8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1949 1 1 i i I ; i w 1 17 f rTT I , - V'?- B?Vfi if nm iiih mumm mi i inn iiif'nli illir ""T ft -Tr t Heat's Still On in Brooklyn; I The world series is over 1 every place but In Brook lyn. Caught In the aftermath, Dodger President Branch Rickey sports an open collar, undone tie and disheveled hair as he weathers the criticism of second-guessers. Rickey said the Dodgers, and not Manager Burt Shotton, lost the series, but some experts In baseball circles don't think Shotton will be back next year. NEA-Acme photo by Bert Brandt. (Acme . Telephoto) Intra Club Golf Tourney Slated For October 23 An Intra club tournament with numerous prizes being awarded for participation is slated for the Salem Golf club October 23, un der the sponsorship of the Men's club. Registration for the event must be mad not later than next Sunday evening. Contenders will be segregated into two groups and competition will be on a two ball foursome basis. The losing group will provide the winners with a dinner. Among the events for which prizes will be awarded are the longest drive, least number of putts on a par three hole, closest to the pin, farthest from the pin and a number of others. Concerns and individuals pro viding the prizes Include Cline Coffee Shop, Star Foods, Inc., Millard Pekar, University Clean ers, Bud Waterman, Ralph Mapes, John Emlen, Perry Drugs, Huskies' Star May Return for Stanford Clash Seattle. Oct. 12 ) The possl billty that sophomore fullback Hugh McElhenny may be back In harness for this Saturday's clash with Stanford cheered the University of Washington foot ball camp today. The flashy, hard-running ace aaw his first action yesterday since the Minnesota game as he took part In a heavy scrimmage session. His ankle didn't ap pear to bother him but he ob viously was soft from the two weeks' layoff. Plan Marion-Polk Basketball Jam Plans for a hoop Jamboree at Willamette university gymnasi um early In January and for a basketball schedule were mode at a meeting of the Marion-Polk county "A" league in Stnyton this week. Paul Robinson, principal of the Independence school, was named president with A. N. Ar nold, superintendent of Stnyton schools vice president and John Chamberlain, coach at Mon mouth, secretary-treasurer. WOMAN GOLFER WINS 8TH CONSECUTIV! TOURNEY Klamath rails, Oct. 12 T Marge Steiger won the Klamath Falls women's golf champion ship yesterday, defeating Donna Sproat B and 8 In a 36 hole finals match. Mrs. Steiger has held the championship eight years in a row. Junior Gridders Make Debuts in Friday Contests The 1949 Salem junior high school gridiron season, delayed two weeks because of building construction at Parrlsh junior high, will start Friday. Two games are scheduled for Friday, both sending Parrlsh teams against those from the Leslie, In the initial debut in the afternoon the Leslie Blues clash against the Parrish Cards at 3:35 o'clock on OUnger field. Also on the Friday agenda the Parrlsh Greys mix with the Leslie Golds nnder the lights at 7:30 o'clock. West Salem Junior high draws the first bye of the season during the first round of play. All teams have been in tfrac tice sessions for three weeks preparing for the openers. The Brooklyn Dodgers won 48 and lost 29 games at Ebbets field during the past season for a .623 percentage. They won 13 and lost nine under the lights. Gopher Center Named in Poll as Lineman of Week New York, Oct. 12 Pi Clay ton Tonnemaker, rugged 240- pound Minnesota center, was selected today as the lineman of the week In the third Associated Press poll of the season. Tonnemaker's devas t a 1 1 n g play against Northwestern on Saturday won him top honors. He waa outstanding on defense ss line-backer and made many important tackles. Minnesota won. 21-7, and in the words of Don Heap, assistant Northwestern coach, "it was that Tonnemaker who wrecked us In the first half." Minnesota held 14-0 lead at the half. Tonnemaker, a product of Edison high, Minneapolis, wrestled brewery kegs last summer to strengthen his arms and shoulders. In the opinion of George Svendsen, Minnesota assistant coach, "Tonny is the best college cen ter and best pro prospect I've ever seen. Minnesota never has had an All-American cen ter, but Tonny will correct that." Tonnemaker Joins Howard Houston, Harvard tackle, and Art Weiner, North Carolina end, who gained the lineman award in the first two polls. Beaver Babies Slate Duckling At Eugene Friday Oregon State College, Corval- 1U, Oct. 12' Oregon State's freshman football team, consist ing largely of ex-Oregon prep stars from all over the state, will open its season Friday afternoon at Eugene against the highly rated Oregon Frosh. The Duck lings already have one game un der their belts, a victory over the Portland university frosh Coach Hal Moe, new Orange freshman coach, has been drill ing his squad hard since the start of school and will field a heavy team averaging 199 pounds. A comparatively light backfield averaging 182 will run behind a hefty 209 pound line. After an intra-squad game last week-end, Moe said he was pleased with progress made by his yearlings on defensive play, but that the club had a long way to come on offense. Many of the men played strictly T for mation ball in high school and must now learn Taylor's tricky Michigan version of the single wing. Northwest Title At Stake Tuesday Portland, Ore., Oct. 12 (IO The mythical Pacific northwest heavyweight boxing title will be at stake here Tuesday night when Hardrock Gordon of Rose burg, Ore., tangles with Bill Pe terson, the Seattle title claim ant. The bout will be for 12 rounds, a compromise reached by the ci ty boxing commission yesterday after Gordon held out for 10 rounds and Peterson sought a lS-heat contest. SCORES in the ALLEYS (Complete lUaalU) University Alleys LADIFI CLAH8IC LEAOl'I andalla flna Maata ) Head 151. Lovrv 214. Bchtimtn 333. Whltmore 340, Swansea 437; AltiantUr's Jtwelrr ) Johnson 403. Mock 334. Mtrrtll 31. Tin ner 3&I. Brorkiiorr 3M. Hln.-la.neVc. BC.nnels (li rillOW 37f, Hail 413. Keinhertl 310, Ptase 331, Snjder 417; Anita. Sbope (t) McDenleU MB, Lemon 352. Causer 406, Thompson 431. Plank CenslraclUa (t Oarrlson 411. Sttber 450, Plank 437. Htm 400, Bchrocder 3; L'dIU) Wheel AMfnntnl !) Row land 411. Keneakl 374. Ivans . JUjrc 380. Robertson 304. Lsiia Flarlil () LindttT 311. Bennett 348. Ranncr 3M, Upston 314. Keenan 448: UtM HouMKaaping Jiney uiod 473. Jonei 444. Clark 48S. Oarbarlno 407. Htfh lnd. tamt and aeries. McDanlela, 331 and 439: high team aeries, Oood House keeping, 3437. MERCANTILE LI AG HE NO. t Peacock Cleaners 41) Kelly 474. Volk 414. Sawyer 453, Alexander 480, Salatrom 413; Chevron Station! t E. Malm 441, Wenier 404, Ktpplnger 447. kKarn 404, D. Werner 481. Mack Mod Masonry (D Morton 484. dray 411, Polk 380. Wllaon 394. Llnd 830; Halem Heating A Sheet Metal t Yapp 375, Moorman 444, Oladow 374, Lewis 440. Evans 451. Standard Htatlona () KOOlicnKe 415. Werden 388. Red dim 340. Knuth 417. Pur- djr 457; Burkland Lumbar 1 Webb 413, jj uric j ana w, urine , u. uria too, H. Webb 394. Remington Rand U Reevea 459, Ka- boln 348. Mansfield 349, Colburn 483, Crlaawell 405 ; Terminal lee t) 8ouia 583, McDonald 303. Santet 413, Throne- berry 404. Wilton 435. High lnd. game. Alexander, 300; high lnd. aerlei. Soma. 563: high team aerie. Malm Chevron Statloni. 3074, , Capital Alleys INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE NO. 1 Becke Wad-worth 1 Wadsworth 540, Anderaon 140. Laraen 803, Harp 404, Sherman 813. Stratton 340; Valley Motor St Parker Sll. Bullock 513. Myers Colwell 650, Doerfler 534. Salem rollce (11 wuber 876, seipp o, Matheri 473. Main 474. Creaay 343; Barb'a Sporting Goode t Inglli 533, uraueni jai, uiney, jr. tv, aaorcy ou i, Oregory 443. Hollywood Finance (3) Oeddei 543. Klrchner 543, Kenyon 693, Jonea 607, Ol- ner. Sr. 506: Rtnbblef leld'a Shoei (0) My ers 479. Brut It a 363, Heifer 359. Rounds 410. Vlttone 489. Kehb Brawn (I ) Ouerln 507, Brown 13. Soura 463. Hi Her ten 661. Jernlgan 466; Valdes Meat Co. (2) Valdes 635, Farrar 393. McKlnney 600, Blgler 560, Ertsnaard 556. 8no Beys it) Haagemon 534, R. Ale shire 444, Merrel 460, D. Aleshlre 483, Mc Neil 537; Blue Lake Paeken D Lang hoff 566, Johnson 493, Hill 146, Walla 513, Carlson 544, Ayres 314. Cariya uairy () wrignc o, foiK 7, Volk 439. M. Miller 640. J. Miller 675: Cat Pak (0) Lance 4S9. Sloan 439, Hetnke 400. werbowikl 430. BcheideKger i. High team series: Hollywood Finance Co., 3690 ; nign ina. series, rioya Kenyon, Hollywood Finance, 593: high lnd. game, Dave Hlllerlch. Keith Brown, 334. INDUSTRIAL LEAOUE NO I Sale KrtJei 638. Main 463. Rayburn 544. Densmore 466, Schrunk 504; lalem Aata ta. (61 Dougherty 373, Randal 471, Dunn ig an 403. Williams 330. Olvens 378. Salem Heavy Uaal 8 McCallliter 414, J. Crayeroft 437, Wilder 630. Farley 634, B. Crayeroft 683: McKay Chev. (4) Thompson 371. Rowland 370. Mlttendorf 370, Bhurtlef 440. Anderson 393. WBlltacker'a Wtlaers ( I ) I wood 444. Lawless 364. Wit lacker 436. Cherrlngton 507, Willard 471; Loder Bras. t Downey 416, Chararua 608, Shuck 631, Surrat 434, Baumgart 476. valley Farm store (1 Schmidt 604. Oray 45t, Kechur 635. Morris 436. Sulli van 463: Cbrla'o Market (4) Cross 358. Evans 40. zwaachka 317. Crayeroft 400. Sharp 433. BSOMI oiler i fruit t 317. curlln 434. Anderson 343, Pruett 438. Jaskoskl 493; Hammond Body Wka. !) Wauon 479, J. LaDow 431. Oudnar S66, R. La Dow 454, Hammond 483. High lnd. series and came. Bill Crav- croft, 683 and 341; high team game. Val ley Farm Store, 894; high Uam series, Sclo Merchants, 3641. Duckpin Bowling MEN'S CITT LEAGUE Mleki Slsn Sho fl) Art Herihbaek 377, Francis Miller 179. Mllbert Jacob er 463, B. B. Snelircrve 441, Arnold Mey er 613. Lea Newmans (1) Jim Llnhart 414. Sam Fox 333, Harvey F01 39u, Id XUUon J03, Bui neimeyer 381. Hilders Radio 14) Lea Dolgt 437, Dave Spalding 400, Was Smith 301, Leon Stull 437, Keith Ktye 435. Davis Oil (0) Jerry DavU 411, Carl Wilcox 379, Clarence d Voo 403, Wayne Fields 333, Paul Russell 374. Reeds Drive Inn (4) Dtiane Frank 340, Oeorte Read 413, Wayne Frank 413, John Nolan 500, Emery Alderman 434. Frosty Olsen 0 Tom Wood 411. Eddie Harri son 489, Harvey Griffin 337, Bill Oauthler lav, emu ocnoii izl. Sunset Donets (3) Royal Pawley 450, P. W. Hale 415. Cliff Reed 434. Duant Chretlan 336, Bert Kshelman 438. Cappa Used Cara (2 1 Carol Capps 370. Bud Booth 459. Leonard Cspps 334. Howard Smith 398, Lea Capps 503. High team series and game: Reeds Drive Inn 3337 and 798. High individual series: Arnold Meyer Gorgeous George . Stages Act for Salem Show Fans George Wagner, who has hit the jackpot through his ability to put on a show that takes the fancy of the wrestling public, performed as scheduled before a capacity audience at the armory Tuesday night. The entire act was staged including the spraying of the ring by a valet, the displaying of the fancy robe and all the rest of it. Entirely beside the point was the fact that Wagner flopped Al Szasz two out of three falls. Frenchy LaBelle took two out of three falls over Billy McEuin and Buck Weaver and Maurice LaChapelle went to a draw in the preliminaries. lUiekj aim Shop) 111. Hlch Individual imt: John Nolan R,edj Drive Innl 321. MIXED DOUBLES LEAOUE Orvkl. Uud Can D Leonard Cappa 434, Almade.n Lapschlea 307, Cherlea Lap schle 301, Kellj Lapachlaa 304. Salem Mer chant ratrol ll Art HerAchbacIc 433, Mllbert JacooorKcr 307, Harold Duncan 332. BlUle Duncan 3S(. Cont'l Seat Cover Co. 3 Bud Booth 383, Opal Cappa 300. Lola Booth 204, Carol Cappa 484. O. K. Rubber Welder, 111 Lor.ne Hanaen 333, Bill Oauthler 471, Peier Thorton 377. Rot Netoon 333. Uoid. Auto Paint 101 Wajne Fields 304. Irene Fields 208, Oladys Wood 373, Tom Wood 527. General Finance (4,1 Prancls Miller 338. Martha Pejes 336, Alma Penny 400. Imil SchoU 534. Capps I Cara It) Dick Buach 341, Jan Busch 380, Wretta Capps 341, Las Capps 480. Marlon Motors (Forfeit). Hleh team aeries and sams: Oensral Finance, loss and 501, Huh Individual series: Kmll Achols, (Oenersl Finance) 534. Hlsh Individual ".me: Alma Fenny (General Finance) 303. (.Hdn (.(JANS Auto or Personal 100 ,. '1000 COMMERCIAL CREDIT 1PLA1V INCORPORATE SsUem Uencr: 460 N. Choreb Si. Tel. 34161 mori I 'oo "iTrr I w German Olympian Duke Adolf Friedrich of Mecklenburg, only active German on the International Olympic Committee, wai ejected president of the re established German Olympic Committee at Bonn. 2,938 Hunters Report Kills to Game Commission Out of a total of 2,965 deer hunters reporting to the state game commission in connection with the 1949 season, 2,938 have been reports of kills. In making this announcement the commis sion explains that early returns always run high in kills as those hunters not having made a kill usually wait until the close of the season before reporting. Lake, Deschutes, Klamath and Tillamook counties lead the list of kills at this time. C. A. Lockwood, state game director, indicates that report cards are lagging behind last year and while almost 3000 re turns have been received, more than three times that number had been returned after the first week of the 1948 season. Re turns must be made whether a kill is made or not and whether the tag buyer hunts or not. CALLOUSES To relieve painful eallouaea, burn ing or teodaroeM on bottom of (est and re mora eallouaaa get these tlun. soothing, cushioning pad ROOFING Now is the time to order that new roof before the rainy winter season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 253 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 . . . .................. j. j i. ........ 1 1 1 1 1 ill i .i i t 1 1 1 1 ii f 1 1 Trie f i ee m 1 1 Calumet's Coaltown wears piano cloth under his shoes to lessen the sting of the track sur face when he's running. The Valdosta Dodgers of the class D Georgia-Florida league atole 237 bases In 142 games last Mason. saaB,,. V 'rJ' Auj i Ik f.V , 'V.;,'.V s ' ' f Ay 4t aiya, jf ej ,.v " Do Yoi fail Ford Six Business Coup This delivered price includes U.S. Taxes, Dual Windshield Wipers and Tail Lights, Oil Bath Air Cleaner, Oil Filter, Gas, Oil and Service Policy. White sidewall tires, V-8 engine and overdrive optional at extra cost. Price may vary slightly in different localities, local and state taxes (if any) are extra. Drive a Ford and FEEL the difference77 Six Legs, Two Bodies Two players, legs dangling, meet In mid-air as a third starts up to Join them In a football match between Burnley and Chelsea at Chelsea, England. VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY Center & N. Liberty Sts. Salem, Ore. -AWARDED THE FASHION ACADEMY GOLD MEDAL AS THE "FASHION CAR OF THE YEAR"