Capital Journal. Salem, Or., Wednesday, Oct. 12. 1949 ouiunn AoviBniiNOi Pe Un. IK Par Unt I ll-ea 4M Pr Line i time ........ fOc Per Una I month 11.00 OuuMo el Balem tfte par lino per " . Uln. iocs I time, mto. lw t tlmea mln. 11.30. No Refund BEADERB In Local Newa Col. Only: Pel LIM ..SH To PUce an Ad Phone t-1406 FOR SALE HOUSES MODERN SPACIOUS home with 1 acre on etty achool bus lint. Ideal location (or business. C.ll after J p.m. Pb. 2-7034. 25 BY OWNER: Modern 2 bedrm7houe with floor furnace garage. (4100. 2330 Hyde Bt. 343 fnt Late built S BR born HI. Ph. Hllj. JUST OUTSIDE CITY" Out of state owner hero to sell prac tically new home. lie. rma.. hwd. fir, ihruout, auto-furn, piped to ill rnu. Unfln. upetlarg. Stairway In. Breeaeway. att. tar. Lge. lot, city witer. Low down payment. FHA terms. Salem Heights dUt. 585 Ewald. 8. ol WE. e34l IalTOR TRADE. Nice furn. duplfi. Ex cellent income. Would consider house not far from university A hlib achool. PhJ2-S463. a245 BEAUTIFUL VIEW Owner In Calif, will reduce price for quick teuton. 2000 aq. ft. of floor apace, divided Into 0 attractive spacious rma. Baaement. oil fired hot water heat. 2 ar garaie. Only 2 yaara old. 90x100 ft. secluded lot. $3,000 will handle. Wt have the key. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1211 Idgcwater Pb. I-S1W. Ire. 1-9931 a245 rJEW I BDRM. houae at 2310 Broadway. Call at 220ft M. Liberty Bt. 49 BT OWNER 2 bedrm. modern houae, floor furnace, garage, 13800. 11300 down, 127 per month for 10 jean. 2330 Hydt Bt a346 McKillop Real Estate REALTORS South Salem CLOSE TO ORADE and Junior hleh schools, fine large lot 93x120, paved atreet and sidewalk In. all thli and a three bedroom home with llvtna- room, dining room, lane kitchen and baae ment for only $5950. Tenni. West Salem I -BEDROOM HOME. living room, large kitchen, lot of built-in. Paved atreet and aldewalk. Clone to achool. P H. A. ap prallsed this property at $7,000. Make n en offer. Englewood District LOVELY 2-BEDROOM, modern home with unfinished aecond atory. Full baae ment, lane lot, paved atreet, dote to achool and ahopplnt center. Priced to aell at $11,900. COME IN OR CALL Daytime Phone 3-5131. Eve. Ph. 2-5614 or 2-8406 McKillop Real Estate 493 CENTER AT HIGH WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS a243 BT OWNER. Hollywood dlst. 4 bdrm. he. Corner lot. Paved atreet. City bus at door. Close to achool. New auto, burner. Pull dry basement. Fireplace. Herd wood ' floor. V. blind. $3000 will handle. Ph. 2-8587. 1705 J.Church. a346 f HOICEACR E A HALF Near new Balem achool. Don't mlaa thl attractive Plast. tue. (Insulated), surrounded by charm ing lawn, bli ahade tree, shrub A flower. Roomy pltry. hse., garage. BEN DIX GOES. Immed. posa. $8000. Low dn. pymt. ILVERTON ROAD ACREAGE. I A. at die of city, highway frontaae. Plaster ed 4 BR home plua lie. shed A barn. Elec. water system. $1000 dn. will move you In. NOW I9500 or $7500 for approx. S A. St bid ik. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclualve LUtlnga Personal Service 164 B. Com I St. Ph. 1-8389. Eva. 1-7440. a243 $500.00 DOWN Englewood District New 2 Bdrm., Llv. Rm Din. Hm., Lane Kit.. Utility Rm., Oar., Fireplace. Hdwd. Flra FHA constructed, lane lot, paved at.. Immrd. pom. Payment like rent. EVE. Phone 2-7985. Abrams & Skinner Inc. 411 Maaonle Bide. Phone 2-921T Insurance. Mta. -Loans a344 t BR HOD. home. Attached ar. Auto, wtr. htr.. flreplaee. en. blind, fir. furn. floored attic. 631 Edlna Lane, Sa lem. a247 Sr OWNER: 2 BR, pecan flra., fireplace, auto, ht., att. gar., Enilewood achool diet., $1130 down. F H A. commitment. Calll-5326 or aeeat J640 OrBnLe247 fOK SALE New 2 B R. "home, all-elec.. prtea $5500. 3145 Jenaen. Ph. 1-8074. 247 IMALL down payment. Larte FHA loan, new 9 bdrm. home by owner. 910 Ford at net. 347 Close In ' t Acre. 9 bdrm. he. Barn, chicken hie. Oar. Storaae rm. Elec. W. aye. Fruit nut. City bus. Price cut to aell. 10300. Can be aubdlvlded. APPt. only. C. W. Reeve Realtor 946 Com'L Ph. I-4A90. Eve. 1-9330 344 4 ACRE. 1 rm. houae with bath. Att. ter aae. Close to achool. bua and storea. Price $380 E. Z terma. inn ON THE Hll.l.. Thai la a moit unui ual home built by owner without eon alderatlon or coat. Lane llv. rm. with ' fireplace, eherrful dlnlni rm. each with view. Dellehtful modern kitchen. ; Two bdrm. and bath on first floor. Ex- ' tra lane bedroom with private bath on aecond floor. Cement baaement; oil fur- . nace, 2 car race. Beautiful lawn and shrub. Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 144 State St. Ph. 3-S66J Evenlnea call Mr. Voorheee, 3-4007. Beautiful Home New 1 bdrm. hst. for discriminating people. L rm., lie. D rm , kitchen with nook. Full burnt, with extra inrpiace. . Enilewood dtst. $2500 down. Full price : $12,800 ; C. W. Reeve Realtor 96 S. Com'l. Ph. 1-4390. Era. 1-9M6 a344 SlW LlaTTNoTvery nice 9 drms.. den, ' Itv, rm.. dlnlni rm.. reception hell. Floor furnace. Patio. Oaraie. Fenced in back yard. Nice atreet. Cloae to bu. Im- mediate possession. Price onlv 110,500. Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 144 State St. Ph. 1-1863 ' Evenlnia call Mr. Serttrat.orn. 1-6789 al44 r OWNER: 1 Bdrm.. kitchen. living rm., , bath, utility rnv. attached garage. Lrge. rm. built for grocery store, on approi H A Excel, location 12 miles N en ' Newbere; hlfhway. Next to Blfnal Sta- tlon. 6T790. a247 2 Houses Lot 160i90 One practically new t bed rm. has. One 1 rm. hse. Close to school, store bua line. Rents for $90 per mo. Price $HM. C. W. Reeve Realtor 49 r ICR M1E: 11600 equity In 4 BR plas tered home for $930, bal. $2t. Fire place, tee. auto, hot water htr., wired for rente, tas Of wood Iane basement, furnace. Lot of conveniences. Near church store I mm from town. Frank Amell. 14$ N Church. Silrer tn. Ph. 1041 after 16 am. alii TRY THIS! Finish this house yourself and aire Tour choice of a number of interior arrangements. Location E. on Oarden road. Owners. Ph. 3-1439. 349 LARGE Lot with Trees. Nice 2 Bed Room Rome. H W. Floors, fireplace, baaement. This la a atcc homo and near schools, and bus. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS PhO 1-4707 484 Court tve. 1-9711 1-4773 a!4l 1: 99 DOWN buys furnished new I bed- roeea feeota, pb. 424JU aiu FOR SALE HOUSES Englewood 19500 Three bedroom home with din lna rm. full baaement. a aood buy. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Pb. 1-3849 Ive.J-Mafl alfV "Near McKinley School $12,600 All on one floor, v. rm., din ette. kitchen, 2 bed rm., bath, lane utility, forced ilr oil furnace, insulated, llvlns rm. 1 bed rm. have beautiful new carpet wall to wall. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor ISIS RATCLIFP Drive A real home for someone. The llvlna room la 14x32 and the other room are epectou also. Oak floor, el. heat. tns. and weather t rip ped. Lot of closet apace, a labor sav ing kitchen. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 3-4707 4S4 Court In. 1-1711 -J-477I J fl.V. CLEAN 1 BR flora. AE. WlrMl for Lot 50x13,. Tak, lo homo trU.r. II not told thU weak will rant. Call O. V. Hum, with State Finance Co., R'ltors 1S3 oVJItlh Ph. 3-1111. . Be Sure & See This Nice home on Market St. Extra lot. t BR. Xtra bsmt. rm. DR. hdwd. flra. F" pi ace. Close to store. $9500. B. Isherwood Realtor 2001 N. Capitol. Office 2-1862 a245a HOUSE, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen. Br im room, dining room, wood wood fur nace. automatic hot water, close In. Phone 35236. a.246 BETTER Bt VS in low priced house. 4 rm . piaiierea nome, pavea si., aiae walks, close to ach., store, bui line. Only $3176. terms. NEW 1 BR house. Just completed. Bice oatn, as. waur neater, wirea tor range, move In this week. 43860. t VR. OLD 2 BR house. Knot. Pine llv. rm., large lot, nice lawn ahrubberj. 96460. Terms. A Little Beauty Secluded modern email houae. Beautiful grounds, native trees, small greenhouse, pool. Close in. Tou'll be delighted. Price $6500. A Good Buy for Sure 2 bdrm.. fireplace. If you are looking for a first class home at a greatly re duced price aee this. McKinley achool. $8950. $1500 down. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor ftftoo. LATE built 6 rm. home, Kelier dlst. 83x324' lot. Hu attached garage, fireplace. Insulated, Call O. V. Hume With State Finance Co., R'ltors 151 S. HlKtl. Phone 2-4121. a246 FOR SALE LOTS LOT 90x219. Walnut tree. Reatrlcted Keller dlst. $1100. Ph. WL7I. aa244" MIDDLE GROVE tract, new aub-dlvlslon. $15 dn. $15 mo. including water m llgnta. Close to achool. Ph. 2-3289. General Real Estate 155 Center aa246 EAST VIEW LOTS, $750 too $2300. Op posite 646 Villa Ave. Ph. 1-4384. BT OWNER: 3 lot. 90x350 at 2866 Brooks St. $800 each. aa243 FOR CHOICE residential tract In King- wood Hu. St Cascade Terraces, at mod erate prices tfc vary low monthly terms, act the original owner St developer, C. A. Robertson, Ph. 2-8413. aa259' flfiilftfl VIEW LOT. 3165 View avenue. City water -bus. near eaiem neignta acnooi. 4850. Ph. 20998. aa247a FOR SALE FARMS loo ACRE FARM for rent or aale, 1 miles E. of Sclo. Marvin Toland, Lyons, Ore. 0245 30 Acres South, nearly all farm land. Oood bldis. Equipment, berrlaa Si fruit. Price $8850. C. W. Reeve Realtor 946 S. Com'l COMPLETE grade A dairy, 4 mllee east of Salem, 40 acre, good aotl, J5 acre cultivation, 4 acre pasture, year round creek and aprlni. Could Irrigate. New equipment. 12 cows, 200 hens Si aome furniture goea with the place. Should be aeen to be appreciated. $24,600. J. P. tJl rlch Co. 21? Court St., Salem. Ph. 1-8672. 0339- BT OWNER: 9 A. fine sandy soil. 1 BR house, m than 3 years eld. On aood hlwiy near Stayton, Ore. Oarage tool ahed. New tractor. Well for Irriga tion. Immediate pos. Will take ear or trailer house in. Terms. Write route 1. box 135. AumRVllle, Ore. MU BEAUTIFUL setting, close to town. 9'i A. Moaern room nouse, gooa Desement, barn, hog-house, berries, fruit and nuts. Chan. M. Coburn, R. 1, Dayton. b243 AT LAST WE FOUND IT! Here's JO acres, rich, rolling Howell Prairie loam, on pvmt.. near atore and school. 7 A. In bearing berries, 2 A. orchard St nuts. Lovely 4 BR home, fireplace, elec. heat. 2 car garaae, good barn other bldgi Extra 4 rm. house rented. A profitable A desirable location for $14,000. Oood terma. IDEAL FOR DAIRY. ThU 64 A. at east edee of Balem, on pavement. Approx imately io acres in rich bottom land, lrr liable from peer round stream, bal. rolling Willamette loam. Older style, mod. 6 BR home, good 40x40 19-slan-clilon barn can be Improved and en laned for dairy herd. Silo, granary, ma chine sited, poultry and hog houses. El ectric water system. Surrounded by fine grove ot fruit and nut trees. THIS HAS TO BE SEEN. Price and terms will please. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive LtsMnis Personal Service 164 8. Com'l St. Ph. 1-8369. Eve. 3-7440 b.4.V FOR SALE ACREAGE ACREAGE 30 acres-new hone--3 rooms and bath, one mile fntm Robert s Store -lj mile off highway on good road. Opportunity for future security 44600. Very liberal terma to rignt party. Call Darby Sermon or Mr, Thomas Salem 17701 bb46' BT OWNER T acres. 6 mile R. Oood In come Modern all-elect rtc home, nice barn. dbl. garaie. leaving state. 1. BOX 363 Ph 2-1937. bb34I REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS 1 BURM. N 17600 A good I bdrm. suburban home near bus. stores St achool. LR DR. elec range facilities, wtr. htr.. V blinds, gar., fruit rm.. utll. rtn , 6 blka. to Kelter achool, 1 blk. to Reiser bu. About W A 1 BDRM. HOME. ENGLEWOOD. $8900 Full bsmt. with laundry, elec. wtr. htr., furnace, bdrm., IJt, St DR. hdwd. furs., kit., bath, all on 1st fir.; 9 bdrmi. up stair, gar , lot 48x73 BUSINESS RENTAL We have two business rentals on busy thorouehfere. One rental 2310 . fl. floor space and one 3600 sq. ft. These are new attractive atore bldaa.. In won derful location. IDEAL FOR 1.AROI FAMILY Mod. comb LR DR. wall to wall rug. 9 lie. bdrm. kit. with lets built-lna. lie. dining area, unfinished upstairs with rm. for 2 bdrma. bath, extra beakplng. rm. en 1st fir. 300 capacity Isytng houae. 3 atorr barn e4her bldaa. Oood well, about 9 acre tn orchard, principally In cherries, some filbert, walnuts, etc. 6't A in first eleaa hope that yield about $9000 this yr. ml ta O school, bua to Salem ek Jr High. Priced $15,000. NELSON & NELSON Multlpl, Ltatlnl It.allora tvraonal ll.r.Kf b Man Who ApmIbJIm 7(13N Ph. 3-1633. .343 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALI HOUSES OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS WANT TO LIVE JUST EAST OF TOWN? We have a alee 2-bedroom auburban home with a good unfinished u pat airs and about acre of land. About 2 years old. 96964. REAL BUY Located south: new well-built 9 BR. home, hardwood floors, nice kitchen, full basement, automatic oil furnace, double garaie, large lot. $1760 down. Full price $9754. . IN THE ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT A very good home en Pearl St. Fireplace, hardwood floors, etc. Very well finished throughout and a good deal at $11,900. NEED A NEW 3-BEDROOM RANCH STYLE HOME? We have a dandy for aale. If lust being completed and Is located on ttunnyvlew Ave. Has about 1300 sq. ft. floor space. If you hurry you may choose your own color scheme, $11,760 euya it. Only $3360 down. SPARKLING COLONIAL Lovely grounds, beautiful living room and dining room. 4 bed rooms, IS plumbing, attractive kitchen with sunny nook, fine baaement, patio with lane outdoor fireplace. Call for an appoint ment to see this very complete colonial home. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 47f Court atraat vu. 3-3431 . 3-1053 GRABENH0RST SPECIALS LOCATED NORTH Look at this home today full 6 rm.. 10 yr. old, hdwd. fir., t bdrnu., llv. rm., din. rm. Si utility rm. Wired for elec. range, elec. water heater. Up gtalra has 2 unfln. bdrms.. lie. lot, excellent bur at 87.A00. CALL O. H. GRABENHORfiT. JR. 1910 MARKET ST. 2 bdrma.. wall-to-wall carpeting. Llv. rm.. din. rm , beautiful kltcncn, bath. auto-Induction elec. beat, corner lot. This home has everything. CALL ROY FERRIS NEW 4 BDRM. HOME Located In the Englewood District hdwd. firs., inside utility rm.. auto-oil heat. ThU la a aood buy at $n.5oo. $9,500 FHA loan. CALL EARL WEST IT'S GRAND To own a fine home like this, well arranged 3 bdrm. with unfln. upstairs, light llv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm., kitchen, Inside utility hdwd. firs, thru out, lie. garage. On .9 acre of land with ahade tree, lawn, walnuts, berriei, filbert. Don't miss this one at 110.000. Call Peter Oelser GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS larl Weat 3-0303 Ror PerrU 1-8010 - Peter G!ar 3-3033 - bd Rouen 3-3371 134 South Liberty Phone 3-3411 Ivenlnga and Sunday. Call .343- REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS LOTS 40x164 ft. City water. New diet. Total price $476. LAROE oak grove, lot on Candalirla HU., city water, wen areineo. i owi price only $1600. Eve. ph. 27674 or S-95S9. NEW HOME, $8500 960 . ft. Hardwood floors thruout. Fireplace. Attached garage. 1 bloclu from Capltola school- Private well. 2 lot. May consider trailer house a part payment. If you are an Oregon vet. this house can be easily financed. Eve. ph. 2-7074 or 2-3558. $8950 SPECIAL Very choice tot. Attached garage. Large dining room. Nice yard. 1 blocks to bu. 1 Urge walnut tree. Eve. Pb. 2-7674 or 1-3559. Tackle & Fly Business If you are Interested In a aporttng good business we have one well es tablished ft equipped fly St spinner stock. 176 wholesale ace. 10 trained em plove available. Business has grown be yond owners capacity because of disabil ity. Everything goea for about $14,000. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3S58. BUSINESS BUILDING Large new unfinished business building. Oood location. Very nice, large living quarters upstairs. Extra lot adtolnlni. Total price 922,500. May consider oth er property a part payment. Eve. ph. 1-7674 or 1-3 S&i 5 ACRES Family orchard, berries, nuts. S rm. house partly new. 20x30 barn. Chtcken house. Lota Of flower shrub. Total price 16800. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 15 ACRES Willamette soil. 3 rm. house. 7 vnr old. Deep well. 300 filbert trees. 160 prune treea. Total prele $8500. Eve. ph. 3-9403 nr 1-I.VU AI Isaak & Co., Realtor 1033 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-7330. 3-4SM C344- Home and Rental, $6,500 Thli you want to see. A nice small 3 Bdrm.. home. With- a lovely 1 Bdrm. Apt. in rear. Large corner lot. Close to school and bu. Only $1700 down. bal. at 135. per mo. Rental will easily make your payment for you. Call Mr. Raw lins. 915 Jefferson St. 1 Bdrm. older type home, Grand loca tion. Some one with a paint brush and a few ideas can have a nice home. Very reasonable, only $6000. Terms. Ask for Mr. Helm. 1 ACRES, $5,850 East. Close to Salem. I Bdrm. All mo dern. 3 yra. old. For only $1000 down or will consider a car aa part down payment. Ask for Mr. North. RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DUTT.t Ph. 2-4664 Eve. 3-7137. 3.8019. 2-577 C244' ROt'ftE Si but Minis on 1 tj acre on Holly wood Dr. Ph. 2-2675. c344 FOR TOI'R SAVINOh investment buy a flMt mortises on real estate Salem mlnlt? Examine security -mime if Amojnta 1500 to several thousand dol lara, oet Inveotore 5r. We make all col lections for you IS desired. RTATF FINANCE CO 11 Rllh WANTED REAL ESTATE fOTICE! ff your property is for aie rent or exehanie list It with us w have all kinds of cash lovers T B FINANCE CO REALTORS, 19$ a High Bt ea WE ARE in need oi gooe nouses to sell In or near Salem If you wish to list your properly for aale see ORAnrNRORftT BROS. RIAITOR9 154 S liberty St. Phone I 3471 -a IIAVB 1600 to pay down for best buy 1 or I BR house. Ph. 2-3604 ra?44 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE t BDRM. home with unfinished uptalrs. J years om. Located at im-a Duncan Ave. Will trade for acreage with build ings Ph 167T4 rhl46 RESORT PROPERTY WECOMA-BP Aril Retiring couple-will find lovelv new two-bedroom home with larce attic, of excellent const ruction, hilly Insulated. Ha fireplace, otl fur nace, elec. wtr. htr and heat, carsie. Full lot. Beautiful view. Must be seen r be appreciated Owner re ires cash, or half cash with balance on satisfac tory terms. Write Box 162, NeUcott, Ore. CC343 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OAR 401 equipment for Immediate aale. I1MI0.00. Write Box 473. Capital Journ al. cdJ47 FOB BALE by owner: The Sweden House moneabtird. now operating We wuh to enter ether field of business. Grossed $31000 last year, with 40 net profit Wonderful opportunity for man and wife. Priced low for cash a!e. 11 month left on lease with option to renew. Excellent location on campus Price 11.000 00. tnclud eaulp in ventory. Ph. 9-T333, Eugene. 1359 Kin aald St cdJ4 OROCIRT and meat market. Clean stock Cash business, long lease on good blda Located in prosperous t alley town. tg04 Plua Utv. Call O. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors HI High Ph. 1-4191. cdJ44 FOB 9 ALE: Or trade Ha" A hse. for beet ear offered, or small down pmt. A 11$ per mo. L. Doyle, Rt. I, Box 40 A, Brooks. ebJ41 FOR SALE !l operator beauty salon, in good bus in sea town. F'rst reasonable of fer accepted. Phone 141t days, 1444 eve- tcuw fO SAH HOUStS Phona 1-4113 1-4113 aa!" - 3-3936 3-3333 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DRIVE IN Established business located at So. Sa lem City limits. Owner has put a re.l low down price of 91500, which tnclu. around $1100 in fixtures St supplier Oood set-up for man St wife. DOWNTOWN RESTAURANT Seating capacity TO. Has counter, booths St dining rm. Oood business St equipment. Owner forced to retire due to lllnes. $13,600, plus Inventory of stock. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Office: 2-2649 Office: 2-2649 cd34S BEAl'TY SHOP: Excellent location. Owner leaving town. Ph. 2-3867 eve. cd347 SERVICE STATION for lease at 437 B. Commercial. Small Inventory for pur chase. Jh. 19371. Cd344 14 RENTALS, basement, auto heat, large lot, close to State House St stores, II you want a good Investment let us show vou this. S IN IT COURT, this really la good, large trees. Close in. Call for appt. ACROSS the street from the State Office Bldg. 6 apt all furnished, hot water heat. Very good Income $33,600. Will ac cent trade. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Llstlnia Persoonal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Pb. 1-8389. Eve. 3-7440 cd243" FURNITURE FOR SALE REOWOOD patto furniture, 9 pieces, sac rlf;cc.ia5 N. 13th. d244 Special Consignment Wed.. Oct. 12th. 7 p.m. 2 late model Montgomery Ward wash ing machines :6 ft. 1948 electric refrig. 5 piece dinette act 1 11x12 wool rug, practically new 1 9x12 Wool rug Tapestry covered lounge chair, like new 4) End tables At lamps LANE SUDTELL'S Auction Sales Yard Located Va Mile East of Salem on Sllverton Road "To Buy or Sell Call 2-6091" d349 SOLID mahog. dining room set with buf fet. Best offer over $150. Ph. 3-4661. d244 For Sale, Furniture Don't buy any Item of new or used fur niture until you have shopped the Glenn Woodry Furniture Mkt., 1605 N. Sum mer. We'll aave you money. d246 WANTED FURNITURE IT'S' YOUR MISTAKE" If you aell used furniture, appliance, sporting iood.v household effects with out first letting my price. GLENN WOODRY PAYS TOP PRICES Ph. 1-5110 for Immediate Resuiu da FI'RNITITRE. appliances and household articles of all kind, wanted for cash. Free appraisal. Trader Louie. 3055 Port land Rd. Ph. 3-8556 days. 3-4407 eves. da AUCTIONS FI'RMTt'RE Auction tonight. 7 p.m. Lane Sudtelt'a Auction Sales Yard, located lli miles east of Fa In rounds on Sll verton Rd. Ph. 4-4098. dd343 FI RNITI RE APPLIANCE' auction every Tuejt., 4 pm., 0nnood Ballroom I pay cash or sell on commssilnn. Glenn Woodry. aurtUnei"T P'i 3-5110. dl FOR SALE LIVESTOCK BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandish, 1137 8. 35. Pb. 38147 e77 PETS TR ADE 1 reitstered cocker pup for 1 reentered collie pup. 5O0 8. Warren. Monmouth. Ore. 4347 THE ONLY TRIE love money can buy. Registered Collie puppies. Reaa. Ph 3-2353. Rl. 3. Box 179. ec348' SF.M. POINT Ulamene kittens. 3 mo. old. Sired by iKnlght a Miguel). Rev. Arthur ooble. 1197 E. Lincoln. Ph. Black 7. Woodhurn. Oregon ec243 FUEL SPECIAL BUY YOUR WINTER'S WOOD NOW 9 CORD LOAD. 110 44 PH. 2-7442 345 iFT. OID GROWTH "wood. Fireplace ar furnace. 14' old groath fir 114 cord. Arnold Phillip. P. O. Box 341 Turner. Ph. 1X2. ee241 OREGON FUEL CO. noon drv alab or green for furnace. Dry ediing $4 load. Green edging $8 $0 load. Double load $10. Oood Clean Sawdust Ph. 1-5S33 ee341 SHELL STOVE 1IETL OIL. Ph 3-1184 Shell Oil Co. L. T. Mai well, dlstriouto' te249 GALL HIGHWAY TV XL FOR Diesel and Steve Oil PREBH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends A Block Wood Pb 14444 ee PNILUPB BROS Old fit, oak. aab A maple, f ftr, alab and add Me, Pb. 11444, FOR SALE HOUSES OWNER MUST SELL 139001 yrs. old. Living, kitchen, large bedroom, bath. Large lot 45x198. Fruit and nut trees. Nice garden apace. View property, close to school and bua. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL $75002 bedrooms, living, dining, kitchen, bath. Full baaement. Hdwd. St tii floors, nice yard and shrubs. Choice location. 1 blocks from achool. This house la spotlessly clean. FAIRMOUNT HILL 17750 View property. Nice sett lna in ahade treea, outdoor fire place. Lawn and shrubs. 1 bedroom and bath up. living, dining, kitchen. bath dn. Elec. heat, fireplace. McKINLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT $11 0004 yrs. old. Bung, style. 2 bedrm . living, dinette, kitchen, bath, full buement. auto, oil furnace. Beautiful yard, fruit trees, garden apace. 3 blocks from achool. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORSEN Office 2-8629 191 South High St. House 1-7141 A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR REAL ESTATE IJ2000. APT. HOUSE. 1300 MO. INCOME FROM 6 LO. ROOMY PUR, APTS., CENTRAL OIL HEATINO SYSTEM, BUILDINO IN TOP COND. 4 BLOCKS TO STATEHOU8E. 1540 NORTH 21ST ST. LOT 160 FT. PRONT 2-CAR OA. LO. CEM. FISH POOL, COVERED PATIO WITH F. PLC. FULL FIN. BASM.. WITH LAUNDRY RM. it PARTY RM. LO. NOOK, LOTS OF BUILTINS IN KIT. 13x12 DIN. RM. 18x24 LIV. RM, F PLC.. 2 NICE SIZE BED ROOMS. APPRAISED FOR 416.500. OWNER WANTS TO BELL BADLY AND WILL CONSIDER ANY REASONABLE OFFER. $13,500. ON CHEMAWA RD. NICELY LOCATED NEW HOME. LO. UNFIN. ATTIC, BIO KITCHEN St NOOK, 2 LO. B.R. BEAUTIFUL LIVING RM. WITH SELECT OAK FLOORS. ELECT. F. PLC. PLUS EXTRA BUILDINO COULD BE USED AS QUEST HOUSE. UTILITY HOUSE OR WORK SHOP. FORCED AIR OIL HT. INSL. WTR. BTR. PLENTY FRUIT TREC8. $22,500. 75 ACRE FARM OUT WALLACE RD. ALL CULT. 14 STAN. BARN. MILK HOUSE, CI1IX. USE. 3 WELLS. GOOD MDN. 4 B.R. HOUSE. FAMILY ORCHD. WILL CONSIDER HOUSE IN TOWN IN TRADE. 8.:00. 12'3 ACRES. MDN. 2 B.R. HOME. BARN, YEAR AROUND SPRING. NICE YOUNG FAMILY ORCH. BERRIES. 12 MI. TO SALEM. 2 GOOD COWS ARE INCLUDED. YOU WILL FIND THIS HARD TO BEAT AT THIS PRCE, PH. 2-4680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. Eve. Ph. 3-3838 or 2-8704 FUEL TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 16' Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR 8&H GREEN STAMPS West Salem Fuel Co. 14 Of DRY OR GREEN 8 LAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone flero 2-4031 Also Pick up wood at 1525 Bdgewater St.. West Salem ee FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Order Frys or Hens now at spe cial quantity prlcea for your lockers Custom Dressing a specialty. Phone 22861. Lee'a Hatchery. t NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks tor Immediate or future delivery Hatches every Tuw Pox Hatchery. 2830 State 6t Ph 9-49A9 f PRODUCE SPITZF.NRF.RG Apples, other varieties. A. T. Glover, l'. miles west oi neizer School. Rt. 3 Box 149. H244 GALLON JUGS clean with tops 10 each. Yellow squash 2c lb. Green Apple MKt.. 2 miles N. on 99. H247 ANJOU PEARS 50c. 11. Bring boxes. 1165 H Inea. Ph. 3-7315. nz WALNI!T WASHING and drying. Ton lots. Specialty. 73 hrs. service. Dei inomaa. Jefferson, Ore. Ph. 363. f f 246 PEACHES, tomatoes. U-plck. Imlah Fruit Farm. mile on Wallace . rn. 2-0374. ff5" GRAPES RIGHT for Juice 3c lb. U-plck. 3845 Portland Rd. II247" FILBERT-WALNI'T drying. 1 mile E. Lan caster Dr.. Auburn Koaa. wieuae mc Kinney. Ph 3-1632 ff249' APPLES: Spitxenberg St Rome Beauty- extra fancy, order your winters aup nlf now. delivered. Call Hancock. 2-4340. K249 TOMATOES a bu or ton U-ptck $1 bu man. Box 32. Ph Jefferson 04 fI243 FILBERT AND Walnut drvlng. Special service for small lota Phone a-zufii Lee'e Hatcherv ff HELP WANTED FILBERT PICKERS. 4c lb. A. I. Eoff, Rt. 6 Boa 154. S343 ALL AROt'ND wool prefer. Steady work. Standard Cleaner!) Sz Dyers. 362 N. Com mercial. g244 ACCORDIONINSTRI'CTOR Part or full time. Excellent opportunity No ex perience necessary. We train you Write Capital Journal. Box 422. 251 HELP WANTED MALE 2 YOUNO MEN 16-34. slnile, free to travel. Average 76 weekly. Transportation furnished. Immediate ?rswins icct. Rapid ad vancement. See Mr. Hrrrlck. Hotel Sa lem, 9 a.m. 1 p.m. No. phone calls. ga244 RELIABLE, able bodied man 35 to 30 yrs. for concrete mti. Sliop and delivery work. Must be dependable. Steady Job for rUht man. Rt. 4. Box 306. Boone Rd.. west of WW. ia243 NATIONAL CORP. offers profitable busi ness opportunity to middle ased or older men with car. Write Dox 464 Capital Journal. g2T HELP WANTED FEMALE LADY TO rare for 2 children for em ployed couple. Ph. 37475 after 6:30 p.m. gD.'J3- CHRISTXtAS CARD "sVNSATIONS! New PLASTIC Orretinn ell on lht, pa v you bu profit. 21 -Card "Leader" Alport mem $1. Many oilers. a ne-:m-pr.nU'd Ore'lln-'. ."i0 to- M: al.-o Nap klnn. Floral Notes Lender" on ap proval. FREE Imprint 9nnnles. 8TYL ART. 1310 Santee, Dept. 56. Los Amr5 55. Calif. Ib243 TYPIST AND MIMFOCiR APIIFR. Congen ial work lna conditions, full-time, good salary. State ae. training, experience. Type application. Box 468 Capital Jour nal. 40245 BEAI'TK'IANS, experienced all-around wanted. Most p.easant working cond. Excellent opportunity for right party. Apply in person. 251 N. Liberty. Fnch of New York. ab345' LADY FOR COOKING and light house aork. Faintly a ith 3 school a-f chil dren. Live In preferred, But Will ad) it hrs. to live out. Ph. 3-7971. ab246- COMPETENT WOMtN between 30 and 50 for Hint housekeeptni and care of two small children. Home small, thoromhly modern, riorth of Krtrer school. Will re cede eood tnitrv A live In. Ph. 3-m7. 4 till noon for Interview. bJ44 SCHOOL GIRL to live In our home In South Salem. To act as mothers he i per. Sat. evemnia In. Private room A bath Ph. 1-334.V 10244- S-TFNOr.RAPHFR: Full time Shorthand required Apply tn person to Hocg Bros, 360 Slate St. gb" PORTR4ITcolor artist, experienced 4)0 Ore on Blda. gb241 WANTED: "Salesladies' Must have at least 3 years experience selllm lade' readv-to-wear. Excellent workint con ditions 5 paid on isles. Appi? 404 S'ate St 1621 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFirl AND CLERICAL POSTTtONS tan State Street Phone 9-14M ff WANTED SALESMEN OPrNlNO for 2 enera-tlc real estate sales man. Bet V. Omer Huff, 161 Cbemekefa 341 IFOR SALE HOUSES (REAL ESTATE WANTED POSITIONS TREE WORK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne 248 S. Church. Ph. 2-6014. h24T CARPENTER WORK wanted. New, repair A alteration. Pn. 2-49Q4 aucr a. na& W ILL CAR E for baby In my home. Ph. 2-8333. h243 DENTAL nurse, graduate of San Fran cisco Dental Nurse school, pnone 2-5573. h246 WILL CARE for your child In my home. $1.25 per day. will pick up and de ll verPb. 3-829 1. h248 EXPERIENCED hotel and club chef. Oood cost man desires position in Salem. Write James H. Doan, 295 Blller Ave.. Salem. Ore. h246 WANTED practical nursing by hour or stay in. 1409 N. Church, apt. 5. h243 ACCOUNTANT 4 years experience with the Bureau of Internal Revenue Deputy Collector and Revenue Aient 3 months traveling Auditor with CPA firm. Age 33. Desires position with Oregon ac countln gor tax office, or In account ing department of large business. Write Rt. 1, Box 111, Aumsvllle. Oregon. h344 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins. op. work guar. w. h. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h261 Mimeographing-Typing INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Pn. 3-6796 b253" TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. Serv ice Former phone opr. Pb. 1-5072. h256 CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 26876. h243 NEW LAWNS prepared and seeded. Light tractor on rubber wlht doxer. Pb. 3-8127. h251 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 3-48M). h EDUCATION Rawlins Music Studio Violin and Piano. State accredited teacher. Ph. 2-6013. hh250 FOR RENT ROOMS t FI'RN. rooms. Cooking Sz laundry priv. Near bus. Adults onlv. utilities patfl. us perjnonth. 244 N. 23rd St. COEY SLEEPING rm. Por Employed Cou- ple. Ph. 34248 J""" CLEAN aleeplnc rm. for men. Private home. I860 N. Summer. Ph. 3-9314. Jka47 NICE sleeping room (men). 448 Center St. Rear Woodrow Bldg. Jk244 HFATED SLEEPING RMS. for men. Dou ble jijlingle.NHtb. Jk246 WELL FI'RN. sleeping rm. Cloae in. H A C wtr. Men only. 737 Center. Jkl43 VERY close la sleeping rm. Ph. 2-7817. Jk263' SLEEPING room. 370 Bellevue. Ph. 3-1477. Jk241 MEN'S SINGLE or dole, heated alp. room. Priv. ent. St Pb. 1505 N. Cap. Ph. 3342S. )k348 LIGHT H ol SEKE EPI NG room. 790 " N . Churchy Ph. 34335. Jk245 ROOM FOR gentleman. 632 N. Winter. Call after 5:30. Ph. 37054J Jk348 Sleep." RMHoiiWood.-303S McCoy. Ph 36093. lk256 FOR RENT APARTMENTS S RM? APT. Outside ent. Bath. 935." 594 No. 12th. Jp243" NICELY FI'RN. 3 rm. apt. 675. Ambassa dor Apt. 650 N. Summer. Jp?44 V RmTapT. No drinking. No peta. 1120 Ferry at. Ph. 2-5604. JP244 JRM. APT. 6407'lnquire 1267 N. Com'l. " JP343 I RM. ft KITCHENETTE for 1 125. Cou ple $30 mo. Ph. 3-7546. 140 Wlllllam. iviu TR!TAPT.""!"f floor. Private entr. All elec. 1075 N. Capital. Ph. 3-8706. Jp248 t RM. FI'RN. apt. Close in. Employed ad ults. Ph. 3-6905. Jp243a BEAI'TIFI LLY furnished apartment. Elec tric throughout. Insulated A weather stripped. $70 a month. Adult pre ferred. Call 3-5765. JP242 i ROOM unfurn. door entrance. Cottage. apt. Upstairs. Out Pb. 1-5996. 1045 N. Jp243 I BURM. furn. apt. Close In. Ph. 31566 between 9 a.m. A 1:30 p.m. Jp245 I RMTBwmenTApt. 925. 3605 Maple ave. jp3; FI'RN. MR ST floor apt. 2 adults. 359 No. Liberty. " Jp1' APT.- A RM7 for rent. 160 N. Capital. JP24V FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 5 rooms, $50.00. east, a sent 3-7903. Not for sale. Ja.244" WHY RENT?- 6750 down. Comp. furnished new 2 bedroom home. Ph. 426J1. JmJS SMALL. MODERN 'bdrm-house.' 1 block from new capital Shopping Center. Em ployed Adults. Ph. 31515 Jm349 NEwHlirmrmodern houae. Ph. 1-7202. Immed. pow. Jm344 9 BEDROOM modern house In Woodbum 135. Call at 3043 Lee atreet. Salem. )m343 Ismail house in Siirerton court, un furnished eicepl for electric ranae A wasJer. 2 blocks from downtown. See at 123 A. Piske atreet. 643 per mo. Cell owner 3-7911. Salem. .'J"341 rBRnrfOUSPwith""toor furnace at 3311 B. Commercial. ln. at 199 N. 19th. jm24B 1 BO. RM. houae Englewood dUt. Lease 367 N. Jm new 9 Bedroom bouie, dost tn. 174 N Churrh lm343 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE for rent. Pb. 3-0910. 1430 N. Ltberty. j347 NEW STORE building for leaat. Ph. 31639 r taU at 1079 Broadway. J241 AUTOMOBILES McKay's Corner REMEMBER-With an OK That Counts '47 Chevrolet Stylemaster 4-Door Sedan $1395 Radio, heater, WS washer. '47 Chevrolet Stylemaster Town Sedan $1325 Radio, heater, WS washer. '47 Chevrolet Aero Sedan $1435 Radio, underseat heater and defroster. WS washer. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. S50 NO. COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE S-3175 Member "Salem Used Car Dealers Ass'n." S-S-S Rocket S-S-S TRADE-IN SPECIALS 48 CHEV. AERO SEDAN (PERFECT) $1495.00 47 OLDS 98 CONVERTIBLE (PERFECT).. 187S.00 '48 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE (PERFECT) . . 1795.00 '47 OLDS 76 CLUB (PERFECT)' 1455.00 '46 FORD V-8 COUPE (PERFECT) 925.00 48 CROSLEY STATION WAGON (PERFECT) 475.00 LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE 435 CENTER ST. 3110 FAIRGROUNDS ROAO FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS! HOLLYWOOD D 1ST. Office suitable for business. Reasonable rent. 6150 for lease. Ph. 2-3863. 3007 N. Capitol St. J245- U DRIVE Trucks. Robinson Shell Service. Center at Cottage. Ph. 39103. J BIGNESS RM. for rent. H L. Stiff. OFFICE, desk apace. Conv loo. Ph 39133 J345 FIOOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. J POWER TOOL rentals for nome and in dustrial use. Howser Broa Pb 2-3646. TO DO a good lob rent a good floor sand r We tell everything to complete the lob HOWSER BROS . Ph. 3-3646 J iOOD L'SED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE ftpaces and desk apacea. Pb. 25693. TRAILERS $2.00 per day. Howser Bros. 141u 6 12th, Weat Salem. J SINGER ELECTRIC portable tewing ma chines. Reasonable ratea. Free pick up A delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com 1 Ph 33513 I" WANTED TO RENT BR PARTLY or furn. 3-0807. house. Ref. Ph. COUPLE with 2 children desire 3 bdrm. turn, house. Will pay to $75 mo. Ph. 1-4461. Ja346 TRAILER HOUSE to be used In Salem. Ph. 38700 9:30 to 5:30 Ja243 RESPONSIBLE PARTY desires unfurn. 3 or 3 bedroom hse. near achool. Call 3-3077. Ja245 NEED 3-room house or apt. with range A refrig. at once. Have 9 mo. girl. Ph. 3-8805. Mr. Kaason. ia243 2 B.R. HOUSE, unfurn., with stove. Pre ferably close in. contact Mr. cnuas, Union Oil Co., Ph. 1-7676. Ja243 YOUNG EMPLOYED couple want 1 or 3 bdrm. partly furn. house with garage. Ph. 2-8261 after 6 p.m. Ja243 WANTED: LARGE well heated sleeping roam, or small apt, Perm. Business man. Write Box 471 Capital Journal. Ja246 FARM OR HOUSE In vicinity of Salem. Year's rent In advance. Write box l care of Capital Journal. J243 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD A 3-6227. room for elderly lady. Ph. JJ247 EMPLOYED mrn. Good bed. Substantial meals. Lunches packed. Transportation. Laundryopttonal. Phl-8740. JJ3- BOARD A ROOM for children by day. week or month. Pb. 22606. JJ243 BOARD and room. Ph. 3-8706. J1258 LOST AND FOUND LOST: House keys on High St. near Grand Theater. Brown leather ease. Call Independence 224 collect. k243 MISCELLANEOUS GUARANTEED rebuilt washers In excel, lent condition. $19,95 up. Vlnce's El ectrlc, 157 S. Liberty. m244' FOR RALE Servlcycle. 48 model. Also good sleeplna trailer. Cheap for cash. Mobil Serv. St a.. 1836 Lee St. (Lee and Mluioni. m245 LES SPRINGER, men' hatter. 464 Court We close Saturdays 12:30. m244 POWER TOOL RENTAL: VALLEY FARM STORE. 4345 611 vert on Rd. Pb. 2-2024. m259 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1 11 R SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY BEMLER DENTIST Adolpb aidn --State A Commerelel 8u SALEM Phone 1-3311 m' BUILDING MATERIAL WALLBOARD Car load aupply aheet rock K" 4c, V 6'ac. Hard waterproofed Chapco wallboard in J tnicKnesses. starw at 7c sa. ft., tood for bathroom St kit chen walls. C. O. LONO, Ph. 3-3821. one mile north of Kelier. ma344 NON-METALLIC sheathed cable. 120A 2 conductor 250 ft. CO 1. $10 75. Al0 a Com. plete line of wirlna supplies. S'ars Roe. buck St Co., ti. iapuoi. rn. j-kisu mta" PER MA-STONE for fireplaces and borne. Salem Perma-Stone Co., 2040 N. 18th St. Salem. Phone 3-0605 after p.ti. ma 263 SHINGLES $7 75 at. $5 00 at. j. ..$30 2-5631. One C O LONO. Ph. of Kelier. WRECKING t house Will aeh alt or part of material. Ph. 2686. ma248 " PLYWOOD Large stock, low priced, 5 thleknewea. For walls, cabinet work, flooring. Each sheet of material your choice. C. O. LONO. Ph. 2-3821. 1 milt N. of Kelier ma346 DOORS 1 panel doors. 3 6"x8 9" complete with frame and hardware 110. New glass doors. 110 33. Raised panel Colonial front doors HMO. Mahogany slab doors 124 50. C O LONO. Ph. 2--82l. 1 mile N. of Kelier ma346 RED-CEDAR SHINGLES Rtgb Mountain or Coast Timber No 1 $7 75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 109 iqs No. 1. 8 tn clear, suitable for roofs or si dew alia. Ted Muller. Pb Sa lem 1-1196. Salem-tndep. Road. ma GRAVEL FOR concrete mix and roads. Sl furdson. Pbone 31160. ma349 NEED LUMBER? 4 larrar amount BulMera ar. raallilat aubatantlal aaTUUJ so all ara4M at fratntn, luma.r No. 4 2i41iS ahto Up 117 par M: tit-ni-lilO 111 ft M. No. I. It ahlplap 1.11 pr II. Prlra tn fillers 0lv,rr VMt P.l.n Saw Mill. ld-0 wrallac. R4 Pn. m,14" UIVI - IOCH - AtrMlNTM LOCK jHINOIB Th modarn ronf lna Im row Oalar al Call D-il l-01 ajalll- (AUTOMOBILES PHONE J-W7I PHONE 2-1H0 BUILDING MATERIAL SAVE Oft ROOFINO Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of eolora Call our outside eat earn an for fm eettmaU Phone 1-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD A CO SALEM. OREGON SIDING - SHAKES New white asbestos aiding $10 sq. Car load supply. Save money, no paint needed. Cedar shakes In the carton $12 sq. Undercourse Included. C. G. LONO, Ph. 2-5831. 1 mile N. of Xelrer. ma346 DEAR CUSTOMER, insist on jour"con- nti,or nu carpenter using tne finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 26 Lena Ave. Ph. 34939. Free parking. ma" FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BABY BUGGY .In excellent condition" 110.30. tn. 3-0172. n344 SMALL PIANO, like new, very reasonable . vuihKc, Sit)' !70 MAUSER (Bruno), brand new. $14sT Ph. 3-5300 after 6 p.m. n244 '48 MODEL Frtgidalre elec. range. Like new. can Be seen at 978 Knapp At. or Ph. 1-6695. i,a47 HOUSEFUL furniture for sale or trade jot trailer nouse. uavenport. Chair, bed room suite, linoleum, stove, breakfast set. misc. articles. 4 ml. west of Wood burn. Turn L. on St. Paul Rd., 2nd hse on right. Mark Bandera. Rt. 1. n244 MONTAG wood ranae. Colls and water tana, tteasonaoie. 1895 Lee St. nH7 THOB AUTOMAGIC washer. Pb, 2-7666 n244 EASY SPINDRIER, good cond. $25. Kit, t.wia . isesK j. i;omp. dn is, other ltema. Out Liberty rd., turn right at King St., yellow house end of road. Dale Brown, Ph. 2-6266. n244 FRANQUETTE walnuts, you pick 10c "ib. mm leu ai rteizer acnooi, follow pave ment 2 miles. W. L. Woelk, Rt. 2, box 170C. na47 GUARANTEED rebuilt washers In exc.' conu. siv.vs up. vincea Electric, 157 S. Liberty, Salem, Oregon. n244' ELK A DEER RIFLES. 6.S Italian army iiwe uv wwa u. finnem cut down 970. Springfield aporter $96. 4645 Atlverton road. Ph. 2-7310. n247 BARN YARD FERTILIZER $S yd. yd.' ititra a. Amoia rniiiipg. r. O. Box 361 Turner. Pb. 1X2. n365 HEY WOOD Wakefield baby carrlaae. Easy Spin-Dry apt. alte waaher. Reas onable. Ph. 2-0146. nJ45 USED OIL HEATERS 619.50, $19.60 and GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 467 Court St. Phone 1-9611 PRACTICALLY new 8 ft. refrig. Heiaon- oie. rn. z-imi. n34S USED SEWING Machines, Reasonably priced. Ph. 1-1139. Ralph Johnson Appliances SALEM SAND Ot emATEL OOUPANT Contract Work Road - Clearing DlUbinc Sewer a Baaement Equipment Rental 15 B fa yds 10 B 4 yds D-7 Cat A Doier D-6 Cat A Docer D-4 Cat A Doaer Sec us about ditching by thl ft Phone Days 1-9401 Cves 3-63S8 or 1-4409 ttalem Oregon n LUMBER 2x4'a by Jitney load, 910 per 1,000. You haul. Independence Lumber A Mfg Co- Inc.. Independence. Ore. OIXFRAL ELECTRIC Croalcl. Olbaon and Montaa Appliance, at Oavum. f FENCE POSTS, poiea. all tTpaa. etHntitT. (ertluaer A (latrock Phllllpa Broa. Rt I. Boa 111 Ph aim n Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repai ured ALL MAKES. PICK UP AND DELIVER. W. DAVENPORT PH. l-7:t nSil APPROX. 35 To. 2 lone blue earpet. Ben-" nix auto. anrr. Mra. R. Weltv. Rt. a. Box 427. S milej eaat on Uarket er. n2 Er.l.TEREO Robl. Jonaa aolf eluba with leather baa. Ph. 4-51 evenlna. n24l DAVENPORT ft chair. 1150 00 . 251 V. Liberty. Bllfhtlr u.ed. nJ4V PEAT MOM fortified with turk.T drop Inaa. Only 0c a aaek. V ALLEY PARM BTORE. 4345 SUverton Rd. Ph. S-2C24. 0259' USED ELECTRIC refrlaeratora. TEATER APPLIANCE CO, 275 Chemekela n251 l'ID ELECTRIC ranaea. TEATER AP PLIANCE CO, 275 Chetneketa. n251 t.FD wV.HING machine,. TEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeket. n2" OIL CIRCl'LATORH. drastically reduced prlcea. YEATER APl'UANCE CO. 175 Chemekcta. H351 Rt'NTEIlA ATTENTION: Bar. your lan in a Deepfreere Home PrMaer YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 375 ChetnekcU. n2jl ALL ElMor makea of amall appllancea. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 173 Chetne keta. nll f EWINO MArniNF.l: Pre. WeatluhosM. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 271 Chen). let a. nasi rTEnflNnnoraE radio phonotraph e on to!.,. Aa llttW aa III 50. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO, 373 Chetneketa n351 (Continued on Page 23)