( Tomb for Columbus Being Built IL...Ir " Ji ?L3L Vf" """WHik HW; H 1m tei: I V wfafSri fSnl?! ill Llfhthouse Memorial a tomb for Columbui la now be Inf built In Culdad TruJIllo, capital of the Dominican Re public. Theae viewa of the concrete and' iteel atructure are taken from a plaster model. The real building will be a kilometer long and 120 feet high in the form of a re cumbent cross. The 21 Amer ican republic! are working to gether on the $5,000,000 build ing to be completed by 19S2. It will be a lighthouse, a mu eum and library, besides a tomb. History of each of the 21 republici will be carved on the front of the structure by sculptors from the countries involved. The work was start ed April 14, 1849. Pan Ameri can day. The design was made by J. L. Gleaves of Scotland to symbolize the International brotherhood of the Western Hemisphere. The sponsors of the project say It will be the biggest memorial to a single man since the building of the pyramids. The light on the top will be designed to guide both ships and planes. AP Newsfeatures Despite Columbus, Some Still Believe the World Is Flat By HARMAN W. NICHOLS Washington, Oct. 12 ) If you look around the world, you'll find a lot of folks who hold that we live on a flat surface. Christopher Columbus, among others, believed otherwise. We'll bring it up to the minute, by reminding one and all that today is Columbus day. It was back in 1492 that Chris got a yen to travel. He con tracted the Queen of Spain. According to available informa tion, she hocked her Jewels or dug into the royal sock and got the old boy started, com plete with ships and men. He landed on our shores on Oct. 12. 1492. Eventually the man we honor wound up in the pokey with his legs in chains still crying that the world was round. There are many who, despite the evidence, still claim It's as flat as a cocktail table. Aga Khan Conferred Title of 'Highness' Tehran. Iran, Oct. 12 U.R Shah Mohammed Heza Pahlevi has conferred the title of High ness on the Aga Khan and con gratulated him on his request for confirmation of his Iranian citizenship, it was revealed to day. The Shah cabled the Aga Khan Saturday that the Iranian gov ernment always had considered him an Iranian. The Aga Khan, spiritual lead er of 12,000,000 Ismaili mos lems and father-in-law of Rita Hayworth, was born in India of Iranian ancestry. Grangers Meet Again Webfoot The Dayton-Web-foot Grange's first meeting for this season following several months adjournment was held at the Webfoot Grange hall. There were 12 members present. A short program followed the reg ular business meeting. Refresh ments were served. Mrs. Roosevelt Observed Birthday Lake Success, Oct. 12 U.R- Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt observed her 65th birthday "on the job' at the United Nations Tuesday and disclosed that she is on a reducing diet. Top officials of the UN con gratulated her and praised her work in the organization when she took her place in the social committee room. The National Geographic So ciety, which knows almost ev erything, raised the question after almost 457 years of debate. There Is still debate. I went over and fished through the records. People in the Ethiopian hills believe the earth is like a pan cake. That's according to Amer ican oil drillers who are work ing in Ethiopia and keep in touch with National Geographic. These oil men reported that the natives of Ethiopia are con cerned "lest recent deep-drilling operations puncture the earth's plane, letting oil leak into the void underneath." As a matter of fact, the primi tive people on earth atill regard it as flat. Take the Waduman tribe in the north territory of Australia. The people follow the sun When it sinks, the folks duck into a hole and they find dark ness. Which to them means an even keel and something that won't roll them In the middle of the night. Tsimshian Indians of British Columbia live on what they con sider a flat earth surrounded by the rolling sea "and sup ported by a man who lies on his back and supports a pole on which the earth turns straight wise." In olden days many fathers of the church, including St. Augus tine and Thomas Aquinas, ac cepted the theory that the earth was a vast plane. They relied on the words, translated, of Isaiah, Job, and Moses, which appeared to describe the earth as flat. "Greater in length than in breath, with heaven, embrac ing the universe, as a vault join ed to the earth." Columbus was quite a church man. He followed religious writings which led him to believe he might reach land east of India by sailing West about 8.900 miles. As you know. If you'll look Into the books, he actually sailed 2.230 miles. Anyhow, our man Chrii blaz ed the trail. He made It easy for others to follow. A few years later. Amerlcus Vespucius made a turn around 0NLt $34975 frfm""""!,!, J iy309'rs I Nickles Assure Boy's Education Del Mar, Cal., Oct.. 12 U Five-year-old Renwick Nich oll got rid of all hia nickels today 80.287 of them to be exact. Renwick's father, Owen W. Nicholls, manager of the Del Mar hotel has been saving nick els for him since the boy's birth Today, on his fifth birthday anniversary, Renwick presented $3,014.35 In nickels to R. E Anderson, vice president of the Solano Beach branch of the Bank of America. The nickels purchased an insurance endow ment policy to be used for Ren wick's education. The nickels were saved in coin bags and milk bottles. , Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1949 13 the Gulf of Mexico and steered northward nearly to Chesa peake Bay. The makers of maps put his name on the land. New Design - Soulier- Thriftiei America'. Most Beautiful Electric Range! Packed With All These NEW FEATURES NEW Radiantub. Units cook fatter than ever nd use lest turrent. NEW built-in Hueretent lamp light entire, looking lop evenly. NEW higher back panel protects wall. NEW tmarter-looklng styling by world -fa-mout Raymond loowy. NEW O-60 Time-Signal hat two tpeedt-ono for stop-watch accuracy for moaturlng up to 6 minutes, another for up to 60 mlnutet. NEW twitch knobt are easier to read-no need to ttoop, bend or roach. NEW ttorage drawer mov smoothly, quietly on triple Nylon roller. On glanc and you'll know tnat hero it America'! moit beautiful electric rang. You'll be delighted with all It wonderful now fea tures. It now, imarter linos. All surfaces inside and out ar of lifetim Porclain and thr'i the famous Cook-Matr Oven Clock Control, Tripl-Duty Ther miier and many othor Frigidair feature you should to. LIBERAL CREDIT TERMS NEW Radiantube Unit New Radianfube Unit! have been deiigned for speedier, more economical cooking. They're Hotter and wider --to more heat ing surface comes In contact with ut.n tils. Tip up for eaiy cleaning. WILLAMETTI TAHITI LIADII. A P PI I A MCI I IONS FUINISICIS 5ALEM OREGON CITY OPEN FRIDAY TIL 9 P.M. OCTOBER SPECIAL fS&kf OPENING THURSDAY Something Different In Our TASTY PASTRY W Specialize in All Meat Pastries Come and Try Them Buy them HOT for your lunch OR Take Them Home and Your Dinner Is Ready For Serving in 10 Minutes MEAT PUFFS - MEAT FINGERS PASTRIES ALL ONE PRICE ONLY 15 Cent Each Also French Pastries 150 No. Com'l. Located In HOFFMAN'S MARKET . nl mu a. L eillilTfVA SEE THIS PAPER FRIDAY 115 South Commercial Street Phone Salem 3-9141 OREGON IDIPT.0I MRKUlTVRli NSPECTED PASSED A f MARKET rc rTTt P MoVJ OREGON DIPLWMRlWHUBEl INSPECTED PASSED A 1 Salem's Retail Packing Plant 351 State St. GOOD MEAT NEWS Here are More Splendid Opportunitle for you to Make That Food Budget Accomplish Mora. Like Hundreds of Salem Housewives, You too Will Find Great Value at This Market. You Really Cannot Afford to Past Up These Savings. FRESH PICNIC PORK ROAST 25c lb. LEAN CUTS PORK STEAK 43c ib. DAINTY LEAN LOIN CHOPS 55 Ifoe From Grain Fed Little Porkert, With That Tender, Chicken-like Texture and Flavor. OUTSTANDING BEEF VALUES Boiling Beef 20c Lean Beef Cubes 40c Boneless Rump 50c Beef Roasts ib 39c Round Steak 59c Tasty Baiogna QSc "FLAVORIZED HAMS11 FAMOUS FOR FLAVOR AND TENDERNESS It tax our capacity to keep up with the demand for these delicious hams. Like Freshly Picked Fruit "FLAVORIZED" Ham Tattci Temptingly Different Compared to the Shipped In Variety. SKINNED HAMS :- lb. 55c OPEN KETTLE SKINLESS OLD FASHIONED LARD FRANKS HEAD CHEESE Strictly Pure Small, Tender A Favorite 2 lbs. 25c 35c Ib. 35c Ib. PURE PORK FRESH PURE PORK LITTLE LINKS GROUND BEEF SAUSAGE 45c Ib. 37c lb. 40c Ib. The above ere prepared from FRESH CUTS OF INSPECTED MEATS USELESS TO PAY MORE RISKY TO PAY LESS WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO.