S4 Capital Journal, Salem, Orr, Wtdnetday, Oct. 12, 1949 Four Corners School Holds Interest of Community Four Cornen, Oct. 12 Lincoln school continues to hold the apotlight In th Four Corners nws. Despite the rain the land scaping goei ahead. Practically all of the school ground area ii cleaned up taking on a neat look of permanency. The interior is fast nearing completion. I One half of the books from the old Washington school and the books from the old Rickey school have been placed on the library shelves. Mrs. Robert Carson, first grade teacher, will be the teacher in charge of the library with monitors for assistants. The music room is finished and the chairs are here. A piano has been ordered. New furniture for the faculty room will be placed this week. Work is still in prog ress on the cafeteria. Another week or ten days should see that ready for use. New Decorating Business Opens New business opening in Wast 8alem Monday Is the Clark Decorating company, lo tated at 1128 Edgewater street. ODeratim the company will 1m Charles C. Clarke, who for two years has been with Eli troms as advertising and dis play manager. He was with Elf ttroms when the firm recently won a national window display contest. A veteran of two years of ser vie with the navy during the war, prior to coming to Salem Clark had a display business at Calesburg, 111. Clarke's firm will feature hand decorated furniture, tak ing unfinished furniture and decorating it on order. They al to will have available a limited supply of furniture that has al ready been decorated and will have children' furniture. In addition to this they will offer a home decorating service, decorating, rooms and entire homes. Ed H. Howell Named Judge by Gov. McKay Ed. H. Howell, 34-year-old attorney of John Day, became circuit Judge of Grant, Wheeler, Sherman and Gilliam counties today. Governor Douglas McKay ap pointed him to succeed the late Judge David N. MacKay today. Howell Is a graduate of Willa mette university and served as captain in the air force during the war. life Catering Oil is HERE! I i Yes ... the New Modern Olean Way to Hut your Home! Prove to yourself It's Catorbed Oil for you! . . . The chemically treated Sere Fuel OU that removes mi and earbon as H Fermita free, easy p am pins f oil! jUduaM gliminer Cleeiinfft Can Be tend With Ataolat Safety! Ask About It Nowl DIAL 35606 or 35622 Your L CATERIZED OIL! L Howard J. Smalley OIL COMPANY 140 I. Broadway Troop 42 Girl Scouts and their leaders held an Informal meet ing at the community hall after school. No business was tran sacted. Ten girls signed up for the year. They are Shirley Thu- lin, Katherine Powell, Anita Hough, Betty Reichenberger, Joyce Burr is, Carol and Peggy Hoffman, Jo Gannon, Janice Shrak and Barbara Klein. The scout membership is still open for girls ten years old and older. There are vacancies for six more girls. A full troop consists of 16 girls. The troop meets each Mon day after school at the commun ity hall. Mrs. Raymond Hough is leader with Mrs. Earl Thuiin as co-leader. o Host to the Krazy Kard Klub were Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Cable, 370 South Elma avenue. Pino chle was played with Mrs. C. R. Osborn and Jess Mcllnay taking the honors. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walker and Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Tucker were guests for the eve- Missing Scio Girl Sought Albany, Oct. 12 Aid of all police agencies in this area was asked Tuesday by Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L. Nash, RFD No. 2, Scio, in their search for their daughter, Yvonn (Dolly) Rich ard, 12-year-old Scio high school freshman, missing for 12 days According to Nash, who was in Albany Tuesday, the girl left home shortly after 8 a.m., Sep tember 29 en route to school and she has not been seen or heard from since. Nash said his step-daughter left, as far as Is known, with only the clothing she was wear ing. He also said she had given no intimation that she had planned to run away, or go anywhere but to school. Fear is felt now that the girl may have met foul play or accident. Miss Richard was described as being five feet 8 inches tall, with light brown hair and me dium complexion. She was wear ing a white blouse, pink sweater under a navy blue Jacket, a brown pleated skirt and white oxfords. The Nash family have lived in Scio only about two weeks, hav ing moved there from Albany. Nash is a seed and feed sales man for the Moorman Manufac turing company. Big Lebanon Buck Shot by Whitmore Lebanon, Oct. 12 Thr larg est buck so far locally reported this season was brought in by Jim Whitmore, service station owner. The animal's weight was 28S pounds dressed, since he was too long to hang on the scales. The buck had so many points and eyeguards that there was disagreement on how many points the animal had. Not counting eyeguards, he had 11 points on one horn and eight on the other, but eyeguards were two Inches long and many ob servers claimed they should be counted as points. Whitmore was accompanied on the hunt by his wife and 13-year-old son, Jimmy and the trio had considerable difficulty in hoisting the hug buck into th car which was driven di rectly to the spot of the kill. Whitmore brought the animal down with a single shot in the wooded country near Sisters. The Whitmores came to Leb anon four years ago from Port land. They are originally from Idaho wher Whitmore hunted since early boyhood. SUverton Th very small baby girl, weight 2 pounds 2X ounces, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Harris, born at the SUverton hospital October 7, is officially reported as doing nice ly The Harrises have two other children, Howard and Dianne. FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP AUTO TRUCK FIRE Savings without service is false econ omy. That is why we place service as our first requisite towards YOUR satisfaction. Save up to 30. BILL OSKO Phone 3-5661 7?S?ZZa-Xl 466 Court St. -jsasiBm BILL OSKO Dist. Mgr. ePmmtdlait and SfflcUni Strvic BRAKE BLOCKS-LININGS FRICTION BLOCKS Nt Tim lot hrc$S rfl Artwtrffftf qjfjLk' ,7 . t Your NMdt nXO--ond AmMh &7Y&fc In Yowr PrnbUmt. WAI-Arfl CHAMPION FRICTION CO. wee. otMON ning. Members were Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bales, Mr. and Mrs. William Fiester, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mcllnay, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Osborn. LOW ON ONE SIDE? WmtRRII TAILOR ING COMPART Will UUor Ihftt Kit to baas perfectly. Fan Vlrgta WmI Ftbrlta in, ss.m u I7S.M Sooenti. 147. to SM.M SUNDIN, the Tailor Dial I HH 1M UHrlr HOW MANY MISTAKES make everything just ii i pray t? PROPONENTS in Waihioftoa art letfing Cornpnltory Htalth insurance), to o Ananaati by htary Jt'adarai tame on oay foils and aalariu. Sncn a wonraa. wovld rapowar a federal Hart an. tor thon sands of burtiucratt throughout the coun try co reclmtnc our Doctors, Pbanniritta. Hospitals, Nurtss. Technicians and all health serrlcti, luch a mistakaonat named Into law would be hard to undo or correct. It would put tremendous power into ineapa flenced, political bands. No real American would advocate such a mistska, by either his tiltnct or influence. If be rttllaed the INEVITABLE result would be rcatraeota rioo by dictitorial Federal employeee . . . BUT, ra addition, experience baa PROVED that in countrie where such anistakes here bean made, health standards and quality of medical service are low red. We have the hlaheer. health leral oa earth Jet's KEEP It aoinc forward t Capital Drug Store State & Liberty "On the Corner" If you're moving .. . Want To Know A Secret? You can save up to Half on your moving bill if you Rent a Truck AT Truck Rental Service By The Hour-Day-Week-Month Special Refrigeration Trucks Padding at No Extra Cost Gas & Oil Furnished SMILING JACK'S SUPER SERVICE You pay mighty little at Penney's to be well dressed! W , 4.98 ' n i THE HAT BUY OF THE YEAR! Men, go Marathon and SAVE! The hat that gives you top quality material and workmanship for this low, low price. Penney buyers say these are the best we've ever had. Fine fur felt. Factory blocked for a true fit. Wide selection of shades. All sizes, 634-7VS. MAIN FLOOR PRACTICAL DOUBLE-DUTY TOPCOAT FOR THAT DRESSED-UP COM FORT IN RAINY WEATHER You'll Look Good, Save Plenty on Townclad SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED ALL SIZES, REG., SHORT, LONG . $45 You will look good, feel good, and have money left over when you wear a Townclad all-wool 11 worsted fabric suit. Even a casual observer , can spot the fine hand-tailoring that gives suit that added touch of quality and distinction. All the popular fall and winter shades and what selection of designs and styles! Here are a few of th features that make Townclad the suit of the year: Collar Hand set and felled to fit your neck. Lopel Hand taping along roll keeps it rolled not creased. Shoulder Hand set and basted for action ease and conforming fit. Sleeve Hand set, pre-pressed for straight, clean lines. Come In and look over this grand selection ol tults every on Is a terrific value! MAIN FLOOR Penney's Open Friday Nights Till Pm-. fS" l MAINFLOOI. -' ? IK , xvv , LsSBBiaMMSSBMISBsaBSBSSMSSSMasM Here is the topcoat we've all been waiting for it's double-duty; a sleek, smart top coat with a water-repellent cravenette finish for rain. 100 wool gabardine in shades of tan and grey. Just the coat for the well-dressed practical, outdoor man. Sizes 35 to 44. AT PENNEY'S Center ant) Church Ira. Phone 3-9600