AUTOMOBILES TEAGUE SPECIALS DON'T LET ADVERTISED PRICES ON USED CARS FOOL YOU. OFTEN THEY MEAN NOTHING. CONDITION OF CAR, TRADE IN ALLOWANCE AND THE KIND OF FINANCING YOU CAN GET ALL ENTER INTO THE DEAL OUR CARS ARE THOROUGHLY RECONDI TIONED, PRICED RIGHT AND SOLD RIGHT. WE ASK YOU TO COME IN AND INSPECT OUR CARS. TRY THEM OUT! LOTS OF GOOD LATE MODELS: KAI SERS, FORDS, CHEVROLETS, OLDSMO BILES, PLYMOUTHS. SEE JOE SPURLOCK TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 352 N. COMMERCIAL Pontiac Good Will Cars '46 Pontiac Sedan Coupe. R&H $1395 '42 Ply. D.L. Sport Coupe $545 '48 Pontiac Sedan Coupe. Has everything. No. 497 $1695 '38 Olds Sedan .$395 '37 Pontiac Sedan $165 '38 Pontiac Coupe $145 '36 Dodge $195 '36. Ply. Coupe $ 65 HERRALL-OWENS CO. TRADES HO H. Libert, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEW USED miulcal IrutrumenU ft aplntt b irand plana at reduced prlott JAQUITH UUSIO CO. Ph. 3-4M1 0344 rLASTI-KOTE: Trie ccllophan.-llk. fin lib (or rour floor, woodwork or lino leum, no waxln required. TEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 373 Chemeketa. n251 fVLLES .rubea. 17U Orant. Ph. 1-8357 n3M' SEWING MACHINES. New Home alKtrlo. 313.35 A up. Ph. 3313). Ralph Johnson Appliances 1 EVAN OIL HEATER. Good OOnd. 139.50. im Ferrir St. n3 TrH.P. nreitone motor. Ph. 30318. n34S LARGE NORGE cireulator 385. Ph. 3-0058 titer 8 p.m. I4V ELECTRIC range, apt. else Montar. 4 burner. 1139. Ciutom Aire oil clrcula tor. 140. Uartai waaher, 130. Ph. 2-8809 or 3-6858 alter 5 p.m. n33- 15. FOR SALE MOD. babr crib. Adf. aprlnfi, mattrau. Good condition. 405 Marlon. Ph. 3-1803. n3W NEW KEYSTONE movie projector 129.30. New Hoover elec. Iron, never ueed. 39.75. Ph. 33789. 33' Farmers Attention! Lumber, window, plumblna nature, bed, blanket, llfht plant, (or aate eheap. M H Woodworking. Co. En tire DIOW-QU, B.niH W ' .... Call Albanr 800. Mr. R. T. Here. n35 fOR SALE new 30-30 deer rllle. Cheap. 1 et metal bunkoed. 1 jouth bed. 433 Haier St. Ph. 43803. n245 ftlNO ALFRED bulb 80c per doi. Aal ea I (or II. MerrlU's Oreen Hoiute. Brook. ""' FRONT CAR SEAT Ilae 45 In. Oood eond. Ph. 1-9898. n245 WARDS COMPLETE LINE OF DAIRY SUPPLIES XvorrthlM In quality equipment for the up-to-date dalrrl Heavy tinware. Sail, atralnera. dlc. milk can, etc. anltaryl All WARD priced t are you Wyandtta OLX aleaner, 1 lb pk. 44c 14 qt. milk pall t fal. cream can ! WARDS FARM STORE Trade i) HUh U. Salem, Ore. nlt3 Tjnntrlvn WlllametU Valley Roof Co., 10 Lane Ave. n343 FRACTICALLT NEW Montiomery Ward waahlnl maonina .... 401 . 1-4830. 5iI fcEN, WOMEN and children clothlni for . Oood Car radio 130. 380 S. Slat. n346 in-.arw: WWHNTAN lamb coat. Med. Price raaionable. 3035 Liberty Rd. n!45 EST OFFER over ISO buy Northern Muekrat fur coat. Perfect condition. Ph. 1-3903. "'44 REFRIOERATOR. Wetttnghouee Laundry mat. Lawn furniture. 186 N. 13th. n945' SEWINO Machine, electric or treadle. Service on all make. Ph. 1-7071. n!5t' WAbLinu M v. ,w. . ORTTSHED ROCK for road and driveway, aoment. ready mix concrett. aarden aand Bulldoclnc. dralnaae and dltchlnt 4 -yd. .hovel and drai Una Ph. 1-9249 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS tSED FTJEJflTBRE. Phone l-m V WANTED: LARGE or imall tract of aw timber within 30 or 40 muee 01 ..yon., n,..-. n.ti jh van RandeL Stayton. Ore! na341 WANTED furnltura to tlM repair Lae n n.,1.,.1.1.. r- n. S.V001 na' fffliuKrrnirrr PERSONAL STANLEY Home Product 853 Croi. PJ 1-5446. F. O. Renahan P247J MADAM MORA GIFT ED PSYCHIC READER AND ADVISOR Can help yon where other ha '" Sattafactlon eaaured. Advice on all ..... .. a 1.1 M.rfin. I1O0. Located lull touth of Hubbard on Hlchwiy 99E Between Woodburji and Hubbard Look for lin Readlni Dally nd Sun ?? AUTOMOBILES DO YOTJ hsve a clean used car you want to sell? If so, see STATE MOTORS, INC., We pay cash or sell on consign ment. Our new used car lot at 678 S. 12th. St. Drive in. No parking meters. 0341 bt'E TO ILLNESS mult 111 141 Bulc Super 4-door Sedan. Low mlleef. Fully equipped. 340 McOllchrut. o344 FORD 'k-ton pickup, better than av raie. Lejw than 10 000 mile on new rnoTor. 3575 00 Can be e?n setaeen nd 1 p m. 4050 Beck. Pen 4 Cor. 0144 llM BANTAM. 1333 no. or trade for nio torarele, ul Latum. 3t (AUTOMOBILES PHONE: 2-4173 TERMS PhOn. l-llll AUTOMOBILE CAR & TRUCK AUCTION Fri.. Oct. 14th, 7:30 p.m. Consign Your Cars & Trucks Now. Ph. 3-6098 LANE SUDTELL'S Auction Sales Yard Located m Mile East of Salem on Sllverton Road "To Buy or Sell Call 1-6091" qIS- STATE MOTORS, INC. NEW USED CAR LOT at 678 SO. 12th ST. YOU CAN DRIVE IN HERE AND SHOP EVENINGS. 1949 Packard Sedan 1948 Ford Pick-up 1947 Ford Sedan 1947 Plymouth Sedan 1946 Ford Sedan 1942 Pontiac Sedan 1941 Packard Sedan 1941 Buick Sedan 1940 Chevrolet Sedan 1941 Desoto Sedan 1942 Packard Sedan 1940 Nash Club Coupe Many More Easy Bank Terms STATE MOTORS, INC, 678 S. 12th St. 37 DODGE. Oood shtpt. Must Mil. Bast oner round 1200.00. Ptl. t-3031. q245 MODEL A, a door, motor pretty food. Cut. IJ0. 1430 Let St. after I p.m. 041 WE WANT USED CARS BAD! YOO WILL BS SURPRISED WHAT YOU CAN OUT IN TRADE ON NEW 1M MODEL PACKARD! THAT OET YOU II TO 21 MILES TO A OAL. Or OAS. STATE MOTORS, INC. PACKARD DEALER 340 N. High St. Ph. 3-5663 0.343 380 USED OAR LOT 850 your old on. 13th St. Junction. Open tlU 10 p.m. Mil' It roRO, a 1. 311. 035 S. Ilt. Hi FOR SALE: Truck van 15x8. Oood eond. Make pa an offer. 1830 rerry St. Ph. IBM Bt:iCR 3-dr. RftH. Excellent eond. throufhout. I3B3. Ph. 3.S333. .343 SAVE $700 ON 1949 Packard Sedan RADIO: HEATER: OVERDRIVE: SEAT COVERS: VERT LOW: MILEAOE: EAST TERMS: 34 MONTHS. STATE MOTORS, INC, PACKARD DEALER New Used Car Lot 678 S. 12th Ph. 3-4547. Open Evenings .343' HAVE CITT LOT a part or full payment on clean automobile. Ph. 3-3530. ,347 'IS PLYMOUTH coupe. Oood tire. Spot llfht. Heater. t335. Alio 'St Orahara, KArH lira. exe.. oood eond. 833 If HUh St. after I p.m. Ph. 3-8081. .344 Eisner Motors to Sell WANTED: clean uew .era Bob U . 3180 South Commercial BT ORIGINAL OWNER: 1811 Chov. 4 Dr. Special Deluxe Sedan. R. at H. 1850. Phone 1-0843. 343J ttx CHEV. coupe. Heater. Excellent eon dltlon, 1450. 3030 N. 34th; 0344' Eisner Motors to Buy SAVE $350 14I PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE BEUAN: RADIO HEATER: UNDER COAT: LOW MILEAGE; EASY TERMS; 34 MONTHS. STATE MOTORS, INC. PACKARD DEALER 678 S. 12th St. Open Evenings 1.43 CAB ACCEASOBIEt tire total at east price nrt lemi ftnt Mrvwi M thu tt D Woodrow Co, 4M) OtnUf. ZEEB'S USKU CARS BUT SELL TRADE TERMS 111 Pairsrawd RwM) Maw) t-r34 ' AUTOMOBILES Clean Used Cars 1941 Oldsmobile 4 door sedan $ 795 NEW TIRES. RECONDITIONED MOTOR. CLEAN CAR 1947 Studebaker Landcruiser sedan $1695 OVERDRIVE. RADIO. HEATER, LOW MILEAGE 1937 Terraplane 4 door sedan $ 395 THIS CAR HAS HAD EXCELLENT CARE 1948 Studebaker Champion 4 door sedan $1845 ONE OWNER. OVERDRIVE. HEATER. LOW MILEAGE. LIKE NEW 1938 Plymouth 2 door sedan $ 295 RECONDITIONED MOTOR. BODY LITTLE ROUGH 1940 Plymouth 4 door sedan $ 645 A OOOD CLEAN CAR EASY TERMS McCALL'S USED CARS 11 STATE STREET BONESTEELE'S 1948 STUDEBAKER STARLIOHT COUPE. RAH. OVERDRIVE I1HI IB 41 STUDEBAKER LAND CRUISER. R&H SIM 1948 STUDEBAKER 4-DOOR CHAMPION SEDAN fl& 1949 STUDEBAKER SEDAN. 4.000 MILES. R&H, OVERDRIVE, (DISCOUNT S000. 1948 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. HYDRAMATIO. NEW TIRES A. LIFEGUARD TUBES 81195 1948 CHEVROLET COUPE 91095 1948 NASH SEDAN 8 985 1941 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, CHAMPION f 845 1941 CHEVROLET COUPE 9 495 1943 STUDEBAKER COUPE (CHAMPION I NEW MOTOR 1895 1941 STUDEBAKER COUPE. CHAMPION 8-PASSENOER. FULLY EQUIPPED I T45 Bonesteeles Sales & Service 370 N. CHURCH ST. PHONF. 3-9277 AUTOMOBILES MODEL A FORD door. Good one. se it 3445 Center ner p.m. rn. q248 NEW '89 Chev, Deluxe 4-Door Sedan. 81785. Box ,474 capital journal. qo Eisner Motors Fine Cars WESTERN MOTORS Cash for Good Clean Cars PH. 3-9622 Or Drive Out to 795 S. 12TH MOTORCYCLES. SCOOTERS WHIZZES FOR SALE. Engine In good condition. Pn. Miit. q HAN'S COLUMBIA SPORTS Uchtweltnt bike Sturmer. Archer S-ipeed drive. A-l shape. 1080 Hoyt. !2 FARM EQUIPMENT USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular llzei, 95 00 and UP. Monwomery warn et w flolom Qb243 FINANCIAL WANTED TO BORROW at e'ir.. 31.000. Ptl. 31180. r344' URGENTLY need 81.300 or axtrema meraner. Excellent aeeuiltr. Write Box 473. Capital Journal. 1 How Many Bills! Do you pay each month and what do they amount to, add them up . . . then phone Personal for a loan on their "Smaller Payment" plan one loan and one monthly payment . . . tenerally much leas than the monthly total you are now paying. You may spread the payments over 30 months. Borrow wisely where a loan would really help. Come In or phone the "Yes" Man, M says -to 4 out of 5. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. OP SALEM S18 State. Rm. 12ft Ph. 2-3484 0. R. Allen. Mgr. Lie. S-1J1; M-l5 r244 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 8 Church Parking a Plenty Ph I-24S1 Lie. No M-159 8-154 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1880 Pal re rounds Road Nrxt Door to Bank Free Parking Phone T1032 Lie N MS88-8281 Floyd Ken yon. Mtr t PRIVATE MONEY tpecal Rites and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROT H SIMMONS 118 South Commercial 8t Phone 1-8181 OENXRAL FINANCE CORP. LOAN Lie 8-133 and M ill and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS IS8 B Commercial St Tel 3-8181 FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 44 INTEREST t to 48 Tears and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTOR 341 Stat, at Phone I-3M3 FAA&f AND CITT LOAN. 4W and 3 TOUR OWN TERMS of reparmant within rial on Caah for Real Entat. contract and Second Ifortcete- CAPITOL SEOURlTTEa CO 301 Pioneer Trait Bid pn 3-1113 r AIRPLANES TATLOR CRAFT airplane. Sell or trade for late model ear. will demonstrate br appointment. Del Thome. Jefteraon. Ph. 313. 1340 TRAILERS If FT. trailer house for sale. Like new. Furnished. Will sell at a sacrifice. Carl Comer. 3380 N. Church. Ph. 3-4ISA2. t244 DIRECTORY IDDIXQ MACHINES AH Bake aaad meehtMe sold, renttd fapalrod Rosa 4M Court Phone 1-8TT1 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC BOMB appUaoos repair serrlcf new appllanm Vtace' fleet tie Phone Free aatimatas Tradins aocepted on l-llf 1ST 8 Litem St AT-CB DOOR 811ARFENIMO Lawn mowers, scissors, knlvts sharp, ened. DexUr. 120 CenUr. 8-8811. o 4LTO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co 1SS S Liberty Ph 8-89SI e MAR ION MOTORS NASH SERVICE rowing terries day phono 8 -8141 OTcnr M804 is" Cnttr Mik Panek. 378 8. Com'l. Ph. 1-1181 Brako and wheel sltgalng specialists 02 It1 RICK WORK Brick 4k block work of all kinds Ex perlenetMl, competent masons. Call DavkUon Bros, Ph 3-834T. 0338 BrtLOINO CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home bow Toms No dowo payment. Phone l484) s BtXLDOZfNO Bu: -doting. Ivwlit.s. road btdg.. clear ine. t'fth tm brush. Virm Hukey. 1010 rairvtew av. pn. a-lMt, salem. o26J" Oeaa Rebinsosu Pa. 1-8111 or l-4io AUTOMOBILES DIAL 3-1101. SALEM 0.343' DIRECTORY CASH REGISTERS . In-tan delivery of new RCA aab resist sr Al sold ranted, re oa d Roen 458 Court Ph 1-8711 o" CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, surba. walla, sto. Call 1-4850. O CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Enaley. 171 S. 21st. Ph. S-71T8. o259 CONCRETE WORK If It's made of concrete, let us bid on your work. Ph. 3-1H6. o2S4 DRESS MAKING Alt, dress making, Oood used clothes tor sals. ISO Stats St. Rm. 27. 0344 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnoe's Electrlo for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing. 117 8- Liberty j!r.0l o EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3058. Lee Cross. 153ft Peart. 0358' Brelthauofs for flowers Dial 1-8178 o FURNACE CIRCULATOR SERVICE HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watklns Oo products Pre de lve ry 1111 Center Pa 3-8318. IN: ULATION Johns-Manvllls. Phono 1-8748. INSTRUMENT REPAIR Expert musical Intrument repair. All work fully guaranteed. JACQDITH UU SIC CO.. Ph. 3-4041. 0244 JAINTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor WaUnc Bttfldmts - Factorlu Homes Estimates Without Obltsatlon AMERICAN BLDO MA INT CO. Ph. Salsm 3-8113 t LAMDSCAPf NTTK9ERY P 1 Doerfler A Sons. Ornamentals. 180 H Lancaster Dr at Cor Ph 3-1331 o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 143 Jef ferson St. Phono 33453. 0 LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers Call Harry w. Scott. I4T a. com i at. oaa.1 MATTRESSES Capita. B-ddlns Phone I-408B MUSIC LESSONS Spanish St Hawaiian Oultar. Mandolin. Banjo, etc. 1832 Court St. Ph. 1-1589. 0366 OFFICE FURNTTVRE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and tiling supplies, ales, duplicators snd supplies desk lamps typewriter stands brier eases leroo Wire Recorders. Roen 458 Court Interior oalntlns. O. Horn. Ph. 3-5518. 0257 tlf Strom's are equipped painting Phone 1-1488 PAINTING 8 PAPERHANGTNG PAPERRANGING Expert Paperhanilnt and painting. J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-8868. Pre est. 0381' Jerry Johnson. Ph 34611. OlSO PAINTING 8 FAPERHANOING Painting and paperhanglnaj expertly and reasonably. Ph. 38018. 0368' Pa In tine and paperhanslns. Free tl. mate. Ph. 3-8513. 857 Shplping. o288 Palntlnt s paperhanglng, Int. St ext. dee. H. I. iWoodyi Wood. Ph. 3-5073 0258 PICTURE FRAMTNG Picture framins Buteheoo Palnl Biers Phono 3-S687 Flsher, 844J3omJ. Ph. 8-8013. REFRIGERATION SERVICE Miller Refrlieratlon Service Co. Ph. 2-1514 0365 SAND 8 GRAVEL Oarden Boll, crushed rock, Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand Oravsl Co., Phone 3-8348. Valley Band 4k Oravt. Oo Silt, sand f ll din Excavating iqb snovsi sau Traetor aeooo Aj trucks for dirt moving Ph office 34003. res 87148 Bslem Saw Wrks. Ph. 1-7803, 1283 N 8th 0355 SEWERS AND SETTIC TANKS Bctt1s Roto-Rooter Etcluslve PaUnt Rasor fbars Btot) Cutting Blades Clean Bowers of Drains Sept IS Tinti aeaned Reao Pb 1-ftIH e 8-8488 SEPTIC TA NK S t Hike's Seotle Service. Tanks cleaned RMo Rooter Service on Sewers. 1073 Elm 8t W. Saem. Ph. I-3488. 1-5321 0131 K F Hamel Beptte tanas scared. Electric machine service on -ower and drain lines Guaranteed eort iuisn St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. e34t Vacuum Pumoms no mllaee charge Call us collect Todd's Sept Is Tank Service. 4S SteU St. Phone 1-4734 SEWING MACHINES Repairs guaranteed all makes. Ph. H4ftf 1081 Edge water. West Salem. 0384" Bought, sold, rented, repaired. El terms Ail makes. W Devcnport, Ph 1-7871. 0354' All makes repaired, free stl'na'ea Singer Saving Mach:n Oa. IN 8 CoinsMNlai. Ptw 8-8111. w DIRECTORY TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, RaoUixstoo Royal, boder- wood portaolaa. ah makes tsod macAlaes Repairs and rent Roen. 488 Court, TRANSFER 8 BTOKAQB cal 8 Distance Transfsr. gtorags Burnet oils, ooa) 8i Srloueu. Trucks to Portland dally Agent for Begins House hold goods moved to anywhere In U 8 or oanada. Lanner Transfer 8j Bio rase Ph 3-1131 O VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds mads to order or r hoisted. Rolnooldt Uata t-483t Elmsr The Blind man. Ph. 37328. WEATHERSTRIPPING Free estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 1-5965. ol59 WELL DRILLING WINDOW SHADES Washable, Roller Mads to order. 1 Da Del Ralnholdt Uvli Ph 33639. o WINDOW CLEANING Acme V tndov Cleaners Windows, walls Si woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waxad and polished. Ph 3-8831 147 Court. Langdoo. Culbertson and Mather WOOD 8 SAWDUST Wast Salem Fuel Co. Ph 1-4031. LODGES 3CSrv l.O O-F meeu every wea A Sale 7AM.t Wed. Oct. 12. E. A. de grees 7:30 p.m. 243 A Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.F. ir AS A M. M M. Degree Friday, Oc tober 14, 7 pjn. 34S' LEGAL SUMMON i the Clrcolt Court ef the 8 lata of Oregon for the County of Marlon TRABKt.LK L. RYAN. Plaintiff. VS. ETTA JAMES. s widow and unmarried. CORA SMITH, a widow and unmarried. EMMA 1LER VOOET. a widow and un married, KATHRYN HEVEna ana c. l.. MEYERS, her husband. JOYCE DRAKE and CLAUDE M. DRAKE, her husband. IVA F. PAULSEN and E. P. PAULSEN. Oar husband, ELLEN FELLER (also known as NncT C. Feller., a alncle woman. AL FRED K. FELLER and CLARA E. FELLER, his wife. MARY ELIZABETH BAREINOER, a widow and now unmarried, CHARLES E. FELLER, Single man, HATTIE BARK- MAN and J. C., ner nusoana, in A KRATTft and A. W. KRAU8. her hus band, ANNA OROVER and WILLIAM M. ROVER, bar husband. KENNETH FEL LER and VIOLET FELLER, nlS wile, HOWARD BCHEURER and MARY JANE SCHEURER, his wife, ADAH M. RYAN, a widow and unmarried, DOROTHY KUNZ and PETER KUNZ, her husband, NINA C. HARR and ORIN B. HARR. her husband. JAMES ROBERT RYAN and EVELYN RY AN, his wife, MARGARET DICKSON and FRED DICKSON, her husband. MURIEL HAYES and BEN HAYES, her nusbana, FRANCIS X, RYAN and AUTKEY BY- AN, his wife, HAROLD RYAN and HELEN L. RYAN, his wife, FREDERICK RYAN, a alngls man. ELIZABETH PARROTT and RICHARD V. rAKKu ll, ner n us Dana, CARL LONO and IDA LONO. his wife. ELIZA JANE CONK ORAHAM. a Widow and now unmarried, MARY FIDELIA CONE TOWER and MILTON K. TOWER. her husband. A. E. LaROCQUE. and JANE DOE LaROCQUX. his wife, the unknown heirs of A. E. LaROCQUE. deceased. HE- MAN B. CONS, a single man, REBECCA M. THAMER, a widow and now unmar ried, JESSIE j. Murray, a wioow ana now unmarried. MAY SMITH and DON ALD R. SMITH, her husband, MARJORIE Murray, a single woman, hamulu muk RAY. a single man, JACK MURRAY and LOIB MURRAY. niS WHS. UilKL d. lAJWU, widower and now unmarried, JESSIE LONO. a widow and now unmarried. GLADYS RICE TUFT and ELICK TUFT. her husband, REBECCA RICE B1EOER ana juhn uub oicutw, ner nusoana, MOSE RICE and LOTTIE RICE, his wife. JANE DOE RICE, widow and now unmar ried. ALICE CONE, a widow and now un married. EARL CONK and VERNA CONE. his Wife, GERALD CONE and OPAL CONE, his wife. ELDON CONE and LO LA CONE, his wife, HAZEL PEPPER and VERNON PEPPER, Bar nuioftlia, UI'IHA DOL5EN and FRED DOLSEN, her hus band, ELMER E. JOLLY and EVA B JOLLY, his wits, and also all other per sons unknown having or claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in and to the real property described In the Complaint herein. Defendants. TO: EMMA ILER VOOET, a widow and unmarried. ANNA OROVER and WILLIAM OROVER, her husband. HOWARD SCHEURER and MARY JANE SCHEURER, j his wife, A. E. LaROCQUE and JANE DOE LaROCQUE, his wife, the unknown heirs! A. E. LaROCQUE. deceased. JESSIE i LONO. n widow and now unmarried. GLADYS RICK TUFT and ELICK TUFT, her husband. REBECCA RICK SIEOER and JOHN DOE SIEOER, her husband. MOSE RICE and LOTTIE RICE, his wife. JANE DOE RICE, a widow and now un-1 married, hazel, peppeh ana vikhuh PEPPER, her husband. ELMER K. JOLLY and EVA E. JOLLY, his wife, CHARLES feller, a slnsie man. ana also an other persons unknown having or claim ing any rigni, title, estate, uen or inter est In and to the real property described n me complaint nerein. ueienaams. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREOON; You are hereby required to ap pear ana answer trie complaint mea against you In the above entitled suit, as to those ot you within the United States of America, within four weeks from the data of first publication of this Sum mons wnien is September JBtn, i4, and as to those ot you who are without the Unit ed States of America, within sli weeks from the date of first publication of this Summons, which la September 38th, 1948; and If you fall so to appear and answer, then, for want thereof. Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In ths Complaint filed against you herein, a succinct statement of which relief Is as follows: For the decree of this Court adjudging tht Plaintiff to be the owner In fee aim pie of that real property described as: Beginning at tne most easterly corner of land conveyed to Oeorso Herren by Deed recorder October 1. 1887 In Volume 39, Page 498, Marlon County Deed Rec ords, said point being also the South east corner of land conveyed to ths Buttevllle Farmers Warehouse Associ ation, a corporation by deed recorded July 8. 1891 in Volume 43, Page 380. Deed Records: thence North 5 Degrees 30 Minutes West along the division lino of the abovs noted tracts 4 00 chains more or less, to the high water mark of the Willamette River: thence North 34' Degrees East down said river's hitch wa ter mark 8.70 chains to the Northwest corner of said Butteville Farmers Ware house Association tract; thence South 85 Degrees 4ft Minutes East along ths Northerly line of said tract 3.30 chains to the center of the County Road: thence South 11 l-i Degrees West 8.70 chains to tht place of beginning, containing 3 acres, mors or less, and being a part ot the Joseph Laforte D.L.C. No. 39 and situated In Section 33. Township t South. Ranee 1 West: and ato that certain right-of-way ease ment described as: The Right-of-way for a water pipe from the creek East of the warehouse of Buttevllle Farmers' Warehouse Associ ation to the engine house belonging to said Association, together with the right to place one hydraulic ram on said creek and also the right to use the wa ter of said creek In quantities sufficient to ran one No. 8 hydraulic ram and no mors and construct trenches and dam In said creek necessary for the proper con struction of said hydraulic ram and also the right and prlvllece of keeping the i same In order, the said right-of-way and i rights and privileges being those convey ed by Instrument wherein A. E La Rocque is the grantor and Buttevllle Farmers Warehouse Association Is the grantee dated August 11th. 1803. and re corded in ths Ded Records of said Mar ion county, Oregon, as of January 18, NOT ICS OR MI I OP TAX rotKCLOSED LAND Prom and after 11 a m.. Tuandav 19 vtn,tr aa. 14, at tht wt door of tr Maron Count? Court liout in Salem. Ora ton, pumuant to an ordtr of thn County Court for Marlon Count. Orton. mada and tntrM on th 4j of October, !. I win atll at public at for tuh to tht hlcnt airier at not I'm than tht minimum prtcoa oflow p,cl!:ta' all of tha foiiowini daKriiml paretU ot rtal prop art T. .7 arrt In Vet Ion 33. Townjkhlp Mouth, Ram 3 Wut, Vol. 1. pait 377. Mir Km County Dtd Rtaorda. Wn P. Lord and W. O. Lord 1100 00 8l em, Capital Park Addition, Pr. of olork It, Vol. 119. pate 10. Vol. 191, patt iM Km, M. T rem bath and Ber tha Trtmbath .iowm. DEMVK.R YOTINO. Bherltl Marlon Count?, Ortaon, Octotwr 11, la, 34. Nov. 1. County Offered $200 for Land Marlon county hat been offer ed $200 for a strip of land along Lana avenue at its intersection with Silverton road that it didn't know it owned. Steve Anderson as attorney for Milliard C. and Bernice E Hanson, has made the offer to the court in writing. He said that recently a service station and tire repair shop at this place belonging to the Hansons burn ed down. Now they want to re build in an adequate fashion would like to buy the land. The land Is question is a strip 197.22 hundred feet long and in a half arc, being 25 feet wide at the widest point and skirts the road as it curves onto the Sil verton road. It includes .081 acres says Anderson. When Lana avenue was curv ed through at this place the county bought a square strip of land there from the owner, cut the road through and sold off what wasn't needed. But it seems when the county deeded the residue of the land away the deed also was in a square piece and left the narrow strip along the highway, but mem bers of the county court weren't aware of it. The matter has been taken under advisement as to the sale pending ironing out any possible legal impediments. It was thought possibly if the land is not used for highway purposes it may revert to the original owners. More Building In Far West Portland, Ore., Oct. 12 (& Building volume increased in the far west last month, the con struction magazine. Western Building, reported today. A survey of 271 western cities and counties disclosed an in crease of 8.5 per cent over Sep tember, 1948 37,143 building permits compared with 34.204 Dollar volume was $153,008,918 last month compared with $150, 712.391 a year ago. The 25 leading communities also showed an Increase over August of this year $102,946,- 275 compared with $94,922,760. The ten leaders: Sept. 1949 194B Lo Amain I3S.791.4IS t.094.21 Lo. AnselM Oountr 19.401.100 18,336.065 Denver 3.914,1177 San Franclaeo 4,478.173 Portland 4.368.235 Vancouver. B. O. .. 3.379.306 Lons B.aeh 3.343.110 SeattU 3.003.760 Contra Coata County 3.751,333 Oakland 3,741.331 2,796, 3S6 M47.780 3,509. K0 1.107,820 1, 079.(100 1.7M.245 1,460.205 3.917,903 Portland Eaitildt Market Local lettuc joM urwW a top of 13 50 a erata on the Portland EaxUkto Farm era Wholesale Produce market today. Salway peachaa were around 13.00 a bushel for orchard run fruit. Tradlnc waa alow and other prlcei ware unchanged. Chic ate Livestock Chlcaao. Oct. It "- tUSDAt 45alable hott 10,000; alow; etntrellr 13 centa lower on butchere: market clotted dull at de cline; aowa mostly eteady; jpoU utrona; top 11.30 for lew .oacu enoice tiwu lb: bulk food and choice 300-100 lb. 18.00 18.35; 170-190 lb 17.25-18.00: few choice around 100 lb 17.00: aood and choice eown under 400 lb 16.75-17.50; few IT. 75; 435-500 lb 15. 50-16. 50; heavier welthu acarce; lew down to 14.50. Ralkhlo eat-tle 1.300: lalable ! 400: slauihter ateera alow but ateady to 50 cent hither; helfera atrona to 50 centa h lather; cowa atrona to 35 centa hlaher: bulla and vealera Heady: early top 38.00 for load tilth-choice l.3n 10 ateera; two loada iCui - yearllnca 35.75-35.83: moat choice choice ateere 33.30-33.35: eood to low-choice aradea 38.00-33.00: medium to low -eood ateera 19.30-17.30: aood and choice fed helfera 36 30-31.30: aood beef cowa 16.33-18.00: load Wyomtnta I" 00; bulk common and medium cowi 14.35 16.00; cannera and cutter 13.00-14.35; medium and food aaiutaie bulls lftftO 19.30; medium to choke yealera 33.00-27.00. Salable aheep 3.000: alauihter lamba and yearlinai atrona to 35 cent hither; apota up around 30 cent: 9 ewea not astablUh ed; early atleji lood and choice wooled lamba 31.75-34.00; load or an ahorn lambs 34.00: deck mostly eood nearly full-wooled yearllnt wathera 30.00. Portland Mvetterk Portland, Ore. Oct. II fljn-Livestock: Cattle salable 230; calves 200; market slow, but early sales mostly steady: ateera sesree; odd common trades 16.00; cutter and common dairy type steer and helfera 11.00 to 13 50; fw common and medium helfera 13. 30 to 19.00; canner snd cutter cows mostly to 11.00: some held hither; few common and medium beef eowa 13 00 to 14.00; medium and tood .ausate bulls 1300 to 17.00; odd tood vealers 31 00 to 23.00; choice Iscklnt. Liberal supply medium rente calve un sold Hots salable 200: market less active, early Jiale.t ateady; food and choice ISO 230 lb 20.50 to 21.00: food 330-323 lb sow 15 23 to 17 00: tood and choice feed era quoted 20.00 to 21.00; tood 400 lb. ataira 14 00. Slfep salable 500: market steady but quality continued poor. One lot tood and choice No. I pelt fed lambs to 31 30. few medium and tood 30 00; common down to 16 00; tood feeders salable 17 30 to 18 30 or ahovt: tood ewes salable 6 00 to 6.50. LEGAL 1011, In Volume 111 at Paa 403 there of: and that tht Defendants herein hara not. nor has either of them, any rltht, title, mtere-t or eatat whatsoever In or to iurh real property and eeaemant rlthtt; and decreeing that me nut or nimuii in and to inch real property and auch aaaa .nent and easement rlthts be forever qui eted aa atalnat tht Defendant' herein, snd each of them, an1 all persons elslm Int; hy, through and under them, or either of them; and for such other and further relief aa to tha Court may seem Just In tha premises. j. b. Mium.r, i Attorney for Plaintiff 1011 Pacific. Rutldtnt. Portland. Ore Sept. 3l.Oct. 3, 13. JB. 36. f Tiir riRcriT roi-RT op the UTtTr OP ORKOON FOR MARION COI NTT. PROBATE tit PARTMF.NT In tht Matter of tht Guardianship Ea tat of OLLIE D HAIMES, a mentally diseased per -on No 1lft)6 NOTICE TO rRr.DITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY UIVEN that tht undraltnd, b an order of tht Circuit Court of the State of Oreton for Marlon Ouunty, Probate Department, made and e .tered on the 30th day of Autuat. 1640 ws appointed tuardlsn of the aetata of Olllt D. Maine, a mentally dUead per on. and that ht ha qualified aa auch tuardian All persona havlnt claim atalnat ssld estate are hereby notified to dint tht same duly verified and with proper vouch-rs, to the underlined ijirdlao at 311 North Liberty St.. Salem. Oreton. within alt month from tht date of flrat publication of this notice. wMca first publication la mad Sept. 14. II4I CHMU.r-S M LOVirrT O iard;an of tha eetale of Oliie D. Haln-a, mentally disesaed person apt, 14, 31, 36, Oct. , 11 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Military Prisoner Escapes By Parachute from Plane Nashville, Ark., Oct. 12 OP) A daring young soldier named Pvt. Howard A. Shlneman may own the dubious distinction of being the first military prisoner to parachute from a plane. Records on this sort of thing virtually are nil. The 23-year-old Clinton, 111., war veteran dived out of a- C-82 commonly known as a flying boxcar" at about 3.000 feet over southwestern Arkansas yesterday afternoon. The plane was carrying a crew and 10 mil itary prisoners from Forbes air force base at Topeka. Kas., to Clarksdale air force base, Shreveport, La. The spectacular break was en gineered, Shlneman said, to win $5 bet he doesn t expect to collect and for a thrill. He said he didn't intend to escape; but had planned to report to Barks-1 dale on his own. I It also (1) earned Shinemanl brief freedom five hours of trudging five miles over un-1 familiar and muddy country a hunted man, and (2) created quite a commotion in these parts. I Sheriff Arthur E. Hicks of Howard county and a 'court-1 house friend." as he was identi fied, captured the young fug!-; tlve by following rumors of a man in uniform cutting across) fields and roads. The catch was made in Buck Range community.! five and one-half miles southeast of here. I Shineman was brought to the county jail here to await military authorities. Shineman said his fast, down ward trip was "smooth as silk." He suffered only a scratched finger. The Barksdale public informa tion officer said the plane was flying about three miles east of Nashville when Shineman sud denly rushed past one of the guards, pushed out a rear door, and Jumped. That was about 1:30 p.m. Couple Bruised In 150-Foot Fall Portland, Oct. 12 A young couple fell an estimated 150 feet down the sheer face of 285-foot-high Rooster rock In the Columbia river gorge yes terday and suffered only severe bruises. "I'll see Joe fall as long as I live," mumbled Shirley Jean Amicarella as rescuers lifted her and her husband, Joseph, Into an ambulance. The husband regained con sciousness after sheriff's depu ties had eased the man and wife down the rock in wire rescue baskets. "Something hit me on the head that's all I know," he said. His wife reported falling rocks had knocked him out and he fell. Their safety rope snap ped her off the rock face and she landed on a rock ledge. Her brother, Sherman McClure. low man of the roped trio, managed to hold on and came down safely despite a leg Injury. He was struck by a boulder. A motorist, Mrs. May Law rence Bigler, Hood River, wit nessed the fall from the Colum bia river waterlevel highway. She was also injured by a rock while standing on the road to flag down a sheriff's patrol car. A sheriff's deputy was hit on the hand by a falling rock. Grange Club Meets Fairfield The first fall meet ing of the Home Economics club was held at the home of Mrs. R. Michalek. A 1 o'clock lunch eon preceded the business meet ing. Seven members and one vis itor were present. Sunday, Oc tober 30, members of the Grange and their families will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Saalfeld for a 1 o'clock potluck luncheon. Hosts for Grange night will be Mrs. E. Short, Freeman Marthaler and D. V. Ballweber. Twenty-nine states have no laws requiring vision tests in schools, according to the Amer ican Optometric association. 'Advertisement! ':) Diaper Rash To cleans winter part, tu red, amartinj akin, i and hasten return of comfort, un dependable or e ill n i ointment r AND SOAP (Advartla.mentl HOW TO PUT OUT RRE OF STOMACH ULCER PAIN cau$d by exceat mcid Don't inat suffer from aeon it In pain and eonsUnt bumlnc of atmath altera, lodicee tton. aaa, hevrtburn, other Hlatreee eawaed by aeeaa stomach add. Pf under Tablvta are auarantMd to bring amatmf quirk, aooUrnr rrliff of Burn arid etomali dlvtreae OR MONEY BACK I Pormala nf F. H. I'fandrr. I'hti., eontalne mMiially-pnvred Ineredi ente AcM nlfr eurfe have bouaht ott 1O0.00O.0O0 rfundrr'a Tablet tn put, St war. Get Pfnader Tablets today. PILES IHIMOMHOIDSI RECTAL AND COLON AILMINTJ a STOMACH DISOROf HI Wd and Fri., until 8 i.iut.. Writ, arrall fat RII dnerlptly. boolw The Dean Clinic In Our 39th Yaar N.I. Cemer L lurnsld and Seand Ava. Telephone IAt 19U Perttond 14, Or. Wednesday, Oct. 12, 194923 ? DEATHS Nathan Henry Alter Nathan Henry Alter, at a local hoa- ' pttal, October 11. at tht at of 60 years. Survived by hi wife. Alva Altar of Ray mond. Wash.: parent. Mr. and Mra. Wll- 4 Item Alttr of Raymond. Wash.: two broth era, Joseph Alter of Klamath Palls and w. a. Alter of Aberdeen, Waah.; and three sisters, Mrs. Nellie Heard, Mra. Lor ana Keaton, Mrs. Mary Klnf. all of Ab erdeen, Wash. Announcement of service later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. David Kins David Kine. late rjidnt rtf 101 Hnrth Fourth street, at a Bend, Oreton, hos pital. October 11. at tha ate of 39 years, t Husband of Thelma L. Klnt of Salem. - rstner or Helen Loutie Klnt. Florence Ethel Klnt and William Esrl Ktna. all of Salem: son of Mr. and Mra. Oeorte A. . Klni of Bslem: and brother of Clifford B. Klnt and Mrs. Ruth Scott, both of Sa lem, and Mrs. Millie K. Stahlman of Da- troit. Oreton. Member of the In t em at Ion- woooworkera of America. Announce ent of aervlce later be the Hawaii. Edwards chapel. Spencer Oorden Sparrow Spencer Gordon Sparrow. lata real. . dent of Salem, route 3, at a local hosplt- I si. October I. at the ate of 30 yeara. An. nouncement of service later by the Howell-Edwards cbapel. Jamee W. Incraaa James w. Intram. at the reeldenoe at 1343 South Commercial street. October 10, at the ate of 63 yeara. Pettier of Mrs. Marl Wesalowskt of Eutene. Mrs. B. B. Sutton of Portlsnd and James Intram of Turner. Also survived by eight trandchll- " dren and 13 treat t randchlldren. Serv ice! were held at the Howel -sdwarda chapel Wednesday, October 13, at 2 p.m. wun nev, w timer Brown oiiiciatmc. Pet Se- in tnia city October t. Pete Sin. lata resident of 384 North Commercial street. Services will ba held Friday, October II. 11:30 a.m. at the Holman and Lutx chapel tn Portland under the direction n. t. Ritdon company, interment In Lincoln Memorial park, Portland, Mlae Znllette Painter Miss Zullett Painter. lata realdent of 1140 North 18th street at a local hoisltal. October 11. Announcement of service lat er by Olouth-Barrlck company. Albert B. McDowell Albert B. McDowell, at the residence) at 366 South Collate street, October 11. at the ate of 74 years. Survlvlnt art the widow, Mrs. Birdie McDowell, Salem; and two dauthters, Mra. Thomas Roen, Jr., of Salem, and Mra. Olenn Qoff of Tilla mook. Announcement of sarvloea later by tbe Clouth-Bariick chapel. Leonard Miner Daw Leonard Miner Dow. at a local hna pttal, October 10. at the ate of 70 rear. Survlvlnt art two son. Sidney L. Dow, Das Moines, Wash., and Benjamin L. Dow. Portland: a dauthter. Mra. Jeaate Mao . Hayes. Cornelius; and five randchlldren. I Servlcaa will be held Thursday, October IS, a. ii a.m. at tne Howell-Edward chapel with the Rev. Oary RUher off tela tint. In terment In City View cemetery. OBITUARY Mra. Alice Klreher Sllverton Mrs. Al lea Klrrhar aa. died at a Klamath Fall hospital. Tut, day forenoon, havlnt been In delioata health for a number of years. Tha family moved to Chlloquln, near Klamath Pall the first of tha year, after many yeara spent In Sllverton. She waa born In St. Paul, Minn., January 1, 1664 and cams to Sllverton with her family in 1010. She wa active in tne work of the First Christian church here, and in Ramona ohapter of the Eastern Star. Survlvlnt are bar husband, Jo Klrohar. recently of Chlloquln. two eon, D wit tit, also of Chlloquln. and Lloyd of northern Cali fornia, and six i randchlldren. Shipment will be made to Sllverton Wednesday for final rites under direction of the Ekman Puneral Home with further announce ment pending tha arrival of relative. Peel D Wish I Jehneea Lebanon Puneral ervlce for Fatal DeWItht Johnson, 31, who died In hi burnlna home In Sweet Home, Sunday evening, will be held at the Howe-Huston chapel at Sweet Home, Thursday at 7 P m. Rev. H. D. Strever will omelet and burial will ba In the Lebanon IOOF cemetery. Born In Portland, Nor. 4. lt3T,r no uvea nis entire lire in Oreton with th exception of war aervlce. He wa employed a. in Willamette national mmoir com pany. Ht education wa received In Port-, land and Salem schools. Survivor are ht parents. Mr. and Mra. Clyde W. John son. Coos Bay; brother. Gird W. JnhtunH. Sweet Home, and a atater, Erma Jean Al- etott, roruano. Mra. Sara Price Lebanon Puneral aervlce for Mrs. Sara Price, 79, of Dallas, mother of Chief of Police Cliff Price of Lebanon war n.iit Tuesday mornlni In Dallas with burial. at Hebo. Mrs. Price died Prlday even Ins et the Dallas hoepltal follow I n a abort illness. Her death waa attributed to pneumonia followlnf a stroke, aecordlna to relative. Mra. Leslie Petehew Woodbu rn M rs. Louisa Petshow. in. early Wednesday mornlni at the home of her dauthter, Mrs. Floyd Marlcle, 370 Third street. Born at Chlcaco. Illinois, January 33, 1809. and came to Wood burn' from Nebraska four years aio, Survivor Include three sons. Arthur Petshow of Oh leas o, Leonard Petshow of Woodbu m and Csrl Petshow of Hood River; threa dauthters. Atnes Marlcle of Woodburn; Clara Cushlnt of Moorlll, Nebraska, and Edna Dotson of Aberdeen, Washington; nineteen grandchildren and two treat grandchildren. Recitation of tha Rosary Thursday. Oct. 13, at T:30 pn. at tha Rinso chapel. Puneral aervlce at St. Luke's Catholic church Prlday. Ocetober 14 at t am. after which the body will be shipped to Gordon, Nebraska for interment. (Advertisements) Kal-O-Dex Real Relief For Gas, Constipation "Your medicine has helped me mora than anrthlnt I have ever tried, and I wouldn't be without It," says tlita ladr. Another writes, "I was ao con stipated that food would bloat me up like a tick. It would lay In my stom ach and sour and back up hot and sour in my throat. Seamed always worse at mcht couldn't rest from rollint and toestnt, then tet up without enoush alerp cranky and hard to set aloni with. KAL-O-DEX has chansed that I'm as retular as a clock, no more tea and bloat, snd I steep like a top." KAL-O-DrX la an Hrrbal Pormula of S Juices from Naturr'a Plants. It has relieved many people who had nver been reslly helped before by any medicine. Taken ehortly before mea la It mixes with your food, help Ine to eliminate tha poison that foster stom ach trouble. It will eleanse the bowi. clesr las from stomach, enliven In- fMlnes and remove old, ilokenint oil from the system. So don't to on suf ferine! nn KAL-O-DEX at all Drua Stores today. CAN'T SIT PIN-WORMS causa Fidgeting sad that awfiri ITCHI Loalntr sleep, almost fnint mad beranae of a soiTnentirta;. embarraaalnff rectal Itch? TMe may well be a warn in a; aicn of Pin Worm, at ly ereatarea that live and trt-w ineide the human body. And thle common condition can eaute more eertoua troubla ..even Internal Inflammation and bleedtnf. There no ned to take chance with this naaty peat. A new, aeienUW tre- tmertt Jwywa's P-W Venwifvfa - no ott real relief from Pin-Worm. P-W contains a tawtad. medieally-approvetfl drwa? that de stroy Ptn-Worma la tit tnteetlo and remove them from the body. So don't trambJ eritii Pin-Worm. At th flrat alfn of infection, ask yotir drutviat for P-W, the small, easy-to-tak tablet prr feeted by the famous Jayne Co., specialist In worm remedle for over 104 year. a4te iwat fcefti P-W far Paa-Worawl