Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 10, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
6 Capital Journal, Salem,
Plans Told
For Wedding
Among October brldei elect
announcing plant for their wed
dingi li Mill Shirley Port, who
li to be married October 23 to
Harold McCauley.
The ceremony li planned ai
an afternoon one that Sunday,
at 4 o'clock in St. Paul'i Episco
pal church, the Rev. George H
Swift officiating.
Mill Charlotte Port will be
her sister's only attendant. Wil
liam Barlow li to be beet man
and ushering will be Donald
Scheelar and Donald Famam
Mn. A. J. Becker it to be the
oloist for the wedding.
The reception following if to
be at the Poat residence on Ar-
gyle drive.
Liberty Woman's
Group Plans Year
Liberty The Liberty Wom
an'! club held its firat meeting
of the year last week ai a get-
acquainted tea at the Liberty
lunchroom. Mrs. Wayne Blaco
was in charge of the tea, Mrs.
Roland Seeger and Mrs. Don
Griffith poured, Mrs. W. J. Hall
, was In charge of the table dec
orations. There were 32 pres
ent with the president, Mrs. Wll
bert Kurth, presiding.
Named on the delegation for
the County Federatioon to be
held on October 28 at Aurora
were Mrs. C. W. Stacey, Mrs.
Harry Knepper, Mrs. Wilbert
Kurth, Mrs. Lettitia Clark, Mrs.
Lester Clark and Mrs. John
Mrs. Paul Wishart reported
from the sick committee, and
Mrs. Roland Seeger reported
from the card committee. Mrs.
C. W. Stacey reported on child
welfare and told of the new cot
tage at the Children's Farm
home at Corvallis.
' , Honored guests were principal
" and Mrs. Marion Miller, vice
principal, and Mrs. Louis Bart
lett and Mrs. E 1 1 e r y Par
rish, wife of the pastor of the
Liberty Christian Church of
Christ. Mrs. Florence Whelan,
Mrs. Agnes Palmer, Mrs. Robert
Hammond, and Mrs. Mary Lov-
ett were also Introduced.
A prize was won by Mrs.
Louis Kurth for the member In
viting the most guests. Member
ship dues were paid by Mrs. Wil
bert Kurth, Mrs. Walter Schen
dcl, Ms. C. W. Stacey, Mrs.
Harold A. Rosebruagh, Mrs.
Roland Seeger, Mrs. Fred
Browning, Mrs. Harry Knepper,
Mrs. Lettitia Clark, Mrs. Les
ter Clark, Mrs. W. J. Hall, Mrs.
Mervin Seeger, Mrs. H. Kolsky,
Mrs. S. B. Davidson, Mrs. Don
Griffith, Mrs. Henry Kaminga,
Mrs. Paul Wishart, Mrs. Carl
Bell, Mrs. James Falk, Mrs. Al
vin Poole, and Mrs. Emil Dress.
The November meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs. Les
ter Clark on route 0 and the
club will hold a planned show
er for Mrs. Wayne Blaco who Is
building a new home.
1 ... L
Ore., Monday, October 10, 1949
Toastmistress Club
The regular meeting of the
Toastmistress club will be held
at the Golden Pheasant on
Thursday, October 12 at 6 p.m.
The Toastmistress will be Miss
Amanda Anderson. Speakers
slated for the evening are Mrs.
Mabel Hayles, Mrs. Roy Locke
nour, Mrs. George Beane, Miss
Marie Bosch and Miss Constance
Feted by Club
Salem Business and Profes
sional Women's club opened its
observance of "National Busi
nesswomen's week," Sunday
morning with a charmingly ar
ranged breakfast to honor the
club president, Mrs. John Ver
Forty-three attended the
event, given in the Cave room
at the Senator hotel. The tables
were profusely decorated with
gold and bronze chrysanthe-
mums, the same flowers also
being caught in wide bands of
maline in the same colors down
the center lengths; and ever
so often were clustered gold,
blue and maroon candles. Hand
made programs in the gold and
bronze colors marked each
Miss Eleonor Roberts gave the
tribute to Mrs. Versteeg as the
president, the presentation con
eluding with a duet by Mrs. Al
ma Werstlein and Mrs. Mildred
Neuman with Mrs. Mae DuVall
at the piano.
Mrs. Cecelia Galey of Sweet
Home, second vice president of
the Oregon Federation of Busi
ness and Professional Women's
clubs, was the guest speaker. She
gave an interesting review and
discussion on Overstreet's book,
The Mature Mind."
Miss Alberta Shoemake, first
vice president of the local club,
presided at the program and
presented the gavel guard pin
to Mrs. Versteeg to wear with
her club pin. Mrs. Arthur Wed
dle, regional chairman for BPW
clubs and a past state president.
led the collect for the close of
the program.
Following the breakfast mem
bers of the club attended serv
ices at Jason Lee Methodist
church, Mrs. Versteeg's church.
SALEM F. L. club No. 14 held
its regular business meeting last
week at the home of Mrs. Keith
Rebo. Members present includ
ed Mesdames Lawrence Mc
Clure, Forrest Greenfield, Keith
Rebo, Harry Way, Harold Bress
ler, R. L. Applegate, Victor
Koop, Chester Lanktree, Evelyn
Hamby and Miss Edlyn Holm
qulst. Visitor of the evening was
Mrs. Sam Peyton, formerly of
Astoria. Prior to the meeting the
members attended Miller's Fall
Fashion show. The next meeting
is to be held Oct. 20 at the home
of Mrs. Lawrence McClure,
route 1, Salem.
Alexander J eiueienj
Is newer, larger and better equipped
to serve you with the finest jewelry
items available.
Diamonds, Silver, Watches, Rings
T' 1
iff " W MJ-
7W 1
- K '. tt v,'it.
t v
A . . :
Engagement Annuunced The bethothal of Miss Lois Shep
herd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Shepherd, to Donald Bis
bee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Bisbee of Independence, was
announced recently. No date is set for the wedding. (Jesten
Miller studio picture)
Betrothal Told
The engagement of Miss Max-
ine Muckle to AI Pietschman
was announced at the Pi Beta
Phi sorority house at Willa
mette university last week.
Miss Muckle is to graduate in
January from Willamette where
she is majoring in political
scence. She is the daughter of
Mrs. Ferhn C. Muckle and R.
J. Muckle of Portland. Mr.
Pietschman, also . of Portland,
is a graduate of University of
Oregon and a member of Delta
Tau Delta fraternity.
No date is announced for the
MR. AND MRS. Lester Den
Beste are receiving congra
tulations upon the birth of a son,
Friday evening, October 7, at
Salem Memorial hospital. Grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Lang of Salem and Mr. and Mrs.
William Den Beste of Crawford,
Colo. The Rev. and Mrs. Fred C.
Taylor of Salem are great grand
parents. Mrs. Lester Den Beste
will be remembered as the for
mer Jo Anne Lang. Mr. and Mrs.
Den Beste moved to Salem from
Denver this past summer, both
having been students at Univer
sity of Denver.
Sunday for San Francisco to be
gone for this week, attending an
area conference for executive
secretaries of American Red
Cross chapters.
MR. AND MRS. W. B. Stace)
returned the latter part of the
week from a week's trip through
eastern Oregon, visiting friends
at several cities.
r H VU
, A
garet Mills and Miss Lafona
Houk were co-hostesses at a
kitchen shower given in honor
of Miss Edna Mae Cooper, bride
elect of Keith Houk, at the Houk
home north of town.
Guests attending were the
honor guest and Misses Patty
Cook, Elnora Aydelott, Joyce
Martin, Nola Richter, Wilma
Spacek, Jeanne Thompson, Doris
Jossi, Deanne Thompson, Elaine
Foltz, Joanna Clemenson, Joan
Metcalf, Lucille Houk and Lil
lian Houk, Mrs. Leona Buker,
Mrs. Alice Hamilton, Mrs. Ger
trude Shellenbarger, Mrs. Houk
and the hostesses.
tholic Daughters of America,
will hold its regular meeting on
Wednesday, October 12, at the
Woman's club. Members will
meet for a no-host dinner at 6:30
p.m. Each member is asked to
bring her own service. The busi
ness meeting will be called to
order at 8 p.m.
meet at 2 p.m. Friday at the
home of Mrs. John Van Lyde
graf, 2035 McCoy.
Installation of officers will be
held. Mrs. Nick LeRud is the
new president. Mrs. Wilmer
Brown will lead devotions. There
will be reports on the state con
VISITORS from Eugene in the
capital Saturday were Dr. and
Mrs. Charles D. Donahue who
were en route to the Pacific In
ternational Livestock exposition
in Portland.
The most respected brand names. A com
plete stock for your inspection. Friendly
service from a highly skilled sales staff.
These Are the Bywords at Alexander's
Finally . . . but MOST important
. . . you STILL need never sacri
fice to own the finest things at
Wedding Is j
Sunday Event
Wed Sunday afternoon were
Miss Cornelia Strayer, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stray
er, and Frank Osborn, son of
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Osborn, Sr.,
of Gervais.
The service took place at 3:15
o'clock in Jason Lee Methodist
church which was decorated in a
fall setting for the wedding, Rev.
Louis Kirby officiating. Miss
Loretta Lentz was the soloist
and Mrs. C. A. McClure the or
ganist. Lighting the tapers were Miss
Mildred Sella rd and Miss Bev
erly Shaff, who wore pink and
blue dresses.
The bridal attendants wore
pastel taffeta frocks fashioned
with scalloped necklines and
sleeves and full skirts. They
carried pastel nosegays, and
wore matching lace covered halo
hats. Miss Faye Crawford was
the maid of honor and brides
maids were Miss Barbara Owens,
Miss Lela Conboy, Miss Joyce
Conboy, Miss Marcella Mess
mer and Miss Evelyn Bishop.
Mr. Strayer gave his daugh
ter in marriage. The bridal gown
was of white satin fashioned en
train, long sleeves and a net yoke
on the fitted bodice enhanced
with a wide band of lace. The
fingertip veil cascaded from a
tulle band adorned with irredev
cent sequins. The bride's old
fashioned nosegay was of roses
and baby chrysanthmums.
Caroline Jones in a pink
frock, was flower girl.
David Woods stood as best
man and ushers were Waldo Un
ruh, Wakne Osborn, Robert
Strayer, Ray Cummings and
James Lawson.
For her daughter's wedding
Mrs. Strayer wore a teal blue
gown with corsage of white car
nations and Mrs. Osborn atten
ded her son's marriage in a ha
zel blue gown and her flowers
were pink carnations.
A reception followed in the
church parlors. Miss Verda
Crook and Mrs. Frank Kolsky
poured and Mrs. Jacob Conboy
cut the cake. Assisting were
Misses Joyce Kirby, Janet Ma
guren, Roberta Klempel and
Dorothy Dyke.
After a trip to the Oregon
beaches the newlyweds will be
at home in" Salem. For going
away the bride wore a forest
green suit with black accessor
AMONG those entertaining
Saturday evening following the
Waverly club dance will be Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Krueger, who
have invited guests for a buffet
supper at their Kingwood
Heights home.
meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. George W. Tho
mas, 225 South 17th, Mrs. Nora
Pierce assisting.
'Vince's Electric"
Vacuum Cleaner
On All Types
Household or Commercial
Also Waxers
Free Pick-up and Delivery
PHONE 3-9239
Mothers Plan Tea.
Highland Mothers' club met
last week for the first session of
the year in the school auditor
ium. J
The group is planning a tea
for the teachers on October 20.
Room mothers will be in charge
of arrangements.
Glade Follis, principal, gave
a special welcome to new moth
ers of the school. Frank Ben
nett, city superintendent of
schools, was guest speaker, dis
cussing the building program for
Salem schools.
Following the business meet
ing refreshments were served In
the cafeteria by the following of
ficers and committee chairmen:
Mrs. Russell Shipman, Mrs. Gib
son Follis, Mrs. H. W. Scoggin,
Mrs. Arthur Boyle, Mrs. Harley
Cordray, Mrs. H. A. Hazel, Mrs.
A. B. Chapman, Mrs. Ernest
Russell, Mrs. Oren Chambers
and Mrs. Howard Roberts.
ST. AGNES Troop of the Jun
ior Catholic Daughters of Amer
ica held its first meeting for the
year at the home of Miss Grace
Corey. Election of troop offi
cer! was the highlight of the
Officers elected are: Dorothy
Wenda, president; Rosemary
uougnerty, vice president; Dol
ores Haener, secretary; Rita
Lange, treasurer; Frances Jack
son, reporter and Mary Lou
Saddler, sergeant-at-arms. Mrs
H. E. Corey, troop counselor.
related the activities for the
coming year.
BACK IN Salem fnllnwlno .
week at Neskowin are Mrs.
George F. Rogers and her
daughter, Mrs. James Hutchison,
visitor from Vancouver, B.C.
Mrs. Hutchison will be here an
other week.
eM lmf
9 iYes . . . your clothes will
1 inot shrink when you
J Jjend them to STAND-
X ARD! Proper sizing is
RTbut a part of STAND
I ARD'S usual fine serv-
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A J oday.
T, J W Girt SAH Greea Slimpt
J J'For Better Appearance'
Cleaners and Dyers
362 N. Commercial
" i ' I
waMUll J v
1 1
Miss Price
Honoring her daughter, Miss
Marjorie Annette Price, and the
latter's finance, James Richard
Zigler, Mrs. Wayne M. Price
will entertain at a supper this
evening at the Price home. The
supper will follow the rehearsal
for the wedding of Miss Price
and Mr. Zigler.
The wedding is to be an event
of Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock
in the prayer room at the First
Presbyterian church, the recep
tion following to be In the church
fireplace room.
Shower Given
Honoring Miss Price, fellow
office workers with her in the
state tax commission gave a
surprise party at her home, Fri
day evening. Varied fall flow
ers were used In decorating and
following the Informal evening
late refreshments were served.
The bride-to-be was honored
with a miscellaneous shower of
At the party were Miss Price,
Mrs. Don Eshleman, Mrs. Jack
Watkins. Mrs. Marvin Totland,
Madame, are your birthdays shewing?
Cellogen Cream
Specially priced 71 75
for the Erst time -U-
1 1 V "W I
U 14 II M 9 M H
Stat and Liberty
You'll see more corduroy worn this fall than for
many years and you'll like it! So come to Pen
ney's tomorrow, for a first-look at corduroy suits
the California way. they're really smart! Made of
unlined pinwale corduroy, the boxy-style coat shown
above has a pencil-slim skirt, cuff and button treat
ments women of college age will like particularly.
It's new, it's distinctive and so fashion-right,
right now!
Mrs. Robert Price, Mrs. Ja
Fullerton, Mrs. Floyd Lillis
Mrs. Donovan Morisky, M
Frank Rhodes, Mrs. Fred Pf
ning, Mrs. Darrell Johnsi
Miss Ruth Rae, Mrs. Wayne,:
oaraen ciuo mei iasi week,
the home of Mrs. William Th.
mas. Albert K. Wiesendangi J
executive secretary of the Ke
Oregon Green group, was t!
guest speaker and showed coloi
ed slides also.
The group made plans for i'
exhibit at the Men's Gardi
club show, also, it voted to gi
$10 to the iron lung fund of tl
Fraternal Order of Eagles.
Mrs. Helen Grabenhorst an
Mrs. Kenneth Bartell wer
guests at the meeting.
RECEIVING c o n gratulatioi
on the birth of a son Sunds
night, October 9, at Salem Gei
eral hospital are Lt. Comdr. an
Mrs. G. Wallace Hug. The littl
boy, who has been named Wa
lace Lee, is the grandson of Mr:
George Hug and Mr. and Mr
Henry Lee, all of Salem. H
mother is the former Patrici
Regularly 3
Now, for the first time, you
can have famous Dorothy
Cray Cellogen Cream at this
special low price ! Count on
its content of active, estro
genic hormones to help you
hide birthdays. You women
over 30, who've discovered
the modern magic of this
6ne cream, will surely want
to stock up and save. If you
haven't yet tried this boon
to mature skin, seize Jihig
chanceat great savings !
Ml price ptw las
Limited time or.
Drug Store
On th Corner"
Forest Green
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