Fear of Police Leads to Suicide Cheyenne, Wyo., Oct. 12 (Pi An 18-year-old air force soldier from Ashland. Ore., whose apartment was filled with rob bery loot, shot himself yesterday because he feared police were closing in, Police Chief Fred Schmoker said. Schmoker identified the sol dier as Pfc. Robert Eugene Bunch, who enlisted last Decem ber and was to have been gra duated from base training school next week. The police chief said Bunch's 19-year-old wife told him they started long evening walks after she became pregnant and on them they began a series of house burglaries. "Since 1 was always hungry, I usually went to the kitchen and got into the icebox and ate and then I'd help Gene carry the stuff home," Schmoker quoted her as saying. Police said they found in the apartment loot from 10 Chey enne residences including six ri fles, several revolvers, clothing, costume jewelry and an $800 diamond ring. Fish vs. Dams Fight Renewed Astoria, Ore., Oct. 12 (U.R) The Columbia basin inter-agency committee opened a Columbus day hearing today, meeting for the first time in the capital of the flsh-versus-dams dispute. Chairman Herbert M. Peet and representatives of the Ore gon fish commission, the Wash ington department of fisheries and the U.S. fish and wildlife service would present plans for fish conservation on the lower Columbia river. A discussion of corps of en gineers' plans for the passing of salmon through the McNary dam site with two cofferdams in place was also scheduled. The fishermen's assaults on high dams planned for the lower Columbia river were launched at a Walla Walla meeting of the committee in June 1947. Then, James Loder of Sa lem, president of the Oregon Wildlife federation, said that his 20,000 members now want ed d e 1 a y a on the construc tion of dams that would damage fish runs. Don McKerman, Ore gon fish commission biologist, Quickly Relieves Distress of Snzay.Stuffy 1:2nd Cc!ds Afevdropiof Vlcks Vft-tro-nol In Men noitrll work fast to raHtvt head cold dis tress, make breath ing easier. And If used at first sniffle or neese. Va-tro-nol helps to prenut man? colds developing I Try It. Follow directions In the package. Y1CKSVATROH0L Not Dross V Wort Fact I $$ MONEY $$ FHA m Real estate Loans Farm or City Fenonal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 15S 8. Mfh 81. Lie 8-116 M-ttt m Funeral Held For J. W.Ingram Funeral services were held at the Howell-E d w a r d s chapel Wednesday afternoon at 2 o' clock for James W. Ingram, long time resident of Salem who died at his home suddenly Mon day. Rev. Wilmer Brown offi ciated at the rites. Ingram, who was the son of early Oregon residents, Mitchell and Pauline Paulette Nichols Ingram, was born at Troutdale. Oregon, March 7, 1867. He came to Salem in 1888 from Portland and had resided here ever since. March 4, 1893, in Salem, he was married to Lulu F. Long of Salem, who preceded him in death. Ingram received his edu cation at Wilburn college, which was located in southern Oregon. 1 Surviving are three children, Mrs. Kate E. Sutton of Portland. Mrs. Rose Marie Wesolauski of Eugene and James M. Ingram of Turner; eight grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. Body Recovered Eugene, Oct. 12 (P A body recovered from Salt Creok ves terday by a construction crew (Advert Uementt Eyes Sore? Tired? Here'i prompt relief I Bath ayea with Lavootlk. Burninc. Inflammation. aore- neii. urea ireiing. iicning irom local trrltatlona all relieved. Coola, . eoothe. refreihee or money refunded. 30 yean aueceaa. Pralaed by thouaandi. Get Lar- optlk today. lEye-eup included. I At all drueilRti. is held here for possible identl-, fication.by relatives of a family that drowned in a 1945 Christ mas week tragedy. Deputy Coroner Fred Buell said he believes the body is that of John Mitchell. The family car plunged off the highway near Oakridge. December 28. 1945. His wife, a son and a daughter were also victims. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 12, 194921 WANT CLEANER HEAT? Let us show you how your home can have filtered, humidified heat with s Delco-Heat Gas-fired Conditionair. Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 108S Broadway ' Dial 3-8555 Authorized Reprexrritativr ! j , , Dr. E. E. Borine II Jk Allodia , . . and His Wonderful Lamp You can't rub a wonderful, magic lamp as Alladin did, and ask the genie to bring you a new pair of eyes . . . BUT you can have beautiful efficient new glasses. USE YOUR CREDIT AND OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN Opto 'ometnsts AT BORING OPTICAL Now in Our New Modern Office and Laboratory CORNER 12th AT CENTER Dial 3-6506 fi -s"V IMJ Dr. Sam Hughes Endurance Flyers Bill Barris (left) and Dick Riedel (right), Fullerton, Calif., pilots, who formerly held the world flight endurance record, greet Bob Woodhouse (second from left) and Woody Jongeward at Yuma, Ariz., after the two business men set a new world endurance flight record of 1124 hours, 12 minutes and five seconds. Barris and Riedel, who held the record with 1008 hours, said they would not attempt to beat their long-time friends' record. (Acme Tele-photo) said the Bonneville dam fish count was inaccurate. The fish groups at that meet ing suggested a 10-year morato rium on dam building and the power-recla m a t i o n adherents countered with a proposed 10- year moratorium on commercial fishing. Both moratoriums were tabled. Nine Ole Miss seniors are in line for their fourth football let ters this season. Be sure it's PURE CANE M 0k sk sffim I Be sure I Borden's cottage cheese j V, FRUIT SAIAO! j ft noraens a IV COTTAGE CHEESE W IjRUITLADj tart ymtt yt on thb pockao Fot fevrwIV m whot'i tmiM Ttmdvr, Mt rftotd frvKi, txd wMi Borden B rlst til nf CoftVgVv Cfcwl At fwr kni aNn Mm. w'Xa Not a watar paint, net a powdor painl, not a tubitrrut. But a real oil-bat wall paint that covert almost any surfaco thoroughly with on coat. Can b washed repeatedly painted over without streak ing. Your choice of 34 attractive colors In flat, somU gloss and gloss finishes. Flat, per Gallon $4.16 Cmm hi lor 'H lopr, "CCHOI DYNAMICS lot Yovr Hotii" Modern Wallpapr! Com In-see our wide assortment of 1949-50 wallpapers to fit any tasta, any purpose, any purs. Chooa from Dorothy Leibes reproductions of beau tiful hand-loomed fabrics, United Style Album and Salon selections with rich color effects, handprinted papers, and long-lasting budget patterns. Per single roll .... 19c to $4. SO A i) flWf flfllMMl WsaeHstrStf CMfaattfMt fal fl)ej vie) Sel T4sf sVflM flltCfftJfoVff pffcfMii Tlwrs'i pmiUrfh Pslat far Evsfy Hess Need I SUM-ntOOr HOUSI MINI New, fume-proofl Will not darken or discolor from coal smoke or indus trial sue. Gallon 5.47 WATtisraa inamii QukkKiryinc ftnuh for any type surf ace inside or out Quart 2.19 PIOI MIDI fnterior or e tenor Floor Enamel Oalkm 5.75 PITTSBURGH PL ATI OLASS COMPANY 254 N. COMMERCIAL DIAL 3-3636 a afW - n 'Ji GREAT STRAIGHT B0URB01M -J! I "f- irfrt I f Famous for Us ota-tlme quality and rich, full flaoor P Now enjoy again lha j'aisW I V jjVfVx J--,) whiskey famous for its I T&ijjItHjCl J fl33rC old-lime quality and I jfc. 7 rich, full flavor! $g M STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 86 PROOP NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORP, NEW YORK. 1 g) NOtH ADvnnHNO. sj BE FALL-WARNED! Take a friendly tip from those falling leaves and ther mometers by preparing your home for those wintry days around the corner. And what better way, than by equip ping it with economical JOHNS-MANVILLE ROCK WOOL INSULATION! A cinch to apply, it will keep you snug ond comfortable throughout the cold weather . . . save up to ONE THIRD of your fuel bills! Stat St., Four Corners Dial 3-8515 95 of all hauling jobs can be done with Chevrolet Advance-Design trucks Buyer pifiinc shows that in 95 of all hauling obs, there's Chevrolet Advance-Design truck that will serve you more satisfactorily ... for more years ... at less cost. The wide range of the Chevrolet truck line from smart panel delivery models up through specially equipped heavy-duty carriers means you get a truck specifically designed to carry the load, all the way up m . ma 1 1 L ! I lt. f ... I I L. . . . . TO IO,UUU IDS. gross vamcifj wsignr, awm v luuuy wwy the Chevrolet truck that's ust right for your job. ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS A k m m m - - flATUHINO VAIVI-IN-MIAO INOINII-OrrHe asorae M lll", lw OIASHSAOM iniMe ClUTCH-SeMi uwm . SYNCHSO-MISM TtANJMIJJIONI-. Cltk, tmcMk hlHIs MTPOID IAS AXIIS-I Hm.i atniar Oimi aa.l ami tya DOUBlS-AariCUIATID lAKIS-CmiW aWe rHrl WIOI-SAII WHf lU-kiarMaMt lira mllf AOVANCS-DIIIOM STTIINO-Wllll IM C.k Hwl "SraoftM" SAU-TYPS STIiaiNO-Smlv eMMMa UNIT-DIIION lODIII-rWI.rtn kW PREFERRED BY MORE USERS THAN THE NEXT TWO MAKES COMBINED. DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 510 N. Commercial St. Salem