r 12 Capital Journal, galem. Or., Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1949 East Salem Club Members Add to Livestock Record Eait Salem, Oct. 12 Three Middle Grove 4-H club members have added another top honor to their long Hat of award! from the county, itate and expoiitiom where they have taken a part. Lewii Patterson, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Lewli Patterson, Sr., Wayne Goode, ion. of Mr. and Mrs. Emory Goode and Marshall Jeldreki, ion of Mr. and Mri. J. A. Deldreks of D street, were awarded the top team honors at the Pacific International Live stock show in Portland on Satur day. This has been the second year of membership in the 4-H Swine club of Middle Grove for Mar shall Jeldreks, but Lewis and Wayne are also members of the calf clubs and have an active In terest in all farm work. They have had their own live stock since they were old enough to enter 4-H work, and entered all contests that would give them experience in Judging. Mrs. Paul Bassett, Donald Bassctt and Mrs Emory Goode have been their leaders in club work for sev eral years. Since the religious education classes have been taken away from the schools many residents of the Swegle community have wanted to have some religious week-day classes. As there is no community club building near the school Mrs. Edwin Imig who lived Just a short dis tance from the school on Swegle road has opened her home for classei sponsored by the Chllds Evangelism program of which Miss Mima Stover is director Mrs.. Albert Gillman of Holly wood drive will be teacher for the Swegle children, with classes held on Thursday afternoon at 3:45 o'clock. All boys and girls between the ages of four to IS yean are welcome. Mrs. C. P. George of Seattle came Friday and Monday morn ing C. P. George began work on the harvesting of her fil bert crop on Lancaster drive. There are 20 acres In the field and the nuts will all be down for one picking. The Merry Minglcrs club will meet Thursday at 1 o'clock In the home of Mrs. Robert Wagers on Silverton road. Drive-in Store Now Operating A new Idea in grocery stores went into operation in Salem Tuesday with the opening of the 10-11 Drive-in market on South Commercial next to the Safe way store. The store has been started by Steve Fouchek, an attorney of Salem, but the manager ii Bill Hoagland. It ii a car-hop service. You drive in. An attendant meets you and takes your order, and delivers the parcels to your car. It is believed to be the first of the kind on the west coast. The market gets its name be cause business starts at 10 a.m. and closes at 11 p.m. seven days a week. About three years ago Fou chek started Barb's Sports Goods store, which It located on South High street. Sherlock Holmes Is Fined in Courtroom London, Oct. 12 u.R)Sher lock Holmes was in court today as a defendant. He had to pay $9.90 for using a radio set with out a license. The post office department, which handles broadcasting matters here, sent a radio de tection van touring neighbor hoods to check radio sets in use against a list of persons who ha paid their radio license. Holmes was using a set and his name wasn't on the license list. Elementary, my dear Watson. Japanese Missions Call Miss Vincent Monmouth A missionary commission was held in the Bap tist church for Miss Mae Vin cent, who sailed as a missionary and teacher to Japan from Port land. Miss Mildred Miyashlta, a Japanese girl, who Is visiting bnr parents in Hawaii, will join Miss Vincent to work with her In Japan. Miss Vincent is the daughter of Walter Vincent of Philomath former residents of Monmouth. Miss Vincent came to Mon mouth for her education at Ore gon College of Education and then taught until she joined the navy and served there two years She went to Chicago to North ern Baptist seminary for train ing where she met Miss Miya shlta and they were accepted as missionaries. They are going out under the G.I. Far Eastern Cru- aade. Teaching In Arizona Lafayette Dr. and Mrs. Her man Roemmick (Mrs. Roemmick was formerly Miss Dorothy Bot tem) are now located in Tucson, Ariz., where he Is assistant pro fessor of education, teaching counseling and psychology in the University of Arizona. Roem mick received his doctor's de gree of education and counseling at the University of Washing ton, where they resided for the past two years. IBlii 45,000 More Men Wanted Throughout the nation during the period from September 19 to November 19 an effort is be ing made to recruit an addi tional 45,000 men between the agei of 17-34 for the National Guard. In Salem, Company B, 162nd infantry regiment has as its goal the recruitment of 51 men, which will bring the unit up to full strength of 110 enlisted men. It already has its six offi cers. Carrying on the drive here are six teams, headed by squad leaders. The teams are now engaged in a contest that will, result in an all expense trip to the Oregon State-Michigan foot ball game in Portland November 21, for members of the winning team. In charge of the contest is the project officer for recruit ing Lt. Louis L. Osborn. Drawing attention to the ad vantages of belonging to the Na tional Guard the local com pany, commanded by Captain Burl Cox, points out that Na tional Guardsmen get part-time military training at home with regular army or air force equip ment. In addition to Increasing their skills and working toward a re tirement pay at no cost to them selves, members of the National Guard also receive regular army pay for their weekly drills and their summer training period. Open to them also are a number of specialty courses and service schools. Aumsville Carnival Program Is Varied Aumsville A full evening of entertainment ending with the midnight crowning of a queen is being offered by students of the high school in the annual car nival scheduled for Friday night. There will also be the junior play, movies and stage entertain ment, with refreshments to be sold. Candidates for queen are Sal ly Klein, Barbara Chrisinger, Marcelene Smith and Juanita Bales. The junior play "Bessie, the Bandit's Beautiful Baby" has a cast of Mildred Cox, Fred Wor ley, Margaret Fry, Naome Woods, Almon Clayton, Harry Pease, Janice Riches, Richard Schaefer and Beverly Slater. Teachers on committees are Mri. Selm, Junior class play; Mr. Seim, games; Mri. Riches, kitchen work; Mri. Gralap, pur chasing of prizes; Mri. Woodi, advertisement and Mrs. Bates, decoration and luperviaion of boothi. Armed Forces Offer Course Announced for the date of De cember 5-16 Is a 10-day field economic mobilization course, which is to be held in Portland under the auspices of the Indus trial College of the Armed Forcei, Washington, D C. At tending the course will be both reserve personnel and civilians. One of several to be held throughout the United States, the course covers world re sources, manpower, production strategic relocation of industry procurement, transportation and logistic problems. Experienced Instructors from the Industrial College at Washington, where a full 10-month course covering the same material is offered will come to Portland to conduct the course. Enrollment is limited to 300 persons with 150 of these re serve officers and 150 civilians Both groups will be selected from the Pacific northwest, at large, with the civilians to be chosen by a selection committee Governors of four Pacific northwest states have accepted joint honorary chairmanships of the selection committee. They are Governor C. A. Robins of Idaho, Governor Arthur B Langlie of Washington, Gover nor John W. Bonner of Mon tana and Governor Douglas Mc Kay of Oregon. Fifty-one busi ness, labor and civic leaders have also been invited to serve on the selection committee. Selection will be made on a basis which will provide a cross section of representatives from industry, labor, education, sci ence and civic life. Candidates must be persons expected to fill key positions In their fields in the near future. Nut Harvest Starts Wheatland Walnut harvest has started in the Clyde M. La Follette 150-acre orchard. From six to 12 pickers reported for work. More will be employed as the season progresses. ITCH 4 8c a bin) la bit b It eon. ,RiioDB tod woild ton llnno (or lift If not topped. Iti aolt emit U the Itch nit w b I e b ! Imman to ordinary treatments. IX 40RA kills th Itch-mite almost Instantlr On lr three dars EXSORA treatment Is -eqnlrrd. "Mall orders riven prompt attention At alt Fred Meyer Drnt Seetlooa and oth er GOOD Drug Stores." FOR RENT Ground floor suitable for large Office or Store. Also 2 story concrete ware house with electric eleva tor. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St. Telephone 34121 Gov. McKay Will Attend Fish Meet Gov. Douglai McKay left late Tuesday for Astoria to attend a meeting of the Columbia basin interagency committee, of which he Is a member. The committee will hold a public meeting at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday. It will be the first time the meeting has been held in Astoria and the first time an entire session will have been de voted to getting the views of the fishing industry on Columbia basin development. An executive meeting of the committee will be held Wednes day night. nam ...as a woman's bag -that's PiiES-T0-L0GS THE CONVENIENT, CLEAN, EFFICIENT FUEL CIT'IM ftOM CAPITOL LUMBER CO, N. Cherry Ave. Fhone 38862 or 24431 More-fbr-ifour-moneq S096G -"TRUCKS PRICED WITH TK! LOWISTI 523: "Job-RoUt" Chassis Features - llMI MICTION ClUTCNM. Large Wc10"" VZ "MR' f mooth act,on and bearings throughout. 'uir 'TINhG"'"rs v $ " & arix,ngUSeg.:.W upkeep coat. . . CYCUIONOID IMU UNINOS (no rivet.) pro long brake life. ;Sg:.:.f5 . SAFiTY-iocaTir, 6S T.NM . . . Outaid. the cab, NOT inaidel Mw.sm..H. cotuMN Wanted tnaaion. . . . provide, laer ffiLg runobrtructed floor Splgreaurwfetyofoperauon 2f thf TlVlf ? ti'and 1-ton model., parage through either cab door. Dodge "Job-Rated" Engine Features 1 FAMOUS DODGE IHEAD TRUCK ENGINES.. "Job-Rated" lor your loads; save gas, oil. . COMPLETELY SPLASH- AND DUST-PROOF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM . . . with high-output gener ator. Resistor-type spark plugs, and high-output coil, insure amazingly smooth engine operation; longer plug life. . EXHAUST VALVE SEAT INSERTS . . . relist wear and pitting; reduce valve grinding. REPLACEABLE PREFITTED MAIN BEARINGS... reduce maintenance costs. . FULL-PRESSURE LUBRICATION . . . positive pressure to main, connecting rod and camshaft bearings and camshaft drive, prolongs engine life. . FULL-LENGTH CYLINDER COOLING .. . 4-RINQ ALUMINUM ALLOY PISTONS . . . OIL-BATH AIR CLEANER and many other money-saving leaturesl ISC BASIC CHASSIS MODELS. PtANOINQ FROM 4,250 TO a,000 LBS., O.V.W. Compare These New B-2 Series' Dodge "Job-Rated" Trucks . . . Feature for Feature, Price for Price, Value for Value with any other trucks! They're More-for-Your-Money . . . Any Way You Look at Them! See Your Dodge Dealer . . . and Save Money! LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON YOUR PRESENT TRUCK STAN BAKERS MOTORS 525 Chemeketa St. Salem, Ore. Because of the TREMENDOUS popularity of this contest .The GREAT t ft I AA WHITE MAGIC SOAP TELEPHONE QUIZ is iNivl-tV ljf extended for ANOTHER 6 WEEKS! OUR CUSTOMERS APPRECIATE THIS SERVICE SO MUCH THAT WE ARE REPEATING "QUOTE" Any Norge Or Quaker Oil Heaters Purchased Here Will Be INSTALLED FREE THIS INSTALLATION INCLUDES 110 Gal. Fuel Tank Necessary Tubing Necessary Stove Pipe Necessary Fittings All Labor "UNQUOTE" -Bsiijs-mfcAiii ii TELEPHONE QUIZ Just antwtr 2 .aty questions If the Whit Magic Soap Qix Man calls you on tht phone. question which will pertain l onto portion of the- printed matter on pocaage ol White Magic loop. 'J QUESTION OF THI WEEK IOeeillo. for Near Watt OcTober If (0 October 11 WHICH OCEAN II lADOIIt, THE I ATLANTIC OR THI PACIEIC T fCeawlele coatecl relei el lol.w-rl 60 120 120 120 160 1 80 WESTINOHOUSI lAUNDIOMAT AUTOMATIC WASHIIS INSTAUED IN YOUR Inermal inttallatian) WITH A MONTHS' SUFFIY Of WHITE MAOIC SOAF. THI IAUHDROMAT souiAiir mis roe. im.n. WESTINOHOUSI tEFtlOSaATOBS WITH FROZEN FOOD STORAGE FOR Jl IBS. OF FOOD. 7.04 CU. FT. fUll SIZE. VET TAKES IITIII tPACI. SIUS RIOUIARIV AT S33t.es. WISTINOHOUSI RADIO PHONOORAFH COMII. NATION SITS WITH AM AND FM, AUTOMATIC RECORD CHANOER, OR TELEVISION SET (MODEL H.333I, SIUS RIOUiART AT Siee.TI. Weillnohotne reenter oven. 11-qvorl capacity. Root!, bake, flew, cooka o complete meol oil at one time. Retoila Ol SJ9.9J. Weitlnehooie electric feed mtaarc Streamlined detion end eotr to beep aleon. Selli regularly at t3F.es, luw W,,Hr,Hov. twttmofk pop ix leotlort. ft ravil fully fitnlgniMi .tot3ttilreod)irino lr- ftelUet $20.95. K.. tMlli at $7190. We make this tenjatlanal eder to yev may dltcev.tr thl great, New Magl toap that work wanders In either tall ar the hardest water. Scientific washing tests prove While Magic Soap washes clothes cleaner than any nationally ailvertiscu washing product in Soft, Medium or Hard Water. Compart this New Magical Wonder Soap, cup for cup, for all tht qualities you want lor washing things in your home . , . and compare the feel of W hite Magic fk 80 Motlt wot (n boWn. Make portW wwf f lot. tioM Of dork. n-tari. Miief lie VJ. IS 200, ' WtiilMhcnra ttwawnwe ewemetli trtm. MlfM'txj tmprotur H mair ditribvt.en. el 112.9. Soap on your handa. AND Tit WHITE MAOIC OA COIII YOU lit,. Pro, in superiority. If you ar. oot completely iari fird with White Magic Soap just return the remaining portion in the carton, to the Safeway Store from which yon bought it and th. pur chat, price will be returned WINNERS FOR LAST WEEK MRS. BOYD LEE YORKLEY, Longview, Washington; Roost.r Ovt n MRS. ALLAN M. RAY, Porrlond, Oregon; Waffle Baker MRS. BILL NELSON, Junction City, Oregon; Food Mixer MRS. WILLIAM F. BENTLZ, Astoria, Oregon; Iron MRS. E. P. LEE, Klamath Falls, Oregon; Iron MRS. A. CELLERS, McMinnville, Oregon; Pop-up Toaster MRS. BILLIE HOWARD, Burnt, Oregon; Pop-up Toaster HERE'S ANOTHER BIG OPPORTUNITY TO WIN! sere te (Mrs WM1 MeiH teee In yeer beete. It win kehi fee fe ke e Winter BE SURE TO GET COMPLETE CONTEST RULES AT SAFEWAY i n n c c i?im l Urnjrn A 256-Coil Nachman Rest Tested Unit Beautiful Damask Ticking Heavy Stitched Self Border 28 Pounds Felt 2 Sisal Insulated Pads Finished with Fancy Tape Handles and Vents Unconditionally Guaranteed for 10 Years Exclusively Introduced by Elfstrom'i AT ALSO SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS rrrfOA