P E CI A LS UPON A HILL Very attractive view home situated on a pretty corner, oak. madrona St fir trees, ranch tvpe fence, 3 bdrm. 'j bs.mt, fireplace, fjcrellent view. Price 111,60012.000 down, 175 per mo. CALL PETER OEI6ER APT. ZONE No. 2 4 bdrms liv rm., din. rm, nnok. kitrhen. hall, full bath down and bath up hdd. firs, fireplace, full basmt. aulo-oil hcai. sprinkling tem m yard This English stvle home Is in excellent rondlHon thruout and fine for home or rooming house. See It at 140 N. 14th Street and CALL ROY FERRIS. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sunday Call Earl West 2-0608 - Hoy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Cel.er 3-9968 . FURNITURE FOR SALE 2 GENUINE Oriental rugs Old Shlraz, blue background, and one camel's hair, brown and tan with wide border and medallion In reds and blue.s. 516 W. lUt Ave., Albany. Ore. Ph. 1864-L. d247 OVK ROOMS of furniture. Like new. Will sacrifice for quick ale. Ph. 33SB1. d249 NOW Open Eves. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P. M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES - HIOHfc8T QUALITY b-arifst TFRMfl . F'REE DELIVERY YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS COMBINATION H&H FURNITURE CO. 1550 FairgroundRd: Ph. 3-3797. d241' rRLUE MOHAIR fries couch. Good cond, Ph. 2-li02. d24!i- MUST SELL household furn. Inc. Taiue, refrla., radio, bedroom et. davenport St chair, table it chairs, etc. Will -eil together or by piece. Bet offer taKr.s. Ph. 4-2631. 1248 WANTED FURNITURE IT'S YOUR MISTAKE If you ell used furniture, appliance, aportlng goods, household effect with out flrt getting my price. GLENN WOODRY PAYS TOP PRICES Ph. 3-5110 for Immedi ate Rrsu 1 La da FIJRNITURK, appliance and household article or all gina. waniea ior mn. Fre appraisal. .Trader Louie. 3055 Port land Rd. Ph. 3-8558 day. 2-4407 eve. da AUCTIONS FURNITURE & APPLIANCE AUCTION Tuesday 8 p.m., Olennwood Ballroom, 4' mile North of Salem on SUE. See Tuesday classified. Glenn Woodry Auctioneer dd247 Fl ' R N I T 1 1 R EsTA P i'LI A N CE auction every Tue., 8 p.m., Olennwood Ballroom. I pay cash or sell on commission. Glenn Woodry, auctioneer. Ph. 3-5110. dd Furniture Auction WED.. OCT. IB. 7:00 P M. SHARP FURNITURE NOW CONSIGNED 1 B-pc. new limed oak bdrm. set. 5- pc. bleached oak bedroom et, like new. 2- pc. Bulltwell frieze davenport and chair. 3- pc, daveno get. 6- pc. walnut dinette set. Slnaer electric aewlna machine (wal nut cabinet). O. E. washer. S-pc. dining room set. California tyle 7 pc bdrm. aet. 2 three-piece bunk bed aet. 2 chests' of drawers. 2 davenports and chair. S-pc. breakfast aet. 1 Hoover vacuum with attachments, late model. Child roll top desk, 8x12 new linoleum. Oh lid' outdoor swing. Child outdoor slide. Floor lamp and table lamp. Rnd tables and coffee tables. Oil stoves and wood range. 2 wood circulator. 3 washing machine. 1 gas range. 1 Butane a as range, t ft, Frlgldalre refrtg. Lane Sudtell's Auction Salesyard FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CHESTER WHITE welner pigs. 9 weeks old. GOOD ONE8I 111 each. Rt. 3 Bus 673 Robert!. e341 ffl YR.OI.lt Jersey milking 3 gal. I Mil R GOAT to freshen soon. I 1-VK. Oil) nanny from good milk stock. 17f0 Chemawa Rd. 1 ml. E. Kelrrr school. e24fl 3 GI'tRNSKY COWS. Good ihape. Milk ing. Cheap, 1 Chester While A Vuroe brood pia. Charles Vincent, Wet Wmwl burn, Ore. e49 FOR SALE: Very gentle riding bay mnre. Sound, and registered thoroughbrnl. 3 r. old. Phone 2-3110. Rt. 3, Box I'M e'-MS BONDKfTANI LICENSED livestock bincr. E. C. UcCandllsh, 1127 S. 23. Ph. 3-8147 PETS TRADE 1 registered cocker pup for 1 registered collie pup. 500 S. Warren. Monmouth, Ore. -347 MOORE'S TROPICAL fish supplies. Anuar lum plants. Siamese flghtlna fish. Black Mollie. Angels, Catfish. Kissing Oour amsl. While Cloud Mountains. Rt. 3 R.ix 483, 1 mile past Rickey gchool on Macleay Rd. Ph. 3-7321. e.-348 THE ONLY TRl'E love money can bur. Registered Collie puppie. neas. rn 9-3.13. Rt. 9, Bog IIP ec?4N FUEL OREGON FUEL CO. GOOD dry lab or green for furnace Dry edging 18 load Green edging IS M load. Double load 110. Good Clean Sawdust Ph. 1-5533 ee248 SAWDI'ST A Wood. Ph. 33608. ,3TJ SECOND GROWTH limber wanted. Will pay up to 18 stumpate. Write or come to 410 BMler St.. Salem er3M nnri.1, UTOVK diesfi. OIK Ph. S-3I6. Shell Oil Co. U T. MaxwelL distributor eel 41 CAXT HIOHWAT FUL FOR Diesel and Store Oil. FRESH CUT SAVrT)U8T Dry Blab Wood Dry Plainer End Block Wood, Ph. 16444 West Salem Fuel Co. M D1 DRY OR ORFeTN SI 9 WOOD DRY PLANER ITNDS OLD OROWTH lU'H'K WOtO, ltW. CLEAN NO BARK SrRKFNED SAWDCfTT Rl'RAL DKIIVFRIRS D1ESFL AND STOVE Ott Phone Pvlera 3-4011 aUe ptA up wood at 1) Bdte water t, Weet Aaieat e (REAL ESTATE FUEL PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash St maple. 4 fir, 16" alab and edglnav Ph 31456 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27443 16" Slab Wood and Edging Fresh Cut Screened Sawdual 13'1 Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thuri day. Order Fry or Hena now at spe cial quantity prices for your lockeri. Custom Dressing a specialty. Phone 22861, Lec'a Hatchery. f NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for immediate or future delivery. Hatche every Tue Foi Hatchery. 3830 State St. Ph. 1-4969 f PRODUCE HKI iriOlIS, Spitzeuberg & Winter Banana apples. Bosc A; cornice pears. J. nav ase at Waconda. Ph. 3-1344. ff247 N, SPY, Del. apples $l-up. Lie. torn.. 5c lb. Con. grapes. 5c lb. u. J. uniaer, zam o. Com'l. Ph. 23985. ff249- FORSALE Carrots Carrots, aweet and tender. Rea.'ionably priced. O. P. Miller R. 7, Box 302, Lake Labish. 11252 NUT DRYINft Adams At Simmon. 4 mile N.W. of Salem. On Orchard Heights rd. Rt. 8, Box 603 Ph. 17F21 or 17F14. Large lot lc lb. "250 COMICE & DE AN.IOC luscious winter pears. Allrma Motel 3B4a fortiana ra. Ph. 2-4510. Bring boxe '250 NETTED GEM potatoes. $1.25 per hun dred. Onion 31.00 per sacK. Apples vac bu, Al Pfd. rte. 7. box 14B. Ph. 3-1560, 2'i ml. N. of underpass ff348' GALLON JI'GS clean with top 10 each. Yellow squash 2c lb. Green Apple MKt.. 2 mile N. on 89. ff247 GRAPES RIGHT for juice 3c lb. U-plck. 3845 PortlandRdJ i!1! FI I , H E It T V A L N t ' T drying. 1 mile E. Lan-cn-ster Dr., Auburn Road. Claude Mc Kinney. Ph 3-16J3 K24B- APPLES: Spltzenberg St Rome Beauty extra fancy, order your winter' up ply now, delivered. Call Hancock, 2-4280, ff249 FIM1EUT AND Walnut drying. Special service for small lota. Phone a-asei Lee's Hatchery. ff HELP WANTED ACCORDION INSTRUCTOR. Part or full time. Excellent opportunity. No ex perience necessary. We train you. Write Capital Journal. Bo 422. g2M HELP WANTED MALE DRAFTSMAN AND TRANSITMAN, Permanent position open throughout the state. 4 yrs. experience In highway location and construction or equivalent training required. Salary 1280. Apply State Civil Service Commusaion, 444 Cen ter St. for appointment and Informa tion. ' fli41. PORTLAND manufacturer wants man for Marion county. Must have car and 3100 for merchandise. No elling. good llv Iiik assured. Write Capital Journal Box 479. gfl249 NATlONAirVoKP. offer profitable busl ni.u onnortunlty to middle aged or older men with car. Write Box 464 Capital Journal, gajnr HELP WANTED FEMALE MI1m.E AGM lady to rare for 6 months old baby Ae do house work Monday thru Frl. ft A.M. to 6 P.M. Modern home A- convenience. Call at 285 8. 23rd St. Ph. 3-8ti02 alter 5 p.m. gb249' RtXIARI.E GIRL wanted for housework. Good waccs. Call al 1420 Market. to'J4H EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE ANO CLERICAL POSITIONS IMi Stte Ptrert Phone 2-1488 gf WANTED SALESMAN Wi l l, ESTAItl ISHtJt Realtor. In a good to sell cltv. farm, and business prop erly. All replvs confidential. Box 480. Capital Journal. BR34' PART TIME help. I want to interview 10 in M'ure time. l":ir necessary. Tuesday i :ki A M. 7 7 C'tu.-r ft vkIMT WANTED POSITIONS CAPA n I . l", "REFINED woman will care for children week-end or longer or snorter periods. Ph. 3-6335. h247 h347 PAINTING Inside or out. Fxper. Reason able. Free estimate, wuson. rn. h349 W tTVD Carventer work new, remodel or repair, ret. furnished. Also gai. s'r-el trttik for ale. Ask for Oliver t 310 DniMon St. h3M GKNEFML Til' II DING, repairing. I apeclal i7f in general remodeling brick work. Plastering, painting and paperhanglng. Nothing to Inre or too amall. Reason able, free estimate. Walton 3-3072. YOUNG lady would like work as recep- ttonist Tor dentist. Willing to learn, rn. 3-3.'. hU1 PROFUSION 1. paperhanglng and patnt- Ing. Guaranteed workmanship, rn. .ni h35l CARE for children between working hour in my home. Mr. Morrt. rn. j-.bop. FRtrTH'Al nurse, Car of Invalid. Pa- rnu home. Ph. J-sig. nii THEE WORK. Topping, trimming. moving. Insured operator. Jonn rne 28 S. Church. Ph. 3-6014. h247 IH NTAL nurse, graduate of San Fran fnoo Denial Nurses school. Phone 3-5573. M Will. Ct for your child in m home. 11 3 pt dav will pick up and de liver Pii 3-:!U h24s T,". WOODSAWINO PH' 1-1371 . . I n3M B .BTW1TTING. Ph, lM2J. h3tf" CRPFNTI' work. Hew, repair. Ph J.JCliU, h365 CI MI NT WORK wanted r1'-4J h INTERIOR FAINTING Ki Ptk 3-6T06 hi 54 REAL ESTATE 132 000. APT. HOUSE 1300 MO. INCOME FROM 8 LO. ROOMY PUR. APTS., CENTRAL OIL HEATINO SYSTEM, BUILDING IN TOP COND. 4 BLOCKS TO STATEHOU8E. 1540 NORTH 21ST ST LOT 160 FT. FRONT 3-CAR OA. LO CEM. FISH POOL, COVERED PATIO WITH F. PLC. FULL FIN BASM . WITH LAUNDRY RM. it PARTY RM. LO. NOOK, LOTS OF BUILTINS IN KIT. 12x12 DIN. PM. 16x24 LIV. RM., F. PLC., 3 NICE SIZE BED ROOMS. APPRAISED FOR 118 500. OWNER WANTS TO SELL BADLY AND WILL CONSIDER ANY REASONABLE OFFER. 113 300. ON CHEMAWA RD. NICELY LOCATED NEW HOME. LO. UNPIN. ATTIC. BIO KITCHEN St NOOK. 3 LO. B.R. BEAUTIFUL LIVINO RM. WITH SELECT OAK FLOORS. ELECT. P. PLC.. PLUS EXTRA BUILDING COULD BE USED AS OUEST HOUSE. UTILITY HOUSE OR WORK SHOP. FORCED AIR OIL HT. IN3L. WTR. STR. PLENTY FRUIT TREES. 123 500. 76 ACRE FARM OUT WALLACE RD. ALL CULT. 14 STAN. BARN. MILK HOUSE, CHIX. HSE. 2 WELLS. GOOD MDN. 4 B R. HOUSE. FAMILY OHCHD. WILL CONSIDER HOUSE IN TOWN IN TRADE. 18 500 12'j ACRES. MDN. 2 BR. HOME. BARN. YEAR AROUND SPRING. NICE YOUNG FAMILY ORCH. BERRIES. 12 MI. TO SALEM. 2 GOOD COWS ARE INCLUDED. YOU WILL FIND THIS HARD TO BEAT AT THIS PRCS. PH. 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. Eve. Ph. 3-3836 or 2-8704 WANTED POSITIONS TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. In, op. worx guar. w. n. sac ai lis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1498. h361 Mimeographing-Typing CHILD CARE dy or hr. Ph. 2-49.40. TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. gerv- ire Former phone opr. rn. a-aon. niae" NEW LAWNS prepared and seeded. Light tractor on rubber wint aozer. rn. 2-sin h251 EDUCATION Rawlins Music Studio Violin and Piano, State accredited FOR RENT ROOMS ROOM AND prtv. bath In unlet home for employed lady. Kitchen prlv, or board If desired. Ph. 3-3430. Jk347 SLEEPING RMS. Ph. 34 336. t! SLEEPING RM. Gentleman. 2 burner elec. plate, heat, H. St c. water, zoo Center 149 ON SECOND FLOOR of our home we have g nicely lurn. oeoroom, amine ruwm a, bath room to rent to some employed person. Prefer gentleman but would consider middle aged woman. Bus at the door. 135 per month. Oarage available. Ph. 3-9340. Jk347 WELL FURN. leeplng room. Close in. H, and C. water. Men only, in center Jk247 COZY SLEEPING rm. For Employed Cou- ple. Ph. 34248. J CLEAN aleeplng rras. for men. Private home. ISfio N. summer, rn. j-yait. jk241 NICE SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-1658. Jk252 HEATED SLEEPING RMS. for men. Dou ble or single. 385 N. I4tn. jmw VERY close In sleeping rm. Ph. 2-7817. MEN'S SINGLE or dble. heated alp. room. Prlv. ent. it Ph. 1505 N. Cap. Fn. 3.2. Jk248 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. Ph. 3-4335. 790 N. Church. jKiutr ROOM FOR gentleman. 632 N. Winter. Call alter o:ju. m. JiOM. jko- SLEEP. RM. Hollywood, 2036 McCoy. Ph. wji;rrrsiJfJr"ri FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICE large apt. Utilities furn. 365 8. 16th, jpau- t LARGE rm. apt. 330. 2490 Myrtle ave. jpae-f MODERN APT. Attractive St warm with hot water heat. Very close In. 468 N. Winter. jp247 3 KM. UNFURN. cabin. Reasonable. Pre fer adults. No cats. 55 Hiway Ave. jp IJNFCRN. UPSTAIRS Apt. 4 room St bath RanRe, refrtg St utilities furn. Near Wil lamette University, 360. 450 S. Capitol. Jp253 BEAUTIFULLY furnished Duplex $70 a month. 1 blk. south of Colonial House. Open 7 o'clockonlght jp249 FURNIsllibcottage. No drinker. 3355 Portland Rd. i P2 51 WELL FURN. lge. 2 rooms apt, S'a blocks from good achool, h block bus, (37.50 mo. Ph. 3-8519. Jp248 FURNISHED APT. suitable for 1 or 2 adults. Prlv. bath. 2455 State St. Jp248 LIGHT housekeeping apt. 340 E. Washington. utilities turn. JP251 FURN. FIRST floor apt. 2 adults. 359 No. Liberty. Jp24fl' FOR RENT HOUSES NEW BDRM. house. Ready to move In to. 960 Evans Ave. Ph. 3-7202. Jm HOUSE.' V bedroom, 2 bath',' kitchen, liv ing room, dining room, wood fur nace, automatic hot water, close in. Phone 3-5238 Jm347 HOUSE FOR rent. Furn. for sale. Easy terms on furn. Ph. 43631. Jm249 OUR HOUSES are new with bdrms. 1 or 2. Green la the yard St the floors are hard. All electric ain't that hectic. $60 St $70 a month, some say that is not enough. Atn t vou glad you waited, oe cause it's weather stripped St Insulated. Dogs or rats we don't want any,, chil dren yes, bring a plenty. 4545 State. Ph, 31125. Jm249 NEW MODERN two bedroom house, floor furnace, electric stove, refrlt., gar age. S70. 543 BUler ave. Ma pie ton add Children, pets welcome. Jm247 SMAI.lTmodern 1 bdrm. house. 1 block from new Capital Shopping Center. Em ployed Adult. Ph. 21515. Jtn248 Trd. RM. house Englewood dlst. Lease 387 N. High. lm FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE for rent. Ph. 2-0910. 1430 N Liberty. J247- NEW STORE building for lease. Ph. 31635 or call at 1079 Broadway yii MODI RN trailer house. Fuel and light furn.. H2 per week. Oreen Apple Trailer Court, 2 miles N. on Hinway. )- U DRIVE Trucks. Robinson Shell Service, Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103. J FOR RENT D 8 cats with dozers and 18 yd, carry-alls. Salem Equipment Co Ph. 2-1255 or 3-5561. BUSINESS RM for rent H L Stiff. FLOOR BANDERS for rent. Montgomery wrd- I POWER TOOL rental for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646 TO DO a good lob eent a good floor sand- r we Mil everything to complete me lob ROWSFR BROS Ph. 8-8646 lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE apace and desk spaces. Ph. 35692 r TRAILERS $2.00 per day Bowser Bros 1410 8 13th. West Salem. 1 SIN CM ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines Reasonable rates. Free pick op St delivery Sineer Sewing Machine Co 110 N Com 1 Ph SJ512 P WANTED TOJtENT COUPLE with 2 children desire 3 bdrm. furn. house. Will pay to $73 mo. Ph. 3-4461 , 338 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD A room tor fldrrlr Ldr. Fh. IMllVlnrAt. frt ftnd ttt.nlton for vour child. Bt d orj.f Ph a-t7C. J)W BO (in .rn) room. Ph. I-I7H. DIM To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 I REAL ESTATE LOST AND FOUND LOST: TRVCK tail curtain on East State St. In vicinity of 4 Corners. Ph. 31006. k24fl LOST: NEW gray 8x10 war surplus tarp. Sat. morning on Front or North Com'l. Small reward. Ph. 2-2026. k240 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men' hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturday 13:30. m270 POWER TOOL RENTAL: VALLEY FARM STORK, 4345 Silverton Rd. Ph. 3-2024. m25' DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOS1 CASES DR HARRY SEMLEH DENTIST Adolpb Bid. State it Commrclal 6ts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIAL ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS. New 30 Ac 40 gal. with 2 elements. Bargain price. 4 " plywood 4x8 sheet. Your choice, I1, i e ft. or 12.40 aheet. C. G. Long. Ph. 9-5821. One mile north of Kelzer. ma249 WINDOWS DOORS 250 used window complete with frame. Modern double-hung window only $7.50. Glass doors with frame and hardware $12.50. C. G. LONG, Ph. 2-5821, 1 mile N. of Keizer ina252'' WRECKING t houses. Will sell all or part of material. Ph. 26860. ma248a PER MA-STONE for fireplaces and home. Salem Per ma -St one Co., 3040 N. 18th St.. Salem. Phone 2-0805 after 6 p.m. D18363 COMPLETE FIREPLACE MATERIALS SUPERIOR HEAT FORMS "PERMANENT MATERIALS AT' PUMILITE BLOCK Si SUPPLY CO. OUT EDGEWATER ST., WEST SALEM . ma347 RED CESAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coast Timber No. 1 $7 75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 sas. No. 3, 8 in clear, suitable for roofs or sidewalla. Ted Muller, Ph. Sa lem 2-1106. Salem-Indep, Road. ma GRAVEL FOR concrete mix and roads. Si gurd ion. Phone 31160. ma249 NEED LUMBER? 4 larger amounts. Builders are realizing substantial savings on all grades of framing lumber. No. 4. 2x4-1x8 ship lap 117 per M: 2x6-2x8-3x10 115 per M. No. 3, 3x4 shlplap S36 per M. Price In cludes delivery. West Salem Saw Mill, 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. ma249 ALUM A - LOClt ALUMINUM LOCK JHINOLE. The modem permanent roof ing. See your dealer of Call D1L 3-6401. ma272' SAVE ON ROOFING Lei Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 3-3 191, UONTOOMKRY WARD CO. SALEM. OREGON ma DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your con tractor ana carpenter using ine iinesi old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 25 Lana Ave Ph. 34939. Free parking. ma' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 4 CELLO, like new. $80. Rich tone quality, equipped with bow & case. Excellent ior school orchestra. E. O. Bandel. 3940 State St. at 4 Corners. Ph. 21335. n250' WARDS ELECTRIC DAIRY WATER HEATER Hot water always available with Wards automatic heater. Heat 12 gallon to 150 degrees. Has non-rusting copper tank, fibred lass Insulation. Fill by hand or attach to pressure system. Operate on 110 volts $44.00 WARDS FARM STORE Trade St High St. Salem. Ore. n347 WESTERN SADDLE 3 yrs. old In good condition. See at 1160 Market. n24B L. C. SMITH double Shotgun. 364 S. 24th St.. Salem. h249 WILL SACRIFICE Aterllng llverware. Made by West Marland. Pattern Melborn Rose. Setting for 6. Plus salad set and salad forks. Also Including buffete tray. Ph. 3-7036. n348 FOR SALE 1 500-capaclty chick brood er with steri lamp, waterers and 4 feeders. S40. 1 bed with mattress and springs, 110. 1 complete dining set, $40. Phone 37F3. n248 I-V EXTRA heavy duty BAD electric drill. 1 smun acetylene weiaing ana rutttnc outfit complete. 1 ct taps dies, sa to 1" and to V. 2245 Shel ton atreet. n247 NEW AND used electric ranges and refri gerators. Wood and gas ranges. New and used wood, oil, electric and kero sene heaters. Stove pipe. Stove floor boards, end tables, coffee tables, beds, springs and mattresses, tables and chairs, radio, cupboards, dressers, chest oi drawers, Dauy ueas, nrepiace screens, outboard motor, hot plate electric oven, toasters. Irons, waffle Irons, davenos and davenports and chairs. New hip boots and misc. All merchandise has been re duced to save vou dollars. HARDMAN BROS. 4'i tntlea North of Salem on Portland Highway Open from 6 A.M. to 9 P.M. 7 days a week. n3" FT'TLERbrushes, 1745 Grant. Ph. 38357. n270- WHITE ENAMEL, nearly new trash burn er, colls. Small circulating oil heater. Both 14a. 370 Magnolia. Ph. 3-8474. n347 BY OWNER Merchandise and equipment at invoice price of a small grocery store and service station. Tel. 3-5166. n247 '46 MODEL Frifftdatre elec. range. Like new. Can be seen at 578 Knapp St. or Ph. 3-6693. n247 MONTAG wood range. Colls and water tank. Reasonable. 1695 Lea St. n347 FTMNQUETTE walnuts, you Pick 10c A. Turn left at Keizer school, follow pave ment 3 miles. W. L. Woelk, Rt. 3, Dot 170C. n247 COAT AND leggings site 4. 3 pr. of girl' Upper site 10 A. 3 paid lady's pumps 5-AA. 1 pair saddles 4-B. Ph. 350O9. n24B BOOK CASE, Dresser. Ph. 36619. 399 N. 24(h. n24 4 670il5 used tires. 3 670115 used tubes. Ph. 21902. n34- ENGLISH MINTON China. Persian Oar- land delgu. Dinner Service and many large pieces, also old English Willow Ware. Ph. 20126. n349 PHILCO CAR Radio. Ph. 426.11. n249 WHITE ENAMEL Reed organ. Oood cond. Perfect for recreation room Ph. 3423 n247 BARGAIN. Niagara punch press, ten Ion sine, with accesor;es. Carleon Ma chine Shop, 1531 S. W. 1st. Portland. nJW UK A DEER RULES. 6 5 Italian army rifle cut down 140. amrtew cut flown i.e. Springfield s porter 195. 4543 Silverton roaLPh. 3-J310. n247 BARN YtRD FTRT1LI7ER 15 yd. 6 yd load 3V Arnold PhiUipe. P. O. Pax 361 Turner. Ph. 1X2J 0265 rsrn oil heatfrj ikso, $29. so end $36 OOOD HOUSETCrEPINO INC. 467 Court St. Phone S-86U ROOFING WUlametll Vadlej Roof Co., 30 Lana ae FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS fiALEU SAND 4. URAVkX COMPANY Contract Work Road - Oaring Dtuoing Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental it. B-H yds 10 B- yd D-7 cat St Doier D-6 Cat 61 Dozer D-4 Cat St Dozer See us about ditching by th ft. Phone Day 3-9408 Eves 3-826 Of 3-4400 Salem Oregon v LUMBER 3x4's by Jitney load. 110 par i.ouu. you naui. maepenaence Lumoer St Ufg Co- Idc, Independence. Ore OENFBAL ELECTRIC Croaler Olbson and Montag Appliances at Oevurtz. d Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKES PICK UP AND DELIVER W. DAVENPORT PH. 1-7671 P263 PEAT MOSS fortified with turkey droP- Ings, Only 90c a sack. VALLEY FARM STORE. 4345 Silverton Rd. Ph. 3-2024 n339 USED ELECTRIC refrigerator YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 373 Chemeket MM USED ELECTRIC ranre. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa n251 USED WASHING machine YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa nas- OIL CIRCULATORS, drastically reduced price. YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 37S Chemeketa. n231 HUNTERS ATTENTION: Save your game in a Deepfree7e Home Freeier YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa n25l ALL FAMOUS makes of small appliance YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 375 Cheme keta. M51 SEWING MACHINES: Free Westlnghouse YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 376 Chem eketa. n251 WESTINGHOUSE radio phonograph con sole. A little a $89,50. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n251 PLASTI-KOTE: The cellophane-like fin ish for your floors, woodwork or lino leum, no waxing required. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n251 SEWING Machine, electric or treadle Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. n354 WALLINO SAND St ORAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways, cement, ready mix concrete, garden aand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching 14 -yd. shovel and drag line. Ph. 3-9249 Pre-Inventory Sale at Keith Brown Aluminum griddle 32.65. was $3.95. 18" and 24" porcelain towel bars, reg. to $1.80, now 19c. 6" hand tool grinder, reg. 6.55. now S2.98. Assorted door latches, reg. to $2.75. now $1.29. Scores of other items In this gigantic KEITH BROWN PRE-INVENTORY SALE Front St Court St., Salem. ri" GOOD USED oil heater $22.50 and UP. Wallace Hardware. Marsh a 11 -Wei Is, In Hollywood. Ph. 3-6877. n350 1940 WESTINGHOUSE range. Good cond., S65. Ph. 2-2704. n.247 1 FOUR YEAR OLD baby crib with matt ress is. i apt. size washing mac nine $25. 1710 Cross apt. 3. n247 PHILLIPS BROS. Fertilizers, well rotted or fresh, any kind. By yard or sack. Flat rock for all rock work. Cedar fence posts, telephone and elec. poles. Anv length. Shingles. Yew posts. Ph. 3-1458. Rt. 6 Box 118. u CLARINET for sale, $45. Ph. 3-8587. n251 USED OIL circulators. Reconditioned. 120 and up. Judson. 279 N. Com'l. P348 AUTOMATIC shotgun. Perfect condition. Leather case. Ph. 2-1195. P248 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS USED FTJRNITTJRS. Phone 3-9188 WANTED: LARGE or small tract of saw timber within 30 or 40 miles or Lyons, Oregon. Gell St Van Handel, Stayton, Ore. na248 WANTED: BARKIE Douglas fir poles or stumpage. Phone 1287 Albany or write Standard Pole St Piling Co., Inc. na273 WANTED furniture w flue repair Lee Bros Purn Reflnlshlng Co ph 3-7001 PERSONAL STANLEY Home Products. 553 Cross. Ph 2-5446. F. O. Renahan. p247' MADAM MORA GIFTED PSYCHIC READER AND ADVISOR Can help you where others has failed. Satisfaction assured. Advice on all affairs of life. Special reading 83.00. Located Just south of Hubbard on Highway 99E Between Woodburn and Hubbard. Look for sign Reading Dally and Sun P250 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE or trade: '41 Dodge Sedan, ra dio Ae heater. '41 Nash 6 pass, coupe. '37 Dodge sedan. '37 Chev. sedan, '34 Chev. sedan, '32 Chev. sedan. These cars are all in good condition and have been reduced Ior quick sale. HARDMAN BROS. 4'j Miles North of Salem on Portland Hiway, Open from 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. 7 days a week. q247 lV4ICHEVROLET 5 pass, coupe. New tires, radio St neater, bts h. com i. q247' FOR SALE 1948 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe, 18.000 miles, excellent condition, radio, heater, undercoating. air cuahfon tires, seat covers. Priced for quick sale $1400. Phone 2-1425. 7th and Murlark, West Salem, Ore. q256 19 MODEL A FORD, good one. $95.00. See at 3443Center. Phone 2-7246. q249 MUST SELL "now." '37 Ford coach, new paint and good motor, 1200.00. 2395 Lee St. q247 LATE 1946 PONTIAC sedanette. Fully equipped. Low mileage. Oood cond. May be seen at 1280 N. 16th evenings and week ends. Q247' Eisner Motors to Sell 150 USED CAR LOT $50 Ar your old one. 12th St. Junction. Open till 10 p.m. q267 ll:to BL'ICK 2 -dr. R&K. throughout. 1295. Ph. Excellent cond. 3-5.139. q347 HAVE CITY LOT as part or full payment on clean automobile. Ph. 2-5539. q 247 WANTED: Clean used cars. 2160 South Commercial Bob Uarr 1947 CHEV. Fleetmaster deluxe 4-door se dan. RAtH. Perfect car. original owner. 130. 985 N. Capitol a'Jt. q248 Toil BUIckdr7edBnHa Just been overhauled and Is in perfert condition. Beautiful exterior and exceptionally clean throughout. See this one for a real buy. Phone 2-7356. q253 CAR ACCESSORIES tires Si tubes at coat price First come first served as this U g close-out sale Dealer welcomed R D Woodrow Co., 450 Center q ZEEB'S USED CARS BCT - SfTLL . TERMS 333 Fairground Road Phone 1-6454 Eisner Motors Fine Cars 1PM PLY. '49 motor. Oood rubber. Pee at 3341 Mill St. q349" Eisner Motors to Buy 1M G.M.C. 1-ton panel. Will sell equity 930 . 13th. Ph. 2-8363. a. 3 48 1948 PACKARD 4-dr. sedan. 15,000 miles, radio, heater. Price 12.000. CaU 2-3471 Evenings 2-508. 0.348 '39 BI ICK 3-rass. Verv good cond. Any time before 3 p.m. Rt. 4. Box 330. 1st duple, south of Colonial House. 4346 Tit STUtl. sedan. O. T. Wadnworth," Woodburn. George St., E of Hia 99 Ph Min IV 1347 MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS l'9HARI FYIMVinONTei. lw m:l ate foot shilu Da r land 8a an, Ph 34127, a332 I FARM EQUIPMENT JOHN DEERE crawler tractor St 4' 6" cov er crop disc. R. L. Rulifson. 3490 N. River Rd. Salem. qb349 FINANCIAL "HOW MANY BILLS! Do you pay each month and what do they amount to. add them UP . . . men pr.oi Personal for a loan on their 'Sman Payment" plan one loan and one month ly payment . . , generally much less than the monthly total you are now paying. You may spread the payments over 30 mouths, Borrow wisely where a loan would really help. Come In or phone the Yes ' Man, he say "Yea" to 4 out ol ft. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. OF SALEM 518 State. Rm. 125 Ph. 22484 C. R. Allen, Mgr. Lie. S-122-M-163 r350 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. ' LOANS Lie 8-133 and U-328 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 B Commercial St Tel. 3-9161 ? $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 37033 Lie N M369-S39I Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. t AUTO LOANS WILLAMFITE CREDIT CO. 183 S Church Parking a Plenty Ph 3-24S7 Lie. No M-159 S-154 f PRIVATE MONEY flpecal Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROY H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St Phone 1-9161 SEE PS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR VaV. INTEREST 5 to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Jnc. REALTORS 344 State 6t. Phone 3-3663 FARM AND CITY LOANS Vj", and t"m YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Tru.-t Bid Ph 3-7103 r" TRAILERS S-WHEEL LUGGAGE trailer. Good cond. Jeme Peterson, 2860 8. Com'l. t248 7 TRAILER HOUSE. Sleeps 4. Excel, cond, $325. Mr. Hunter, 642 Edgewater. t249 LARGE. HEAVY DUTY two-wheel trailer. New tires, heavy tarp, 15x22', all for 11101337 So. 13 til St. or call 2-B576. t247 CAMP TRAILER $125, or trade. C. H. uuvau, Chester and 2nd St., Silverton. t248 16 FT. Glider hut. trailer. Sleep 4, good rubber. 3240 so. com'l. t248 MILEY-McDANIEL 2-horse deluxe tandem trailer, electric brakes, spare tire, equip ment compartment. Stored at Senator garaire. See Reginald S. Williams. 327 Orefton Bldu. t251 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes nsed machines, sold, rented repaired noen 466 Court Phone 3-6773. o APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair aerriee new appliance, viace's Electric Phone Free estimates Trade-in accepted on 3-9239 137 S Liberty St o AT-UR DOOR SHARPENING Lawn mowers, scissors, knives sharp enrd. Dexter. 1220 Center. 3-6833. 0 AUTO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co., 153 8. Liberty Ph. 3-6955. 0 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 8-8286. night z-ieiH 33? center Mike Panek, 375 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-5161, Brake and wheel aligning specialists. o259 BRICK WORK Brick St block work of all kinds. Ex perienced, competent masons. Call Davidson Bros., Ph. 2-8247. 0256 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms. No down payment. Phone 2-4850. o BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil H us key, 1010 rairview Ave, rn. 2-9140, Salem. o265 Dean Robinson. Ph. 3-6537 or 3-4308. CASH REGISTERS Thee National Cash Register Co. Cash Registers - Accounting Machines Sales - Service - Supplies 535 Oalnes Street Phone J -3432 0249 Instaai delivery of new RCA cash register Al makes sold, rented, re. pa: ed Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6773 CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walls, etc Call 2-4850. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Ensley. 771 8. 21st. Ph. 3-7176. o259 CONCRETE WORK If It's made of concrete, let us bid on your work. Ph. 3-1136. o364 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vincc's Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing. 157 8. Liberty. 30? EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross. 1555 Pearl. o2b9m Brelthauot's for flowers Dial J-9179 c FURNACE CIRCULATOR SERVICE Vacuumed St repaired. Dvorak. Ph. 24963 o263 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Wat kins Co products Pree 6 lfery 1717 Center Ph 3-S395. o INSULATION Johns-Manvllle. Phone 3-3748. JAINTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxlni Buildings Factories Homes Estimate Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDO MAINT CO. Ph Salem 3-9133 LANDCAPF NURSERY P A Doerfler St Sons. Ornamentals. 150 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1333 ea DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry, 345 Jef ferson St. Phone 23452. o LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers Call Hre W. Scott. 147 S. Com'l Bt. o2S9 MATTRESSES " Capital Bedding Phone 3-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish St Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St, Ph. $-7569. 0266 OFFICE Fl'RVl TURK SUPPLIES Desk eh Irs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamp typewriter stand, brief eases. Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen 458 Coirt. Interior painting. C. Horn. Ph. 3-5M8. 0257 Df itrom's are equipped to do your painting Phone 3-3433 o" MPFRHANOINO Expert Papefhansine and painting. H, J Wood worth. Ph. 2-5866. Free est 0953V Jerry Johnson. Ph. 34631. (Continued on Page 17) 1 r.