GOP Convention Heads Named Appointment of local republi cans to head committees arrang ing for the state convention of the Oregon Republican clubs in Salem November 4 and S is an nounced by Dr. E. E. Boring, who is general convention chair man. In the group of appointments re the following local names: State Rep. Douglas Yeater, Ma r i o n county convention chair man; Al W. Loucks, finance chairman; State Rep. Frank A. Doerfler, Mrs. Nettie Spaulding, decorations; Mrs. Helen Ficke; Mrs. Edna Stacey, Mrs. Florence Wright, Mrs. Helen Demarest, Mrs. Nettie Spaulding, Mrs. Florence Young, women's com mittee; Marian Lowry Fischer, publicity; State Rep. W. W. Chadwick, housing; Dave Hoss, radio; State Senator Frederick S. Lamport, special guests; Rob ert M. Fi s c h e r , Jr., reception committee and chairman for or ganizing local club for conven tion work. Line-up of speakers and pla ces for the varied events will Ka announced in a few days, reports! jjr. soring. Injuries in Accident Fatal to Salem Man Injuries received in an auto mobile accident near Sisters last Friday proved fatal to David King, 29, of 1963 N. 4th street, who died at a Bend hospital Tuesday. With King was Victor Bous quet, 44, of 1529 State, who i's still in the Bend hospital. The two men were injured when their automobile crashed into a tree. Bousquet received internal Injuries, fractured ankle, jaw, pelvis and other multiple frac tures. King Is survived by his widow, Mrs. Thelma L. King.. Arrange ments are in charge of the Howell-Edwards company. 'Wac Corporal' Rocket Travels 5,000 MPH Pasadena, Cal., Oct. 12 (U.Rl A "Wac Corporal" rocket has traveled more than 5,000 miles an hour to break all existing rocket speed records, a scientist disclosed today. The "Wac" was launched from the nose of a German V-2 rocket which was alreadv in full flight at White Sands, N.M., a few mnntha a an Ppnf W T Stewart of the California In stitute of Technology told a seminar yesterday. The "Wac" tained a speed almost twice that 01 a v-z. LUMBER The price of lumber Is advanc ing, the demand for car ship ments is increasing. Buy now before it goes up locally. 2x4 to 2x12 framing priced from $12.50 and up. Also boards and shiplap. Electric crane to load with. Bring in your plans for an es mate on "mill work," shingles, shakes, masonite, etc. Buy your lumber where It's made and save. Huddleston's Retail Yard Near Evans & B. P. & 3. Mills Silverton, Ore. Rev. Walter Fiscus Church Venture Calls Fiscus Rev. Walter Fiscus, former Sa lem and Eugene resident, who has often filled the pulpit of both First Christian and Court Street Christian churches here, has become co-pastor of Mount ""-non Place Methodist church in Baltimore, Md., in a move that i- CdUtu ' an adventure in inter denominational ministry." Rev. Mr. Fiscus is married to the former Rosalind Hull, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Hull of Salem. Announcement of his selection for the Baltimore position was made by Rev. Albert E. Day, pastor of the church. He said that Fiscus would not be asked to change his denominational allegiance. He has studied ex tensively in this country and in the British Isles. He is a native " ' -'"''-inr. Olda. He will take up his new work November 15. . days where there is so much discussion of church union," Dr. Day said, "There are steps in fellowship that may well be taken by individual churches, advances that may open other ways of cooperation between representatives of various deno minations before organic unity between denominations is reach ed. 'The action taken at Mount Vernon Place church is not with out precedent in the religious field, but I believe it is new in Methodism, at least in the Balti more conference." Sailor's Story Torn in Shreds New York, Oct. 12 U.R Chief Pharmacist Mate James Strat- ton faced stormy weather at home today explaining to his wife that the $32,000 he said he saved from his navy pay really amounted to only $500. Stratton startled police yes terday when he said a knife- wielding robber lifted his hoard of cash in a subway holdup. Tears rolled down his face as he pointed to a rip in his shirt, made he said, by the point of the robber's weapon. His wife, Amelia, even came to the station house to console the sorrowful veteran of 32 years in the service. Theen detectives scuttled the whole story. Stratton, 49, never had a life savings of $32,- 000 as his wife believed since their marriage six years ago. Except for the $500, which he still had, any other money he had saved had been gambled away on horses and spent "here and there. ' Faced with his wife's request for new clothes, a vacation trip and other items beyond his means, Stratton concocted the robbery episode. Police decided his story was false when he mentioned he had his cash in "$200 bills." Sympathetic officers prefer red no charges. They sent the chief home to navigate his way out the best he could. WU Law Students to Issue Legal Handbook Eight law students at Willam ette university have been named for positions on the board of di rectors, Willamette legal hand book series, a reference work for lawyers circulated throughout Oregon. The sixth of the series, now in process of preparation, Is being supervised by Prof. John C. Paulus. a doctor of Jurispru dence from the University of Iowa and a former editor of the Iowa Law Review. The students selected were: Thomas W. Chjirchill, Stockton, Calif.; Roger B. Todd, Dayton, Ore.; Lent Berkeley, Portland; Joe Larkin, Washougal, Wash.; Ray Ross, Ripley, Okla.; Omar Halvorson, Silverton; George D. Wilson, Portland, and James Fitzgerald, Portland. United Shows Mileaoe Gain United Air Lines today re ported it flew an estimated 133, 606.600 revenue passenger miles in September, a gain of 7 i per cent from the same month last year and a decline of only 4 per cent from August. Harold Crary, vice president for traffic and sales, said much of the travel gain can be attrib uted in large part to the contin ued improvement of airline reg ularity and dependability. In addition to passengers, United flew approximately 905, 000 air mail ton miles, an in crease of 8 percent from Septem ber, 1948, and a gain of 2 per cent from August, 1949; 603,000 air express ton miles, a drop of 5H percent from last year, but a gain of 7 ty percent from Au- Blood Donors Goal Reached For the first time in the eiRht months the mobile unit has been stopping at Salem the local goal of 100 pints was reached Tues day, 109 pints of blood being do nated for the Portland regional blood center. About 150 persons had signed to donate. Of this number 15 were unable to give blood and 16 failed to keep appointments. The next visitation of the mo bile unit in Marion county will be at Woodburn. October 2. The next stop in Salem will be November 8. Red Cross officials were most appreciative of the response from donors Tuesday, a staff of volunteer workers having given much time to contact and call donors. Three Die in Ballard Apartment House Fire Seattle, Oct. 12 P Fire in a two-story Ballard apartment house brought death to three persons shortly before midnight last night. Six other occupants fled to safety. The victims were Jack Schaum, 70; his wife, Caroline, about 67, and Carl H. Rappe. about 65. Mrs. Schaum and Rappe died in the flames, Schaum was dead on arrival at the hospital. Silverton Mrs. Josephine Hartman was released from the hospital Tuesday for convales cence, is announced bv her Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1949 It daughter, Mrs. Ted Lorenzen, and her son, Earl Hartman. She had been hospitalized for two weeks. gust; and 2,273,500 air freight ton miles, increases of 18N. nor- cent from September, 1948, and 3 percent from August. 1949. DO EST 3ILS! relieve relieve coughs-aching muscles MEM! "Vince's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SALES REPAIRS SERVICE RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 $47,500 for Bank Protection Washington, Oct. 12 (IP) The army engineers have allocated $47,500 for bank protection on the middle for'- the Willam ette rive'' - afield in t'- Clearwater section. SHARE THE SUNSHINE! Give your family its share of glorious sunshine all through rigorous winter days. Glass-Enclose your Porch. You will find our prices reasonable for Porch improvements which will benefit vnnr fnmilv for viiwv TEtt&J " " Enclosures'- yearst SALEM WOODWORKING CO. 122S Cross ' Cabinets - Frames Ph. 3-5953 it SPECIAL PURCHASE Chronograph Watch NEVER would you dream that a Chronograph watch with alt of these features could be priced so low ... but your War Surplus store does it again. Shockproof Jeweled Swiss Movement Stainless Steel Case Genuine Leather Band f) Sweep Second Hand Use for timing-, telemeter, etc. One Year Guarantee 95 F M Mm" Orders r fin Open Evenings 'til 9 P.M. The price It down, down, down! Sea us for your dream kitchen. Start enjoying the work-saving wondert of a genuine, white-enameled steel Youngstown Kitchen. You'll bend less, stoop less you'll fairly fly through the dishes. How these na tionally advertised beauties work for you! Call today. A kitchen-planning expert will come to your home at your conven ience and plan your new kitchen in miniature. No cost or obligation. ocroee&sPBctAL Youngstown Kitchenaider Cabinet Sink, fi4" model twin, fluted drain boards, cutlery drawer, two roomy shelves, one-piece, acid-resisting porcelain-enamel top with impressed soap dish, swinging mixing-faucet, crumb cup strainer, 4" back-splasher, re cessed toe and knee space. Flanked by Youngstown Kitchen base cabinets and wall cabinets exactly as shown. ThU wonderful prie it for Octob only. CbMM riw rifta KHdMnaMtr for Urn Rtdf and pvrtt II texery neMs-H weaderrfll, lew prices Vee ton' bear thh quality ne matHr Jtow much you pay HATUKM KATUMff (66" Twin-Deluxe shown) Buy In October for a lifetime of convenience and tervles. No coitly remodeling. Few Installation. t Sfxtf aidsf-lncit t HiirfHrfN-tu:r1iM tptil S. 0M-Hn,idfTnftlSatf' etMriuMl tat I liiMiii m mi I. laHKMl IMS Mil I. Thwl fihmhiit; J. CfMab-tii ikaiw ( MM ikf) I Hm IMltf llMMlH I PtftlMri Mitel tflwW IMlMB IN II. Ht-1111 HMSlUlt It. Hi unMt wmI bMt 11. Hlfl-IHltr fcfc VMI tt tlithH It Tp4 Mf ttfctec IL tlirifi cim MsaOTJcifac MM) II. RKMUSj M Wl kM( tM II Irwi erner meet (m ' S BV UiriTTMt PLUMBING-HEATING 2 79 N. COMMiRCIA L PHONt 3- 4141 OLDSMOBILES has Everybody Talking Mm mm ramie mm Everybody's talking it everybody's trying itl The Olds mobile "Rocket" is the most enthusiastically received engine in motoring history! More than a million people have driven a "Rocket" Oldstnobile in the past year and each of them is telling bis friends all about it I "Rocket" poumrt "Rocket" imooth' nest! "Rocket" quietness! "Rocket" economy! "Rocket" teamwork with Oldsmobiie's Hydra-Matic Drive! There's a Futuramie combination of everything you've always wanted in your car's power plant a driver's dream come true I But don't take our word take the wheel and find out for yourselfl See your Oldsmobile dealer and make a demonstration data with the Futuramie "88" lowest-priced "Rocket" Engine car. Soon you'll be talking "ROCKETr "ROCKETI" "ROCKET!" r Moving Service A ACROSS TOWN OR Whether you're moving in town or to a distant city, we offer the finest in worry -free moving serv ice. Our local storage and mov ing facilities are unexcelled. And as representatives for Allied Van Lines we can place at your disposal the know-bow of the world's largest long-distance moving organisation. Allied' Xpert packers, handlers snd drivers safeguard your posses sions every step of the wsy. Call us for sstimates. mmmmmmmmmmimmmm mmmmmmmmmmimmmimt jaesisBBBBaesHMaBBaBBHBawaaiw- -nawBeBBBar Red Star Transfer llbertr Belmont rk. 1-1111 2 l)JJ)JB'7y (J j l (J J Ml PHONI YOUR NIARIST OLD JMOIIll DIALIR LODER BROS. ASINT rOI 465 Center St. Phone 34119