20 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1949 ' I DONT OFTEN PUT ST I'M NOT GOING 1 Mnmrhil-W I THOUGHT YOU'D CALL 1 --ABOUT THE PEROVAL PHRKS ESTATE " I - MY roar DOVN,CUPOKBTO SPOTS HOT t ; " " frPAr -i f-rrv'.-nn AHEAD-"! I'LL Give VA ONE GRAND FOB A" SURVSV-J I BUT I FORBID YOU TO MAGAZINE, SON i V I'M ALONE " T vasssfl ON IT-IP YA THROW IN FIVE OP t I 1 TAKe OUR TROUBLES TO HONEY IVE I . Kj. trl YOUR "SURVEYS" ON SMALL JOBS' YOUVS I ' KIT AND STEVE I JGOT SOMETHING , - I I Af7Tv It H i i i TsW GOT YOUR- RADIO PROGRAMS DOUBLE TROUBLE WEDNESDAY P.M. KGW K0IN 170 CBS KEX UM ABC KSLM 1300 MBC K0C0 MM Ke. AP NtwW of urn By WILLIAM HOBSON 1 ChaDter IS ) Turk took his JackknUe from a pocket and began to cut away Jay's bloody shirt. Full consciousness was returning now, though his Drain was deadened from chock and the terri ble pain. Turk bent and looked at Uie bluish-colored hole and then took him by an arm and sllppec horny hand beneath nu tide. ' "Easy now, boy. Orit yore teeth I've sot to roll you over. A groan burst from Jay as he went over on his face. Ellen twist- ad his head sideways and her hand stroked his face as she bent down close and kissed him. "Joe, for give me," she whispered lmplor ingly. "I was angry, I don't care what you've done or what you ever ao, i sua love you. uon i aie, Joe Don't die!" "He won't," Turk said. "But that's shore some hale where the bullet Came out in Zront. Here, hand Die thet pan of water. i His big hands, deft with a rope ana ineiy a running iron were equally aelt with the bandages. When he finished Jay lay on his o&ck, smppea to the waist, his bandaged chest rising and falling With each tortured breath, i "Do you feel any better now, Joe?" Ellen Randall asked anxious ly. She had not moved from where the sat by his head. . "Much," he got out. "I'll be all Hght." Oh, Lord, he prayed, I hope I don't get fever and start babbling "We've got to get him to a doc tor," Ellen said. "It's fifteen miles to the ranch and twenty-five more to town. That's an eighty-mile found trip and Doc Stannlfer la too old to make it." I "We can't move him tonight," Turk replied. "He's too weak and lull of shock from that big rifle bullet. But we can't risk a fever ana i mink tomorrer mornln' Har ry an' me can rig a travots to haul him to the ranch. It's about as easy as a wagon an' we got plenty of piaiiKcifl. o "Who do you think did It, Turk? Marry asked. ; "Well," Turk replied, scratching his rea neaa tnougnuuuy, i got k hunch it was " 3 "Miguel," whispered Jay. I "Who's Miguel?" Ellen asked. "Why, he's a sort of Mexican . . ." ' "He's Lucia's lover," Jay whis pered again. "He was jealous be cause I danced with her." j He was glad of the lie. Swlnner ton had said that Peg Smith was Working for Randall and Ellen had laid it too. bitterly. Jay didn't want Randall to go on the rampage and get into trouble with Smith. The man would turn on him and shoot him In the back as he had boasted of doing to so many others. "Shore," Turk agreed very quick ly, "I reckon thet's nho it was." He turned to Ellen. "Seems to me. Miss Randall, you'd ought to be gettln' back to the ranch. A line cabin ain't no place fer a couple of young ladies. Harry can stay here n' give me a hand." "We'll do nothing of the kind." came two feminine voices. Ellen said. "I'm going to stay right here and alt over him all night, Turk. I wouldn't leave him if the ranch was burning down." "All right." Turk agreed reluc tantly, acratcning his shock of flam ing hair again. "My bunk's klnda narrer fer two but you two kin sleep in It, taking' turns. Harry an' me will take a couple blankets an' bed down in the feed shed on the grain." nodding to Harry. "I feel so rotten, Mary." Ellen whispered so that the sound would not carry. "I rode up here all the way Just to accuse him of loving that Spanish girl . , . and a few minutes later he was shot." "You love him very much, don't you darling?" Mary asked. He rose and picked up his rifle. "More than anvthing else In all this world. He quarrels with me. lies even slapped me, but there's something In his wild, untamed na ture and that handsome face of his that goes through me like a knife every time I think of it. As soon as he gets well enough I'm !0 hang." "I think Harry understands per fectly. All the way out here on the train he could talk of nothing but you, seeing you again. He told Fa' ther he was going to ask you to marry nun. But i n sure ne unaer stands now." Mary and Ellen got ready for the night vigil. They covered the windows with old newspapers and barred the door. Jay still lay si lently, his smooth-muscled body mo tionless in the light 01 the lamp He was either asleep or uncon scious, Ellen thought. As a matter of fact, he was wide awake. He heard them tlpoelng and talking In whispers, and presently Mary undressed and lay down on Turk's blankets. Ellen sat beside him as the night wore on. Some time in the early morning hours ne dropped on to sleep lor a pe riod and the awoke with a groan, thirst burning his mouth. He saw Mary's anxious lave over mm ana heard Ellen come up quickly from tne Duna. "What Is It. darling?" she asked "Water." he croaked. She brought the glass and lifted his head while he drank and then brought him a second glass. She wiped the wetness from around his face and neck and he closed his eyes again. presently he dosed off one more (To Be Continued) SIZES A$gS$J Coat and Dress Duo The com panion coat and dress ... a won derful choice for every little girl's wardrobe I The pocket edition coat buttons up high, has a warm hood on Its shoulders; the puff sleeve frock features a panel treatment. scalloped Peter Pan collar. (Both In one pattern). No Mil is cut In sites 1. 1. I. 4. Size 3 coat and hood. 1 yds. 64-ln .: dress, It yds. 35-ln. Just out! The FALL - WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 160 prctlcal. easy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern aesigna lor an ages. Hemem ber, It's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now price just 30 cents. Send c for PATTERN with Name, Address and 8tyle Number State Size desired. AHrirJU nnnlljll -l.inmal 114 tla- going to marry him and Dad canslon St.. Ban Francisco 6." Calif f 1 & flslrloora Design The handsome design of this davenport set was copied irom a 100-year-old crochet ed piece which the owner was kind enough to let us duplicate. The set la not expensive to make, as It Is crocheted of heavy cotton, arid works up quKity. Pattern Envelope No. RJISl eon- tains complete material require ments, met chart, crocheting in structions and finishing directions. To obtain this pattern, send 30c in wm. given pattern number. your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal, U8 Mission Street, San Fran- cmoo s, caiu. . mm mi jcsfoM s m vta? h ; :- in J l Tl I I TRY TO PLEASE THE I I AAAY I SEE YOUR u I ciwo Z l IQ.I2 ' e. nm r, mtm "J O Ciiwziri" '' so vrTMMLm9Sj W tmosire, mv asuj-YtaTH ft barrel I B W VotrVLSEe, NNE I BUT NO USE SS ROTTEN MARSH GRSS-ITS EKSSuS 5 KiCEUESS! HOW COULD a DEAD RSH YlH I - I SOCIETY FOLKS GO CROTY I KCOIN' dLRSEOVES- 1 A HEOLTHV 6MELL-THE T ONE EVER DUPLICATE ) COULD COME CUKE- P I OVEEMNeW PLACE TJJSLACE P iaMeLL OF THE SEA;.'!,-.-: g - JHtSWRVELOUS AROMA? BUT SWP re EH ? 'J 9 -Jub.UAl'""! V THIS AIMT NO TIME PER I T 1 A1KTT KIDOlW,) ' "l I 1 HOPE NOTUIM" -,iaas - -J --JWILSUC ME6B A klDDiKJ'.OAXIE.D'yA I PA.HONESTi , ' WEMT WRONS WITH r 3 T AMD WIS PAMILV 1 .WANT 1 SHOULD CUT MAW TOLD ME ) THE TRAILER -I'D SURE 1 (OUST PULLED UP -i MV THROAT? S TO CALL YOU J -S:S HATE TO HAFTA MOVE - 3 H - VJM PROMT OF 1r" --i 5T BAC INTO THAT DAKIG- . -4 e I -w TUE HOUSE 9l W kP K !L&LASTED CIGAR-BOX 4 kJ I ITa'V-VV 1 I VTOcM I IV ' V L: i7T 1 '""H II-:'- III" I rlru? . - Iwt CAN'T keep ) -and we can't Vmost UwellsomebooyS I I MTTlArso they're the V; One houb latcp-in the, hills. 'EM COT UNDER A IXTBMiMATC OTTA BE. V PROPERTY OF UNITED I THt QUOTAWV-EM- LIKE ANV Vtovable F HtmPOIlLt IS the STATES CITIZENS, ARE ? ?-THBEE pmFUL HLgLUE CHIEF.r-QCOTAS lOTMlR SWARM li'l FOR tMT aROFtRTY I THEY? TELL THOSC SHAMBLING SLOWLY ALONO, THE ARE. FDR PEOPLE A OF ONDESlRAfJJ ) CTltterS K AY HAVE oTth' A VOKOMJT TO SET ' ' FASTEST WAY WEYCAN. I'LL .-w . .mm if net A-n rr J Vai a wv . uiM.sre 1 uilltiim aMr TUK I I AlUP "EM A LIFT. FOR LAUGHS. J I 1 LOVAJWJL.-r; V JHE UNITED STATES? J I DOOpatchl . I M I J DO VOL) I rn iilflM DO YOU TO WHOM I DO VOL) NOWSAV p0WH0 UPu,IMr fU U 0,ld TO ZtO DOVOU WISH TO THAT TO VOVOJ M? HE WW& : QB lO VrMSrt SfVmzi Mx M VlJ-& WOMAN I MIGHT CM0CC 'I ;J- I , HilviN,5,EAl0u4 t!'"-i lv VrJ Lfc,' ' E 1 20 NBC Kdii Minnlnf ILHII Sba 00nay Sidt Sasonii f Tlm(bt HnntUr OO'Vour Lift Grsurh Man ;lVVijr Lift tarouch Man ;30Mi (ockUiininf (rotbj ;45Muil Cotkttll mat Croby OOBlf Slrr Burin t Altn 15Bif Starr jHurni Alltn :30vurllai Tlmt Hollywod ;45prUln Tlmt Hsllywacd ;00BinEtrKlrilrB Lawtll Thonas lS Vewi of Wtl Uack Smith 3r)rSlldrilev ;45CiiJtltrtIatfa 0OBrk tha Bank Frank IU ;15Brck tb Bankfrank Raoa :30lil. Attornar Bcaulah ;45piit. Attarnay fluh H nnsam HajM B Star Final . Current A Ch. van, tna woria 30 -pta. Final 45;Tcx Wllliaraa brrbaatra ;00?"w" :15Waa Ma team ;3D Wai MuMum :4A,Was Mttitin QQSItn 0 Cballrnft ( 1 liken Llark Armitranfl Uack Armitrong Hcadllnt ' Edit, Msmf Edition Author C.tlie Author Crllie tont Raniar ona Ranger Mr. Malona Mr. Malona Mher. Holmra kber. rlolmca Horla Karloff Borla Karloff nerenada (Orebtslra rraaa. Baa' Nawa 9 i lent B-Bar-B Ranch R-BarB Ranch Tom Mil iMii Gabriel Heattr ! W Stmt Tello Toil Muala foait In Aut. Coatt In AuL Claea Kid Clieo Kid ama al That Sang Lynn Marry Lvnn Murry troii pier Croupier nrcheatrn lOrcbtttra iRehfld. Reporter ntermeiso (ton ert Hour it'onrert Hour Iconeert Hoar Ironccrt Hour Memoa Tomor. Memoa Tomor. tXtra Hoar N'ewt Newtrtel Ramblert Kamblera Fulton Lewia Loral News INrwa Muila Lova Hyaterr Marina Band Rub Morgan ua Morgan sim off Rhythm Ranch) Rhythm Ranck iRIng Craaby Butlneaa Newi Candla" Light and Sllvar S'ewi rroplcana Pat O'Brlan Mutleal Jack pal Evelyn Knight (ireat tporta Trark1M " Track 1400 Trark 14H0 Track UW Track 14M Track 14M Newa Tonr Martin Frank Rata rrank Rata Muala Yon Want Muala Yon Want Noetarna Kaeturna Mectarn Koe tor no felfnOff THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. (X) Hodge rods 15 Newa 30Farm Tlmt i.jFarm Tima fMl' Early Bird In Old Sonca 30 Nea ,45 Nam Ha ye Newa XOIN Klack KOIN Klack KOIN Klock KOIN Klack Lwa Newa trad Beck 00 Smooth Maale New 15 Smooth Mualo (Newt :U Jar nerrn 45 .Sage Rldera 00 The Second Cup ,1 The necontl Cup, S Momeiownera 45Ncwa OO'DIek Hay roe 15 Easy Listening 30 Hotteit Houae iHosteis Houb, Double or Nothing Children Light ofWerld Life Beautiful INrwB epper Young iHappinesi 00 BiekBtaga Wife 15ptrlla Oallaa 30Lorenio Jonea 45iWldder Brown jO rand Slant Rotemary Warren Kewa Farm News Keep Smiling Keep Smiling Keep Smiling iS'ewa L iron iky Bob Haien iZeka Mannera Breakfast Club breakfaat Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club 15)Port. Fares Life 30 luat Plain Bill i 45,FrL Fg. Farrell 00wleome Travel. Art Klrkbam Helen Trent pal Sunday Big Sister Perking Dr. Malona jGuldlngLlght bd Mrs. Burton Perry Mason iNorah Drake Brighter Pay Incwi K'ome Get It ntrlght Light; Arl Baker Barnyard Fol. kiarry Moore kiarry Moore Klrkham News. Btara or Today Hrt Llnkletter krt Llnkletter Jack Norman klalcn Drake My True Story My True Story petty Crocker Moneymakers Northwest- ernera Noon Dreamt Meet Mrnjoui Breakfast In Hollvwood Kay Went Kay Writ News rTimekeener Mareb Tlmt) IKOCO niacal Kewa KUCO Klack Lncwb ITet Rltttr Krkftt. Gang pewa di Sparta Brkfst. Gang rTop Mtrnlngr Top Tradet flap a'Mornlag IBarg n CounttrlCh. In Wild'! Musle lorgan Moooa lHavrn of Ret West'n Melodla lllaven of ttt Fiesta Ncwb Melody Tlmt Quia Club Melody Tlmt Faator'B Call Stars ding Saga Riders J. Cb. T bom at News IN W NW Kitchen Muiie Wilet Tune Tlmt Haiti KS KcjU) Muile Mart Musle Mart Jan Qarber Vocal Varletleg Hollyw'd Musle Hollyw'd Musle Headline Ntwa Ted Dalt Mac'a Melodies llfarvey Hard.m Mac's Melodies Klrkham Newt.'Jay Stewart Meet th MlssusJay Stewart Meet th' MIssusBride A Grot Tune. Yonrs Bride it Grot Ladles First U,adles First (Queen for Day Queen for Day Top Trades Newa W. News Bob Ebrrly ft-ell Y'r Neigh Organ Rcverlea IRIng Sings Ugalnst Storm Against Storm Mrs. Flxlt 5lWelcome Travel Arthur Godfrey Vera Vague a.. i -At I .Aim. R. Ka 45:Lora and Learn SrthurGodfreyred Ma lone OO'Woman't Secret Arthur GodfreyiMod. Romaneea'Fulton Lewis 15 Road of 30 Dr. Piul 45'Sunny Side Curt Massev Kouirrel Cage Behind Story lEdw. R. Marr'wBqulrral Cage ICar. Carallert Mac'a Melodies Mac'tMeladles Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodlea Mac'a Melodies Mac't Melodies Mac'a MelodiesT Mae's Melodies Mac'a Melodlea Mac'sMelodlet Movlt Tlmt Phllotapher Ryers Can B Beantlfnl KOAC KTi: P.M. 8:00. Chll- Thealert :!. On the . .rt itvi KnorlB 1 IUOI o.inr. News- :!.' Dinner Mclodlesi 6:0. Zonda Montgomery! n:o. inTiiauon o 7:lM. .Farmers' .I'nloni 1:1B. frfni,,' Hour i biiwi noi Contest) S:M. Veteran's hews Re view. :. Losser's Fire Weather Forecast i w:0A. Musle That Kndnrctt :t6. Evening Mcdltatlonti 10:0. Stan Off. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 tfA.C Thurtday A.M. lff:M, Ntwtt IX Vr'MV 10:15, Especially for Wameni 11:00, School of Alri 11:15. Concert Balli lt:00, Newai lt:lS, Noon Farm Hoart 1:0. Rtdo 'em Cowboy; 1:18. School af Alri 1:48. Melody Lanai t:00. Home Gardes Hoart t:S0, Memory Book of Muslct t:4B, Excursions In Scleneei 1:00. Newsi 1:18, Mnsie of the Masttrsi 4:00, Unlyartltr Hour. Monmouth Students Attend Colleges Monmouth Sixty percent of the members of the 1949 grad uating class of the Monmouth high school have entered schools of higher learning this fall. Though the class was not the largest in numbers it does have the distinction of having the greatest percent qf It members entering college. Students attending college this year are: Don Gregg, Ore gon State college; Sylvia Part low, Cascade college, Portland; Helen Elkins, Northeast Chris tian college; Eugene; James Comstock, Central Washington School of Bible, Thorp, Wash.j Peggy Neal, Mildred DeVos, Gladdys Young, Bobbie May, Marilyn Miller, Clifford Men ning and Oscar Grovel, Oregon College of Education; Anita Westfall and LaVelle Breon, Capitol Business College, Salem. ACROSS L. Hair oiotm.nt 7. Cutting wit IS. Public speaker 14. Entertained 15. Promt 16. Northera eea bird 11. Temperate 19. Grow old 2r. German cltr 12. So. American monkey n. Palm Illy 14. Opposite of aweather While Symbol for tellurium WIH a.se. . Measuring devices II. School, ol whalel II. Certain 14. Incline II Early Immi grant to New Eng. land 19. Pronoun 40. Type measure 41. Alack 42. Leave 43. Turkish title 41. Musical shake 47. Marble 41. State In BraiU 10. Tale 61. French author 62. Public store houses C A pflA'RlA BflM ODt LI se II Um aIIa TOM f ir)LoIp!e rat oi r ATrisnNlilaTp,,,fj Cj1' "rjlnl lp gj wi t L M O BsT0jR EflA V A S E K EHEIWlg rUc I N T etlclnCTijpj I jia' "l 1 1 I1.ZI" "ll'Bts S E P RlElS OMA TIOlRlTl R1 aTR I LflV 0 W 80 N B. 8olutlon of Yesterday's Puzzl. 64. Avoids 66. Choose 67. Dethrone z lwzzz 43 44 IE il;!L fl, DOWN I. Edlbla tubar t. Sourct S. Neck cot or Inf 4. Davoured (. Perform . Rubbers) 7. Behalf. t. Kxn 9. Card wool 10. Eioptlan froddeM II. Pertain 12. Whirlpool! 17. Utilizes 20. Component part 21. To bs expected 24. Gapirif 26. Hindu Karma nu 29. Past 31. Favorlu S3. Soiled H. Molds 35. Envoy 5fi. Bucket 37. Marbles 38. In no way 41. Rush! an sal 4fi. Remalndsr 47. Fufs 49. Copy 51. Ones around 63. Out of: prefix (ft. Brother of Odin Af MawfrWvras nil ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern WATT HERE. ALFY VAHILE I'M SCAIflT Of 'Tjf I 60 IN 'i Z. K MEETirsi' A JUDGE CVK JUDGE IS BUSY OF PUT $ $-?3, IN HIS SCIENTIFIC , ME BACK OF TH' I' LAB6ERTORY. AOlKli;C I LATTICE POR AXj ON AN INVENTION 30 DAYS FOB, ( ,4t v YOU'LL LIKE DA ROWOYIN'TH- L" ffw, JUDSE -HE'S fO 1 I PEACE IN A y VnIAM interlECtural wrr J V brawt. v brains r-j?$ ' JjrT '-vL Jl i IS INSIDE WTNtfl IT a 1 1 .l pushing a K z fcjrn