LIFE IS FUN FOR THEM Family Late for Dinner, So Dad Installs Fire Pole rt,;Tn"i r-fTlT-niViii uritii 1111 COME AND GET IT Mrs. Van Der Bosch fives call to dinner. I ..fa ifitu iinisa AP NcwtfMtarM Chicago Life In the Van Der Bosch family is perpetual fun. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Van Der Bosch and their nine chil dren run family affairs like a business. Each young Van Der Bosch is assigned a chore, ex cept Edward, Jr., who is mar ried and lives nearby. The Van Der Bosches live in a converted two-family dwell ing. The upper floor was made into a spacious dormitory. The lower apartment la used as the living area. The roll call of children lists Richard, 25. Edward, Jr., 23, Larry, 21, Betty, 17, George, 16, Jack, 15, Patricia, 12, Casey, 9, and Terry 7. Six of the children are in school, with two boys at tending college. Dad Van Der Bosch operates a wholesale produce business. lie consults the chalked bul letin board installed at home for daily instructions the same as the kids do. Family conferences decide who does what. Early this year Casey brought up the subject of mother Van Der Bosch's scolding about be ing late for dinner after she rang the bell. "We've got to come down the front stairs and walk clear back to the dining room in the rear. That's awful far," he said. Casey suggested a fireman's pole be placed between the floors of the back porches. It would be a quick slide to the dinner plate. A few days later a fireman friend had found one. Workmen cut a two- foot square opening in the floor of the second story porch and in stalled the brass pole. Every member of the family uses it. "The gang gets to the table in less than a minute," papa Van Der Bosch said. L, . ON HER WAY Patricia shows how she goes to meals. CIO Ballots for State Officers to Be Mailed Portland, Oct. 11 W) Elec tion ballots for CIO state Indus trial union council offices will be in the mall within 10 days The nominations were made at last week-end's convention in Bend. The ballots will list: President, John Brost, Port land longshoreman, and Harold E. Geiger, Klamath Falls, wood worker. Vice president, Ed Starr Springfield woodworker, and John Bell, Portland clothing worker. Secretary, George Brown Portland, unopposed. Brown was also the sole nom inee as delegate to the National CIO convention. U.S. War Cemeteries Are in Good Condition Philadelphia (P) American World war I cemeteries in Eu rope have been placed in per fect condition again. This is the report of John F. Harbeson, of Philadelphia, 1 consulting architect to the Am erican battle monument com mission, following a six-weeks' inspection of these and new permanent American cemeteries for America's World war II dead. Harbeson said there no long er are signs of the enforced ne gleet of the older cemeteries caused by the nazi conquests and occupation. He said the construction of chapels for the new cemeteries will begin next spring. These new chapels are being designed for individual meditation and prayer on the part of visitors and not as places for formal ser vices he explained. 1 fjdi il Wv. lit "f';iirii.;' fffi ' 1 1 -R -4 III J f I MWrn 4' Montana Youth Has Champ Bull Portland, Ore., Oct. 11 W Archie Parkes, Vaughn, Mont., displayed the grand champion bull and took four out of seven firsts in individual classes fnr Hereford cattle today at the Pa cific International Livestock ex position. Meacham & Sons. Cudesack, Ida., had the reserve champion Hereford bull at the largest livestock show ever held here Idaho Hereford Ranch, Gooding. Ida., showed the champion Here ford female and Herbert Chand ler, Baker, Ore., had the reserve champion. Grand champion bull among the Jerseys was shown by Gor don Farms, Carlton, Ore. Ern est Child, Woodinville. Wash., has. the reserve titlist and George Horning, Jr., Sherwood, Ore., took the junior champion ship. Top Jersey cow was shown by Ernest Mcllvenna, Vancou ver, Wash. A Southdown lamb owned by the University of Idaho was named grand champion open class wether. Physician's Pets Brig. Gen. Wallace H. Graham, physician to President Truman, visits his birds, a macaw (left) and a mynah, in his garden at Walter Reed hospital, Washington. Fear Pretty Missing Actress, Dancer Is Victim of Foul Play Los Angeles. Oct. 11 M An attorney for pretty Jean E. Spangler, 27-year-old actress and dancer missing since Friday, said today he fears she met with foul play. Miss Spangler, former wife Benner, was last seen Friday Salem Heights School Notes Ronald Welton entered Rob ert Hammond's sixth grade this week. Sandra Stelzenmuellar enter ed Mrs. Mildred Fenimores third grade. Mrs. Mildred Fenimore's third grade is studying animals in sci ence class. Mrs. Franc Edwards' second and third grades are studying how seeds travel in science class. Mrs. Gladys Farrand's first grade is learning the rules of the slide, and have been drawing pictures of the slide. The fourth grade, taught by Mrs. Arvilla Boyer, had three absent from school Monday. They made book covers in social studies. The fifth grade, taught by Mrs. Nan Denhem, listened to "The Land of Make Believe" on KOAC Monday. They plan to send pictures. The fifth grade started a book report chart. R. W. Tavanner, visual aids director, has fixed the music room so we can darken it for movies. Wood is no longer burned in the school because a new oil burner has been installed. Liberty and Salem Heights teachers held of plastics manufacturer Dexter night when she left for work Her purse, its strap torn off at one side, was found Sunday by a gardener in Griffith park. Attorney S. S. Hahn said he would appear in court to ask that the missing dancer's moth er be appointed guardian of her child, Christine, 5. Pplice issued an all-points bulletin for the statuesque Miss Spangler. Meanwhile, they at tempted to identify a "Kirk" to whom a note found in the danc er's purse was addressed. The note read: 'Kirk: Can't wait any long er, Going to see a doctor. It will work best while mother is away." Miss Spangler's sister-in-law, Mrs. Sophie Spangler, turned in a missing person report on her Saturday when she failed to return home. You Can't Slug This New Type of Parking Meter A parking meter that spits out slugs and wathrrs like a kid dors a piece of April Fool randy was demonstrated to the city council Monday night. The salesman was James (i roves, and the meter carries the name Automaton. He ask ed for consideration If the city wants any more parking meters. The device is self-winding and therefore completely au tomatic, which other meters are not, the salesman said. It ran be switched easily from one-hour to two-hour service or vice versa. It has a luclte dome top that you can see through and read directions beneath, and has a device whereby the traffic cop ran see at a glance if It Is out of order, and not slick you with a parking ticket unless you've got It coming. When the salesman tried to insert a slug in the meter phooie It was spat right back at him. Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Tuenday, October 11, 1949 IS Campaign Will Start chairmen. Mrs. Ivan Marblt Independence A campaign'11 h"d th Woman's elub to raise around $2000 as Inde- with Mrs. E. R. Grantham, Mrs. pendence's share of the Commu-j Henry Meyers and Mrs Paul nity Chest will get under wayjHerschy representing the Rebe around October 15, with Ray kah lodge. Other personnel has Herbst and W. J. Darling co-lnot yet been named. j ssods by tat ; I ssaktrs ef iyg8f faaitss fi,'Va- Tht. ttain moktt tht difftrtnet In DYAM SHINE Slain Poit Polish, H actually items rich, true color Into mt Itathtr, toning scuffs and fadtd spots to tha real shot) color I DYANSHINE fcttpt brown shots brown, Jcttps black shots black ... and glvts a hard, bril- iant shin, too. Doublt action , . , doublt value. Easy to us. And thrittyl At food, drug, variety stortt. Barton Mfg. Co., Si. Louis 1 J. Pilot's Body Found Halfway, Ore.. Oct. 11 1A1 The body of Pilot Vertis Han sen, hotel owner here who crash ed Sunday near Hell's Canyon, was brought out of the moun tains last night. Troops Resent Pajamas Singapore W) British sol diers in Malaya take a dim view of the war office's latest orders to issue pajamas to all ranks with priority for troops in the tropics. The typical reaction Is "just one more kit to yank around and lay out for Inspection." at Salem Heights school Tues day, October 4, Mrs. Inez Green has returned to her job teaching the first meeting jointly grade. She has been ill. GEVURTl SENSATIONAL OFFER! GENUINE CROSLEY ELECTRIC RANGES Regularly Priced $279.95 "Ni NOW Save 50 $229.95 Make Your Own Terms No Store ANYWHERE Can Give You Easier or More Convenient Terms Than GEVURTZ OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY! Model D.E.17 THIS NEW CROSLEY HAS: Big Automatic Oven Three Large Utensil Drawers Three Hi-Speed Cooking Units Working Lamp and Clock-Timer New "Thrift-Cooker" Deep Well Extra-Heavy Porcelain Throughout A Normal AC Plug-in Outlet Controls are Safe from Children GUESTS WELCOME BETTER TASTE! e i $ V ' Smart hosts everywhere have switched to Calvert because Calvert Reserve tastes better. Myron "Mike" Balloun The man who makes it a pleasure lo buy tires at State Tire Service Announcing The Appointment of Myron "Mike" Balloun Manager of Retail Sales Mike will consider it a personal pleasure to talk to you about tires. He it thoroughly qualified to give you worthwhile advice and counsel ragarding the purchase er service of tires. Mike will alto handle the creditt which makes it exceedingly eaty for you select your tiret and then have Mike tell you how eatily he can budget the payment for them. CALVERT RESERVE Blrnded Whiskey -88.8 Proof-65 Grain Neutral Spirits. Ctlvrrt Distillers Corp.. New York City BUDGET YOUR TIRE NEEDS AND USE OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN STATE TIRE SERVICE Cottage & State St. OPPOSITE THE F.I.KS TEMPLE "Salem's Quality Tire Store" TSrr? -x 'AcjWkd Shell Premium is the most powerful gasoline your car can use! Activation maks tht difference Shell splits molecules: Shell srtenmft tskethe finest ivsilshle crude srtivsie tht sjiokcales by splitting them ind rearrinsing tht itnmt scenrdtng to Shell's formals fnr t perfectlr hslsnrerf gisolint. Tht retiili Miell Premium, the most posrtrlul sstolmt your est cms Mtl YES, many of today's engines have hern stepped-up . , . they call for more powerful gasoline! Now Shell gives you the most powerful gasoline your car can use Shell Premium it't "activated." No other fuel can top its power in your car! This it made possible by Shell's own, spe cially produced power components and by Shell's own blending methods! Actually, Shell splits molecules to get more power for today's more powerful engines. So you get I gasoline that's "activated" 3 wayj! 1. Activated for knocklats powerl Pulling hard in low gear or traveling, ai full throttle, Shell Premium delivers full, quiet powerl 3. Activated for fast "getaway." Shell Premium delivers the estrs power you can feel no "balking," no "stuttering" ynu go! 3. Activated for full mileage. Shell engineers "balance" Shell Premium so (hat every drop ol fuel goes to work lor voul "Service is my business" 3 (5 ' " "