Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 12, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1949
Names New
Mri. Maynard C. Shifter ll to
serve this year as president of
the Marion-Polk Medical so
ciety auxiliary having been elec
ted at the fall's first meeting of
the group last evening. She takes
the place of Mrs. Horace Miller
who In turn is to take Mrs. Shlf
fer's office of vice president and
The Tuesday evening meeting
was held at the home of Mrs.
Burton A. Myers. On the commit
tee were Mrs. Robert F. Ander
son. Mrs. Carl L. Holm, Mrs.
John Goldsmith, Mrs. Morris
Crothers, Mrs. Wilton Kamsler,
Mrs. H. J. Clements.
Several auxiliary members
plan to be in Eugene during
Thursday and Friday for sessions
of the state medical group and
On Friday, the Marion-Polk
ocietv auxiliary members will
be hostesses at a luncheon In Eu
gene for the visiting women at
the meeting. Among tnose plan
ning to go from here are Mrs
Shiffer, Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Rich
ard Upjohn, Mrs. Robert F.
Wulf, Mrs. Lynn M. Hammer
tad. The group decided to meet
for no-host dinners In small
groups every other month.
Attending the Tuesday meet
ing were Mrs. Brace Knapp,
Mrs. Lynn M. Hammerstad, Mrs.
John Ramage, Mrs. Willard
Stone, Mrs. B. L. Trelstad, Mrs.
Davis, Mrs. John Veich, Mrs. W.
K. Stockwell, Mrs. Roy Byrd,
Mrs. J. O. Matthis, Mrs. J. Ray
Pemberton, Mrs. N. L. Dodds
and Mrs. Pettit, both of Silver
ton, Mrs. Woodson Bennett,
Mrs. Ian McDonald, Mrs. Adolf
Lietuvietis, Mrs. Dean Brooks,
Mrs. Kenneth McNeice, Mrs.
Donald Tatum, Mrs. Carl W.
Emmons, Mrs. Roscoe Wilson,
Mrs. Tom Dunham, Mrs. Gordon
Brewer, Mrs. James Haworth,
Mrs. Horace McGee, Mrs. Char
les Gray, Mrs. Fred Thompson,
Mrs. Harold Poole, Mrs. May
nard C. Shiffer, Mrs. Robert F.
Wulf, Mrs. Myers and the six
other hostesses.
Mothers Meeting
St. Joseph's Mothers club has
planned Its first meeting of the
fall for Thursday at 8 p.m. In
St. Joseph's hall. Mrs. Willard
Stone, the new president, will
preside. A welcome is extend
ed to all new mothers of the
school. Sister Mary Catherine
and the Rev. T. J. Bernards will
give welcome talks. Refresh
ments are to be served by last
year's board members.
troop, Junior Catholic Daugh
ters of America, held iU first
regular meeting of the school
year last week at the home of
Donna Marie Barry. The newly
elected president, Pat Hynes,
presided, and the other officers,
Joyce Rittenhouse, Betty Stad
ler, and Barbara Van Cleef, took
over their duties.
Plans for a dance and mixer
dance were discussed. Refresh
ments were served after the
meeting was adjourned.
but you con buy
For 99C
then com on down to
5:30 to 8:00
Ivory evening but Sunday
Go to Church
Job's Daughters members and
officers, Salem bethel No. 33,
have planned their "go to
church Sunday" for next Sunday
by attending the 11 o'clock ser
in the First Presbyterian church.
Next regular meeting for the
bethel will be October 17.
St. Paul's Guild
Meets at Luncheon
The first fall meeting of the
Junior guild of Saint Paul's Epis
copal church was Tuesday after
noon with a no-host luncheon in
the parish house. The luncheon
committee was headed by Mrs.
W. C. Gabriel who was assisted
by Mrs. E. E. Bragg, Mrs. E. E.
Boring, Mrs. R. E. Meredith, Mrs.
J. W. Burr. The long tables were
centered with bowls of fall
flowers and orange candles.
At the birthday table were
Mrs. Louise Muller, Mrs. Earl
T. Andresen, Mrs. E. E. Boring
and Mrs. W. C. Gabriel. Guests
were Rev. George H. Swift, rec
tor of the church, Miss Jean
Quickenden, director of youth
activities, and Mrs. Susan De-
Lisle. A new member is Mrs. Al
vin Hartley of Silvcrton. Rev.
Mr. Swift gave a report on the
triennial convention of the Epis
copal church in San Francisco
Miss Quickenden also attended
and sat in on the youth conven
Mrs. Custer Ross, who return
ed recently from Japan, gave an
interesting travelogue of her
trip and displayed some of the
articles which she brought home
with her.
Plans were completed for the
rummage sale Friday and Satur
day in the parish house with
Mrs. R. E. Meredith as chairman.
Mrs. John Langrell, chairman of
the December 7 bazaar, urged all
members to have their articles
at the next meeting on Novem
ber 8.
The luncheon committee will
be Mrs. Homer Smith, Sr., chair
man, assisted by Mrs. C. A. Dorf
fler, Mrs. P. J. Russ and Mrs.
Lola Fursman.
Visitor Here
Yoginda K. Mekta of India,
former Oregon State college
friend of Mr. and Mrs. Norman
E. Mann, was their guest Sun
day. Mr. Mekta was graduated
at Oregon State last spring in
civil engineering and he Is now
taking practical training with
the state highway department
before returning to India. His
father is director of public
health in Punjab.
Exclusively at
You'll find America's largest, lowliest
selection of fine footwear on the smart
midium beautiful Red (Gold))
Cross Shoes. Every style Fit-Tested to kerj
a schoolgirl swing in your step.
Com In. Set tht new fall
imtrWi mnchallrnrtH shoo rofuo
895 'lO95
College Duo
News has come from Seattle
of announcement of the engage
ment of Miss Ruth Dennison,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Dennison of that city, to
Bernard E. Hansen, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Hansen of Sa
lem. Both young people are stu
dents at Seattle Pacific college
and will both graduate next
June. Mr. Hansen attended Sa
lem schools and Junior college in
Los Angeles before going to
Seattle Pacific.
The wedding is planned next
June following their graduation
and they will be in Seattle next
year, Mr. Hansen to take his
fifth year at the college to get
his bachelor of education degree
preparatory to teaching.
WCTU Event
The birthday of the United
Nations will be observed by the
South Salem WCTU on Friday,
October 14 in Leslie church. A
12:30 no-host luncheon will be
served. The 80 flags of the na
tions represented will center
the tables.
Mrs. E. A. Young, president of
the Salem Central Union will
give the devotions. Mrs. W. S.
Ankney will talk on "The Ac
complishments of the United
Nations in the Fields of Health,
Food and Agriculture." Mrs.
Lillian Conner and Mrs. Charles
Vick will serve on the luncheon
committee. Arranging the pro
gram will be Mesdames A. M.
Chapman and C. W. Stacey. All
women are invited.
Plan for Dance
Committees for the Waverly
club's dance on Saturday eve
ning at the Marion hotel have
been named.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert White,
Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Owen
and Mr. and Mrs. Coburn Gra
benhorst are on the decorating
On the host committee are
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hadley, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Powell and Mr.
and Mrs. John R. Hay.
AT THE Monday evening
meeting Salem Rebekah lodge
initiatea Mrs. L. M. Davies of
Salem and Mrs. Ersia Israel of
Lebanon in the presence of more
than 100 members. A donation
of $30.00 was made to the Eagles
for the iron lung fund.
The Three Links club will
hold Its regular meeting on Fri
day. Next Monday night will
feature good of the order under
the direction of Mrs. Pearl Owen
On Wednesday, October 19 the
Past Noble Grands Club is to
meet at the home of Mrs. Grant
Murphy, 1523 N. 18th.
fa viiNf
The Medium
styles we're note tnotrfnft
Cross Shoes
Miss Price, Mr. Zigler
Wed at Tuesday Ceremony
Bride at a charmingly arranged wedding last evening in the
prayer room of the First Presbyterian church was Miss Mar-
jorie Annette Price, who was
Dr. Chester W. Hamblin reading
The bride is the daughter of
late Mr. Price. Mr. Zigler is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Zigler of West Unity, Ohio.
Gold and bronze chrysanthe
mums decorated tne room lor
the service. For the music, Mrs.
Robert Gahlsdorf sang "The
Lord's Prayer" and "Because,"
Mrs. Ralph Dobbs playing the
The bride wore a cinnamon
brown suit with deep brown hat
and accessories, and she carried
a hand corsage of small bronze
and gold chrysanthemums with
Talisman rosebuds in the cen
ter. Mrs. Georgi Lamka was the
bride's only attendant. She
wore a cocoa brown suit with
matching accessories and her
flowers were gold colored roses.
Robert Price, brother of the
bride, was best man.
Robert Thompson and Jack
Fullerton were the ushers.
For the wedding the bride's
mother wore a black gown with
black accessories and a corsage
of pink rosebuds.
The reception following was
in the church fireplace room.
The bronze and gold flowers
again were used as the decora
tions theme. Mrs. Robert Price
and Mrs. Homer Lyon, Jr.,
served the cake. Mrs. Floyd
Lilligh was at the coffee urn,
Mrs. Marvin Totland at the
punch bowl. Serving were Mrs
Jack Fullerton and Miss Marceil
Stewart. In charge of the gifts
were Miss Ruth Rae and Mrs
Donovan Morisky. Mrs. Jack
Watkins passed the guest book
Following a trip to Los An
geles the couple will be at home
in Salem. Mr. Zigler is with
the state industrial accident com
mission. The bride has worked
the past eight years in the state
tax department She attended
Salem schools and Willamette
university. Mr. Zigler attended
schools in West Unity, Ohio, and
DePauw university.
FOR THOSE Interested In
learning the newest game fad
which is sweeping the country,
YWCA is offering a two-session
class in canasta to be held on
October 18 and 23. Registration
is open to both men and women
and will be limited. Those in
terested should call the YWCA
as soon as possible for further
Memorial church is meeting this
evening at the home of Mrs.
William Drakeley, Jr., 1475
North 16th. Hostesses are Mrs.
I. Brooks, Mrs. Charles Neu-
bauer, Mrs. Clifford Pierpoint.
At advertised In
HUMf. -
Heels America lores
wed to James Richard Zigler,
the vows at 8 oclock.
Mrs. Wayne M. Price and the
YWCA Board's
Meeting Tuesday
At its regular October meet
ing on Tuesday, the board of di
rectors of the Salem YWCA de
cided again to sponsor the
smorgasbord" dinner that has
proved so popular on the two
other occasions when it has
been presented. This annual
dinner is sponsored jointly by
the YWCA and the YMCA, and
its purpose Is to emphasize the
theme of world fellowship.
It will be given some time in
November, the date to be an
nounced later .
At the board meeting Tues
day, Miss Gertrude Acheson, ex
ecutive director, reported that
in addition to the regularly spon
sored groups within the YWCA,
11 other organizations had used
the building for 15 meetings
with an attendance of 239 per
sons during September.
Mrs. Brooks Moore gave the
devotions for the board meet
ing. Mrs: Bruce Spaulding,
chairman of the music commit
tee, stated Mrs. E. A. Linden is
a new member of the commit
Salore Club
The Salore club, young wom
en s business and professional
club of the YWCA, held its reg
uiar meeting Monday evening
at the YWCA with Miss La
vonne Scheussler, president, pre
After the brief business meet
ing Miss Mary Witchey, program
chairman, presented Mrs. Kath
erine B. Hughes from the staff
of Stevens & Son who gave a
talk on sterling sHver. Mrs.
Hughes also presented a film
on Gorham silver illustrating its
history and how it Is made. The
showing of a table display of
Gorham silver and Lenox china
completed the evening's pro
gram. For the next meeting on Oc
tober 24 Salore club is planning
a hayride and barn dance.
Looks like Persian Lamb the cord embroidery on
this mossy-textured crepe rayon. Little-boy collar,
big ten-gallon pockets. See it in Glamour. Rich
new under-coat colors; red eorth, blue, green, cur
rant red. 10-20 sizes. 16.95
Visits Club
Miss Delia Stephenson of Ev
erett, Wash., district governor
for Zonta clubs In Oregon and
Washington, was an overnight
visitor in Salem Tuesday and
honor guest for a special
meeting of the Salem Zontians
last evening at the home of Miss
Genevieve Morgan.
Miss Stephenson gave reports
from the Zonta International
convention last summer in Que
bec and discussed informally the
plans for the district conference
to be held in Medford this week
Attending the Medford meet
ing from the Salem club will be
Miss Dorothy Pearce as dele
gate: Dr. Helen Pearce, Miss
Genevieve Morgan, who is dis
trict vice governor; and Mrs
Margaret Rosecrans.
Hostesses with Miss Morgan
for the Tuesday meeting were
Miss Alene Phillips, Miss Nellie
Schwab and Mrs. William E
The luncheon meeting for the
club will be Thursday noon at
the Golden Pheasant.
Next Monday evening several
from the Salem club will go to
Corvallis for the birthday ban
quet of that club. Those plan
ning to go from here are Mrs.
I. N. Bacon, Miss Genevieve
Morgan, Miss Alene Phillips,
Miss Mabel Savage. Mrs. William
E. Smith, Miss Nellie Schwab.
Mrs. Harry W. Scott, Mrs. Rob
ert M. Fischer, Jr. The banquet
will be in the Memorial Union
building tearoom at 7 o'clock.
TO MR. AND MRS. Blaine T
Hanks (Wilma Gorton) go con
gratulations upon the birth of a
daughter at Salem General hos
pital, Tuesday, October 11. The
little girl has been named Nancy
Rose. Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. O. W. Gorton, Mrs. Terese
Hanks of Salem and B. T. Hanks
of Boise, Idaho. Great grand
mothers are Mrs. Jeannette
Dickinson and Mrs. Rose Pfief
auf, both of Salem.
THE WOMEN'S Missionary
society of the First Baptist
church Is meeting Thursday at
2 p.m. in the Victory class room
at the church. Mrs. Walter Lot
tis is to be worship leader Mrs
Hugh Gray has charge of the
League's Tea
Tuesday Event
A large group caned lor ine
tea given Tuesday afternoon for
the Salem Women s Army ana
Navy league at the home of Mrs.
H. G. Maison, this being the first
event of the fall for the group.
Autumn flowers and colors
were used in decorating. The
tea table was especially inter
esting, featuring a figurine of
vegetables, surrounded by
grapes, gourds, miniature pep
pers, etc.
Pouring were Mrs. Hugh
Adams, Mrs. Francis T. Wade,
Mrs. Carl H. Cover, Mrs. Sidney
D. Hoffman.
Next event for the league will
be November 1.
AT THE meeting of Gaiety
Hill Garden club, Monday, the
program. The hostesses are to
be Mrs. Marcia Smith and Mrs
Arthur Stowell.
r r t i i
In very ef " SV
( Regular Size Boxp. jr
I j JVVrbi Getthiiflufff
I ll e l cloth in every
I ' "TfVl regular box of
I 'A "' whict
I 'ft'" '?' 1 granulated
1 V I
It's Canton faille crepe rayon ond you saw it in
Glamour magazine! New, easy, saddle-stitched cas
ual with Nelly Don's usual good lines and careful
fit. Teal, copper, bottle green, fireman red. 10-20.
group voted to change Its meet
ing time from the present sched
ule to the third Tuesday of each
month. The new time will take
effect the third Tuesday in No
vember. The club meeting was at the
home of Mrs. Walter H. Smith.
The group plans to have an en
try at the Salem Men's Garden
club show.
be hostess Thursday at her home,
925 North Summer, for the Ken
sington club, dessert to be at
1:30 o'clock.
7hw you Know!
Tli anwer to tvtryday
iniuraDca problem
QUESTION: A young friend
of my son's drove up into the
hills on a fishing trip a cou
ple of weeks ago. He left a
valuable rifle and some ex
pensive fishing gear in his
parked car while he fished
along the banks of a stream.
When he returned, he found
the car had been broken into
and the rifle, fishing gear and
some other items stolen. He
was not insured so he had to
stand the loss. However, I
have a theft policy and I'd
like to know if it would pro
tect me in a similar situation.
ANSWER: Your insurance
man can interpret your partic
ular policy but as a general
rule, most Resident Theft pol
icies written during the past
several years would protect
you fully under the circum
stances described, if the "theft
away from the premises"
clause is included.
ft If you'll address your own
insurance questions to this of
fice, we'll try to give you the
correct answers and there will
be no charge or obligation of
any kind.
tit N. Church Poena t1Iff
Representing General el Amerlea Ce'a