f Capital Journal, Satan, Or., Tuwdar, October 11, 1949 ( Htv 'Vj? -i Phon. 3-3191 A 'nfjl: 15S N. Liberty 0333 SALE 9.95 MEN'S SLACKS! Q44 40 wool, 60 rayon O r start we u4rkft r1 .5r ytm -nu KIGULAR 2.98 WOOL SWEATERS 268 Bar ..Lla, vtrsl In ht.h .h.dti! These cardigans, slip ons, novelties are all wool, popular sweat er favorites you'll want for school, of fice or casual wear. Famous for quality, they're outstan ding buvi. Sizes from 34 to 40. ENTIRE STOCK MISSIS' 2.98 RAYON SLACKS 268 B.y ml Shi. fttltl few prle. Don't mill th e s e slacks they're thrif ty at regular price, outstanding at this low price. Smooth tailored rayon gabar dines with self-belt, tip-closing, slim-lines See them today I Fall colon. 24-30. Compare with those Belling around town for 12.99. Saddle atitched seams, California waist. 2.98 ARMY TWILL OUTFIT PANTS 38 Choice of tan or gray Sanforized and mercerized card ed cotton, dress-tailored and re inforced. Boatsail drill pockets. 5.98 MEN'S WOOL JAC-SHIRT! j 100 virgin wool O Savel Wear it as a packet or tucked in like a shirt. Pull 20 ounce weight. Bold new plaids. MULTIFILAMENT CREPE GOWNS Economy Triced! Woven of smooth rayon in blue, pink, maize, nile or lilac. Tailor ed or lace trim styles. 32-42. 2.98 CARDIGANS FOR 7-14 GIRLS 4)48 Ward Week Special Jm Pint pure wools In the colors she wants for school, at savings! Handsome ribbed details. REG. 5.50 WING STEP SPORT SHOES M Now sale-priced! f Oirlsl Wards has a wide variety of these smart sport oxfords, all Ooodyear-weltedl Sizes 4 to . . 1 1L 2- I: i f. i " REG. 3 FOR $1 MEN'S WASHFAST COTTON SOCKS 88' Jfor I pair i gworonfMtf for 3 monttHil An exceptional buy even at their regular pricel Conservative dress sock in mercerized cotton with reinforced heel, toe; double seamless sole. White, gray, tan. navy and black. 10-13. SATIN-TRIMMED RAYON ROBE! GIFT BOXED! 5 98 trial ..rth.Ml N.y r ai.r.nt Amazing low price for a luxury robe of this quality! Hand s o m e I y tailored of lustrous rayon with satin lapels, belt and pocket trim. And It conies boxed prac tically ready to give. See it. U 1 I B ! I. ill ! til 1 ' ' L SP5T REG. 39.98; COMPARE WITH $45 Specially Priced For Ward Weekl Now, just as you need their warmth and smart ness, buy these new Fall zip-coats at great sav ings! They're pure-wool coverts all have leath er zip-linings, all have hand-made button-holes and rayon crepe linings, some have hoods, many have belts. Tomorrow, choose your coat and save! Winter colors. Sizes from 10 to 20, FIRST QUALITY SHEER 51 GAUGE NYLON HOSIERY 78 M ..II for 1.09 , 1 gauge, 30 denier hose noted for their supe rior construction; full fashioned for perfect fit, comfort. New Fall shades. Buy during Word Weekandsave!8j-107j. 15 dealers 84c SANFORIZED PLAID FLANNEL SPORT SHIRTS! Prlr. .U.b.i fr w.ri o.iri Guaranteed to keep its size won't even shrink 11. Full cut shirts of bold, softly napped cotton flan nel plaids in bright colors. Stitchless col- in-or-outcr not 26S iD) ,W ion. Buy jours nowl COATS 34 88 P '7L As IT fro ON SALEI Outstanding values, even at regular prleel Now, Word W.ek brlngi th.s. sturdy Red Q 38 Bands o you at this slashed pricel In brown, O with long-wearing leather soles. 8's to 3, Midi WrlfWnW'N? Here's the very latest In cotton chenille" styl ing! Soft, pin-point tufting Is so close it re sembles corduroy! Multiflorals on blue, gold, green, white or rose grounds. NEW PASTELSI COMPARE WITH 3.50 SHIRTS1 254 Urn fcnxnMetM WM mff tinkt and monogramt Sensational Ward Week special purchasel These handsome spread collar, French cuff shirts come equipped with jewelled, gold-colored metal cuff links, S new Fall pastels. All sizes. See them today REG. 2.89 11 OZ. DENIM SADDLE PANTS 238 Si Frit.! Heaviest 11 -oi. den ims Sanforized . . . to stay your size! Snug fitting hips, seat and legs. Heavy drill front pockets. Plenty of leg length lor turn up. Uh ta 1 arl.ktr. I?3 5 48 Twin, Full HmMMIiWSJBrjMlMMMaM INCLUDED I