Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 11, 1949, Page 15, Image 15

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To Me in Stale
Boine, Idaho, Oct. 11 Wi The
body of Sen. Bert H Miller (D.,
Idaho) will arrive here tomor
row and funeral services will be
held in the rotunda of the date
hnilK Thlirariav f A
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Tuesday, October 11. 1949-IS
If you want to slice Brazil , them slowly to a boil. Then let
nuts evenly, cover the shelled simmer for a few minutes. Drain
nuts with cold water and bring I them well and slice.
Platinum Blondes Coming
Back, Hair Stylist Growls
Hollywood U.R Get your blinders, tolki.
guard of honor
says .nai wiu.mi . . .u. . - "jmade up of Idaho National
unrelieved array of platinum blondes. Guard peonnel wjll p0,ted
And that, says Fred Fredericks of Max Factor's studio, is the jn the capitol while the body
most unattractive hair-color ever produced by man or Motherlie in state.
Every platinum blonde," he
Yeater News
Old Postman Calls Former Postmaster General Will Hays
rides a rural mail cart during a visit to Major Lenox R. Lohr
(left), president of the Railroad fair in Chicago.
36-year-old Conductor Credits
U. S. With Music Contribution
New York I).B Walter Ducloux, who has been around, claims
that America has done more for music in its comparatively short
history than any other country.
Ducloux is a 36-year-old Swiss conductor. He had the honor of
conducting the National Broadcasting Company Symphony in
the first two concerts of Its lalrp
eries this year,
He also is the music authority
on the State Department's
"Voice of America" programs,
helping select American music
to be heard on the other side of
the Iron Curtain.
"In America, music is every
body's treasure," Ducloux said.
"When I was in the American
Army in Europe and told young
music students that this country
was one of the world's leading
musical centers, they asked if
America had produced a Beeth
oven or a Brahms or a Chopin
or a Liszt.
"I told them no, but America
had 20.000 high school bands.
And that factories, such as those
in Fort Wayne, Ind., give mu
sicians easy jobs so they ran af
ford to continue to play in local
orchestras and give the public
fine music.
Ducloux was born in Switzer-
land in 1913, and came to the
United States in 1939. He was
drafted into the U. S. Army in
. 1943 and went overseas in 1944
rin Military Intelligence
But he took his world of mu
sic with him. He revived the
Nancy, France symphony. He
was the first American to con
duct the Czechoslovakian Phil
harmonic, and that was at the
invitation of the Russian, Brit
ish and American commanders.
"We use all types of songs on
the Voice of America programs,
because all types of music are
familiar In America,
The music that is strictly
American is the Indian tribal
ongs, contemporary hit tunes
cowboy songs and Hollywood
film music, which is the most
highly developed technically of
any music ever written. Amer
lea has all kinds of music. The
leading bagpipe school is In the
United States.
"We know that bt-hop and
ther rhythm music is liked by
young people in other countries.
They like Its novelty, which It
what the youngsters m this
country like, and they (row
tired of it just at quickly.
"Music plays an Important
pert in the lives of Americans.
That la why when we are de
scribing the life of a particular
state, we include the music of
that state," Ducloux said.
Shop With
Salem's Own
In Monday's
New York's Chinese
Celebrate Holiday
New York, Oct. 11 OJ.Ri New
York's 25.000 Chinese residents
celebrated China's Independ
ence Day Monday as their an
cestral homes in the Canton re
gion were being threatened by
onrushing communist armies.
(.nines government repre
sentatives and community lead
ers spoke at a meeting which
affirmed the loyalty of Chinese
abroad to the Republican Re
gime founded in Nanking 38
years ago.
Chinese national flags be
decked Chinatown and there
were no red banners of the new
communist regime among them.
Long-time observers said New
York's Chinese businessmen,
shopkeepers, restaurateurs and
laundry owners were conserva
tive in their views.
Ban Decontrol
For Corvallis
Corvalils. Oct. 11 'P Hous
ing Expediter Tighe Woods has
denied a recommendation of the
local Rent Control board that
decontrol be declared for the
Corvallis area.
Woods' letter, received by the
board here today, said that con
trol could not be abandoned be
cause the records "do not show
the demand for rental housing in
Corvallis has been met.
The local board had recom
mended that decontrol be de
clared after the city's rent con
trol office was closed and its
functions taken over by the
Portland regional office in a re
cent economy move by the fed
eral government.
No local enforcement body
now remains but the local board
will remain organized. All re
quests of both tenants and land
lords for changes must be made
to the Portland office.
The board here had originally
exercised jurisdiction over Al
bany and Lebanon as well a:
Corvallis. Decontrol had been
ordered in the two Linn county
Before the board's action in
recommending decontrol, the
Corvallis city council had set
public hearing on a decontrol
petition for tonight. The hear
ing was cancelled after the board
recommendation and whether or
not it would be reset now could
not be determined immediately
23 v '
Reduce the New Effortless
Woy in Your Own Home With
"Slenderform" Reducer,
As advertised In Vogue. Glamour and
Harper's Bazaar
Ladies! Control your figure the new sensi
ble. Drugleu Way the Safe Way Re-contour
Re-vitalize Re-Energize in the priv
acy of your home. Just a treatment a day
keeps that "tired feeling'1 away.
Remember a "Slenderlorm" In your hand
brings a slender form within your reach.
Practically ever-lasting. Inexpensive, (Fully
Write Today Is
I1J Biielow Bulldlnr. Seattle 1. Washington
T" I "'mmu""iiiniJ
JmmmlS: .smiisiinsnmiMlniil
OR VRNIR on ywr hmt Wit
Why keep on fussing with a tfctrar, otd styk oil
burner or a troubfcaom coal fire? The Iron
Fireman Vones oil bamer, will, adrntve whtrimf
bowl -stuped flime. en yog steady, autoratic
hut and remark able otl-aavinf efficiency. Many
users noon sp to 3C, -avis on faal bins.
Vertex oil bwrner it qeaoUy aoai saaaky k alod in
your present botwf ov totiiojcc. Pro
vtdee IwiuiNwf Imttnc it low coot.
Vith bvtlt-M
Irea FWhm Vorua
growled, "makes me wish I were
in some other business."
As usual, this all started with
the stars.
"There's a terrific craze for
two shades of blonde smoke
blonde and silver blonde," Fred
ericks explained.
"Evelyn Keyes, Diana Lynn
and Joan Davis apparently are
responsible for making smoke
blonde popular, while Betty
Grable, Lana Turner and June
Haver have popularized the sil
ver blonde.
Well, thousands of women
are copying them. They always
do. And they're all competing to
be just a little bit lighter and I
little bit brighter than the
next girl.
And what happens? They'll
all wind up with plain, old-fashioned
Jean Harlow platinum."
Within half a year, Freder
icks is willing to bet, you won't
find a natural honey-blonde out
in public. And brunettes and
red-heads will be just as scarce.
While Betty Grable and Lana
Turner started all this, Freder
icks says it's not their fault ev
erybody's copying them. He
blames that phenomenon on
steadily persisting and return
ing cycles of human nonsense."
History is repeating itself,"
said Fredericks, "and idiotic
ally. Swimmers are clogging
traffic in the English channel.
Flagpole sitting is back as an
athletic endeavor. Guys are fly
ing the Atlantic, the hard way.
in small planes. I bet you'll hear
any day about a college kid
gulping goldfish.
If these insanities are back,
how can we escape platinum
' t
If you want to use honey ai
a sweetening for breakfast cer
eal warm it slightly (ove? hot
water) so that it will pour easily.
Liberal Terms
w.ich tom MWS"
lot " -.
it cloibios '
B.thiOt. 1
ituy wi
ll n. r"
m io addl-
. (tt'7tuoshou,
50 "
duil-puipo 1
Many Other Models on Display!
Yeater Appliance Co.
At Our New Modern Store . . .
375 Chemeketa
Phone 3-4311.
your travel headquarters
Businessmen really enjoy traveling by Union
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tions make it possible to handle urgent business
matters ... or to take a well-earned rest. Delicious
food... convenient schedules. Join the thousands
who go Union Pacific!
Fast, convenient schedule... earliest arrival
in Chicago... Stewardess Service.
Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago, St
Louis with connections for Texaa, Southwest
and East.
Denver, Kansii City, St. Louii... through can
connecting with "City of St. Louie" streamliner.
Pullman and coach Accommodations
VISIT SUN VUUT ... Enjoy tun-filled Indian Summer day.
For Complete Travel Information Consult
Room 751 Pittock Block PorHand 5, Oreoo
1:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mondays through Friday
tie StoemUti&
with Dynaflow Drive
row Kev to 6 att vau ,
Only one make of car in all the land
can give you the sweet 'n' easy
luxury of Dynaflow Drive and that's
But look how much territory that takes
in how many different-sized budgets
can now afford the only drive with
neither a clutch pedal nor gears that
You can have Dynaflow as optional
equipment on the tidy, sparkling, new
Buick Special, with its traffic-handy
size, stepped-up roominess, and bold
new front-end treatment.
You can have it, again as optional equip
ment, on the neat and nimble Super,
with its sleek lines, 110 or 120 horse
power Fireball power plant, and triple
And of course Dynaflow is standard
equipment on that best buy among fine
cars, the magnificent Roadmaster.
sm.w m o.riMirx.m.i mn tM m urn trtciJL mm
SEE and HEAR OI.KS anat JOW.V..V
rimr.BALL Fl y.roil-ALL every Thunday m TtltvilioH
There it combines, with matchless ride,
the stirring lift of 150 Fireball horse
power and truly regal size and bearing.
So look at the Special, the Super and
Roadmaster, three Buicks that match
almost any price range you have in mind
and remember that all of them offer
the added enjoyment of Dynaflow Drive.
On every one it is the same silky, sweet
handling delight. On every one it cuts
driving effort to the minimum, takes
tension out of traffic, brings you to the
end of day-long drives with surprising
freshness and relaxation.
Sooner or later we predict that you'll
join the army of car owners who
wouldn't think of passing up what Dyna
flow has to offer.
Why be among the late-comers? Ymr
Buick dealer will be tickled to show you
how quickly and how easily you can
have Dynaflow to enjoy right now!
MJiCK alone hail all these features
frft.n-.eofk BrNAHOW DIVt UU-VlfW VI HON hum nlorgta' gloit oro IWINO-Mir DOOM end
Mlysmil "IIVINO VACS" INriHIOSI with D..p-Cro(l. olhioni Suoronf r,n0 OUADaimiX COIl
1MINONO Lfl, 'fltMAll IrtAIOHT.IIOHT WWII villi UU.ttVIHO V7UVI UfTiat (D,noow Modali)
pirn M.OfSfD tmUNl MOUNTINGS' lw-pmnir Urn m UHTY-IIIDI KIMt OouWe Duly VINnSOUTI
BUS! SIASINOI, fom ond tonnecHng rah SOOf II MHt
-Sttrrfgro' HOAOMASlfl, oe'W f I UN ml on WPfl aitf SttC'At od
'M m NfNr I. MrLOf, ABC iV.lmil, IM, Ml.a.
.Whrn belter aiitamohllr arm built Bill K trill build them.
C. J. Hansen Co.
388 No. Commercial St. Salem, Ore.
2301 Fairgrounds Road
Capital JJournaJej
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