22 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! POT Lin 19 Per Lint I time ....40c Per Line t time 60c Per Lint 1 month 13 00 Outside of Salem 19 ptr lint Pr 4r. Mln loe; I timet mln. toe timet mln- 11.20. No Refund READER. In Local Mew CoL Only: Pei Dm . ,.10c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES 1 BDRM. home. Living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, full basement, auto, oil furnace, hardwood floor, ven. blind, fireplace. Lot 100x165. landscaped. Im proved road next to biu. 12600 doan. baL FHA. Inquire 3615 Hulaey Ave.. Ph. 3-3201. " MANBRIN OARDENS 41500. Real value In thl 2 B R. home. Colotlle bath, fireplc, pecan floor, nice nook. If. well landscaped lot. r.u-A loan mar be assumed. Ph. 2-8B0. ED. LUKINBKAL REAL ESTATE 433 NORTH HIGH 8T. Bve. Ph. 3-8704 - 2-7769 - 1-3818 a2 MODERN SPACIOI'S home with 1 acrt on city ft school bus line. Ideal location for business. Call alter 3:30 p.m. Ph. 2-7034. a245 BY OWNER: Modern 3 bedrm. home with floor furnact ft earagt. 64100. 2330 REAL ATMOSPHERE A bautlfull j located 3 bdrm. home com- blnlne attractively arranged living uuar. ter. Full basement, party room. 3 fire place, built up lawn, fine shade tree. Price 113.500. 13,700 will handle or tmall house In trade. Walter Musgrave, R'ltor 1111 Idiewater. Ph. 3-5701. Ee. J-J a243 17750 Lata built a BR. homt NX Ph. 3-883. a35' JUST OUTSIDE CITY" Out of atat owner here to elt prac tically new home, 6 lite, rm., hwd. fir, thruout, auto-furn. piped to all rm. Dnfln. upatlar. Stairway In. Breezeway. att. ear. Lee. lot. city water. Low down payment. FHA term. Salem Heights dlst. 685 Ewald. 8. off WE. a34J fclLL SACRIFICE at 16500 for quick tale very mod. 2 bdrm. F.H.A. approved W. Salem home. See at 1362 Franklin, of fer dn. payment, or call 3-6189. a242 CHEAP Move In and complete. Shake exterior. 3 bedroom. attached garate. Nearly enough wlrlnx ft plumblnt. V acrt. Price 32950. Small down payment. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 48 ft). Com'l. Ph. 8-4590 EveS-lSSO. a343" Sale OR TRAIIE. Nice furn. duplex. Ex cellent Income. Would conaldrr house BEAUTIFUL VIEW Owner In Calif, will reduce price for quick actiion. 2000 aq. ft. of floor tpace, dvlded Into 6 attractive paclou rm. Basement, oil fired hot water heat. 2 ear garage. Only 2 year old. 90x100 ft. tecluded lot. 13,000 will handle. Wt have the key. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1211 Edge water Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-99.19 a245 NEW- V BDRM. houM et 2310 Broadway. Call at 230S N. Liberty St. a249 Really Nice 18750 Lovely new 2 bedrm. home with dining room ft nook, large living rm.. hardwood floor, large wardrobe, oil furnace. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 3-3649 Eve. 3-5260 a242 BV OWNER 2 bedrm. modern house, floor furnace, garate, 13800. 11300 down, 127 per month lor 10 years. 2330 Hyde Ht a248 McKiliop Real Estate FEALTORS South Salem CLOSE TO GRADE and Junior Tilth school, fine larxe lot 95x130. paved atreet and sidewalk In. all tills and a three bedroom home with living room, dining room. lance kitchen and base ment for only 15030. Terms. West Salem S-BEDROOM HOME, living room. large kitchen, lots of built-in. Paved street and sidewalk. Close in school. F H A. p prallsed thl proierty at (7,000. Makt u an offer. Englewood District LOVELY 3-HE11ROOM, modern home with unfinished eecond story. Full base ment, lame lot, paved atreet, clone to tchool and shopping center. Priced to tell at II 1,900. COME IN OR CALL Daytime rhone 3-5131. Eve. Ph. 3-5514 or 2-8406 McKiliop Real Estate 493 CENTER AT HIGH WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS ft343 BY OWNERTHntiywood dlst. 4 Irdrm. hseT Corner lot. Paved street. City bu at door. Coj.e to school. New auto, burner. Full dry basement. Fireplace. Hardwood floor. V. blind. 1301)0 will handle. Ph. 2-8587. 1705 N. Church. a246 HIGHLAND" DIST."'" Nearly new 2 bdrm. home. Full bath, wired for ratine. Attached Karaite. Near Hlehland school. Price 15500. Approx. 11000 dwn McKINLEY New I rm. home. Briwd. fir, auto. SALEM HEIGHTS New 2 bdrm. home Cored celling, hdwd. fir., all electric. At hecatde hdwd. firs., all electric. Attached tar es. Price I.8M. Small dn. r-rmt. CAPITOL A Part brick home and brick tile. Beauti ful selling. Choice location Iin. thrubbrr. elr Hrlwd. Urn., fireplace, nirt dlnlnc rm. Lte. lot, Dble. garaie. Price 19000 COLBATH LAND CO. CHOICE ACRE A HALF Near new Salem school. Don't ml thl attractive plant, hse. 'Insulated', aurrotimled by charm ing lawn, bis Mimle trees, ahrub A flowers Roomy pllry, hse.. garni. HEN Oil OOM. Immed. post. M000. Low dn pyrnt ILVKRTON ROAD ACREAGE. I A at odet of city, highway frnntaie. Plaster ed 4 BR home plus lee hed A barn Elec. water tvntem. 11000 dn. will move you hi, NOW moo or 17500 for appro. I A. bide. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Buetualvt Lutlraa Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 eais1 $500.00 DOWN Englewood District flew 3 Bdrm . Llv Km., Dm. Rm , -art Kit, tMiMy Rm . Oar. Fireplace, Rdwd. Flra. FHA constructed, lane lot. paved t , immerl. vow Payment like rent. EVE. Phone 3-7wS. Abrams & Skinner Inc. 411 M won If Bklg. Phone 3-9317 Insurance. Mlt -Loan a344 BRICK HOME" Just t blncK from Pnlewoot School on I weU-lantVcnrrd lote. l.t fir. has 16x31 llv rm.. H W. fir . mahotanv wood work, fireplace. Ke. din rm. with fire place, den. dinette, kilclirn with tile drainbonrd. I HH with tile bath, utility rm. At rstra bath, urutair ha 3 BR full b 111 A sun deck, burnt, with ear tee, auto, oil turn., fruit rm. A laun dry Irar. roof 1 tile. Full price 1 mono Call Crawford. BUIiT P1C1IA, Realtors 179 N. H1etl St Office 2-3649 Evt' 1-5990 aJJ r SB MOD, home Attached gar Auto, wtr. htr . fire piece, ven. blind, fir. furn. floored attic. 831 Edtna Lane, Sa lem. aa' BT OWNTB: 3 BH. pecan fir , fireplace, auto, ht , atl. gar., Fmlewood tchool dlst.. I1H0 down. FHA. commitment Call 3-A526 or ee at 1640 (rant a347 Journal Want Ads Pay Ore., Tuesday, October 1 11949 FOR SALE HOUSES FOB SALE New 3 B R. homo, all-tie, price 800. 3145 Jensen. Ph. 2-6014 34V SMALL down payment. Larft FHA 1MB, new 2 bdrm. bomt by owner, tit Ford atreet. a241 Close In 2 Acre. 3 bdrm. hae. Barn, chicken hat. Oar. Storaie rm. Elec. W. gys. Fruit nut. City bu. Price cut to tell, 6300. can oe auoaivioea. appi. onir. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 6. Com 1. Ph. 1-4590. Bvt. 3-9516 e244' HIGH ON THE HILL. Thai 1 ft moat unlit. ual home built by owner without con aid rat ion of coat. Lane llv. rm. wltl fireplace, cheerful dlnlnc rm. each with view. Delightful modern kitchen. Two bdrm. and bath on flret floor. tra large bedroom with private bath on econd floor. Cement baeement; oil fur nace. 3 car garage. Beautiful lawp and ahrub. Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 State St. Ph. 3-166) Evening, call Mr. Voorhet. 3-4007 344 Beautiful Home New 3 bdrm. he. for dUcrimlnttlni people. L rm., lie. D rm., kitchen with nook. Pull bmt. with extra fireplace. Entile wood dlst. 12500 down. Full price lis. BOO. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 B. Coml. Ph. 2-4690. Ev. 1-9531 344 NEW LISTING. Very nice 2 bdrm., (ten, llv. rm.. dining rm.. reception hall. Floor furnace. Patio. Oaragt. Ftnced In back yard. Nice atreet. Clote to bu. Im mediate possession, price only iio.aoo. Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 State St. Ph. 3-3663 Evening call Mr. Sedentrom, 3-8799 aw EXCLUSIVE DIST. Unusual deal. llOOO to 11500 down buy beautiful picture window home. .Tur ner, Fireplace ft latest feature. Have aeveral excellent home buy, aelect Ive view place ft a tecluded clote In pot with amall new houae ft green houae at a real buy. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 460 Church. Ph. 2-7642. Eve. -Sua. 3-011 BT OWNER: 3 Bdrm.. kitchen, living rm., bath, utility rm., attached garage. Lrge. rm. Duiu lor grocery tiort. on approx. Vt A. Excel, location. 12 mile N. on Newberg highway. Next to Signal Sta tion. 67750. B247 H ACRE. 3 rm. house with bath. Att. gar age. Close to tchool, but and ttorte, Price 13850. I. Z. term. 2 Houses Lot 360x90. One practically new 3 bed rm. tue. One 2 rm. rue. Clow to tchool, store St bu Hnt. Rent for 190 per me. Price 173. SO. C. W. Reeve Realtor 946 S. Com'l Fb. 9-4590. Bve. 9-3919 a344 FOR SALE LOTS LOT 90x219. Walnut tree. Restricted Kelter diet. 1 1 100. Ph. 2-3174. aalte- 111.000 110x136 LOT Corner lot ha two tmall houaet. Good location for ervlce tatlon, or drive In ret. Located on two well traveled at. In north part of Salem. Ph. 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 443 North High St. Bve. Ph. 9-3836 - 37769 - 3-1704 at242 MIDDLE GROVE tracts, new aub-dlvltton. $15 dn. 616 mo. Including water light. Close to school. Ph. 2-2289. General Real Estate 396 Center as24t Near McKinley School . 1 12. 800 All on one floor. Llv. rm., dinette, kitchen, 9 bedrm.. bath, largo utility, forced air oil furnace. Insul ated ; llv Ing rm. S bedrm. have beautiful new carpet. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 Eve. 1-6960 a242 WILL OFFEB my 94000 equity or large business lot A 4 bdrm. home on Fair ground rd. for 13500. Ph. 3-6199. a243 EAST VIEW LOTS, 1760 too I3S09. Op- POtlte 546 VUt AV. Ph. 1-424. BT OWNER: 2 Iota, 90x250 at 3866 Brook St. 8uo each. ezs BRAND NEW ADDITION North. Close to Hayetvllle tchool. Lota with wtter. electricity, bu service and fruit trees. 910 down 119 per month. Reimann for Real Estate 301 South High St. Ph. t-9202 Sun. A3 Bve. 3-8241 4-9974 1-3533 3-3738 aa342 FOB CHOICE residential tract In Klni- wood Ht. St Cascade Terraces, at mod erate prices ft very low monthly terms, sre the original owner St developer, O. A. Robertson, Ph. 9-8413. aa3S9 RAxlIM VIEW LOT. 3365 View avenue. City water-gaa, near Baiem Heigmi acnooi. 8150. Ph. 20P0R. aa247 FOR SALE FARMS 30 Acres South, nearly all farm lend. Oood bide. Equipment, bertlea fruit. Price C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Com') Ph 3-4690. Bve. 2-2088 0344- 12 MILES NORTH " ' A. level land. 3 barn, t rm. heu, completely stocked St equipped. price lis. ftoo. Take amall house In swap. Crawford. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High 81 Offtc 3-1649 Eve: 1-5390 M41 RT OWNER: 6 A. fine sandy toll. 1 BR house, less than 3 year old. On good htwav near Starton. Ore. Oarage St tool shed New tractor. Well for Irriga tion. Immediate pom. Will take ear or trailer house In. Terms. Write route 1. box 135. Au mil vlll. Ore. b944 HI ATTin'l, aeltlnr., close to town. 6i A Modern 4 room house, oott naaemem. barn, hog -home, berrlea, frutt and nut. Chen. M. Coburn, R. 1, Dayton. b343 Farms and Acreages 115 500. Excellent toil, new Out.ilde builds. Nice older tvpe house completed modern l.t.OtH) doan. 16.500. II1! acres. 3 B R. houae. barn. 1 good eows, chickens, frutt, nuta, br rles, good aoll 115.750. 6 acre located Just north at Kelaer Sen on River Rd. 17.000. Excellent 11 acre et Wll. tltt oil all in new berries. Irrigation well and equipment. 9 ml. north. 134.500. Orade A Dairy. 40 acre of fine toll, cow and all farm machinery flrt cits. Building art in perfect condition. Ph. 3-6660. Ed. Luklnbral Real Estate 433 North High St. Bve. Ph. 3-6704 - 1-3836 - 3-7769 M43 AT LAST WE FOTNtl IT1 Here'e ttfeeret, rich, rolling Howell Prttrte loam, on pvmt . near ttor and tchool. 7 A. In bearing berries. 1 A. orchard nuts. Lovely 4 BR home, fireplace, elec. heat. 2 car garaee. aood barn 4k other bidet. Bitra 4 rm. house rented. A profitable desirable location for 111. 009. Oood terms. ID94.L POR OURY. Thl 69 A. 8t east edae ol Aslem. en pavement. Approv imateiT io acres In rich bottom land. Irrigable from pear round stream, bal. rolling Willamette loam. Older style, mod. 9 BR home, good 40i99 Ittan chion barn can be improved and en larged for dairy herd. Silo, granary, ma chine ahed, poultry and hog house. El ectric water syatem. Surrounded by fine trove of fruit and nut tree. THIS HAS TO BE SEEN. Price and terms Will Please. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing Peraonal Service lit S. Com 1 St. Ph. 3-9369. Rv. 3-744 b343 FOR SALE ACREAGE AC P. t AO 39 acre -new houe 3 rooma and bath. one mile from Robert's Store -t mile off highway on good read. Opportunity ror future security-94oo. very iioerai term to right partv. Call Darby Sermon or Mr. Thorn i Salem 37791 hb949 BT OWN9R 7 acre I mile N. Oood tn- rome. Modern til-electric home, Met barn dbl garage. Leaving at att 1, Bog 162. Ph. 9-1111. M FOR SALE HOUSES OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS WANT TO LIVE JUST EAST OF TOWN? We have nice 3 -bed room suburban home with a good nnflntaheel pet a Ire and about It acrt of land. About I jeart old. 16950. REAL BUY Located aouth: new well-bum 3 B R. home, hardwood floor, nlct kitchen, full basement, automatic ell furnace, double garage. Urge lot. 11750 down. Pull price 19750. IN THE ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT A very good home on Pearl St. Fireplace, hardwood floor, etc. Very well finUhed throughout and a good deal at 111,500. NEED A NEW 3-BEDR00M RANCH STYLE HOME? W have a dandy for ale. It' J tut being completed end 1 located on Sunnyvlew Ave. Ha about 1300 sq. ft. floor space. If you hurry you may choose your own color scheme. 111.750 buy it. Only 13260 down. SPARKLING COLONIAL Lovely grounds, beautiful Itving room and dining room. 4 bed rooms. lVt plumbing, attractive kitchen with sunny nook, fine basement, patio with large outdoor fireplace. Call for an appoint ment to set this very complete colonial home. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 47T Court Street Eves. 3-3481 - 3-8063 OWNER MUST SELL 199001 yrt. old. Living, kitchen. large bedroom, bath, Large let 95x199. Fruit and nut tree. Nice garden tpae. View property, close to school and but. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL 176002 bedrooms, living, dining, kitchen, bath. Full basement. Hdwd. ee fir floors, nice yard and shrubs. Choice location, 2 blocks from school. This house Is spotlessly clean. FAIRM0UNT HILL 17760 View property. Nice eettlng In hade trees, outdoor fire place. Lawn and shrub. I bedroom and bath up, living, dining, kitchen. H btth dn. Elec. heat: fireplace. McKINLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 111.0009 yr. old. Bung, style. 1 bedrm., living, dinette, kitchen, bath, full basement, auto, oil furnace. Beautiful yard, fruit trees, garden apace. 3 blocks from school. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORSEN Office 3-6629 191 South High St. House 1-1189 A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS LOTS 90x169 ft. Oltr water. New dlst. Total rl 171. LAROB oak grove, lot on Candalaria Ht., city water, wen artinea. loiai price only $1600. Eve. ph. 3-7874 or 1-2539. NEW HOME, $8500 990 aq. ft. Hardwood floor thruout. Fireplace. Attached garage. 1 blocks from Capltola school. Private well. 2 lota. May consider trailer house as part payment. If you are an Oregon vet. thl house ean be easily financed. Evt. ph. 1-1674 or 3-3656. $8950 SPECIAL Very choice lot. Atteched garage. Large dining room. Nice yard. 3 blocks to bus. 1 large walnut tree. Eve. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3658. Tackle & Fly Business If you are Interested In a sporting oodt business we have one well et tabllehed r equipped fly St spinner stock. 175 wholesale tec. 10 trained em ploye available. Business hts grown be yond owners capacity because of disabil ity. Everything goet for about $14,000. Eve. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. BUSINESS BUILDING Large new unfinished business building. Oood location. Very nice, large living quarter upstair. Extra lot adjoining. Total price 132.500. May consider oth er property as part payment. Eve. ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558 5 ACRES Family orchard, berries, nut. S rm. house partly new. 30x30 barn. Chicken house. Lots of flowers At shrub. Total price $6800. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3338. 15 ACRES Willamette soil. 9 rm. house. 1 years old. Deep well. 300 filbert trees. 160 prune tree. Total prcle $8500. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 1-3366. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor 34)29 Portland Rd. NELSON NEWS PEN 4 CORN. 15250 A pre-war 3 -bdrm. mod. home Includ ing ranee, V blinds, gar., chicken he. 1 blk. to school or bus, lot I00xl59'i. 4 BDRM. HOLLYWOOD DIST. $15,000 Vxtra well built home, hand picked ma terial!, beautiful Philippine mahoeany trim. hdwd. firs, throughout, attractive mahogany St tile f'pltce, lee. LR. DR, 2 bdrm.. bath, down: 3 bdrm. ft bath up. Full bsmt . air cond.. oil furnace, beautiful landscaping witr shade tree DRY CLEANING BUSINESS Well established dry cleaning plant, close In. bldg., land ft equpt. 138.000. Shows good Income. 110,000 will handle. Wonderful opportunity for famtlv. A REAL FARM OPPORTUNITY One of the best farms In the Willam ette Valley. 151 A. all can be Irritated, unlimited river water, some bottom land, some top land, good Improvements ft ronilstent money maker. In one of the best farming areas. Can be handled with less than 130,000. well financed. Will be glad to provide sketch map, produce record, etc., for anyone who can finance a project of this eire, NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtor Per oral Service by men who F pec U Hie 703 N. High Ph.3-432. f342 Home and Rental, $6,500 This you want to see. A nice small 2 Bdrm.. home. With a lovely 1 Bdrm. Apt. In rear. Large corner lot Cloe to school end bus. Only I170O down. bal. at Ilk. per mo Rental will easily make tour payments for you. Call Mr, Raw lins. 915 Jefferson St. 3 Bdrm. older type home. Grand loca tion. Some one with a paint brnsli and a few Ideas can have a nice home Very reasonable, only 000. Terms. Ak for Mr. HMnr 1 ACRES, $:.8o0 Bast. Close to Salem. 2 Bdrm. AH mo dern. 3 yrs. old, For only $1000 down or will consider a car a part down payment Ask for Mr. North, RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DIPT Ph. 1-4664 Pvt. 3-T137, 3-6013. 1-6151 C244 Ot'ftE ft building on l't acre on Hol- WOOd Dr. Ph. 3-3675: C344" FOR TOI'B KAYlNOb mvetment buy e f1ft mortgage on real estate Salem ft vtelnlty. Examine security you ne If amo-jnts I36A to several thousand dol lar, net Investor 6 Wt make all col lections for you if desired eTT ATP PTN ANOR CO ll S Rllh WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICl! If rour property ta for tale real or eechent Utl It with at w have alt kind ef oath meer OTA'.B FINANCE CO. lltLTOkl 159 Bigb St ea WB 9BB 1 oeed ei gooe bouse to eD kg or aeat Bate If row wish te net feur property for eale ee -OBABBN9IOBRT BRO. BRALTOBS 134 S Liberty St. -Phone 1-3411 ee HIVE 1800 to pay down for best buy I or I BR. house. Ph. 1-3606 cal44 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE t BPRV. hem with unfinished upMelra. j veari ein. Loratea et im-a Duncan Ave. WtU trade for arreage with build ing Ph 39774 rhJ46' RESORT PROPERTY WFCOMA S9CH: Retiring couple til find lowly new two-bedroom home with large attie. of excellent eoiulmctton, fnllv insulated. Hat fireplace, oil fur nace, elec. wtr. htr and heat, garate. Full let. Beautiful view Muat be een to be appreciated oaner resires cash, or half rash with balance on tife teey term. Write Boa 162. Meiecett, Or eel a F0R SALE HOUSES Phone 3-4115 - 3-4119 - 3-5999 , 1-2633 a243 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GARAGE equipment for Immediate tale, (1500.00. Write Box 472, Capital Journ al . ed247 FOB BALE by owner: The Sweden House Smorgasbord, now operating. We wlah to enter other field of business. Orossed 123.000 last year, with 40 net profit. Wonderful opportunity for man and wife. Priced low for cash sale. It months left on lease with option to renew. Excellent location on campus. Price 15.000.00. Include equip, ft In ventory. Ph. 5-7232, Eugene. 1251 Xln- end St. cd246 BE A ITT Y SHOP: Excellent location. Owner leaving tow n. Ph. 2-3867 eve. cd347 SERVICE STATION for lease at 937 B. Commercial. Small Inventory for pur chase. Ph. 39271. C4244 14 RENTALS, basement, auto heat, large lot, close to State House ft store. If you want a good Investment let us show you this. 8 UNIT COURT, thl really is good. large tree.. Close In. Call for appt. $48,000. ACROSS the atreet from the Stat Office Bldg. 5 apt all furnished, hot water heat. Very good Income $32,300. Will ac cept trade. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing Peroonal Service 164 8. Com'l St. Ph. 2-6289. Bve. 2-7440 0d242 DININO and DANCINO Restaurant with et-up license. Bala Includes property, equipment and busi ness located on Hiway 99, 130,000. Ph. 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. Eve. Ph. 2-8104 - 2-7769 od243 FOR SALE: Or trade H A. ft he. for bet car offered, or amall down pmt. ft 125 per mo. L. Doyle, Rt. 1, Box 80-A, B rook. eb242 FOR SALE 3 operator beauty salon, in good business town. First reasonable of fer accepted. Phone 2621 day, 2086 eve nings. ed242 $2,000 11.090 DOWN Well equipped garage, 125 mo. rent su burban location north. Ph. 2-6680. . ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. Ev. Ph. 3-7789 1-3836 - 3-8704 Cd342 FURNITURE FOR SALE Furniture for Sale TUES. FROM STORAGE WeMinghouse electric range, 5-pe. bed rm, suite including box springs and ln nerxprlng mattress. 2 nice daveno suites, 2 6-pc bleach dinettes, Maytag electric washer. 9x12 Axmlnster rug, vacuum cleaners, deer rifle, 3 high grade baby bus a lea, chrome dinette, oil circulator, dozens more item seel tonight without reserve at Auction. Glen wood Ballroom, 4'a miles N. of Salem. 8 P.M. SHARP Gleijn Woodry, Auctioneer d242 BPDWOOD patio furniture, 9 pieces, tac- r ii ice. ma n. urn. di44" SOLID mahox. dining room set with buf fet. Beit offer over 1150. Ph. 3-4661. d244 BENDIX washer. Oibson refrlg. Electric wood combination range. Eiertrolux vacuum cleaner. SelV- at auction tonMe. Olenwood. No reserve. d242 For Sale, Furniture Don't bur any Item of new or used fur niture until you have shopped the Glenn Woodry Furniture Mkt 1606 N. Sum mer. Well save you money. d246 I IHl of furn., 1 yr. old. Excellent con dition 108 Landing Ave. d?43 WANTED FURNITURE IT'S YOUR MISTAKE- If you ell used furniture, appliances. sport Inn tood. household effects with out first get ling mv price. GLENN WOODRY PAYS TOP PRICES Ph. 3-311QorIjnmedleJeResuitJ da TRMTI'RE, appliances and household articles of all kinds, wanted for cash. Free tpprai.al. Trader Louie. 2053 Port land Rd. Ph. 3-9A59 days. 2-4407 eves, da AUCTIONS FURNITURE A APPLIANCE auction every Tue., 8 p m.. Qlennwood Ballroom. I pav rash or sell on commtsailon. Olenn Woodry. auctloneer,Ph. 1-9U0. dd Livestock & Furniture AUCTION WEDNESDAY. OCT. 12 at 10 A.M. & 7 P.M. ;7 piece walnut bedroom set 1 piece chrome breakfast set 8 Ken more washer Office de.k 4B Spool bed Hleh grade coll aorintt 41 Box apnntt ft mattresses Platform rocker Davenports ft daveno 4B Westinthouse electric roaster gl Radios ft floor lamps tf 2 twin beds fb Oil stores ranie ea End lables ft coffee tablet Miscellaneous tool 1 poet drill fb Apples, potatoes ft trash vegetable Chicken ft rabbit Feeder ft Wekner plgt SCahee ft veals Cow, heifer ft buMs LANE SUDTELL'S Auction Sales Yard toralM l' M1 lut et B.I.I. m SllvtrtAn Ko4 To Bur cr M CHI S-HM ' fj,l To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE GRABENH0RST SPECIALS APT. ZONE NO. S 4 Until . Uv. rm.. :n. rm.. nook, kitchtn, hill, full btth dowa H btth up, IMtd. fir . flrtplac. tuU burnt.. tutO'OU hMt, tphnltUiil tyttenl Id yard. Thu Enttuh ttylt horn tl In excellent condition thruout end fine for Dome f rooming, noiue. See It it 140 N. 14th Itrcet. CALL ROT FERRIS. NO. 3 ZONE On. bdrm. horn', dble. ttrait, lot MiM ft., room for builneu In front. Only 11,150. CALL PITER OE1SER. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty - Phone S-J411 Evenlns tad Sundtyt CtU Etrl Writ 1-0601 - Roy FerrU 2'010 . Peter Oeluer e-fteol . Rea Rouen 1-2371 241 AUCTIONS FURNITURE & APPLIANCE AUCTION TUE., OCT. 11 8 P.M. SHARP GLENWOOD BALLROOM 4 -i MILES N. OF SALEM ON PACIFIC HIWAY NO RESERVE PROM STORAGE fb Daveno ft Club Chair fb 5-Pc. Bed Suite f) Box Spring ft Mattresa 5-Pc. Bleach Dinette 9x12 Ax. Rug ft End Tablea fa Estate Electric Ranee Maytag Washer .-Horse Elec. Motor S) Extremely Hl-Orade Baby Buggies (3) 2 Used Chest 5-Pc. Dinette Rockers fb 3 Occasional Chairs 2 Bed ft Coil Spring Deer Rifle Crib ft Mattreas fb 2 Vacuum Cleaners Desk ft Chair f) Chrome Dinette fb Chrome Table fb Oil Circulator 4B Westlnghouse Elec. Range m Floor Lamp f Table Lamps Davenport Set fj Beds. Complete fb Chests 9J Taylor Tot 99 Table Radio fb Metal Shelving m Walnut Vanity lLot New Item "SAVE MONEY BY ATTENDING THIS SALE" Glenn Woodry Auctioneer Ph. 3-5110 Sells on Commission or Pays Cash. dd34; FOR SALE LIVESTOCK BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandlSh, 1127 8. 25. Ph. 18147. e257" RABBITS WING'S BABBITBY need rabbit. Top price 398 Stale. Ph 3-1489. Cb243a PETS TRADE 1 registered cocker pup for 1 reglatered collie pup. 500 B. Warren. Monmouth, Ore. 0.247 FREE: Part Cocker pup. Ph. 25529. 689 N. Liberty. oc242 THE ONLY TRUE lore money can buy. Registered Collie puppies. Reas. Ph. 2-2353. Rt. 2, Box 179. ee242 SEAL POINT Slamete kittens. 2 mo. old. Sired by fKnlght'i Miguel). Rev. Arthur Ooble, 1197 E. Lincoln. Ph. Black 7, Wood burn, Oregon. ec243 FUEL SPECIAL BUY YOUR WINTER'S WOOD NOW S CORD LOAD. 110.00 PH. 2-7442 FT. OLD GROWTH wood. Fireplace or furnace. 18" old growth fir 114 cord. Arnold Phillip. P. O. Box 281 Turner. OREGON FUEL CO. GOOD dry tlab or green for furnace. Dry edging II load. Green edging 15.50 load. Double load 110. Oood Clean Sawdust Ph. 2-5532 ee248 SHELL STOVE ft DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3119. Shell OH Co. L. T. Maxwell, dlstrtoutor ee249 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oil FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Bnds ft Block Wood. PB I844t ee" PHILLIPS BROS Old fir. oak, ash ft maple. C fir. 18" lab and edgings. Ph 31451 ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONR 27442 18 Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 11- Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SAH OR KEN STAMPS West Salem Fuel Co. 19 til DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD OROWTH RLOCK WOOD. 19-IN CLEAN - NO BARK 80 R MINED SAWDUPT RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Flem 3-4031 Aire pick up wood at IS25 Edge water 5t. West Salem ee FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks' every Thurs day. Order Frya or Hen now at spe cial quantity prlcee for your lockers CuMom Dressing a specialty. Phone 32861. Lee a Hatchery. f NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks tor Immediate or future delivery Hatchet every Tuet Pox Hauhery. 9910 State St Pb 9-4149 PRODUCE SPITZENRERG Apple, other varieties. A. T. Glover. l' mllen West of Kelter School. Rt. 9 BOX 149. f 1344 GALLON JUGS clean wirhTop10 each? Yellow quah 2c lb. Green Apple MVt.. 2 miles N. on 99 ffJ47 ANJOU PEARS 50c. II. Bring boxes. 1165 Hlne. Ph. 9-7115. f43" W 4I.NI T "WASHING end drying. Ton lots' Specialty. 73 hr. service. Del Thomas. Jef ferton. Ore. Pt.193. 11346 FT ACHES, tomatoes. U-Plck. Imlah Fruit Farm. I mile on Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-0174. ff24S GRAPES RIGHT for Juice 3a lb. U-Ptck 1149 Portland Rd f 1247 FILBERT-WALNUT drying. 1 mile E. Lan caster Dr . Auburn Road. Claude Me lt inner. Ph 3-1932 ff249 APPLES 1 Splttenberg ft Rome Beauty extra fancy, order your winter tup plv now, delivered. Ctll Hancock, 3-4309. 11341 TOMATOES a bu or ton U-plrk II bu wren. Box 33. Ph. Je!IeraonM4. ff242 FILBERT AND Watnut' drving. Special service for email lota. Phone I-1861 lees Utteherv ff" HELP WANTED WALNUT PICREB. Ph. 35311 eve. gjl F1IRFRT PICKERS, 4c lb. A. L toff. Rt 9 Box 154 8243 ACCORDIONINSTRrCTOR. Part or full time Ex re I lent opportunity No ex perience aecetsary. W tram you Writ 09411 Journal, Boa 49, 9291 I REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED MALE 3 YOUNO MEN 19-24, single, free to travel. Average 175 weekly. Transportation furnished. Immediate drawing acct. Rapid ad vancement. See Mr. Herrtck, Hotel Sa lem, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. No, phone calls. a244 RELIABLE, able bodied man 15 to 50 yr. (or concrete mfg. Shop and delivery work. Must be dependable. Steady Job for right man. Rt. 4, Box 308. Boone Rd.. west of 99W. ga243 NATIONAL CORP. oifert profitable bull- next opportunity to muKiie ageo or older men with car. Write Box 494 Capital Journal. ft3Sl HELP WANTED FEMALE COMPETENT WOMAN between 20 and 50 ror nant housekeeping and care of two amall children. House amall, thoroughly modern, north of Keller school. Will re ceive good wage ft live In. Pb. 3-1957, 9 till noon for Interview. gb244 SCHOOL GIRL to lire In our home In soma saiem. to act as mother t helper. Sat. evenings In. Private room ft bath. Ph. 3-3345. gb244 STENOGRAPHER: Full time. Shorthand required. Apply In person to Hocg Bros. , 260 State St. g b portrait color artist, experienced. 420 yjinon mot. gD243" WA NTEDI Salesladies! Must havt at least 2 years experience selling ladles' ready-to-wear. Excellent working con dition. 9 paid on sales. Apply 404 State St. gb343 GIRL 25 years of age or older who can iaa snortnano typing, insurance of fice. Apply Ph. 3-3804 or 415 Mason ic Bldg. gb242a TYPIST AND MIMEOGBAPHER. Congen ial worxing conmions, full-time, good salary. State age. training, experience. Type application. Box 408 Capital Jour nal. t242 WANTED Competent woman or girl to i.ei w.wi uuutcwuin ina care ror cnu dren. Room, board and good wages. Ref- iice reiuirta, rn, j-mtu. fazw EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 340 Sttte Street Phone 2-1488. ,f WANTED SALESMEN OPPORTUNITY Addltlont! mm wtnted lor butlneit or your own. Need car. Oood profits. See C. J. Marbfleld. 1397 s. 13th St.. phone 3-8578 or write Raw letgh'j. Dept. 1S5, Oakland 20. Cal. 134J OPENING lor 3 energetic real ettte Itlea- men. see v. omer Huff. 381 Chemeketa. tl25' WANTED POSITIONS EXPR. MIDDLE AGE lady wlshea house wora et cooxing. rn. j-jiei. Mm. 13. h242 TREE WORK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne. 243 8. Church. Ph. 2-6014. h247- WILL CARE for baby In my home. Ph. 2-8333. h243 EXPERIENCED hotel and club chef. Oood cost man desires position in Salem. Write James H. Doan, 295 Blller Ave.. Salem. Ore. h246 WANTED practical nursing by hour or stay in. iw N. cnurch, apt. 5. h243 PRACTICAL nurse now available. Ph. S-taiiJ. 11341 EXPERIENCED DENTAL ass t. Write Box 19 capital Journal. h242 PRACTICAL NURSE or companion to el derly woman. Write Box 469 Capital Journal. h242 ACCOUNTANT 4 yeart experience with tne Bureau 01 Internal Revenue Deputy Collector and Revenue Agent 3 months traveling Auditor with CPA firm. Age 33. Desires position with Oregon ac count In gor tax office, or in account ing department of large business. Write Rt. 1, Box 111, Aunuvtlle, Oregon. h244 CARPENTER work. New, repair. Ph. 2-20B2. H26S TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins. op. worn guar. w. h. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h261 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S. 663 North 16th. Phone 3-3649 h339 INTERIOR PAINTING. Bxp. Pb. 3-6799 h233 CHILD CARE day or br. Pb. 2.8685. h!58 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 nr. terv Ice Former phone opr. Ph. 2-6072. h256 CHILD CARE. 103 8. 13th. Ph. 2687243 BABY SITTING. Night relief. Ph7 l-ddtf h259 NEW LAWNS prepared and seeded Light tractor on rubber wiht dozer. Ph. 3-8127 h2Sl CEMENT WORK wanted Ph. 2-48M. EDUCATION Rawlins Music Studio Violin and Piano. State accredited teacher. Ph 9-6013 hh2S0" FOR RENT ROOMS FI RN. rooms. Cooking ft laundrv nrlv Near bus. Adults only. Utilities paid. 815 per month, m w. xsro st. JXZ44' COZY SLEEPING rm. For Employed Cou ple, rn. 3434a. jk34' CLEAN steeping rm. for men. Private home. I860 N. Summer. Ph. 3-9314. Jk247 NirE sleeping room men. 448 Center St. Rear VVoodrow Bldt. jk244 HEATED SLEEPING RMS. for men. Dou ble or tintl. N. 14th. jk248 WARM HOMEY LIKE light hskp. room. Hotplate cooking, refrlg. 195 8. 34th. jk242 WELL FURN. sleeping rm. Close In. H ft C wtr. Men onlr. 137 Center. jkl41 VERY clote In si ee pint rm. Ph. 3-7817! Jk263 BLEEPING 1 2-1477. 370 Belle vue. Ph. Jk243 NICE SLEEPING room for gentleman. Heat, Hot ft Cold water, business dis trict. 255 Center. Jk242a SLEEP. RM. Hollywood, 3039 McCoy" Ph 36093. Jk2S6 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3 BM. FURN. Apt. 97 week. Elderly gen tleman preferred. f&-J15276. JP244 t RM. APT. Outside ent. Bath. 835. 594 No. 12th. )p243 NICELY FURN. 1 rm. apt. 975. Ambassa dor Apt. M N- Summer. JP344 S RM. APT. No drinking. No pet. 1R?0 Ferry at. Ph. 2-A604. Jp244 I RM. ft KITCHENETTE tor 1 129. Cou ple 139 mo. Ph. 2-7M9. 140 Will! lam. ROOM unfurn. ant. Electric stove Ground floor. 1264 8. 19th St. Ph. 2-00.1 after 5:30 p.m. iPW FURN, APT. 1st floor. Private entr. All elec. 1079 N. Capital. Ph. 1-9706. jp248 t RM. FI RN. apt. Close In. Employed ad ults. Ph. 2-9905. JP3411 VERY L4RGE 3 rm. apt. Refrlg.. gas heat. Close to bu ft school. 117.50 per month. Ph. 3-9519. 1P341' NEW 9 RM. unfurn. duplex apt- V blinds, all electric. 2211 Lee St. JP243' t ROOM FURN. basement apt. 637 Winter. JpJ4 BE AI'TI Ft" LL Y furnished apartment. Elec trie throughout. Insulated ft weather at ripped. 179 t month. Adults pre- ftrred. Cell 3-5765. JpJ41 S ROOM unfurn. apt. Uwairt Out door entrance. Pb. 1-9899. 1049 N I Cottage. IP24I F0RRENT APARTMENTS APT. RSI. lor rent. 380 X. Capital. JP2U NICELY furn. apt. utilities furnished. Car for baby for working parents. 385 S. 19. )P342 FOR RENT HOUSES FOB RENT 9 room. 150.00. oast, agent. 1-7101. Not for tale. m344 NEW 3 bdrm. modern house. Ph. 37202. Immed. post. jm244 HOl'SE on Stlverton highway, Rt. 1. box 149. 99E North E. pvd.. Jm242 SMALL ri'BN. house 115. Not modern. On 12th st cut off. Rt. 4 box 228. Call alter 4 30. R. V. Stoop. Bus service. jnU42 1 BOOM house, 140 month, unfurnished. no PU. Ph.9-8999. Jm242 9 BEDBOOM modern house in Woodburn 135. Call at 2045 Lee street. Salem. Jm243 SMALL HOL'SE in Silver ton court, un fvrnlthed except for electric range ft washer. 2 block from downtown. See at 121 A. Flske street. 4t per mo. Call owner 3-7921, Salem. Jm241 SMALL SBMrpartly furn. house. Not modern. Inquire 93 William Ave. Jm242 S BR HOUSE with floor furnace at 2219 S. Commercial. Inq. at 295 N. 19tb. jm24K LOVELY 4 B.R. HOME UN FURN. BEAU TIFUL LOCATION. ECONOMICAL TO HEAT. FULLY INSULATED. PLAY GROUND EQUIPMENT. 909. PH. 1-9091. J m3 42 TWO NEW CLEAN suburban mod. house with elec. heat, hdwd. firs., ven. blinds. One bdrm. ISO mo. Two bdrm. 170 mo. Children welcome. No dogs or cat, ft blocks to new Lincoln achooL 4545 Slate St. Ph. 31125. Jm343 1 BD. RM. house Englewood dlst. Lease. 367 N. High. im NEW t Bedroom house, cloae In. 674 N. Churrh. Jm243 FOR REN1 MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE for rent. Ph. 2-0910. 1430 N. Llberty. J247 NEW STORE building for lease. Pb. 31935 or call at 1079 Broadway. J247 U DRIVE Trucks. Robinson Shell Service. Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103. J BUSINESS RM. for rent. H L. Stiff. OFFICE, desk pace. Cony. loo. Pb, 29133 J346 FLOOR SANDERS for rent U on Isomer? Ward. J" POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howaer Broa Ph. 3-1846 TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand r We ell everything to complete the lob. ROWSER BROS - Ph. 3-1646 lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE spaces and desk space. Ph. 35692 TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Bowser Bros 141w 6 12th, West Salem. J SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chine. Reasonable rates. Free pick ap ft delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com l. Ph. 93512 1 WANTED TO RENT S BR PARTLY or furn. house. Ref. Ph. 2-0807. Ja243 NEED 3-room house or apt. with ranee ft refrlg. at once. Have 9 mo. girl. Ph. 3-8805. Mr. Kasson. Ja2 41 2 B.R. HOUSE, unfurn., with stove. Pre ferably cloae in. Contact Mr. Childs, Unlon Oil Co., Ph. 2-7676. Ja243 FURN. or partly furn. small 3 bdrm. house, apt. or duplex. Near St. Vincent school If possible. Call 3-3621. ja242a YOUNG EMPLOYED couple want 1 or 2 bdrm. partly furn. house with garage. Ph. 3-9261 after 6 p.m. Ja243 B.R. furn. apt. or house. Up to 145. Call after I p.m. or Sunday. 2-0985. J a. 42 WANTED: LARGE well heated sleeping room, or tmall apt. Perm. Business man. Write Box 471 Capital Journal. ja246 FARM OR HOUSE In vicinity of Salem. ear a rent in aavance. write, bos i care of Capital Journal. 243 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD ft room for elderly lady. Ph. 3-6227. JJ247 BOARD ft ROOM for children by day, week or month. Fh. 33606. JJ3431 BOARD and room. Ph. 3-8706. LOST AND FOUND LOST: House keys on High St. near Orend Theater. Brown leather case. Call Independence 224 collect. k243 LOST! Black eord'r. purse. 13th ft Hoyt. Containing paper ft money. Reward. Ph. 2-2151. k242 MISCELLANEOUS GUARANTEED rebuilt waaher In excel lent condition. 819.95 up. Vince's El ectric. 157 8. Liberty. m244 LEH SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturday 12:30. m244 POWFR TOOL RENTAL: VALLEY FARM STORE, 4345 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-2024 n.259 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 9 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY 8EMLEK DENTIST Adolpb Bid. Stat ft CommrctaI Bu SALEM Phona 3-3311 ta BUILDING MATERIAL WALLBOARD Car load supply aheet rock H" 4Ve. ," 5'tc. Hard waterproofed Chapco wall board In 1 thicknesses, start at Tic sq. ft., good for bathroom ft kit chen walls. C. G. LONG, Pit. 2-5811. one mile north of Keiier. m,a4" PER MA-STONE for fireplaces and home. Salem Perma -Stone Co., 2040 N. 18th St. Salem. Phone 2-0905 after 9 p.m. ma 263 SHINGLES No. 1 87.75 sq. No. 3 15.00 aq. NO. 3 13.00 sq. C. O. LONG. Ph. 3-5821. One mile north of Reiner. ma248 PLYWOOD Large stock, low priced, 5 thicknesses. For walls, cabinet work, flooring. Each sheet of material your choice, c. u LONO, Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile N. of Kelrer ma246a DOORS 1 panel doors. 2'6"x8'9" complete with frame and hardware 910. New glass door. 110 29. Raised panel Colonial front doors 91350. Mahogany slab doors 124 50. C. O. LONG, Ph. 2-S621 1 mile N. of Keller. ma249' RED CEDAR SHINGLES Hleb Mountain or Coast Timber No 1 $7 75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT too aq ho. 3. 9 in clear, suits Me for roof or aldewail. Ted Muller. Ph Sa lem 3-1196 Salem-lndep. Road. ma' GRAVEL FOR concrete mix and roadt. 81 rurdion Phone 31190. ma249 NEED LUMBER? 4 larger amounts. Builder are realising substantial savings on all grade of framing lumber No 4 2x4-1x9 ship ItP 117 per U 3x6-2x9-3x10 915 per M No. I 2x4 shlpltp 119 per M Price in clude delivery. We.-t 8a!ero Saw Mill. 100 Wallace Rd Ph. 29K92. ma249 SAVf OA ROOPTNO Let Wards give you complete in STALLED price on your roofing oeed Wide range of color Can our outside talesman tor fre estimate Phone 1-1191 MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO 8ALEM OREGON SIDING - SHAKES New white asbestos aiding 119 to. Car load supoly. Save money, no paint needed. Cedar ah eke in the carton 111 aq. Undercourse Included. C. O. LONO, Ph. 2-M21. 1 mil N. Of Kelter ma34l DF4.R ri'STOMFR. Insist en your con tractor and carpenter using the finest old growth vertical train yellow fir finished lumber in Salem. On hand at Dick Merer Lumber Co. 39 Lana Ave Ph. 34139. Free parkin. ma U.M4 - LOC - ALCMINTJM lock HINOII I've mo'iern permanent roof ing See your dealer of Call Dut 9-9401 8ta272' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BABY Bi'GGY .in excellent aendltlon 919 90. Ph. 3-0173. n244 SMALL PIANO, like new, very reasonable. 1990 s. cottage. )- 279 MAUSER (Bruno), brand sew, 1149. Ph. 1-5100 alter I p.m. m- J MODEL F rl i id Ire tie, range. Like i new. Can be seen at 979 Knap St. or Ph. I-449S. "fi't HOUSEFUL furniture for sale or Irado lor trailer house. Davenport, hir, oea room suite, linoleum, stove, breakfast aet, misc. articles. 4 ml. west at Wood burn. Turn L. on St. Paul Rd., 2nd he, on right. Mark Sandert. Bt. 1. n344 MONTAG wood range. Colls and water una. iteatonabit. im Lee St. ut THOB AUTOMAGIC washer. Ph. I-7999. B244" EASY SPIN DRIER, good eood. 931. Kit. taoio i. Desk 11. Comp. bed 99. Other Items. Out Liberty rd., turn rlabt at King St.. yellow houae and of Neva. Dalo Brown. Ph. 3-9369. nJ44 "aluminum flock ptbder wtttT" PERCH It't rustproof, strongly built, will give you ytara of aervlca. Hat steady perches 14" high. Trough 1 IV wMe, 4" dsep. Get It now at Ward low prloa ..84.91 WARDS FARM STORE Trade ft High St. Salem, Oregon 94l FRANQUETTB walnuts, you Pick loe lb. Turn itrt at Kelser tchool, fellow pave ment 3 mile. W. L. Woelk, Rt. I, box 17K3- R247 GUARANTEED rebuilt washer ta ext. cond. 119.85 up. Vlncea Electric, 19T S. Liberty, Salem. Oregon. 244 ELK ft DEER RIFLES. 6 5 Italian army ririe cut down 140. Enfield cut down 979. Springfield eporter 195. 4548 Stlverton road. Ph. 2-7310. n247 NEW 42 gal. electric water heater. Still in crate. Cost 1120. Will sell for 1108. 455 N. Cottage. Ph. 3-2444. 241 BABN YARD FERTILIZER 15 yd. yd. toaq ao. Arnold pniiupt. P. O. Box 261 Turner. Ph. 1X2. B36S BED-DAVENO. Oood condition 125. 1229 -jnangie ut. ni42 HEYWOOD Wakefield baby carriage. Easy BPin-ory apt. alx washer. Reas- onable. Ph. 2 -0149. n249 USED OIL HEATERS 119.50. 129.90 and Jv.eu. OOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 467 Court St. Phone 1-9611 PRACTICALLY new I ft. refrlg. Rtason- tp.t. rn. a-4041. n24S SEPTIC TANKS, Concrete Pipe and Tile reinforcing teeL mesh and coloring. All kinds river aoll, pit-run, travel, crushed, aand and mixes. OREGON GRAVEL COMPANY 1405 N. Front St. Phono 3-341? 0242 USED SEWING Machines. KeasonablF priced. Ph. 9-2139. Ralph Johnson Appliances STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, railing in stock made to order. 1149 N. Liberty. B34S SALRM BANS . CJJIAVBL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Dlteblnc . Sewer ft Basement Bqulpmant Rental 15 B yds 10 B yds. D-7 Cat ft Dose D-l Cat ft Deaer D-4 Cat ft Doaee Sea as about dltchlnt by the tV Pbona Dayg S-9409 Bve. 3-9344 Of 3-4409 Salem Ortcon LUMBER 1x4' g by Jitney load. 111 pet i.uvu, sou naui. waepenaenea Luber ft Mfg. Co, Ine, IndependecMe. Ore. GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosier. Oltooa and mod tag Appllanaao at Oermrta. FENCE POSTS, poles, all types. Shtstglea, icriiiiHT m iiawooK. rniuipa nrtrn. ext. 9. Box 119. Ph. 31451. n USED SPINET PIANO Kimball Censolette. Mahoeany Cheem Anne period dealt n. This beautiful piano la Just like new. Substantial aavlng. STONE PIANO CO. (The ValleT'i Plnett nan. (Mr.) 1540 Palrarounda M. nail- LOOS wanted. Schwab Lumber Co. M11U locaiea ai naiei ureen, P.O. Boa 301, ailrerton. Ph. 1333 Ellverton. ,343 18a3 PT. trailer awnlni. Oood ed. Will tacrine, ror lap. 183 H. Omni. 243 Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKH. PICK CP AMD DELIVER. W. DAVENPORT FJ1. 1-7871 383 64 NOTE PIANO A dainty Instrument of modern design. Regularly 1375. Special 8195. STONE PIANO CO. Th, Viller'l Plnett PUns Stor.) 1340 Ptlrtrounda Rd. nJ4l PEAT MO8 fortified with turkee drop- inet. unir oc a ttra. vallbt paru STORE 4343 Sllnrtoa Rd. Ph. 1.3034. B3S8. USED ELECTRIC relrif erttort. TEATETt appliance CO. 370 Chemeketa. nisi- USED ELECTRIC raniea. TEATIR AP riajiwuB w. m cnemeatta. B331 UKID WASHING machlnel. TEATIR AP. PL1ANCE CO., 376 Chemeketa. 30' OIL CIRCt'LATORS. drutlcall, reduced prlere. YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 37ft Chemeketa. .331 HUNTER". ATTENTION: Save j.ur ,.me In a Deepfreeze Home Preeter. TKATER APPLIANCE CO.. 371 Chemeketa. nJ51 ALL PAMOU" make, of tmall appllaneea. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. I7t Chfme keta. B331 IW!NO MACHINES: Pree Wettlnihoiua. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 37ft Chem eketa. aasi- WEftTINGHOl'SE radio phonotraph eon- tolet. At little at 889.80. TEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. cltl NEW Ji L'ED mutlcal liutrumentt aplnet A arand planot at reduced prlcee. JAQUTTH UU8IO CO. Ph. 3-1841 0344 ri tSTl EOTE: The cellophane-Ilk. tin' tan for rour floora, woodwork or lino leum, no wtxlna required. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO. 371 Chemeketa. nisi PTLLER br'Uhea. 1741 OranC Pb. 1-1357. n244 SEHINn MACHINES. New Horn, electric. 381.13 At up. Ph. 33131. Ralph Johnson Appliances ' 1 EVAN OIL HEATER. Oood eond. 139 SO. IS Ferry St. n341 LARGE NO RGB circulator 195. Ph. J-!l' after 9 p.m. nl4J ELECTRIC ranee, apt. alee Montag. 4- oumer. i. custom Aire .oil circula tor, 140, Maytag washer, 829. Ph. 3-8809 or3-4653 after 9 v tn. !Lai3 911. FOR SALE MOD. baby crib. Ad I. springs, mattress oood condition, eon Marion. Ph. 3-1803. n343 NEW RETSTONE movie projector 929 50. New Hoover eiec. iron, never used. 9f.it. Ph. 23789. n 243 SEWING Machines, electric or treadle? Service on all makes. Ph. 1-7971. n39l WALLING SAND ft GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED BOCK for road and drlvwa9, ement ready mix concrete, tardea and Bulldoslnt, drainage and ditching, S-y. shovel and drat Una- Ph. 1-9349. FIRE SALE Te. the boat tavt he'll fire as If we don't increase our volume. So come in ft let us show you how much you ctn save on new ft used furniture. Oena Woodry Furniture Mkt. 1901 N. Sum mer. Pb. 99119. Terms, Tradwe. Free Delivery. n3j- WANTED MI3CEVLANEOUS PIANO wanted to store ta nesn. R children, wiu give good car. Ph. 9-741). neJ4S fawn FtTtNTtrBB Phone 9-9199 aa (Continued on Pog 23)