Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 12, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    Missing Hunler
Found Alive
Klamath Falls, Ore., Oct. 12
(U.PJ A sheriff's posse today
found Frank Hargroves, 20,
missing Klamath Falls hunter,
alive but suffering from expos
ure after being missing since
Saturday in the Lake O' the
Woods area.
Spurred by earlier "signal"
hots from Hargroves, Sheriff
Jack Franey's men reached Har
groves in the Denny creek re
gion, about seven miles from
where the youthful hunter start
ed out from his camp trailing a
Posse members reported Har
groves "all tuckered out," his
ammunition and matches ex
hausted. He was discovered sit
ting in a wooded area at 8:26
Marion County Youths
Win Highest Degree
Kansas City, Oct. 12 (P) Two
youths from Washington and
three from Oregon were given
the Future Farmers of America's
American Farmer degree yester
day. It is the highest achieve
ment award of the organization.
Northwest winners were:
Oregon: Robert Lee Barnes.
Silverton; Lawrence Ellis Fish
er, Sublimity; D a r y 1 E. Van
Cleave, Salem.
Washington: Dan G. Sparks,
Mosyrock; Peter Van Soest,
Bridges Due In Portland
Portland, Oct. 12 W) Long
shore union members here are
expecting International Presi
dent Harry Bridges tomorrow
for a first hand report on mul
tiple topics.
A spokesman said Bridges
doubtlessly will report on the
strike settlement at Hawaii; de
velopments in the maritime ."ed
eration of the world which he
heads and perhaps the federal
perjury indictments he faces in
San Francisco.
Record Breaker
Shark Mounted
Lebanon A six-foot three
inch blue shark, landed by Dale
Neilson, proprietor of the ban
tiam Sporting Goods and Appli
ance store on August 16, has
been mounted and now is on
display at the store.
The big fish arrived back
from the taxidermist. It was
the largest shark caught in Ore
gon waters from a sports fishing
craft since 1945, according to
Tradewinris Troller officials
When hooked, Neilson was
deep sea fishing with a party of
seven other Lebanon and La
comb sportsmen aboard the
Tradewinds Troller Fish-On out
of Depoe Bay. The party al
ready had boated 13 salmon, 14
sea bass and a ling cod when
Neilson noticed the shark swim
ming about the craft.
Using 200 yards of 72-pound
test line, he successfully man
aged to attract the shark's at
tention with a large spinner
The ensuing battle lasted an
Neilson acknowledged it was
his first big game fish in 15
years of fishing.
Student Co-op
Given Start
Oregon College of Education,
Monmouth, Oct. 12 First co
operative student house at Ore
gon College of Education is or
ganized and in full operation.
Serving 22 students with low
cost but comfortable accommo
dations, the house is run by a
student manager, Merlin Marsh
of Albany, and a works mana
ger, John Wade, of Yamhill.
The organization took over the
former Merimac hall at 571 East
Jackson street, Just five blocks
from the OCE campus. There are
seven bedrooms, a modernized
kitchen, dining room and living
room, as well as two baths. Heat
is by automatic oil.
According to Manager Marsh,
the new house is designed to cut
living cost for students whose
finances are a major problem if
they are to stay on the OCE
campus. Marsh states that with
the house occupied to capacity,
the members of the cooperative
will be able to room-and-board
for as little as $35 per month.
"The culinary department is
Important," Marsh said. "We
have good, wholesome food, but
few frills. We have an experi
enced cook, Mrs. Mary Huskey
of Salem; her experience guar
antees us a balanced diet and
savings through good kitchen
All work around the house is
done by the group living there,
under the direction of the work
manager. Chores are traded and
each boy does his fair share of
the work.
Scout Troop 12
Has Inspection
Troop 2, Boy Scouts of Amer
ica, stood annual inspection
during a meeting held at the
Veterans of Foreign Wars hall
Tuesday night. The boys re
ceived a rating of 82 S percent
which Is considered excellent
Scoutmaster J. W. Rhodes was
given 100 points for uniforms
properly assembled and worn.
Inspecting officers were District
Commissioners W. Miller, Clark
Lethin and Neighborhood Com
missioner R J. Davidson.
At an impressive ceremony
following inspection, senior
I scouting cards were presented to
members of the troop who have
! attained the age of 14. Those
Grapple for Body
Tillamook, Oct. 12 M" Grap
pling was renewed today for the
body of George Ellingsworth, 39.
who drowned in the Wilson river
Monday night. A boating com
panion, Vernon Amot, said he
had failed to locate the farm
worker in the darkness at the
time Ellingsworth tumbled into
the water.
1 New
Starts Tomorrow
"King of the Bandit"
.miiip iri
I he Ol re Oregon
Journal Want Ads Pay
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1949 S
receiving the senior scouting
cards were: James Durbin,
Michael Church, Don Riedel,
Jack Emmons, Ralph Oliver,
Paul Burton, David Mix and
Del Dixon.
Troop 12 is sponsored by Mar
ion Post No. 661, VFW.
Silverton George Hubbs, lo
cal business man, re-entered the
Silverton hospital Tuesday fore
noon following several weeks
convalescence at his home,
having become unexpectedly
worse. Hubbi has been under
treatment for a heart condition
for months.
SI pfvi tax
Economy tit JJ.75 PIUI rojf
rouu also tNjor 0a&.4
This exciting new fce cream combine
cleansing and complexion-aid creams in ont
formula. It benefits either oilf or dry ikins
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To aid your complexion. Pearls in Wine
Combination Cream contains lipids from lanolin
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flnltk. Dm mi crack, ck. m real. Eoir M k..
cl.oo wilk a 4om, cletk. Icc4wl.rac4, tkld-rc4,
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Ck.kt. ctf M kcaoHM nkn end tctcM tat
tonriw c vntct ,.
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