AUTOMOBILES Pontiac Good Will Gars '46 Pontiac Sedan Coupe. R&H $1395 '42 Ply. D.L. Sport Coupe $545 '41 ford Sport Coupe !....$ 445 '38 Olds Sedan $395 '37 Pontiac Sedan $165 '38 Pontiac Coupe $ 145 '36 Dodge $ 195 37 Willys Sedan $145 '36 Ply. Coupe $ 65 HERRALL-OWENS CO. TRADES I n. Liberty S-S-S Rocket S-S-S TRADE-IN SPECIALS '48 CHEV. AERO SEDAN (PERFECT) $1495.00 '47 OLDS 98 CONVERTIBLE (PERFECT) . . 1875.00 '48 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE (PERFECT) . . 1795.00 '47 OLDS 76 CLUB (PERFECT) 1455.00 46 FORD V-8 COUPE (PERFECT) 925.00 48 CROSLEY STATION WAGON (PERFECT) 475.00 LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE i$t CENTER ST. 3410 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED furniture to glut A repair Lee Bfm Pun. ftaflniabtng Co Ph 3-100 1 PERSONAL STANLEY Horn Product. 654 Cross. Ph 3-5448. F. O. Renahan. p247 MADAM MORA OIFTED P8YCHIC READER AND ADVISOR Can help you where others ha felled. Satisfaction assured. Advice on ll attain ot lift. Special reading 13.00. Located lust south of Hubbard on Hlihwar WE. Between Woodburn and Hubbard. Look for sign Reading Daily and Sun. P0 AUTOMOBILES Dt'E TO ILLNESS must sell 1040 Bulck Super 4-door Sedan. Low mileage. Fully equipped. 740 McOUchrUt. q2 r4ft FORD Vfc-ton pickup, better than av erage. L than 10.000 miles on new motor. 157 00. Can be seen between b and 1 p.m. 4050 Beck. Pen 4 Cora. q244 $50USED CAR LOT ISO Tour old one. 12th St. Junction. Open till 10 P.m. ?267!. 4rORD. a Is. 175. 035 S. .IUt.Q24.4 FOE SALE: Truck van 15x8. Good cond. Make me an ofttr. 1620 Ferry St. Ph. 3-5004. j 1030 BL'ICK J-dr. RAH. Excellent cond. throughout. t295. Ph. 3-5538. o247 nVvE CITT LOT as part or full payment on cleanutomobJlePhJ-5539 q 247 M "pLTMOUTH coupe. Good tires. Spot light. Heatr. 1325. Also '38 Oraham, R&H, tlraa oxc, tood cond. 35 N. High t. after 8 P.m. Ph. 3-8082. q344 Eisner Motors to Sell WANTED! Clear. "M .art. Bob Mart 3160 soutn uommerciai BT 0HIOIMAI. OWNER: 1 Chev. A Dr. Special Deluxe Sedan. R. K. 850. OR BALE or trd: 1948 4-door Pack ard eedao. low mileage, food rubber. Ph. 1-M11. "3" Tttt CHEV. .oupe. Heater. Excellent eon. dltlon. 1480. 30M W. 3lta. Q2 Eisner Motors to Buy W USED CAR LOT your old oh. IStb Sk Junction Open I1U 10 l i '' ZEEB'S USED CARS atrr sell - tradi TERMS ttff Palrtrowads Road Pnano I-04S4 Car ACCtStORIES tires tubes at cost price. First com first served as this I eloat-out tale. Dealers welcomed. R D. Woodrow Co, 450 Center. Eisner Motors Fine Cars WESTERN MOTORS Cash for Good Clean Carj PH. 3-9622 Or Drive Out to 795S.12TH . MOTORCYCLES. SCOOTERS WH1ZZER TOR BALE. Enfflne In food condition. Ph. -4874. O.J44 MAN'S COLUMBIA SPORTS lUMwellht blk Stunner, Archtr J-apeed drive. A-l ihape. 1080 Hon. ej4 4f HIAWATHA motor acooter. Excellent cond. Ph. J-8011 or 1038 N. 34tb arter 4 P.m. ea" 'FARM equipment ft CLETKAC crawler tractor with Isaac son bladt. Oood running cond. Ph. i 3-4733. ob2J FINANCIAL WANTED TO BORROW at 6'i"., Ph. 31160. . I'ROINTLT nsrd 118.00.00 for extreme emergency. Excellent security. Write Box 473, Cipltal Journal. rM4 How Many Bills! Do you pay each month and what do they amount to, add them up . . . then phone Personal for a lotn on their "Smaller Payment" plan one loan and one monthly payment . . . generally much leas than the monthly total you are now paying. You may spread the payment over 30 months. Borrow wLselv-where a loan would really help. Come in or phont the "Tu" Man, he says ' Yes' to 4 out of 5. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. OF SALEM 111 State, Rm. 135 Ph. i-Uti 0. It. Allen, Mgr. Lie. S.123; M-l AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 163 S. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. t-3417 Lie. No- M1S9 8-154 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1080 Fairgrounds Road Kelt Door to Bank Free Parking Phone I-OIKLle N MI60-8201 Floyd Kenron. Mgr. PRIVATE MONFY Spec il Ratea and Terma On Larger Loans ' Long and Short Tim Payments ROT H SIMMONS 111 Soatb Commercial St Phone 1-0161 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS LIS. R-lll and 11-311 and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS I S. Commercial Si. Tel. 3-0161 r I AUTOMOBILES TERMS Ftiont 1-411S PHONE 1-7873 PHONE 3-1400 FINANCIAL SEE D8 FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR i,Jt INTEREST ft to 40 Yetri and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Jnc. FARM AND CITY LOANS 4M. snd t fOI'B OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Batata Cod tracts and Second Mortiate. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 3-7163 r AIRPLANES TAYLOR CRAFT airplane. Sell or trade lor late model ear. Will demonstrate by appointment. Del Thomas, Jefferson. Ph. 383. a346 TRAILERS in FT. trailer houM for sale. Like new. Furnished. Will sell at a sacrifice. Car Comer. 2360 N. Church. Ph. 3-4582. t244 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC ROME appliance repair gerrice new appllanm. Tinea's Electric Phone Free astlmatea Trade-Ins accepted on 3-9231) 137 8 Lit ft J St AT-TJR DOOR SHARPENING Lawn mowers, scissors, knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1220 Center. 3-8B33. o AUTO RADIOS Authonsed (V arrant f Repair Station for all make ol Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co.. 153 8. Liberty Ph. 1-8955. ' MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE rowing service day phono 8-0310, High! 3-1804 SS"1 Center Mike Panek, 375 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-5161. Brake and wheel aligning specialists. O3S0 BRICK WORK Brick Si block work of all kinds. Ex perienced, competent masons. Call Davidson Bros., Ph. 3-8247. o356 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms. No down payment Phone 3-4890. oa BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros. Also houses raised. New foun dation. Phono 2-5BOO. 343' BULLDOZING Bulldoclng, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 3-3143, Salem. 0365 CA8B REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA tub register Al makes sold, rented, re paired Roen 456 Court Ph 8-6773 i CEMENT WORK For taper! guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalk drive war, patios, curbs, walls, at. Call 3-4850. O CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Ensley. 771 6. 31st. Fh. 3-7176. o25 CONCRETE WORK If It's made ot concrete, let as bid on your work. Ph. 3-1136. o364 DRESS MAKING Alt, dress making. Oood used clothes for sale. 360 Start St. Rm. 37. o34 1 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnoe's Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing, 187 S. Liberty 303 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross. 155 Pearl. o2ifl areithauot' for flowers Dial 3-0170 o FURNACE CIRCULATOR SERVICE IIOUSFIIOLD PRODUCTS J R Walk ins Do product Free do. Ivery 1717 Center Ph. 3-6330. 0 fNULATION Johw-Manvllle. Phone 3-3748. INSTRUMENT REPAIR Expert musical Intrument repair. All work fully guaranteed. JACQU1TH MU SIC CO-, Ph. 3-4841. 0244 JA1NTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxrns Rulldme Factories Rome p.tliRate Without Obllf etlon AMERICAN BLDG MAINT CO. Ph Salem 3-0133 LANDHCAPr NURSERY t Doerfler 6t Sons, Ornamental, lit H Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1333 c DELL'X SERVE SELF Laundry. 340 Jet frrson St Pnone 2343. M W N moTvV R s Sharpened, guaaanteed aervke. New power and hind mowers. Call Rirry W Srott, 147 S. Coirri St. o30 MATTR'.SSES Capital Bdir.g Phont t-4060 MUSIC LESSONS ' SraniAh' ' Hawaiian Oultar. Mandolin. Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 1-7M9 QEFH E n RVlUHE SUPPLIES D-aI chairs, ruc end filing luppnu, tare, duplicator and supplies, desk lamoa typewriter atand brief ease Pierce Wire Recorder, Roen. 451 Court DIRECTORY Interior painting. C. Horn. Ph. 1-0518. 0257 TJfitrom' are equipped painting Phone J-3493 to do youT PAINTING A PAPER RANGING Painting .k papering. Free est. Ph. 1-3608 o3Bl FA PI! R HANG IN O Expert Paperhanslng and painting. R. J Woodworm, Ph. 3-6881. Free et. e353 Jerry Johnson. Pb. 34631. O3S0 PAINTING tft PAPER HANGING Fainting and paperhanglnf expertly and reasonably. Ph. 38010. 268 Painting and pa per hinting. Free eitU mate. Ph. 3-0513. 057 Shplplng. o366 Painting & paperhanslng. Int. dr ext. dee. U. E. (Wood r l Wood. Ph. 1-5072. o258 PICTURE FR AMINO Picture framing Hutcneon Paint Store Phone 3-607 e Fisher. 844 Cornel. Ph. I-I01I. REFRIGERATION SERVICE Miller Refrigeration Service Co. Ph. ; -1534 0265 SAND A GRAVEL Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand & Gravel Co.. Phone 3-9249 o Valley Sand A Oravei Co Silt, sand A f 11 dirt Excavating 10B shovel ft eats Tractor scoop A truck for dirt moving Ph office 34002. res. 37140 o Salem Saw Wrk. Ph. 3-7603. 1303 R th. 0355 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS dee trie Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Raior ebarp Steel Cutting Blade Clean Sewer or Drains Septic Tank Cleaned Sea Pb 8 327 or 8-0468 SF.PTIC TANKS Mike' Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewer 1079 Eim St., W. Saem. Ph. 3-9466, 3-5327 O201 K. P. Hamel. Septic tancs cleared. Electric machine service on ewe' and drain lines Guaranteed wort. Il43-8n St., West Salem. Ph. 8-7404. c249 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call us collect Todd's Septic Tank Service. 3545 State St. Phone 2-0734. 0 SEWING MACHINES Repairs guaranteed all makes. Ph. 355S9. 1001 Edgewater. West Salem. o264" Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms. All make. W. Devenport, Ph. 3-7671. o254a All make repaired, free estimate Bmger Sewing Machine Co. 130 No Commercial Ph. 3-3312. c TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables All make need machine Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court, e TRANSFER STORAGE 'eocal 8s Distance Transfer, storage Burner oil, coal Si briquet Truck to Portland dally Agent for Bekln Rouse hold goods moved to anywhere In OM o Canada. Lanner Transfer j Storage Ph 3-3131 VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blind made to order i reflnlshed. Relnholdl e Lewis 8-1831 Elmer The Bllndman. Ph. 37328. WEATHERSTRIPPING WELL DRILLING WINDOW SHADES Washable. Roller Made to order. 1 Day Del Relnholdt A Lewis. Ph 33630. o WINDOW CLEANING Acme Vlndow Cleaner Wlndowa, walls A woodwork cleaned Floor cleaned waxed and polished. Ph 0-0817 847 Odurt. Langdoc. cuioaruoa and laauer WOOD A SAWDUST Weat Salem Fuel Co. Ph 3-4031. LEGAL NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, by an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County Probate Department, made and entered on the 22nd day of September, 1949. waa given authority to sell at private sale certain real property, hereinafter de scribed, belonging to the Batata of JULIA M. XKLLeY. dec eased. I will prooeeo to sell cald property to the highest bidder from and arter octooer iv. m term of the sale will be: cash, lawful money of the United States, ten per cent of the bid payable at the time of sale and the balance upon confirmation by eald Court All persons interested in the pur chae of said property can obtain Infor mation regarding same from the under signed at 1459 Hickory Street, Salem, Ore con, or hi attorneys. The property to be sold le located at 1173 North Fourth Street, Salem, Oregon, and 1 described an follows: That part of Block Fifteen (16) In the original town of North Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, (see Volume 1 Paxe 34, Record of Town Plats for said county and state., more particu larly described a follow: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Block Fifteen 415) of North Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, said point being S2i feet Southerly from the Northeast corner of said block, and running thence Southerly along the Bast line of said block 41.00 feet; thence Westerly parallel to the South line of said block, 133 feet to the East line of the alley running North and South through said block; thence Northerly along the East line of said alley, 41.00 feet: thence East erly parallel to the South line of aatd block, 122 feet to the place of be ginning. Oeorge I Slack Admr. c.t.a. of the aVtate of JULIA M. KFLLEY. docaaaod. CREIOHTON AND LOVETT Attorney for the Extste 218 North Liberty Street Salem, Oregon Sept. 37, Oct. 4. 11, A 10. 1040 NOTICE OF FILING OF TRADE MARK The trade mark to ha raLitr.i i Tasty Pastry, a bakery product manufac tured at 1179 Chemeketa St.. Salem, Ore. The Interest have used the mark since Sept.. 184P. Oct. 4. Oct. 11, Oct. 10. NOTICE OR SALE OF TA FORECLOSED LANDS From and after 11:00 a.m.. Tuesday No vember 22. 1949. at the West door af the Maron County Courthouse in Salem, Ore. con. pursuant to an order ef the County Court for Marlon County, Oregon, made and entered on the Oth day of October, 1940, I will cell at public sale for caah to the hlxheM bidder at not lea than the minimum price oe ow specified all of the following described parcel of real prop erty; .75 acre In Section 32, Township South, Ranee 3 West, Vol. 104. page 377. Marlon County Deed Records. Wm. P. Lord and W. O. Lord 1100.00 Sslem, Capital Park Addition. Fr. of block 19. Vol. 109, pate 80, Vol. 191, page 152. Wm, M. Trembath and Ber tha Trembath 11.000.00. October II, 10, 38, Nov, 0. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that bv an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Marlon, In prooate. duly maO and entered on the seventh day of October, 1949, we have been duly appointed executrixes of the last will and testament and estate of CLEMA MrLAIJGHLIN. deceased, and that me have duly qualified a such ex ecutrixes. All person having claim) asalrut said estate hereby are required to present them, with proper vouchers, to us at 314 P.oneer Trust Building, Salem. Oregon, wlthnl six month after the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published the eleventh ELIZABETH SIMON, MARY SIMON Executrixes aforesaid. JOHN CARSON Attorney for Executrix, Oct. 11, IB. 25. Nov. I LODGES Airuworth Lodge No. 301, AT. A-M Tueo Oct. 11th. SUted, 7:30 pm. 242' Journal Want Ads Pay J 1 : ri A 45 ft a M ltVr Swam Channel Nude for fame by swimming the English channel, enters the water at Cape Gris Nez, France, on what proved to be a record swim. Pierre, who hails from California, made the crossing in Just over five hours. A 30-foot line attached to a tight fitting black corset, was needed to keep the sea lion on a true course for the English coast. (AP Wirephoto via radio from London) Wheat Futures Listed Easier Chicago, Oct. 11 W Wheat eased toward the close of today's board of trade sessions, and corn dipped below the previous close, but soybeans and lard pushed upward. The easiness of corn was at tributed to a lower cast grain market. There was some profit cashing in wheat. At the close wheat was Va to 1 Vis higher than yesterday's close, December $2.12 Vt-A. Corn was 'A lower to V higher, Dec ember $1.18-Vi. Oats were unchanged to higher, December 674. Rye was Vi to 1 cent higher, December $1.49 Vi. Soybeans were Va to 1 Vi higher, November $2.34-33,. Lard was unchangd to 8 cents a hundred weight higher, October $11.47. Tardy Report OnForrestal Washington, Oct. 11 (AT) A navy board has absolved "any person or persons in the naval service" of fault or negligence in the death of former Secretary of Defense James Forrestal. Forrestal, who retired from office in M a r c h , leaped to his death May 22 from a tower at the Naval hospital in Bethesda, Md. He was admitted to the hospital April 2 suffering from what naval medical authorities described as "operational fa tigue." Navy Secretary Matthews made public the board's find ings today but made no mention of the delay of more than four months in doing so. Rear Adm. Morton D. Will cutts, then head of the national Naval Medical Center at Bethes da, convened the five man board of inquiry on May 23. It finished its hearings May 30 and submit ted Its report to Willcuts. Three days later Willcutts sent the report to Rear Adm. Glenn Davis, head of the Poto mac river naval command. Davis reviewed It and sent it on to Rear Adm. George L. Russell, Judge advocate general. Shortly afterward it went to Matthews. Two Veterans Join Herrall-Owens Firm Recently Joining the firm of Herrall-Owens company as sales representatives were two native Salem men, Herb Hunt and Tom Stevenson. Both of the young men are veterans of the last war and members of Capital post No. 9, American Legion. Hunt entered the air force In 1942 and served in the South Pacific with the Fifth air force. He left the service in 1S46 and prior to Joining the Herrall-Ow ens firm was manager of the Hollywood florist shop for three years. He is married and lives in the Qulnaby district. A navy veteran, Stevenson en tered the service in 1942 apd spent two years with aircraft, 7th fleet. In the South Pacific. Following his discharge in 1946 he entered the University of Oregon. Until recently he sold heavy logging equipment. He and his wife reside on North 13th street. LODGES J-2 l.O.OJ meets every Wed- uenua7 fugnt. vusiiura wi come ' Salem Lodite Ho. 4, A P. ek 'AM, Wed, Oct. 12, E. A. de gree, 7:30 pro, 243' ""Si''J" ' J ft El Pierre Cllion, 18 months old, the youngest swimmer to bid SALEM MARKETS Complelfd from report, of Salrm dralcr. lor Ihr aufdanrr of fnpltal Journal Kradrr,. (ReviMd daily). Rrlall Frrd Hrirra: tar Ma,h SI.MO. Rabbit I'rUrli 84.30. Hair, Frrdt3.70. Pooltrr: Buylnv price, -Orari, A color- rd hen 22c: tr,d, A Lrshorn hen. 18-lDc; grade A colored fryar. threo lb, and up. 27-29C. Qrada A old rooatara. 180. Burin, Price, Extra an. AA. 86c. larso AA. eric i larao A. 83-85c; medium AA, 54c: medium A. 50-62c: pullet. 34-39C. Whaleaala Price. Egi wholexale prlcea B-7o above thee prlrea: above trade A eenernllr quoted at 70c: medium 89x. Butterfat Premium 84-68C. No. 1. 63e: No. 1. 67. B9c: Ibuyins prlceai. Hotter Wholeaal. grade A. 7c; re call 72c. Corn and Wheat Yield Estimated Washington, Oct. 11 W) The agriculture department today es timated this year's corn crop at 3.478,988,000 bushels, the sec ond largest of record. This estimate is 48.755.000 bushels less than the 3,525,741, 000 forecast a month ago. It compares with last year's rec ord of 3,650,548,000 bushels and with the ten-year (1938-47) average of 2,787,628,000 bushels Wheat production was put at 1,126,226,000 bushels, or 2,855, 000 less than the 1,129,081,000 forecast last month. It compares with the 1948 crop of 1,288,406, 000 bushels and with the ten- year average of 991,950,000. The winter wheat estimate of 894,874,000 bushels was un changed from a month ago and compared with 990,098,000 last year and 726,553,000 for the ten year average. Spring winter wheat estimate of 894,874,000 bushels was un changed from a month ago and compared with 990,098,000 last year and 726,553,000 for the ten- year average. Spring wheat production was estimated at 231,352,000 bushels, or 2,855,000 less than the 234, 207,000 forecast a month ago. It compares also with 298,308,000 last year and 265,397,000 for the ten-year average. Elliott Files Suit To Halt Recall Portland, Ore., Oct. 11 JR Multnomah Sheriff Marion L. Elliott, whose recall election is scheduled In ten days, today had filed suit to halt the elec tion, claiming the recall was un constitutional. Qecall Ls a right amended to the Oregon constitution. El liott's suit, termed recall "an attempt by the people to reclaim and usurp governmental func tions." The suit asked that the court hold a hearing and decree that the charges on which the recall petition was based "do not con stitute lawful grounds,'1 for his removal. Protestants Offer Anti-Semitic Film New York. Oct. 11 U.P The Protestant church h a entered the commercial motion picture field with a feature-length mo vie on anti-Semitism, the Pro testant film commission an nounced today. The picture, titled "Preju dice," was filmed In Hollywood and will be the first movie ever produced under exclusively re ligious auspices to achieve commercial distribution in the United States, the commission said. It will be launched with a si multaneous premiere in more than 100 cities on Oct. 17. There after It will be shown in theaters as well as in churches, schools, factories, labor unions, fraternal groups and similar organizations. I Stock Advance Up to 2 Points New York. Oct. 11 UP) Rails and motors led the stock market into new hlRh ground for the year today in active trading. Gains were from fractions to around 2 point. The volume of business was at the rate of about 1.500.000 shares for the entire session, one of the best days in the past month. A number of new high prices for the year were chalked up by leaders including General Mo tors, Studebaker. Northern Pa cifir, Lion Oil, Allied Chemical and Westinghouse. The market set a new 1949 high on Thursday, dropped back a little the next day but regain ed the top position in the short session Saturday. It held that same spot Monday, and then moved on higher today. Other stocks going higher in cluded U.S. Steel, Youngstown Sheet & Tube, Chrysler. Santa Fe, Goodrich, Phelps Dodge, Homestake Mining. Douglas Air craft, Dow Chemical, General Electric and American Woolen STOCKS B? tht Aasociatrd Pr-aa. imrrlran Can Am Pow A I.I Am TH A Ttl Anaronda ... Bendlu Aviation Brtri 8trrl noting Alrptant Calir Packm Canadian Pacific Caf J 1 Caterpillar Chryiler Com with ft Sou Con Vultre . 97H . 12 .leas . 28a Continental Can Crown Zellcrbach Curtlss WriKht . Doufilai Aircraft Dupont de Nim General Fllrrtrlc Oenernl Pood SI', , J7l , ,3', , 6 J; jits Oner) Motora Goodyear Tlra Int Harveattr Int Paoer Krnnerott Llbby MrN L Lonit Bell "A" 1J , !2 , IS , 35', Montgomery warn Nash Kelvlnator Nat Dairy NY Central Northern Pacific Pac Am Fish Pa Oa & Fleo Pa Tel & Tel Penney J C Radio Corp -,, Rayonler Rayonlet Pfd Reynolds Metal Richfield Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck .. 4! .. 4 .. .. .. ll .. 13 .. 28', ... 12 ... K i.. K'l Southern Pacific Standard Oil Co , Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining Transamerlca Union Oil Cat , Union Pacific United Airline , U S Steel Warner Proa Pie Woolworth Richmond PTA Hears Reports Reports were presented and activities outlined for the fall and winter season during Mon day night's initial meeting of the Richmond PTA. The conference was well attended. Miss Mathilda Gilles, princi pal, reported that traffic offi cers will be stationed at 23rd and State streets from 8:30 to 8:45 a.m. and from 2:20 to 2:35 p.m. each school day to assist pupils in making safe crossings there. Donald E. Jessup, director of instrumental music for the Sa lem schools, Invited all parents interested in having their chil dren participate In the instru mental music program attend a conference slated for 1:30 p.m. October 14 at the Richmond building. Reports were given by various committee chairmen. These in eluded: Fred Remington, ways and means; Mrs. L. . Marschat, room mothers; Mrs. Andrew Ba ker, scrapbook; Fred Humphrey program; Leo Scamstcr, mem bership; Mrs. Leslie Morris and Mrs. Elmer Amundson, Girl Scouts and Brownie troops; Mrs Charles Ladd, Camp Fire Girls and Bluebirds. The school will conduct a rum mage sale October 21 and 22. Members of the school faculty were introduced and presented with corsages by the room moth ers committee. The Cannery Workers union announced their masquerade benefit dance for the benefit of the milk fund will be held at the Labor temple, Oct. 28. The Paul Armstrong school of the dance provided entertain ment. Participants included Mary Stevens, Niles Brewster Harold Krueger, Jr., Linda Lec Arnest, the Neal twins, Karlene Quistad, Mary Lou Anderson, Mary Clabaugh, Tania McNall, Diane Wodzewoda, Darrel Smith, Gloria Jean Rodriguez, Clayton Steinke, Suson Steinke, Jimmy Bauman, Patricia Whelan, Billy Shull and Charles Chappelle. Engineer Killed By Fall from Cab Portland, Oct. 11 WWTht engineer of the west-bound Port land Rose fell from his cab while the train was on a siding west of Pendleton early today and was killed. Union Pacific railroad offic ials here aaid the engineer was Otto Hinkle, 59, The Dalles. Thry said the accident, as re ported to them by telephone occurred after the train had stopped to go on a siding to let th east-bound Portland Rose pass on the main line. Capital Journal, Salem, Or., MARKET QUOTATIONS laleat I.lTeita.k Market (By Vallei facklni Com pan ft Lamb 119. 00 16 130 00 er lamu 113.00 to 110.00 rtM . ;o to won Cutter cowa It. 00 to 110.00 Fat dairy eowa 110.00 to 110.40 Bulla Ill 01 to I1. 00 Calve, food 4300-4M) lt 119 00 to 11100 Veal (150-100 lb.) top ...117,00 to tlO.OO Port la n4 taslside Market weel corn ao.d for II U a flvt-doten ear pack on the Portland Farm- a wnolwaie rroauce mariei looay. Green pepper brought $10 an or ana box. Roundhead typo Ckbbaie waa fi.w a crate. Concord irapM jom ror it w as cnu a JO-lb luf. Fenian FrodHca nutter fat Tentative, lurjieci 10 imme diate chant. Premium quality maximum ta la 1 oercant acidity delivered in Portland 63-0ec lb.. IS ror 6l-U lb., to core, 17-OOe, acore. 55c. Valley routo and rountrv point 2c leas than flrat. Batter wnoieiai run oun cuora o wholenalert: grade 03 icora, It eenti; A 03 acore lie; B 10 acore, lOe lb.; C 10 score, Sic. Above prlcea art strictly nominal r her Sell In orlc to Formnn wnoit- ale: Oregon atnglei 3ft-40c: Oregon 5 am. loaf 43 -43c; triplet ( man ftlnrlea. Eirs T Wboleialera) A trada lane. ei'i-flec; A medium. 51-54 4c; aratle H larae, 58S-5l'c; amali A rade, 4J,. Portland hairy Market nui tar Price to retailers: Orada A A prlnle 17c; AA carton 6lci A print! 67c. A carton lie; B prints 14c. lie Prlcea to reiauera: unoi ha larae 73c dot.; rert tiled A lane, lie: tarse ITcr AA medium. 5Se; certified A. medium. 57c: A medium. Sl-Slc; A amall. 43c carton 3c additional. Cheea Price to retallrra: Portland Ore, on tingle 31-43?. Oregon loal. I ln loaf 44'i-45c lb ; triplet. I'fc centi leit than Mngle pre nlum brand, tingles 51'tc lb.: loaf. 61 c. Poultry Lire Thicken - No. 1 ouallty FOB planU. No. 1 broiler under 14 lb. 34-JOc lb.; fryers 3". -J lb.. 24-2c; S-4 lb.. 31 ;sc: roaster lb and over, 31-3se; fowl, lhoriui 4 lb, and under. t8-aoc, over 4 lb. 20c; colored fowl all weight. -23e, rooiter. all weight ll-10c. Rabbit Average to growers, live whites, 4-i lb.. 1I-20C lb : 5-1 lb., 16-tac lb.: colored 3 cent lower; old or heavy doe. and buck. l-13c; Ircatt iryera ouicner. 30-S3C. Country -Kill.. Meats Veai. top quality, jw-.iae ., grntles according to weight nd quality with poor or neavier du-ioc. Hog; Light biocatrs, tu-aiei aow. i- 3c- Lambs: Top quality, springers, jo-jc; utton, 12.14c. Beef: Oood cows. I0-32o lb.; canntri- cuttrrs. 20-22C. Fresh PreMcd Meats i Wholesalers to retailer per awi.-; IWf ateer. aood 500-100 lb.. 143-45; commercial, 127-30; utility. 131-34. Cowa Commercial. 131-33; utility. si- 10; c a nners -cutter, 123-21. Bee! Cuta lOood Steers!: Hind quartert. (54-56: round. 148-51: full loin, trimmed, S13-78; trlanbW, 133-34; square chuck. 140-42; rib, 152-55: lorequariera, j-jb. Veai and call: Good. I37-4U; commercial. $33-35; utility. I3B-33. Lamb: Oood-cholca spring lamb, 141 48: commercial. 138-40; utility, 133-35. Mutton: oooa, io ma. aown, io-i. Pork cut: Loin No. 1 8-13 Ins., 150-53; shoulder 18 lb, down, 130-40; spire- rib. 147-50; carcaJises. mixea welchta 13 per cwt. lower. Portland Mlneellaneaua C a near a Bark Dry lb., green w id Wool Valley eoar and medium grades. 45r lb. Mohair 25e lb. on lJ-monm growin. nominally. Hide Calves, 30c lb., aeoordtng to weight, kip 35c lb., beef 11-lJc lb., bull R-7C in. country nuycra pay Nut Quotation Walnuta rranauetres, urn quality jum bo, 34.7c; large, 32.7c: medium, 37.2c; rnnrf out 111 v lumboa. 30.3c: larae. 38.3c; medium, ae.ic; Daoy, zj.-ic; aou aiini, i quality large. 29. 7c; medium. 20. 2c; seo- -md quality large, aiac; meaium, m. baby Filberts Jumbo, 30o lb. I Urge, lie; medium, 18c: amall, 13c. Portland drain Porlland. Ore.. Off. 11 fAtCash grain Oats No. 2 311 10. white 55.00: barley No. I 45 )b BW 53.00; No. 1 flax 3.85. Cash wheat ibld: Soft white 2.11; toft white fno rex) 2.18; white club 2 18. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.18: 10 per cent 3.18; 11 per cent 2.19; 13 per nt 2.21. Today' ear receipts: Wheat 71: barley Hi flour 6; torn 2: oat 3; mlllfecd 22. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore.. Oct. 11 flJW Livestock: Cattle eatable 200: holdover 325; calvea 75: market opening vry alow; scattered tarlr aalea steady: praotlcally no steers aold early: offerlnta mostly common, daughter ateer and siocKer: irw cutter and common dairy type ateer and heifers 11.00 to 13.00; canner and cutter cow alow at 10.00 to 11.25; com- on and medium beef cowa closed 25-50 cent lower Monday; mostly 12.50 to 14 50; some unsold; few medium sausage bulls to 16.50; odd low choice yeaiers 23.50: good salable 21.00 to 33.00: good heavy calvea quotable 10 00 down; com mon and medium 13.00 to 10.00. Ho salable 200; market fairly ac tive, ateady with Monday's uneven trade; sood and choice 180-230 lbs. ao so to 21.00; few 175 lb. 30.00; good 350-450 lb. sows 16.00 to 17.00; good and choice feed ers salable 30.00 to 21.00. Sheep salable 400: tood and choice slautfhter lambs scarce, moat Interests Ik Ins stead v; sales Monday mostly 21.00 to 31.50; two lots mostly choice lamn 22.00: few cull to medium lambs 12.50 to 10,00; odd good yearlings 17 00: me dium ewe 5.00 to ft. 50; good salable to 6.50. Chicago Livestock Chicago. Oct. 11 (U.w Livestock mar- ket: Hogastlable 11.000; market opened mod erately active: trong to 25 cents hith er on butcher; later trad slow with part of advance lost: sow steady to 25 cents hither: top 1(75 for several load choice 330-370 lb. weights; bulk good and holce 130-300 lb. 18 00-11.66 With re a- tlvelr I. Me under 16 35; good and choice 170-100 lbs. 17.50-1135: tood and choice tnwi under 400 In. 16. 75-17. 76: 425-500 lbs. 15 50-16.50: odd head heavier sow as low a 14 50. Sneep atlabl 1.000: ataushter lambs and earllnA openina active: early tales 60- 76 cents hither, not established on ewes; tood and choice wooled tiaushter lamb 11 25-23.75: latter price paid for na tives: most medium and sood nam wooled k;ns 21.00-22 50, common lone ly 17.00-10 00; about two loads good and choice ahorn yearling wether around 116 lbs. 19.7V Ctltte salable 6 000: calves 500: uneven. SteeM and heifer rather slow but ateady to 25 cents hWher except for a weak trade on average medium to averagt good Mrrrs, 1 100 llu-. up; cows steady to 26 rent hither; bulls strong to 50 cents hither; veslcrs and stork ctttlt sttadv. Top 35.75 a new 1B4I hlih for two lotds choice to prime 1107 and 1260 lb. fed steers: choice steer 33.00-36 38; good to low-choice trade 27. 50-31.50; medium to low good Steers 10.00-37.00: tood And thole heifer 36 00-31.00: load of choice 072 lb. mixed yearling 33.00; thret loads medium 135 b Wvomins trass heifers 32 90; good beer cows 11 50-18 00; most common and medium beef cow 14 00-16.00; ranner and cutters 11.5014 36; medium and good sausase bulla 16.00-11.50; odd head 20 00; medium to choice vtalers 33.00-27.00. Geneva of the Class C Border lea Rue. in Ita first full season with the Brooklyn organiiation, captured pennant and playoff honors. Advertisement! Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin ts Irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with Itching tort tiro, try Sanltone Ointment. Itching stops prompt ly. Smarting disappears imme diately. Sanltone Ointment is also wonderful for itching feel, cracks between toes ana Ath lete i foot. For Sale Wlllftt'i Capital Drug Store State at Libert Phone S-Slltt Tuesday, October 11, 1949 SS Harvard to Admit Women for Law Cambridge, Mas,., Oct. 11 (U.R) For the first time In tht 132 year history of Harvard law school, qualified women appli cants will be admitted begin ning in the fall of 1990. Dean Erwin N. Griswold an nounced yesterday that sinct the law school rejects many men each year, "It is our ex pectation that we will admit only a small number of unusual ly qualified women students for the present, at least " OBITUARY Cart la A. Peitet Woodburn Curt la Alexander Pettet. Tt, lata rasldent of 1010 North Second street, Woodburn. Sunday. October I at tht Sa lem Memorial hospital where ht had been for ttiree day followine a aever heart attack. He was born in Kama City. MiMOurl. September 34, 1676 and came to Oregon 43 year axo setting at Coo Bay. He ha been a resident of Woodburn for tha past year. Survivors Include hU wife, Blanche Pettet of Woodburn: five torut, William W. Pettet of Woodburn. Walter H., James C. and Robert L. Pfttet of Csmas, Washington and Leslie Pettet of Buther Hn, Orenon: one daughter, Mary E. tmnlli of Ban'a Monica, California: two brother. Peter Pettet of North Bend, Oreton, and James Pettet of Newport, Oreion: Several sisters in the tait and nine grandchildren. Funeral service will bt held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, October 13 at the Rlmo chapel with the Rev. , Kar Fenton of the Pr'sbyterlr-n church off. elating foVowed by Interment In Bell Pass! cemetery. Mary I. Duncan Albany Mr. Mary X, Duncan, 13. on of Linn county's oldest native and a life long resident of the Shedd community where she waa born October 18. 1158. died at her home Monday. Funeral service will be held In Albany from tha Fisher funeral home Wednesday at t p.m., with burial takini place at Bhedd. Mr. Dun can waa the mother of six children. F. B. Duncan. Albany, J. I., R. H.. and C. C. Duncan. 8hdd: P. L. Duncan Tan. gent, and Mr. Lulu Shirley. Florence, Ore., all of whom urvlve. Living also ara a oroiner, txi rarweii, sneod, and a sis ter. Iva Farrow. Snokane Wah grandchildren and 34 great grandchildren. She waa married May 23, 1177, to John uunean wno died in 1023. She was a mem ber of Rebekah lodtt. Halaey, and had been a member of the Western Star Orang for more than 60 ytari. Dale Dean Wolf Albany Dale Dean Wolfe, aaed t. died at the home of hi parent, Mr. and .Mr. Floyd A. Wolfe. RFD No. 1. Altaanv. Sunday, after an Illness of two mon tha. Ha was born November 1, 1047 at L'aTn on. and had lived at Brownsville and narriDurg oeiore moving here. Surviv ing art tha parents, a brother, LaVern, two slaters, Delorl Wolfe. Albany, and Mr. Evelyn Blrel. Harrlhur nrf grandparent. Mr. and Mr. Norrla Wolfe, nampa, iaano. runerai arrangement will be announced from tht fisher funeral home. Mary Irant Brady Lebanon Mr. Marr Irene BradT la died at her home 160 Eaton atrect oa wcioeer - on was oorn at Burns, Jan. 37, 1013 and had lived In Oregon all her life, spending the past nine months la Lebanon. She wa a member of the Epis copal church and the o. B. a. Services nn 07 me nowt-Huaton enapei of Lebanon, were held Monday at tha Miller Tracy Funeral home In Portland with Interment In tht HI very lew ceme tery, Portland. Survivor are her wld o .er, j Tim Brady of Lebanon, and hea father, Samuel Motherahcad. Arthar Them at Conley Lebanon Arthur Thomas Conley. 72, died Oct. I at tht Lebanon Community .Hii. ngrn -n. u, mn. m Qoloch ea ter. HI., he had lived 40 years in Ore ton and the last two In Lebanon. Ht was a retired employee of tha Portland City Water bureau. Service will be held Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the Howe-Huston chapel with Rev. Lynnton Elwell of. fklatlnt. Burial and graveside tervlces will be held at t p.m. In Columbian cem etery in Portland. Survivors are daushter. Mr. Evelyn Fltr.water, Sweet Home, Mrs. Ruby Kelly, Lebanon: grandsons. Arthur Bulytu and Edwin Kelly, Lebanon, and two brother. Oeorne and trnut rnnl.. both living out of tate. Edward Fairtlonrh Summervllle uanas runerai acrvtce for Edward Falrtlough SummervlU. ao hn riii Sunday at his home on Monmouth Rt. 1, will to held from the Henkl and Bolt man chapel at 7 o'clock Wednesday, Rev. E. Be tier, of Oawego, offictatmt and burial In the Dallas IOOF cemetery. M. born at Armaush, la., Jan. 13. 1890, and had lived in Oregon 30 year, the last five at Monmouth. He Is survived by his widow, Mr. Elna SummervlU, of Mon mouth; daughter, Mr. Fvalyn Kesaen, Dallas; two grandchildren; two sisters in Canada and brother In England. DEATHS Nathan Hrnrr Alger Nathan Henry A ser. at a local hna. pltal, October 11. at the ate of 10 veara. Survived by his wife. Alva Alter of Ray mond. Wash.; parent. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Alser of Raymond. Wash.; two broth- r. Joseph Alsrr of Klamath Fulls and W. A. Alter of Aberdeen, Wah.; and thret sisters, Mrs, Nellie Heard, Mrs. Lor ena Keaton. Mr. Mary Ktna, all of Ab erdeen, Wash. Announcement of services later by the Howell-Ed wards chapel. DavM Kins David Klnt. late resident of 1061 North Fourth atreet, at a Bend. Oregon, hos pital. October 11. at the site of 39 venr. Husband of The! ma L. King of Salem. Announcement of aervlce later by tho Howell-Edwards chapel. Mrs. Loalie Eitrlla Hall Mr. Louise Extella Hall, at the real. dence at 540 Water street. October 9. at the ace of 77 years. Survived by threo daughter. Mrs. Laura Wonch and Mr. lla Hunan of Olympia, Wash., and Mr. Lola Christie of Salem: two sons, Ar thur Hall and William Hall, both of Sa lem; two brother. Qui Berkhoff and FTd Berkhoff. both of Wapello, Iowa; II grandchildren and four great grand chil dren. Service were held at the Olouth Barrtck chape) Tuesday, October 11, at 2 30 p m. with Interment la tht City Vlav cemettry. Spenser Cardan Sparrow Spencer Oordon Sparrow, law resi dent of Salem, route 3, at a local hospit al, October 9. at the ace of 30 year. An nouncement of services later by tht Howell-Edwards chapel. fame W. lntraai James W. Intram. tt tht residence at 1343 South Commercial atreet, October 10, tt the tte of 63 year. Father ot Mra, Maria Wwolowskl and Mr. B B Sut ton, both of Portland. Announcement of services later by tht Howell-Edwards chapel. Pelt Hint in this city October f. Pet sing, lata raaldent of 314 North Commercial street. Announcement of services later by W. T. Rlcdon company False Teeth? Chew Steak, Corn, Apples I This atnaatnf new cream in a bandy tuba lata thousands chew a task, oorn. applet without femr of platea flipping I ST A CI holds platea tighter, longer, nelpsj keep out annoying food particles. Mofiaj back guarantee. Get Ml STAZIi Constipation (Colitis) I symptom, not dlsMM. Rectal Ailments At, tht Underlying Factor Hemorrhoids and other colon ailments mu.u be corrected. No Lam of Time No) llcpltallutlon Fr Dfarrlpllve Booklet DR. R. REYNOLDS ProctoloHlst Naturo-Reetal Specialist 1144 Center SL ; alein. Or.