Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 11, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    Firms Usi
Bill Kuiper and Harlan JUhm talk over the Salem Com
munity Cheat plan of living one hour'f pay for five pay
period!. Kuiper wai one of the men who uied the cheat plan
last year. Both of the worker! are on the ataff of the Marion
Motors Co., one of the Salem firmi that hai already inaug
urated use of payroll deductions.
Red Cross to Launch Blood
Donor Drive in November
The local Red Cross chapter's campaign to sign up a large
group of volunteer blood donors will get under way the first
or second week of November, it was decided at the meeting of
the board of directors, Monday evening.
Through such a campaign the chapter hopes to sign up about
4000 names in the county, thus
assuring a goodly group of don
ors for each monthly visitation
of the bloodmoblle to Salem, al
so assuring that a donor would
not be called upon more than
once a year to donate his blood
Through the 12 visitations of
the mobile unit to Salem dur
ing the year, plus six additional
visits to other sections of the
county, it has been estimated
2000 or more donors are needed
each year. However, due to the
fact some would not be able to
donate at each visitation it is
deemed necessary to have a larg
er group from which to take
Committees to set up the don
or campaign will be announced
soon, it is reported by Charles
H. Huggins, chapter chairman,
At the board meeting, Mon
day evening, Mrs. Mark H. As-
trup was welcomed as a new
member. She is to head the
Junior Red Cross program for
the chapter. Mrs. Astrup plans
to attend a regional conference
for Junior Red Cross workers
at Hillsboro, October 29.
The home service department
reported a caseload of 136 dur
ing September with $300 extend
ed in loans or grants. This de
partment works in assisting vet
erans and servicemen and their
Parrish Junior
High Nominates
Parrish junior high school
held their primary election as
sembly Monday. Students who
won in the primary election will
deliver their campaign speeches
late Wednesday morning and
will be voted on in the home
room polls by the associated
student body in the general elec
tion Friday.
Liberator party candidates
receiving the nominations were:
student body president, Jackie
Jones vice president, Anna Mae
Lockenour; secretary, Beth
Scharback; treasurer, Pat Cam-
meron; sergeant-at-arms, David
Hardie; assistant sergeant-at-arms,
barrel Lunda; yell leader,
Howard Messmer, George Cas
per; song queens, Shirley Car
penter, Sally Grieg, Barbara
Seeber, Virginia Lively.
Eighth grade representative
Carol Thompson: seventh grad
er representative, Marvin Strain.
Girls league President,
Sharon Larson; vice president,
Nola Campbell; ;secretary, Jody
Bush; boys' league president,
Lyn Hardy; vice president, Jim
Coker; secretary, Dennis Jones
Studenteer party president
Shirley Bier; vice president,
Bancy Moorefield; secretary
Carol Garrett; treasurer, Shirley
Vincent; sergeant-at-arms, Larry
Candell; assistant sergeant-at-arms,
Don White;, song queens,
Helen Beck, Margaret Barge,
Joan Seamster, Sharon Camp
bell. Eighth grade representa
tive, Larry Fowler; seventh
grade, Bobby Foreman; Girls'
league president, Dorothy Nolz
and Carol Mentzer, tie; vice
president. Beverly Lockard; sec
retary, Karen Johnson; Boys'
league president, Murray Jen
sen; vice president, Tom Pick
ens; secretary, Courtney Kurtz
Chemekefans Hike to
Wildcat Ml. Planned
Chemeketan club members
and friends will be guests at the
Brightwood mountain of Elmer
Roberts the week-end of Octo
ber 15-16. A variety of activl-
ties will be offered. Including
a rather strenuous hike to Wild
cat mountain, short trips to in
teresting spot and viewpoints
near the cabin and fishing in
Boulder creek, Salmon river
and Sandy river. The section to
be visited Is a part of the Mt.
Bumped Railroad Car
Kills Yard Worker
Portland, Oct. 11 (Pi A rail
road yard worker was run down
and killed by a bumped coach
yesterday after pushing a co
worker to safety.
The victim was Joseph Brat-
ton, 48, Portland. Shoved to
safety was David Markham
Investigators said a train from
Seattle was pulling into the
Union station on track six, hit
a partially opened switch and
suddenly shunted onto track
five, bumping the private car
of a Southern Pacific official.
The car rolled, killing Bratton
who had been standing on the
Payroll Pledge
Eighty or more business firms
in Salem are using the payroll
pledge plan of giving one hour's
pay for five day periods to the
1949-50 Community Chest cam
paign, estimates of the Salem
Chest revealed this week.
First employes of a firm to
accept the plan 100 per cent were
the 35 workers of the Terminal
Ice company. Also leading in
the acceptance of the plan were
the employes of the W. T. Rose-
braugh company, who over-subscribed
their set quota by 22 per
The majority of those using
the pay day giving plan fall un
der the automotive and trans
portation, Industrial, mercantile
nd contractors and builders
In addition to those accepting
the plan as an entirety there are
approximately 500 firms making
partial use of the plan, with
employes preferring to make
small monthly donations rather
than an immediate donation.
Under the complete payroll
pledge plan both the employes
and the management must agree
to the use of the plan. The plan
is not compulsory and is subject
to employe approval.
In the past the payroll deduc
tion plan made It easier for peo
ple to give without disrupting
their personal budgets. This
year the plan of giving one hour's
pay for five pay-day periods has
been extended to people not in
businesses where payroll deduc
tions are possible. Arrange
ments have been made with Sa
lem Chest offices to carry re
minders to those wanting to
pledge their donations,
Salem Shriners
To Visit Portland
Members of the Salem Shrine
club will be guests of Potentate
Earl Riley in Portland next
The Salem visitors will be
guests at a luncheon at noon at
the Shrine club at Broadway
and Main streets, after which
they will visit the Portland unit
of the Shriners hospitals for
crippled children. Potentate Ri
ley and his divan will escort the
Salem delegation to the hospital.
At 5:30 p.m. a dinner will be
served at the Shrine club in
honor of the Salem group. Wives
of the Salem Shriners have been
Invited to these functions.
At 7:30 p.m. a reserved sec
tion in Al Kader temple will be
set aside for the Salem club
members attending the monthly
stated meeting of Al Kader tem
ple. Entertainment and refresh
ments will follow the meeting.
Rita Expecting Baby
Between Nov. and Jan.
Paris, Oct. 11 U.P) Rita Hayworth's father-in-law said today
that she was expecting the birtri of a baby "any time between
November and January."
The sometimes red-haired movie star was married last May 27
to Prince Aly Khan on the French Riviera in the season's biggest
and flashiest social event of its"- -
. .firmed reports published abroad
klnc- this week-end that his grand-
The fabulously wealthy Agachiid might be born soon.
Khan, father of Prince Aly, con-1 A statement from his private
secretary at the Ritz hotel here
"The only thing you can quote
the Aga Khan as saying is the
fact the Princess Aly is expect
ing her baby any time between
November and January."
The secretary refused to con
firm reports that the Prince and
Princess had reserved rooms at
the exclusive Rochat Clinic in
The Prince and Princess re
fused to comment. They are at
his swank town house in the ex-clusi-
Park Monceau district
of Paris.
Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Tuesday, October 11, 19493
Evangelical Church
Junior Aid Meets
Monmouth The Junior Aid
of the Evangelical church met
in the church dining room for
a 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs.
Albert Jackson, Mrs Tilton and
Mrs. M. B. Layton as hostesses.
A short business was held with
the following attending: Mrs.
Jenkins, Mrs. Osborn, Mrs. Ira
Davis, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Lay
ton, Mrs. Dixon, Miss Francis
Hill, Mrs. McLarty, Mrs. Wil
son, Mrs. McDaniali, Mrs. Cady,
Mrs. Hertrick, Rev. and Mrs.
Lonsberry, Mrs. Guy Foltt, Mrs.
Ellis Stebbins, Mrs. Don Corn
stock, Mrs. Edith Conrow, Mrs.
Harold Buss. Mrs. W. A. Buss,
Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Tilton and
Mrs. Jackson.
Gus Eriksen, Syracuse's new
crew coach, never has tutored
a losing shell. His Washington
freshmen were unbeaten for two
Bud McFadin, 235-pound jun
ior guard at the University of
Texas, also is the school boxing
champion and won the wrestling
title as a freshman.
When Yale and Harvard meet
in the Yale Bowl on November
19, It will be the 66th game be
tween the rivals.
Hood national forest area.
Persons wishing to take part
in the outing are asked to sign
the register at 248 North Com
mercial street before Friday
noon. Arrangements ri in
Icharge of Margaret Peper.
U. S. Airforcc has just
released them. We just
got them in time for
cold weather. It's the
buy af the year.
Brand New
Top Quality Construction
Leather Outer
Fleece Lining
All Sites in Stock
Ideal For Cold Weather
jk IfOTtSJSf r "
You'r through mewing up your
living room with coat and ashea
when you get a new Duo-Therm
Thrift Circulator.
With a handsome new Duo
Therm you tend the fire by turn
ing a dial keep nice and warm
with no work, no iirtt
!m At Ami ftml
geti mort hoot from eoery drop
of ol!
w PATCNTCD nWEI-Amntributea
heat evenly aavea op to 2556
on fuel bills I
give you mort comfort mort
economy with Duo-Therm I
Hair-padded, custom
tailored and 276 coils
Mulching box springs, S3 1
You'll float off to sleep on a cloud of comfort on this fine inner
spring mattress. Upholstered with hair pads both sides so that it
will not crush or pack, with pre-built border to prevent sagging.
Cord handles, built-in ventilators, 8-ounce red and gray ticking.
Full or twin size. Box springs to match. Fully guaranteed.
Made exclusively lor us!
Popular "405" unit mattress
Matching box springs, 39
Just imagine the blissful comfort you'll enjoy with this
mattress, filled with 405 highly-tempered coil springs,
. covered with top-quality cotton fillings. Pre-built borders, with custom
tailored fancy rose damask ticking. Box springs has 8 - way hand-tied steel
coils for years of firm support. Both carry guarantees. Full or twin size.
Ko down pavment on approved credit. Pay as little ai $5 monthly.
Furniture, downstairs
Bw f r I i7.' mi il ilia j i ' i
tCr!. ' , I Jl i. aV v.
We give '
and redeem
S&H Green Stamps
1 l0""
Open Til 9 P.M.
Good Housekeeping,
467 Court St.
Open 'til 9 Friday Nights
lit north liberlr