I 10 Capital Journal, Salem. Ore. .Tuesday, October 11, 1949 DOUBLE TROUBLE Af Newtfeaiwres By WILLIAM HOBSQN (Chapter 14) Men and Harry came back and presently Turk's big ahadow darken ed tns doorway. He came In carry ing nil aaddle, the sweat oi the damp blanket filling the room, "Well, bust man brilcheal" he cllmc1 "We cot visitors! How etv. Miss Randall. Don't reckon I know these other lolks. And me three davs witnout a anavei Ellen made the Introduction! and Jay went on aliclng amoked ham. Barry Seltzer had another drink from the now almost empty bottle and Turk finished It off. He wash ed up, and by the time he came lnalde again supper was sizzling on the table. Presently he rose and tossed away the last of a cigarette. "I'd better to down to the creek and get some "I'll be back in a few minutes." "I'll co with vou." Ellen said. "It'll be a long time before you're back at the ranch, darling." He went out with her, carrying the two palls, his ears burning at Tunes open laugnter. iney wamea down the well-worn trail in silence. It was then he saw her face, bright In the first light of a new moon rlaing above the horizon. "All right, Joe. Let's have an explanation" she said quietly Hf atared at her uncomprehend ing. "I don't know what you're driving at. Ellen. You saw I didn't axe a annt tomgnt. "Don't try to evade the Issue," he cried out passionately. "I'm not trying to evade any thing," he said doggedly. "I Just don't know what It's all about, that's 11." He was completely puzzled. "What about Lucia?" she demand- ad. He felt his mind begin to whirl, ow did she know about Lucia? "Why " he began awkwardly, but he dldnt give him a chance. "So It's true I You thought I wouldn't find out, didn't you? You Udn t Know that Peg Bmlth Is on Dad's payroll to watch the Mor gans and to look out for strange tracks, did you? Well, he rode Into we rancn and told Dad every thing. He had a bandage around bis head. You' d hit him over the head with a gun barrel a second time. You were down In some set tlement I don't know what kind and drunk and making lore to thl Lucia, weren't you? You picked a quarrel with him and struck him. didn't you? Well, I didn't ride up her fifteen miles to show Mary and Harry the country. I rode up here to tell you that Dad la froth ing at the mouth that you're through fired and that I hate you from the bottom of my heart But I didn't tell you when you first jot In. I wanted to wait. I wanted to let you think you're getting away with something. I wanted to tell you that I'm marrying Harry Belt Bar the first of next month!" He let it sink In, standing rig idly. He knew that If he were Joe had slap her face, quarrel with her, anything except stand there and take It. But he bent and picked tap the buckets. "All right," he aald quietly. "Ill aok up and haul In the morning." He felt sick Inside. He had let Joe down by trying to play Joe's game: riding with Turk to Brad Uorden's layout on Antelope Creek. "Haven't you anything to aay?" C finally demanded, and he knew res a defensive gesture to cover feeling. "Aren't you even going to deny It?" He felt the slight Jar, at first, somewhere In the vlclnltv of his left shoulder blade. It was eom BMintoated to all his senses with the peed of a dynamite explosion that ended up in his brain. The water Dalle went flying as he plunged face down In the trail, rtom somewhere nearby echoed the crash of a heavy eatlber rifle. He lay there on his face In the enrt. nls senses tailing him that something was wrong. He heard her scream, the sound of running bootsteps. and vaguely in the dls- e came the report of Turk's tol and the sound of Turk's swear is. Ellen was crvlnc. "Joel Joe darling, you've been ehotl Turk, I come quick." And he felt her roll '1.1 Ul- kuk "Get him under the armpits and drag him up to the cabin," some- ooay saia, ana itiril strong, nairy hands lilted him. Then he was In the cabin, on his bunk, staring hazily at the celling and wonder ing what It was all about. "Heat some water, Harry," Turk ordered. "Maybe there's some left from the super dishes. What are we going' to use for bandages?" Mary Seltzer stepped through the doorway Into the kitchen. She slipped down her riding skirt to remove her petticoat. She began to tear the petticoat Into strips. "Hurry up with the water, Har ry," she called. "He's bleeding bad ly." "Shot plumb through." Turk Pen- nock said. "Heavy caliber rifle. He's hard hit." "Who could have done It, Turk?" Ellen acked. "No tellln'," was the vague re ply, and Jay Allison could have hugged the horse thief for saying it. "Anything can happen up here. Rustlers, maybe." (To Be Continued) Youngster Birthday Host Jefferson Mrs. Roy DeWall entertained a group of children in honor of her son, Duane's sixth birthday, after school. Games were played after which they were Invited into the din ing room where refreshment! were served. Those present were Clifford and Chrystal Stephen son, Dell and Ross Thomas, and Glenn Cobb. 2004 SIZES 10 N rack-All Packets This ftture- followlng Jumper gives you a pair of new prominent hip pockets, shaped to repeat the shoulder detail . . plus a front-buttoned blouse, neatly collared and euffed. No. KM la eut In slaea 10. 11. It. 16, It. and . lze 10 Jumper, r yds. M-ln.; blouse, IK yds. M-ln. Just out I The FALL - WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash Ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 190 practical, eaay-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern assigns lor all agea. Remem ber, It'a smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now price Just 30 cents. Send Mo for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State Slse dealred. Address Capital Journal, Ul Mis sion St.. San Francisco 8, Calif. i uawn. 'I'm 'Mil J . Mm. 1. I . I Pretty Personal Thai nlehtla la a I bit of "Sjugar -n epics 'n every- vjune iwf. ii is easy to make with the emphasis Disced on the Instable draw-ribbon waistline. Wide bands of lace and sprightly em- unnaprea nuiieriues. Patent envelop No RM7S con tains tissue pattern for email ill M, medium iSS-iSi larae ( 40-43 included, hot-Iron transfer, material requirement, complete sewing and unisning oirections. To obtain this pattern, send lor in (joins given pattern numoer your name, address and sons num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal, (M Mission Street, San Fran euro I, Calif. i ssj I frin. f.r MU rrini i.r Mrr btUr. Sine ll. Ch. TbMfti Mails Mart Mail Mart fin Garbsr Wtmt YaHstlM T.d D.I. ft... Mac's IVUe'i Mae's Mac's Mac's Mae's IMse's iMtr's MtUdlts Melodies M-ladles Melodies Melsaies" Melodies Melodies Melodies Mae's SC B Mae's Mae's Melodies Melodies Melodies Melodies IMorlellme Friend Ir B can bs Bessl. P can b Bsavl. R wtu, hcmiv fj rrs no oooq, cupola? that seTTUES ntvodtxw,vqikWroa rtxi,,CHOKER'---TOH,v?3--i was expect i . .. . . . - !,!) aaW-rVg MADe 2Q CALLS SIT WITH BUSTER.' I'M rtXfRE NOT HB SAID TEU.rOUrT ITZ-UH-RUN OUT RADIO PROGRAMS f i TOOAV NOT EVEN AN - GOING TO MAKE A GOIN3 TO ' " f i""r 1UUlJ IWUHMfYlJ i KpucSTcVTciPiLe ' CAULf-J" VTivew 'TSi If 6Aj;gTTE3, oou-fg 1 iiZPEBfll fS c 0k ? I JJo tSt I Tfcfyfy iiJ "7iJl fii T5j5IV P. V L. I iH S I 5 "JiOO Sttaartli Km Huilii Orwa Rrat Slrslrbl Arrw RhrthM asach Vrjf Zl fkkfK rnillmjA tXSft-Jt MWpitrVm. .T - , VtL t:15Nt Sh.w Uri H.ml SUaliai rr. ahrtba Sink 0 rwSj ySj ir-'v iNf tg&Dm LJ AvwH J" gl M gy V y f , wC7iQLxFf?S its1!1'""' i1 ,k"to tn. msaisat ! wwsi iHetk ,aej p' 'j ISSill'r ttlt' I e?3r:' iricPjl aw VJf VxAlMzP A rGsl if 00 hm bbiias B.siio. salt. obn.l Bmr cUimi e lit r WPg, N SfcJ 1 TTl Vu)Sl f1 fl' VWLl!L. tft$ky J jm5eeH B. 'JJ Shw Hi BSHI Nrlhw'i Nm Csndltl't a ail. V?'ZTslL.'1?t I ll U fffv V&WtKr4M"""'r'kV" I ZJssi? fM'' fw1 J:00 "UW4 ThT HltTh. Jkt c'nautipr Drm l HaS. rt O'arln R nlB'hBaflBaeJM l(skl I A 111 1 1 IJl w Hj!t4ee"'""?t'rV,'ir J s ,2KWr lseiyz?? lVaaa 4;i Hurws Tht. nil ta Jhpt ctuumr iimins strinsa Maaiesi J'tfceas --ifi, '7 tVM' Ji'9 h IU 11 I II I yM li'JIII VTW rTryW "- KSriM etrT 7:3a VvaUT JIbm, Dnr Ki iutta aidtra la Sky Ivtlra Kalfbl 4leieaaeT Ml llWlsA mZi vt lSXr 1j Jl mVr V V aLWI Ijjlp8 V.4sr. r rn iib pr ai M.ti aur i s ni s.u. 3n 1 , ijt jQiAVt I III SfMlfik 'Jri Patsi 1 I fc 'IP T,rL :00 lli. Elnl. Uw. Tkiau Dirt Jri C.inl H. CrltU frsrt I4SS III ml II 1 flflS lalU "r" TSP. mn(Zi'Cit ia. 1LmI LJaV t imJt .I WuliJaca Sana Dirt Urim Caaal M Cull Track I4M III IIBB ii ' IBSB II usees I r 1 I:Je CeveUeae Mr, Mrs. Nlk T.a HMIIatMula Trrt 14H I aai ;43 cTlaSa Mr, Mrs. Wwlk Twb M lias Miikla TrsrS ls S N I "V "N IteO a.aaU Caliai'a Uratarr Ta. Tawm MaMlas Kawi Traak ltM B)rt5)(S f fT , I . S:lsla.aalS Caiaa'a Mralarr Tk . Tawa Haallu Mai. NaaH Traak late yOrirVAfUA O OLD OLD OI fllOIBIt Ta. Baalab Na.a rararlla Starr Na-a SlnJW I J ENGLISH EN&LISH ENS i:45BU Ta.a nb IS At,. la.a.lla Blarr 17 Ca.S.. SySi(3W y"f SHEEP SHEEP SH t:M Baa l-Slar rtaal RlabflaU B.a Ir Faltaa Lawla VraalUr T.w. 1 r&SJlV iCS. nJvST rLf 0:15 Marl. Da.aar raa a WarlS lalaraia. Laa. N..1 Praallar Tawa H f A I 3 V A Uw 1 US nt.tn Searla rasa Slrtla Caaaarl Maar Na-a Maa. vaa Waal I J PUBLIC nj ! 1 V I 10:45 BaaS Waeaa Orcbailra CaaaaH Baar Milk Maa. vaa Waal V.T INVITED Q 7j 1:00 Nawa laraoaSa Caaaarl Blaar I Lava Mratarr Nactaraa Nvy fit J yy tr' X J( l:l5Waa Maaaaaa Drabaalra Caaaarl Haar Hara'a Ta Vala Naalarna f f.'T J Tif5 lilOWas Maaaaai rraaaanr BaaS Mtaiaa K. Marias Or. Naalvaa P aWV "' rrSl Xa 1 "3J? - '" t T -- 1 :45 Was Maaaaai Wawa Maaiaa a. Manaa Or. Naalarna Y Vkjfe: ffCjl t T 3i 'C WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. ( VCr". J l,l'' ' t ) V'C J1 ' J JiA-4 V' :00,H.ifa ral.a IN. Kaap Smlllal Mara. Nawi Y&ZJ J iTjl I L Vfl I. I I tfyJI S, l:15Naa ,aolNKIak Kaaa Saalllai Maile. Tlmb'ar. V Y 1 Y ,v E I f i JJ y V JLlV-'O r7( H iSnr-r Tiara KOIN Klart ' Kaaa Smlllai Marab al Tlaie KOCO Blaek JCyiX. U A ' " I4-&L. W LtS' lCj ' l JtT Sl I f3 JV J:45 raraiTlma KOlNBIarb Kaap Snlllas Nawa KOCO Klaak afW L . i"Btl ' J tZjL. I tt&tk ' 1 Zf ( l:00Earlr Bird KOIN Klack N.a Nawa Ta Rltlar Bau-" . - aaaa w 7:15 Old Sanaa Nawa AtraBfkr Br'kfail Ganr Nawa a Rparts Cau. P 7-lfl Nawa Nrwa Bob Uaian Rlaa and Shlna Tap O' Maralas ..r , j MM ih.t.ui , I,.,., Amosbm- , 7:45 San Baraa rrad Back Zabt Mannart Tap Tradaa Tap O' Maralna . : mJbmm" g:00 ftmaetb Maala Canaamar Kawi Braakfaal Clab Bars. Caantar Klnr'a Craaadra r'mmGrmm3sP3igzbWS ef MawaSBBlai 8:15 Haiaalh Mnala Nawa Braakfaal Clab Sua a Sblna Klna's Craaadra O la n II IBM IISI 111' 'XSI'S' -rpir; QPP6 OF THCT RIGHT-O. OOC- Y I HOO&mUX WE CtX tSTTHS f 1 j:10 lack Barcb r.rand Slaa Braakfaal Clak BlUp Inatllala Waal. M.ladla. rauwa .,-1 aa-j u. V.,rr' -rvTV I dr.up, nnvs- Mr, enraS ar II I "n kunOT, rSrr OUT THOTI tGW I rCBOtCfj: TDflflCI :45iaa Bldar. Baaa-ar, Bra.Ha.t Clab Blbl. In.Ul.la nl. Tlpaa K I REOJV CflH HOMDLE B CTOWO-1 RX LfXJS U I VOO VCMOW WHfrV TO tx-) TUPM DOrC- Jl 1 tXtOPCHPMHEL OF COURSE) yfiSHft3t4t)OLA I S:9?l2!'ni Hf'.Jl""' ?!!f.7i S.E'"ci.b!'"" P I -NO WrrTtW WUCTT WHO o ' ir RHHU-V If- . , S '""J amaarvrfl V avmn ust ua emcr Tit fro on Bnar I 30 HomttswDCrs Helen Trent Art Llnklelter Paalsr's Call .. IL VPCTHER W6GET- OfANGEROUS- A " ' ' - m'T ' 4 SNAP INTO IT.' HCX&VGJE TW06 I MPtVb6 I 9:4.MNews Omt Gal Art Lin hie Iter Walts Tlvs rt XFtr?JV PPJ f I I A"ljl. A If JUvOall I llH 12:45 Havalaaoaa Art Bakar Mart Manl.aa B. Ibcrlr Shaw I jijjjZjj tf II 1 I I 17 livCsSJS I rV7ilall 1:00 BaakalaVa Wlla Barnr'i ralllaa Braakfaal la Tall Nclphbar 1 1 II 63 I a fl-W ff.w Pw-taUJ I 1:15 Stella Dallaa Oarrr Maara Hellrwead llarvay Hardina V ba I I IB I MFMlaVl.lar T 3 akaaaapanapS l:30I'arcnap Jonca Garry Maera Kar Waal Oraan Reverlea I I I I 1 I IB I K A 41 -Slj r I 1 ;45 WISScr Brawn Ncwapapcr Kar Waal Blpp Slma Laal I I E J I B v V a 1 I ":00 Olrl Marrlaa Nawapapar Jar Slawart Aaalnat Starn pwaLpawapapapaawapapBawai RKjaaaBapaBwaRasaaaPBPBaaal BajaVplwBaaaawaaaaBBaaawwl I aapaaarwaBapaBBawawXJpaaajawawl 2:15 For. raeaa Llfa Meat Mlaaaa Jar Stewart Aaalnal atoria I -v I L a I la. a.1 u a. 2:30 Jual Plain Bill Meet Mlaaaa Brlda a Oraan Maala MtVBe ITS THAT'S RISUT. PMOEBE. 1 f IM SURE 6LAD WILBUR SO AM l.&ELIEVE f , ma t:4.1rr. Papa Farrall Tun.lallr Ta'rt Brlda a Oraan Mnala JUST AS WELL,) WASN'T TOO KE.EM ABOUT I WEBB TRADED US TUIS MOUSE ME 1 WASNT LOOKIN'Y 3 :00 waiTaniaTVa"Tr Nawa Talk war 6t sar 11 witk Mn. y WILLIE DEAR.. SPEMDIMg THE WINTER IM I L CER THAT BBOrEW DOWN I FORWARD TO SPEKIOM'' 5:15 Welcoma Trar. Arlhnr Oadfrrr Talk War Oal Bar II wltb Mu. T VOO CAM TAKE VOUR BARBER JTMIS TRAILER ANVWAV 7 LT TRAILER OP OURS.MA. I AMOTUER WIMTER IMTHATN " ir!" 2!S!l" R4"Ji:i J,", .r ti u COURSE BV CORRESPONDENCE HPUUM a-r-i (Ts5- fV- - si rrZslffl VKITCHEMETTE ON WHEELS! J -3 45 'i--L"r- '""' a" M;1'I'1 ITinc. " I AND WE CAN STILL HAVE THE . I Q LJ Q iTcH frin D C IS I l U2hKd IfST I . lg I 1 tttt ' 4 & Ar,n" a"' Bananeaa Fnltan Lawla E COMIiMlTS OC aitt CSUU ZS SSJ--feyO U U U, Ell l nL' 111 fl, " 7JjT V J1!" 4:15 ' al Ula Arianr Oadfrar Mad. Bananeaa P. Henlniwar LOMK)H.T5 rM 3alrni tJ "SV ifrtU Jet" ' II L J3vU?y Urf Jti W9 US nr. Pan) ran M., S,.lr,.l c... Bebms Starr I . - ' . . UjOE7 1 IM7J H r3 BBttn TCES KaeWV ' rv2vCSi llSy - M (Q. J, 4:45lnnnr Slda Ed X. Metre. Bnnlrrel C.te Newe what do Twe re KWNJES Voh H cjlad W all right, vwe SCK.T-he V vYDU mW U Vf I I I ! I H7S&$ Si iss)Vititlr Three Links Club L8Aff MaaIv A liar I nrlna 1 inrradnfr, &) rs"!!. yLFtx Meets Alter Lodge int,Sf tWvW1 KICK V V VV 7rT UVU trSlallk T?7 met at the hall with Frances pjopk. k'am'".- HIM.'f2&Ji V IL UaSvak W-Jr McCarley, noble grand, and f ' l( VltW "7 I Jf?tvVi3m sWVin Blanche Wagner, vice grand, B Vefly, W Fslro 4 , wSrl CSaSt y V presiding. At the social hour N - L'ZtOilftff I lrtyw. kftnfrnW" 'Hktv' 11 tne committee, Alma Olmstead, . 5rTa, IU V rOr iA ;aV;.' IJll Garnett Bassett and Verna West &K) V-VO rllW GsC l1SlirJXV (VA " A A entertained with games and R ftlLlv' Zl5pi?rTiS2sM lV-X J1 IWl ii? C2A V A tfiaipM served refreshments honoring r t3G JSJti C - C1-a- Mmj&pj3 34rSfll:!?SVnA the blrlhday ,or September. eVaJT'o-" ty nr' " g1,1" vi-en3aSLi9w- i-ff Following the lodge meeting "BaBaBBappaaaPsnnaaanapnaaBaaBawsahBBBBnBBBaHPP RaaBaBBBBBaBBBBBanBanaBBaaanBBBBBaBBBBaHBaana BnanHHiMaBnBBawpaBBBBnBnannSBBBBawMMnBaaannwS f!i7lHiJ?,W')t ) r OFFICER X VOURE ON VJOH.WE DONYwaJHTYSAV. ARE VfOH.-HATS O.rf.'l WHO KNOWS- I II, Bulls call IS. American I- lt'iCHI SrMarST-.V' 1 1 V I t- 1.A. .-I . mifworn. univ.r.ttp RaaafUUaJ-1' T LTT, PO OU REALLY IT COULP V6 BEEN AN S- V23Bnl5 ar .S!rLi-I.,i2uE THINK THERE HAS A ILLUSION CAUSED BV THE I .s53 kjf BBL7A WILLBS DlIC ASHrtPB I tt? ilfl!' U6HT POWN UNPER I SUNSET- BUT IT CUffE I f I SV BELZA WILL BE DUt ASHOB I IT'LL BE PARK THE WATER 3 A WENT OUT (JUICli' I Jl .CiYe If -SfiPafcwxXSpW? BTll HQjg ) iT" li.T7t,rfJ5r Zd AYt'. -AND THI I llUfio . UkAkrV? I 0URMVTERI0U-H na,, DfMOVfiA -. I " ' -- C ?SIL1?DAy' v'fei! V "RTAIN 0B5TACI.I, DIAL LISTING, KOAC S50 1 r a - Wedneadar a. M.lo:PP. laaws r WM and Wealherl ISilft. Eapac InllT far Wenent ll:l. Orepnn Schaol at tne Aln 1115. Caneert Belli lt:M. Nawai 11:18, Naan Farp Bean 1:S, Bide 'an Cewber: 1:1B, Oraaan Sebaal a4 Iba Aln l:4S. Tbla Dan f:M, Praadan ta Orawi S:S0, Menerr Bank al Maalei t:4S, Ore eon Schaal af the Aln S:M, Newet S:IS, Mnale af the Maeleret 4:00, Oraian Bp Parian 4:1ft, Kern a Sleop; 4:M. Banep an the Land! 4:15. Sen at the lelende. . the Three Links elub held a short business meeting, with election of officers being the main business. Beulah Lewis was elected president. Gertrude Weldman, vice president and Helen McClurg, secretary-treasurer. Various plans were made and discussed for having some kind of benefit some time before Christmas. It was also decided to hold the elub meetings fol lowing the lodge meetings on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Solution of Yestsrdsy's Puiile It, Cluster of wool fiber C i OT- ir A v ItTlCcf fVJfie; e?e voumwot - r OU Cl'M TH! JAM! A&t IVf RV Vt AS, N .( P TH!A CASP fOS. NEXT ytAS.,0lAR! I A NOT AN FAOfNr TOfOfM. .. RllM6tR?t WERE PAl ATACMOOl! F7: ilUCl HtX).EA ABOUT SOHRIOU J k MATTER AAfiROWINd OLD THE ' kH R-RtTER It 0BVWDU5LY A MOM ! AN I MuREATlYRELIEVEO I AM, Tit TRUE! PPr.l . w4 " " 3 i 7 i r-m- h- 5- f.s 1 15" Atw;, r-m- irrar Wf -i 5T " pa S DOWN L Wristband t. Contlnsnt 1. Troubled 4. Shad I. Knock fc. Word of afflrtnatloa t. Uncorrfd t. Dull nntsh I. American Indian 10. Juna Our 11. Typs squara 17. 6rpnts It. Pracadlni XI. Pack 24. Rstum 25. Porsta It. 8rfes of namii n. Cltr in low 21. Pul 10. Kxist 11. Fairy 25. Top card 37. Rfbllcal rrjrloa 40. Soap plant 42. ronclss 44. Fhtds of blu 45. Portico 47. Bird of pray 48. Profound 41. Shred 50. AtTt 51. Ttiiow ocnar IL Nocturnal bird ROOM AND BOARD By Gent Ahtrn TWP ACTUAL MAKINS TH6 BEDS THAT I T TO- IT'S THC STO0Plr4G OVER SO MUCh THAT AGGRiVTES AN INJURY IN W Br-K. I SOT FROM tSOlNS over niajGara in IT Wnj in 1907-1- (A msx V IV iT J baa AU. RIGHT-fU. "3 VeTTH TOU RATHE. THAN LISTEN FUNMY, VOUR. NIAGARA BACK NEVER. BOTHERS VOU IN THE YARD WHEN M3U STOOP OVER, TO PICKUP HORSESHOES INI -rOUR. PRACnCB PITCHING PAIMS WHEN WOBJONro '