Capital Women I Edited by MARIAN L0WR1 FISCHKK It 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, October 11, 1949 Spinsters List Chairmen For Benefit on Nov. 4 Committees for their fall benefit to be given Friday, Novem ber 4, were lined up by Spinsters club members at their meet ing Monday evening. Mrs. Carl G. Collins, Miss Esther Baird and Mrs. James H. Nicholson, Jr., were hostesses for the meeting last evening. The benefit is to be a dessert and card party between 1 and 4 p.m., November 4, and it will be staged in the American Le gion club. Miss Margaret Lovell as vice president of the club is general chairman. All proceeds go to the Salem YMCA building fund. On the committee for prizes are Miss Patricia Larson and Miss Patricia Vicsko. Mrs. P. Dixon Van Ausdell, Jr., and Mrs. Robert Elgin are the tickets committee. Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen and Mrs. William McElhinny are to have charge of the decoratipns. Mrs. Roy Edgerton is on the committee for tallies. Mrs. Frank Turner and Miss Patricia Bur- rell are on the tables committee. Mrs. William R. Shinn is chairman for the reception group. Mrs. Clarence Hcmillon and Mrs. George Emigh have charge of reservations. Mrs. Wayne Hadley is public ity chairman. A feature of the afternoon will be songs by Miss Edith Fair- ham. Party for Recent Bride Honoring Mrs. Walter Butler (Pauline Kreft), a recent bride, Miss Beverly Barnick and Mrs, Robert Tompkins entertained recently with a miscellaneous shower at the home of Miss Bar nick. Present were Mrs. Butler, Mrs Albert Kreft, Mrs. Kathleen Caplan, Mrs. Sylvia Shreve, Mrs. G. C. Weeks, Mrs. L. C. Wagness, Mrs. R. R. Riggs, Mrs. F. E. Barnick, Mrs. Lora Doug las. Mrs. Eddie Herman, Miss Dorothy Hutmacker, Miss Jean nette Anderson, Miss OUie Nich ols, Miss Agnes Smith, Miss Marie Breitenstein, Miss Joyce Kunke, Miss Alice Locken, Miss Betty Hastings and the two host esses. RotanaClub Plans Events Rotana club's meeting was an event of Monday evening, Mrs. Lyle Rains and Miss Zelma King entertaining the group at the Rains residence. Two new members were an nounced, Mrs. William Greif and Miss Alice Mathey. Mrs. Mil dred Snyder was a guest at the meeting. The club voted to sponsor a Camp Fire Girls group in the second grade and to continue sponsorship of the group through the schools. A sum was voted to the Com munity Chest, also plans were made for a rummage sale in late January. Mrs. S. L. Auman, Mrs. Jack Brown, Mrs. M. L. Barber, Mrs. C. W .Wasson, Mrs. George Bag nail, Mrs. Lester Thomas and Mrs. Grant Farris were named on the committee for the club's annual Christmas party. Guest speaker for the meet ing was Dr. Paul Beal of the for eign languages department, Wil lamette university. He gave a talk on his visit and travels in France. Next meeting is to be Novem ber 14, Mrs. Chester Pickens to be hostess, assisted by Mrs. M. L. Barber. Scout Group The area board for the San tiam area council, Girl Scouts, is to meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Ivan Marble in Inde pendence. Going from Salem will be Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, area chair man, and Mrs. Frank E. Man-beck. DELTA GAMMA Mothers club held its first meeting of the fall yesterday afternoon at the sorority chapter house. Plans were made for a rummage sale on October 28 and 29 with Mrs, Walter D. Gardner as chairman, Attending the meeting were Mrs. Lestle J. Sparks, Mrs. C. S. Nelson, Mrs. Frank Farmer, Mrs. D. H. Upjohn, Mrs. James McClelland, Mrs. Grace Mar- quam, Mrs. Charles McElhinny, and Mrs. Gardner. For the meeting on the sec ond Monday of November Mrs. Sparks and Mrs. McClelland will be hostesses. AUBURN Woman's club plans its monthly meeting for Thurs day of this week in the Four Corners Community hall, the no-host luncheon to be at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. Mabel Gilming, Mrs. Ed ith Villard, Mrs. Florence Eyre and Mrs. Emma Prunk are the committee for the meeting. Guests will be welcome. CHI OMEGA alumnae will be entertained by Mrs. Francis T. Wade and Mrs. Carl M. Nelson this evening for a late dessert at the sorority chapter house at 8 o'clock, a business session fol lowing. All Chi Omega alumnae are welcome. LADIES OF the Moose plan their first fall card party for Friday evening at 8 o'clock at 284 North Commercial. Refresh ments are to be served. Hospital Auxiliary Plans Events At the meeting of Salem Me morial Hospital auxiliary Mon day afternoon a new president for the group was named and plans were made for a bazaar on December 6. Mrs. Gordon O. Leonard, who is leaving for California to make her home, resigned as president and Mrs. Ed Goeckner was nam ed to succeed her. The bazaar is to be December 6 in the Portland Gas and Coke company room with Mrs. P. W. Gciser as the chairman. A membership drive is now on in the auxiliary with Mrs Frank R. Kellogg as chairman. The membership group is to meet October 19 at 2 p.m. at the Marion hotel. The auxiliary is purchasing major equipment for the hospi tal this year, securing the funds through its recent rummage sale, the coming bazaar, a silver tea to be staged later and the membership dues. Today's Menu (Bj the Associated Preai) 1 r hi v J J i ( ; ,W V''"5V "'1' Wf ' 1 i Vf?. "4 Wedding Set For Dec. 4 Announced for Sunday, De cember 4, is the wedding of Miss Elinor Danielson and Ernest R. Meyer. The ceremony will be in Min neapolis, Minn. The engage ment of the couple was announ ced during the late summer. Miss Danielson left today for California for two weeks, plan ning to visit her sister, Mrs. Paul Poirier, at Hemet Calif. She will then go on east to Minneapolis to be gone until after her wedding, the couple planning to live in Salem. Miss Danielson is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. G Danielson of Minneapolis and Mr. Meyer is the son of Mrs. Marie Meyer of Salem. AT THE meeting of the ex ecutive board for Canital nnif No. 9, American Legion auxil iary last evening at the home of Mrs. D. A. Apperson, plans were made for the joint Halloween party with CaDital nost Nn o on October 31. Also the auxil iary members made plans for their rummage sale on October 21 and 22. The membershin rnmmiH of the auxiliary is meeting Wed- Dinner Event More than 75 attended the joint dinner for University of Oregon Mothers and Dads clubs Monday evening at Mayflower hall. Guests for the meeting includ ed Vergil S. Fogdall, dean of men at the university, Mrs. Fog dall and Mrs. J. Allan Wick ham, the latter dean of women at the university. Mrs. W. W. Baum headed the dinner committee. The next event for the two clubs will be ber 12, also a joint dinner. nesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Anson B. In gels, Wallace road, route 1, box 328. WOMAN'S SOCIETY for World Service, Englewood church, plans a meeting for Thursday, dessert to be at 1:15 o'clock at the home of Mrs. John Koerner, 965 North 20th. Mrs. O. A. Chase is to be the leader for the program. MRS. L. H. KLEMPTNER of Seattle arrived Tuesday for a few days visit at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon O. Leonard. Engagement Announced At School From Seattle comes romantic news of special interest to Salem with announcement of the en gagement of Miss Patricia Rouse to Donald Burlingham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burlingham of Salem. The news was told by Miss Rouse at her sorority, Delta Gamma, on the University of Washington campus where she is a junior. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard F. Rouse of Olympia, Wash. Mr. Burlingham Is a senior at Oregon State college and a mem ber of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. No date is set for the wedding. It is often necessafy to use. two extra tablespoons of liquid for every cup called for in regular recipes when using cake flour to bake a cake in a dry climate. 3ut, WITH THIS ASPIRIN TABLET MADE JUST FOR YOUR CHILD... Easy to give, no tab let cutting. Assures accurate dosage, V adult dose. Easy to flavored. ST.JOSEPH ASPIRIN -FOR CHIIDREM Luncheon Get-Together French Vegetable Soup Toasted Garlic Loaf Fresh Pear and Grape Salad Butterscotch Brownies Beverage Fresh Pear and Grape Salad Ingredients: 1 pound (about) small seedless grapes, 1 three ounce package cream cheese, 2 tablespoons cream, 1 small head romaine, 2 large fresh firm ripe pears, sour cream, French dress ing. Method: Wash the grapes un der cold running water and dry well between paper towels; re move from stems and cut each grape in half. Put the cream cheese in a small bowl and mash to soften; add cream and mix well. Wash romaine under cold running water, trim off core, separate and dry leaves well. Put some of the outside green leaves and some of the small in ner yellowish leaves on each of four salad plates. Peel the pears, cut in half, and with a small sharp knife cut away core, leaving halves intact. Place a pear half, flat side down, on each plate; cover well with cream cheese. Now stud each pear with grape halves, putting the grapes cut side down, so pear will look like a bunch of grapes. Pass both sour cream and French dressing with salad. Makes 4 servings. MRS. RICHARD SLATER is to be hostess to her hririup rlnh Thursday for its first gathering of the fall, lunnhpon in ho fol lowed by cards. Engagement Announced Miss Lula Mae Smith, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith, has announced her engagement to Vernon Haugen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmer Haugen. No date is set for the wedding. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) MISS JANE WALSH of San Francisco was here Tuesday for a short visit with her mother, Mrs. Raymond Walsh. Miss Walsh has come north to be a bridesmaid at the wed ding of Miss Mary Katherine Wilhelm and Thomas Edward Brubeck in Eugene on Thurs day, October 13. Miss Wilhelm is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Mathias Wilhelm of Eu gene and is a lifelong friend of Miss Walsh. The wedding is to be in St. Mary's Catholic church in Eugene Thursday morning. Mrs. Walsh also will be in Eu gene for the service. Miss Walsh plans to return to San Francisco next Sunday. Furniture Mart For Builrwell Davenport Suites 1978 N. Capitol Since 1941 RCA VICTOR RECORDS ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS and other beloved songs. Robert Shaw conducting the RCA Victor Chorale. CHOPIN Concerto No. 1 in E Mi nor, Alexander Brailow sky, piano, RCA Victor Symph. Orch. William Steinberg, Cond. MARIO LANZA in songs from "That Midnight Kiss" ROMANTIC GYPSY AIRS Emery Deutsch and Orch. Above Numbers Available on 45 RPM Records Corner State and High Downstairs, Oregon Bldg. Dial 3-8632 Jr. & Sr. High School Boys Girls... Bring your friends or come and make new friends at the f-a 1 1 1 s$nnd Iroi i g School of Dancing Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. While You Learn Th Eaiy Way Jht Proper Way The Most Reasonable Way And It will only taltt yon 16 Hours At Th auf s4rnislrontf SCHOOL of DANCING 1990 Minion rh. J-732J n c i r a ? renney s in oaiem scores gam WOMEN'S CORDUROY SSWHT COATS Come See Corduroy, California-Styled! See This Outstanding Fall Fabric in Smart Short-Coats! Visit Penney's TOMORROW! RED BLUE GRAY KELLY COPPER "Corduroy it steadily increasing in importance," say the fashion magazines. "This fall, there may not be enough corduroy to go around!" So Penney's went to the market early, and HERE YOU ARE! wonderfully soft, wonder fuuly attractive and wonderfully tough Pinwale corduroy in Short-Coats you'll just love. The style is full and boxy with the more popular three-button front end clever euff detail. Buy now for your fall and winter wardrobes. SECOND FLOOR At a P CO) CS) Low, Low 2) q (O) QO) AT Penney's SALEM, OREGON PRICES EFFECTIVE TUESDAY WED. THURS. FRUIT COCKTAIL FANC TOMATO JUICE Swift Prem FANCY PUMPKIN SWEET PEAS No. 22 Can FANCY DEL MONTE Lge. 46 oz. Can Swift Premium Fancy 2 Large Cans Standby No. 2'l's Sweet Pickini No. 2 Can 29c 19c 15c 9c TUNA FISH Duo Brand NO. 2 Can 19c VELVEETA KRAFTS CHEESE FOOD 2 l 79c HUNTS NEW POTATOES 2 r 15c GREEN SPOT STRINGLESS BEANS 2 25c WHITE ROSE BLEACH PLEASE DOG FOOD SPRY SHORTENING Vi Gal. Jug 2 3 Tall Cans lb. Can 19c 15c 79c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER c. 9c HUNGRY JACK Vk i,. 25c Jello All Flavors 4 " 25c CAMPBELLS Chicken Noodle Soup 2 29c GRADE A BUTTER 65c b Swiftning Shortening 3 . Con 69C Meat Market Specials Skinless Franks b. 35c ARMOUR'S 3 l.QO STEWING HENS 39c ., Grade A Leghorn N.Y. Dressed 3060 Portland Road 3720 Estate St.