10 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Tuesday, October 11, 1949 Silverton Club Observes Week Silverton Mill Thora Ar tad, Business and Professional Woman'i club program chair man, was mistress of ceremonies at the annual president's break fast Sunday morning at the lunchrooms of the Eugene Field school, when Mrs. Irene Roubal, president, was complimented. Mrs. Al Tippner was vocal soloist, with Mrs. Lela Quintall at the piano. Mrs. Quintall also played accompaniments for group singing of patriotic songs. Miss Helvie Silver read a poem. Tributes to Mrs. Roubal were given by Mrs. F. M. Powell and Mrs. Quintall. Following the breakfast, the group went to Trinity Lutheran church as guests during the forenoon wor ship hour and the fellowship dinner. Mrs. Helmer Brokke was breakfast chairman and was re sponsible for the attractive table decorations, bouquets of baby chrysanthemums in pink and lavender color scheme. Continuance of the observa tion of National B&PW week Includes attendance at the Mar lon hotel in Salem, Wednesday evening, by five local members, of the Salem banquet for which Mrs. Arthur Weddle, Salem, junior past state president, Is arrangements chairman. Plan Tea Mrs. Irene Roubal, president of the Business and Professional Woman's club, Is opening her home in Church street, Sunday afternoon, October 18, for the past officers' tea. Hours are from 3 to S o'clock. Further announcements of the club's activities during the week, In observance of the B&PW na tional week, beginning October t, will be made. LAFAYETTE Miss Norma Totten of McMlnnvllle and Ger ald Schweiger of Lafayette were married by the Rev. James Os borne at his home, Tuesday eve ning, October 4, at S o'clock, with the two mothers, Mrs. Anna Totten and Mrs. Adam Schweig er, as witnesses. After a short honeymoon at the beach they will make their home In Port land. Teachers Attend Honorary Society Silverton Silverton teachers of the local faculties attending the Newberg meeting of the Delta chapter of Oregon, a Na tional Honor society for teach ers, the Delta Kappa Gamma, were Miss Helvie Silver, Miss Hannah Olson and Mrs. Irene Roubal. From Mt. Angel schools were Miss Thresa Dehler and Miss Pauline Saalfeld. The members attending were from the counties Marion Polk and Yamhill. Miss Olson was the featured speaker on "Ramb- lings Through Norway. A former Silverton teacher Sue Bonner - Emmons, is chap ter president, Miss Silver, Sil verton. is vice president. Miss Edna Mingus of Salem Is sec retary and Mrs. Bcrnice Forbes o f Monmouth, corresponding secretary. WOODBURN The regular meeting of Evergreen assembly, No. 12, Order of the Rainbow for Girls, will be held Wednes day night, October 12 at the Masonic temple. Miss Patricia Houseweart, the newly Instal led worthy adviser, will preside with her new officers In their stations. All Masons and members of the Eastern Star are Invited to attend. THE LADIES guild of St. Mark Lutheran church announ ces a meeting for Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the church parlors. Mrs. John Elton will lead devo tions and Mrs. J. H. Thlesen will give the day's topic. Lip Magic for Fall By BETTY CLARK VP) NewHfeaturea Beauty Editor Fall lips will be darker. New shades range from the light blue reds to the copper reds to go with fall fabrics which are red, red, red, depending on the shade you prefer. It's no wonder then, that manufacturers are concentrating on making lipstick that Impor tant makeup accessory. They have concentrated on producing not only unusual shades of red In lipstick, but have improved the packaging so that there are gimmicks. One lipstick is a combination ballpoint pen and lipstick, another offers a lipstick couplet two lipstick shades to be worn at the same time. The more In tense shad Is for depth and Is to be used to shape the outer edges of the lips the deep spark, they say. The second lipstick la a lighter, brighter shade, used to fill in the rest of the mouth the divine spark for come-hither attraction, they believe. The two-shade lipstick Idea does give an intriguing accent to the lips. And now it seems that the natural look so popular In makeup, requires that the skin be pale, heightened by Its own color, end the splash of makeup at the mouth. So It is, that now you concentrate on your lips. Lip shapes are more natural, no longer do we see great big saucer-type lip smears. One follows the natural lip line, 'JL. j , v! ' ft isaF'iiV I lift isfcttrh Tl - I' If" - - Hit Knits for Needlework Fans Nifty Knit Unusual car digan suit with ribbed skirt in tweedy yam, red Jacket piped In black crochet. Custom Look Simple to make but highly styled Is this slip-on sweater with notched square neckline and cap sleeves. It is designed by Audrea of Hollywood in pearl gray with geometric pattern In yellow and white. For free Instructions send stamped, self-addressed envelope to National Needlecraft Bureau, 385 Fifth Avenue, New York. By DOROTHY ROE AiMdatfd Press r.ihlon Editor The gal who tends to her knit ting this winter can turn out a wardrobe worthy of the country's top designing talent. No longer must needlework fans stick to classic sweaters or socks or mittens. Nowadays she may choose high-style designs and knit herself right into the ranks of the best-dressed. Audrea of Hollywood, widely known as a designer for movie stars, has turned out a small collection of hand- knit casual clothes which can be copied by any smart knitter in the country. Designs and instructions for making them are available In a booklet sold at needlework de partments of stores throughout the country. Highlights of the new knit fashions include such couture touches as a bold use of geo metric patterns, dramatic color contrast and an undeviating use of the easy stockinette stitch. The suit of the series Is sportsy model. The rib-knit skirt has a tweedy look because it is made of a color-flecked yarn The jacket is a brilliant red long-sleeved and colorless. But tons are used to decorate sleeves and pocket flaps, which are also trimmed by a crochet banding in black, used also to pipe the jacket edge. A gray suit sweater hasa block pattern in daffodil yellow and white, accentuating the square shouldered look. Included also In the group is a one- piece-dress with a two-piece look, combining a pearl gray bodice and a royal blue skirt. A deep V-neckline is underscored by a vivid royal blue chevron, reaching from a point at the natural waistline up and across the yoke section. VISITOR here over the week end was Mrs. B. D. Mills of To ledo, Ohio, guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Man beck. She left by plane for Ohio Monday. CLEAN FACE BEAUTY AIM Soap, Water, and Cleansing Cream Provide New Lift It wasn't so long ago that cleansing tissues and cleansing cream were thought to be real luxuries. Girls powdered, roug ed and lipsticked over old make up several times a day. Some of them didn t even bother to re move mascara when they went to bed. Today, they make a clean weep of makeup several times a day. The trend is toward less makeup and a "nature-girl" look, making a clean face the big beauty aim. You'd be surprised that after a few day of no makeup and thoroughly cleansing with soap and water and cleansing creams, your face can get a new lift. You'll notice that your lip line isn't where you thought It was at all. The false indelible lip stick smear merely made lips look bigger because each time you would pa'nt your lips on with a new twist. Pretty toon you'll see a nat ural glow etch its way across your cheeks, and your skin will take on a transparency that you thought could only be store bought. Cleansing creams really do a job today. When they say they are deep - down cleansers, they really are. They cleanse Into the pores and clean your skin so that makeup will go on smooth-1 er, or so that you will look clean and pretty without makeup. I Some women felt that it was necessary to use soap and water after cleansing cream to remove the greasiness. But new clean-1 sen do the job effectively and the residue can be whisked off the face with eleansing tissues. One beauty expert suggesti you make a test of cleansing creams by cleaning one side of your face In the usual manner and then the other side with a deep down cleansing cream. Do this tome week-end and see which tide of your face looks better. We Have the LAST WORD IN MODERN WRECKER SERVICE We have Just recently put into operation a new heavy duty wrecker. We art now equipped to handle any job. We have an experienced wrecker driver standing by 24 hours a day. 24 HOUR SERVICE TWO WRECKERS DAY DIAL NIGHT 3-3175 DAY AND NIGHT The Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 510 North Commercial St. Salem, Oregon adding or subtracting just a wee bit for depth and Interest to en hanre as It balances facial fea tures. Few women go in for the dead-matted or high-glossed skin makeups which contributed only artificiality to the face. Faces. thank heavens, can be seen and appreciated for their own natural expression and Interest. Capital Drug Store State and Liberty "On the Corner" sayrYOPE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR WHISKERS!" i Un .... ' - p.',' V Your Schick Electric must OUTSHAVE BLADE RAZORS -or youi MONEY BACK ICN1CK IUMRON1Y $11M IN SMART CAM Mnkt no difTerwica how heavv your beard or how Undef your skin your Schick KWctric Shaver mint fire you a farrt mors comfortable shave (hut's just m cIom as you want. Try a Schick Shaver for tn day. Then If you inn'l a Schick fan for life, we'll cheerfully reund your money. SCHICK SUfli with V-tAihMHnf hwrlt. In hanrianmaly ritotmi all-metal traval ca '22" SCHICK CO ON II with w I'M hturtnf h..a. I Ml mart traveling eat. Capital Drug Store Store and Liberty "On the Corner" New Kenmore Automatic Pop-Up Toaster" Now at This Low Price W5 Here's tomorrow'! toaster today! More accurate browning control set the dial it's! olwoyi right! Silent action. New inspector knob lets you sea the toasting cycle! Hinged, easy-to-clean crumb tray. All this in a handsomely styled, chrome-ploted steel body. Single Waffle Iron Thrifty Buy 6.95 Chrom plated woffla Iron with fceot indicator In ttw top, mohi woffles thai lilt Hm loot. Aluminum grldi noror nmd raaroatlnf. Forced Air Heater Kenmore Electric 9.25 Powerful fan forces 45 cu. ft. of hot pr minul Into your room. Hondl for carrying from room to room. Underwriter, approved. Kenmore Mixer Re. 39.50 3 A SO A ipeed for every mixing iob. Motor detaches for mining job off tho Hand. Revolving turn-tablo. Com plele wilh acce.iorioi Food Liquidiier Now Konmoro 19.95 A Kenmore wender-wor kerl Offers hur.dr.di of new weyt prepare food end tempting drinkt. towertwi electric motor. Ul approved. Big Cooker-waffler Capacity of Three 9 m. Pons Kenmore Branc 20.95 flocfrfc odtlet 1 worn Ofidt. Orilli, iVtee, teH ) eaket tor a famiry ef leer. $trf , dereble, kaedtofne. Kenmore Toaster Ul Approved 3.98 New, rounded, itreamKned ttfyftftgl Toatt flops over wHfc fHcfc of ftto doors. Satiny oVome-plated fWJ black wood handle. Shop Til 9:00 P.M.Friday Plenty of Free Parking Shop in Air-Conditioned Comfort tSa&fapvx CCIDC 550 North CaP'fai St ctfoatMHtsy&zaf JtHIXJ Phone 3-9191 OVERCOME FEAR! MAKE MORE MONEY Speak Effectively Develop Poise Dale Carnegie au thor of Dale Carne gie count a, hu trained more men and women to over come their fear and to talk effectively than anj other liv ing man. Classes In New York Washlng-a ton, Chicago, Port land, Oregon. Aitorla and 75 other cities In the United States and Canada. Some of the most famous men in the nation have had the Dale Carnegie training. 12 THINGS This Training Will Help You Do . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. PREPARE FOR LEADERSHIP In your community, your business nd your pro fession. THINK ON YOUR FEET, ind speak ex temporaneously before business confer ences, clubs, organizations, dinners. DEVELOP COURAGE AND SELF-CONFIDENCE. Destroy fear and cure Infer iority complex. INCREASE YOUR POISE develop your polish and personal force both in business Interviews and before groups. IMPROVE YOUR MEMORY, speak with out notes, recall names and faces. SELL" YOURSELF. YOUR SERVICES, your product and your enthusiasm more effectively. WIN MORE FRIENDS by Increasing your knowledge of practical psychology and your skill in human relations. ENRICH YOUR COMMAND OF ENGLISH. WRITE MORE EFFECTIVE LETTERS. BROADEN YOUR INTERESTS by par ticipating in and listening to hundreds of short talks. DEVELOP YOUR LATENT POWERS and Improve your personality. TEACH YOU TO WORK WITH AND HANDLE OTHER PEOPLE, Dr. Ohas. F. Walker, President North western School of Commerce, and Spon sor (6lh year) Dale Carnegie Courses Invites You to Attend a . Salem Demonstration of DALE CARNEGIE COURSE in Effective Speaking Personality Development, Winning Friends and Influencing (selling) People TONITE at 8 o'clock, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Salem, Oregon Come, hear accountants, nurses, engineers, teachers, lawyers, foremen, mechanics, house wives and men and women like you tell how they increased incomes, obtained new posi tions, gained greater popularity, and over came an inferiority complex. w l.MO rra'a- stM, ftll hipplar nl marc -Mtfal nta an4 warned, have al raart tiktn Ihlf trtlnlnr anilcr Int ajeriMltl 41 retin ft Dr. Chfti. F. Wilr nS bit atari, mn all nrrton- II j tralntd hf Mr. Carnrirt1, Dr. Wftlkrr hai for t R ?ara ben Rrtaldeat ef the irth wfitir n flohoot f Com merre, ne af America's flrrat tint lne. Srboolt, and far B ycara Area Bpanaar af Dal Carneita Csirita. You will meet in the evening for seventeen weeks as one of a group of 40 men and women. Each group will be strictly limited to 40. As a result of this train ing you will soon develop courage and self-possession. You will learn to think on your feet. You will conquer fear; which "defeats more men than any other one thing in the world." As the course progresses, you will b shown how to plan and prepare and con struct your talks, how to illustrate your points, how to be clear, how to be entertaining, how to be impressive and convincing. You will be taught how to appear to advantage before a group, how to remember what you want to say, how to begin and how to end your talks. New doss now forming (limited to 40), to begin: Wednesday, October 19 For bulletin or information write, coll, telephone collect BEocon 2119 Don Grulke, Director Beth Murray, Counsellor Paul Stuebe, Registrar Veterans Interested should apply at nee to arold havlnf them, elves to pay while waiting iparsval of papers. f " - 0r MiU coupon to CHAS. F. WALKER, jponwr, I Dole Carnegie Courses, i 709 S. W. Salmon (at Broadway) l Portland 5, Oregon Nam I I Address ..xt.-m;